Re: Need help with Wordpress

2013-06-13 Thread May and Noah
You can actually make that one post your featured post and it will stay near 
the top. See if the theme that you have offers that option.

May and Prince Noah

On 2013-06-13, at 10:22 PM, Chris Gilland  wrote:

> Here is the situation. I have written a review on my blog regarding a 
> particular company. I do not want this post to be put way down here the 
> bottom of all of my posts once I start posting more frequently. That will 
> then make the entry harder for users to find. I won't this post no matter 
> what to be extremely obvious. That said, here is my question. Is there a way 
> that I can make a particular post in WordPress be sticky, so that it will 
> always remain at the top of all of my posts? If I have to install a module to 
> make this work, I have no problem doing so. You all just need to tell me what 
> the name of the module would be that I need to obtain. If there is an easier 
> way, please provide. Specific instructions on how to do it.
> Thank you as always for your help,
> Cordially,
> Chris.
> Sent from my iPhone.
> -- 
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Re: downloading or safari issue

2013-06-13 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
Hi.  crome tends to crash on me.  any suggestions?

Maria Chapman

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
Mahatma Gandhi

On 14/06/2013, at 2:01 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> This sort of problem tends to happen when Web-Developers use fancier links 
> that VO doesn't seem to handle well.  I'm guessing that your focus on the 
> link was fine since when you pressed Option-return, it started the download 
> fine.  I'm not convinced that Chrome or Firefox on the Mac would have handled 
> it much differently.  Firefox is hundreds of times better than it was a year 
> ago but still has some issues so I do find it frustrating to use most of the 
> time.  Chrome with ChromeVox is actually quite nice, especially in Google 
> Apps environments but the ChromeVox Users Guide does suggest pressing return 
> on links which is actually the MacOS handling the action, not ChromeVox or VO.
> Interesting suggestion when I've not heard of very many VO users actually 
> using Firefox or Chrome particularly often.
> Later...
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-06-13, at 9:09 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hello, Tim, et al. This is the message Ray made reference too which makes 
>> your help much more appreciated.
>> From Philip at CNIB
>>> Hi Kerri,
>>> It is of course completely up to you if you want to use a new browser but I 
>>> know we have clients using Firefox and Chrome. At this stage if you try out 
>>> one of these browsers and it works for you then we may be able to isolate 
>>> the problem to Safari, or your particular installation of Safari.
>>> You are using Voiceover correct? Given what you are downloading it 
>>> definitely sounds like you are not hitting the actual Download link. There 
>>> was a time where our JAWS users on our old site where trying to download 
>>> books and ended up downloading the web page instead. It was because the 
>>> focus of their screenreader was not on the actual link. Is there anything 
>>> you can do to confirm that your screenreader is focused on the Download 
>>> link before you select it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Philip Springall
>> On 2013-06-13, at 12:56 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> What did you press when attempting to start the download?  I've found that 
>>> sometimes either pressing Return or Option-return works on some sites.  
>>> Return simply activates the link whereas Option-return starts to download 
>>> whatever is attached to that link.
>>> I haven't used the CNIB site much as I used to find that the CNIB didn't 
>>> cater much to us folks that live in the sticks, nor did they know much 
>>> about the Mac.  That's probably not a fair comment now but it's how things 
>>> used to work years ago.  Anyway, I digress.
>>> See if either of those suggestions help.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2013-06-13, at 12:25 PM, Kerri  wrote:
 Hello, all. I' trying to access the CNIB library in order to download 
 books. When I click on the download link, rather than download the book, I 
 have part of the website and the only assistance I received from the BNIB 
 was to download google chrome. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
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Re: Having voice-over problems with my MacBook Pro

2013-06-13 Thread Ray Foret jr
Could you perhaps be a little more clear about what is happening?  Sounds to me 
like your voice over is a little choppy.  the Apple store seems to have thought 
it was Skype.  I very much doubt that.  Sounds more like a systemic issue 
perhaps:  But, without knowing more details, I hesitate to hazard a further 

PS.  In this last, I do not mean to criticize, rather, I'm just trying to help 
a little with an issue I see from time to time.

Could you perhaps punctuate your sentiences?  I guess maybe that you were 
dictating your text and it's all run together.  You need to speak the 
punctuation aloud as you proceed.  You need to do it like this period.  So 
Coma, if you do that comma, it sounds like this period.  Get the picture?  Do 
this, and your text will flow ever so much better.

Also, here's another tip to help your dictation efforts.  You want to speak a 
little more distinctly and a little more slowly than you might speak to another 
person.  Try hard not to slur your words or run them too much together.


Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jun 13, 2013, at 9:14 PM, Chenelle Hancock  

> Hello all! I check my MacBook Pro into the Apple store on Wednesday and they 
> took off Skype from my computer how many said they should start the problem 
> of my voice over being sharpie that when I got it bad it would start up for 
> you Sombrilla come online and then into words have freezeups impasse in 
> between so I don't know what to do now? Can you help me?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 13/06/2013, at 19:11, wrote:
>>   Today's Topic Summary
>> Group:
>> downloading or safari issue [2 Updates]
>> VM Fusion question [2 Updates]
>> iOS user group [1 Update]
>> Mail not opening conversations? [2 Updates]
>> Foreign HQ voice for iPhone? [4 Updates]
>> which OCR app does not support books again? [3 Updates]
>> Blogging [1 Update]
>> So wait… What should one use for scanning? [2 Updates]
>> putting lots of small videos in to one big file [1 Update]
>> IPhone and GMail [1 Update]
>> Twitter [1 Update]
>> I Broke FaceTime on my Mac [1 Update]
>> itunes match and play lists [1 Update]
>> getting a mac mini to G4 to boot from a USB drive? [1 Update]
>> itunes ate my library file again [2 Updates]
>>  downloading or safari issue
>> Ray Foret jr  Jun 13 03:35PM -0500  
>> You know, it's funny that we both should offer exactly the very same 
>> solutions to your problem Kerri. Tim, I can confirm your suspicions that 
>> CNIB is pretty much unfamiluar with the Mac, Voice Over and how we use it. 
>> Their only suggestion was for Kerri to use Crome. How do I know? It's just 
>> that she told me herself via Facetime. Also, I actually got access to the 
>> text of their response which they sent to her. Kerri, it seems to me that 
>> Tim's solutions should work for you: especially the Option+return or enter 
>> key. I strongly suspect it's a web coding issue at work here. What makes me 
>> think this is the frank and rather surprising admition that at one time JAWS 
>> users had the same issue. So far as I am concerned, the issue is more on 
>> their end and not yours. I think it's got to come down to making sure that 
>> their HTML is correctly written. Would you not agree?
>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> Kerri  Jun 13 03:55PM -0700  
>> Hello, Tim and Ray:
>> Optiion enter or force download finally cracked the issue for which I thank 
>> you. I never knew this command existed. Yo are right,t eh CNIB barely 
>> assists anyone so I like you, Tim barely use it but when I want to use it, 
>> now it does work. 
>> Ray, yo are correct in your summation that the CNIB assistant was not 
>> helpful, in fact, he used a cop out when instructing me to download chrome. 
>> All he had to do was put me in contact with other Canadian mac users or ask 
>> if he couuld send my contact information to other Mac users. It's just 
>> ridiculous.
>>  VM Fusion question
>> Bill Holton  Jun 13 05:51PM -0400  
>> Hi.
>> I am trying to use my Boot Camp Windows installation to create VM fusion 
>> virtual PC. Can someone help me get started?
>> The only options I see are to migrate a different computer into VMware on 
>> the same network and to install from a disc. If the migration assistant the 
>> one I should use for Boot Camp?
>> Thanks
>> Bill
>> Chris H  Jun 13 11:45PM +0100  
>> You can see more about this on my guide of installing and setting up 
>> bootcamp without sighted assistance from
>> Chris
>> On 13/06/2013 22:51, Bill Holton wro

Re: Need help with Wordpress

2013-06-13 Thread Maxwell Ivey
thanks;  and thanks to the fellow who described how to do a sticky post.  you 
learn something new all the time.  now, can someone please tell me how to make 
my links section behave like links instead of a drop down menu.  i've heard it 
could be that i need to pick a different theme maybe one specially designed for 
mobile use.  I've also heard i may need to create a custom menu.  i have a big 
sale pending, and the number one goal after it closes is to hire someone to 
help me sort this out.   of course, that's the problem with a big sale they 
take time.  i appreciate your kind words to me and wish you the best of luck.  
send me your url and i'll add it to my personal favorites page.  I have so many 
blind site owner's sites and blindness related sites that I'm thinking of 
starting another page just for the visual impaired stuff.  take care, max 
On Jun 13, 2013, at 10:23 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

> Max, you know what?  that isn't a half bad idea actually, but yeah, we'd 
> rather keep it on our blog, and not have it as a separate page.  Good thought 
> though!
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Maxwell Ivey" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:41 PM
> Subject: Re: Need help with Wordpress
> hello; i know there is a better way, but easy way would be to create it as a 
> page instead of a post.  maybe create a section for company or product 
> reviews so all future similar articles are also easy to find.  good luck, max
> On Jun 13, 2013, at 9:22 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
>> Here is the situation. I have written a review on my blog regarding a 
>> particular company. I do not want this post to be put way down here the 
>> bottom of all of my posts once I start posting more frequently. That will 
>> then make the entry harder for users to find. I won't this post no matter 
>> what to be extremely obvious. That said, here is my question. Is there a way 
>> that I can make a particular post in WordPress be sticky, so that it will 
>> always remain at the top of all of my posts? If I have to install a module 
>> to make this work, I have no problem doing so. You all just need to tell me 
>> what the name of the module would be that I need to obtain. If there is an 
>> easier way, please provide. Specific instructions on how to do it.
>> Thank you as always for your help,
>> Cordially,
>> Chris.
>> Sent from my iPhone.
>> -- 
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Re: downloading or safari issue

2013-06-13 Thread Kerri
thanks for this information, Tim but he, Philip was not to helpful when 
suggesting this because he doesn't know my skill level, never ut me in contact 
with any other mac user who could have given assistance. I think firefox and 
Chrome are great options but they are not as accessible as yet.
On 2013-06-13, at 9:01 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> This sort of problem tends to happen when Web-Developers use fancier links 
> that VO doesn't seem to handle well.  I'm guessing that your focus on the 
> link was fine since when you pressed Option-return, it started the download 
> fine.  I'm not convinced that Chrome or Firefox on the Mac would have handled 
> it much differently.  Firefox is hundreds of times better than it was a year 
> ago but still has some issues so I do find it frustrating to use most of the 
> time.  Chrome with ChromeVox is actually quite nice, especially in Google 
> Apps environments but the ChromeVox Users Guide does suggest pressing return 
> on links which is actually the MacOS handling the action, not ChromeVox or VO.
> Interesting suggestion when I've not heard of very many VO users actually 
> using Firefox or Chrome particularly often.
> Later...
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-06-13, at 9:09 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hello, Tim, et al. This is the message Ray made reference too which makes 
>> your help much more appreciated.
>> From Philip at CNIB
>>> Hi Kerri,
>>> It is of course completely up to you if you want to use a new browser but I 
>>> know we have clients using Firefox and Chrome. At this stage if you try out 
>>> one of these browsers and it works for you then we may be able to isolate 
>>> the problem to Safari, or your particular installation of Safari.
>>> You are using Voiceover correct? Given what you are downloading it 
>>> definitely sounds like you are not hitting the actual Download link. There 
>>> was a time where our JAWS users on our old site where trying to download 
>>> books and ended up downloading the web page instead. It was because the 
>>> focus of their screenreader was not on the actual link. Is there anything 
>>> you can do to confirm that your screenreader is focused on the Download 
>>> link before you select it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Philip Springall
>> On 2013-06-13, at 12:56 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> What did you press when attempting to start the download?  I've found that 
>>> sometimes either pressing Return or Option-return works on some sites.  
>>> Return simply activates the link whereas Option-return starts to download 
>>> whatever is attached to that link.
>>> I haven't used the CNIB site much as I used to find that the CNIB didn't 
>>> cater much to us folks that live in the sticks, nor did they know much 
>>> about the Mac.  That's probably not a fair comment now but it's how things 
>>> used to work years ago.  Anyway, I digress.
>>> See if either of those suggestions help.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2013-06-13, at 12:25 PM, Kerri  wrote:
 Hello, all. I' trying to access the CNIB library in order to download 
 books. When I click on the download link, rather than download the book, I 
 have part of the website and the only assistance I received from the BNIB 
 was to download google chrome. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 email to
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> email to
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> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Need help with Wordpress

2013-06-13 Thread Chris Gilland


I use Mars Edit all the time, and swear by it!  Thank you for the help. 
this is excellent!


- Original Message - 
From: "Mike" 

Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: Need help with Wordpress

Creating a sticky post is actually pretty easy. Once you publish the post go 
to the post page on WordPress where it shows you the table of everything 
that you have published.
Once you find a table of all your posts, click on the title of the one you 
want to make sticky. This will take you to a new page where you can edit the 
post. Scroll down to the second heading called publish. Then scroll to the 
right couple of times until you come to visibility.
It will probably just say "public". Click on this and you have an option 
called public/sticky. Selected, press update, and you're done.

