Re: college, video game music, and the mac?

2009-05-26 Thread Justin Harford

> Hi answers below

>  First, what programs would be good for someone in
> college, where mostly word processing, and some spreadsheets are  
> used? I
> guess either iwork, or open office is the way to go, here.

LaTeX with TeXShop/TexLive which can be all installed through the  
mactex installer

> Second, I'm a big fan of several different music formats, many  
> covering old
> formats like .mod, and game music formats like .nsf, .spc, etc. I  
> know many
> people favour just itunes and quicktime, but I guess what I'm after  
> is a
> multi-format player like winamp on the mac. Any suggestions for good,
> accessible players?

What about VLC?

> Also, on the othre side, what's a good way to compose
> music on the mac? looking forward to hering from you, and making the  
> switch,
> finally.

If you mean actually making songs, garage band seems to have started  
working though might want to listen to others on this one.
> thanks,
> Arthur.
> >

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Re: Is there a Safari work around?

2009-05-26 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

On 26/5/09 18:43, Brett Campbell wrote:
> If I do need to use another browser, is there one that works with our
> beloved VoiceOver?

Opera's already been mentioned; I'd probably try that first.

OmniWeb and iCab are freeware and shareware browsers based on the same
WebKit web engine as Safari. You could try those.

Failing that, there are some cumbersome approaches:

1. Firefox support for VoiceOver is in the development pipeline, but 
isn't here yet. But if speech output works for you then you can run 
Firefox with the Fire Vox add-on or the WebAnywhere website.

2. You could run a Linux virtual machine, using Firefox with the Orca
screen reader.

3. If you have a spare copy of Windows, you could run a Windows virtual 
machine, using Firefox or Internet Explorer with the free NVDA screen 

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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Re: Is there a Safari work around?

2009-05-26 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

On 26/5/09 19:12, Sean Tikkun wrote:
> Please notify both that they have an application that is not
> accessible on a 'no-cost' solution, that is open source.

Minor quibble, but which bit of software under discussion is open
source? Not OS X, VoiceOver, or Safari (though OS X and Safari make use
open source components). Brett didn't say anything about Sungard's
software being open source either.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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Re: college, video game music, and the mac?

2009-05-26 Thread Alex Jurgensen


note: Using a free program called Virtualbox or a non-free one called  
VMware Fussion you can run a light-weight Linux like Ubuntu on your  
Mac as well to use OOO Writer Etc.


On 26-May-09, at 6:56 PM, James Dietz wrote:

> I don't use the mac for all of my computing tasks. I use Linux's
> openoffice for spreadsheets and writer or textedit on the mac for word
> processing.  I've et to try the mac port of openoffice - until
> recently there was a subset of mac apps which were guaranteed slow
> running on my mac mini, but this has changed since I bought a
> DVI-to-video adapter (see an earlier thread of mine entitled "Slow Mac
> Mini" if you're interested in the saga behind that), so a re-retry of
> OO is in my immediate future. VLC Media Player will handle a few mod
> file formats, but I don't think it handles video game music files.  I
> know there's a mac port of sidplay for c64 music, and I suppose there
> are several other audio players which can handle similar formats,
> hopefully including one which handles many.  I don't know if VLC has
> plugin functionality comparable to that of winamp's.
> James
> On 5/26/09, Arthur Pirika  wrote:
>> Hi all, a couple of questions, from someone who's seriously  
>> thinking of
>> getting rid of a three-year old toshiba laptop, and entering the  
>> world of
>> mac, finally. I've had a lot of experience already with the  
>> platform, thanks
>> to friends, but now I want to make the switch for myself, but,  
>> before i do,
>> a couple of questions. First, what programs would be good for  
>> someone in
>> college, where mostly word processing, and some spreadsheets are  
>> used? I
>> guess either iwork, or open office is the way to go, here.
>> Second, I'm a big fan of several different music formats, many  
>> covering old
>> formats like .mod, and game music formats like .nsf, .spc, etc. I  
>> know many
>> people favour just itunes and quicktime, but I guess what I'm after  
>> is a
>> multi-format player like winamp on the mac. Any suggestions for good,
>> accessible players? Also, on the othre side, what's a good way to  
>> compose
>> music on the mac? looking forward to hering from you, and making  
>> the switch,
>> finally.
>> thanks,
>> Arthur.
> >

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Re: college, video game music, and the mac?

2009-05-26 Thread Alex Jurgensen



Tables, Openoffice Calc and/or IWork are the way to go for  
Spreadsheets. Text Edit, Nicis Writer, Openoffice Writer, and/or  
IWorks are great for word processing.

As far as music, Perian, Quicktime, flip4Mac, and iTunes make a nice  
set that cover most formats. There is another program I don't recall  
the name of that is an extention to Quicktime. There is always VLC  

As far as composing music, Garageband is my favorite.


