Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-23 Thread Ville M. Vainio
On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Kate Alhola wrote:

 Because there has been lot of discussion about these some widgets that
 do not yet have 1 to 1 counterpart in current Maemo Qt, we are going to have
 this question soon.

To return a bit to this old discussion -

it would be nice if the Qt apps written for Fremantle would look
identical in Diablo - i.e. implement it so that they would use
fremantle style in Diablo. I don't think people care as much about
retaining a consistent feel, as they do about having stuff they can
comfortably use with their fingers.

Also, N810 is much cheaper than N900 (I imagine there will be a big
second hand device market few months from now ;-), which makes it more
appealing for some developers as development target.

Ville M. Vainio
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-23 Thread Attila Csipa
On Wednesday 23 September 2009 12:26:01 Ville M. Vainio wrote:
 it would be nice if the Qt apps written for Fremantle would look
 identical in Diablo - i.e. implement it so that they would use
 fremantle style in Diablo. I don't think people care as much about
 retaining a consistent feel, as they do about having stuff they can
 comfortably use with their fingers.

If this was just about button/dialog styling, it would be relatively easy, but 
there are differences that would make this a very awkward thing. While I 
understand the request from a pragmatic user standpoint, I can't really 
support it considering the cons (inconsistency, more work, potentially 
breaking existing apps and having things that simply won't work right in a 
Diablo context).
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-23 Thread Ville M. Vainio
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Attila Csipa wrote:

 it would be nice if the Qt apps written for Fremantle would look
 identical in Diablo - i.e. implement it so that they would use
 fremantle style in Diablo. I don't think people care as much about
 retaining a consistent feel, as they do about having stuff they can
 comfortably use with their fingers.

 If this was just about button/dialog styling, it would be relatively easy, but
 there are differences that would make this a very awkward thing. While I
 understand the request from a pragmatic user standpoint, I can't really
 support it considering the cons (inconsistency, more work, potentially
 breaking existing apps and having things that simply won't work right in a
 Diablo context).

I think it would end up being less work (for the developers), and
would make those now-dated Diablo devices much more useful (without
switching to Mer). The twist here is that you can use the same
codebase for both Diablo and Fremantle, and expect the app to work the
same. Provided that Nokia chooses to support
Qt-apps-made-in-fremantle-style in Harmattan as well, so much the

It will create more work for those that already made Diablo Qt apps
(they would have to retest  tweak their app, but in the end they
would have a better app), but how many are those anyway? After using
both Diablo and Fremantle ui's, the Diablo one will quickly feel like
a strait jacket...

Ville M. Vainio
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-23 Thread Attila Csipa
On Wednesday 23 September 2009 13:10:43 you wrote:
 switching to Mer). The twist here is that you can use the same
 codebase for both Diablo and Fremantle, and expect the app to work the

Yes, I understand that, it's just there area few things that are not 
applicable or different on Diablo. For example, fullscreen/windowed mode is 
hard to accomodate for automatically because of the lack of the left toolbar 
and functional differences in the top one. Also, many of the UI concepts that 
make Fremantle are simply not available on Diablo - even simple ones like 
background blurring to make dialogs stand out more can cause confusion (will 
existing Diablo users realize they need to click outside of the dialogs to 
close them ?), etc. None of these will make you app useless, of course, but 
they will suffer both visually and usability-wise. And please do not 
underestimate UI consistency, for average users it's a lot more important 
than for most people on the -dev list :) 
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-23 Thread Kate Alhola
ext Attila Csipa wrote:
 On Wednesday 23 September 2009 12:26:01 Ville M. Vainio wrote:
 it would be nice if the Qt apps written for Fremantle would look
 identical in Diablo - i.e. implement it so that they would use
 fremantle style in Diablo. I don't think people care as much about
 retaining a consistent feel, as they do about having stuff they can
 comfortably use with their fingers.

 If this was just about button/dialog styling, it would be relatively easy, 
 there are differences that would make this a very awkward thing. While I 
 understand the request from a pragmatic user standpoint, I can't really 
 support it considering the cons (inconsistency, more work, potentially 
 breaking existing apps and having things that simply won't work right in a 
 Diablo context).
The Diablo port is separate older branch. Answer to this question depends
a lot of what your application is doing. HildonAppMenu, Stacked Windows
etc are not implemented in Diablo port.