Your post will remain sticky until you come back here and take it off.
Happy blogging! Oh and by the way, if you don't use Mars Edit yet you can 
visit for details on how to win a free copy!


On Jun 13, 2013, at 9:22 PM, Chris Gilland  wrote:

Here is the situation. I have written a review on my blog regarding a 
particular company. I do not want this post to be put way down here the 
bottom of all of my posts once I start posting more frequently. That will 
then make the entry harder for users to find. I won't this post no matter 
what to be extremely obvious. That said, here is my question. Is there a 
way that I can make a particular post in WordPress be sticky, so that it 
will always remain at the top of all of my posts? If I have to install a 
module to make this work, I have no problem doing so. You all just need to 
tell me what the name of the module would be that I need to obtain. If 
there is an easier way, please provide. Specific instructions on how to do 

Thank you as always for your help,



Sent from my iPhone.

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Re: downloading or safari issue

2013-06-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

This sort of problem tends to happen when Web-Developers use fancier links that 
VO doesn't seem to handle well.  I'm guessing that your focus on the link was 
fine since when you pressed Option-return, it started the download fine.  I'm 
not convinced that Chrome or Firefox on the Mac would have handled it much 
differently.  Firefox is hundreds of times better than it was a year ago but 
still has some issues so I do find it frustrating to use most of the time.  
Chrome with ChromeVox is actually quite nice, especially in Google Apps 
environments but the ChromeVox Users Guide does suggest pressing return on 
links which is actually the MacOS handling the action, not ChromeVox or VO.

Interesting suggestion when I've not heard of very many VO users actually using 
Firefox or Chrome particularly often.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-13, at 9:09 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> Hello, Tim, et al. This is the message Ray made reference too which makes 
> your help much more appreciated.
> From Philip at CNIB
>> Hi Kerri,
>> It is of course completely up to you if you want to use a new browser but I 
>> know we have clients using Firefox and Chrome. At this stage if you try out 
>> one of these browsers and it works for you then we may be able to isolate 
>> the problem to Safari, or your particular installation of Safari.
>> You are using Voiceover correct? Given what you are downloading it 
>> definitely sounds like you are not hitting the actual Download link. There 
>> was a time where our JAWS users on our old site where trying to download 
>> books and ended up downloading the web page instead. It was because the 
>> focus of their screenreader was not on the actual link. Is there anything 
>> you can do to confirm that your screenreader is focused on the Download link 
>> before you select it?
>> Thanks,
>> Philip Springall
> On 2013-06-13, at 12:56 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What did you press when attempting to start the download?  I've found that 
>> sometimes either pressing Return or Option-return works on some sites.  
>> Return simply activates the link whereas Option-return starts to download 
>> whatever is attached to that link.
>> I haven't used the CNIB site much as I used to find that the CNIB didn't 
>> cater much to us folks that live in the sticks, nor did they know much about 
>> the Mac.  That's probably not a fair comment now but it's how things used to 
>> work years ago.  Anyway, I digress.
>> See if either of those suggestions help.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-06-13, at 12:25 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>>> Hello, all. I' trying to access the CNIB library in order to download 
>>> books. When I click on the download link, rather than download the book, I 
>>> have part of the website and the only assistance I received from the BNIB 
>>> was to download google chrome. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
>>> -- 
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Re: screen sharing on mac

2013-06-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

The ScreenSharing is not supported within the iMessage protocol.  So in order 
to use that feature, you need to set up a GMail or other supported account in 
your Messages app.  If that's not the issue, then we may need more info.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-13, at 9:06 PM, John Panarese  wrote:

>   What is exactly happening?  It should work as long as the other person 
> agrees to it.  You shouldn’t have to do anything special, as it does not rely 
> on the screen sharing option in Sharing Options to be turned on.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On Jun 13, 2013, at 3:09 PM, Rhonda Hornbacher  
> wrote:
>> Hi Mac Friends,
>> I have been attempting to use screen sharing on my Mac using Mountain Lion 
>> in the messages application. Unfortunately, I have not been successful.
>> What do I need to do in order to use screen sharing in messages?
>> Thanks for any and all assistance,
>> Rhonda
>> -- 
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Re: VO not seeing port or SSL checkbox when setting up new mail account

2013-06-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

I've never experienced VO not seeing anything within the Mail setup process, 
but, then again, if VO didn't see it then neither did I.  I suggest that you 
finish creating it then use the Accounts pane in Mail Prefs to make those 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-13, at 9:05 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am trying to set up a new mail account, I need to uncheck the use SSL 
> checkbox and change the port from 25, but the only thing is that voiceover 
> doesn't see these items. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks
> -- 
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Re: Need help with Wordpress

2013-06-13 Thread Chris Gilland
Max, you know what?  that isn't a half bad idea actually, but yeah, we'd 
rather keep it on our blog, and not have it as a separate page.  Good 
thought though!


- Original Message - 
From: "Maxwell Ivey" 

Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: Need help with Wordpress

hello; i know there is a better way, but easy way would be to create it as a 
page instead of a post.  maybe create a section for company or product 
reviews so all future similar articles are also easy to find.  good luck, 

On Jun 13, 2013, at 9:22 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

Here is the situation. I have written a review on my blog regarding a 
particular company. I do not want this post to be put way down here the 
bottom of all of my posts once I start posting more frequently. That will 
then make the entry harder for users to find. I won't this post no matter 
what to be extremely obvious. That said, here is my question. Is there a 
way that I can make a particular post in WordPress be sticky, so that it 
will always remain at the top of all of my posts? If I have to install a 
module to make this work, I have no problem doing so. You all just need to 
tell me what the name of the module would be that I need to obtain. If 
there is an easier way, please provide. Specific instructions on how to do 

Thank you as always for your help,



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Re: Need help with Wordpress

2013-06-13 Thread Mike
Creating a sticky post is actually pretty easy. Once you publish the post go to 
the post page on WordPress where it shows you the table of everything that you 
have published.
Once you find a table of all your posts, click on the title of the one you want 
to make sticky. This will take you to a new page where you can edit the post. 
Scroll down to the second heading called publish. Then scroll to the right 
couple of times until you come to visibility. 
It will probably just say "public". Click on this and you have an option called 
public/sticky. Selected, press update, and you're done.
Your post will remain sticky until you come back here and take it off.
Happy blogging! Oh and by the way, if you don't use Mars Edit yet you can visit for details on how to win a free copy!


On Jun 13, 2013, at 9:22 PM, Chris Gilland  wrote:

> Here is the situation. I have written a review on my blog regarding a 
> particular company. I do not want this post to be put way down here the 
> bottom of all of my posts once I start posting more frequently. That will 
> then make the entry harder for users to find. I won't this post no matter 
> what to be extremely obvious. That said, here is my question. Is there a way 
> that I can make a particular post in WordPress be sticky, so that it will 
> always remain at the top of all of my posts? If I have to install a module to 
> make this work, I have no problem doing so. You all just need to tell me what 
> the name of the module would be that I need to obtain. If there is an easier 
> way, please provide. Specific instructions on how to do it.
> Thank you as always for your help,
> Cordially,
> Chris.
> Sent from my iPhone.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: downloading or safari issue

2013-06-13 Thread Kerri
Hello, Tim, et al. This is the message Ray made reference too which makes your 
help much more appreciated.
>From Philip at CNIB
> Hi Kerri,
> It is of course completely up to you if you want to use a new browser but I 
> know we have clients using Firefox and Chrome. At this stage if you try out 
> one of these browsers and it works for you then we may be able to isolate the 
> problem to Safari, or your particular installation of Safari.
> You are using Voiceover correct? Given what you are downloading it definitely 
> sounds like you are not hitting the actual Download link. There was a time 
> where our JAWS users on our old site where trying to download books and ended 
> up downloading the web page instead. It was because the focus of their 
> screenreader was not on the actual link. Is there anything you can do to 
> confirm that your screenreader is focused on the Download link before you 
> select it?
> Thanks,
> Philip Springall

On 2013-06-13, at 12:56 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> What did you press when attempting to start the download?  I've found that 
> sometimes either pressing Return or Option-return works on some sites.  
> Return simply activates the link whereas Option-return starts to download 
> whatever is attached to that link.
> I haven't used the CNIB site much as I used to find that the CNIB didn't 
> cater much to us folks that live in the sticks, nor did they know much about 
> the Mac.  That's probably not a fair comment now but it's how things used to 
> work years ago.  Anyway, I digress.
> See if either of those suggestions help.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-06-13, at 12:25 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hello, all. I' trying to access the CNIB library in order to download books. 
>> When I click on the download link, rather than download the book, I have 
>> part of the website and the only assistance I received from the BNIB was to 
>> download google chrome. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
>> -- 
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Re: screen sharing on mac

2013-06-13 Thread John Panarese
   What is exactly happening?  It should work as long as the other person 
agrees to it.  You shouldn’t have to do anything special, as it does not rely 
on the screen sharing option in Sharing Options to be turned on.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Jun 13, 2013, at 3:09 PM, Rhonda Hornbacher  

> Hi Mac Friends,
> I have been attempting to use screen sharing on my Mac using Mountain Lion in 
> the messages application. Unfortunately, I have not been successful.
> What do I need to do in order to use screen sharing in messages?
> Thanks for any and all assistance,
> Rhonda
> -- 
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VO not seeing port or SSL checkbox when setting up new mail account

2013-06-13 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi guys,
I am trying to set up a new mail account, I need to uncheck the use SSL 
checkbox and change the port from 25, but the only thing is that voiceover 
doesn't see these items. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Re: Need help with Wordpress

2013-06-13 Thread Maxwell Ivey
hello; i know there is a better way, but easy way would be to create it as a 
page instead of a post.  maybe create a section for company or product reviews 
so all future similar articles are also easy to find.  good luck, max 
On Jun 13, 2013, at 9:22 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

> Here is the situation. I have written a review on my blog regarding a 
> particular company. I do not want this post to be put way down here the 
> bottom of all of my posts once I start posting more frequently. That will 
> then make the entry harder for users to find. I won't this post no matter 
> what to be extremely obvious. That said, here is my question. Is there a way 
> that I can make a particular post in WordPress be sticky, so that it will 
> always remain at the top of all of my posts? If I have to install a module to 
> make this work, I have no problem doing so. You all just need to tell me what 
> the name of the module would be that I need to obtain. If there is an easier 
> way, please provide. Specific instructions on how to do it.
> Thank you as always for your help,
> Cordially,
> Chris.
> Sent from my iPhone.
> -- 
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Need help with Wordpress

2013-06-13 Thread Chris Gilland
Here is the situation. I have written a review on my blog regarding a 
particular company. I do not want this post to be put way down here the bottom 
of all of my posts once I start posting more frequently. That will then make 
the entry harder for users to find. I won't this post no matter what to be 
extremely obvious. That said, here is my question. Is there a way that I can 
make a particular post in WordPress be sticky, so that it will always remain at 
the top of all of my posts? If I have to install a module to make this work, I 
have no problem doing so. You all just need to tell me what the name of the 
module would be that I need to obtain. If there is an easier way, please 
provide. Specific instructions on how to do it.

Thank you as always for your help,



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Having problems with my MacBook Pro question to

2013-06-13 Thread Chenelle Hancock
Hello everyone! Position now again I wanted to now what do I do to fix the 
choppiness with voice-over every guys to my MacBook Pro and went to the Apple 
store on Wednesday and its calf straight from me and when we restarted our 
became back iambic van when I was using it earlier today it would freeze in the 
middle of same I'm using caring from Australia is my mean voice so I don't know 
of it would be that or