On 26-May-09, at 6:44 PM, Arthur Pirika wrote:

> Hi all, a couple of questions, from someone who's seriously thinking  
> of
> getting rid of a three-year old toshiba laptop, and entering the  
> world of
> mac, finally. I've had a lot of experience already with the  
> platform, thanks
> to friends, but now I want to make the switch for myself, but,  
> before i do,
> a couple of questions. First, what programs would be good for  
> someone in
> college, where mostly word processing, and some spreadsheets are  
> used? I
> guess either iwork, or open office is the way to go, here.
> Second, I'm a big fan of several different music formats, many  
> covering old
> formats like .mod, and game music formats like .nsf, .spc, etc. I  
> know many
> people favour just itunes and quicktime, but I guess what I'm after  
> is a
> multi-format player like winamp on the mac. Any suggestions for good,
> accessible players? Also, on the othre side, what's a good way to  
> compose
> music on the mac? looking forward to hering from you, and making the  
> switch,
> finally.
> thanks,
> Arthur.
> >

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Re: college, video game music, and the mac?

2009-05-26 Thread James Dietz

I don't use the mac for all of my computing tasks. I use Linux's
openoffice for spreadsheets and writer or textedit on the mac for word
processing.  I've et to try the mac port of openoffice - until
recently there was a subset of mac apps which were guaranteed slow
running on my mac mini, but this has changed since I bought a
DVI-to-video adapter (see an earlier thread of mine entitled "Slow Mac
Mini" if you're interested in the saga behind that), so a re-retry of
OO is in my immediate future. VLC Media Player will handle a few mod
file formats, but I don't think it handles video game music files.  I
know there's a mac port of sidplay for c64 music, and I suppose there
are several other audio players which can handle similar formats,
hopefully including one which handles many.  I don't know if VLC has
plugin functionality comparable to that of winamp's.


On 5/26/09, Arthur Pirika  wrote:
> Hi all, a couple of questions, from someone who's seriously thinking of
> getting rid of a three-year old toshiba laptop, and entering the world of
> mac, finally. I've had a lot of experience already with the platform, thanks
> to friends, but now I want to make the switch for myself, but, before i do,
> a couple of questions. First, what programs would be good for someone in
> college, where mostly word processing, and some spreadsheets are used? I
> guess either iwork, or open office is the way to go, here.
> Second, I'm a big fan of several different music formats, many covering old
> formats like .mod, and game music formats like .nsf, .spc, etc. I know many
> people favour just itunes and quicktime, but I guess what I'm after is a
> multi-format player like winamp on the mac. Any suggestions for good,
> accessible players? Also, on the othre side, what's a good way to compose
> music on the mac? looking forward to hering from you, and making the switch,
> finally.
> thanks,
> Arthur.
> >

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college, video game music, and the mac?

2009-05-26 Thread Arthur Pirika

Hi all, a couple of questions, from someone who's seriously thinking of 
getting rid of a three-year old toshiba laptop, and entering the world of 
mac, finally. I've had a lot of experience already with the platform, thanks 
to friends, but now I want to make the switch for myself, but, before i do, 
a couple of questions. First, what programs would be good for someone in 
college, where mostly word processing, and some spreadsheets are used? I 
guess either iwork, or open office is the way to go, here.
Second, I'm a big fan of several different music formats, many covering old 
formats like .mod, and game music formats like .nsf, .spc, etc. I know many 
people favour just itunes and quicktime, but I guess what I'm after is a 
multi-format player like winamp on the mac. Any suggestions for good, 
accessible players? Also, on the othre side, what's a good way to compose 
music on the mac? looking forward to hering from you, and making the switch, 


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Re: Is there a Safari work around?

2009-05-26 Thread Alex Jurgensen


Use Opera maybe.


On 26-May-09, at 2:56 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi, there's a browsing app listed in the voice over compadibility
> list.  I was always going to try it, but never got around, and now it
> looks like safari 4 is going to resolve many of the issues in the way
> of web accessibility.  So I may just stick with it unless I run into a
> situation like yours.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 26-May-09, at 1:43 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:
>> Hello good people,
>> I teach at a community college.  I communicate with my students
>> through an internet platform from Sunguard higher education called
>> mypage, which includes mymail.  I use the mymail to email my
>> students.  I'm having a problem that seems strange to me when I try  
>> to
>> send messages on my Mac.  I am able to get to the point where I  
>> select
>> the students to be emailed, and then when I press the button to move
>> on to compose etc. I get the message "access denied".  I performed  
>> the
>> task on a PC with no problem, so the issue isn't my account.  I
>> confirmed the problem on three different Macs. I contacted the
>> school's tech support, and they suggested the problem is with Safari.
>> They recommended I try another browser.  I am  quite new to Mac and
>> VoiceOver, so I'm hoping for thoughts from our Mac community.  If it
>> is Safari, are there any settings I can change?  If I do need to use
>> another browser, is there one that works with our beloved VoiceOver?
>> With the exception of not being able to work proficiently with
>> spreadsheets yet, this is my only obstacle keeping me from being free
>> of PC thus far.  Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
>> Brett
> >

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Re: adding book to itunes

2009-05-26 Thread Esther

Hi Will,

I don't know whether iTunes will organize Angela's Ashes (or any other  
book you import) strangely.  It depends on how the book is tagged and  
whether there is a playlist file you can import. If the tracks are  
imported in the order you want them played (for instance), you can  
certainly make up a playlist with that order very simply -- the  
"Recently Added" smart playlist will be ordered that way, for  
example.  You can re-order by sorting on any keyword you choose to  
display in the View options (Command-J shortcut to bring these up and  
check or uncheck any boxes -- "Date added" is one of the options).  If  
the tracks are tagged with leading numbers, that's another way to  
easily sort by track name. Alternatively, some mp3 audiobooks come  
with playlist files you can import.  You'll just have to experiment or  
ask someone who has experience with mp3 audibook files from a similar  
source to your chosen format.



