Re: MeeGo

2010-02-16 Thread Luca De Cicco
I foresaw this was coming, the religion^W packaging war... I guess
quite anybody is fed up with
this kind of  discussion.

That would be more interesting discussing real details, for instance
this is just come to my mind:

How meebo will manage very different devices (for one different CPUs,
architectures, screen resolutions,
screen types)?

It's simple to design a product targeting just one or few hardware
devices (see maemo, Mac Os X),
but it becomes really complicated when you are targeting very
different hardware devices.


On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Jeremiah Foster wrote:

 On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:27 PM, Thomas Tanner wrote:

 On 16.02.10 17:18, Pavel Rojtberg wrote:
 actually I only care what the MeeGo version will use that is supposed to
 run on future Nokia handhelds.
 Frankly, it is suicide not to switch to rpm.

 you mean all .deb based distributions are doomed to fail??

 Heavens no!! I strongly feel the opposite, that rpm distros are doomed to 
 fail. debs have wider adoption and have solved lots of problems already, rpms 
 are becoming the corporate preference, not the developer or user preference. 
 But for this project, MeeGo, the rpm is going to be the default format. It 
 seems silly if you want to get your software into MeeGo to spend too much 
 time arguing because I think people will not change - certainly not the Linux 
 Foundation who host the repos, wiki, etc.

 I think I will start a wiki page and a brainstorm vote, for keeping DEBs
 and to collect arguments pro/ contra.

 according to Quim
 Harmattan is going to stay DEB based, despite being the first MeeGo
 implementation on Nokia devices. This is IMHO good news.
 Now we only need to convince them to stick to it even after Harmattan...

 I would _love_ to see that happen.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: MeeGo

2010-02-15 Thread Luca De Cicco
Sorry I didn't cc the list.

I guess that the follow ups of this story will be very interesting.
For starters,
MeeGo claims to target automotive, where Intel has a very thin market
share (if any).
Will Intel bend to ARM for the development of MeeGo? Except for
netbooks that ship
Atom CPUs all the other MeeGo targets seem to be ARM devices.

Any thoughts?


On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Johan Helsingius wrote:

 So maemo-as-we-know will disappear and will reborn under the name of

 Well, disappear probably, but sounds like parts of the maemo effort
 will be carried over into meego.

 Does this mean that maemo-as-we-will-know is going to be
 completely opensource?

 Probably not. Seems the meego kernel is coming from the Intel
 moblin stuff, with the user interface/Qt library from Maemo.
 So my guess is that the UI stuff will be totally open source,
 but nokia-phone-specific stuff might still stay proprietary.

 No idea about what happens to official Nokia apps, such
 as Ovi maps.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: MeeGo

2010-02-15 Thread Luca De Cicco
I would stay away of packaging holy wars (packaging is boooring) :).
It is true that packaging has some technical implications, however
I would focus more on the scenario we are going to experience.

How  and who will manage the community efforts?
Is MeeGo going to be deployed on real commercial products (nokia phones,
tv sets)?

Generally, I'm a bit cautious when new mobile/embedded OS hit the news.
All of them promise heaven, but then very few are deployed in real
products (that is
Symbian, windows CE).

just my two cents,

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Thomas Tanner wrote:
 On 15.02.10 16:47, Jeremiah Foster wrote:
 The problem is more complex than converting binary .debs to .rpms
 using a hack.
 alien is not a hack.

 the hack referes to a process ignoring the issues listed below. No
 automated process can take into account all the distribution and program
 specific quirks.

 The dependencies, the build script and Debian (ucf, debconf) or
 Maemo (maemo-optify) specific aspects of the sources would need to
 be adapted as well. Backporting to Maemo5 would also be more

 Who benefits more from the merger, Moblin or Maemo?
 Both benefit if we get the kind of scale that is imagined.

 I'm not critising the merger itself, but how and what is merged
 and whether that are top-down decisions or whether the community is

 AFAIK there a hardly any Moblin specific third-party apps.
 It could be much less effort to integrate the Moblin components
 in a Debian based system than converting all Maemo apps to Moblin/RPM.

 Thomas Tanner --
 GnuPG: 1024/5924D4DD
 maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: n810: Light Sensor (?)

2008-01-10 Thread Luca De Cicco
You are the man!