Sent from my iPhone

On 13/06/2013, at 19:11, wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
> downloading or safari issue [2 Updates]
> VM Fusion question [2 Updates]
> iOS user group [1 Update]
> Mail not opening conversations? [2 Updates]
> Foreign HQ voice for iPhone? [4 Updates]
> which OCR app does not support books again? [3 Updates]
> Blogging [1 Update]
> So wait… What should one use for scanning? [2 Updates]
> putting lots of small videos in to one big file [1 Update]
> IPhone and GMail [1 Update]
> Twitter [1 Update]
> I Broke FaceTime on my Mac [1 Update]
> itunes match and play lists [1 Update]
> getting a mac mini to G4 to boot from a USB drive? [1 Update]
> itunes ate my library file again [2 Updates]
>  downloading or safari issue
> Ray Foret jr  Jun 13 03:35PM -0500  
> You know, it's funny that we both should offer exactly the very same 
> solutions to your problem Kerri. Tim, I can confirm your suspicions that CNIB 
> is pretty much unfamiluar with the Mac, Voice Over and how we use it. Their 
> only suggestion was for Kerri to use Crome. How do I know? It's just that she 
> told me herself via Facetime. Also, I actually got access to the text of 
> their response which they sent to her. Kerri, it seems to me that Tim's 
> solutions should work for you: especially the Option+return or enter key. I 
> strongly suspect it's a web coding issue at work here. What makes me think 
> this is the frank and rather surprising admition that at one time JAWS users 
> had the same issue. So far as I am concerned, the issue is more on their end 
> and not yours.  I think it's got to come down to making sure that their HTML 
> is correctly written. Would you not agree?
> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> Kerri  Jun 13 03:55PM -0700  
> Hello, Tim and Ray:
> Optiion enter or force download finally cracked the issue for which I thank 
> you. I never knew this command existed. Yo are right,t eh CNIB barely assists 
> anyone so I like you, Tim barely use it but when I want to use it, now it 
> does work. 
> Ray, yo are correct in your summation that the CNIB assistant was not 
> helpful, in fact, he used a cop out when instructing me to download chrome. 
> All he had to do was put me in contact with other Canadian mac users or ask 
> if he couuld send my contact information to other Mac users. It's just 
> ridiculous.
>  VM Fusion question
> Bill Holton  Jun 13 05:51PM -0400  
> Hi.
> I am trying to use my Boot Camp Windows installation to create VM fusion 
> virtual PC. Can someone help me get started?
> The only options I see are to migrate a different computer into VMware on the 
> same network and to install from a disc. If the migration assistant the one I 
> should use for Boot Camp?
> Thanks
> Bill
> Chris H  Jun 13 11:45PM +0100  
> You can see more about this on my guide of installing and setting up 
> bootcamp without sighted assistance from
> Chris
> On 13/06/2013 22:51, Bill Holton wrote:
>  iOS user group
> Shane Christenson  Jun 11 05:03PM -0500  
> Hello. If I may, I'd like to make a correction. The conference call for the 
> IBUG meetings is every Monday night. The meetings that are face-to-face at 
> the Apple Store, are once a month usually the fourth Saturday of every month.
> Shane
> Sent from my iPhone
>  Mail not opening conversations?
> Alex Hall  Jun 13 05:09PM -0400  
> I think they both do the same thing. Yes, I often use that trick as well, but 
> sometimes I only want the most recent message, or most of the messages are 
> already read, or for some other reason I want to just expand the conversation.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > Visit this group at
> > For more options, visit
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> Danny Noonan  Jun 14 07:35AM +1000  
> Oh I do the same thing a lot of the time. Both methods work for different 
> situations. 
> Danny. 
> Sent from my iPhone
>  Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?
> "Jürgen Fleger"  Jun 13 10:41PM +0200  
> Hi,
> actually the iPhone uses in your home language a high quality voice.

Having voice-over problems with my MacBook Pro

2013-06-13 Thread Chenelle Hancock
Hello all! I check my MacBook Pro into the Apple store on Wednesday and they 
took off Skype from my computer how many said they should start the problem of 
my voice over being sharpie that when I got it bad it would start up for you 
Sombrilla come online and then into words have freezeups impasse in between so 
I don't know what to do now? Can you help me?

Sent from my iPhone

On 13/06/2013, at 19:11, wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
> downloading or safari issue [2 Updates]
> VM Fusion question [2 Updates]
> iOS user group [1 Update]
> Mail not opening conversations? [2 Updates]
> Foreign HQ voice for iPhone? [4 Updates]
> which OCR app does not support books again? [3 Updates]
> Blogging [1 Update]
> So wait… What should one use for scanning? [2 Updates]
> putting lots of small videos in to one big file [1 Update]
> IPhone and GMail [1 Update]
> Twitter [1 Update]
> I Broke FaceTime on my Mac [1 Update]
> itunes match and play lists [1 Update]
> getting a mac mini to G4 to boot from a USB drive? [1 Update]
> itunes ate my library file again [2 Updates]
>  downloading or safari issue
> Ray Foret jr  Jun 13 03:35PM -0500  
> You know, it's funny that we both should offer exactly the very same 
> solutions to your problem Kerri. Tim, I can confirm your suspicions that CNIB 
> is pretty much unfamiluar with the Mac, Voice Over and how we use it. Their 
> only suggestion was for Kerri to use Crome. How do I know? It's just that she 
> told me herself via Facetime. Also, I actually got access to the text of 
> their response which they sent to her. Kerri, it seems to me that Tim's 
> solutions should work for you: especially the Option+return or enter key. I 
> strongly suspect it's a web coding issue at work here. What makes me think 
> this is the frank and rather surprising admition that at one time JAWS users 
> had the same issue. So far as I am concerned, the issue is more on their end 
> and not yours.  I think it's got to come down to making sure that their HTML 
> is correctly written. Would you not agree?
> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> Kerri  Jun 13 03:55PM -0700  
> Hello, Tim and Ray:
> Optiion enter or force download finally cracked the issue for which I thank 
> you. I never knew this command existed. Yo are right,t eh CNIB barely assists 
> anyone so I like you, Tim barely use it but when I want to use it, now it 
> does work. 
> Ray, yo are correct in your summation that the CNIB assistant was not 
> helpful, in fact, he used a cop out when instructing me to download chrome. 
> All he had to do was put me in contact with other Canadian mac users or ask 
> if he couuld send my contact information to other Mac users. It's just 
> ridiculous.
>  VM Fusion question
> Bill Holton  Jun 13 05:51PM -0400  
> Hi.
> I am trying to use my Boot Camp Windows installation to create VM fusion 
> virtual PC. Can someone help me get started?
> The only options I see are to migrate a different computer into VMware on the 
> same network and to install from a disc. If the migration assistant the one I 
> should use for Boot Camp?
> Thanks
> Bill
> Chris H  Jun 13 11:45PM +0100  
> You can see more about this on my guide of installing and setting up 
> bootcamp without sighted assistance from
> Chris
> On 13/06/2013 22:51, Bill Holton wrote:
>  iOS user group
> Shane Christenson  Jun 11 05:03PM -0500  
> Hello. If I may, I'd like to make a correction. The conference call for the 
> IBUG meetings is every Monday night. The meetings that are face-to-face at 
> the Apple Store, are once a month usually the fourth Saturday of every month.
> Shane
> Sent from my iPhone
>  Mail not opening conversations?
> Alex Hall  Jun 13 05:09PM -0400  
> I think they both do the same thing. Yes, I often use that trick as well, but 
> sometimes I only want the most recent message, or most of the messages are 
> already read, or for some other reason I want to just expand the conversation.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > Visit this group at
> > For more options, visit
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> Danny Noonan  Jun 14 07:35AM +1000  
> Oh I do the same thing a lot of the time. Both methods work for different 
> situations. 
> Danny. 
> Sent from my iPhone
>  Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?
> "Jürgen Fleger"  Jun 13 10:41PM +0200  
> Hi,
> actually the iPhone uses in your home language a high quality voice. At least 
> that's what I know from german and englis

Re: putting lots of small videos in to one big file

2013-06-13 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok cool, I'll look for that, I never actually looked through IPhoto's options, 
so will have a look at those.
  It's always driven me nuts, sense it seems to love to just put my photos all 
over the place, and I can't figure out what's where half the time, and have had 
trouble browsing the whole layout itself.On Jun 13, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Chris 
Blouch wrote:

> I think once you have a bunch of pictures in a folder in iPhoto you can pick 
> that folder and then choose New Slideshow from the File menu. That will make 
> a slideshow out of that bunch of stuff. Then if you go past most of the UI 
> you'll eventually find the Bottom Toolbar Group. Interacting with that 
> reveals the play button and some other things in it like picking music and 
> themes. I haven't found a keyboard shortcut for starting the slideshow. Seems 
> like there ought to be one.
> CB
> On 6/7/13 7:34 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
>> Yeah, I just can't figure out how to view them as a slideshow; I thought 
>> selecting all of them then opening them would do it, but that doesn't seem 
>> to do it.
>> On Jun 7, 2013, at 11:44 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Do you have these images and videos in iPhoto? If so I think you can put 
>>> them in a folder and play that as a slideshow.
>>> CB
>>> On 6/6/13 8:19 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
 I actually was a little curious about that myself.  I wanted to do a slide 
 show for Hannah and let her look at all her pictures and videos one after 
 the other, but when I selected everything and and did the VO+o command, it 
 just played one of the videos through quicktime, and nothing else after 
 On Jun 6, 2013, at 12:14 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Would copy/paste using QuickTime work for this? Maybe iMovie would be 
> more complex but that's really what it's intended for.
> CB
> On 6/6/13 12:11 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> How do I combine several short .mov files into one big one.
>> I have them saved on my mac.
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Re: features I wish Apple would have included

2013-06-13 Thread CJ Daniel

Yeah, the pod casts are great & they helped a lot.  I stand by my comments.  I 
think that spirit of misplaced loyalty has led to blind-folks not questioning 
their adaptive product vendors enough to promote reasonable prices & services.  
That old argument of "it is a small market, hence the high prices," just 
doesn't wash anymore.  I think some of the younger users just don't know how 
great their access to all this technology really is.  

But, I agree that Apple is trying to keep a lock on their products.  On one 
hand, it is somewhat limiting.  On the other hand, it makes good business sense 
& that is the capitalist spirit that has made this nation great.  Well, it has 
made Apple great @ any rate.  I mean who can forget a few summers ago, when 
Apple had more money than the federal government.  Unbelievable.

Anyway, great job Mike &, please, continue to share your thoughts, experiences, 
& conclusions.  Who knows, maybe you'll prompt a great Android 


On Jun 13, 2013, at 12:27 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> Awesome, glad you found the pod casts helpful. Yes, I have written to Apple 
> with these suggestions. I think what it comes down to though is that Apple 
> wants complete control over the operating system and the user experience. If 
> they were to open up the platform in the ways I have mentioned, they would 
> lose some of that. While Android is certainly not perfect, that is the main 
> reason I use it for my mobile platform, I want complete access and total 
> control over my device, and you just cannot have that with IOS unless you 
> jail break. I'm probably a rare breed, I prefer android for my mobile 
> platform, but for the desktop platform, it's the mac all the way.
> Original message:
>> Mike,
>> Well thought out comments.  Have you considered broaching these ideas with 
>> Apple?  They might not listen, but nothing ventured…nothing gained.  They 
>> stop listening to the customers & they'll find themselves just another tech 
>> company, like Microsoft.
>> BTB, still using your podcasts for an occasional refresher on OSX.  Great 
>> job on those.  In fact, you helped me make the switch & not one regret.
>> Cheers,
>> CJ
>> On Jun 10, 2013, at 9:57 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>>> After looking at the new features of IOS 7, a few things are missing that I 
>>> was hoping Apple might have considered. Perhaps some of these are there and 
>>> were just not mentioned, or these could be things Apple will never include 
>>> because of the experience they want to provide. I will list what I think is 
>>> missing and state why I think they are good features to include. Of course, 
>>> this is just my opinion, these may not matter to some people and that's 
>>> fine.
>>> No built in file management. Just about every other operating system, 
>>> whether mobile or desktop provides a way to browse the files and folders on 
>>> your device and change them. IOS 7 still has no built in file manager, and 
>>> no support for USB mass storage or media transfer protocol. I think there 
>>> is an app you can get that helps with some of this, and the air drop may 
>>> make this a bit easier, but still transferring content from a computer to 
>>> an IOS device is more difficult than it needs to be. With Android for 
>>> example, many devices support mass storage, and those that do not have a 
>>> memory card slot support media transfer protocol, or you can install an app 
>>> that lets the device show up on your network like any other drive.
>>> No option to change default apps. As far as I know, there is no way to 
>>> change what app will be the default when doing things like clicking links 
>>> or opening files in other applications. For example, you can install other 
>>> browsers, but you cannot set them as the default. On operating systems such 
>>> as android and the mac, this can easily be changed.
>>> Apple does not allow you to change the default keyboard used for typing. 
>>> While you can install other keyboards such as fleksy, you must go in to the 
>>> application and type what you want, then choose to send a text message, 
>>> send email, or copy the text to paste in another program. In Android for 
>>> example, you can install and set other keyboards as the default. I'm 
>>> currently beta testing fleksy for android, and if I set it as the default, 
>>> I can use it to type in any application. You can also dictate within fleksy 
>>> for android if you wish since any keyboard has access to android's voice 
>>> recognition service.
>>> I was also hoping Apple would have opened up the way text to speech is 
>>> handled, but this does not appear to be the case. It's good that they added 
>>> a male voice, probably Tom. However, the same restrictions still apply as 
>>> far as I know. First, developers are not permitted to use the voices that 
>>> IOS already has. This means that if an application wants to provide text to 
>>> speech, aside from voiceover,

Re: screen sharing on mac

2013-06-13 Thread Alex Hall
My first thought is: is it enabled? Open System Preferences, go to sharing, 
then find screen sharing in the table of services and make sure it is checked.
On Jun 13, 2013, at 3:09 PM, Rhonda Hornbacher  

> Hi Mac Friends,
> I have been attempting to use screen sharing on my Mac using Mountain Lion in 
> the messages application. Unfortunately, I have not been successful.
> What do I need to do in order to use screen sharing in messages?
> Thanks for any and all assistance,
> Rhonda
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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screen sharing on mac

2013-06-13 Thread Rhonda Hornbacher
Hi Mac Friends,

I have been attempting to use screen sharing on my Mac using Mountain Lion in 
the messages application. Unfortunately, I have not been successful.

What do I need to do in order to use screen sharing in messages?

Thanks for any and all assistance,

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Re: Almost perfect scan with Prizmo

2013-06-13 Thread Ray Foret jr
I shall have to give this a look.  I had some kind of okay results with Text 
Detective and much worswe with Prismo.  Seems to me that the problem comes down 
to my just not knowing exactly how to hold the phone the right distance from 
the page and angle the camera lense just right.  Thanks for the tip.

