contains a test app I wrote (plus its code)

Its job is simply to connect to the IncomingCBS dbus signal and dump the arguments to the signal to disk as binary in /var/log/cbsms.log

The information in this test was found by finding the function in that handles SMS_GSM_CB_ROUTING_NTF and (using the docs) matching the members of the tSMS_SubGSMCBMessage structure through the code in to the dbus arguments.

When I run it on my phone (phone being set to 2G) I can see the IncomingCBS signal appearing in dbus-monitor and I can see data going into the cbsms.log but I cant see usefull data in there (i.e. no actual message). I know on my old 2G-only phone I used to get proper CBSMS messages with a cell tower name in them so I dont know whats up.

What I need is for people who know their N900 is receiving cell broadcast messages to try this on their own phone and see if they get usable data (e.g. examine the cbsms.log file with a hex editor) and also for people to look at my code and see if they can identify anything wrong (or otherwise play with it)

Once we get this test app properly dumping cell broadcast messages and producing correct output, building a GUI to actually display this stuff is (hopefully) the easy part (we might need some of the connectivity UI stuff like flightmode though if we want to do things properly and cleanly)
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