If you just talk about vanilla application, it just takes your GTK+ 
Style and renders
widgets using that style. Using new special features needs to some 
change to your
code and because there are not equivalent counterparts in Diablo, this 
some amount portability but this is exactly same with GTK.

If you just port Diablo QT application to Fremantle it works but it 
looks a like Diablo application
with Fremantle styles.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-23 Thread Ville M. Vainio
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Kate Alhola wrote:

 If you just talk about vanilla application, it just takes your GTK+
 Style and renders
 widgets using that style. Using new special features needs to some
 change to your
 code and because there are not equivalent counterparts in Diablo, this
 some amount portability but this is exactly same with GTK.

 If you just port Diablo QT application to Fremantle it works but it
 looks a like Diablo application
 with Fremantle styles.

Alright, so the bottom line is that we can't get the Fremantle
look-and-feel on Diablo w/ Qt, as it would require providing the
Fremantle Gtk style on Diablo as well. Shame...

Ville M. Vainio
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-23 Thread Kate Alhola
ext Ville M. Vainio wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Kate Alhola wrote:

 If you just talk about vanilla application, it just takes your GTK+
 Style and renders
 widgets using that style. Using new special features needs to some
 change to your
 code and because there are not equivalent counterparts in Diablo, this
 some amount portability but this is exactly same with GTK.

 If you just port Diablo QT application to Fremantle it works but it
 looks a like Diablo application
 with Fremantle styles.

 Alright, so the bottom line is that we can't get the Fremantle
 look-and-feel on Diablo w/ Qt, as it would require providing the
 Fremantle Gtk style on Diablo as well. Shame...
The problem is that many Fremantle stuff is special features of window 
Dialogs are closed by clicking outside of dialog, not cancel button. 
windows needs also window manager support.

Some features like AppMenus etc could be back ported to Diablo version.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-08 Thread Quim Gil

ext Alberto Garcia wrote:
 Nokia has already announced that they're switching from Gtk to Qt
 in Harmattan (which has been a confusing move for many users and
 developers), but I don't know if they plan to keep the same basic
 widgets and UI style that has been designed for Fremantle or not.
 If the plan is to keep more or less the same UI style I'd expect a
 decent, community-supported, release of Gtk/Hildon for Harmattan.

We will start talking about the Harmattan UI plans in the Maemo Summit,
with plenty of time to discuss and develop before any Harmattan final
release gets in the hands of the users.

The Maemo Summit is a also a good place to start discussing the future
of Hildon/GTK+ in the hands of the community. We want to see what is the
community interest and how can we help getting this community support in
the Harmattan time frame.

What about a BOF in the Maemo Summit? I have seen several developers
registered that are familiar with GTK+ and Hildon and even upstream
maintainers. Some of them are currently working in Fremantle, and will
probably keep working during the maintenance period. There are also
Nokia developers registered that are working on the Harmattan UI
framework based on Qt, the Qt developers themselves... I bet that you
could share a room for one hour and get some ideas started, then dinner,
beers and a draft plan.  :)

Our aim is to pull Qt to Fremantle to offer a beta path to get
developers into Harmattan, and also offer a continuity path for those
developers preferring to push their software based on GTK+ forward. It
can be done.

So... who submits the proposal for the BOF in the maemo Summit?

Quim Gil
open source advocate
Maemo Devices @ Nokia
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-08 Thread Kate Alhola

ext Alberto Garcia wrote:

On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 08:17:01PM +0200, Attila Csipa wrote:


This sounds to me like saying coding for Fremantle is a one-shot
affair - you have these specially designed widgets, which are there
only on Fremantle and who knows what their future will be

That's a very reasonable concern, and one that is shared by many
people, including me.

Nokia has already announced that they're switching from Gtk to Qt
in Harmattan (which has been a confusing move for many users and
developers), but I don't know if they plan to keep the same basic
widgets and UI style that has been designed for Fremantle or not.

If the plan is to keep more or less the same UI style I'd expect a
decent, community-supported, release of Gtk/Hildon for Harmattan.

If the plan is to redesign the UI all over again then God only knows
what's going to happen... :-)

One-shot ? Was Diablo also one-shot ? Next version is coming
and we have already released direction where we are going in

Don't expect Harmatan being just Fremantle rewrite with Qt.
Nokia is not stopping making new innovations. This market area
is where you need to run fast just keep your position. Other
option is stop and die.

We will release Harmatan software alphas. betas and pre-releases
a lot before actual device goes out, there will be lot of time
to adapt with coming new features.