On May 25, 2009, at 9:41 PM, william lomas wrote:

> hi with angelas ashes, i have the book in eighteen mp3's. so if I
> imported this folder would itunes still organize it strangely?
> On 25 May 2009, at 22:09, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Will,
>> Actually, the only thing that might be time consuming is how you have
>> ordered or tagged the files.  If they're named so that the tracks are
>> ordered in iTunes, you just add the files, select all (Command-A) to
>> bring up Get Info with (Command-I), and set 3 pop up buttons on the
>> Options tab -- 1 step.  Even if they are only ordered within
>> individual Disc folders, that's easy.  I forgot to ask whether there
>> are .m3u playlists in these folders.  If so, you can try importing
>> the .m3u playlists (go to the iTunes menu bar with VO-M, navigate to
>> the File menu, and under Library there will be a submenu you reach
>> with VO-Right Arrow that has an "Import Playlist" entry.
>> I don't use .m3u playlists very often, so someone else may be able to
>> help.  The reason for mentioning the Automator workflow in my
>> PostScript is that you can select a folder to import, and choose the
>> name of a playlist to import the contents to.  That's actually pretty
>> easy if you are comfortable running Automator; if you know the two
>> actions to add (which I listed -- one from the Files & Folder actions
>> Library and one from Music), you just need to double-click them in  
>> the
>> corresponding actions table for each library to add them to the work
>> flow area.  In  the actions you interact with pop up buttons to set
>> the folder to check -- it's pretty much like the Finder dialog window
>> and the same shortcuts for home library, applications, utility, etc.
>> work so you can use Command-Shift-G (Go to folder) and type in any
>> specific folder path.
>> Remember that you can add to playlists in blocks -- 5 CDs means 5
>> imports and 5 playlists added to a master playlist. Do it in order in
>> a regular playlist and your order of tracks is preserved.  Select all
>> with Command-A in the songs table of the master playlist and make the
>> 3 Get Info settings for audiobook, remember position, and do not
>> shuffle all at once.  You can also make your smart playlist with two
>> rules: and   <0>.
>> This is actually more time-consuming to describe (and type up) than  
>> it
>> is to do.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On May 25, 2009, at 10:29 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> ah thanks for this sounds complicated and time consuming but at  
>>> least
>>> it can be done
>>> On 25 May 2009, at 21:07, Esther wrote:

 Hi Will,

 iTunes and iPods don't really see folder structure, except in the
 of podcasts, although you can organize your playlists into folders
 the sources table of iTunes on your computer. If you import a set  
 mp3 files for an audiobook into iTunes, they will appear as
 tracks in your Music Library (i.e., no folder structure  
 To move them into your audiobooks library, select all tracks and  
 Get Info (Command-I).  You'll be prompted with a dialog window
 are sure you want to edit multiple items.  Either press carriage
 return or navigate to the yes button and press it (VO-Space). If
 focus isn't in the dialog window or Get Info window, use window
 chooser menu (VO-F2 twice) to select it. Navigate (VO-Right Arrow)
 the "Options" tab and select it (VO-Space).  On the "Options" tab,
 Right arrow to the pop up button for "Media Kind".  Use VO-Space to
 press the pop up button then arrow down to change the selection  
 "Music" to "Audiobook".  Navigate (VO-Right Arrow) to the pop up
 buttons for "Remember position" and "Skip when shuffling" and set
 these to yes, too.  These three options will: (1) move tracks to  
 audiobooks library in iTunes and on your (rec

Re: Is there a Safari work around?

2009-05-26 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi, there's a browsing app listed in the voice over compadibility  
list.  I was always going to try it, but never got around, and now it  
looks like safari 4 is going to resolve many of the issues in the way  
of web accessibility.  So I may just stick with it unless I run into a  
situation like yours.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 26-May-09, at 1:43 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:

> Hello good people,
> I teach at a community college.  I communicate with my students
> through an internet platform from Sunguard higher education called
> mypage, which includes mymail.  I use the mymail to email my
> students.  I'm having a problem that seems strange to me when I try to
> send messages on my Mac.  I am able to get to the point where I select
> the students to be emailed, and then when I press the button to move
> on to compose etc. I get the message "access denied".  I performed the
> task on a PC with no problem, so the issue isn't my account.  I
> confirmed the problem on three different Macs. I contacted the
> school's tech support, and they suggested the problem is with Safari.
> They recommended I try another browser.  I am  quite new to Mac and
> VoiceOver, so I'm hoping for thoughts from our Mac community.  If it
> is Safari, are there any settings I can change?  If I do need to use
> another browser, is there one that works with our beloved VoiceOver?
> With the exception of not being able to work proficiently with
> spreadsheets yet, this is my only obstacle keeping me from being free
> of PC thus far.  Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
> Brett
> >

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Re: Is there a Safari work around?

