Re: Books on Numbers from a blind perspective?

2016-09-12 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Cait,

All the VoiceOver commands can be found by doing VO-h-h but very few people 
take the time to go through them.
Most people can get by with a basic set of navigation commands, but if you’re 
doing complex word processing, you need much more information and sophisticated 
There are also situations where you have to use standard Mac commands as 
VoiceOver doesn’t work in that particular situation. For instance, to get a 
contextual menu on a template in Pages, you have to bring the mouse and do 
CTRL-Click and then you can rename or delete the template. VO-Shift-m does 



> On 12 Sep 2016, at 19:20, Caitlyn Furness  wrote:
> ann,
> How would a person go about finding about these voice over commands which 
> aren’t apparent??
> Cait
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:54 AM, Anne Robertson > > wrote:
>> Hello Simon,
>> We’re not writing a book on Numbers at the moment. We keep thinking about 
>> it, but it takes so much time which is in short supply right now. People 
>> don’t realise how much work goes into writing a book about a complex 
>> application. There are so many VO commands that most users know nothing 
>> about, so they have to be explained. Then there is the problem of 
>> communicating visual concepts verbally. I have the advantage of having been 
>> fully sighted when a small child, but I’ve been totally blind for over 50 
>> years and the visual world has changed out of all recognition in that time. 
>> While writing the Pages book, my poor husband must have spent hours 
>> explaining visual concepts to me so that I could put them into terms that a 
>> blind person could understand.
>> There are parts of the Pages book that are helpful in Numbers, such as 
>> tables and charts. It took me quite a while to understand how charts work 
>> but I can now see how showing data as coloured bars of varying length can 
>> have an immediate visual impact.
>> All this to say that a book on Numbers is not for the immediate future.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>>> On 12 Sep 2016, at 01:43, Simon Fogarty >> > wrote:
>>> Anne,
>>> The question needs to be asked,
>>> Are you by any chance writing one to go with the pages book?
>>> Simon F
>>> From: 
>>> [ 
>>> ] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
>>> Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2016 11:49 PM
>>> To: 
>>> Subject: Re: Books on Numbers from a blind perspective?
>>> Hello Doug,
>>> No, there are no books on Numbers with VO.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 11 Sep 2016, at 12:42, Douglas Lawlor >> > wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I am wondering if any books have been written on using Numbers from a blind 
>>> users perspective? I am interested in Numbers for iOs if that makes any 
>>> difference. 
>>> Thanks, 
>>> Doug
>>> Sent from my iPad
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>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your 

Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

2016-09-12 Thread Helga Schreiber
Hi David. Thanks so much for letting me  know.  So what  computer then can the 
ram be upgraded? I'm just wondering. I look forward in hearing from you soon. 
Thanks and God bless!

  Helga Schreiber 
Group Moderator  
  for the IPad help for the blind  

Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of Blind 
Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).
Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.
Phone:  (561) 706-5950 
Skype: helga.schreiber26 
4Life Website: 
INT Website: 

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever 
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 
Sent from my iPhone 6S running IOS 9.3.5

> On Sep 13, 2016, at 12:14 AM, David Chittenden  wrote:
> According to Apple, the MacBook Air's RAM cannot be upgraded after 
> manufacture.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 13/09/2016, at 1:45 PM, Helga Schreiber  
>> wrote:
>> Hi Simon and all! How are you all? I have a Macbook Air 11 inches computer. 
>> Is it possible to increase my ram of my Mac? I hve a 4 gis ram on my Mac. I 
>> look forward in hearing from you soon. Thanks and God bless!  
>>   Helga Schreiber 
>> Group Moderator  
>>   for the IPad help for the blind 
>> Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of Blind 
>> Students.
>> Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).
>> Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.
>> Phone:  (561) 706-5950 
>> Email: 
>> Skype: helga.schreiber26 
>> 4Life Website: 
>> INT Website: 
>> "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever 
>> believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 
>> Sent from my iPhone 6S running IOS 9.3.5
>>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:04 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>>> Chris,
>>> For the money, the air I believe is still the better buy.
>>> It's cheaper,
>>> It has a higher speced processor,
>>> Ram by default is less  but can be increased with custom build.
>>> And harddrives are a similar size 
>>> The air also has USB 3 and thunderbolt where as the mac book 12 inch only 
>>> has a single USB C port meaning you need to obtain adaptors for things 
>>> although in saying that you still may need adaptors for the air also if you 
>>> want things like Ethernet connectivity but at least you can get something 
>>> simple.
>>> But then what you said the lady is using it for would be easy enough from a 
>>> standard spec air  as those things don't require a lot of resources 
>>> Infact what about just an iPad with keyboard and diamond ring or something?
>>> Chicks go wild for diamond rings!
>>> Just throwing another option out there
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of christopher hallsworth
>>> Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 5:47 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend
>>> Ok thank you.
>>> It could still be an option then, Macbook Air that is.
 On 11 Sep 2016, at 10:34, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 Yes the keyboard on the Macbook air is the same as that of the mac book 
 I for one find these keyboards great it's the kb on the new mac books that 
 I find hard to get to grips with.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of christopher 
 Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2016 6:44 AM
 Subject: Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend
 Thank you. She is totally blind, so retina or non-retina she would not 
 care less about. Is the keyboard on the macbook like a standard Apple 
 keyboard as found on this Macbook Pro I’m writing on? If so, I’m sure she 
 could handle that. I’m going to give her lessons on the mac as early as 
 our next vacation towards Christmas so she has plenty of time to learn and 
> On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:36, Alex Hall  wrote:
> The Air is definitely perfect for that list, but the Retina MacBook may 
> also be an option. Only consider this if she can get used to the 
> keyboard, and if a mobile processor with no fan is okay. This machine 
> also has just one USB-C port and one audio jack. But its advantages are 
> great battery, a very

Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

2016-09-12 Thread David Chittenden
According to Apple, the MacBook Air's RAM cannot be upgraded after manufacture.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 13/09/2016, at 1:45 PM, Helga Schreiber  
> wrote:
> Hi Simon and all! How are you all? I have a Macbook Air 11 inches computer. 
> Is it possible to increase my ram of my Mac? I hve a 4 gis ram on my Mac. I 
> look forward in hearing from you soon. Thanks and God bless!  
>   Helga Schreiber 
> Group Moderator  
>   for the IPad help for the blind 
> Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of Blind 
> Students.
> Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).
> Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.
> Phone:  (561) 706-5950 
> Email: 
> Skype: helga.schreiber26 
> 4Life Website: 
> INT Website: 
> "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever 
> believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 
> Sent from my iPhone 6S running IOS 9.3.5
>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:04 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>> Chris,
>> For the money, the air I believe is still the better buy.
>> It's cheaper,
>> It has a higher speced processor,
>> Ram by default is less  but can be increased with custom build.
>> And harddrives are a similar size 
>> The air also has USB 3 and thunderbolt where as the mac book 12 inch only 
>> has a single USB C port meaning you need to obtain adaptors for things 
>> although in saying that you still may need adaptors for the air also if you 
>> want things like Ethernet connectivity but at least you can get something 
>> simple.
>> But then what you said the lady is using it for would be easy enough from a 
>> standard spec air  as those things don't require a lot of resources 
>> Infact what about just an iPad with keyboard and diamond ring or something?
>> Chicks go wild for diamond rings!
>> Just throwing another option out there
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of christopher hallsworth
>> Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 5:47 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend
>> Ok thank you.
>> It could still be an option then, Macbook Air that is.
>>> On 11 Sep 2016, at 10:34, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> Yes the keyboard on the Macbook air is the same as that of the mac book 
>>> retina 
>>> I for one find these keyboards great it's the kb on the new mac books that 
>>> I find hard to get to grips with.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of christopher hallsworth
>>> Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2016 6:44 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend
>>> Thank you. She is totally blind, so retina or non-retina she would not care 
>>> less about. Is the keyboard on the macbook like a standard Apple keyboard 
>>> as found on this Macbook Pro I’m writing on? If so, I’m sure she could 
>>> handle that. I’m going to give her lessons on the mac as early as our next 
>>> vacation towards Christmas so she has plenty of time to learn and practice.
 On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:36, Alex Hall  wrote:
 The Air is definitely perfect for that list, but the Retina MacBook may 
 also be an option. Only consider this if she can get used to the keyboard, 
 and if a mobile processor with no fan is okay. This machine also has just 
 one USB-C port and one audio jack. But its advantages are great battery, a 
 very small size and weight, and--if she's sighted, she'll like--the retina 
 display. The Air doesn't have nearly so good a screen. You should also 
 wait until the end of the year, to see what Apple comes out with for Mac 
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:24, christopher hallsworth 
>  wrote:
> Yeah it does thank you. Will sleep on it.
>> On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:09, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> I think your mac application screams MacBook air to me.  The pro is a 
>> real work course and has a lot of power you may not need.  The 15 
>> especially has a lot of horse power and is probably over kill.  The air 
>> is super light, decently powered and has good performance for the money. 
>>  It’s also not to heavy and is great to just keep handy for doing 
>> exactly what you mention.  If your girl friend wants to run windows and 
>> other operating systems in parallel or do heavy computing then go Pro 
>> but if you want to stick to the list you posted then by all means go for 

Re: Only Apple could do this.

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
New york is another 5hours flying from la. A friend of mine is there at moment

Sent from my iPhone 6S+

On 13/09/2016, at 3:21 PM, Scott Granados>> wrote:

I’m on the other coast so probably add another 8 hours on to that trip.  
Farthest I’ve flown from my home country is when I did some business in the 
middle east several years back.

On Sep 12, 2016, at 9:16 PM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

You could swim! And it’s a 12 hour flight from LA to Auckland,

[] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 2:27 AM
Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.

Would love to visit someday, or move there when Trump or Hillary run the 
country in to the ground.  I know you beat us in the best places to do business 
category this year.

Awful long way to fly though.  I’m not sure I could stand 20+ hours in a plane, 
even a gulf stream feels like a tin can with stale air after a while even 
though your not subjected to the low air pressures of commercial flights.

On Sep 12, 2016, at 12:25 AM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

Best little country in the world!

Clean and green except for Auckland which we just accept as the a hole of the 
fish the north island is!

 On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 7:47 AM
Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.

One of the most beautiful parts of the world though from what I hear.  Never 
had the pleasure of traveling there but I have heard great things.  Even with a 
goods and services tax.;)

Ah you know what they say, you were brought to your country in chains 
originally and we escaped.;)

On Sep 11, 2016, at 12:09 AM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

Yeah but we do it by country and lets face it our country is only a population 
of 4.5 million people.

 On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2016 1:29 AM
Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.

Right, in my state it’s 0% sales tax, Yipee!

Funny how we do it by state or even town here.  Some towns / areas have 
different taxes in the same state.  Palm Beach county is an example where the 
tax is a bit higher than the surrounding state of Florida.  I luckily live in a 
right wing state with no taxes including sales.:)  We have a wicked lumber 
export tax though.;)
I used to order everything on amazon to get around the sales tax when I lived 
in California.  Our local sales tax was 10% and this was before amazon was 
forced to charge tax so that was a huge savings.

On Sep 10, 2016, at 9:17 AM, David Chittenden>> wrote:

Yes, and, it includes 15% GST. US prices do not include sales tax′ That said, 
it is about $150 cheaper in Australia. Australia has a 10% GST which is 
included in the price. GST is Goods and Services Tax.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

On 10 Sep 2016, at 22:44, Scott Granados>> wrote:

Wow, wow wow!

In US dollars you’re paying over $1050 for the same phone I can order for $649. 
 SO in your dollars our base price would be $889 NZ currency.  That’s a hell of 
an import tax rate.

On Sep 9, 2016, at 5:39 PM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

Starting price of 7 here is the 32 gig
1199.00 and that’s the 7, the 7+ is 1399 I believe.

 On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Saturday, 10 September 2016 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.

Ok, quick back of the napkin calculation here.  I show 649 US as about 840 NZ 
currency.  Can you buy them that inexpensively there?  If not, you PayPal me 
the money, I’ll order and ship you the phone and bam, no import tax.;)
speaking in theoretical of course.;)

On Sep 9, 2016, at 3:12 AM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

I honestly couldn’t tell you.

Possibly a combination of a & b, but there is also the apple label and  the 
fact that our devices are not locked to a network and there fore being open 
we’re probably paying more.

You can get financing to buy a device but again that is through a finance 
company who can charge high interest rates.


Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi helgar  no not in a mba. U would have to get  a main board with updated 

Sent from my iPhone 6S+

On 13/09/2016, at 1:45 PM, Helga Schreiber>> wrote:

Hi Simon and all! How are you all? I have a Macbook Air 11 inches computer. Is 
it possible to increase my ram of my Mac? I hve a 4 gis ram on my Mac. I look 
forward in hearing from you soon. Thanks and God bless!

  Helga Schreiber
Group Moderator

  for the IPad help for the blind

Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of Blind 
Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).
Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.
Phone:  (561) 706-5950
Skype: helga.schreiber26
4Life Website:
INT Website:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever 
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
Sent from my iPhone 6S running IOS 9.3.5

On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:04 PM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:


For the money, the air I believe is still the better buy.

It's cheaper,
It has a higher speced processor,
Ram by default is less  but can be increased with custom build.
And harddrives are a similar size
The air also has USB 3 and thunderbolt where as the mac book 12 inch only has a 
single USB C port meaning you need to obtain adaptors for things although in 
saying that you still may need adaptors for the air also if you want things 
like Ethernet connectivity but at least you can get something simple.

But then what you said the lady is using it for would be easy enough from a 
standard spec air  as those things don't require a lot of resources

Infact what about just an iPad with keyboard and diamond ring or something?

Chicks go wild for diamond rings!

Just throwing another option out there

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of christopher hallsworth
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 5:47 AM
Subject: Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

Ok thank you.

It could still be an option then, Macbook Air that is.

On 11 Sep 2016, at 10:34, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

Hi Chris,

Yes the keyboard on the Macbook air is the same as that of the mac book retina

I for one find these keyboards great it's the kb on the new mac books that I 
find hard to get to grips with.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of christopher hallsworth
Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2016 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

Thank you. She is totally blind, so retina or non-retina she would not care 
less about. Is the keyboard on the macbook like a standard Apple keyboard as 
found on this Macbook Pro I’m writing on? If so, I’m sure she could handle 
that. I’m going to give her lessons on the mac as early as our next vacation 
towards Christmas so she has plenty of time to learn and practice.

On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:36, Alex Hall>> wrote:

The Air is definitely perfect for that list, but the Retina MacBook may also be 
an option. Only consider this if she can get used to the keyboard, and if a 
mobile processor with no fan is okay. This machine also has just one USB-C port 
and one audio jack. But its advantages are great battery, a very small size and 
weight, and--if she's sighted, she'll like--the retina display. The Air doesn't 
have nearly so good a screen. You should also wait until the end of the year, 
to see what Apple comes out with for Mac updates.
On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:24, christopher hallsworth>> wrote:

Yeah it does thank you. Will sleep on it.
On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:09, Scott Granados>> wrote:

I think your mac application screams MacBook air to me.  The pro is a real work 
course and has a lot of power you may not need.  The 15 especially has a lot of 
horse power and is probably over kill.  The air is super light, decently 
powered and has good performance for the money.  It’s also not to heavy and is 
great to just keep handy for doing exactly what you mention.  If your girl 
friend wants to run windows and other operating systems in parallel or do heavy 
computing then go Pro but if you want to stick to the list you posted then by 
all means go for the air.  You can get a dual core I7 in the 

Re: walkie-talkie app recommendation

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
Sounds like push to talk which was afeature of cdma devices back in the day.

Sent from my iPhone 6S+

On 13/09/2016, at 8:45 AM, Shawn Krasniuk>> wrote:

Roger is a good app. It supports Bluetooth and if you use it without Bluetooth, 
you can talk without holding a record button.

Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheblindrapper

On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:50 AM, Todor Fassl>> wrote:

I need a blutooth walkie-talkie app for my iPhone.  There is only like a 
million of them on the app store. Any recommendations?

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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Re: Only Apple could do this.

