Re: Nethack fails during patching on Ventura 13.2

2023-02-07 Thread Jon Lasser
Indeed it works now - many thanks!

Web: / Twitter: @disappearinjon / Mailing list:

On Tue, Feb 7, 2023, at 8:22 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2023, at 14:11, Jon Lasser wrote:
>> :info:patch File to patch: No file found--skip this patch? [y] 3 out of 3 
>> hunks ignored--saving rejects to Oops.rej
> This should have been fixed by:
> Run "sudo port selfupdate" and then try again.

Re: Nethack fails during patching on Ventura 13.2

2023-02-07 Thread Ryan Schmidt
On Feb 6, 2023, at 14:11, Jon Lasser wrote:
> :info:patch File to patch: No file found--skip this patch? [y] 3 out of 3 
> hunks ignored--saving rejects to Oops.rej

This should have been fixed by:

Run "sudo port selfupdate" and then try again.

Nethack fails during patching on Ventura 13.2

2023-02-06 Thread Jon Lasser
MacPorts 2.8.1, ran selfupdate, updated all installed ports.

* ok* jon@MadMax ~% *sudo port clean --dist nethack*

--->  Cleaning nethack

* ok* jon@MadMax ~% *sudo port install nethack*

--->  Computing dependencies for nethack

--->  Fetching archive for nethack

--->  Attempting to fetch nethack-3.6.6_0.darwin_22.arm64.tbz2 from

--->  Attempting to fetch nethack-3.6.6_0.darwin_22.arm64.tbz2 from

--->  Attempting to fetch nethack-3.6.6_0.darwin_22.arm64.tbz2 from

--->  Fetching distfiles for nethack

--->  Attempting to fetch nethack-366-src.tgz from

--->  Verifying checksums for nethack

--->  Extracting nethack

--->  Applying patches to nethack

At this point it did nothing and CPU usage went to zero. I hit enter twice, and 
got this:

Error: Failed to patch nethack: command execution failed

Error: See 
 for details.

Error: Follow if you believe there

is a bug.

Error: Processing of port nethack failed

1 jon@MadMax ~% 

The bottom of the logfile reads:

:debug:patch patch phase started at Mon Feb  6 12:09:21 PST 2023

:debug:patch Executing org.macports.patch (nethack)

:notice:patch --->  Applying patches to nethack

:info:patch --->  Applying patch-gamestate-dir.diff

:debug:patch Creating patch directory: 

:debug:patch Environment: 

:debug:patch CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES'


:debug:patch CPATH='/opt/local/include'

:debug:patch DEVELOPER_DIR='/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools'

:debug:patch LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib'

:debug:patch MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='13.0'

:debug:patch SDKROOT='/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX13.sdk'

:info:patch Executing:  cd 
 && /usr/bin/patch -p1 < 

:debug:patch system:  cd 
 && /usr/bin/patch -p1 < 

:info:patch File to patch: No file found--skip this patch? [y] 3 out of 3 hunks 
ignored--saving rejects to Oops.rej

:info:patch Command failed:  cd 
 && /usr/bin/patch -p1 < 

:info:patch Exit code: 1

:error:patch Failed to patch nethack: command execution failed

:debug:patch Error code: CHILDSTATUS 97029 1

:debug:patch Backtrace: command execution failed

:debug:patch while executing

:debug:patch "system {*}$notty {*}$callback {*}$nice $fullcmdstring"

:debug:patch invoked from within

:debug:patch "command_exec patch "" "< '$patch'""

:debug:patch (procedure "portpatch::patch_main" line 41)

:debug:patch invoked from within

:debug:patch "$procedure $targetname"

:error:patch See 
 for details.

Anything obvious I should do?

Web: / Twitter: @disappearinjon / Mailing list: