Hi All,

I am an academic and a new Mac user. I have started reasonably well, 
learning from John Panarese’s tutorials and other materials available 
online. As a researcher and scholar, I need to read and engage with 
multiple book length documents at the same time. My initial impression 
about Microsoft Word is that it does not work well with large documents on 
Mac. So I am trying out Text Edit and Pages. But here is a strange problem.

When I open a book length document on Text Edit/Pages/Word on Mac, I first 
interact with it to read the text. I use the quick arrow keys and my own 
commander shortcuts to read paragraph by paragraph.

Voiceover starts alright, but as it moves to a new page, it announces page 
break and I hear the beep sound indicating either entering invisible or 
visible section. After this, Voiceover weirdly begins to read character by 
character. It works fine when I go to the next paragraph. But the same 
problem occurs once again when Voiceover moves to the next page. This is 
extremely annoying, and I want Voiceover to read paragraph by paragraph 
smoothly across pages.

The books I am reading are in Word format which I am opening in Text Edit 
and Pages.

What settings do I need to change to stop Voiceover from getting stuck on 

As I mentioned, I need to work with large documents and I am looking for 
the best way to do this on Mac.



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