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jun 13, 2013, at 7:14 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> I had doing some experimentation with Prizmo, and had mixed results. My 
> husband got me this box called scan box. He got it from Amazon. Using it, I 
> was able to get almost a perfect stand of a letter I got. True, the printing 
> was very good, but I also read a bill and was able to figure out who it was 
> from and how much it was. This box has a hole for the camera to go on, but 
> you do need page detection because I found out that if I didn't have it, the 
> camera would get covered up a little bit and mess up things so that it didn't 
> see a page. This box tends to keep the camera very still when you tell the 
> iPhone to take the picture.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: downloading or safari issue

2013-06-13 Thread Ray Foret jr
Damn straight it's rediculous.  A now passed former teacher of mine had a 
saying that I try always to  bear in mind.  What was that saying?  It was this:

"IF I can't help you, I know someone who can.".

I, for my part, am overjoyed that both Tim and I could render some 
small assistance.  After all, that's why we're all here ain't it?  Why, of 
course it is.

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jun 13, 2013, at 5:55 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> Hello, Tim and Ray:
> Optiion enter or force download finally cracked the issue for which I thank 
> you. I never knew this command existed. Yo are right,t eh CNIB barely assists 
> anyone so I like you, Tim barely use it but when I want to use it, now it 
> does work. 
> Ray, yo are correct in your summation that the CNIB assistant was not 
> helpful, in fact, he used a cop out when instructing me to download chrome. 
> All he had to do was put me in contact with other Canadian mac users or ask 
> if he couuld send my contact information to other Mac users. It's just 
> ridiculous.
> On 2013-06-13, at 12:56 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What did you press when attempting to start the download?  I've found that 
>> sometimes either pressing Return or Option-return works on some sites.  
>> Return simply activates the link whereas Option-return starts to download 
>> whatever is attached to that link.
>> I haven't used the CNIB site much as I used to find that the CNIB didn't 
>> cater much to us folks that live in the sticks, nor did they know much about 
>> the Mac.  That's probably not a fair comment now but it's how things used to 
>> work years ago.  Anyway, I digress.
>> See if either of those suggestions help.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-06-13, at 12:25 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>>> Hello, all. I' trying to access the CNIB library in order to download 
>>> books. When I click on the download link, rather than download the book, I 
>>> have part of the website and the only assistance I received from the BNIB 
>>> was to download google chrome. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
>>> -- 
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Almost perfect scan with Prizmo

2013-06-13 Thread Eugenia Firth
I had doing some experimentation with Prizmo, and had mixed results. My husband 
got me this box called scan box. He got it from Amazon. Using it, I was able to 
get almost a perfect stand of a letter I got. True, the printing was very good, 
but I also read a bill and was able to figure out who it was from and how much 
it was. This box has a hole for the camera to go on, but you do need page 
detection because I found out that if I didn't have it, the camera would get 
covered up a little bit and mess up things so that it didn't see a page. This 
box tends to keep the camera very still when you tell the iPhone to take the 

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: any one know why nambu has stopped working for me now?

2013-06-13 Thread Matt Dierckens
That's probably because changed their API yesterday and there's no update for 
it. May I suggest Yorufukourou?
On 2013-06-13, at 7:29 PM, trahern culver  wrote:

> hey all a wile ago twitter in there wizdim changed the rules meaning
> savrel developers could not develop apps for twitter any more nambu
> was amunkst the apps effected by this new ruling how ever it still
> continued to work for me up untill yesterday when it stopped working
> and hasn't worked since does any one know what the problem could be?
> your help with this problem would be most welcome kind regards trahern.
> -- 
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any one know why nambu has stopped working for me now?

2013-06-13 Thread trahern culver
hey all a wile ago twitter in there wizdim changed the rules meaning
savrel developers could not develop apps for twitter any more nambu
was amunkst the apps effected by this new ruling how ever it still
continued to work for me up untill yesterday when it stopped working
and hasn't worked since does any one know what the problem could be?
your help with this problem would be most welcome kind regards trahern.

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Re: learning how to encode files to DAISY format

2013-06-13 Thread Slau
Hi Katie,

I think some folks over at the MacVisionaries email list would probably have 
more useful information on the subject. Unless somebody here can chime in, I 
think that'll be your best bet.



On Jun 13, 2013, at 3:14 PM, Katie Zodrow wrote:

> Hi, everyone. I hope this isn't to off topic. I'm planning on working at a 
> recording studio in Northridge California soon. They produce video 
> descriptions for TV networks, documentaries, online music videos and have 
> worked on adding description to educational videos for classrooms. They will 
> also be working on a proposal to get a contract for recording books and 
> putting them in DAISY format for the NLS which should start this fall if 
> everything goes well. I'm trying to figure out what the best software is for 
> converting and encoding audio files to DAISY format. I went on wikipedia last 
> night to learn what DAISY is and also browsed When I looked at 
> the links for production and conversion tools, there's plenty of different 
> software that you can download. I wasn't sure which software to look at that 
> works well for encoding audio books for navigation and converting them in 
> DAISY format. It looks like some of this software also works on Mac as well 
> as Windows. I'm curious if the Mac versions are accessible with Voiceover.
> Any help I can get on this would be very appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Katie
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Re: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

2013-06-13 Thread BBS
Hi Jurgen and Zoe. Yes, you can only use the iPhone's voices that are built in 
to the iOS and unfortunately, you can only download one HQ voice at a time. 
Also, the device needs to be plugged in for a voice to download. So if you want 
the English voice, either Daniel, Samantha or Karen, you would have to either 
change your language or your region settings to get those voices. Likewise, if 
you wanted, in Jurgen's case, the German voice and in Zoe's case, the Greek 
language, you would have to change your language, plug the phone in and let it 
download. I hope that helped.

Sent from my white MacBook

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Re: downloading or safari issue

2013-06-13 Thread Kerri
Hello, Tim and Ray:

Optiion enter or force download finally cracked the issue for which I thank 
you. I never knew this command existed. Yo are right,t eh CNIB barely assists 
anyone so I like you, Tim barely use it but when I want to use it, now it does 
Ray, yo are correct in your summation that the CNIB assistant was not helpful, 
in fact, he used a cop out when instructing me to download chrome. All he had 
to do was put me in contact with other Canadian mac users or ask if he couuld 
send my contact information to other Mac users. It's just ridiculous.
On 2013-06-13, at 12:56 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> What did you press when attempting to start the download?  I've found that 
> sometimes either pressing Return or Option-return works on some sites.  
> Return simply activates the link whereas Option-return starts to download 
> whatever is attached to that link.
> I haven't used the CNIB site much as I used to find that the CNIB didn't 
> cater much to us folks that live in the sticks, nor did they know much about 
> the Mac.  That's probably not a fair comment now but it's how things used to 
> work years ago.  Anyway, I digress.
> See if either of those suggestions help.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-06-13, at 12:25 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hello, all. I' trying to access the CNIB library in order to download books. 
>> When I click on the download link, rather than download the book, I have 
>> part of the website and the only assistance I received from the BNIB was to 
>> download google chrome. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
>> -- 
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Re: VM Fusion question

2013-06-13 Thread Chris H
You can see more about this on my guide of installing and setting up 
bootcamp without sighted assistance from


On 13/06/2013 22:51, Bill Holton wrote:

I am trying to use  my Boot Camp Windows installation to  create  VM fusion 
virtual PC. Can someone help me get started?
The only options I see are to migrate a different computer into VMware on the 
same network and to install from a disc. If the migration assistant the one I 
should use for Boot Camp?

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Re: iOS user group

2013-06-13 Thread Shane Christenson
Hello. If I may, I'd like to make a correction. The conference call for the 
IBUG meetings is every Monday night. The meetings that are face-to-face at the 
Apple Store, are once a month usually the fourth Saturday of every month.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 11, 2013, at 3:17 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Sorry guys, but I made a mistake and put this message under the wrong subject 
> before. So, I am resending it with the right subject just in case people want 
> to know about this group.
>>> I went to Houston this past weekend for the American Council of the blind 
>>> of Texas State conference. I learned some interesting things there, one of 
>>> which is about the new I blind user group otherwise known as I bugged. Yes, 
>>> that's what I said. Isn't that a cute name? They need in the Westheimer 
>>> store in Houston Apple store once a month. They also have a conference call 
>>> once a month on Monday nights. They said they had people from out of the 
>>> country to call, I guess using Skype. If you want to know more about it, 
>>> you can go to And check it out.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> -- 
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VM Fusion question

2013-06-13 Thread Bill Holton
I am trying to use  my Boot Camp Windows installation to  create  VM fusion 
virtual PC. Can someone help me get started?
The only options I see are to migrate a different computer into VMware on the 
same network and to install from a disc. If the migration assistant the one I 
should use for Boot Camp?

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Re: Mail not opening conversations?

2013-06-13 Thread Danny Noonan
Oh I do the same thing a lot of the time. Both methods work for different 

Sent from my iPhone

On 14/06/2013, at 7:09 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I think they both do the same thing. Yes, I often use that trick as well, but 
> sometimes I only want the most recent message, or most of the messages are 
> already read, or for some other reason I want to just expand the conversation.
> On Jun 13, 2013, at 3:22 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> I'm curious. Is there a difference between command o and enter in this 
>> situation. Pressing enter  on a conversation I often don't even have to 
>> interact with messages as they will read as I move between them and I don't 
>> mean message  preview either. 
>> Danny. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 14/06/2013, at 1:55 AM, Nicholas Parsons  
>> wrote:
>>> I don't know how to solve this problem of yours, but the way I read Mail 
>>> conversations I don't ever encounter the problem. When I get to a 
>>> conversation in the messages table, I just command-O to open it. By default 
>>> I end up in one of the messages. To read another message in the 
>>> conversation I just stop interacting with the message and then VO-left and 
>>> right arrows to get to the other messages in the conversation and then 
>>> interact with them. Maybe it's more steps than what you do, but it behaves 
>>> consistently. 
>>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

2013-06-13 Thread Matt Dierckens
You have to set your language for voice control as well to the particular 
language that you want.
Then connect your IPhone to WIFI, plug it in to your computer, and sync with 
ITunes, and wait about an hour or so depending on your internet connection.

On 2013-06-13, at 5:17 PM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi Anne,
> thanks Anne for your reply. I tried it out and set my iPhone to British 
> English but unfortunately it didn't work. My german hq voice stayed but 
> Daniel stayed in compact mode even though I kept the Phone for an hour in 
> english. Very sad. Anyway, let's see wether iOS 7 brings the new voices not 
> only for Siri but also for VO. And - who knows - for other languages.
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 13.06.2013 um 22:42 schrieb Anne Robertson :
>> Hello Jürgen,
>> I'm afraid you can only have one HQ voice on the iPhone. I have the same 
>> problem as you do in that I run my iPhone in English but read a lot of 
>> French on it. I'd love to have an HQ French voice, and I can have one if I 
>> set my iPhone to French, but then I lose my HQ English voice., at least, 
>> that's how it seems.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 13 Jun 2013, at 21:15, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I don't remember exactly how but if I understood correctly it should be 
>>> possible to use a foreign language with VoiceOver on the iPhone in high 
>>> quality. I searched on the internet but couldn't figure out how. My iPhone 
>>> runs in german but sometimes I read english texts like e-mails from this 
>>> mailinglist here. Therefore it would be really nice to have also english 
>>> voices in hq. If you know how to manage this I'd really appreciate your 
>>> hints.
>>> Thanks and all the best
>>> Jürgen
>>> -- 
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Re: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

2013-06-13 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Anne,
thanks Anne for your reply. I tried it out and set my iPhone to British English 
but unfortunately it didn't work. My german hq voice stayed but Daniel stayed 
in compact mode even though I kept the Phone for an hour in english. Very sad. 
Anyway, let's see wether iOS 7 brings the new voices not only for Siri but also 
for VO. And - who knows - for other languages.
All the best

Am 13.06.2013 um 22:42 schrieb Anne Robertson :

> Hello Jürgen,
> I'm afraid you can only have one HQ voice on the iPhone. I have the same 
> problem as you do in that I run my iPhone in English but read a lot of French 
> on it. I'd love to have an HQ French voice, and I can have one if I set my 
> iPhone to French, but then I lose my HQ English voice., at least, that's how 
> it seems.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 13 Jun 2013, at 21:15, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't remember exactly how but if I understood correctly it should be 
>> possible to use a foreign language with VoiceOver on the iPhone in high 
>> quality. I searched on the internet but couldn't figure out how. My iPhone 
>> runs in german but sometimes I read english texts like e-mails from this 
>> mailinglist here. Therefore it would be really nice to have also english 
>> voices in hq. If you know how to manage this I'd really appreciate your 
>> hints.
>> Thanks and all the best
>> Jürgen
>> -- 
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Re: Mail not opening conversations?