2009-05-26 Thread Brett Campbell

This sounded like a great idea, unfortunately it didn't work.  Thank  


On May 26, 2009, at 12:57 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Hi Bret, here's something you can try.  Go into the develop menu, and
> change the user agent tosomething like  Internet explorer.  If you
> don't see the develop menu,it can be enabled  under the advanced
> section of Safari's  preferences.  This should hopefully do the trick.
> On May 26, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:
>> Hello good people,
>> I teach at a community college.  I communicate with my students
>> through an internet platform from Sunguard higher education called
>> mypage, which includes mymail.  I use the mymail to email my
>> students.  I'm having a problem that seems strange to me when I try  
>> to
>> send messages on my Mac.  I am able to get to the point where I  
>> select
>> the students to be emailed, and then when I press the button to move
>> on to compose etc. I get the message "access denied".  I performed  
>> the
>> task on a PC with no problem, so the issue isn't my account.  I
>> confirmed the problem on three different Macs. I contacted the
>> school's tech support, and they suggested the problem is with Safari.
>> They recommended I try another browser.  I am  quite new to Mac and
>> VoiceOver, so I'm hoping for thoughts from our Mac community.  If it
>> is Safari, are there any settings I can change?  If I do need to use
>> another browser, is there one that works with our beloved VoiceOver?
>> With the exception of not being able to work proficiently with
>> spreadsheets yet, this is my only obstacle keeping me from being free
>> of PC thus far.  Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
>> Brett
> >

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Re: Is there a Safari work around?

2009-05-26 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Hi Bret, here's something you can try.  Go into the develop menu, and  
change the user agent tosomething like  Internet explorer.  If you  
don't see the develop menu,it can be enabled  under the advanced  
section of Safari's  preferences.  This should hopefully do the trick.
On May 26, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:

> Hello good people,
> I teach at a community college.  I communicate with my students
> through an internet platform from Sunguard higher education called
> mypage, which includes mymail.  I use the mymail to email my
> students.  I'm having a problem that seems strange to me when I try to
> send messages on my Mac.  I am able to get to the point where I select
> the students to be emailed, and then when I press the button to move
> on to compose etc. I get the message "access denied".  I performed the
> task on a PC with no problem, so the issue isn't my account.  I
> confirmed the problem on three different Macs. I contacted the
> school's tech support, and they suggested the problem is with Safari.
> They recommended I try another browser.  I am  quite new to Mac and
> VoiceOver, so I'm hoping for thoughts from our Mac community.  If it
> is Safari, are there any settings I can change?  If I do need to use
> another browser, is there one that works with our beloved VoiceOver?
> With the exception of not being able to work proficiently with
> spreadsheets yet, this is my only obstacle keeping me from being free
> of PC thus far.  Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
> Brett
> >

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Re: Is there a Safari work around?

2009-05-26 Thread Brett Campbell

Point well taken.  I'll look into this.  In the mean time I hope to  
find a work around.


On May 26, 2009, at 12:12 PM, Sean Tikkun wrote:

> I would like to just take a moment to mention something about
> advocacy.  It is the responsibility of the organization and software
> developer to make their software accessible.  Please notify both that
> they have an application that is not accessible on a 'no-cost'
> solution, that is open source.  Most on-line universities are using
> software platforms that are not tested on safari.  They will test 3
> different web browsers on a Windows OS, but not even one on Mac.
> Firefox frequently works, but I've not spent enough time in Firefox
> with VoiceOver.  I think this is a major issue nationally.  How much
> more convenient would it be for content to be offered in an accessible
> format online?  In a technological world we can level the playing
> field in far more dynamic ways.
> I put a response in there, but I'll put my soapbox away now.
> Sean Richards Tikkun
> Apple Distinghuished Educator
> class of 2007
> >
> On May 26, 2009, at 12:43 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:
>> Hello good people,
>> I teach at a community college.  I communicate with my students
>> through an internet platform from Sunguard higher education called
>> mypage, which includes mymail.  I use the mymail to email my
>> students.  I'm having a problem that seems strange to me when I try  
>> to
>> send messages on my Mac.  I am able to get to the point where I  
>> select
>> the students to be emailed, and then when I press the button to move
>> on to compose etc. I get the message "access denied".  I performed  
>> the
>> task on a PC with no problem, so the issue isn't my account.  I
>> confirmed the problem on three different Macs. I contacted the
>> school's tech support, and they suggested the problem is with Safari.
>> They recommended I try another browser.  I am  quite new to Mac and
>> VoiceOver, so I'm hoping for thoughts from our Mac community.  If it
>> is Safari, are there any settings I can change?  If I do need to use
>> another browser, is there one that works with our beloved VoiceOver?
>> With the exception of not being able to work proficiently with
>> spreadsheets yet, this is my only obstacle keeping me from being free
>> of PC thus far.  Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
>> Brett
>> --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

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Re: Is there a Safari work around?