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
I’m on the other coast so probably add another 8 hours on to that trip.  
Farthest I’ve flown from my home country is when I did some business in the 
middle east several years back.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 9:16 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> You could swim! And it’s a 12 hour flight from LA to Auckland,
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 2:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.
> Would love to visit someday, or move there when Trump or Hillary run the 
> country in to the ground.  I know you beat us in the best places to do 
> business category this year.
> Awful long way to fly though.  I’m not sure I could stand 20+ hours in a 
> plane, even a gulf stream feels like a tin can with stale air after a while 
> even though your not subjected to the low air pressures of commercial flights.
> On Sep 12, 2016, at 12:25 AM, Simon Fogarty  > wrote:
> Best little country in the world!
> Clean and green except for Auckland which we just accept as the a hole of the 
> fish the north island is!
> From: 
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 7:47 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.
> One of the most beautiful parts of the world though from what I hear.  Never 
> had the pleasure of traveling there but I have heard great things.  Even with 
> a goods and services tax.;)
> Ah you know what they say, you were brought to your country in chains 
> originally and we escaped.;)
> On Sep 11, 2016, at 12:09 AM, Simon Fogarty  > wrote:
> Yeah but we do it by country and lets face it our country is only a 
> population of 4.5 million people.
> From: 
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2016 1:29 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.
> Right, in my state it’s 0% sales tax, Yipee!
> Funny how we do it by state or even town here.  Some towns / areas have 
> different taxes in the same state.  Palm Beach county is an example where the 
> tax is a bit higher than the surrounding state of Florida.  I luckily live in 
> a right wing state with no taxes including sales.:)  We have a wicked lumber 
> export tax though.;)
> I used to order everything on amazon to get around the sales tax when I lived 
> in California.  Our local sales tax was 10% and this was before amazon was 
> forced to charge tax so that was a huge savings.
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 9:17 AM, David Chittenden  > wrote:
> Yes, and, it includes 15% GST. US prices do not include sales tax′ That said, 
> it is about $150 cheaper in Australia. Australia has a 10% GST which is 
> included in the price. GST is Goods and Services Tax.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email: 
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 10 Sep 2016, at 22:44, Scott Granados  > wrote:
> Wow!
> Wow, wow wow!
> In US dollars you’re paying over $1050 for the same phone I can order for 
> $649. SO in your dollars our base price would be $889 NZ currency.  That’s a 
> hell of an import tax rate.
> On Sep 9, 2016, at 5:39 PM, Simon Fogarty  > wrote:
> Starting price of 7 here is the 32 gig
> 1199.00 and that’s the 7, the 7+ is 1399 I believe.
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Saturday, 10 September 2016 1:05 AM
> Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.
> Ok, quick back of the napkin calculation here. I show 649 US as about 840 NZ 
> currency. Can you buy them that inexpensively there? If not, you PayPal me 
> the money, I’ll order and ship you the phone and bam, no import tax.;)
> speaking in theoretical of course.;)
> On Sep 9, 2016, at 3:12 AM, Simon Fogarty  > wrote:
> I honestly couldn’t tell you.
> Possibly a combination of a & b, but there is also the apple label and the 
> fact that our devices are not locked to a network and there fore being open 
> we’re probably paying more.
> You can get financing to 

Re: new Mac

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
I know, I wish the ram was upgradable in my 15.4 inch MacBook Pro now, I don’t 
believe it is.  It’s funny apple only supports 2 memory sizes now 8 or 16, 
would be nice to be able to go to 32, more is probably to much of a space 

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 9:18 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Yeah you can, just looking at one in a store here, as for 32, would be 
> tempted to buy one if I could do the 32gig ram,
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 2:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: new Mac
> I wonder if you can still crack that one open.
> I’m looking on the apple site, ah yes, at the end there’s a 13 inch non 
> retina option. 
> interesting
> You can probably still put 32 GB and 2 SSD drives in them.;)
> (not officially of course but with a screwdriver and a half hour)
> On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:11 PM, Simon Fogarty  > wrote:
> Wrong, they still sell the mac book pro 13inch with standard hd and optical 
> drive,
> Specs haven’t changed in a few years but it is still on their site.
> From: 
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 6:57 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: new Mac
> There are no standard HD options unless you go with previous years models.  
> It’s all solid state now and everyone is absolutely right, this will make the 
> most difference for you.  SSD drives are over 40 times faster than their 
> rotating counterparts.
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 8:03 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  > wrote:
> It appears they all have SSD options. I didn’t see any standard HD choices.
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 6:26 PM, Andrew McKay  > wrote:
> I would echo everything Alex said.  If you ever want to run Windows in a VM, 
> memory is key.  A solid state drive though is the most game changing.  Think 
> towards the future though--a little more investment might mean an extra year 
> or two considering how long Apple hardware holds up.
> From: 
> [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 7:19 PM
> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries  >
> Subject: Re: new Mac
> Either will handle VoiceOver just fine. Your biggest enhancement will come if 
> you can switch to a solid state drive, which will make app launching, opening 
> new windows, loading files, and other tasks a great deal faster.
> If I could only pick one, it would depend on what I was planning to do. Run 
> Windows virtually: ram. Encode videos: CPU. Do a *lot* at once: ram. get 
> smoother overall performance: CPU. If possible, upgrade to 8GB of ram, then 
> get the best processor you can with your budget. You can get away with 4GB of 
> ram, but nowadays I don't recommend it.
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 19:01, Sarai Bucciarelli  > wrote:
> Hi guys:
> Hope all is going well. I currently have a 2010 15 inch Macbook pro, 500 GB 
> HD, cor i7 processor. Basically, when I got it, I customized it with the max 
> customizations that Apple had at the time. I bought it around March, or April 
> 2010, when ever this particular Mac came out. it has served me very well, but 
> is slowing down, and the battery isn’t lasting. Apple will not repair, or 
> replace any parts.
> I’m currently looking at either the 2015 MBP 13 inch, or 2015 MBA 13 inch. My 
> two questions are, which of these two would better handle Voiceover? Second 
> question, if you could only pick one, would you upgrade the RAM or CPU?
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

2016-09-12 Thread Helga Schreiber
Hi Simon and all! How are you all? I have a Macbook Air 11 inches computer. Is 
it possible to increase my ram of my Mac? I hve a 4 gis ram on my Mac. I look 
forward in hearing from you soon. Thanks and God bless!  

  Helga Schreiber 
Group Moderator  
  for the IPad help for the blind  

Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of Blind 
Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).
Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.
Phone:  (561) 706-5950 
Skype: helga.schreiber26 
4Life Website: 
INT Website: 

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever 
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 
Sent from my iPhone 6S running IOS 9.3.5

> On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:04 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Chris,
> For the money, the air I believe is still the better buy.
> It's cheaper,
> It has a higher speced processor,
> Ram by default is less  but can be increased with custom build.
> And harddrives are a similar size 
> The air also has USB 3 and thunderbolt where as the mac book 12 inch only has 
> a single USB C port meaning you need to obtain adaptors for things although 
> in saying that you still may need adaptors for the air also if you want 
> things like Ethernet connectivity but at least you can get something simple.
> But then what you said the lady is using it for would be easy enough from a 
> standard spec air  as those things don't require a lot of resources 
> Infact what about just an iPad with keyboard and diamond ring or something?
> Chicks go wild for diamond rings!
> Just throwing another option out there
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of christopher hallsworth
> Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 5:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend
> Ok thank you.
> It could still be an option then, Macbook Air that is.
>> On 11 Sep 2016, at 10:34, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> Yes the keyboard on the Macbook air is the same as that of the mac book 
>> retina 
>> I for one find these keyboards great it's the kb on the new mac books that I 
>> find hard to get to grips with.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of christopher hallsworth
>> Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2016 6:44 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend
>> Thank you. She is totally blind, so retina or non-retina she would not care 
>> less about. Is the keyboard on the macbook like a standard Apple keyboard as 
>> found on this Macbook Pro I’m writing on? If so, I’m sure she could handle 
>> that. I’m going to give her lessons on the mac as early as our next vacation 
>> towards Christmas so she has plenty of time to learn and practice.
>>> On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:36, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> The Air is definitely perfect for that list, but the Retina MacBook may 
>>> also be an option. Only consider this if she can get used to the keyboard, 
>>> and if a mobile processor with no fan is okay. This machine also has just 
>>> one USB-C port and one audio jack. But its advantages are great battery, a 
>>> very small size and weight, and--if she's sighted, she'll like--the retina 
>>> display. The Air doesn't have nearly so good a screen. You should also wait 
>>> until the end of the year, to see what Apple comes out with for Mac updates.
 On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:24, christopher hallsworth 
 Yeah it does thank you. Will sleep on it.
> On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:09, Scott Granados  wrote:
> I think your mac application screams MacBook air to me.  The pro is a 
> real work course and has a lot of power you may not need.  The 15 
> especially has a lot of horse power and is probably over kill.  The air 
> is super light, decently powered and has good performance for the money.  
> It’s also not to heavy and is great to just keep handy for doing exactly 
> what you mention.  If your girl friend wants to run windows and other 
> operating systems in parallel or do heavy computing then go Pro but if 
> you want to stick to the list you posted then by all means go for the 
> air.  You can get a dual core I7 in the air and 512 MB of storage.  
> That’s pretty good.
> Hope that helps.
>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 1:55 PM, christopher hallsworth 
>>  wrote:
>> Hello everyone.
>> I'm writing to let you know about some future technology gifts  my 
>> girlfriend.  her birthday she will be getting a

RE: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
Well concidering the phone comes out 3 days in the states after the IIOS 10 

Yeah I’d say so.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of E.T.
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 6:36 AM
Subject: Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

I would hazard a guess that the iPhone 7 will ship with iOS 10.

 From E.T.'s Keyboard...
   Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 9/12/2016 11:35 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
> That doesn’t make sense, the phone is released for general sale friday, how 
> are you going to release the phone with out the OS?
> :)
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:21 PM, E.T.  wrote:
>>   Official release date for non beta testers/developers is 9/20.
>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>  Are We Alone in the Universe?
>> On 9/12/2016 11:11 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
>>> developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I 
>>> believe.  (and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.
 On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:

 Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
 mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but 
 I would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them 
 out and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential 
 solution to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list 
 if there is one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial 
 and error might be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? 
 Be well, Maurice.
> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
> tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
> microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
> options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination 
> headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is 
> part of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for microphones or 
> combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really don't like 
> headsets much except when I want to listen to high quality music. I 
> Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But I wonder 
> about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All input 
> is appreciated.
> Mary
> Sent from my iPhone
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> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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 Visionaries list.

 If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
 if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
 owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

 Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
 Quinn - you can reach Cara at

 The archives for this list can be searched at:
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
IOS 10 is released the 13th and the phone has been pre selling since the 9th, 
full release is the 16th to the world markets 

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

That doesn’t make sense, the phone is released for general sale friday, how are 
you going to release the phone with out the OS?


> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:21 PM, E.T.  wrote:
>   Official release date for non beta testers/developers is 9/20.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>  Are We Alone in the Universe?
> On 9/12/2016 11:11 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
>> developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I 
>> believe.  (and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.
>>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:
>>> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
>>> mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but 
>>> I would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them 
>>> out and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential 
>>> solution to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list 
>>> if there is one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial 
>>> and error might be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? 
>>> Be well, Maurice.
 On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
 I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
 tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
 microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
 options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination 
 headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is 
 part of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for microphones or 
 combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really don't like 
 headsets much except when I want to listen to high quality music. I 
 Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But I wonder 
 about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All input 
 is appreciated.
 Sent from my iPhone
 The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
 Visionaries list.
 If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
 if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
 owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
 Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
 Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners 
>>> or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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RE: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
Well concidering they only meni=tioned IOS 10 and watch OS 3 I guess everything 
is tomorrow / today.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 6:35 AM
Subject: Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

I wonder why he said during the keynote that everything would be released on 
the 13th then.  Everything and I mean everything I’ve read has indicated the 

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:15 PM, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
> Not according to what I read on Idownloadblog, Sierra will be released to the 
> public next Tuesday 20 September. I have no idea of the release date for tvOS 
> 10.
>> On 12 Sep 2016, at 19:11, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
>> developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I 
>> believe.  (and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.
>>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:
>>> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
>>> mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but 
>>> I would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them 
>>> out and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential 
>>> solution to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list 
>>> if there is one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial 
>>> and error might be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? 
>>> Be well, Maurice.
 On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
 I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
 tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
 microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
 options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination 
 headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is 
 part of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for microphones or 
 combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really don't like 
 headsets much except when I want to listen to high quality music. I 
 Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But I wonder 
 about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All input 
 is appreciated.
 Sent from my iPhone
 The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
 Visionaries list.
 If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
 if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
 owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
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 Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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>>> or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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RE: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
The only thing mentioned last week was IOS 10 and watch OS 3, there was no 
mention of tv OS or Mac OS sierra 

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I believe.  
(and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:
> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
> mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but I 
> would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them out 
> and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential solution 
> to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list if there is 
> one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial and error 
> might be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? Be well, 
> Maurice.
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra tomorrow. 
>> I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of microphone. I really 
>> would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of options are out there 
>> for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination headset with microphone? 
>> I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just 
>> asking about the utility for microphones or combination headset microphones 
>> on a Mac Mini. I really don't like headsets much except when I want to 
>> listen to high quality music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a 
>> legend already. But I wonder about being able to use the microphone from 
>> that on a Mac Mini. All input is appreciated.
>> Mary
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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>> Visionaries list.
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>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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RE: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Chris,

As of Yesterday my time they were I got a quote for an 11 inch air with 
upgraded specs to max for both ram and HD + processor.

They didn't say anything about not being possible

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of christopher hallsworth
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 6:04 AM
Subject: Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

Hi thank you.

But can I ask, is Apple still upgrading hardware for the Air? Asking as thought 
I heard somewhere they were no longer upgrading hardware on the Air and instead 
focus on the new Macbook. If they are still upgrading hardware on the Air, this 
could be an avenue to explore.

> On 12 Sep 2016, at 17:50, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
> Hi!
> Remember that the Air still is a very small unit.
> So if you don’t get the macbook with retina display and get the air she will 
> have a very small and compact and very lightweight unit.
> One thing i do love with the mac is the magnetic plug for the electrical 
> chord.
> So if you happen to stumble up on it its not going to break.
> /A
>> On 10 Sep 2016, at 21:27, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> No, it's different. The keys have much less space between them, and don't 
>> move as far down or up. It's harder to type on at first. I've only seen one 
>> in a store, not used it long-term, so can't say if it's something you get 
>> used to or not. Still, for more power and a better keyboard at the expense 
>> of more weight and thickness, the Air may be the best option.
>>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:44, christopher hallsworth  
>>> wrote:
>>> Thank you. She is totally blind, so retina or non-retina she would not care 
>>> less about. Is the keyboard on the macbook like a standard Apple keyboard 
>>> as found on this Macbook Pro I’m writing on? If so, I’m sure she could 
>>> handle that. I’m going to give her lessons on the mac as early as our next 
>>> vacation towards Christmas so she has plenty of time to learn and practice.
 On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:36, Alex Hall  wrote:
 The Air is definitely perfect for that list, but the Retina MacBook may 
 also be an option. Only consider this if she can get used to the keyboard, 
 and if a mobile processor with no fan is okay. This machine also has just 
 one USB-C port and one audio jack. But its advantages are great battery, a 
 very small size and weight, and--if she's sighted, she'll like--the retina 
 display. The Air doesn't have nearly so good a screen. You should also 
 wait until the end of the year, to see what Apple comes out with for Mac 
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:24, christopher hallsworth 
>  wrote:
> Yeah it does thank you. Will sleep on it.
>> On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:09, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> I think your mac application screams MacBook air to me.  The pro is a 
>> real work course and has a lot of power you may not need.  The 15 
>> especially has a lot of horse power and is probably over kill.  The air 
>> is super light, decently powered and has good performance for the money. 
>>  It’s also not to heavy and is great to just keep handy for doing 
>> exactly what you mention.  If your girl friend wants to run windows and 
>> other operating systems in parallel or do heavy computing then go Pro 
>> but if you want to stick to the list you posted then by all means go for 
>> the air.  You can get a dual core I7 in the air and 512 MB of storage.  
>> That’s pretty good.
>> Hope that helps.
>>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 1:55 PM, christopher hallsworth 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hello everyone.
>>> I'm writing to let you know about some future technology gifts  my 
>>> girlfriend.  her birthday she will be getting a new iPhone, no problem 
>>> what to get her there. But for her 30th I'm thinking of getting her a 
>>> mac. But I would like to know what would be suitable  someone who just 
>>> reads emails, browsing the web, including using Facebook, listening to 
>>> music, watching Youtube, you get the idea. I'm leaning towards either a 
>>> Macbook Air or Macbook Pro, the latter being a good option I think as 
>>> she would be used to machines equivalent of a Windows laptop.
>>> Any responses are very welcome. Thank you in advance.
>>> Kindest Regards
>>> Chris
>>> -- 
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>>> Visionaries list.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, 
>>> or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact 
>>> the owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list 
>>> itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your own

RE: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
I didn't realise that was being released today also.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Mary Otten
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 6:00 AM
Subject: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra tomorrow. I 
have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of microphone. I really 
would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of options are out there for 
the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination headset with microphone? I'm 
not asking for comments on Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just asking 
about the utility for microphones or combination headset microphones on a Mac 
Mini. I really don't like headsets much except when I want to listen to high 
quality music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But 
I wonder about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All 
input is appreciated.

