Greetings list members,

I am in the market for an accessible mobile phone.  I am very  
interested in the iphone for several reasons including the "cool"  
factor.  :)  I am hesitant due to the size of iphone as well as the  
extra $30 a month i will have to pay for the data plan.

If I were to go with a different cell phone will I actually encounter  
more difficulties?  Will my macbook recognize the phone?  Will I need  
to install software on the mac that goes to the phone?  Will I have  
difficulties installing and upgrading the mobile speak, or talks  
software on the phone since I have a mac?  Will voiceover even work  
with any software that goes with the cell phone?  Do you suggest I  
just go with an iphone since it should work seamlessly with itunes and  
my mac?  What do you all think?

I've never had an accessible cell phone and would love to get one  
since the only thing I've ever been able to do on a cell phone is  
answer and place a call.  :)I would love the ability to use other  
features   such as contacts and calendar.

Thanks so much for any insight, advice or shared experiences using the  
mac and voiceover with an accessible mobile phone.


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