2009-05-26 Thread Brett Campbell

I am using Safari 3.  I briefly tried the beta, but didn't care for a  
couple changes I experienced in Mail, so I switched back.


On May 26, 2009, at 12:08 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:

> hi are you using the kerent beda?
> On May 26, 2009, at 11:43 AM, Brett Campbell wrote:
>> Hello good people,
>> I teach at a community college.  I communicate with my students
>> through an internet platform from Sunguard higher education called
>> mypage, which includes mymail.  I use the mymail to email my
>> students.  I'm having a problem that seems strange to me when I try  
>> to
>> send messages on my Mac.  I am able to get to the point where I  
>> select
>> the students to be emailed, and then when I press the button to move
>> on to compose etc. I get the message "access denied".  I performed  
>> the
>> task on a PC with no problem, so the issue isn't my account.  I
>> confirmed the problem on three different Macs. I contacted the
>> school's tech support, and they suggested the problem is with Safari.
>> They recommended I try another browser.  I am  quite new to Mac and
>> VoiceOver, so I'm hoping for thoughts from our Mac community.  If it
>> is Safari, are there any settings I can change?  If I do need to use
>> another browser, is there one that works with our beloved VoiceOver?
>> With the exception of not being able to work proficiently with
>> spreadsheets yet, this is my only obstacle keeping me from being free
>> of PC thus far.  Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
>> Brett
> >

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Re: Is there a Safari work around?

2009-05-26 Thread Sean Tikkun
I would like to just take a moment to mention something about  
advocacy.  It is the responsibility of the organization and software  
developer to make their software accessible.  Please notify both that  
they have an application that is not accessible on a 'no-cost'  
solution, that is open source.  Most on-line universities are using  
software platforms that are not tested on safari.  They will test 3  
different web browsers on a Windows OS, but not even one on Mac.   
Firefox frequently works, but I've not spent enough time in Firefox  
with VoiceOver.  I think this is a major issue nationally.  How much  
more convenient would it be for content to be offered in an accessible  
format online?  In a technological world we can level the playing  
field in far more dynamic ways.

I put a response in there, but I'll put my soapbox away now.

Sean Richards Tikkun
Apple Distinghuished Educator
class of 2007

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On May 26, 2009, at 12:43 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:

> Hello good people,
> I teach at a community college.  I communicate with my students
> through an internet platform from Sunguard higher education called
> mypage, which includes mymail.  I use the mymail to email my
> students.  I'm having a problem that seems strange to me when I try to
> send messages on my Mac.  I am able to get to the point where I select
> the students to be emailed, and then when I press the button to move
> on to compose etc. I get the message "access denied".  I performed the
> task on a PC with no problem, so the issue isn't my account.  I
> confirmed the problem on three different Macs. I contacted the
> school's tech support, and they suggested the problem is with Safari.
> They recommended I try another browser.  I am  quite new to Mac and
> VoiceOver, so I'm hoping for thoughts from our Mac community.  If it
> is Safari, are there any settings I can change?  If I do need to use
> another browser, is there one that works with our beloved VoiceOver?
> With the exception of not being able to work proficiently with
> spreadsheets yet, this is my only obstacle keeping me from being free
> of PC thus far.  Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
> Brett
> --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~
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Re: Is there a Safari work around?

2009-05-26 Thread Maurice Mines

hi are you using the kerent beda?
On May 26, 2009, at 11:43 AM, Brett Campbell wrote:

> Hello good people,
> I teach at a community college.  I communicate with my students
> through an internet platform from Sunguard higher education called
> mypage, which includes mymail.  I use the mymail to email my
> students.  I'm having a problem that seems strange to me when I try to
> send messages on my Mac.  I am able to get to the point where I select
> the students to be emailed, and then when I press the button to move
> on to compose etc. I get the message "access denied".  I performed the
> task on a PC with no problem, so the issue isn't my account.  I
> confirmed the problem on three different Macs. I contacted the
> school's tech support, and they suggested the problem is with Safari.
> They recommended I try another browser.  I am  quite new to Mac and
> VoiceOver, so I'm hoping for thoughts from our Mac community.  If it
> is Safari, are there any settings I can change?  If I do need to use
> another browser, is there one that works with our beloved VoiceOver?
> With the exception of not being able to work proficiently with
> spreadsheets yet, this is my only obstacle keeping me from being free
> of PC thus far.  Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
> Brett
> >

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authorization bug not fixed in latest version of adium

2009-05-26 Thread Brandon Misch

Hey all. in the latest version of adium well, the latest beta at least  
it says the authorization bugs have been fixed but the only button  
that works is get info. thought you guys should know.

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Is there a Safari work around?