Sent from my iPhone

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
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RE: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
The air comes in an 11 and 13 inch models and the keyboard is the same on both 
models nfact I believe the keyboard is the same on the air as on the pros
The 12 inch mac book is a very different feel to the keyboard,
I personally didn’t like it however I’ve really only used it for 30 minutes 
give or take.

However it would be something that a person would probably get use to over time.

I just find those machines not worth the money when the air has some what 
better specs

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Anders Holmberg
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

Remember that the Air still is a very small unit.
So if you don’t get the macbook with retina display and get the air she will 
have a very small and compact and very lightweight unit.
One thing i do love with the mac is the magnetic plug for the electrical chord.
So if you happen to stumble up on it its not going to break.
On 10 Sep 2016, at 21:27, Alex Hall>> wrote:

No, it's different. The keys have much less space between them, and don't move 
as far down or up. It's harder to type on at first. I've only seen one in a 
store, not used it long-term, so can't say if it's something you get used to or 
not. Still, for more power and a better keyboard at the expense of more weight 
and thickness, the Air may be the best option.
On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:44, christopher hallsworth>> wrote:

Thank you. She is totally blind, so retina or non-retina she would not care 
less about. Is the keyboard on the macbook like a standard Apple keyboard as 
found on this Macbook Pro I’m writing on? If so, I’m sure she could handle 
that. I’m going to give her lessons on the mac as early as our next vacation 
towards Christmas so she has plenty of time to learn and practice.

On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:36, Alex Hall>> wrote:

The Air is definitely perfect for that list, but the Retina MacBook may also be 
an option. Only consider this if she can get used to the keyboard, and if a 
mobile processor with no fan is okay. This machine also has just one USB-C port 
and one audio jack. But its advantages are great battery, a very small size and 
weight, and--if she's sighted, she'll like--the retina display. The Air doesn't 
have nearly so good a screen. You should also wait until the end of the year, 
to see what Apple comes out with for Mac updates.

On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:24, christopher hallsworth>> wrote:

Yeah it does thank you. Will sleep on it.

On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:09, Scott Granados>> wrote:

I think your mac application screams MacBook air to me.  The pro is a real work 
course and has a lot of power you may not need.  The 15 especially has a lot of 
horse power and is probably over kill.  The air is super light, decently 
powered and has good performance for the money.  It’s also not to heavy and is 
great to just keep handy for doing exactly what you mention.  If your girl 
friend wants to run windows and other operating systems in parallel or do heavy 
computing then go Pro but if you want to stick to the list you posted then by 
all means go for the air.  You can get a dual core I7 in the air and 512 MB of 
storage.  That’s pretty good.

Hope that helps.

On Sep 10, 2016, at 1:55 PM, christopher hallsworth>> wrote:

Hello everyone.

I'm writing to let you know about some future technology gifts  my girlfriend.  
her birthday she will be getting a new iPhone, no problem what to get her 
there. But for her 30th I'm thinking of getting her a mac. But I would like to 
know what would be suitable  someone who just reads emails, browsing the web, 
including using Facebook, listening to music, watching Youtube, you get the 
idea. I'm leaning towards either a Macbook Air or Macbook Pro, the latter being 
a good option I think as she would be used to machines equivalent of a Windows 

Any responses are very welcome. Thank you in advance.

Kindest Regards

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RE: new Mac

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
Yeah you can, just looking at one in a store here, as for 32, would be tempted 
to buy one if I could do the 32gig ram,

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 2:29 AM
Subject: Re: new Mac

I wonder if you can still crack that one open.

I’m looking on the apple site, ah yes, at the end there’s a 13 inch non retina 

You can probably still put 32 GB and 2 SSD drives in them.;)

(not officially of course but with a screwdriver and a half hour)

On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:11 PM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

Wrong, they still sell the mac book pro 13inch with standard hd and optical 

Specs haven’t changed in a few years but it is still on their site.

 On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 6:57 AM
Subject: Re: new Mac

There are no standard HD options unless you go with previous years models.  
It’s all solid state now and everyone is absolutely right, this will make the 
most difference for you.  SSD drives are over 40 times faster than their 
rotating counterparts.

On Sep 10, 2016, at 8:03 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli>> wrote:

It appears they all have SSD options. I didn’t see any standard HD choices.
On Sep 10, 2016, at 6:26 PM, Andrew McKay>> wrote:

I would echo everything Alex said.  If you ever want to run Windows in a VM, 
memory is key.  A solid state drive though is the most game changing.  Think 
towards the future though--a little more investment might mean an extra year or 
two considering how long Apple hardware holds up.

[] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 7:19 PM
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries>>
Subject: Re: new Mac

Either will handle VoiceOver just fine. Your biggest enhancement will come if 
you can switch to a solid state drive, which will make app launching, opening 
new windows, loading files, and other tasks a great deal faster.

If I could only pick one, it would depend on what I was planning to do. Run 
Windows virtually: ram. Encode videos: CPU. Do a *lot* at once: ram. get 
smoother overall performance: CPU. If possible, upgrade to 8GB of ram, then get 
the best processor you can with your budget. You can get away with 4GB of ram, 
but nowadays I don't recommend it.
On Sep 10, 2016, at 19:01, Sarai Bucciarelli>> wrote:

Hi guys:
Hope all is going well. I currently have a 2010 15 inch Macbook pro, 500 GB HD, 
cor i7 processor. Basically, when I got it, I customized it with the max 
customizations that Apple had at the time. I bought it around March, or April 
2010, when ever this particular Mac came out. it has served me very well, but 
is slowing down, and the battery isn’t lasting. Apple will not repair, or 
replace any parts.
I’m currently looking at either the 2015 MBP 13 inch, or 2015 MBA 13 inch. My 
two questions are, which of these two would better handle Voiceover? Second 
question, if you could only pick one, would you upgrade the RAM or CPU?

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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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RE: Only Apple could do this.

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
You could swim! And it’s a 12 hour flight from LA to Auckland,

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 2:27 AM
Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.

Would love to visit someday, or move there when Trump or Hillary run the 
country in to the ground.  I know you beat us in the best places to do business 
category this year.

Awful long way to fly though.  I’m not sure I could stand 20+ hours in a plane, 
even a gulf stream feels like a tin can with stale air after a while even 
though your not subjected to the low air pressures of commercial flights.

On Sep 12, 2016, at 12:25 AM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

Best little country in the world!

Clean and green except for Auckland which we just accept as the a hole of the 
fish the north island is!

 On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 7:47 AM
Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.

One of the most beautiful parts of the world though from what I hear.  Never 
had the pleasure of traveling there but I have heard great things.  Even with a 
goods and services tax.;)

Ah you know what they say, you were brought to your country in chains 
originally and we escaped.;)

On Sep 11, 2016, at 12:09 AM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

Yeah but we do it by country and lets face it our country is only a population 
of 4.5 million people.

 On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2016 1:29 AM
Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.

Right, in my state it’s 0% sales tax, Yipee!

Funny how we do it by state or even town here.  Some towns / areas have 
different taxes in the same state.  Palm Beach county is an example where the 
tax is a bit higher than the surrounding state of Florida.  I luckily live in a 
right wing state with no taxes including sales.:)  We have a wicked lumber 
export tax though.;)
I used to order everything on amazon to get around the sales tax when I lived 
in California.  Our local sales tax was 10% and this was before amazon was 
forced to charge tax so that was a huge savings.

On Sep 10, 2016, at 9:17 AM, David Chittenden>> wrote:

Yes, and, it includes 15% GST. US prices do not include sales tax′ That said, 
it is about $150 cheaper in Australia. Australia has a 10% GST which is 
included in the price. GST is Goods and Services Tax.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

On 10 Sep 2016, at 22:44, Scott Granados>> wrote:

Wow, wow wow!

In US dollars you’re paying over $1050 for the same phone I can order for $649. 
 SO in your dollars our base price would be $889 NZ currency.  That’s a hell of 
an import tax rate.

On Sep 9, 2016, at 5:39 PM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

Starting price of 7 here is the 32 gig
1199.00 and that’s the 7, the 7+ is 1399 I believe.

 On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Saturday, 10 September 2016 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.

Ok, quick back of the napkin calculation here.  I show 649 US as about 840 NZ 
currency.  Can you buy them that inexpensively there?  If not, you PayPal me 
the money, I’ll order and ship you the phone and bam, no import tax.;)
speaking in theoretical of course.;)

On Sep 9, 2016, at 3:12 AM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

I honestly couldn’t tell you.

Possibly a combination of a & b, but there is also the apple label and  the 
fact that our devices are not locked to a network and there fore being open 
we’re probably paying more.

You can get financing to buy a device but again that is through a finance 
company who can charge high interest rates.

 On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Friday, 9 September 2016 2:37 AM
Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.

Simon, is it the exchange rate or the import taxation that makes these devices 
so expensive for you down there?  I’d be down to help get um “creative” on the 
sourcing and shipping if it would help you save a lot of money.

On Sep 8, 20

RE: IOS 10 release

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
Yeah looks like it might be.

It’s not the prod release otherwise my ipod would be wanting to update.

Just the way it was being prompted on the software update
Wasn’t clear what it was other than a ver 10 update,.
From: [] 
On Behalf Of David Chittenden
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: IOS 10 release

Is it the gold master? The update is not yet available as I do not have a beta 

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

On 12/09/2016, at 10:16 PM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:
Morning all,

I know that this isn’t meant to happen until the 13th,

But I’ve just had a look at something on my iPad 4 mini and while in general / 
settings opened software updates to find an update of IOS 10 waiting for 

I have been Public beta testing but this gives a list of a number of new IOS 10 

And it is not being refered to as part of the beta installs.

Anyone know if there has been an early release to people, or is this an 
addition to the beta releases?

‘ I believe it was version A or something along that line under about 
this phone.


Simon f
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Re: walkie-talkie app recommendation

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
+1 on Roger.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 4:44 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:
> Roger is a good app. It supports Bluetooth and if you use it without 
> Bluetooth, you can talk without holding a record button.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook
> Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
> Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
> Skype username: bbstheblindrapper
> Facetime:
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:50 AM, Todor Fassl  wrote:
>> I need a blutooth walkie-talkie app for my iPhone.  There is only like a 
>> million of them on the app store. Any recommendations?
>> -- 
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Re: IOS 10 release

2016-09-12 Thread Anders Holmberg
I think its a release candidate.
Not sure though.
I just installed it on friday.
> On 12 Sep 2016, at 12:16, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Morning all,
> I know that this isn’t meant to happen until the 13th,
> But I’ve just had a look at something on my iPad 4 mini and while in general 
> / settings opened software updates to find an update of IOS 10 waiting for 
> install.
> I have been Public beta testing but this gives a list of a number of new IOS 
> 10 features
> And it is not being refered to as part of the beta installs.
> Anyone know if there has been an early release to people, or is this an 
> addition to the beta releases?
> ‘ I believe it was version A or something along that line under 
> about this phone.
> Cheers,
> Simon f
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Re: walkie-talkie app recommendation

2016-09-12 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

Or Zello.

If anyone wants my contact info over there, e-mail me off list at:

and we'll exchange.
Christopher Gilland
JAWS Certified, 2016.
Training Instructor.
Phone: (704) 256-8010.
- Original Message - 
From: "Shawn Krasniuk" 

To: "'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: walkie-talkie app recommendation

Roger is a good app. It supports Bluetooth and if you use it without 
Bluetooth, you can talk without holding a record button.

Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheblindrapper

On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:50 AM, Todor Fassl  wrote:

I need a blutooth walkie-talkie app for my iPhone.  There is only like a 
million of them on the app store. Any recommendations?

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Re: walkie-talkie app recommendation

2016-09-12 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Roger is a good app. It supports Bluetooth and if you use it without Bluetooth, 
you can talk without holding a record button.

Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheblindrapper

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:50 AM, Todor Fassl  wrote:
> I need a blutooth walkie-talkie app for my iPhone.  There is only like a 
> million of them on the app store. Any recommendations?
> -- 
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Stop speaking imbed level in Aple Mail on iMac

2016-09-12 Thread Paul Hopewell
I am running the latest El Capitan on my late 2008 iMac. I use Apple Mail in 
classic mode. 
I often hear VoiceOver say “level 0” and “level 1” on alternate lines when 
reading the text of a forwarded Email. This detracts from the message text and 
I would thus like to get rid of it. So does anyone know how to stop VoiceOver 
in Apple Mail speaking the imbed level of a forwarded Email?

Many thanks. 

Paul Hopewell 

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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

My sources say Sierra on the 20th and iOS 10 on the 13th.  That would make it 
so that when the iPhone 7 is release, iOS 10 is already out.  My sources aren't 
always right, but this sounds logical.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Sep 12, 2016, at 13:02, Scott Granados  wrote:

nO I think you’re right.  I googled after you mentioned this and E.T> and found 
an article straight away confirming the 20th.

Think you’re correct.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:47 PM, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
> Sorry, just this particular blog post didn’t mention anything about when tvOS 
> 10 will be released. I will therefore take yours and Mr Cook’s words for it 
> smile.
>> On 12 Sep 2016, at 19:34, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> I wonder why he said during the keynote that everything would be released on 
>> the 13th then.  Everything and I mean everything I’ve read has indicated the 
>> 13th.
>>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:15 PM, christopher hallsworth 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Not according to what I read on Idownloadblog, Sierra will be released to 
>>> the public next Tuesday 20 September. I have no idea of the release date 
>>> for tvOS 10.
 On 12 Sep 2016, at 19:11, Scott Granados  wrote:
 Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through 
 the developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I 
 believe.  (and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.
> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  
> wrote:
> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own 
> a mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, 
> but I would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try 
> them out and see which one you like. I think that would be the best 
> potential solution to your problem. Because my guess is that the 
> compatibility list if there is one, would be far too long to spark a 
> specific model, so trial and error might be the best approach? Let’s see 
> what other people suggest? Be well, Maurice.
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
>> tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
>> microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
>> options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a 
>> combination headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on 
>> Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for 
>> microphones or combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really 
>> don't like headsets much except when I want to listen to high quality 
>> music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But 
>> I wonder about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. 
>> All input is appreciated.
>> Mary
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
>> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
>> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
>> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> --- 
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
nO I think you’re right.  I googled after you mentioned this and E.T> and found 
an article straight away confirming the 20th.