Thanks a lot,

On Thu, 10 Jan 2008 17:47:04 +0200
Klaus.K Pedersen (Nokia-M/Helsinki) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 18:32 +0100, ext Luca De Cicco wrote:
  Hi there to the list. 
  Sorry if ask something which has been already discussed... 
  I was wondering if there is some specification about the
  small thing near the camera which appears to be a Light Sensor. 
 The device is fully supported by the hwmon interface:
 $ cd /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device
 $ ls
 adccalib1 luxsubsystem/
 bus/   driver/name   uevent
 calib0 hwmon:hwmon0/  power/
 $ cat name
 $ cat lux
 Happy hacking :-)
maemo-developers mailing list

n810: Light Sensor (?)

2008-01-09 Thread Luca De Cicco
Hi there to the list. 

Sorry if ask something which has been already discussed... 
I was wondering if there is some specification about the
small thing near the camera which appears to be a Light Sensor. 

I'm thinking about funny applications of that little sexy thing.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Contribution code, ...

2008-01-03 Thread Luca De Cicco
Hi Antonio,

just be patient and check later if the discount code works, I guess
that the first italian being able to use the discount code will post on
this mailing list about it.


On Thu,  3 Jan 2008 19:58:30 +0100
Antonio Di Cello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In italy not enabled the discount code system ??? why??
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: OS2008 N800 and root password

2007-11-27 Thread Luca De Cicco
Hi William, 

yep the password is rootme, just don't forget to enable RD mode.


On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 14:53:47 +0100
william maddler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Am I wrong? Or root password on OS2008 for N800 is not rootme
 anymore? Thank you.
maemo-developers mailing list

[release] GPE-Sudoku v0.2

2007-11-21 Thread Luca De Cicco
I'm glad to announce a very late new release of gpe-sudoku, the
popular Japanese math game. The code was left alone for a very long
period, I have to thank Florian Boor for softly pushing me to include a
patch he authored a long time ago. In these days I applied his
patch (which mainly concerns a better GPE support) and added the
following features:

1) Support for Maemo Chinook (tested on os2008)
2) Fixed cells generated via generate puzzle are now colored in red
3) gpe-sudoku asks for confirmation when trying to overwrite a
modified worksheet or when quitting.

I would like to hear comments/insults/flames from new and old
gpe-sudoku users.

I just have a question: what icon would you use for the Guess toggle


maemo-developers mailing list

threaded applications on maemo

2007-09-14 Thread Luca De Cicco
Hi there to the list, 

I was wondering what is the suggested practice to develop
threaded applications which are maemo-friendly. I'm asking this because
I've run into big troubles when trying to port an application which
makes use of GThreads (which I assume should work on maemo, being maemo
very glib-centric) on N800 latest firmware. 

The problem is that if I run something like (after calling
g_thread_init() of course):

something = g_thread_create((GThreadFunc)core_socket_up,
   user_data, FALSE, error);

I've checked error which is NULL, but core_socket_up never get called
(shotgun debugging with g_debug). The interesting part is that the
application gracefully exits without any errors (it would be much
better a segfault!) so giving me no clue about what is going on.

So my question is: is the threading system known to work in a
_RELIABLE_ way? Is it thoroughly tested? And more important, have you
any clue on what could be the problem???


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Mozilla based browser + brief GUADEC recap

2007-07-18 Thread Luca De Cicco
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 15:35:45 -0500 (CDT)

  For you to enjoy (and as some of you already know):
  Mozilla based browser engine available for testing

Wow! This is a very good news! Another step forward in freeing the

I'm trying the browser and it seems quite stable for now. The good
thing is that the end-user won't catch the difference
between opera and the mozilla based browser as the GUIs are exactly the

Congratulations to all the involved developers and keep up  the good
work :)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: SoC: 5 preliminary slots

2007-04-07 Thread Luca De Cicco
If nobody has interest mentoring the proposal I will be glad
to do it myself.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Final (?) list of SoC projects

2007-03-26 Thread Luca De Cicco
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 19:09:23 +0300
Marius Gedminas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I seem to remember reading a post by Matthew Garret about Dasher
 running too slow on the 770.
 Google gives me this:
 As far as I understand that's just a port of Dasher.  It is not usable
 as a bluetooth keyboard for a PC, unlike, say

Yep you are right, the difficult part is not porting to maemo (that I
announced to be not a big issue)... the effort is turning
n{n770,800} an input device using bluetooth HID. It should Just Work
(TM) and be as simple as possible. Moreover it is also important to make
usage tests.

