Re: Headings in Mac pages or Word

2020-04-15 Thread Muhammad Babar Shahzad
Thanks for the guidance. now, I have really started to enjoy using mac pages 
for my assignments. 
Muhammad Babar.

From: Julie Rattray 
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 5:57 PM
To: 'Devin Prater' via MacVisionaries 
Subject: Re: Headings in Mac pages or Word

Glad it worked I love the Touch Bar for things like that and other formatting 
things particularly in pages - it works really well - as you develop documents 
using these heading styles helps when it comes to creating tables of contents 
for larger files etc. it is also a good way to turn on and off numbering and 

If I can help more let me know - not an expert just learn as I go but happy to 
share if I can 

  On 14 Apr 2020, at 09:02, muhammad babar Shahzad  

  It worked. Thanks for the guidance. I am using the Touch Bar model.

  Muhammad Babar.

On 13 Apr 2020, at 11:13 pm, Julie Rattray  wrote:


If you are using a Mac with the Touch Bar then when you highlight the 
heading you want to assign a style to you can use the features at the left of 
the Touch Bar to assign a stile - let me know if you are not sure or if you are 
using a non Touch Bar model 

  On 13 Apr 2020, at 09:09, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries 

  Anne And Archie Robertson have written a book on word processing on the 
mac.  It might be worth your while buying this book.  Anne is a member on this 
list.  I can’t remember where you might purchase the book from in either. epub 
or pages or pdf format but someone on the list might know. 

  The title of the book is “My mac Pages - A VoiceOver Guide to Word 


On 13 Apr 2020, at 01:46, Muhammad Babar Shahzad 

Hello all,
I am a new user of MacBook pro. I am a student and I have to format the 
assignments using headings.
How can i enable voiceover to read and assign the headings in either 
word or pages? I also have to use numbers or excel so, may i request for any 
tutorials about these programs?
Any recommendation for a free download manager? The last question is 
about the safari report to be busy sometimes and I don’t think it has anything 
to do with the slow internet. The connection seems to  be ok. 

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Re: Headings in Mac pages or Word

2020-04-14 Thread muhammad babar Shahzad
Exactly it's quite handy and can be used to format document. I have just 
switched to the Apple MacBook Pro from the windows environment and prior to 
joining this  group,  I was somehow worried for the new os did not seem to be 
working for me.
However, with the valuable support of people like yourself I will be able to 
master the basics of voice-over with Mac.
> On 14 Apr 2020, at 5:57 pm, Julie Rattray  wrote:
> Glad it worked I love the Touch Bar for things like that and other formatting 
> things particularly in pages - it works really well - as you develop 
> documents using these heading styles helps when it comes to creating tables 
> of contents for larger files etc. it is also a good way to turn on and off 
> numbering and bullets 
> If I can help more let me know - not an expert just learn as I go but happy 
> to share if I can 
>> On 14 Apr 2020, at 09:02, muhammad babar Shahzad > > wrote:
>> Hello,
>> It worked. Thanks for the guidance. I am using the Touch Bar model.
>> Regards,
>> Muhammad Babar.
>>> On 13 Apr 2020, at 11:13 pm, Julie Rattray >> > wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If you are using a Mac with the Touch Bar then when you highlight the 
>>> heading you want to assign a style to you can use the features at the left 
>>> of the Touch Bar to assign a stile - let me know if you are not sure or if 
>>> you are using a non Touch Bar model 
 On 13 Apr 2020, at 09:09, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries>> 
 Anne And Archie Robertson have written a book on word processing on the 
 mac.  It might be worth your while buying this book.  Anne is a member on 
 this list.  I can’t remember where you might purchase the book from in 
 either. epub or pages or pdf format but someone on the list might know.
 The title of the book is “My mac Pages - A VoiceOver Guide to Word 
> On 13 Apr 2020, at 01:46, Muhammad Babar Shahzad  > wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am a new user of MacBook pro. I am a student and I have to format the 
> assignments using headings.
> How can i enable voiceover to read and assign the headings in either word 
> or pages? I also have to use numbers or excel so, may i request for any 
> tutorials about these programs?
> Any recommendation for a free download manager? The last question is 
> about the safari report to be busy sometimes and I don’t think it has 
> anything to do with the slow internet. The connection seems to  be ok.
> Thanks,
> Muhammad.
> -- 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark 
>  and your owner is Cara Quinn - 
> you can reach Cara at 
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Re: Headings in Mac pages or Word