Think you’re correct.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:47 PM, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
> Sorry, just this particular blog post didn’t mention anything about when tvOS 
> 10 will be released. I will therefore take yours and Mr Cook’s words for it 
> smile.
>> On 12 Sep 2016, at 19:34, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> I wonder why he said during the keynote that everything would be released on 
>> the 13th then.  Everything and I mean everything I’ve read has indicated the 
>> 13th.
>>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:15 PM, christopher hallsworth 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Not according to what I read on Idownloadblog, Sierra will be released to 
>>> the public next Tuesday 20 September. I have no idea of the release date 
>>> for tvOS 10.
 On 12 Sep 2016, at 19:11, Scott Granados  wrote:
 Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through 
 the developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I 
 believe.  (and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.
> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  
> wrote:
> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own 
> a mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, 
> but I would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try 
> them out and see which one you like. I think that would be the best 
> potential solution to your problem. Because my guess is that the 
> compatibility list if there is one, would be far too long to spark a 
> specific model, so trial and error might be the best approach? Let’s see 
> what other people suggest? Be well, Maurice.
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
>> tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
>> microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
>> options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a 
>> combination headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on 
>> Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for 
>> microphones or combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really 
>> don't like headsets much except when I want to listen to high quality 
>> music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But 
>> I wonder about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. 
>> All input is appreciated.
>> Mary
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
>> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
>> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
>> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> --- 
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread christopher hallsworth
Sorry, just this particular blog post didn’t mention anything about when tvOS 
10 will be released. I will therefore take yours and Mr Cook’s words for it 
> On 12 Sep 2016, at 19:34, Scott Granados  wrote:
> I wonder why he said during the keynote that everything would be released on 
> the 13th then.  Everything and I mean everything I’ve read has indicated the 
> 13th.
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:15 PM, christopher hallsworth 
>>  wrote:
>> Not according to what I read on Idownloadblog, Sierra will be released to 
>> the public next Tuesday 20 September. I have no idea of the release date for 
>> tvOS 10.
>>> On 12 Sep 2016, at 19:11, Scott Granados  wrote:
>>> Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
>>> developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I 
>>> believe.  (and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.
 On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:
 Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
 mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but 
 I would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them 
 out and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential 
 solution to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list 
 if there is one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial 
 and error might be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? 
 Be well, Maurice.
> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
> tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
> microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
> options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination 
> headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is 
> part of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for microphones or 
> combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really don't like 
> headsets much except when I want to listen to high quality music. I 
> Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But I wonder 
> about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All input 
> is appreciated.
> Mary
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
> Visionaries list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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 The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
 Visionaries list.
 If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
 if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
 owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
 Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
 Quinn - you can reach Cara at
 The archives for this list can be searched at:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
 email to
 To post to this group, send email to
 Visit this group at
 For more options, visit
>>> -- 
>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>>> Visionaries list.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners 
>>> or moderators directly rather than posting on the 

Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
Great headset.

Feels kind of cheap construction wise but ends up they last and last and last.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:44 PM, Joseph Hudson  wrote:
> Hello, yes you are correct. The one that you were referring to, is the H 800
> Joseph Hudson 
> Group administrator for the following
> groups
> chat
> blind apples
> blind square GPS
>  blind handyman
> iPad help for the blind
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> FaceTime/iMessage
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 1:06 PM, Scott Granados > > wrote:
>> Logitech in my opinion makes great headsets for desktop computers.  I think 
>> it’s the 800 series, I may have my series number wrong but theres one for 
>> about $70 we used all the time for videoconferencing and phone applications 
>> at Fidelity on the PC and Mac.  They are wireless.
>> .
>>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 1:59 PM, Mary Otten >> > wrote:
>>> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
>>> tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
>>> microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
>>> options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination 
>>> headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is part 
>>> of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for microphones or 
>>> combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really don't like headsets 
>>> much except when I want to listen to high quality music. I Bluetooth 
>>> earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But I wonder about being 
>>> able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All input is 
>>> appreciated.
>>> Mary
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>>> Visionaries list.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners 
>>> or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>>> --- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> --- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread christopher hallsworth
No doubt. The newest iPhone will always ship with the newest iOS.
> On 12 Sep 2016, at 19:35, E.T.  wrote:
>   I would hazard a guess that the iPhone 7 will ship with iOS 10.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>  Are We Alone in the Universe?
> On 9/12/2016 11:35 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> That doesn’t make sense, the phone is released for general sale friday, how 
>> are you going to release the phone with out the OS?
>> :)
>>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:21 PM, E.T.  wrote:
>>>  Official release date for non beta testers/developers is 9/20.
>>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>> Are We Alone in the Universe?
>>> On 9/12/2016 11:11 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
 Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through 
 the developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I 
 believe.  (and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.
> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  
> wrote:
> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own 
> a mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, 
> but I would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try 
> them out and see which one you like. I think that would be the best 
> potential solution to your problem. Because my guess is that the 
> compatibility list if there is one, would be far too long to spark a 
> specific model, so trial and error might be the best approach? Let’s see 
> what other people suggest? Be well, Maurice.
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
>> tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
>> microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
>> options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a 
>> combination headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on 
>> Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for 
>> microphones or combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really 
>> don't like headsets much except when I want to listen to high quality 
>> music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But 
>> I wonder about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. 
>> All input is appreciated.
>> Mary
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> --
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
>> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
>> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
>> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> ---
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> --
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> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> ---
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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>>> --
>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>>> Visionaries list.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 

Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Joseph Hudson
Hello, yes you are correct. The one that you were referring to, is the H 800
Joseph Hudson 
Group administrator for the following

blind apples

blind square GPS

 blind handyman

iPad help for the blind 

I device support


> On Sep 12, 2016, at 1:06 PM, Scott Granados  wrote:
> Logitech in my opinion makes great headsets for desktop computers.  I think 
> it’s the 800 series, I may have my series number wrong but theres one for 
> about $70 we used all the time for videoconferencing and phone applications 
> at Fidelity on the PC and Mac.  They are wireless.
> .
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 1:59 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra tomorrow. 
>> I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of microphone. I really 
>> would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of options are out there 
>> for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination headset with microphone? 
>> I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just 
>> asking about the utility for microphones or combination headset microphones 
>> on a Mac Mini. I really don't like headsets much except when I want to 
>> listen to high quality music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a 
>> legend already. But I wonder about being able to use the microphone from 
>> that on a Mac Mini. All input is appreciated.
>> Mary
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> --- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at caraqu...@caraquinn

Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread E.T.

   I would hazard a guess that the iPhone 7 will ship with iOS 10.

From E.T.'s Keyboard...
  Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 9/12/2016 11:35 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

That doesn’t make sense, the phone is released for general sale friday, how are 
you going to release the phone with out the OS?


On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:21 PM, E.T.  wrote:

  Official release date for non beta testers/developers is 9/20.

From E.T.'s Keyboard...
 Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 9/12/2016 11:11 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I believe.  
(and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.

On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:

Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but I 
would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them out 
and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential solution 
to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list if there is 
one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial and error might 
be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? Be well, Maurice.

On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:

I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra tomorrow. I 
have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of microphone. I really 
would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of options are out there for 
the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination headset with microphone? I'm 
not asking for comments on Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just asking 
about the utility for microphones or combination headset microphones on a Mac 
Mini. I really don't like headsets much except when I want to listen to high 
quality music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But 
I wonder about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All 
input is appreciated.

Sent from my iPhone

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

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- you can reach Cara at

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- you can reach Cara at

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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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Re: Medical Data

2016-09-12 Thread E.T.
   It might but unless I can access or update the information on the 
Mac, it will not do.

From E.T.'s Keyboard...
  Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 9/11/2016 9:23 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

Hi ET,

 Wht about the apple health app now part of the IOS platform?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of E.T.
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 8:02 AM
To: MacVisionaries 
Subject: Medical Data

I have the My Medical app by Hyrax for both OS X and iOS. Its not been 
updated in a year and a half.

While it may still work in iOS 10 and Sierra, I still want to look into 
other such apps and am interested to know what others are using that is 
supported on both platforms.

 From E.T.'s Keyboard...
   Are We Alone in the Universe?

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
That doesn’t make sense, the phone is released for general sale friday, how are 
you going to release the phone with out the OS?


> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:21 PM, E.T.  wrote:
>   Official release date for non beta testers/developers is 9/20.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>  Are We Alone in the Universe?
> On 9/12/2016 11:11 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
>> developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I 
>> believe.  (and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.
>>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:
>>> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
>>> mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but 
>>> I would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them 
>>> out and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential 
>>> solution to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list 
>>> if there is one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial 
>>> and error might be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? 
>>> Be well, Maurice.
 On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
 I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
 tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
 microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
 options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination 
 headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is 
 part of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for microphones or 
 combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really don't like 
 headsets much except when I want to listen to high quality music. I 
 Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But I wonder 
 about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All input 
 is appreciated.
 Sent from my iPhone
 The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
 Visionaries list.
 If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
 if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
 owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
 Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
 Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
I wonder why he said during the keynote that everything would be released on 
the 13th then.  Everything and I mean everything I’ve read has indicated the 

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:15 PM, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
> Not according to what I read on Idownloadblog, Sierra will be released to the 
> public next Tuesday 20 September. I have no idea of the release date for tvOS 
> 10.
>> On 12 Sep 2016, at 19:11, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
>> developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I 
>> believe.  (and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.
>>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:
>>> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
>>> mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but 
>>> I would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them 
>>> out and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential 
>>> solution to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list 
>>> if there is one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial 
>>> and error might be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? 
>>> Be well, Maurice.
 On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
 I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
 tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
 microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
 options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination 
 headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is 
 part of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for microphones or 
 combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really don't like 
 headsets much except when I want to listen to high quality music. I 
 Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But I wonder 
 about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All input 
 is appreciated.
 Sent from my iPhone
 The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
 Visionaries list.
 If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
 if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
 owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
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 Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread E.T.

   Official release date for non beta testers/developers is 9/20.

From E.T.'s Keyboard...
  Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 9/12/2016 11:11 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I believe.  
(and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.

On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:

Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but I 
would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them out 
and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential solution 
to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list if there is 
one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial and error might 
be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? Be well, Maurice.

On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:

I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra tomorrow. I 
have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of microphone. I really 
would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of options are out there for 
the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination headset with microphone? I'm 
not asking for comments on Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just asking 
about the utility for microphones or combination headset microphones on a Mac 
Mini. I really don't like headsets much except when I want to listen to high 
quality music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But 
I wonder about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All 
input is appreciated.

Sent from my iPhone

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread christopher hallsworth
Not according to what I read on Idownloadblog, Sierra will be released to the 
public next Tuesday 20 September. I have no idea of the release date for tvOS 
> On 12 Sep 2016, at 19:11, Scott Granados  wrote:
> Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
> developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I 
> believe.  (and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:
>> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
>> mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but I 
>> would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them out 
>> and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential 
>> solution to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list if 
>> there is one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial and 
>> error might be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? Be 
>> well, Maurice.
>>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>>> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
>>> tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
>>> microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
>>> options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination 
>>> headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is part 
>>> of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for microphones or 
>>> combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really don't like headsets 
>>> much except when I want to listen to high quality music. I Bluetooth 
>>> earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But I wonder about being 
>>> able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All input is 
>>> appreciated.
>>> Mary
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
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>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Mary Otten
I really hope tvOS comes out tomorrow. I am so looking forward to that feature 
where you can move VoiceOver to a different output then the actual TV sound. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 11:11 AM, Scott Granados  wrote:
> Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
> developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I 
> believe.  (and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:
>> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
>> mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but I 
>> would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them out 
>> and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential 
>> solution to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list if 
>> there is one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial and 
>> error might be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? Be 
>> well, Maurice.
>>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>>> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra 
>>> tomorrow. I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of 
>>> microphone. I really would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of 
>>> options are out there for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination 
>>> headset with microphone? I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is part 
>>> of the beta. I am just asking about the utility for microphones or 
>>> combination headset microphones on a Mac Mini. I really don't like headsets 
>>> much except when I want to listen to high quality music. I Bluetooth 
>>> earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But I wonder about being 
>>> able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All input is 
>>> appreciated.
>>> Mary
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
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>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Mary Otten
Oh OK. Maybe I do have the release date wrong. I guess Apple has to  stretch 
this stuff out for the sake of their servers.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 11:08 AM, maurice.mines  wrote:
> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
> mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but I 
> would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them out 
> and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential solution 
> to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list if there is 
> one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial and error 
> might be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? Be well, 
> Maurice.
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra tomorrow. 
>> I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of microphone. I really 
>> would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of options are out there 
>> for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination headset with microphone? 
>> I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just 
>> asking about the utility for microphones or combination headset microphones 
>> on a Mac Mini. I really don't like headsets much except when I want to 
>> listen to high quality music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a 
>> legend already. But I wonder about being able to use the microphone from 
>> that on a Mac Mini. All input is appreciated.
>> Mary
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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>> Visionaries list.
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>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
Sierra publicly is available tomorrow and is only available now through the 
developer or public beta programs.  Watch OS also releases tomorrow I believe.  
(and TV OS)  I think tomorrow is a big update day.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:08 PM, maurice.mines  wrote:
> Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
> mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but I 
> would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them out 
> and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential solution 
> to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list if there is 
> one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial and error 
> might be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? Be well, 
> Maurice.
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra tomorrow. 
>> I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of microphone. I really 
>> would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of options are out there 
>> for the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination headset with microphone? 
>> I'm not asking for comments on Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just 
>> asking about the utility for microphones or combination headset microphones 
>> on a Mac Mini. I really don't like headsets much except when I want to 
>> listen to high quality music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a 
>> legend already. But I wonder about being able to use the microphone from 
>> that on a Mac Mini. All input is appreciated.
>> Mary
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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>> Visionaries list.
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>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread maurice.mines
Good morning, I believe OS X Sierra is released on the 20th. I don’t own a 
mini, but a full Mac, so I can’t help you with microphone suggestions, but I 
would try to find a low-cost USB microphone, and/or headset and try them out 
and see which one you like. I think that would be the best potential solution 
to your problem. Because my guess is that the compatibility list if there is 
one, would be far too long to spark a specific model, so trial and error might 
be the best approach? Let’s see what other people suggest? Be well, Maurice.
> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:59 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:
> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra tomorrow. 
> I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of microphone. I really 
> would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of options are out there for 
> the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination headset with microphone? I'm 
> not asking for comments on Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just asking 
> about the utility for microphones or combination headset microphones on a Mac 
> Mini. I really don't like headsets much except when I want to listen to high 
> quality music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. 
> But I wonder about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. 
> All input is appreciated.
> Mary
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
I haven’t heard a thing about the air being discontinued, maybe others have but 
no such rumor here.

