so i saw on applevis when i went looking for spotify advice/answers that a 
developer of some sort had given a very very very brief summary of how to get 
spotify working with accessibility. i’m going to write up here what i did to 
get it to work right for me and some of what i noticed. I’m hoping someone more 
talented then me can help me figure out some answers to things i can’t figure 
out. note that some of my problems here are lack of the more finer points of 
voiceover combine with the evilness of not being able to figure out all of the 
keystrokes the spotify app has.

The article on applevis has a little script that they say will make spotify 
launch. I would and hope that there is a way to set this to launch with 
accessibility on startup. Maybe someone knows how to get this to happen? also 
maybe someone knows of keystrokes with this app i’d appreciate the info. below 
is my  little 1-liner since i’m largely a command line user, i kind of….well 
it’s probably ugly but it works…

—begin script——

/Applications/ —args 
—force-renderer-accessibility  > /dev/null2&1


The above script causes spotify to start with the accessibility stuff but it’s 
very very ugly. However with some keyboard commands it could be much easier to 
handle. I know that the author of the article on applevis gave some basic 
keystrokes to handle search stuff but here’s what i’d like to see. for one i’d 
like to see the roter (vo+u) work with this I dont know what it would take to 
make this happen or even who i’d need to contact to make it work. It does 
however seem that with the latest spotify release things are working a bit 
smoother. for 2 i’d like a way to jump from frame to frame so that i could see 
what is in what frame actually thinking on this that seems to be the biggest 
problem for me. 

I would be very very happy if someone knows a way to add things to playlists i 
can’t figure this one out. I also dont know how to add things to the queue play 
the queue or get spotify to add certain things so that  i can have stuff that’s 
stored locally such as the local files section of the monster of an html 

If anyone can help with these things i’d be greatful. It’s a rough thing for 
someone to get used to, but it’s liveable and with some keystrokes and info it 
would go easier.

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