2009-05-26 Thread Brett Campbell

Hello good people,

I teach at a community college.  I communicate with my students  
through an internet platform from Sunguard higher education called  
mypage, which includes mymail.  I use the mymail to email my  
students.  I'm having a problem that seems strange to me when I try to  
send messages on my Mac.  I am able to get to the point where I select  
the students to be emailed, and then when I press the button to move  
on to compose etc. I get the message "access denied".  I performed the  
task on a PC with no problem, so the issue isn't my account.  I  
confirmed the problem on three different Macs. I contacted the  
school's tech support, and they suggested the problem is with Safari.   
They recommended I try another browser.  I am  quite new to Mac and  
VoiceOver, so I'm hoping for thoughts from our Mac community.  If it  
is Safari, are there any settings I can change?  If I do need to use  
another browser, is there one that works with our beloved VoiceOver?   
With the exception of not being able to work proficiently with  
spreadsheets yet, this is my only obstacle keeping me from being free  
of PC thus far.  Any comments will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Help? Jaws takes out a video driver.

2009-05-26 Thread Søren Jensen

Okay. Please let me know if it works for you. If it works for you, it  
might help the others who have the same issue.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 26/05/2009, at 14.01, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi, I plan to try window-eyes on that system, but we aren't selling
> window-eyes with the system, so I don't want the customer to get my
> full version, smiles.
> Since it worked for you I'll grab a demo and see if I can get it to  
> fly.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 26-May-09, at 2:27 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Have you tried to install Window Eyes and see if this screenreader
>> installs the video intercept driver for you? I have had the same  
>> issue
>> on some HP laptops. The way I fixed this issue was to install Window
>> Eyes which installed the video intercept driver, and then Jaws didn't
>> had any issues.
>> I really hope you got that frustrating issue fixed!
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> On 25/05/2009, at 19.57, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hum.  we were hoping to virtualize the bootcamp partician, so
>>> that's a
>>> mite disappointing.  It's nice not to be alone anymore though.
>>> Best,
>>> erik burggraaf
>>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>> Email:
>>> On 25-May-09, at 8:20 AM, matthew Campbell wrote:

 hi guys and galls. I to have seen this problem only it was with a
 macbook with an nvidia 9400. Hvn't found a fix for it except for
 installing windows on a vertual machine.

 On 5/25/09, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Not sure about this, but it's a crazy crazy thought,
> Try installing jaws 9. see if that fixes the video / graphics
> issues. Then
> install jaws 10 if you can.
> I know I had issues recently with video intercept not working with
> jaws 10,
> so installed 9 and things seemed to come right.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of erik
> burggraaf
> Sent: Monday, 25 May 2009 6:41 a.m.
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Help? Jaws takes out a video driver.
> Hi friends,  I wonder if any one has ever seen this problem?
> Here's my configuration.
> Macbook pro 2.53 ghz,
> Windows XP home edition servicepack 2,
> Bootcamp 2.0
> Jaws 10 plus legacy versions,
> MBP has an nvidia G-Force 9600 ngd
> Windows and the bootcamp drivers install just fine.
> Jaws fails and refuses to install the video hook, but in so doing
> it takes
> out the nvidia drivers.
> For example, I got this computer half-way set up and then my hp
> printer
> refused to install because my colour depth was set to 1 bit and it
> required
> a minimum of 16 bits.
> So I went looking and started getting all kinds of errors when I
> went poking
> around the display settings.
> At that point I did a system restore and rolled back right to the
> very
> beginning the very first checkpoint after windows install.  Then I
> re-
> installed boot camp and went pocking around with no errors.  It  
> let
> me set
> my resolution to some rediculously high number just fine, and it
> was already
> set to 32 bit colours.
> Then I used NVDA to install my hp printer and it went in like
> clockwork.  So
> far So good, so I installed jaws and the video card errors came
> back and
> jaws refused to run.
> Then I rolled back again and tested to make sure there were no
> errors in
> display settings, and tried to install jaws 7 with the same
> disastrous
> result.
> Has any one seen this problem?  Is it a bootcamp issue, a jaws
> issue, an
> nvidia issue, or is the problem between the chair and the keybord?
> Any help would be appreciated.  This was a very costly and
> frustrating
> bungle and I really need to get it straightened out.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:


> >

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Re: Help? Jaws takes out a video driver.

2009-05-26 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi, I plan to try window-eyes on that system, but we aren't selling  
window-eyes with the system, so I don't want the customer to get my  
full version, smiles.

Since it worked for you I'll grab a demo and see if I can get it to fly.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 26-May-09, at 2:27 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi.
> Have you tried to install Window Eyes and see if this screenreader
> installs the video intercept driver for you? I have had the same issue
> on some HP laptops. The way I fixed this issue was to install Window
> Eyes which installed the video intercept driver, and then Jaws didn't
> had any issues.
> I really hope you got that frustrating issue fixed!
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> On 25/05/2009, at 19.57, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hum.  we were hoping to virtualize the bootcamp partician, so  
>> that's a
>> mite disappointing.  It's nice not to be alone anymore though.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
>> On 25-May-09, at 8:20 AM, matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> hi guys and galls. I to have seen this problem only it was with a
>>> macbook with an nvidia 9400. Hvn't found a fix for it except for
>>> installing windows on a vertual machine.
>>> On 5/25/09, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

 Not sure about this, but it's a crazy crazy thought,
 Try installing jaws 9. see if that fixes the video / graphics
 issues. Then
 install jaws 10 if you can.