I had a best buy guy try to tell me the air was 6th gen intel but I don’t buy 
it, I don’t think the product line has been updated yet but that was the claim 
in the store anyway.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:04 PM, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
> Hi thank you.
> But can I ask, is Apple still upgrading hardware for the Air? Asking as 
> thought I heard somewhere they were no longer upgrading hardware on the Air 
> and instead focus on the new Macbook. If they are still upgrading hardware on 
> the Air, this could be an avenue to explore.
>> On 12 Sep 2016, at 17:50, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Remember that the Air still is a very small unit.
>> So if you don’t get the macbook with retina display and get the air she will 
>> have a very small and compact and very lightweight unit.
>> One thing i do love with the mac is the magnetic plug for the electrical 
>> chord.
>> So if you happen to stumble up on it its not going to break.
>> /A
>>> On 10 Sep 2016, at 21:27, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> No, it's different. The keys have much less space between them, and don't 
>>> move as far down or up. It's harder to type on at first. I've only seen one 
>>> in a store, not used it long-term, so can't say if it's something you get 
>>> used to or not. Still, for more power and a better keyboard at the expense 
>>> of more weight and thickness, the Air may be the best option.
 On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:44, christopher hallsworth 
 Thank you. She is totally blind, so retina or non-retina she would not 
 care less about. Is the keyboard on the macbook like a standard Apple 
 keyboard as found on this Macbook Pro I’m writing on? If so, I’m sure she 
 could handle that. I’m going to give her lessons on the mac as early as 
 our next vacation towards Christmas so she has plenty of time to learn and 
> On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:36, Alex Hall  wrote:
> The Air is definitely perfect for that list, but the Retina MacBook may 
> also be an option. Only consider this if she can get used to the 
> keyboard, and if a mobile processor with no fan is okay. This machine 
> also has just one USB-C port and one audio jack. But its advantages are 
> great battery, a very small size and weight, and--if she's sighted, 
> she'll like--the retina display. The Air doesn't have nearly so good a 
> screen. You should also wait until the end of the year, to see what Apple 
> comes out with for Mac updates.
>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:24, christopher hallsworth 
>>  wrote:
>> Yeah it does thank you. Will sleep on it.
>>> On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:09, Scott Granados  wrote:
>>> I think your mac application screams MacBook air to me.  The pro is a 
>>> real work course and has a lot of power you may not need.  The 15 
>>> especially has a lot of horse power and is probably over kill.  The air 
>>> is super light, decently powered and has good performance for the 
>>> money.  It’s also not to heavy and is great to just keep handy for 
>>> doing exactly what you mention.  If your girl friend wants to run 
>>> windows and other operating systems in parallel or do heavy computing 
>>> then go Pro but if you want to stick to the list you posted then by all 
>>> means go for the air.  You can get a dual core I7 in the air and 512 MB 
>>> of storage.  That’s pretty good.
>>> Hope that helps.
 On Sep 10, 2016, at 1:55 PM, christopher hallsworth 
 Hello everyone.
 I'm writing to let you know about some future technology gifts  my 
 girlfriend.  her birthday she will be getting a new iPhone, no problem 
 what to get her there. But for her 30th I'm thinking of getting her a 
 mac. But I would like to know what would be suitable  someone who just 
 reads emails, browsing the web, including using Facebook, listening to 
 music, watching Youtube, you get the idea. I'm leaning towards either 
 a Macbook Air or Macbook Pro, the latter being a good option I think 
 as she would be used to machines equivalent of a Windows laptop.
 Any responses are very welcome. Thank you in advance.
 Kindest Regards
 The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
 Visionaries list.
 If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, 
 or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact 
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Re: Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
Logitech in my opinion makes great headsets for desktop computers.  I think 
it’s the 800 series, I may have my series number wrong but theres one for about 
$70 we used all the time for videoconferencing and phone applications at 
Fidelity on the PC and Mac.  They are wireless.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 1:59 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
> I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra tomorrow. 
> I have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of microphone. I really 
> would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of options are out there for 
> the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination headset with microphone? I'm 
> not asking for comments on Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just asking 
> about the utility for microphones or combination headset microphones on a Mac 
> Mini. I really don't like headsets much except when I want to listen to high 
> quality music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. 
> But I wonder about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. 
> All input is appreciated.
> Mary
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

2016-09-12 Thread christopher hallsworth
Hi thank you.

But can I ask, is Apple still upgrading hardware for the Air? Asking as thought 
I heard somewhere they were no longer upgrading hardware on the Air and instead 
focus on the new Macbook. If they are still upgrading hardware on the Air, this 
could be an avenue to explore.

> On 12 Sep 2016, at 17:50, Anders Holmberg  wrote:
> Hi!
> Remember that the Air still is a very small unit.
> So if you don’t get the macbook with retina display and get the air she will 
> have a very small and compact and very lightweight unit.
> One thing i do love with the mac is the magnetic plug for the electrical 
> chord.
> So if you happen to stumble up on it its not going to break.
> /A
>> On 10 Sep 2016, at 21:27, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> No, it's different. The keys have much less space between them, and don't 
>> move as far down or up. It's harder to type on at first. I've only seen one 
>> in a store, not used it long-term, so can't say if it's something you get 
>> used to or not. Still, for more power and a better keyboard at the expense 
>> of more weight and thickness, the Air may be the best option.
>>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:44, christopher hallsworth  
>>> wrote:
>>> Thank you. She is totally blind, so retina or non-retina she would not care 
>>> less about. Is the keyboard on the macbook like a standard Apple keyboard 
>>> as found on this Macbook Pro I’m writing on? If so, I’m sure she could 
>>> handle that. I’m going to give her lessons on the mac as early as our next 
>>> vacation towards Christmas so she has plenty of time to learn and practice.
 On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:36, Alex Hall  wrote:
 The Air is definitely perfect for that list, but the Retina MacBook may 
 also be an option. Only consider this if she can get used to the keyboard, 
 and if a mobile processor with no fan is okay. This machine also has just 
 one USB-C port and one audio jack. But its advantages are great battery, a 
 very small size and weight, and--if she's sighted, she'll like--the retina 
 display. The Air doesn't have nearly so good a screen. You should also 
 wait until the end of the year, to see what Apple comes out with for Mac 
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:24, christopher hallsworth 
>  wrote:
> Yeah it does thank you. Will sleep on it.
>> On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:09, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> I think your mac application screams MacBook air to me.  The pro is a 
>> real work course and has a lot of power you may not need.  The 15 
>> especially has a lot of horse power and is probably over kill.  The air 
>> is super light, decently powered and has good performance for the money. 
>>  It’s also not to heavy and is great to just keep handy for doing 
>> exactly what you mention.  If your girl friend wants to run windows and 
>> other operating systems in parallel or do heavy computing then go Pro 
>> but if you want to stick to the list you posted then by all means go for 
>> the air.  You can get a dual core I7 in the air and 512 MB of storage.  
>> That’s pretty good.
>> Hope that helps.
>>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 1:55 PM, christopher hallsworth 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hello everyone.
>>> I'm writing to let you know about some future technology gifts  my 
>>> girlfriend.  her birthday she will be getting a new iPhone, no problem 
>>> what to get her there. But for her 30th I'm thinking of getting her a 
>>> mac. But I would like to know what would be suitable  someone who just 
>>> reads emails, browsing the web, including using Facebook, listening to 
>>> music, watching Youtube, you get the idea. I'm leaning towards either a 
>>> Macbook Air or Macbook Pro, the latter being a good option I think as 
>>> she would be used to machines equivalent of a Windows laptop.
>>> Any responses are very welcome. Thank you in advance.
>>> Kindest Regards
>>> Chris
>>> -- 
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>>> Visionaries list.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, 
>>> or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact 
>>> the owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list 
>>> itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
>>> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Using Siri on a Mac Mini with sierra

2016-09-12 Thread Mary Otten
I guess I am sending this in anticipation of the release of Sierra tomorrow. I 
have a Mac Mini, which does not come with any sort of microphone. I really 
would like to use Siri on my Mac Mini. What sort of options are out there for 
the Mac Mini with a microphone or a combination headset with microphone? I'm 
not asking for comments on Siri, which is part of the beta. I am just asking 
about the utility for microphones or combination headset microphones on a Mac 
Mini. I really don't like headsets much except when I want to listen to high 
quality music. I Bluetooth earpiece would be good. I have a legend already. But 
I wonder about being able to use the microphone from that on a Mac Mini. All 
input is appreciated.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Books on Numbers from a blind perspective?

2016-09-12 Thread Caitlyn Furness
How would a person go about finding about these voice over commands which 
aren’t apparent??


> On Sep 12, 2016, at 2:54 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Simon,
> We’re not writing a book on Numbers at the moment. We keep thinking about it, 
> but it takes so much time which is in short supply right now. People don’t 
> realise how much work goes into writing a book about a complex application. 
> There are so many VO commands that most users know nothing about, so they 
> have to be explained. Then there is the problem of communicating visual 
> concepts verbally. I have the advantage of having been fully sighted when a 
> small child, but I’ve been totally blind for over 50 years and the visual 
> world has changed out of all recognition in that time. While writing the 
> Pages book, my poor husband must have spent hours explaining visual concepts 
> to me so that I could put them into terms that a blind person could 
> understand.
> There are parts of the Pages book that are helpful in Numbers, such as tables 
> and charts. It took me quite a while to understand how charts work but I can 
> now see how showing data as coloured bars of varying length can have an 
> immediate visual impact.
> All this to say that a book on Numbers is not for the immediate future.
> Cheers,
> Anne
>> On 12 Sep 2016, at 01:43, Simon Fogarty > > wrote:
>> Anne,
>> The question needs to be asked,
>> Are you by any chance writing one to go with the pages book?
>> Simon F
>> From: 
>> [ 
>> ] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
>> Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2016 11:49 PM
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: Books on Numbers from a blind perspective?
>> Hello Doug,
>> No, there are no books on Numbers with VO.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 11 Sep 2016, at 12:42, Douglas Lawlor > > wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am wondering if any books have been written on using Numbers from a blind 
>> users perspective? I am interested in Numbers for iOs if that makes any 
>> difference. 
>> Thanks, 
>> Doug
>> Sent from my iPad
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Re: Future technology gifts for my girlfriend

2016-09-12 Thread Anders Holmberg
Remember that the Air still is a very small unit.
So if you don’t get the macbook with retina display and get the air she will 
have a very small and compact and very lightweight unit.
One thing i do love with the mac is the magnetic plug for the electrical chord.
So if you happen to stumble up on it its not going to break.
> On 10 Sep 2016, at 21:27, Alex Hall  wrote:
> No, it's different. The keys have much less space between them, and don't 
> move as far down or up. It's harder to type on at first. I've only seen one 
> in a store, not used it long-term, so can't say if it's something you get 
> used to or not. Still, for more power and a better keyboard at the expense of 
> more weight and thickness, the Air may be the best option.
>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:44, christopher hallsworth > > wrote:
>> Thank you. She is totally blind, so retina or non-retina she would not care 
>> less about. Is the keyboard on the macbook like a standard Apple keyboard as 
>> found on this Macbook Pro I’m writing on? If so, I’m sure she could handle 
>> that. I’m going to give her lessons on the mac as early as our next vacation 
>> towards Christmas so she has plenty of time to learn and practice.
>>> On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:36, Alex Hall >> > wrote:
>>> The Air is definitely perfect for that list, but the Retina MacBook may 
>>> also be an option. Only consider this if she can get used to the keyboard, 
>>> and if a mobile processor with no fan is okay. This machine also has just 
>>> one USB-C port and one audio jack. But its advantages are great battery, a 
>>> very small size and weight, and--if she's sighted, she'll like--the retina 
>>> display. The Air doesn't have nearly so good a screen. You should also wait 
>>> until the end of the year, to see what Apple comes out with for Mac updates.
 On Sep 10, 2016, at 14:24, christopher hallsworth >>> > wrote:
 Yeah it does thank you. Will sleep on it.
> On 10 Sep 2016, at 19:09, Scott Granados  > wrote:
> I think your mac application screams MacBook air to me.  The pro is a 
> real work course and has a lot of power you may not need.  The 15 
> especially has a lot of horse power and is probably over kill.  The air 
> is super light, decently powered and has good performance for the money.  
> It’s also not to heavy and is great to just keep handy for doing exactly 
> what you mention.  If your girl friend wants to run windows and other 
> operating systems in parallel or do heavy computing then go Pro but if 
> you want to stick to the list you posted then by all means go for the 
> air.  You can get a dual core I7 in the air and 512 MB of storage.  
> That’s pretty good.
> Hope that helps.
>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 1:55 PM, christopher hallsworth 
>>>> wrote:
>> Hello everyone.
>> I'm writing to let you know about some future technology gifts  my 
>> girlfriend.  her birthday she will be getting a new iPhone, no problem 
>> what to get her there. But for her 30th I'm thinking of getting her a 
>> mac. But I would like to know what would be suitable  someone who just 
>> reads emails, browsing the web, including using Facebook, listening to 
>> music, watching Youtube, you get the idea. I'm leaning towards either a 
>> Macbook Air or Macbook Pro, the latter being a good option I think as 
>> she would be used to machines equivalent of a Windows laptop.
>> Any responses are very welcome. Thank you in advance.
>> Kindest Regards
>> Chris
>> -- 
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>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
>> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
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hoping for some help with recovering a Google account

2016-09-12 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I'm having a strange problem and I'm hoping someone can help.

I'm trying to recover an old google account.  Since I used that account, my 
cell phone number has changed, so I request that a verification code be sent to 
my email address, which is the same one associated with the Google account in 
question.  I enter the code and click next, and then I get a message that I 
can't be signed in.  this makes no sense.  Anyone have any suggestions as to 
what I might try?

I know this is kind of OT, so feel free to respond off-list,

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walkie-talkie app recommendation

2016-09-12 Thread Todor Fassl
I need a blutooth walkie-talkie app for my iPhone.  There is only like a 
million of them on the app store. Any recommendations?

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PDF expert on the Mac

2016-09-12 Thread Mary Otten
Hi all,
There is an application called PDF expert for the Mac. Apple insider has it 
noted on sale for 50% off, making the price just under $30. My question is, is 
it usable with VoiceOver? I haven't had very much luck reading PDF files on the 
Mac. I still use windows for that. But I'm wondering about this program. Has 
anyone used it successfully? Does it Do OCR on images if you wanted to?

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: new Mac

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
I wonder if you can still crack that one open.

I’m looking on the apple site, ah yes, at the end there’s a 13 inch non retina 

You can probably still put 32 GB and 2 SSD drives in them.;)

(not officially of course but with a screwdriver and a half hour)

> On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:11 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Wrong, they still sell the mac book pro 13inch with standard hd and optical 
> drive,
> Specs haven’t changed in a few years but it is still on their site.
> From: 
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 6:57 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: new Mac
> There are no standard HD options unless you go with previous years models.  
> It’s all solid state now and everyone is absolutely right, this will make the 
> most difference for you.  SSD drives are over 40 times faster than their 
> rotating counterparts.
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 8:03 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  > wrote:
> It appears they all have SSD options. I didn’t see any standard HD choices.
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 6:26 PM, Andrew McKay  > wrote:
> I would echo everything Alex said.  If you ever want to run Windows in a VM, 
> memory is key.  A solid state drive though is the most game changing.  Think 
> towards the future though--a little more investment might mean an extra year 
> or two considering how long Apple hardware holds up.
> From: 
> [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 7:19 PM
> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries  >
> Subject: Re: new Mac
> Either will handle VoiceOver just fine. Your biggest enhancement will come if 
> you can switch to a solid state drive, which will make app launching, opening 
> new windows, loading files, and other tasks a great deal faster.
> If I could only pick one, it would depend on what I was planning to do. Run 
> Windows virtually: ram. Encode videos: CPU. Do a *lot* at once: ram. get 
> smoother overall performance: CPU. If possible, upgrade to 8GB of ram, then 
> get the best processor you can with your budget. You can get away with 4GB of 
> ram, but nowadays I don't recommend it.
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 19:01, Sarai Bucciarelli  > wrote:
> Hi guys: 
> Hope all is going well. I currently have a 2010 15 inch Macbook pro, 500 GB 
> HD, cor i7 processor. Basically, when I got it, I customized it with the max 
> customizations that Apple had at the time. I bought it around March, or April 
> 2010, when ever this particular Mac came out. it has served me very well, but 
> is slowing down, and the battery isn’t lasting. Apple will not repair, or 
> replace any parts.
> I’m currently looking at either the 2015 MBP 13 inch, or 2015 MBA 13 inch. My 
> two questions are, which of these two would better handle Voiceover? Second 
> question, if you could only pick one, would you upgrade the RAM or CPU?
> -- 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
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> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> -- 
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Re: Only Apple could do this.

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
Would love to visit someday, or move there when Trump or Hillary run the 
country in to the ground.  I know you beat us in the best places to do business 
category this year.