2013-06-13 Thread Alex Hall
I think they both do the same thing. Yes, I often use that trick as well, but 
sometimes I only want the most recent message, or most of the messages are 
already read, or for some other reason I want to just expand the conversation.
On Jun 13, 2013, at 3:22 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> I'm curious. Is there a difference between command o and enter in this 
> situation. Pressing enter  on a conversation I often don't even have to 
> interact with messages as they will read as I move between them and I don't 
> mean message  preview either. 
> Danny. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 14/06/2013, at 1:55 AM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> I don't know how to solve this problem of yours, but the way I read Mail 
>> conversations I don't ever encounter the problem. When I get to a 
>> conversation in the messages table, I just command-O to open it. By default 
>> I end up in one of the messages. To read another message in the conversation 
>> I just stop interacting with the message and then VO-left and right arrows 
>> to get to the other messages in the conversation and then interact with 
>> them. Maybe it's more steps than what you do, but it behaves consistently. 
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: which OCR app does not support books again?

2013-06-13 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks. I read something about curve fixing for books on Prizmo's site, but if 
this is not automatic then it may be worthless to blind users.
On Jun 13, 2013, at 11:39 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Alex,
> When I scan books, I open the book out flat and place it face down in my 
> scanner. That way, I get two pages at once and can just turn over the page 
> and repeat. Prizmo does not recognise the text in this situation. At least, 
> it doesn't for me. Perhaps it was the orientation, but ABBYY FineReader did a 
> pretty good job.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 13 Jun 2013, at 17:32, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Of the three major scanning apps for the Mac (Prizmo, Abbyy, and Docuscan), 
>> one does not support books open and laid flat. Which one was it? I don't 
>> think it was Prizmo, as I just scanned part of a manual by placing it flat 
>> and open to a random page and it seemed to work just fine. Thanks in advance.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

2013-06-13 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jürgen,

I'm afraid you can only have one HQ voice on the iPhone. I have the same 
problem as you do in that I run my iPhone in English but read a lot of French 
on it. I'd love to have an HQ French voice, and I can have one if I set my 
iPhone to French, but then I lose my HQ English voice., at least, that's how it 



On 13 Jun 2013, at 21:15, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't remember exactly how but if I understood correctly it should be 
> possible to use a foreign language with VoiceOver on the iPhone in high 
> quality. I searched on the internet but couldn't figure out how. My iPhone 
> runs in german but sometimes I read english texts like e-mails from this 
> mailinglist here. Therefore it would be really nice to have also english 
> voices in hq. If you know how to manage this I'd really appreciate your hints.
> Thanks and all the best
> Jürgen
> -- 
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Re: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

2013-06-13 Thread Jürgen Fleger
actually the iPhone uses in your home language a high quality voice. At least 
that's what I know from german and english iPhones. I don't know wether this is 
correct for all languages. 
What I want to do is to use the german high quality voice and the english high 
quality voice.
All the best to greece

Am 13.06.2013 um 21:48 schrieb zoe :

> Hi there, I don't know the answer to your question, since I've only been 
> using an iphone for one year. However I use my iphone with two different 
> languages, Greek, and English, and I've been told I can only use the voices 
> the iphone comes with.  I don't know if anyone on this list knows something 
> more but if so I'd like to invest in some better quality foreign languages, 
> in my case Greek.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Jürgen Fleger" 
> To: "Visionaries Mac Visionaries" 
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 3:15 PM
> Subject: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?
> Hi,
> I don't remember exactly how but if I understood correctly it should be 
> possible to use a foreign language with VoiceOver on the iPhone in high 
> quality. I searched on the internet but couldn't figure out how. My iPhone 
> runs in german but sometimes I read english texts like e-mails from this 
> mailinglist here. Therefore it would be really nice to have also english 
> voices in hq. If you know how to manage this I'd really appreciate your 
> hints.
> Thanks and all the best
> Jürgen
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: downloading or safari issue

2013-06-13 Thread Ray Foret jr
You know, it's funny that we both should offer exactly the very same solutions 
to your problem Kerri.  Tim, I can confirm your suspicions that CNIB is pretty 
much unfamiluar with the Mac, Voice Over and how we use it.  Their only 
suggestion was for Kerri to use Crome.  How do I know?  It's just that she told 
me herself via Facetime.  Also, I actually got access to the text of their 
response which they sent to her.  Kerri, it seems to me that Tim's solutions 
should work for you:  especially the Option+return or enter key.  I strongly 
suspect it's a web coding issue at work here.  What makes me think this is the 
frank and rather surprising admition that at one time JAWS users had the same 
issue.  So far as I am concerned, the issue is more on their end and not yours. 
 I think it's got to come down to making sure that their HTML is correctly 
written.  Would you not agree?

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jun 13, 2013, at 2:56 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> What did you press when attempting to start the download?  I've found that 
> sometimes either pressing Return or Option-return works on some sites.  
> Return simply activates the link whereas Option-return starts to download 
> whatever is attached to that link.
> I haven't used the CNIB site much as I used to find that the CNIB didn't 
> cater much to us folks that live in the sticks, nor did they know much about 
> the Mac.  That's probably not a fair comment now but it's how things used to 
> work years ago.  Anyway, I digress.
> See if either of those suggestions help.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-06-13, at 12:25 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hello, all. I' trying to access the CNIB library in order to download books. 
>> When I click on the download link, rather than download the book, I have 
>> part of the website and the only assistance I received from the BNIB was to 
>> download google chrome. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: features I wish Apple would have included

2013-06-13 Thread Danny Noonan
I don't recall saying or implying that in any way what so ever. To tell someone 
their on the wrong list because someone said it would be nice to have some 
feature sets similar to android is however a sign of likely fanboy itas. In my 
home we have 2 apple tv's 2 MacBooks 4 iPhones, an AirPort Extreme and an iPod 
touch. I'm dug in the apple camp good and strong but do I think wanting new 
features and less restrictions means someone should nick off and go android? Of 
course not because I agree. Do I tell my 10year  old daughter perhaps she is in 
the wrong house as she likes my temp windows laptop?! Surely the difference 
between people who love apple and share their enjoyment and knolidge is obvious 
when compared with the stark black and white world of the fanboy. 

I currently have no plans to move to the dark side and go android for many 
reasons but if apple in the future drops the qualety and or accessibility ball 
ill certainly see if android in my own personal opinion has become a better 
choice for me with my totally personal and specific needs and expectations. 
Also I'm a child in a 39 year old body and respond childishly to snark like was 
shown in reply to a well thought out statement. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 14/06/2013, at 5:13 AM, Kerri  wrote:

> I don't necessarily agree with this assumption totally. I think personally 
> that not everyone who sticks with one product is nor should be, entitled a 
> fan boy just as I think that not everyone who is looking at the competition 
> is disrespecting what they currently use.  
> Allow me to explain. I use one product for the simple reason that our cell 
> providers don't' allow one to return a product if it does not work and we 
> annoy switch sim cards if we buy a new phone. Does that make me a fanboy? No, 
> it just makes me very cautious to try new or different products.  Would I 
> consider Android et al if I were able, maybe.
> On 2013-06-13, at 12:09 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> Oh I'm pretty sure. Fanboy trates often lead those afflicted to trample over 
>> facts, rational discussion and argument with empty snark and irrational 
>> assertions.  Commonly if it is stated that it would be nice to have some 
>> feature set of the rival product this is taken as a personal attack on that 
>> fanboys item of adoration. The assumed assertion that ones god is not all 
>> powerful if you will. Accusations that a man or product is less than perfect 
>> is tad amount to defiling ones temple. 
>> Don't you talk badly about queen  though as we all go a little fanboy at 
>> times but as long as it isn't to often most people forget or forgive after a 
>> while. Smile. 
>> Danny. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 12/06/2013, at 9:19 AM, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>>> Hey Dave,
>>> Not sure if you meant your comments to come across as rude, but you managed 
>>> it brilliantly.  As far as what list Mike should be on goes, maybe you're 
>>> unaware of how much Mike has done over the last four or five years to 
>>> promote the Mac in the blind community  He was probably one of the first to 
>>> take the plunge & has been willing to share his efforts & hard won 
>>> knowledge with fellow-travelers in the form of 15 or so podcasts on 
>>> switching to the Mac & many email responses to his listeners.  I'm not 
>>> personally acquainted with Mike, but I have all of his podcasts stored on 
>>> my drive & appreciate the confidence he helped me to gain in switching to 
>>> the Mac, after 25+ years with CP/M, DOS, & windows in the personal & 
>>> professional world.  I think Mike's just one of those people who will 
>>> explore any technology without forming silly allegiances to any name brand, 
>>>  I.E. if it can do something different or, maybe even better, why not give 
>>> it a whirl.  I certainly think that spirit lead him to try the Mac, when 
>>> most of us were clinging to Windows & over-priced screen reader add-ons.  
>>> For what it's worth, I appreciate his "pioneering spirit" & think your 
>>> response was out of place.
>>> CJ
>>> On Jun 11, 2013, at 2:18 AM, Dave  wrote:
 Is it just me, or is it at all possible you're on the wrong mailing list?
 I'm sure there's an Android list around somewhere that would be happy to 
 have you.
 Perhaps you don't understand why IOS is the way that it is, and what that 
 means for the companies, the developers, or for the installed user 
 base.But it's just a guess.
 I thought the WWDC Keynote yesterday was filled with all kinds of things 
 to look forward to for all of the above. I look forward to playing with 
 Mavericks and IOS7 in the future! I think it'll be an awesome experience!
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
 email to macvision

Re: downloading or safari issue

2013-06-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

What did you press when attempting to start the download?  I've found that 
sometimes either pressing Return or Option-return works on some sites.  Return 
simply activates the link whereas Option-return starts to download whatever is 
attached to that link.

I haven't used the CNIB site much as I used to find that the CNIB didn't cater 
much to us folks that live in the sticks, nor did they know much about the Mac. 
 That's probably not a fair comment now but it's how things used to work years 
ago.  Anyway, I digress.

See if either of those suggestions help.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-13, at 12:25 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> Hello, all. I' trying to access the CNIB library in order to download books. 
> When I click on the download link, rather than download the book, I have part 
> of the website and the only assistance I received from the BNIB was to 
> download google chrome. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Accessibility of Safari and Rich Text Editors with VoiceOver

2013-06-13 Thread Chris Blouch
NOt sure I have any good suggestions for rich text editors but Ajax 
shouldn't be an issue. Ajax is just a technique to fetch a blob of HTML 
and stuff it into a container on a page (or replace what was in the 
container). The usual technique is to then move browser focus to that 
container so the screen reader will notice and read it. An alternative, 
if moving focus would cause confusion, would be to mark the container as 
an ARIA live region which means any updates just get read. Pretty much 
depends on what they are ajaxing in and where they are putting it. If it 
is in response to some kind of user interaction then I'd move focus. If 
it's just ticking live updates then live regions or nothing at all might 
be appropriate. That said, the live regions w3c spec changed a bit a few 
years ago around 'politeness' and doing it wrong means you get nothing 
spoken on Safari with VO.

That said, I'd give CKEditor a try as they claim to support accessibility:


On 6/13/13 3:21 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

Hi list,

I've been helping my university test the accessibility of some of its online 
resources. They've been building a whole lot of stuff with AJAX which, as you 
probably know, is generally pretty awful for screen readers.

I was wondering if anyone knows of any good resources which would help them 
understand how to make their web apps more accessible with VoiceOver?

IN particular, their rich text editor is pretty annoying for VoiceOver. 
Everytime I hit return I lose all sound from VoiceOver. Once I start typing 
again the sound will return. I can use keyboard commands for simple formatting 
such as bold and italics, but VoiceOver doesn't announce whether they have 
worked or not.

They've asked me whether I have any examples for them of rich text editors on 
the web which work well with VoiceOver. They asked about Facebook but I told 
them that was not a good example. I thought gmail was, but I don't think I've 
ever used its rich text features.

I'm going to scout around the web to see what I can find, but if anyone has any 
ideas for me of VoiceOver accessible rich text editors on the web I'd love to 
hear about them.

Many thanks,


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Re: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

2013-06-13 Thread zoe
Hi there, I don't know the answer to your question, since I've only been 
using an iphone for one year. However I use my iphone with two different 
languages, Greek, and English, and I've been told I can only use the voices 
the iphone comes with.  I don't know if anyone on this list knows something 
more but if so I'd like to invest in some better quality foreign languages, 
in my case Greek.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jürgen Fleger" 
To: "Visionaries Mac Visionaries" 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 3:15 PM
Subject: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?


I don't remember exactly how but if I understood correctly it should be 
possible to use a foreign language with VoiceOver on the iPhone in high 
quality. I searched on the internet but couldn't figure out how. My iPhone 
runs in german but sometimes I read english texts like e-mails from this 
mailinglist here. Therefore it would be really nice to have also english 
voices in hq. If you know how to manage this I'd really appreciate your 

Thanks and all the best

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email to
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Re: features I wish Apple would have included

2013-06-13 Thread Mike Arrigo
Awesome, glad you found the pod casts helpful. Yes, I have written to 
Apple with these suggestions. I think what it comes down to though is 
that Apple wants complete control over the operating system and the 
user experience. If they were to open up the platform in the ways I 
have mentioned, they would lose some of that. While Android is 
certainly not perfect, that is the main reason I use it for my mobile 
platform, I want complete access and total control over my device, and 
you just cannot have that with IOS unless you jail break. I'm probably 
a rare breed, I prefer android for my mobile platform, but for the 
desktop platform, it's the mac all the way.

Original message:


Well thought out comments.  Have you considered broaching these ideas 
with Apple?  They might not listen, but nothing ventured…nothing 
gained.  They stop listening to the customers & they'll find themselves 
just another tech company, like Microsoft.