 I know I had issues recently with video intercept not working with
 jaws 10,
 so installed 9 and things seemed to come right.

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of erik  
 Sent: Monday, 25 May 2009 6:41 a.m.
 Subject: Help? Jaws takes out a video driver.

 Hi friends,  I wonder if any one has ever seen this problem?

 Here's my configuration.
 Macbook pro 2.53 ghz,
 Windows XP home edition servicepack 2,
 Bootcamp 2.0
 Jaws 10 plus legacy versions,
 MBP has an nvidia G-Force 9600 ngd

 Windows and the bootcamp drivers install just fine.

 Jaws fails and refuses to install the video hook, but in so doing
 it takes
 out the nvidia drivers.

 For example, I got this computer half-way set up and then my hp
 refused to install because my colour depth was set to 1 bit and it
 a minimum of 16 bits.
 So I went looking and started getting all kinds of errors when I
 went poking
 around the display settings.

 At that point I did a system restore and rolled back right to the
 beginning the very first checkpoint after windows install.  Then I
 installed boot camp and went pocking around with no errors.  It let
 me set
 my resolution to some rediculously high number just fine, and it
 was already
 set to 32 bit colours.

 Then I used NVDA to install my hp printer and it went in like
 clockwork.  So
 far So good, so I installed jaws and the video card errors came
 back and
 jaws refused to run.

 Then I rolled back again and tested to make sure there were no
 errors in
 display settings, and tried to install jaws 7 with the same

 Has any one seen this problem?  Is it a bootcamp issue, a jaws
 issue, an
 nvidia issue, or is the problem between the chair and the keybord?

 Any help would be appreciated.  This was a very costly and
 bungle and I really need to get it straightened out.


 erik burggraaf
 A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
 Phone: 888-255-5194



> >

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Re: wonderful news about apple care

2009-05-26 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Not to mention the stability, oh the stability. I can have my mac  
running for a hole day and it won't hang at all... well very rarely. I  
can remember when i had to restart my pc about 10 times a day, soudly  
swearing and cursing as i did so.

25 maj 2009 kl. 23.07 skrev Jessi and Goldina:

> haha OMG I totally do that too!! cheer when the mac adds come on. and
> I'm always defending my mac against pc people lol!!! I totally agree
> with everything you just said!!! yes!!! lol. my dad calls me a
> computer snob. I haven't quite figured out if he's kidding or not lol.
> maybe half and half? he claims that pc's "just work." and I laugh
> because it's been a long time since I've seen a pc "just work!" they
> always need updates and fixes and virus updates and me a
> headache just thinking about those days. I'm not clueless, I know
> there are viruses for the mac, but they're so few and far between!!
> it's so nice to not have to worry!!
> and yes, the mac has a few lil quirks too, mostly where voiceover and
> safari are concerned, and I really really wish it would play nicer
> with flash and firefox, but I'm sure those things will come in time.
> I'm sticking with this little macbook of mine!!! lol.
> peace and positivity
> Jessi
> follow me on twitter
> On 25-May-09, at 12:36 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:
>> Hi Ben, Jese and all,
>> I know exactly where you all are coming from.  I love my Mac!  I love
>> it so much I have been known to cheer when the Mac adverts come on
>> TV.  I have even been known to shush people when they come on.
>> Likewise I've been known to boo the PC adverts  My feeance Larry
>> thinks I'm a bit demented for this.  He says it is just an expensive
>> computer.  He even pointed at the $300 junkey laptop he bought  
>> earlier
>> in the year and said it had the same stuff on it as my macbook and  
>> was
>> a lot less money.  I pointed up that it didn't have a built-in web
>> cam, like my macbook.  I pointed up that it's joke of a screen reader
>> is a major suckfest as is their screen enlargement program.  I  
>> pointed
>> up I haven't had popups, spam, spyware, malware and none of the other
>> agravations I had with my PC.  Also pointed up the biggest reason MY
>> macbook is way better than his junkey laptop pc.  It doesn't have
>> Vista! Or blue screens o death.
>> I tell everyone about my loverly Mac.  Even tried to win my dad over
>> to the Mac side now he's loosing vision.  It is expensive right off
>> when you buy it.  But you don't have to keep on buying updates to
>> screen readers every time there is an upgrade in the OS or whatever.
>> I used to be frightfully anoyed when I found out an upgrade in  
>> Windows
>> was on the way because it meant my JAWS was soon going to be
>> outdated.  Now I don't have to worry.  If and when they do move on to
>> the next mac OS I know that I'll be covered.  I might have to pay  
>> $150
>> ish or so but that beats the heck out of first buing a new OS then a
>> new screen reader then everything else like anti-malware and stuff.
>> I catch myself actually feeling bad for people who have to only use a
>> PC or those of us who are blind not knowing how much better their
>> lives could be all because of a mac.  I'm sure nonmac people think me
>> off my head but when something just works right out of the box and
>> keeps working with very little glitches then yah I'm going to be off
>> my head about it.  :-)
> >

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Re: adding book to itunes

2009-05-26 Thread william lomas

hi with angelas ashes, i have the book in eighteen mp3's. so if I  
imported this folder would itunes still organize it strangely?

