Hey everyone, I know this is a little off topic but I hope the moderators will 
cut me a bit of a break.

on and off I've read about people thinking about starting a podcast or 
accessibility blog related to tech. Some want to write actual articles about 
topics that effect the blind community 
While applevis is a great place to do this I understand the desire for more 
flexibility and just something new. They are also strictly Apple so that is 
limiting as well.  
For this reason I went to extend a little invitation for those of you 
entertaining these thoughts to consider working with me on my website How to be 
Blind  at www.htb2.com. I've been running it for a while and have been thinking 
about bringing on some other contributors so if you think you may be interested 
check the site out and email me off list and we can talk further. 
There are a few details and precautions I will be taking before turning whoever 
loose with publishing rights but that can be addressed one on one. 
If your wondering why I'm doing this it's because I want HTB2 to continue to 
grow and gain more perspective. I have lots of ideas for the future but only 
have so much time in each day. So if your interested in becoming a contributor, 
whether for articles or tutorials, then let me know. 
Have a good day everyone! 

Mike Malarsie

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