Fullscreen and flash, again ;-)

2008-03-10 Thread Frédéric Charrier
Hi everyone,

sorry, but I still have a question about fullscreen & flash.
In my flash app, when I clic on a textfield area, the toolbar appears
on the bottom of the screen, displaying the keyboard mode of the N810
("abc" / "Fn" / "ABC"...)

Is there a way to disable this toolbar ?


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Tr: RE : Re: RE : Re: Fullscreen and Flash

2008-03-06 Thread Frédéric Charrier
Sorry, I forgot to send my answer to the maemo mailing list.

> > I installed kmplayer on my N810. Then, I tried to open my swf
> > file.
> >  kmplayer crashed !
> A follow-up mail suggests you may using an older Chinook image.
> Please
> try to reproduce with the latest.
> Also, if only works on the device (ie. not in scratchbox).
> If crashes persists, please start from xterm and send me the output
> of
> the program privately.

after updating, it works with my swf file !
how can I switch to fullscreen mode ?


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RE : Re: Fullscreen and Flash

2008-03-05 Thread Frédéric Charrier
> >  I've also been working with a full-screen flash app.
> kmplayer from garage also supports flash using the browser plugin.
> Fullscreen works too (use the 'Windows' button to return to normal
> view if you have clicked the flash).

I installed kmplayer on my N810. Then, I tried to open my swf file.
kmplayer crashed !

> Just tried /usr/share/turorial-applet/N800-LOCAL.swf (just noticed
> the
> screen blanking doesn't kick in in this case ..), and works just
> fine.

I can't find this file, there is no "tutorial-applet" on my n810.
Is there a way to install it ?


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home web shortcut

2008-02-21 Thread Frédéric Charrier

after developping my Flash application, I would like to give a home
icon for the user to launch it easily.

Is there a simple way to make a home icon which will run the browser ?
Do I really need to make an applet ? Or is there a way to make a
"windows like" shortcut file ?


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Fullscreen and flash, new question

2008-02-14 Thread Frédéric Charrier
Hi everyone,

as Carlos Pinto, I want to display my Flash application in fullscreen

I tried the --full-screen option of the command line, but I still have
problems :

1) when I launch the browser with the --full-screen option, during a
few seconds, I can see the browser in a normal display mode. After 3-4
seconds, it goes to fullscreen mode. Is there a way to display the
browser ONLY when it is in fullscreen mode ?

2) About the address field at the bottom of the screen, is there a way
to force it hidden without any user action ? By example, by changing an
option in a file ?

About the first question, I'm thinking for instance about a C program
which run the browser, hide it, wait 4 seconds, and display it again...

Thank you,

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RE : Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: Non modal dialog

2008-02-07 Thread Frédéric Charrier
> Only dialogs without a parent are made system modal by the window
> manager as otherwise user could lose them (as dialogs are not
> listed
> in the task navigator, there's no way to return system dialog once
> an application would be topped above one).  This behaviour can be
> disabled by modifying the Matchbox window manager command line
> args.
If I specify a parent for my dialog I get a non modal one, but I
can't move it. Is it the normal behavior ?

> For application dialogs (dialogs that are trancient to some
> application
> window), it's up to application whether the dialog is modal or not.
> Our Style Guide states that they should be modal, but nothing's
> forcing it, app just needs to us Gtk properly (not to call the
> dialog convenience function that effectively makes it modal by
> creating a new main loop for the dialog).
What do you mean exactly by "not to call the dialog convenience
function" ? You mean that I must include a specific loop to make my
dialog non modal ?
If it's the case, will my main window be accessible during this loop
Thank you for your fast answers

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RE : Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: Non modal dialog

2008-02-07 Thread Frédéric Charrier
> Yep, it is technically possible to implement these notes as dialogs
> but
> the moving of them (dragging) needs to be implemented by the
> application
> itself. (The dialog movement behaviour can be also modified from
> startup
> parameters if you want this program only for yourself).

Hum... Interesting point.
What do you mean by the startup parameters ?
Are you speaking about startup parameters of my application or of the
Nokia ?

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RE : Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: Non modal dialog

2008-02-07 Thread Frédéric Charrier
> Oh I see, you are trying to use GtkWindows as the notes themselves.

Yes !
Exactly. Sorry, my english is sometimes not as clear as it should be.

> Matchbox (the window manager) enforces normal windows to fill the
> screen
> (excluding panels), dialogs are centered and modal, and "popup"
> windows
> are ignored (technically, override redirect windows).  This means
> that
> they don't get decorated and can't be moved by the window manager.

Yes, it's what I saw after a few days of tests.

> The solution here is to create a top level window for you
> application,
> and then draw the postit notes yourself.  One way would be to create
> a
> widget which draws a postit note and place them inside a GtkFixed or
> GtkDrawingArea.

It's exactly what I was thinking of, but it will take too much time for

Thank you,

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RE : Re: RE : Re: Non modal dialog

2008-02-06 Thread Frédéric Charrier
> > > Why don't you use a normal window?
> > 
> > what do you mean by "normal" window ?
> Yes, a popup window is only for special rare uses, like tooltips.

if I use a GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL it appears maximized, and I can't move
it neither change its size.

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RE : Re: Non modal dialog

2008-02-06 Thread Frédéric Charrier
> Why don't you use a normal window?

what do you mean by "normal" window ?

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Non modal dialog

2008-02-06 Thread Frédéric Charrier

I'm developping a post-it application for Nokia N810.
I have a main window, in fullscreen mode, and I need to display 1 or
more post-its. The user should move these post its, so I decided to use
a child window to display them (customized with a drawing area for

My problem is that if I use a POPUP window, the title bar is not
displayed, and if I use a dialog window, the dialog is a modal one. I
can't get it non modal.

This is my code to display the dialog :
childWindow = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ("Message",mainWindow,

I tried on a standard x86 Linux (Ubuntu), and the same code makes a non
modal child window...

Is there a way to create a non modal dialog on a Nokia N810 device ?
Is there another way to do what I'm trying ?

Thank you in advance,

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