Awful long way to fly though.  I’m not sure I could stand 20+ hours in a plane, 
even a gulf stream feels like a tin can with stale air after a while even 
though your not subjected to the low air pressures of commercial flights.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 12:25 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Best little country in the world!
> Clean and green except for Auckland which we just accept as the a hole of the 
> fish the north island is!
> From: 
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 7:47 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.
> One of the most beautiful parts of the world though from what I hear.  Never 
> had the pleasure of traveling there but I have heard great things.  Even with 
> a goods and services tax.;)
> Ah you know what they say, you were brought to your country in chains 
> originally and we escaped.;)
> On Sep 11, 2016, at 12:09 AM, Simon Fogarty  > wrote:
> Yeah but we do it by country and lets face it our country is only a 
> population of 4.5 million people.
> From: 
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2016 1:29 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.
> Right, in my state it’s 0% sales tax, Yipee!
> Funny how we do it by state or even town here.  Some towns / areas have 
> different taxes in the same state.  Palm Beach county is an example where the 
> tax is a bit higher than the surrounding state of Florida.  I luckily live in 
> a right wing state with no taxes including sales.:)  We have a wicked lumber 
> export tax though.;)
> I used to order everything on amazon to get around the sales tax when I lived 
> in California.  Our local sales tax was 10% and this was before amazon was 
> forced to charge tax so that was a huge savings.
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 9:17 AM, David Chittenden  > wrote:
> Yes, and, it includes 15% GST. US prices do not include sales tax′ That said, 
> it is about $150 cheaper in Australia. Australia has a 10% GST which is 
> included in the price. GST is Goods and Services Tax.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email: 
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 10 Sep 2016, at 22:44, Scott Granados  > wrote:
> Wow!
> Wow, wow wow!
> In US dollars you’re paying over $1050 for the same phone I can order for 
> $649.  SO in your dollars our base price would be $889 NZ currency.  That’s a 
> hell of an import tax rate.
> On Sep 9, 2016, at 5:39 PM, Simon Fogarty  > wrote:
> Starting price of 7 here is the 32 gig
> 1199.00 and that’s the 7, the 7+ is 1399 I believe.
> From: 
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Saturday, 10 September 2016 1:05 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.
> Ok, quick back of the napkin calculation here. I show 649 US as about 840 NZ 
> currency.  Can you buy them that inexpensively there? If not, you PayPal me 
> the money, I’ll order and ship you the phone and bam, no import tax.;)
> speaking in theoretical of course.;)
> On Sep 9, 2016, at 3:12 AM, Simon Fogarty  > wrote:
> I honestly couldn’t tell you.
> Possibly a combination of a & b, but there is also the apple label and the 
> fact that our devices are not locked to a network and there fore being open 
> we’re probably paying more.
> You can get financing to buy a device but again that is through a finance 
> company who can charge high interest rates.
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Friday, 9 September 2016 2:37 AM
> Subject: Re: Only Apple could do this.
> Simon, is it the exchange rate or the import taxation that makes these 
> devices so expensive for you down there? I’d be down to help get um 

Re: AirPods hands-on: They stayed in my ears and sounded awesome

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
I think it all depends on when things get sourced, parts are finished and 
assembly takes place.  Apple likes to build up a big supply before they let 
something go.  You have a very good point I just figure something in the supply 
chain held something up and they didn’t want to stall on the phone.

Pure speculation of course.

> On Sep 11, 2016, at 11:14 PM, Kevin Chao  wrote:
> I wonder why they're not released until end of October. It would have been 
> great to pre-order AirPods along the iPhone 7 and Watch Series 2.
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 8:10 PM David Chittenden  > wrote:
> Hello,
> The new Apple Air Pods, using Apple's new chip, are Bluetooth with an 
> additional technology which, according to Apple, removes all delay from the 
> audio. So, there should not be any delay in VoiceOver.
> The Air Pods will automatically switch between mono and stereo depending on 
> whether they are in one ear or both ears. They can be paired with non-Apple 
> bluetooth devices. They are paired to devices whilst in the charging case. 
> Apparently, opening the case activates the paring system if they are not in 
> range of a device that they are already paired with.
> In the Apple ecosystem, pairing with one device will automatically pair with 
> all devices using the sane iCloud account.
> If they stay in my ears, and are comfortable, I am definitely getting a pair.
> Oh, and if one is lost, apparently Apple will sell single replacement units, 
> though there is no mention of price yet. 
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email: 
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 12 Sep 2016, at 13:11, Kevin Chao  > wrote:
>> Do the AirPods address the inherit lag that is on *all* bluetooth audio 
>> devices, which is pronounced when using *any* screen reader?
>> i.e. Hope the latency will be equivalent between lightning EarPods and 
>> wireless AirPods when using VoiceOver.
>> On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 2:32 PM Robin > > wrote:
>> ThisChip W1Chip could Solely BelongTo Apple & Would ONLY Operate 
>> AppleDevices ... Apple's BlueTooth Channel
>> At 06:00 AM 9/9/2016, you wrote:
>>> I don’t see how this works though.
>>> The iPhone has a specific W1 chip included.  I don’t know if bluetooth is 
>>> the underlying wireless protocol but none of the other devices have this W1 
>>> chip.  So how will my EarPods talk to my iPad air2 for example with no W1 
>>> processor?  Must be some sort of bluetooth support under the hood for 
>>> compatibility across the product line like that.  It wasn’t mentioned 
>>> though so wondering how it works.  I was under the impression that the 
>>> wireless connection itself was over a proprietary protocol and not 
>>> bluetooth.  Would love to be wrong on that.
 On Sep 9, 2016, at 3:58 AM, Simon Fogarty >>> > wrote:
 hang On,
 so if I pair these pods to my iPhone 6s+ which is running IOS 10,
 and if my watch is running OS3 and my iPad and iPods are all running IOS 
 10 as well, these pods will automatically be picked up by those other 
 Simply because I’m using my itunes account on all the devices.
 Awesome,shame about the NZ price of the pods though, 
  shows them as being around 250 dollars when they are 
 Bloody cool though.
 ]On Behalf Of Mary Otten
 Sent: Friday, 9 September 2016 5:30 AM
 ; VIPhone 'RobH. ' via> >
 Subject: AirPods hands-on: They stayed in my ears and sounded awesome
 Here is some more on the air pods. They will work with your Mac or your 
 iPad or other iPhones that are logged in to the same iCloud as your new 
 iPhone  AirPods hands-on: They stayed in my ears and sounded awesome
 Macworld  /  Susie Ochs
 I didn’t want to like the AirPods , I 
 really didn’t. But in the hands-on area after Apple’s iPhone 7 event 
 on Wednesday, I found myself dancing along in spite of myself—and the 
 AirPods stayed put, feeling surprisingly secure. With convvenient features 
 on both the hardware and software sides, I have to admit that Apple’s 
 totally-wireless AirPods kind of rocked my world.
 When they’re in your ears, the AirPods kind of look like the old wired 
 EarPods that someone snipped the wires off of. The earbud part fills your 
 ear just as before, and a plastic stem

Re: AirPods hands-on: They stayed in my ears and sounded awesome

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
Looks like they work with non apple devices also.

Very cool.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 12:18 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> I was talking to ssomeone at apple today about these and asked them if they 
> worked on the earlier devices such as 6 and 6s range,
> Seemingly the w1 chip in the pods works with the iPhone 7 but works with / 
> beside standard Bluetooth,
> If your phone is an earlier device then the pods will use BT by pressing the 
> pairing button on the charging case, if you have the 7 or 7Plus then  you t 
> ap the pods on the screan of the phone and it pairs 
> The apple person couldn’t be sure but believed the phone does have the w1 
> chip in it to allow for this pairing type to happen.
> There are a few features that the 7 will utilise from the pods where as the 
> earlier phones / devices wont be able to.
> But until such time as they are released they wont have more information.
> From: 
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Kevin Chao
> Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 3:14 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: AirPods hands-on: They stayed in my ears and sounded awesome
> I wonder why they're not released until end of October. It would have been 
> great to pre-order AirPods along the iPhone 7 and Watch Series 2.
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 8:10 PM David Chittenden  > wrote:
> Hello,
> The new Apple Air Pods, using Apple's new chip, are Bluetooth with an 
> additional technology which, according to Apple, removes all delay from the 
> audio. So, there should not be any delay in VoiceOver.
> The Air Pods will automatically switch between mono and stereo depending on 
> whether they are in one ear or both ears. They can be paired with non-Apple 
> bluetooth devices. They are paired to devices whilst in the charging case. 
> Apparently, opening the case activates the paring system if they are not in 
> range of a device that they are already paired with.
> In the Apple ecosystem, pairing with one device will automatically pair with 
> all devices using the sane iCloud account.
> If they stay in my ears, and are comfortable, I am definitely getting a pair.
> Oh, and if one is lost, apparently Apple will sell single replacement units, 
> though there is no mention of price yet. 
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email: 
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 12 Sep 2016, at 13:11, Kevin Chao  > wrote:
> Do the AirPods address the inherit lag that is on *all* bluetooth audio 
> devices, which is pronounced when using *any* screen reader?
> i.e. Hope the latency will be equivalent between lightning EarPods and 
> wireless AirPods when using VoiceOver.
> On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 2:32 PM Robin  > wrote:
> ThisChip W1Chip could Solely BelongTo Apple & Would ONLY Operate AppleDevices 
> ... Apple's BlueTooth Channel
> At 06:00 AM 9/9/2016, you wrote:
> I don’t see how this works though.
> The iPhone has a specific W1 chip included.  I don’t know if bluetooth is 
> the underlying wireless protocol but none of the other devices have this W1 
> chip.  So how will my EarPods talk to my iPad air2 for example with no W1 
> processor?  Must be some sort of bluetooth support under the hood for 
> compatibility across the product line like that.  It wasn’t mentioned 
> though so wondering how it works.  I was under the impression that the 
> wireless connection itself was over a proprietary protocol and not bluetooth. 
>  Would love to be wrong on that.
> On Sep 9, 2016, at 3:58 AM, Simon Fogarty  > wrote:
> hang On,
> so if I pair these pods to my iPhone 6s+ which is running IOS 10,
> and if my watch is running OS3 and my iPad and iPods are all running IOS 10 
> as well, these pods will automatically be picked up by those other devices?
> Simply because I’m using my itunes account on all the devices.
> Awesome,shame about the NZ price of the pods though, 
>  shows them as being around 250 dollars when they are 
> released.
> Bloody cool though.
> [ 
> ]On Behalf OfMary Otten
> Sent:Friday, 9 September 2016 5:30 AM
> ; 
> VIPhone 'RobH. ' via   >
> Subject:AirPods hands-on: They stayed in my ears and sounded awesome
> Here is some more on the air pods. They will work with your Mac or your iPad 
> or other iPhones that are logged in to

Re: thinking about getting a GoogleVoice number

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
Do remember the google option is free though just so you compare correctly on 
the financial side.  You are right though, Skype to Skype has a wide band codec 
and the Skype to PSTN gateways aren’t bad.  Of course a lot depends on your 
network connection, congestion and so forth.

Good luck and what ever you pick any of the options mentioned should work well.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 10:05 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hey Scott,
> Yep, there are a lot of options there. :)  Thanks for all this info.  I 
> already have a Skype number, so maybe I should just look into what it would 
> cost to add a second line.  I certainly find the call quality on Skype to be 
> far superior to what I experienced with GoogleVoice.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 8:59 AM, Scott Granados  wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> 1. The apps on both platforms are very accessible.  Android and IOS both 
>> support google voice very nicely.
>> 2.  Yes, voice quality is somewhat less than the PSTN network but completely 
>> acceptable.
>> 3.  Other options include Evoice with their second line option, Vonage with 
>> their cell phone app option or devices (they also support SIP), you could 
>> get really creative and set up your own phone system in the cloud and have a 
>> lot more multiline and PBX like functionality and adding both your cell 
>> phone and physical phones or even apps on your computer to place and receive 
>> calls.  You’ll need a SIP provider which either bills unlimited at a flat 
>> rate or per minute at fractions of a penny..
>>  You can activate a Skype account and pay small money for another line.
>> How’s that for options?
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 9:28 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have a need for a second phone number, and am thinking about getting a 
>>> GoogleVoice number.  My questions:
>>> 1.  How blind friendly is GoogleVoice these days?
>>> 2.  Last time I had a GoogleVoice number, the voice quality wasn't great.  
>>> Is that still the case?
>>> 3.  Anyone have any recommendations for any options besides GoogleVoice?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: Safari & credit cards

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
Kinda does Simon, if you’re discussing financial issues and fraud you need to 
know if one of the persons giving advice is a felon or not.  In the US you 
can’t register as a financial adviser if you have felonies and you lose your 
constitutional protections.  You can’t even vote.  You need to know where your 
data comes from.

> On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:08 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Hey scott,
> I’m not the mod for the list but this doesn’t need to be on here.
> From: 
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 6:43 AM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Safari & credit cards
> Interesting a felon like your self discussing fraud but there you go.
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 6:55 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  > wrote:
> I dono, maybe I'm just weird, but after in 2006 being frauded over 12K, I am 
> incredibly leery about this sort of thing.  Maybe I shouldn't be, but... 
> passwords... that's one thing, but I do not! and will not! store credit card 
> or any sort of financial banking stuff.  I think it's all just in how much 
> you trust.  Me?  I don't, but that's life.
> ---
> Christopher Gilland
> JAWS Certified, 2016.
> Training Instructor.
> Phone: (704) 256-8010.
> - Original Message - 
> From: Alex Hall 
> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:52 PM
> Subject: Re: Safari & credit cards
> I, too, use iCloud Keychain to store this kind of data. If you trust a 
> third-party, cross-platform solution like One Password or Last Pass, iCloud 
> is as good or better in terms of security. I have a strong password and two 
> factor authentication enabled, so feel as secure as any technology can make 
> me in using iCloud Keychain.
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 18:42, Andrew McKay  > wrote:
> I store credit cards in ICloud.  Keychain has industry best encryption. It is 
> safe/safer than third party options.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Traci Duncan
> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:27 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Safari & credit cards
> Hi all,
> Who’s comfortable storing their credit card info in Safari for autofill check 
> out while shopping?  How secure is this on the Mac?  Any tips or advice for 
> or against?
> Thank you,
> Traci
> -- 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
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> "M

Re: Safari & credit cards

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
Do remember it does work at places that don’t think they support it.  Walmart 
was such a place.  They specifically said they did not support it because they 
were / are working on an alternate system however, their registers do support 
it since it’s widely included in hardware and as long as you convince the 
cashier to accept a near field payment it can work.  Same principle with other 
retailers and businesses.  My dentist even accepts Apple pay now.

This was one thing Samsung did in an interesting way.  Their payment system 
supports older non NFC hardware.  Of course Samsung also includes that lighter 
option but the only problem there is you don’t know when the fire feature 

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 5:44 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Exactly, and at least on the Watch, you can choose which card you want to use 
> once you bring up Apple Pay and before you put your device up to the reader. 
> I believe iOS lets you do the same.
> No, your phone doesn't unlock. Once you double press the home button, you're 
> in the Apple Pay screen and it knows not to unlock. By the way, you can do 
> that double press while the phone is locked, you don't need to press a button 
> to get to the lock screen first. It's very smooth and simple once you start 
> using it. Your only complaint will soon be that more places don't accept it.
>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 20:10, Mary Otten > > wrote:
>> You can have more than one credit card in Apple Pay. You can have one set up 
>> as your default, which will be the one that you can use from the lock screen.
>> Mary
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 5:07 PM, Gabe Griffith > > wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Can you enter more than one card into Apple Pay or do you have to choose? 
>>> For example, if you have a debit and credit card that you use at various 
>>> times do you have to make a decision as to which one of those that you are 
>>> going out to put into Apple Pay?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Gabe
>>> Sent from Gabe's iPhone
>>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 11:51 AM, Scott Granados >> > wrote:
 Andrew, happy to walk you through it a little here.
 What happens is you enter your card data in to your phone.  Apple does not 
 know about and or have access to this data it’s only located in your 
 phone.  When you enter your card data your bank is contacted and a 
 relationship is established between your bank and your phone because 
 you’ve entered and verified your card.  Your card is still only located in 
 the phone in an encrypted highly secure data store.
Now say you want to pay for something.  You tap your phone against the 
 reader or set it on the reading platform and a one time session is set up 
 using near field communications between your phone and the point of sale 
 terminal.  A one time code is generated verifying with your bank over the 
 network that your card is valid and the transaction is approved.  At no 
 point was your actual card sent over the network rather a one time factor 
 is generated.  Even if I’m a bad guy and grab this code on the wire 
 somewhere it makes no difference because once it’s used it’s no longer 
 valid.  Unlike when you use the numbers on your card that are always 
 unchanging and valid this one time system makes things extremely secure 
 because there’s nothing valuable in the transaction to intercept.  This is 
 such a good system in fact that companies like Bank of America are 
 ditching their ATM cards in exchange for using this technology in your 
 phone at the ATM.
Google’s payment product works the same way if anyone is curious.  Let 
 me know if you have any more specific questions on the process, would be 
 happy to shed some light on it for you if I can.
> On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:49 AM, Andrew Lamanche  > wrote:
> Hello,
> I’ve read and thought quite a bit about using Apple pay in the UK.  I 
> still do not understand how it would work, both online and in shops.  
> Would anyone mind describing it a little in practical terms?
> Many thanks
> Andrew
>> On 11 Sep 2016, at 02:36, Jonathan C. Cohn > > wrote:
>> I will feel a lot safer with ApplePay!
>> Best wishes,
>> Jonathan Cohn 
>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 6:55 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>>> wrote:
>>> I dono, maybe I'm just weird, but after in 2006 being frauded over 12K, 
>>> I am incredibly leery about this sort of thing.  Maybe I shouldn't be, 
>>> but... passwords... that's one thing, but I do not! and will not! store 
>>> credit card or any sort of financial banking stuff.  I thin

Re: Safari & credit cards

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
Hi Andrew,

What you do is quickly double press your home button on the phone or 
double press the side button on the watch to enter in to a payment mode.  You 
do not have to and really should not unlock your phone I don’t believe at this 
stage.  When I’ve used it I’ve removed the phone from my pocket, quickly 
pressed the home button and held the phone near the reader until you hear the 
bing.  When you double press your home button you’ll be told to hold your phone 
near the reader and you’ll be able to swipe and find an option where you select 
which card to use if you’re not using your default.  If you’re using your 
default card no need to select.  Important thing to note is you’ll know 
verbally or through your output means of choice that you’re in payment mode and 
ready to go.