2020-04-14 Thread Julie Rattray
Glad it worked I love the Touch Bar for things like that and other formatting 
things particularly in pages - it works really well - as you develop documents 
using these heading styles helps when it comes to creating tables of contents 
for larger files etc. it is also a good way to turn on and off numbering and 

If I can help more let me know - not an expert just learn as I go but happy to 
share if I can 

> On 14 Apr 2020, at 09:02, muhammad babar Shahzad  
> wrote:
> Hello,
> It worked. Thanks for the guidance. I am using the Touch Bar model.
> Regards,
> Muhammad Babar.
>> On 13 Apr 2020, at 11:13 pm, Julie Rattray > > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If you are using a Mac with the Touch Bar then when you highlight the 
>> heading you want to assign a style to you can use the features at the left 
>> of the Touch Bar to assign a stile - let me know if you are not sure or if 
>> you are using a non Touch Bar model 
>>> On 13 Apr 2020, at 09:09, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries 
>>> wrote:
>>> Anne And Archie Robertson have written a book on word processing on the 
>>> mac.  It might be worth your while buying this book.  Anne is a member on 
>>> this list.  I can’t remember where you might purchase the book from in 
>>> either. epub or pages or pdf format but someone on the list might know.
>>> The title of the book is “My mac Pages - A VoiceOver Guide to Word 
>>> processing’.
>>> Andrew
 On 13 Apr 2020, at 01:46, Muhammad Babar Shahzad >>> > wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am a new user of MacBook pro. I am a student and I have to format the 
 assignments using headings.
 How can i enable voiceover to read and assign the headings in either word 
 or pages? I also have to use numbers or excel so, may i request for any 
 tutorials about these programs?
 Any recommendation for a free download manager? The last question is about 
 the safari report to be busy sometimes and I don’t think it has anything 
 to do with the slow internet. The connection seems to  be ok.
 The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
 Visionaries list.
 If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
 if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
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 Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at:  and your owner is Cara Quinn - you 
 can reach Cara at 
 The archives for this list can be searched at: 
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>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
>>>  and your owner is Cara Quinn - you 
>>> can reach Cara at 
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>> --

Re: Headings in Mac pages or Word

2020-04-14 Thread muhammad babar Shahzad
It worked. Thanks for the guidance. I am using the Touch Bar model.
Muhammad Babar.
> On 13 Apr 2020, at 11:13 pm, Julie Rattray  wrote:
> Hi,
> If you are using a Mac with the Touch Bar then when you highlight the heading 
> you want to assign a style to you can use the features at the left of the 
> Touch Bar to assign a stile - let me know if you are not sure or if you are 
> using a non Touch Bar model 
>> On 13 Apr 2020, at 09:09, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries 
>> wrote:
>> Anne And Archie Robertson have written a book on word processing on the mac. 
>>  It might be worth your while buying this book.  Anne is a member on this 
>> list.  I can’t remember where you might purchase the book from in either. 
>> epub or pages or pdf format but someone on the list might know.
>> The title of the book is “My mac Pages - A VoiceOver Guide to Word 
>> processing’.
>> Andrew
>>> On 13 Apr 2020, at 01:46, Muhammad Babar Shahzad >> > wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I am a new user of MacBook pro. I am a student and I have to format the 
>>> assignments using headings.
>>> How can i enable voiceover to read and assign the headings in either word 
>>> or pages? I also have to use numbers or excel so, may i request for any 
>>> tutorials about these programs?
>>> Any recommendation for a free download manager? The last question is about 
>>> the safari report to be busy sometimes and I don’t think it has anything to 
>>> do with the slow internet. The connection seems to  be ok.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Muhammad.
>>> -- 
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>>> Visionaries list.
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>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners 
>>> or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
>>>  and your owner is Cara Quinn - you 
>>> can reach Cara at 
>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>>> --- 
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>>> .
>> -- 
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>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
>>  and your owner is Cara Quinn - you 
>> can reach Cara at 
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> --- 
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Re: Headings in Mac pages or Word