BTB, still using your podcasts for an occasional refresher on OSX.  
Great job on those.  In fact, you helped me make the switch & not one regret.



On Jun 10, 2013, at 9:57 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

After looking at the new features of IOS 7, a few things are missing 
that I was hoping Apple might have considered. Perhaps some of these 
are there and were just not mentioned, or these could be things Apple 
will never include because of the experience they want to provide. I 
will list what I think is missing and state why I think they are good 
features to include. Of course, this is just my opinion, these may not 
matter to some people and that's fine.
No built in file management. Just about every other operating system, 
whether mobile or desktop provides a way to browse the files and 
folders on your device and change them. IOS 7 still has no built in 
file manager, and no support for USB mass storage or media transfer 
protocol. I think there is an app you can get that helps with some of 
this, and the air drop may make this a bit easier, but still 
transferring content from a computer to an IOS device is more difficult 
than it needs to be. With Android for example, many devices support 
mass storage, and those that do not have a memory card slot support 
media transfer protocol, or you can install an app that lets the device 
show up on your network like any other drive.
No option to change default apps. As far as I know, there is no way to 
change what app will be the default when doing things like clicking 
links or opening files in other applications. For example, you can 
install other browsers, but you cannot set them as the default. On 
operating systems such as android and the mac, this can easily be changed.
Apple does not allow you to change the default keyboard used for 
typing. While you can install other keyboards such as fleksy, you must 
go in to the application and type what you want, then choose to send a 
text message, send email, or copy the text to paste in another program. 
In Android for example, you can install and set other keyboards as the 
default. I'm currently beta testing fleksy for android, and if I set it 
as the default, I can use it to type in any application. You can also 
dictate within fleksy for android if you wish since any keyboard has 
access to android's voice recognition service.
I was also hoping Apple would have opened up the way text to speech is 
handled, but this does not appear to be the case. It's good that they 
added a male voice, probably Tom. However, the same restrictions still 
apply as far as I know. First, developers are not permitted to use the 
voices that IOS already has. This means that if an application wants to 
provide text to speech, aside from voiceover, the application must 
license and include its own TTS engine. So, for example, let's say you 
have the read to go app, the motion x GPS app and the blindsquare app 
installed. You would most likely have 3 copies of the same Acapela TTS 
on your device, taking at least an extra 100 MB on your device. If 
Apple allowed developers to use the built in voices, this would not be 
necessary. Similarly, Apple does not allow you to install new system 
wide voices. Speech is very subjective, but if you wanted to use 
Acapela for example with voiceover, this is not possible because of 
Apple's restrictions. With operating systems like the mac and Android, 
any application is free to use the voices provided, and you can install 
third party TTS engines such as Acapela and Ivona, and they are 
available for screen readers, or any other application that wants to 
use them. To be required to have more than one copy of a voice on a 
device is a waste of space, especially when it offers no benefit to the user.
IOS is certainly very accessible, but I am a bit disappointed that 
Apple has not opened things up a bit for developers and provided access 
to file management. I'm not saying Android is perfect, it isn't, but it 
does include some major thing

Re: Mail not opening conversations?

2013-06-13 Thread Danny Noonan
I'm curious. Is there a difference between command o and enter in this 
situation. Pressing enter  on a conversation I often don't even have to 
interact with messages as they will read as I move between them and I don't 
mean message  preview either. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 14/06/2013, at 1:55 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> I don't know how to solve this problem of yours, but the way I read Mail 
> conversations I don't ever encounter the problem. When I get to a 
> conversation in the messages table, I just command-O to open it. By default I 
> end up in one of the messages. To read another message in the conversation I 
> just stop interacting with the message and then VO-left and right arrows to 
> get to the other messages in the conversation and then interact with them. 
> Maybe it's more steps than what you do, but it behaves consistently. 
> -- 
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Accessibility of Safari and Rich Text Editors with VoiceOver

2013-06-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Hi list,

I've been helping my university test the accessibility of some of its online 
resources. They've been building a whole lot of stuff with AJAX which, as you 
probably know, is generally pretty awful for screen readers.

I was wondering if anyone knows of any good resources which would help them 
understand how to make their web apps more accessible with VoiceOver?

IN particular, their rich text editor is pretty annoying for VoiceOver. 
Everytime I hit return I lose all sound from VoiceOver. Once I start typing 
again the sound will return. I can use keyboard commands for simple formatting 
such as bold and italics, but VoiceOver doesn't announce whether they have 
worked or not.

They've asked me whether I have any examples for them of rich text editors on 
the web which work well with VoiceOver. They asked about Facebook but I told 
them that was not a good example. I thought gmail was, but I don't think I've 
ever used its rich text features.

I'm going to scout around the web to see what I can find, but if anyone has any 
ideas for me of VoiceOver accessible rich text editors on the web I'd love to 
hear about them.

Many thanks,

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Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

2013-06-13 Thread Jürgen Fleger

I don't remember exactly how but if I understood correctly it should be 
possible to use a foreign language with VoiceOver on the iPhone in high 
quality. I searched on the internet but couldn't figure out how. My iPhone runs 
in german but sometimes I read english texts like e-mails from this mailinglist 
here. Therefore it would be really nice to have also english voices in hq. If 
you know how to manage this I'd really appreciate your hints.

Thanks and all the best

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Re: features I wish Apple would have included

2013-06-13 Thread Kerri
I don't necessarily agree with this assumption totally. I think personally that 
not everyone who sticks with one product is nor should be, entitled a fan boy 
just as I think that not everyone who is looking at the competition is 
disrespecting what they currently use.  

Allow me to explain. I use one product for the simple reason that our cell 
providers don't' allow one to return a product if it does not work and we annoy 
switch sim cards if we buy a new phone. Does that make me a fanboy? No, it just 
makes me very cautious to try new or different products.  Would I consider 
Android et al if I were able, maybe.
On 2013-06-13, at 12:09 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> Oh I'm pretty sure. Fanboy trates often lead those afflicted to trample over 
> facts, rational discussion and argument with empty snark and irrational 
> assertions.  Commonly if it is stated that it would be nice to have some 
> feature set of the rival product this is taken as a personal attack on that 
> fanboys item of adoration. The assumed assertion that ones god is not all 
> powerful if you will. Accusations that a man or product is less than perfect 
> is tad amount to defiling ones temple. 
> Don't you talk badly about queen  though as we all go a little fanboy at 
> times but as long as it isn't to often most people forget or forgive after a 
> while. Smile. 
> Danny. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 12/06/2013, at 9:19 AM, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>> Hey Dave,
>> Not sure if you meant your comments to come across as rude, but you managed 
>> it brilliantly.  As far as what list Mike should be on goes, maybe you're 
>> unaware of how much Mike has done over the last four or five years to 
>> promote the Mac in the blind community  He was probably one of the first to 
>> take the plunge & has been willing to share his efforts & hard won knowledge 
>> with fellow-travelers in the form of 15 or so podcasts on switching to the 
>> Mac & many email responses to his listeners.  I'm not personally acquainted 
>> with Mike, but I have all of his podcasts stored on my drive & appreciate 
>> the confidence he helped me to gain in switching to the Mac, after 25+ years 
>> with CP/M, DOS, & windows in the personal & professional world.  I think 
>> Mike's just one of those people who will explore any technology without 
>> forming silly allegiances to any name brand,  I.E. if it can do something 
>> different or, maybe even better, why not give it a whirl.  I certainly think 
>> that spirit lead him to try the Mac, when most of us were clinging to 
>> Windows & over-priced screen reader add-ons.  For what it's worth, I 
>> appreciate his "pioneering spirit" & think your response was out of place.
>> CJ
>> On Jun 11, 2013, at 2:18 AM, Dave  wrote:
>>> Is it just me, or is it at all possible you're on the wrong mailing list?
>>> I'm sure there's an Android list around somewhere that would be happy to 
>>> have you.
>>> Perhaps you don't understand why IOS is the way that it is, and what that 
>>> means for the companies, the developers, or for the installed user base.But 
>>> it's just a guess.
>>> I thought the WWDC Keynote yesterday was filled with all kinds of things to 
>>> look forward to for all of the above. I look forward to playing with 
>>> Mavericks and IOS7 in the future! I think it'll be an awesome experience!
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
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learning how to encode files to DAISY format

2013-06-13 Thread Katie Zodrow
Hi, everyone. I hope this isn't to off topic. I'm planning on working at a 
recording studio in Northridge California soon. They produce video descriptions 
for TV networks, documentaries, online music videos and have worked on adding 
description to educational videos for classrooms. They will also be working on 
a proposal to get a contract for recording books and putting them in DAISY 
format for the NLS which should start this fall if everything goes well. I'm 
trying to figure out what the best software is for converting and encoding 
audio files to DAISY format. I went on wikipedia last night to learn what DAISY 
is and also browsed When I looked at the links for production 
and conversion tools, there's plenty of different software that you can 
download. I wasn't sure which software to look at that works well for encoding 
audio books for navigation and converting them in DAISY format. It looks like 
some of this software also works on Mac as well as Windows. I'm curious if the 
Mac versions are accessible with Voiceover.
Any help I can get on this would be very appreciated.

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Re: features I wish Apple would have included

2013-06-13 Thread Danny Noonan
Oh I'm pretty sure. Fanboy trates often lead those afflicted to trample over 
facts, rational discussion and argument with empty snark and irrational 
assertions.  Commonly if it is stated that it would be nice to have some 
feature set of the rival product this is taken as a personal attack on that 
fanboys item of adoration. The assumed assertion that ones god is not all 
powerful if you will. Accusations that a man or product is less than perfect is 
tad amount to defiling ones temple. 

Don't you talk badly about queen  though as we all go a little fanboy at times 
but as long as it isn't to often most people forget or forgive after a while. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 12/06/2013, at 9:19 AM, CJ Daniel  wrote:

> Hey Dave,
> Not sure if you meant your comments to come across as rude, but you managed 
> it brilliantly.  As far as what list Mike should be on goes, maybe you're 
> unaware of how much Mike has done over the last four or five years to promote 
> the Mac in the blind community  He was probably one of the first to take the 
> plunge & has been willing to share his efforts & hard won knowledge with 
> fellow-travelers in the form of 15 or so podcasts on switching to the Mac & 
> many email responses to his listeners.  I'm not personally acquainted with 
> Mike, but I have all of his podcasts stored on my drive & appreciate the 
> confidence he helped me to gain in switching to the Mac, after 25+ years with 
> CP/M, DOS, & windows in the personal & professional world.  I think Mike's 
> just one of those people who will explore any technology without forming 
> silly allegiances to any name brand,  I.E. if it can do something different 
> or, maybe even better, why not give it a whirl.  I certainly think that 
> spirit lead him to try the Mac, when most of us were clinging to Windows & 
> over-priced screen reader add-ons.  For what it's worth, I appreciate his 
> "pioneering spirit" & think your response was out of place.
> CJ
> On Jun 11, 2013, at 2:18 AM, Dave  wrote:
>> Is it just me, or is it at all possible you're on the wrong mailing list?
>> I'm sure there's an Android list around somewhere that would be happy to 
>> have you.
>> Perhaps you don't understand why IOS is the way that it is, and what that 
>> means for the companies, the developers, or for the installed user base.But 
>> it's just a guess.
>> I thought the WWDC Keynote yesterday was filled with all kinds of things to 
>> look forward to for all of the above. I look forward to playing with 
>> Mavericks and IOS7 in the future! I think it'll be an awesome experience!
>> -- 
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Re: from snow leopard to mountain lion with voice over

2013-06-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
That's awesome! I'd also echo Ricardo's words that you probably don't really 
need to teach yourself all that much. Apple's webpage on Mountain Lion would 
probably be a good start, just so you know what new features there are. Also, 
as someone else said, David Woodbridge's podcasts are a good resource. You can 
find them on the following link, just navigate down by headings and you'll find 
a bunch specifically on Mountain Lion:!-technology-podcasts-and-resources/computer-access


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Re: from snow leopard to mountain lion with voice over

2013-06-13 Thread Mary Otten
It would appear that you can upgrade straight from SL to ML. At least, the Mac 
store guy said I could, and the application shows up in my Mac app store. 


Mary Otten

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Re: from snow leopard to mountain lion with voice over

2013-06-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Ahh, okay, cool. That makes sense. Can you upgrade from SL straight to ML?

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Re: Adding footnotes in iText Express

2013-06-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
I'm not sure iText does support footnotes, Rahul. And if it does I'm not sure 
they work with VoiceOver. If you're looking for footnotes, I'd recommend Nisus 
Writer Pro. Pages might also serve your needs, otherwise you might have to try 
Microsoft Word for Windows. I'm no expert on iText Express though so if someone 
else on here says something different then listen to them. 

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Re: Blogging

2013-06-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
I could just write the HTML in Mars Edit. I used to just write the HTML on the 
WordPress web app. However, it's annoying to proof read stuff you've written in 
HTML. The flow of the writing is broken up by
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Re: So wait… What should one use for scanning?