> On Sep 12, 2016, at 3:48 AM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
> Oh this is excellent.  Thank you so much.  So when you put your phone close 
> to a card reader, do you unlock your phone?  I understand from the various 
> pages I've read that you have to have your finger on the home button to use 
> touch ID.  But do you unlock your phone?
> Thanks again
> Andrew
>> On 11 Sep 2016, at 19:51, Scott Granados > > wrote:
>> Andrew, happy to walk you through it a little here.
>> What happens is you enter your card data in to your phone.  Apple does not 
>> know about and or have access to this data it’s only located in your phone.  
>> When you enter your card data your bank is contacted and a relationship is 
>> established between your bank and your phone because you’ve entered and 
>> verified your card.  Your card is still only located in the phone in an 
>> encrypted highly secure data store.
>>  Now say you want to pay for something.  You tap your phone against the 
>> reader or set it on the reading platform and a one time session is set up 
>> using near field communications between your phone and the point of sale 
>> terminal.  A one time code is generated verifying with your bank over the 
>> network that your card is valid and the transaction is approved.  At no 
>> point was your actual card sent over the network rather a one time factor is 
>> generated.  Even if I’m a bad guy and grab this code on the wire somewhere 
>> it makes no difference because once it’s used it’s no longer valid.  Unlike 
>> when you use the numbers on your card that are always unchanging and valid 
>> this one time system makes things extremely secure because there’s nothing 
>> valuable in the transaction to intercept.  This is such a good system in 
>> fact that companies like Bank of America are ditching their ATM cards in 
>> exchange for using this technology in your phone at the ATM.
>>  Google’s payment product works the same way if anyone is curious.  Let 
>> me know if you have any more specific questions on the process, would be 
>> happy to shed some light on it for you if I can.
>> Thanks
>>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:49 AM, Andrew Lamanche >> > wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I’ve read and thought quite a bit about using Apple pay in the UK.  I still 
>>> do not understand how it would work, both online and in shops.  Would 
>>> anyone mind describing it a little in practical terms?
>>> Many thanks
>>> Andrew
 On 11 Sep 2016, at 02:36, Jonathan C. Cohn >>> > wrote:
 I will feel a lot safer with ApplePay!
 Best wishes,
 Jonathan Cohn 
 On Sep 10, 2016, at 6:55 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland>> wrote:
> I dono, maybe I'm just weird, but after in 2006 being frauded over 12K, I 
> am incredibly leery about this sort of thing.  Maybe I shouldn't be, 
> but... passwords... that's one thing, but I do not! and will not! store 
> credit card or any sort of financial banking stuff.  I think it's all 
> just in how much you trust.  Me?  I don't, but that's life.
> ---
> Christopher Gilland
> JAWS Certified, 2016.
> Training Instructor.
> Phone: (704) 256-8010.
> - Original Message -
> From: Alex Hall 
> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:52 PM
> Subject: Re: Safari & credit cards
> I, too, use iCloud Keychain to store this kind of data. If you trust a 
> third-party, cross-platform solution like One Password or Last Pass, 
> iCloud is as good or better in terms of security. I have a strong 
> password and two factor authentication enabled, so feel as secure as any 
> technology can make me in using iCloud Keychain.
>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 18:42, Andrew McKay > > wrote:
>> I store credit cards in IClou

Re: thinking about getting a GoogleVoice number

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
Hi Donna,

1. The apps on both platforms are very accessible.  Android and IOS both 
support google voice very nicely.

2.  Yes, voice quality is somewhat less than the PSTN network but completely 

3.  Other options include Evoice with their second line option, Vonage with 
their cell phone app option or devices (they also support SIP), you could get 
really creative and set up your own phone system in the cloud and have a lot 
more multiline and PBX like functionality and adding both your cell phone and 
physical phones or even apps on your computer to place and receive calls.  
You’ll need a SIP provider which either bills unlimited at a flat rate or per 
minute at fractions of a penny..
You can activate a Skype account and pay small money for another line.

How’s that for options?


> On Sep 12, 2016, at 9:28 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a need for a second phone number, and am thinking about getting a 
> GoogleVoice number.  My questions:
> 1.  How blind friendly is GoogleVoice these days?
> 2.  Last time I had a GoogleVoice number, the voice quality wasn't great.  Is 
> that still the case?
> 3.  Anyone have any recommendations for any options besides GoogleVoice?
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
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> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
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Re: thinking about getting a GoogleVoice number

2016-09-12 Thread Donna Goodin
Hey Scott,

Yep, there are a lot of options there. :)  Thanks for all this info.  I already 
have a Skype number, so maybe I should just look into what it would cost to add 
a second line.  I certainly find the call quality on Skype to be far superior 
to what I experienced with GoogleVoice.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 8:59 AM, Scott Granados  wrote:
> Hi Donna,
> 1. The apps on both platforms are very accessible.  Android and IOS both 
> support google voice very nicely.
> 2.  Yes, voice quality is somewhat less than the PSTN network but completely 
> acceptable.
> 3.  Other options include Evoice with their second line option, Vonage with 
> their cell phone app option or devices (they also support SIP), you could get 
> really creative and set up your own phone system in the cloud and have a lot 
> more multiline and PBX like functionality and adding both your cell phone and 
> physical phones or even apps on your computer to place and receive calls.  
> You’ll need a SIP provider which either bills unlimited at a flat rate or per 
> minute at fractions of a penny..
>   You can activate a Skype account and pay small money for another line.
> How’s that for options?
> Thanks
> Scott
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 9:28 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a need for a second phone number, and am thinking about getting a 
>> GoogleVoice number.  My questions:
>> 1.  How blind friendly is GoogleVoice these days?
>> 2.  Last time I had a GoogleVoice number, the voice quality wasn't great.  
>> Is that still the case?
>> 3.  Anyone have any recommendations for any options besides GoogleVoice?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: Safari & credit cards

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
Hi, the apple product is a wallet so you can put all your cards in and select 
at time of payment which you wish to use.  It’s very clever.

> On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:07 PM, Gabe Griffith  wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you enter more than one card into Apple Pay or do you have to choose? For 
> example, if you have a debit and credit card that you use at various times do 
> you have to make a decision as to which one of those that you are going out 
> to put into Apple Pay?
> Thank you,
> Gabe
> Sent from Gabe's iPhone
> On Sep 11, 2016, at 11:51 AM, Scott Granados  > wrote:
>> Andrew, happy to walk you through it a little here.
>> What happens is you enter your card data in to your phone.  Apple does not 
>> know about and or have access to this data it’s only located in your phone.  
>> When you enter your card data your bank is contacted and a relationship is 
>> established between your bank and your phone because you’ve entered and 
>> verified your card.  Your card is still only located in the phone in an 
>> encrypted highly secure data store.
>>  Now say you want to pay for something.  You tap your phone against the 
>> reader or set it on the reading platform and a one time session is set up 
>> using near field communications between your phone and the point of sale 
>> terminal.  A one time code is generated verifying with your bank over the 
>> network that your card is valid and the transaction is approved.  At no 
>> point was your actual card sent over the network rather a one time factor is 
>> generated.  Even if I’m a bad guy and grab this code on the wire somewhere 
>> it makes no difference because once it’s used it’s no longer valid.  Unlike 
>> when you use the numbers on your card that are always unchanging and valid 
>> this one time system makes things extremely secure because there’s nothing 
>> valuable in the transaction to intercept.  This is such a good system in 
>> fact that companies like Bank of America are ditching their ATM cards in 
>> exchange for using this technology in your phone at the ATM.
>>  Google’s payment product works the same way if anyone is curious.  Let 
>> me know if you have any more specific questions on the process, would be 
>> happy to shed some light on it for you if I can.
>> Thanks
>>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:49 AM, Andrew Lamanche >> > wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I’ve read and thought quite a bit about using Apple pay in the UK.  I still 
>>> do not understand how it would work, both online and in shops.  Would 
>>> anyone mind describing it a little in practical terms?
>>> Many thanks
>>> Andrew
 On 11 Sep 2016, at 02:36, Jonathan C. Cohn >>> > wrote:
 I will feel a lot safer with ApplePay!
 Best wishes,
 Jonathan Cohn 
 On Sep 10, 2016, at 6:55 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland>> wrote:
> I dono, maybe I'm just weird, but after in 2006 being frauded over 12K, I 
> am incredibly leery about this sort of thing.  Maybe I shouldn't be, 
> but... passwords... that's one thing, but I do not! and will not! store 
> credit card or any sort of financial banking stuff.  I think it's all 
> just in how much you trust.  Me?  I don't, but that's life.
> ---
> Christopher Gilland
> JAWS Certified, 2016.
> Training Instructor.
> Phone: (704) 256-8010.
> - Original Message -
> From: Alex Hall 
> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:52 PM
> Subject: Re: Safari & credit cards
> I, too, use iCloud Keychain to store this kind of data. If you trust a 
> third-party, cross-platform solution like One Password or Last Pass, 
> iCloud is as good or better in terms of security. I have a strong 
> password and two factor authentication enabled, so feel as secure as any 
> technology can make me in using iCloud Keychain.
>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 18:42, Andrew McKay > > wrote:
>> I store credit cards in ICloud.  Keychain has industry best encryption. 
>> It is safe/safer than third party options.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [
>>  ] On Behalf Of Traci Duncan
>> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:27 PM
>> To: 
>> Subject: Safari & credit cards
>> Hi all,
>> Who’s comfortable storing their credit card info in Safari for autofill 
>> check out whil

Re: IOS 10 release

2016-09-12 Thread Scott Granados
That would be the gold master.  It shows up automatically on your phone but you 
must request it specifically by hand for the Mac side using the 
 mechanism and a app store code.

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 6:16 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Morning all,
> I know that this isn’t meant to happen until the 13th,
> But I’ve just had a look at something on my iPad 4 mini and while in general 
> / settings opened software updates to find an update of IOS 10 waiting for 
> install.
> I have been Public beta testing but this gives a list of a number of new IOS 
> 10 features
> And it is not being refered to as part of the beta installs.
> Anyone know if there has been an early release to people, or is this an 
> addition to the beta releases?
> ‘ I believe it was version A or something along that line under 
> about this phone.
> Cheers,
> Simon f
> -- 
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thinking about getting a GoogleVoice number

2016-09-12 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I have a need for a second phone number, and am thinking about getting a 
GoogleVoice number.  My questions:
1.  How blind friendly is GoogleVoice these days?
2.  Last time I had a GoogleVoice number, the voice quality wasn't great.  Is 
that still the case?
3.  Anyone have any recommendations for any options besides GoogleVoice?

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Re: IOS 10 release

2016-09-12 Thread Douglas Lawlor

That's what I'm running here. I just did a check and no new updates here. 


Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 6:45 AM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
> Yes, that's the gold master build. That releases tomorrow. However, I have a 
> feeling they will be releasing another gold master bill today, since that 
> build it gives the number of 10.0.1, not 10.0.
> Sent from my iPhone 6S Plus
>> On Sep 12, 2016, at 6:38 AM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> Is it the gold master? The update is not yet available as I do not have a 
>> beta account.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 12/09/2016, at 10:16 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>>> Morning all,
>>> I know that this isn’t meant to happen until the 13th,
>>> But I’ve just had a look at something on my iPad 4 mini and while in 
>>> general / settings opened software updates to find an update of IOS 10 
>>> waiting for install.
>>> I have been Public beta testing but this gives a list of a number of new 
>>> IOS 10 features
>>> And it is not being refered to as part of the beta installs.
>>> Anyone know if there has been an early release to people, or is this an 
>>> addition to the beta releases?
>>> ‘ I believe it was version A or something along that line under 
>>> about this phone.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Simon f
>>> -- 
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>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at caraqu...@caraquinn.c

Re: IOS 10 release

2016-09-12 Thread Daniel Miller
Yes, that's the gold master build. That releases tomorrow. However, I have a 
feeling they will be releasing another gold master bill today, since that build 
it gives the number of 10.0.1, not 10.0.

Sent from my iPhone 6S Plus

> On Sep 12, 2016, at 6:38 AM, David Chittenden  wrote:
> Is it the gold master? The update is not yet available as I do not have a 
> beta account.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 12/09/2016, at 10:16 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>> Morning all,
>> I know that this isn’t meant to happen until the 13th,
>> But I’ve just had a look at something on my iPad 4 mini and while in general 
>> / settings opened software updates to find an update of IOS 10 waiting for 
>> install.
>> I have been Public beta testing but this gives a list of a number of new IOS 
>> 10 features
>> And it is not being refered to as part of the beta installs.
>> Anyone know if there has been an early release to people, or is this an 
>> addition to the beta releases?
>> ‘ I believe it was version A or something along that line under 
>> about this phone.
>> Cheers,
>> Simon f
>> -- 
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>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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Re: IOS 10 release

2016-09-12 Thread David Chittenden
Is it the gold master? The update is not yet available as I do not have a beta 

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 12/09/2016, at 10:16 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Morning all,
> I know that this isn’t meant to happen until the 13th,
> But I’ve just had a look at something on my iPad 4 mini and while in general 
> / settings opened software updates to find an update of IOS 10 waiting for 
> install.
> I have been Public beta testing but this gives a list of a number of new IOS 
> 10 features
> And it is not being refered to as part of the beta installs.
> Anyone know if there has been an early release to people, or is this an 
> addition to the beta releases?
> ‘ I believe it was version A or something along that line under 
> about this phone.
> Cheers,
> Simon f
> -- 
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> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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RE: Books on Numbers from a blind perspective?

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Anne,

Thanks for that update,

It’s good to know your thinking of it,

Yes I understand the having had sight to now visualising things having had 
sight myself until 22

Thanks for the info.

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: Books on Numbers from a blind perspective?

Hello Simon,

We’re not writing a book on Numbers at the moment. We keep thinking about it, 
but it takes so much time which is in short supply right now. People don’t 
realise how much work goes into writing a book about a complex application. 
There are so many VO commands that most users know nothing about, so they have 
to be explained. Then there is the problem of communicating visual concepts 
verbally. I have the advantage of having been fully sighted when a small child, 
but I’ve been totally blind for over 50 years and the visual world has changed 
out of all recognition in that time. While writing the Pages book, my poor 
husband must have spent hours explaining visual concepts to me so that I could 
put them into terms that a blind person could understand.

There are parts of the Pages book that are helpful in Numbers, such as tables 
and charts. It took me quite a while to understand how charts work but I can 
now see how showing data as coloured bars of varying length can have an 
immediate visual impact.

All this to say that a book on Numbers is not for the immediate future.



On 12 Sep 2016, at 01:43, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:


The question needs to be asked,

Are you by any chance writing one to go with the pages book?