2020-04-13 Thread Jonathan Cohn
The book is published by Jonathan Mozen. I believe his sight is 
Jonathan C. Cohn

Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn

> On Apr 13, 2020, at 4:09 AM, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Anne And Archie Robertson have written a book on word processing on the mac.  
> It might be worth your while buying this book.  Anne is a member on this 
> list.  I can’t remember where you might purchase the book from in either. 
> epub or pages or pdf format but someone on the list might know.
> The title of the book is “My mac Pages - A VoiceOver Guide to Word 
> processing’.
> Andrew
>> On 13 Apr 2020, at 01:46, Muhammad Babar Shahzad > > wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am a new user of MacBook pro. I am a student and I have to format the 
>> assignments using headings.
>> How can i enable voiceover to read and assign the headings in either word or 
>> pages? I also have to use numbers or excel so, may i request for any 
>> tutorials about these programs?
>> Any recommendation for a free download manager? The last question is about 
>> the safari report to be busy sometimes and I don’t think it has anything to 
>> do with the slow internet. The connection seems to  be ok.
>> Thanks,
>> Muhammad.
>> -- 
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
>>  and your owner is Cara Quinn - you 
>> can reach Cara at 
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> --- 
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>> .
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at: and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at

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Re: Headings in Mac pages or Word

2020-04-13 Thread Julie Rattray

If you are using a Mac with the Touch Bar then when you highlight the heading 
you want to assign a style to you can use the features at the left of the Touch 
Bar to assign a stile - let me know if you are not sure or if you are using a 
non Touch Bar model 

> On 13 Apr 2020, at 09:09, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Anne And Archie Robertson have written a book on word processing on the mac.  
> It might be worth your while buying this book.  Anne is a member on this 
> list.  I can’t remember where you might purchase the book from in either. 
> epub or pages or pdf format but someone on the list might know.
> The title of the book is “My mac Pages - A VoiceOver Guide to Word 
> processing’.
> Andrew
>> On 13 Apr 2020, at 01:46, Muhammad Babar Shahzad > > wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am a new user of MacBook pro. I am a student and I have to format the 
>> assignments using headings.
>> How can i enable voiceover to read and assign the headings in either word or 
>> pages? I also have to use numbers or excel so, may i request for any  
>> tutorials about these programs?
>> Any recommendation for a free download manager? The last question is about 
>> the safari report to be busy sometimes and I don’t think it has anything to 
>> do with the slow internet. The connection seems to  be ok.
>> Thanks,
>> Muhammad.
>> -- 
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>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
>>  and your owner is Cara Quinn - you 
>> can reach Cara at 
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> --- 
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> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
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Re: Headings in Mac pages or Word

2020-04-13 Thread 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries
Anne And Archie Robertson have written a book on word processing on the mac.  
It might be worth your while buying this book.  Anne is a member on this list.  
I can’t remember where you might purchase the book from in either. epub or 
pages or pdf format but someone on the list might know.

The title of the book is “My mac Pages - A VoiceOver Guide to Word processing’.

> On 13 Apr 2020, at 01:46, Muhammad Babar Shahzad  
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am a new user of MacBook pro. I am a student and I have to format the 
> assignments using headings.
> How can i enable voiceover to read and assign the headings in either word or 
> pages? I also have to use numbers or excel so, may i request for any 
> tutorials about these programs?
> Any recommendation for a free download manager? The last question is about 
> the safari report to be busy sometimes and I don’t think it has anything to 
> do with the slow internet. The connection seems to  be ok.
> Thanks,
> Muhammad.
> -- 
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> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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