I also have tried the porting and found it is quite slow, so there is
much room of improvement there. 


maemo-developers mailing list

SoC proposal - dasher as bluetooth keyboard

2007-03-16 Thread Luca De Cicco
Hi there to the list, 
   I have a socially useful idea for exploiting N{770,800} as an input
device for movement impaired people. 

The idea is to use dasher [1] as a remote keyboard (maybe bluetooth) in
order to make it simple to input texts for people with limited movement
Right now dasher works also with eyetracking devices and as
stated on their site [...] Dasher allows an experienced user to
write text as fast as normal handwriting - 29 words per minute;

The technical difficulties are:

1) Porting to maemo (should be rather simple, dasher works without much
problems with GPE on ipaqs h54xx)
2) Making the communication between N{N770,800} and the PC really easy
to use (you open dasher, on the pc the bluetooth keyboard should get
the focus).
3) It should work also on windows (that's the bad thing), but as

I personally have a friend of mine with very limited movement ability,
so it would be _REALLY_ something useful, not just a geek project.
IMHO what really adds value to a PDA is doing something that the device
was not aimed to do.

I would be interested in mentoring this if there is interest.
Ah, obviously turning the N{770,800} into an input device would be
useful also to use it as a remote keyboard using thumbpad...

My 50 cents,

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] gpe-sudoku for IT2006

2006-09-11 Thread Luca De Cicco
Hi there to the list(s)... 
I released the new version of gpe-sudoku which is now compatible to
IT2006 and implements the following new features:

* Support for Save/Load puzzles
* generating random puzzles using sudoku-sensei

The project is hosted at linuxtogo at the following  URL:

Sudoku-sensei ( is a (GPL) library written
by Martin Knoblauch Revuelta. 

Save files are simple XML files in the following format:

worksheet name=something_timestamp difficulty=hard
cell value=0 idx=0
guess value=3 /
guess value=4 /
cell value=2 idx=2

If anyone can suggest me some source where you can get puzzles I (or
you) can generate some converters to the XML format described above.

Please send me feedback as long as the software should be very bugged
(all the work of porting and adding the new features has been done
yesterday night from 1:30 am till 5:00 am so i bet it is bugged).


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Issues with ARM target binaries

2006-09-07 Thread Luca De Cicco
The never ending story...

I tried to install also the debs and to use sbrsh instead of qemu-arm,
but I still have the same error: 

./a.out: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

I'm really clueless about what to do or to try. I'm running debian sid,
linux kernel, scratchbox 0.98 and maemo 2.0 rootstraps.

Best regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Issues with ARM target binaries

2006-08-28 Thread Luca De Cicco
Hi there to the list.
   I'm having some issues with ARM target when
running arm compiled applications i get something like (the error
message running an hello world):

/home/bedboi/a.out: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

[sbox-SDK_ARMEL]  file a.out
a.out: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux
2.4.17, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped

[sbox-SDK_ARMEL: ~]  file /lib/
/lib/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, version 1
(SYSV), stripped

I'm running Debian sid, linux kernel, scratchbox and
latest stable maemo rootstraps.

Does anyone have any hints?

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] maemo gstreamer

2005-10-28 Thread Luca De Cicco
Hi there. 

I'm porting gpe-announce an application that gpe-calendar uses to play
scheduled alarms. Some times ago i added the support for gstreamer to
play all supported media files. This works under gpe, but i really don't
know what gst elements i can use on n770.

As currently there is no documentation at the moment about multimedia
system, is there anyone that can help me?


maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Warning. Installing Maemo Development Platform

2005-10-27 Thread Luca De Cicco
Hi there this is my first post on this ml. I'm quite sorry for the
subject of this post (it would have better if i'd announce release of
some package...)

This day i downloaded Maemo Development Platform from the maemo website
and i was happy to know what was new and suddenly found out that all
interesting stuff is not included in this rootfs. 

Basically after installing the MDP you will have anything but XTerm and
an Hello World application and no way to get non-free packages. Also it
seems that the there's no way at the moment to get the product
filesystem back because the rootfs file is currently unavailable on the
nokia web-site.

So if you want to flash your device with the MDP SDK please have in mind
that you will have an unusable device for the daily use at least until
someone will get the product rootfs back on the nokia site.

I really hope that this problem will be fixed soon and that my next post
will be about some new package announcement :)


maemo-developers mailing list