2013-06-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Hi Brian,
Glad I could help. Yep, I think DocuScan's 7 day trial is worth checking out. 
It's relatively a very expensive app, so make sure you like it before you buy.
With that CanoScan software, is the document that opens automatically in 
Preview as you say already been OCR-ed? Not sure if I still have the software 
that came with my Canon but if I do sounds like it might be worth me getting 
someone to install it for me.

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Re: putting lots of small videos in to one big file

2013-06-13 Thread Chris Blouch
I think once you have a bunch of pictures in a folder in iPhoto you can 
pick that folder and then choose New Slideshow from the File menu. That 
will make a slideshow out of that bunch of stuff. Then if you go past 
most of the UI you'll eventually find the Bottom Toolbar Group. 
Interacting with that reveals the play button and some other things in 
it like picking music and themes. I haven't found a keyboard shortcut 
for starting the slideshow. Seems like there ought to be one.


On 6/7/13 7:34 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:

Yeah, I just can't figure out how to view them as a slideshow; I thought 
selecting all of them then opening them would do it, but that doesn't seem to 
do it.
On Jun 7, 2013, at 11:44 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Do you have these images and videos in iPhoto? If so I think you can put them 
in a folder and play that as a slideshow.


On 6/6/13 8:19 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:

I actually was a little curious about that myself.  I wanted to do a slide show 
for Hannah and let her look at all her pictures and videos one after the other, 
but when I selected everything and and did the VO+o command, it just played one 
of the videos through quicktime, and nothing else after that.
On Jun 6, 2013, at 12:14 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Would copy/paste using QuickTime work for this? Maybe iMovie would be more 
complex but that's really what it's intended for.


On 6/6/13 12:11 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

Hi all,
How do I combine several short .mov files into one big one.
I have them saved on my mac.


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downloading or safari issue

2013-06-13 Thread Kerri
Hello, all. I' trying to access the CNIB library in order to download books. 
When I click on the download link, rather than download the book, I have part 
of the website and the only assistance I received from the BNIB was to download 
google chrome. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

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Re: IPhone and GMail

2013-06-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
gmail's understanding of IMAP and Apple Mail's understanding of IMAP are not 
the same, and if you're not careful this can produce funny results. The way 
they both work is rather complicated. Thankfully, Joe Kissell has written a 
number of great MacWorld and TidBits articles which are free on the web, as 
well as two fantastic books called Take Control of Apple Mail, one for Mountain 
Lion and one for iOS devices. I highly recommend both books. I thought Mail was 
a pretty simple thing and I knew all there was to know about it. How wrong I 
was. The books are brilliant and really help you to avoid problems like the one 
you're having.

There are many possibilities of what's going on at your end but it's probably 
got something to do with your settings on both Mail and gmail for how to treat 
deleted messages. Archive them? move them to the trash folder? Keep them on the 
server or store them locally? Expunge them immediately or later? Etcetera. 
Again, I really recommend Take Control of Apple Mail or that you at least 
google Joe Kissell Apple Mail and gmail.


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Re: getting a mac mini to G4 to boot from a USB drive?

2013-06-13 Thread CJ Daniel
Hey Eric,

Congrats on completing a task that would had stymied many a fellow geek.  I 
know I was pretty pleased, when I put that one to bed.

Anyway, well done,


On Jun 10, 2013, at 7:28 PM, eric oyen  wrote:

> I figured that one out as well. I simply bought a DL burner and burned an 
> image to DL-DVD and installed it that way.
> -eric
> On Jun 7, 2013, at 1:59 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Eric,
>> Second Mike's info.  I had to do this same thing about a year ago for my 
>> wife's Powerbook G4.  I've been around computers for almost 30-years now & 
>> worked in the field.  So, I'm pretty good @ researching & solving a tech 
>> problem.  I chased my tail for about 2 weeks, before I found out that, no 
>> matter what you find on the web, it can't be done on that platform.  
>> So, in the end, I went to Walmart, spent $59 on a G Tech fire wire external 
>> drive, partitioned the drive & put Leopard on the thing.  Then I fired it up 
>> & it installed without a hitch.  Believe me, it can't be done.
>> Hope this helps,
>> CJ
>> On Jun 6, 2013, at 9:44 AM, eric oyen  wrote:
>>> hello guys,
>>> I m working on a friends mac mini G4 (yeah I know, its old), and I need to 
>>> install OS X 10.5 on it from a USB stic. There is no DVD Drive available on 
>>> this machine and the user doesn't know his originl password. Any 
>>> suggestions for how a totally blind geek can do this easily?
>>> -eric
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Re: I Broke FaceTime on my Mac

2013-06-13 Thread Jonathan Mosen
I don't know quite how I fixed it, but I have. My temptation is to try breaking 
it again so I can then try fixing it again and work out the steps…but life's 
too short.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 13/06/2013, at 4:19 AM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:

> Hi everyone, I'd be grateful for any help out of this one.
> I think this problem started when I hid the FaceTime window on the Mac by 
> accident. Now when I run FaceTime, all that VO can see are the close, 
> minimise the zoom buttons. If I try to bring up preferences, nothing happens. 
> My list of recent contacts is no longer visible, and if I get an incoming 
> call, the decline button appears in the dialog, but the accept button does 
> not.
> I've tried hiding all other windows and then activating the zoom button. I've 
> restarted FaceTime and the machine. I've signed out and back in. I'm thinking 
> this must be related to the size of the window, but I haven't found a 
> straightforward way to maximise it. I did try bringing the window to the 
> front but that hasn't helped.
> I use FaceTime a great deal so if anyone has any thoughts, that would be 
> great. Thanks.
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

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Re: Twitter

2013-06-13 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Chris, search for Night Owl in the App Store, and the first result is the 
Twitter client. SO no. no hours of searching were saved. The English 
documentation also makes reference to Night Owl. It is an official name 
supported by the developers.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 13/06/2013, at 11:02 AM, Chris Gilland  wrote:

> I just want to clarify one thing.  Jonathan is saying Night Owl, but actually 
> this is because most people do not know the correct spelling of the name.  
> Basically the name of the app is the japanese word for Night Owl.  A lot of 
> people just call it Night Owl as they don't wanna take the time to learn the 
> correct spelling, which I think does newbies no service at all.  If you do a 
> search in the app store for Night Owl, god only knows what you'll find.
> The actual name of the app is YoruFukurou.
> Cap Y o r u, cap F u k u, r, o u.
> All one word, no spaces.  Just beware.
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: Jonathan Mosen
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:21 PM
> Subject: Re: Twitter
> This will be because the apps you're using are not compatible with the 
> Twitter API 1.1. Older versions of the API were switched off yesterday. 
> Twitterific for iOS has a compliant version, as does Tweetlist and of course 
> the official Twitter app. The latest version of Night owl works with Twitter 
> API 1.1 on the Mac.
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
> On 13/06/2013, at 10:09 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
> wrote:
>> Hi:
>> My Syrnix and Twitterific apps no longer work. I receive connection errors, 
>> and everything is set correct. Anyone have any ideas?
>> -- 
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Re: features I wish Apple would have included

2013-06-13 Thread CJ Daniel

Well thought out comments.  Have you considered broaching these ideas with 
Apple?  They might not listen, but nothing ventured…nothing gained.  They stop 
listening to the customers & they'll find themselves just another tech company, 
like Microsoft.

BTB, still using your podcasts for an occasional refresher on OSX.  Great job 
on those.  In fact, you helped me make the switch & not one regret.



On Jun 10, 2013, at 9:57 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> After looking at the new features of IOS 7, a few things are missing that I 
> was hoping Apple might have considered. Perhaps some of these are there and 
> were just not mentioned, or these could be things Apple will never include 
> because of the experience they want to provide. I will list what I think is 
> missing and state why I think they are good features to include. Of course, 
> this is just my opinion, these may not matter to some people and that's fine.
> No built in file management. Just about every other operating system, whether 
> mobile or desktop provides a way to browse the files and folders on your 
> device and change them. IOS 7 still has no built in file manager, and no 
> support for USB mass storage or media transfer protocol. I think there is an 
> app you can get that helps with some of this, and the air drop may make this 
> a bit easier, but still transferring content from a computer to an IOS device 
> is more difficult than it needs to be. With Android for example, many devices 
> support mass storage, and those that do not have a memory card slot support 
> media transfer protocol, or you can install an app that lets the device show 
> up on your network like any other drive.
> No option to change default apps. As far as I know, there is no way to change 
> what app will be the default when doing things like clicking links or opening 
> files in other applications. For example, you can install other browsers, but 
> you cannot set them as the default. On operating systems such as android and 
> the mac, this can easily be changed.
> Apple does not allow you to change the default keyboard used for typing. 
> While you can install other keyboards such as fleksy, you must go in to the 
> application and type what you want, then choose to send a text message, send 
> email, or copy the text to paste in another program. In Android for example, 
> you can install and set other keyboards as the default. I'm currently beta 
> testing fleksy for android, and if I set it as the default, I can use it to 
> type in any application. You can also dictate within fleksy for android if 
> you wish since any keyboard has access to android's voice recognition service.
> I was also hoping Apple would have opened up the way text to speech is 
> handled, but this does not appear to be the case. It's good that they added a 
> male voice, probably Tom. However, the same restrictions still apply as far 
> as I know. First, developers are not permitted to use the voices that IOS 
> already has. This means that if an application wants to provide text to 
> speech, aside from voiceover, the application must license and include its 
> own TTS engine. So, for example, let's say you have the read to go app, the 
> motion x GPS app and the blindsquare app installed. You would most likely 
> have 3 copies of the same Acapela TTS on your device, taking at least an 
> extra 100 MB on your device. If Apple allowed developers to use the built in 
> voices, this would not be necessary. Similarly, Apple does not allow you to 
> install new system wide voices. Speech is very subjective, but if you wanted 
> to use Acapela for example with voiceover, this is not possible because of 
> Apple's restrictions. With operating systems like the mac and Android, any 
> application is free to use the voices provided, and you can install third 
> party TTS engines such as Acapela and Ivona, and they are available for 
> screen readers, or any other application that wants to use them. To be 
> required to have more than one copy of a voice on a device is a waste of 
> space, especially when it offers no benefit to the user.
> IOS is certainly very accessible, but I am a bit disappointed that Apple has 
> not opened things up a bit for developers and provided access to file 
> management. I'm not saying Android is perfect, it isn't, but it does include 
> some major things that I think the newest version of IOS is still lacking.
> -- 
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Re: features I wish Apple would have included

2013-06-13 Thread CJ Daniel
Hey Dave,

Not sure if you meant your comments to come across as rude, but you managed it 
brilliantly.  As far as what list Mike should be on goes, maybe you're unaware 
of how much Mike has done over the last four or five years to promote the Mac 
in the blind community  He was probably one of the first to take the plunge & 
has been willing to share his efforts & hard won knowledge with 
fellow-travelers in the form of 15 or so podcasts on switching to the Mac & 
many email responses to his listeners.  I'm not personally acquainted with 
Mike, but I have all of his podcasts stored on my drive & appreciate the 
confidence he helped me to gain in switching to the Mac, after 25+ years with 
CP/M, DOS, & windows in the personal & professional world.  I think Mike's just 
one of those people who will explore any technology without forming silly 
allegiances to any name brand,  I.E. if it can do something different or, maybe 
even better, why not give it a whirl.  I certainly think that spirit lead him 
to try the Mac, when most of us were clinging to Windows & over-priced screen 
reader add-ons.  For what it's worth, I appreciate his "pioneering spirit" & 
think your response was out of place.


On Jun 11, 2013, at 2:18 AM, Dave  wrote:

> Is it just me, or is it at all possible you're on the wrong mailing list?
> I'm sure there's an Android list around somewhere that would be happy to have 
> you.
> Perhaps you don't understand why IOS is the way that it is, and what that 
> means for the companies, the developers, or for the installed user base.But 
> it's just a guess.
> I thought the WWDC Keynote yesterday was filled with all kinds of things to 
> look forward to for all of the above. I look forward to playing with 
> Mavericks and IOS7 in the future! I think it'll be an awesome experience!
> -- 
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Re: itunes match and play lists

2013-06-13 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi Mary, yes, it stores playlists. In fact I can make a change on my phone, and 
see that change reflected on my Mac, Apple TV and iPad.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 13/06/2013, at 12:14 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> Does iTunes match store play lists? I was under the impression it stored your 
> music, but not play lists. I raise the issue in the context that some folks 
> have said they don't have music on their phones any more, since they can get 
> it from iTunes match. But if you have an extensive music library, and no way 
> of having playlists, iTunes match would seem kind of clunky with respect to 
> coming up with nice mixes of various artists etc. I must be missing something 
> here.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: features I wish Apple would have included accessing I cloud On the Web.

2013-06-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Everyone has always had the iWorks tab in iCloud. However, this has only ever 
been to add and remove iWorks document from your iCloud. Prior to Mountain Lion 
iCloud documents wouldn't sync from iOS to Mac, you had to go to the iCloud 
website and drag the documents from the cloud to your Mac. Thankfullly, 
Mountain Lion gained the ability to sync documents automatically from Mac to 
Mac, iOS to iOS, iOS to Mac and Mac to iOS. What is coming out later this year 
is completely different which is web apps for iWorks to actually create and 
edit iWorks documents on the web.

I'd also like to Siri get the ability to create, delete and amend contacts.