On 25 May 2009, at 22:09, Esther wrote:

> Hi Will,
> Actually, the only thing that might be time consuming is how you have
> ordered or tagged the files.  If they're named so that the tracks are
> ordered in iTunes, you just add the files, select all (Command-A) to
> bring up Get Info with (Command-I), and set 3 pop up buttons on the
> Options tab -- 1 step.  Even if they are only ordered within
> individual Disc folders, that's easy.  I forgot to ask whether there
> are .m3u playlists in these folders.  If so, you can try importing
> the .m3u playlists (go to the iTunes menu bar with VO-M, navigate to
> the File menu, and under Library there will be a submenu you reach
> with VO-Right Arrow that has an "Import Playlist" entry.
> I don't use .m3u playlists very often, so someone else may be able to
> help.  The reason for mentioning the Automator workflow in my
> PostScript is that you can select a folder to import, and choose the
> name of a playlist to import the contents to.  That's actually pretty
> easy if you are comfortable running Automator; if you know the two
> actions to add (which I listed -- one from the Files & Folder actions
> Library and one from Music), you just need to double-click them in the
> corresponding actions table for each library to add them to the work
> flow area.  In  the actions you interact with pop up buttons to set
> the folder to check -- it's pretty much like the Finder dialog window
> and the same shortcuts for home library, applications, utility, etc.
> work so you can use Command-Shift-G (Go to folder) and type in any
> specific folder path.
> Remember that you can add to playlists in blocks -- 5 CDs means 5
> imports and 5 playlists added to a master playlist. Do it in order in
> a regular playlist and your order of tracks is preserved.  Select all
> with Command-A in the songs table of the master playlist and make the
> 3 Get Info settings for audiobook, remember position, and do not
> shuffle all at once.  You can also make your smart playlist with two
> rules: and   <0>.
> This is actually more time-consuming to describe (and type up) than it
> is to do.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On May 25, 2009, at 10:29 AM, william lomas wrote:
>> ah thanks for this sounds complicated and time consuming but at least
>> it can be done
>> On 25 May 2009, at 21:07, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Will,
>>> iTunes and iPods don't really see folder structure, except in the
>>> case
>>> of podcasts, although you can organize your playlists into folders  
>>> in
>>> the sources table of iTunes on your computer. If you import a set of
>>> mp3 files for an audiobook into iTunes, they will appear as
>>> individual
>>> tracks in your Music Library (i.e., no folder structure maintained).
>>> To move them into your audiobooks library, select all tracks and use
>>> Get Info (Command-I).  You'll be prompted with a dialog window  
>>> asking
>>> are sure you want to edit multiple items.  Either press carriage
>>> return or navigate to the yes button and press it (VO-Space). If  
>>> your
>>> focus isn't in the dialog window or Get Info window, use window
>>> chooser menu (VO-F2 twice) to select it. Navigate (VO-Right Arrow)  
>>> to
>>> the "Options" tab and select it (VO-Space).  On the "Options" tab,
>>> VO-
>>> Right arrow to the pop up button for "Media Kind".  Use VO-Space to
>>> press the pop up button then arrow down to change the selection from
>>> "Music" to "Audiobook".  Navigate (VO-Right Arrow) to the pop up
>>> buttons for "Remember position" and "Skip when shuffling" and set
>>> these to yes, too.  These three options will: (1) move tracks to the
>>> audiobooks library in iTunes and on your (recent model) iPod, (2)
>>> turn
>>> bookmarking on, and (3) keep these tracks out of music shuffle play.
>>> If you want to keep your audiobook as multiple mp3 tracks, then the
>>> easiest way to play them on your iPod is to use a smart playlist and
>>> use two rules like: and  
>>> >> count>  <0>. You should check that the playlist tracks appear in
>>> the order you want.  Remember that iTunes sorts alphabetically, so  
>>> if
>>> you have folders named "Disc 1", "Disc 2", etc. and beyond "Disc 10"
>>> you might want to use leading zeros for the disc numbers --  
>>> otherwise
>>> your audiobook volumes may have "Disc 10" and "Disc 11" appearing
>>> just
>>> after "Disc 1" and before "Disc 2".  (If you only have numbers
>>> running
>>> from 1 through 9, or fewer, this isn't a problem.)
>>> Play the audiobook on your iPod Nano 4G using the smart playlist.  
>>> The
>>> live updating feature of the smart playlist means that as soon as  
>>> you
>>> finish listening to one track, its play count will increase to 1,  
>>> and
>>> it will fall off the smart playlist.  The first track in the smart
>>> playlist will always be the