Simon F

[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Sunday, 11 September 2016 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: Books on Numbers from a blind perspective?

Hello Doug,

No, there are no books on Numbers with VO.



On 11 Sep 2016, at 12:42, Douglas Lawlor>> wrote:

Hello all,

I am wondering if any books have been written on using Numbers from a blind 
users perspective? I am interested in Numbers for iOs if that makes any 



Sent from my iPad

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IOS 10 release

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
Morning all,

I know that this isn't meant to happen until the 13th,

But I've just had a look at something on my iPad 4 mini and while in general / 
settings opened software updates to find an update of IOS 10 waiting for 

I have been Public beta testing but this gives a list of a number of new IOS 10 

And it is not being refered to as part of the beta installs.

Anyone know if there has been an early release to people, or is this an 
addition to the beta releases?

' I believe it was version A or something along that line under about 
this phone.


Simon f

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Re: Safari & credit cards

2016-09-12 Thread Alex Hall
Exactly, and at least on the Watch, you can choose which card you want to use 
once you bring up Apple Pay and before you put your device up to the reader. I 
believe iOS lets you do the same.

No, your phone doesn't unlock. Once you double press the home button, you're in 
the Apple Pay screen and it knows not to unlock. By the way, you can do that 
double press while the phone is locked, you don't need to press a button to get 
to the lock screen first. It's very smooth and simple once you start using it. 
Your only complaint will soon be that more places don't accept it.
> On Sep 11, 2016, at 20:10, Mary Otten  wrote:
> You can have more than one credit card in Apple Pay. You can have one set up 
> as your default, which will be the one that you can use from the lock screen.
> Mary
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 11, 2016, at 5:07 PM, Gabe Griffith  > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can you enter more than one card into Apple Pay or do you have to choose? 
>> For example, if you have a debit and credit card that you use at various 
>> times do you have to make a decision as to which one of those that you are 
>> going out to put into Apple Pay?
>> Thank you,
>> Gabe
>> Sent from Gabe's iPhone
>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 11:51 AM, Scott Granados > > wrote:
>>> Andrew, happy to walk you through it a little here.
>>> What happens is you enter your card data in to your phone.  Apple does not 
>>> know about and or have access to this data it’s only located in your phone. 
>>>  When you enter your card data your bank is contacted and a relationship is 
>>> established between your bank and your phone because you’ve entered and 
>>> verified your card.  Your card is still only located in the phone in an 
>>> encrypted highly secure data store.
>>> Now say you want to pay for something.  You tap your phone against the 
>>> reader or set it on the reading platform and a one time session is set up 
>>> using near field communications between your phone and the point of sale 
>>> terminal.  A one time code is generated verifying with your bank over the 
>>> network that your card is valid and the transaction is approved.  At no 
>>> point was your actual card sent over the network rather a one time factor 
>>> is generated.  Even if I’m a bad guy and grab this code on the wire 
>>> somewhere it makes no difference because once it’s used it’s no longer 
>>> valid.  Unlike when you use the numbers on your card that are always 
>>> unchanging and valid this one time system makes things extremely secure 
>>> because there’s nothing valuable in the transaction to intercept.  This is 
>>> such a good system in fact that companies like Bank of America are ditching 
>>> their ATM cards in exchange for using this technology in your phone at the 
>>> ATM.
>>> Google’s payment product works the same way if anyone is curious.  Let 
>>> me know if you have any more specific questions on the process, would be 
>>> happy to shed some light on it for you if I can.
>>> Thanks
 On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:49 AM, Andrew Lamanche >>> > wrote:
 I’ve read and thought quite a bit about using Apple pay in the UK.  I 
 still do not understand how it would work, both online and in shops.  
 Would anyone mind describing it a little in practical terms?
 Many thanks
> On 11 Sep 2016, at 02:36, Jonathan C. Cohn  > wrote:
> I will feel a lot safer with ApplePay!
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan Cohn 
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 6:55 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>> wrote:
>> I dono, maybe I'm just weird, but after in 2006 being frauded over 12K, 
>> I am incredibly leery about this sort of thing.  Maybe I shouldn't be, 
>> but... passwords... that's one thing, but I do not! and will not! store 
>> credit card or any sort of financial banking stuff.  I think it's all 
>> just in how much you trust.  Me?  I don't, but that's life.
>> ---
>> Christopher Gilland
>> JAWS Certified, 2016.
>> Training Instructor.
>> Phone: (704) 256-8010.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Alex Hall 
>> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
>> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:52 PM
>> Subject: Re: Safari & credit cards
>> I, too, use iCloud Keychain to store this kind of data. If you trust a 
>> third-party, cross-platform solution like One Password or Last Pass, 
>> iCloud is as good or better in terms of security. I have a strong 
>> password and two factor authentication enabled, so feel as secure as any 
>> technology can mak

Re: Keynote questions

2016-09-12 Thread Alex Hall
Okay, thanks. I'm a bit surprised that the usual way of performing multiple 
selections doesn't work for this, but at least there's a way. Is your book on 
iBooks, by the way?

Have you, or anyone, ever encountered this situation? I have an image 
container, and sighted people told me my image was cut off at the bottom. I 
checked, and the option to scale images is selected. Eventually, we figured out 
that you can move the image within the container using the mouse, or VO, by 
double clicking the container. If using VO, you have to then choose the new, 
untitled window from the window chooser and move the slider. Anyway, is there a 
way to get images to start aligned at the bottom, not the top, and to get a 
warning if the image is too big for the container? What is the option to scale 
images for, if not to fit images to the container they're in? Everything else 
in Keynote seems accessible, but this part isn't. VO warns you if your 
container is "partially hidden", but not if the image inside the container 
doesn't fit right.
> On Sep 12, 2016, at 02:42, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Alex,
> Once again, all this is explained in my Pages book.
> To select more than one object using VoiceOver, turn cursor tracking off 
> (VO-Shift-F3), navigate and bring the mouse to each object in turn, and 
> shift-click using the physical mouse or trackpad. Use VO-F6 to check that the 
> right number of items is selected.
> Cheers,
> Anne
>> On 11 Sep 2016, at 22:10, Alex Hall > > wrote:
>> Thanks, that does help. I wish there were a way to change the item hints to 
>> also use inches when referring to distance from the top/left of the slide, 
>> but this is better.
>> Hopefully this'll be my last question for a while, but how might I select 
>> objects? I was reading that you can do what I was hoping--bind them to move 
>> as one, set spacing, space themselves evenly, and so on--but you have to 
>> select them first. As shift and arrow keys move items rather than selecting, 
>> how else might I go about this? Vo-cmd-enter? (I'm not in front of a Mac 
>> with Keynote to try it right now.)
>>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 14:55, Anne Robertson >> > wrote:
>>> hello Alex,
>>> You’d find it easier if you changed the Ruler setting in Keynote 
>>> Preferences to either inches or centimetres. You can then focus on the 
>>> whole slide and do VO-Cmd-F3 to learn the size. This will also help when 
>>> positioning items on the slide. Points are completely useless when you have 
>>> to figure everything out blind, as it were!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
 On 11 Sep 2016, at 13:57, Alex Hall >>> > wrote:
 Thanks, I'll have a look there. Speaking of sizes and points, how big are 
 slides? That is, if an image element is 1080 points tall, how much room 
 does that leave on the overall slide? It's not too bad to get the size 
 information and imagine where things are in relation to each other, but in 
 relation to the absolute boundaries of the whole slide is harder, not 
 knowing the dimensions. I find myself very much wishing for Xcode-like 
 layout tools, so I could pin items to edges, define separation between 
 items, lock items together so they move as one or align their top or side 
 edges, and so on. Would that be easier!!
> On Sep 11, 2016, at 07:47, Anne Robertson  > wrote:
> Hello Alex,
> To resize objects, the easiest way is to go to the Arrange Formatter 
> where you can change size and position easily. It works the same way as 
> in Pages. When you can’t see the slide, you have to do a lot of 
> calculating, but it can be done.
> Cheers,
> Anne
>> On 11 Sep 2016, at 11:34, Alex Hall > > wrote:
>> You're quite right. Since then, I spent some time with a sighted person 
>> so I could get visual feedback as I played around. They also gave me 
>> general tips on Keynote. I found hints, or vo-shift-h, on objects were 
>> very helpful, and that arrows or shift-arrows move by one or ten points 
>> respectively. I'd been using VO's "move object" command, which works but 
>> is less convenient than the built-in commands.
>> My main question now is how to resize things. If I want to make an image 
>> smaller, how would I do it? I can't figure out the VO command for 
>> resizing, as I don't understand the grid or area menus and can't do 
>> anything even once I choose one. Still, Keynote makes it more possible 
>> than I expected to make a decent powerpoint while blind. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 04:11, Anne Robertson > > wrote:
>>> Hello Alex,

Re: AirPods hands-on: They stayed in my ears and sounded awesome

2016-09-12 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi david. I knew that. Which is why i knew u would understand the h&s ref. As 
for going to oz. understandable. Wi look that myself in december when in 

Sent from my iPhone 6S+

On 12/09/2016, at 6:33 PM, David Chittenden>> wrote:

Simon, I also live in NZ. Fortunately, I go to Australia regularly, so will go 
to the local Apple Store over there and get a hands-on from an Apple rep after 
they are released.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

On 12 Sep 2016, at 16:19, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:


Good luck getting to try before you buy, I’ve never managed to do this with bt 
headsets as they think it’s a H&S issue.

Mind you tha’ts only here in nz  things might be different in that country you 
live in!

[] On Behalf Of David Chittenden
Sent: Monday, 12 September 2016 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: AirPods hands-on: They stayed in my ears and sounded awesome


The new Apple Air Pods, using Apple's new chip, are Bluetooth with an 
additional technology which, according to Apple, removes all delay from the 
audio. So, there should not be any delay in VoiceOver.

The Air Pods will automatically switch between mono and stereo depending on 
whether they are in one ear or both ears. They can be paired with non-Apple 
bluetooth devices. They are paired to devices whilst in the charging case. 
Apparently, opening the case activates the paring system if they are not in 
range of a device that they are already paired with.

In the Apple ecosystem, pairing with one device will automatically pair with 
all devices using the sane iCloud account.

If they stay in my ears, and are comfortable, I am definitely getting a pair.

Oh, and if one is lost, apparently Apple will sell single replacement units, 
though there is no mention of price yet.
David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

On 12 Sep 2016, at 13:11, Kevin Chao>> wrote:
Do the AirPods address the inherit lag that is on *all* bluetooth audio 
devices, which is pronounced when using *any* screen reader?
i.e. Hope the latency will be equivalent between lightning EarPods and wireless 
AirPods when using VoiceOver.

On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 2:32 PM Robin>> wrote:
ThisChip W1Chip could Solely BelongTo Apple & Would ONLY Operate AppleDevices 
... Apple's BlueTooth Channel
At 06:00 AM 9/9/2016, you wrote:

I don’t see how this works though.

The iPhone has a specific W1 chip included.  I don’t know if bluetooth is the 
underlying wireless protocol but none of the other devices have this W1 chip.  
So how will my EarPods talk to my iPad air2 for example with no W1 processor?  
Must be some sort of bluetooth support under the hood for compatibility across 
the product line like that.  It wasn’t mentioned though so wondering how it 
works.  I was under the impression that the wireless connection itself was over 
a proprietary protocol and not bluetooth.  Would love to be wrong on that.

On Sep 9, 2016, at 3:58 AM, Simon Fogarty>> wrote:

hang On,
so if I pair these pods to my iPhone 6s+ which is running IOS 10,
and if my watch is running OS3 and my iPad and iPods are all running IOS 10 as 
well, these pods will automatically be picked up by those other devices?

Simply because I’m using my itunes account on all the devices.

Awesome,shame about the NZ price of the pods though, shows them as being around 250 dollars when 
they are released.

Bloody cool though.

From: []On Behalf Of Mary Otten
Sent: Friday, 9 September 2016 5:30 AM
VIPhone 'RobH. ' via> 
Subject: AirPods hands-on: They stayed in my ears and sounded awesome

Here is some more on the air pods. They will work with your Mac or your iPad or 
other iPhones that are logged in to the same iCloud as your new iPhone  AirPods 
hands-on: They stayed in my ears and sounded awesome
Macworld  /  Susie Ochs

I didn’t want to like the AirPods, I really 
didn’t. But in the hands-on area after Apple’s iPhone 7 event on Wednesday, 
I found myself dancing along in spite of myself—and the AirPods stayed put, 
feeling surprisingly secure. With convvenient features on both the hardware and 
software sides, I have to admit that Apple’s totally-wireless AirPods kind of 
rocked my world.

When the

Re: Safari & credit cards

2016-09-12 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Oh this is excellent.  Thank you so much.  So when you put your phone close to 
a card reader, do you unlock your phone?  I understand from the various pages 
I've read that you have to have your finger on the home button to use touch ID. 
 But do you unlock your phone?

Thanks again

> On 11 Sep 2016, at 19:51, Scott Granados  wrote:
> Andrew, happy to walk you through it a little here.
> What happens is you enter your card data in to your phone.  Apple does not 
> know about and or have access to this data it’s only located in your phone.  
> When you enter your card data your bank is contacted and a relationship is 
> established between your bank and your phone because you’ve entered and 
> verified your card.  Your card is still only located in the phone in an 
> encrypted highly secure data store.
>   Now say you want to pay for something.  You tap your phone against the 
> reader or set it on the reading platform and a one time session is set up 
> using near field communications between your phone and the point of sale 
> terminal.  A one time code is generated verifying with your bank over the 
> network that your card is valid and the transaction is approved.  At no point 
> was your actual card sent over the network rather a one time factor is 
> generated.  Even if I’m a bad guy and grab this code on the wire somewhere it 
> makes no difference because once it’s used it’s no longer valid.  Unlike when 
> you use the numbers on your card that are always unchanging and valid this 
> one time system makes things extremely secure because there’s nothing 
> valuable in the transaction to intercept.  This is such a good system in fact 
> that companies like Bank of America are ditching their ATM cards in exchange 
> for using this technology in your phone at the ATM.
>   Google’s payment product works the same way if anyone is curious.  Let 
> me know if you have any more specific questions on the process, would be 
> happy to shed some light on it for you if I can.
> Thanks
>> On Sep 11, 2016, at 8:49 AM, Andrew Lamanche > > wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I’ve read and thought quite a bit about using Apple pay in the UK.  I still 
>> do not understand how it would work, both online and in shops.  Would anyone 
>> mind describing it a little in practical terms?
>> Many thanks
>> Andrew
>>> On 11 Sep 2016, at 02:36, Jonathan C. Cohn >> > wrote:
>>> I will feel a lot safer with ApplePay!
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Jonathan Cohn 
>>> On Sep 10, 2016, at 6:55 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>>>> wrote:
 I dono, maybe I'm just weird, but after in 2006 being frauded over 12K, I 
 am incredibly leery about this sort of thing.  Maybe I shouldn't be, 
 but... passwords... that's one thing, but I do not! and will not! store 
 credit card or any sort of financial banking stuff.  I think it's all just 
 in how much you trust.  Me?  I don't, but that's life.
 Christopher Gilland
 JAWS Certified, 2016.
 Training Instructor. 
 Phone: (704) 256-8010.
 - Original Message -
 From: Alex Hall 
 To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
 Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:52 PM
 Subject: Re: Safari & credit cards
 I, too, use iCloud Keychain to store this kind of data. If you trust a 
 third-party, cross-platform solution like One Password or Last Pass, 
 iCloud is as good or better in terms of security. I have a strong password 
 and two factor authentication enabled, so feel as secure as any technology 
 can make me in using iCloud Keychain.
> On Sep 10, 2016, at 18:42, Andrew McKay  > wrote:
> I store credit cards in ICloud.  Keychain has industry best encryption. 
> It is safe/safer than third party options.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [
>  ] On Behalf Of Traci Duncan
> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:27 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Safari & credit cards
> Hi all,
> Who’s comfortable storing their credit card info in Safari for autofill 
> check out while shopping?  How secure is this on the Mac?  Any tips or 
> advice for or against?
> Thank you,
> Traci
> -- 
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