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Re: itunes ate my library file again

2013-06-13 Thread Mary Otten
I'm not aware of any other copies of itunes application, but I didn't look for 
any; sounds like a good idea.


Mary Otten

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Re: Bizarre problem with iOS, and mail.

2013-06-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
This problem has been documented by Joe Kissell in some detail in his book Take 
Control of Apple Mail on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Basically, it stems 
from the fact that gmail and Apple Mail have different ideas about deleting and 
archiving. How gmail operates also depends on whether you've set it up as a 
gmail account, exchange account or other IMAP account. I find the best results 
are when you've set it up as an other IMAP account. It also depends on whether 
you've checked archive messages instead of deleting in the Settings on your iOS 
device. One problem can be that you've chosen to archive messages instead of 
deleting them but when you try and delete from the actions roter menu it still 
tries to delete instead of archiving, which causes some confusion.
I used to have that problem you're describing all the time, but I no longer do 
after following Joe Kissell's instructions in Take Control of Apple Mail.

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Re: itunes ate my library file again

2013-06-13 Thread Tim Kilburn

That is odd indeed.  Did you have a copy of the iTunes app anywhere else 
outside the Applications folder that you are aware of?  Applications that you 
attempt to run from other places often do cause weird problems that are 
inconsistent and difficult to figure out.  Just for safety, you may wish to 
export your playlists which will keep text files of the data relating to each 
playlist you export.  This makes it real easy for the next time that you have a 
Library issue because you'll simply be able to import those specific playlists 
right back into iTunes if your Library get corrupt again.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-13, at 10:24 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> Well, this is going to sound totally insane, but none the less  iTunes 
> seems to be working ok. At least, I've been able to get in and out of a 
> library file more than twice, and the gremlin didn't do something to it 
> overnight either. But here is the weird part. I had created a new library, 
> and had that same problem with the file not being recognized after a 
> successful use one time. Out of frustration, I decided to go in to the apps 
> folder and call itunes from there. Usually I access it via my dock. And 
> stupid as it may be, the file that gave the error when accessing the app from 
> the dos kworked fine when I opened itunes from the apps listing in the 
> applications folder. I took iTunes out of the dock. Closed iTunes. Reopened 
> it from the applications folder and put it back into the dock. So now I can 
> access it from the dock, and it works. This makes no sense at all to me. But 
> it is what happened. And no, I am neither drinking, smoking or otherwise 
> under the influence of strange substances.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Has anyone got experience with the elgato eyetv hybrid on the mac/ios and vo?

2013-06-13 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi, Well, in my search for a tv tuner for my macbook air with which i could 
replace my old tv to watch analog cable tv on the mac i came across the elgato 
eyetv hybrid. Has anyone used this tv tuner stick before in combination with 
greetings, Anouk,

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Re: itunes ate my library file again

2013-06-13 Thread Mary Otten
Well, this is going to sound totally insane, but none the less  iTunes 
seems to be working ok. At least, I've been able to get in and out of a library 
file more than twice, and the gremlin didn't do something to it overnight 
either. But here is the weird part. I had created a new library, and had that 
same problem with the file not being recognized after a successful use one 
time. Out of frustration, I decided to go in to the apps folder and call itunes 
from there. Usually I access it via my dock. And stupid as it may be, the file 
that gave the error when accessing the app from the dos kworked fine when I 
opened itunes from the apps listing in the applications folder. I took iTunes 
out of the dock. Closed iTunes. Reopened it from the applications folder and 
put it back into the dock. So now I can access it from the dock, and it works. 
This makes no sense at all to me. But it is what happened. And no, I am neither 
drinking, smoking or otherwise under the influence of strange substances.


Mary Otten

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Re: Mail not opening conversations?

2013-06-13 Thread Nicholas Parsons
I don't know how to solve this problem of yours, but the way I read Mail 
conversations I don't ever encounter the problem. When I get to a conversation 
in the messages table, I just command-O to open it. By default I end up in one 
of the messages. To read another message in the conversation I just stop 
interacting with the message and then VO-left and right arrows to get to the 
other messages in the conversation and then interact with them. Maybe it's more 
steps than what you do, but it behaves consistently. 

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Re: which OCR app does not support books again?

2013-06-13 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Alex,

When I scan books, I open the book out flat and place it face down in my 
scanner. That way, I get two pages at once and can just turn over the page and 
repeat. Prizmo does not recognise the text in this situation. At least, it 
doesn't for me. Perhaps it was the orientation, but ABBYY FineReader did a 
pretty good job.



On 13 Jun 2013, at 17:32, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Of the three major scanning apps for the Mac (Prizmo, Abbyy, and Docuscan), 
> one does not support books open and laid flat. Which one was it? I don't 
> think it was Prizmo, as I just scanned part of a manual by placing it flat 
> and open to a random page and it seemed to work just fine. Thanks in advance.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Mail not opening conversations?

2013-06-13 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks for the hints, everyone. Of course, the problem has since gone away so I 
cannot test them now, but I will once it happens again.
On Jun 13, 2013, at 10:19 AM, ROBERT CARTER  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not sure why this works for me, but pressing command+right arrow gets 
> this problem resolved for me when it happens.
> Robert Carter
> On Jun 13, 2013, at 12:55 AM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> When this happens, I unload VO with command F5 and then use the arrow 
>> keys,including right arrow until I don't hear a beep.  Then I relaunch VO 
>> with Command F5 and the problem goes away.
>> Les
>> On Jun 12, 2013, at 10:56 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> This happens from time to time, and it usually goes away on its own, but 
>>> now it is not. Hitting right arrow or vo-backslash on a conversation in 
>>> Mail does not open it (conversely, any open conversations refuse to close). 
>>> I have restarted Mail as well as VO, but to no avail. Short of restarting 
>>> the Mac, is there a way to get Mail to behave? Thanks.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Bizarre problem with iOS, and mail.

2013-06-13 Thread zoe
Hi Chris,  I am also having this problem, and it started yesterday.  Never 
had a problem before.  Now the problem is exactly as you describe.  i'm not 
using gmail, I'm using a pop3 account but i'm getting the same messages, 
hopefully someone can help us both.
Regards Zoe
- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Gilland" 
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:57 PM
Subject: Bizarre problem with iOS, and mail.

Hello guys. I am having a really bizarre problem on my iPhone, and hope that 
one of you may have some insight as to what might be going on.

To be frankly honest, I do not check email very often on my phone, I 
normally do so from my nac. I am noticing however, that when I double tap 
the delete option, or swipe down with one finger through the actions rotor, 
And go to delete an email, more specifically, move it to the trash folder, 
if the email is Originally and my Gmail inbox, I am getting an error message 
that states that the message cannot be moved to the trash folder. This is 
completely absurd, as in all actuality, it really does move it. And I can 
confirm this by looking in the Gmail trash folder, and when I do, the email 
definitely is there. I am also successfully able to clean it out of the 
trash folder with no problem whatsoever. This is just totally weird! Like I 
said, I have no earthly idea when this problem started. I've only recently 
noticed it. So yeah… If anyone Has any idea what the heck might be going on, 
Please let me know; I am very intrigued. This is just wickedly strange. I 
have Gmail configured on my phone using IMAP, not pop three. It is 
exhibiting this problem both over Wi-Fi, as well as over LTE. I suppose that 
I could remove the account, and re-added, however, I would rather not do 
that unless it be absolutely necessary. At any rate, if any of you have any 
earthly idea, as I said, let me know. No pressure, just curious.

Have an absolutely magnificent, and blessed day.


Sent from my iPhone.

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which OCR app does not support books again?

2013-06-13 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
Of the three major scanning apps for the Mac (Prizmo, Abbyy, and Docuscan), one 
does not support books open and laid flat. Which one was it? I don't think it 
was Prizmo, as I just scanned part of a manual by placing it flat and open to a 
random page and it seemed to work just fine. Thanks in advance.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Mail not opening conversations?

2013-06-13 Thread ROBERT CARTER

I'm not sure why this works for me, but pressing command+right arrow gets this 
problem resolved for me when it happens.

Robert Carter

On Jun 13, 2013, at 12:55 AM, Les Kriegler  wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> When this happens, I unload VO with command F5 and then use the arrow 
> keys,including right arrow until I don't hear a beep.  Then I relaunch VO 
> with Command F5 and the problem goes away.
> Les
> On Jun 12, 2013, at 10:56 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This happens from time to time, and it usually goes away on its own, but now 
>> it is not. Hitting right arrow or vo-backslash on a conversation in Mail 
>> does not open it (conversely, any open conversations refuse to close). I 
>> have restarted Mail as well as VO, but to no avail. Short of restarting the 
>> Mac, is there a way to get Mail to behave? Thanks.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: toast titanium free trial.

2013-06-13 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Please let me know. I'd appreciate it.
On Jun 13, 2013, at 4:17 AM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:

> Hi. 
> I don't have a tivo compatible device. I will se if it will let me see the 
> interface without one.
> Nektarios.
> On Jun 13, 2013, at 3:03 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
> wrote:
>> Hi:
>> can you see if the Tivo part is accessible?
>> On Jun 12, 2013, at 7:50 AM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
>>> Hi Chris, thanks for that.
>>> Actually, I have saved your privious message about drutil as I said before 
>>> for future reference. 
>>> However, I don't realy enjoy working in the command line environment, 
>>> although I have used Linux and other Unix flavors in the past. 
>>> Any way, after much searching and deliberation, I went ahead and purchased 
>>> toast titanium. 
>>> I can't say if it is 100 % accessible to us, but so far I have done what I 
>>> need successfuly. 
>>> So, I created an audio cd, I recorded that to an image file, then I was 
>>> able to record that image file to 3 cd recorders at the same time with no 
>>> problems. In fact, the multi copies facilities of this program is 
>>> excellent. 
>>> I will report more later, when I have used the program for some time.
>>> Regards.
>>> Nektarios.
>>> On Jun 11, 2013, at 11:00 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
 I poked around their web site and it doesn't seem that they offer a trial, 
 but they do have a 30-day return policy. If you're up for rolling your own 
 you can find my previous post about using the drutil to roll your own 
 On 6/11/13 12:11 PM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
> Hello.
> Well the subject says it all.
> Is there a free trial or demo of some kind for toast titanium 11?
> I realy need a good cd burning software to be able to write multiple 
> copies of a source across multiple drives.
> I am now testing NTI dragon burn which seems very accessible but has a 
> few very annoying problems.
> Regards.
> Nektarios.
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Faces in iphoto

2013-06-13 Thread Daniela Rubio
I am working with faces in iPhoto and I have a question, let's see if somebody 
can give me a hand.
1. I tagged some faces with the help or somebody sighted.
2. I when to faces in the source list, and in the content area, I selected the 
face I wanted it's photos to show.
3. I went to the content area, and I see the tagged photos, but I want to 
confirm more faces.
4. I hit the confirm more faces and click on the images to confirm them, then I 
press OK.
5. I return to the content area to see the new photos, but there are not 
recognized by VoiceOver. In fact, VO repeats the names of some of the photos 
that were there before.
How can I solve this? Do I need to do something to let Vo speak the names of 
the newly added photos?
Thank you very much!
. Daniela Rubio T
iPhone: +34662328507

Daniela Rubio T
 Distinguished Educator
iPhone: +34662328507

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Re: toast titanium free trial.

2013-06-13 Thread Nektarios Mallas
I don't have a tivo compatible device. I will se if it will let me see the 
interface without one.


On Jun 13, 2013, at 3:03 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> Hi:
> can you see if the Tivo part is accessible?
> On Jun 12, 2013, at 7:50 AM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
>> Hi Chris, thanks for that.
>> Actually, I have saved your privious message about drutil as I said before 
>> for future reference. 
>> However, I don't realy enjoy working in the command line environment, 
>> although I have used Linux and other Unix flavors in the past. 
>> Any way, after much searching and deliberation, I went ahead and purchased 
>> toast titanium. 
>> I can't say if it is 100 % accessible to us, but so far I have done what I 
>> need successfuly. 
>> So, I created an audio cd, I recorded that to an image file, then I was able 
>> to record that image file to 3 cd recorders at the same time with no 
>> problems. In fact, the multi copies facilities of this program is excellent. 
>> I will report more later, when I have used the program for some time.
>> Regards.
>> Nektarios.
>> On Jun 11, 2013, at 11:00 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> I poked around their web site and it doesn't seem that they offer a trial, 
>>> but they do have a 30-day return policy. If you're up for rolling your own 
>>> you can find my previous post about using the drutil to roll your own 
>>> solution:
>>> CB
>>> On 6/11/13 12:11 PM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
 Well the subject says it all.
 Is there a free trial or demo of some kind for toast titanium 11?
 I realy need a good cd burning software to be able to write multiple 
 copies of a source across multiple drives.
 I am now testing NTI dragon burn which seems very accessible but has a few 
 very annoying problems.
>>> -- 
>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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external tv tuner for analog signals for os x mountain lion

2013-06-13 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi everyone,
I have decidded to buy a macbook air in the comin gmonths. At this time i have 
a small tv standing in my living room connected to analo g signal. For 
everything else i use the computer so i was htinking, why not for tv as well. 
Are there any analog tv tuner/radio receivers that work on os x mountain lion 
and are accessible with vo?
Greetings, Anouk,

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