Re: Can some ports install config files inside '/usr/local/etc'?

2021-12-10 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
* fgyamauti:

> Apparently some ports that I've installed are making directories
> inside '/usr/local/etc' with example configuration files.

That seems unlikely. Have you perhaps installed both MacPorts and
Homebrew on your Mac? AFAIK, Homebrew uses /usr/local/* to store its
installation files.


Re: Running a mail server via MacPorts on macOS Monterey

2022-03-05 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
* Gerben Wierda via macports-users:

> Apart from Steven Smith, are there other users here that run a mail
> server setup via MacPorts? And is already someone else running on
> Monterey?

While MacPorts provides the necessary ports for running a mail server on
macOS, I'd suggest an alternative approach if you are dead set on using
a Mac as the server machine. As mentioned here before, Apple is not
making it easy to use regular macOS for server use, and this seems to be
a deliberate decision on their end.

Have you considered running the mail server components in virtual
machines (e.g. VirtualBox) or, even better, as a Docker/Containerd
service stack? This method isolates Postfix, Dovecot et al from the
underlying macOS, and the service Docker images can use Ubuntu, Debian,
or whichever Linux you fancy.

I have introduced a Docker-based service infrastructure for a major mail
service provider in Germany, catering for hundreds of thousands of users
and millions of emails per day. While the production hardware is of
course beefy, I develop and run the very same Docker images on my
MacBook Pro.


Re: "list-unsubscribe" mail header & no footer

2022-04-05 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
* André-John Mas:

> I just noticed that the emails for "macports users" aren't showing the
> "unsubscribe" button in Apple Mail and they don't have a footer to
> link to unsubscribe instructions, as I am used to seeing in other list
> server based messages.

All messages from this mailing list have a "List-Unsubscribe" and
various other List-* headers. That's all a decent MUA requires. Message
footers and subject prefixes break DKIM signatures and are therefore to
be avoided.


Re: "list-unsubscribe" mail header & no footer

2022-04-05 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
* André-John Mas:

> Maybe this is impacting me only?

Looks like that might be the case:

The screenshot I took shows that Apple Mail displays an "unsubscribe"
action buttion for me. I am running macOS Monterey (version 12.3.1).


Re: macOS 12.3 and /usr/bin/python. Status?

2022-04-16 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
* Gerben Wierda via macports-users:

> I’m about to take the plunge and move one of my systems to macOS 12.3
> (which removes /usr/bin/python). I am going to consider that a
> MacPorts major migration (so following the migration instructions).

I'm running a combination of macOS 12.3.1 and MacPorts 2.7.2 on an
Intel-based MacBook Pro without any problems.


Re: macOS 12.3 and /usr/bin/python. Status?

2022-04-16 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
* Ralph Seichter via macports-users:

> I'm running a combination of macOS 12.3.1 and MacPorts 2.7.2 on an
> Intel-based MacBook Pro without any problems.

It is also worth mentioning that I use this machine for a lot of Python
software development. Works just fine.


Unable to build rebar3 (Ticket #62962)

2022-05-08 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
My attempt to build rebar3 @3.12.0 fell flat today, and I found the Trac
ticket . There have not been any
updates to this ticket for a year, and I wonder if the rebar3 port is
actively maintained?


Re: Unable to build rebar3 (Ticket #62962)

2022-05-09 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
* Ryan Schmidt:


Works for me. Thank you for addressing this so quickly, Ryan.


Re: port history

2022-09-25 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
* chilli:

> Is it possible to see the version history of a port?

You can clone the publicly available MacPorts Git repository from and then use 'git log ...'
to examine ports/subtrees as desired.


Re: port history

2022-09-26 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
* Chris Jones:

> Cloning is not not necessary for this. Just use the web interface to
> navigate to the port of interest and then Examine the history for that
> file.

Your assumption that the WebUI offers sufficient means of analysis is
quite a stretch, IMO. Hence my suggestion to clone the repository and
use the Git command line client.


Re: port history

2022-09-27 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
* Chris Jones:

> For the purposes of the original question here, its more than good enough.

That is, of course, for the OP to decide. I stand by my recommendation
to use 'git log ...' on a cloned repository, it is a skill well worth


Re: Recommendation for installing Python modules: pip or Macports

2022-12-06 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
* Thomas Gederberg:

> It appears that you can either install Python modules
> (py310-matplotlib, py310-numpy, etc) either directly from MacPorts or
> you can install pip (for example py30-pip) with MacPorts and then use
> pip to install the modules.

The issue with installing Python modules using MacPorts ports is that
they are shared. That can cause problems if different Python programs
require different versions of particular modules, and in contrast the
storage space saved by sharing modules is negligible.

My go-to method is using Python virtual environments (via the included
"venv" module, which is leightweight and installs its own "pip"); one
venv for each of my various Python applications:

Using separate environments isolates Python apps. I have not had to deal
with incompatible shared modules since I started using venvs, and this
is well worth a little extra storage space to me.


Keeping ansible-galaxy collections up to date?

2024-05-07 Thread Ralph Seichter via macports-users
I have been trying to figure out how the Ansible ports bundle plugins,
in particular the community.general collection [1]. Not having made much
progress so far, I thought I'd ask here. The currently bundled version
of community.general included seems quite outdated, but a manual update
attempt leads to this:

  $ ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
  Starting galaxy collection install process
  Nothing to do. All requested collections are already installed. If you
  want to reinstall them, consider using `--force`.

Replacing "install" with "verify" in the command above shows that there
are hundreds of files on my machine which don't match community.general,
so what gives?

Before I potentially screw up files managed by MacPorts by using
--force, what is the official way to get plugins/roles/collections
updated? I would be happy to create Trac tickets, but for which ports?
There are multiple Python versions to consider; 3.12 is just the one I
currently use.