There is pro's and con's for releasing early versions. When we do
so, it always raises questions about things not yet released.

Remember that when we are doing early releases, everything is not
ready to release, everything is not even written or code is in
so early stage than fundamental changes may happen etc.

Of course we could also keep all Harmatan top secret, don't even
tell that it exists and ten just some day tell that there is product,
go shop an buy it and by the way, it is now Qt based, rewrite your apps
or write your own GTK+ port for it.

I don't promise that if you write application with Fremantle-Qt that
it will be without modifications Harmatan UI compatible. I rather
say that some work will be needed but when you have all structure
already Qt it is much, much easier to do.

* Telling people that it's completely reasonable to write
  Fremantle apps in Qt without making clear that some fundamental
  Fremantle widgets have not been written yet it not a good idea

Sigh, I said I won't comment on this, but... I'm not sure what's the
developer's alternative.

Since I don't know Nokia's plans for Harmattan, I'm afraid I can't
help you much more.

It's not that I like the current state of confusion much either, I'm
just trying to explain how I see things now and I think that it's up
to each developer to decide what to do, but evaluating things first.

Many will think that it's OK for them to write applications in Qt,
even if they don't have the complete set of Hildon widgets available
right now, because that's the future of Maemo.

Others will prefer, at least for now, to stick to Gtk/Hildon, which
has been much more thoroughly tested in Fremantle, and is the one
officially supported and guaranteed to be consistent with the rest of
the platform.

Always, freedom of choice leaves some space of confusion between choices.

Let's simplify:

If you have already GTK+/Hildon application, fastest and easiest way is
to get it for N900 is continue using Hildon. It is clear that N900 will
be most successful maemo device so you will have a lot of users
for your software. There is no reason rewrite existing GTK+ program
with Qt for N900 .

If you are writting a new application and you like to make your upgrade
path to Harmatan as easy as possible or if you would like make
your application cross platform also to other Nokia platforms,
then yuo should consider Qt as number one option.

I also understand that there is many GTK or Qt lovers ones that would write
their application with GTK+ or with Qt any case  because it is their 

choice and that is their right.

My opinion?

Well, right now Maemo is Fremantle. Harmattan will come in the future
but we don't know when. The N900 has been released two years after the
N810 so it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that the next device can
take two more years. It's quite a lot of time to wait to see what's
going to happen.

The N900 hasn't even reached the stores yet but what we've seen so
far suggests that this is going to be much more successful than any
previous Maemo device.

So I _personally_ don't think I'm going to worry _that much_ about
Harmattan right now. In the end it depends a lot on the application
developers' skills and long-term plans for their software.


I 100% agree with this one. No reason to hesitate, we have greatest
device Nokia ever made and it is open, use Qt or use Hildon what ever
feels best to you.


And these are my 2 cents.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-08 Thread Alberto Garcia
On Tue, Sep 08, 2009 at 11:24:05AM +0300, Quim Gil wrote:

 What about a BOF in the Maemo Summit? I have seen several developers
 registered that are familiar with GTK+ and Hildon and even upstream

That's a good idea, I'll talk to the rest of the Hildon team to submit
a proposal.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-08 Thread Aniello Del Sorbo
2009/9/8 Alberto Garcia
 On Tue, Sep 08, 2009 at 11:24:05AM +0300, Quim Gil wrote:

 What about a BOF in the Maemo Summit? I have seen several developers
 registered that are familiar with GTK+ and Hildon and even upstream

 That's a good idea, I'll talk to the rest of the Hildon team to submit
 a proposal.


This BOF would be really interesting indeed...

Sent from London, Eng, United Kingdom
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-08 Thread Attila Csipa
On Tuesday 08 September 2009 12:02:40 Kate Alhola wrote:
 One-shot ? Was Diablo also one-shot ? Next version is coming
 and we have already released direction where we are going in

Since I used the term first, I must clarify/expand/reiterate a bit. Except for 
a few minor points, I very much liked the way the Qt team was implementing 
Diablo UI elements and procedures in their port, as they really allowed to 
make something look and feel Diablo-ish with minimal effort and without turning 
existing code upside-down internally (I daresay in some aspects even easier 
than hildonizing some GTK+ apps). Kudos for that. I understand a lot of 
widgets, dialogs and generally UI action can, and will change in Fremantle and 
even more so in Harmattan. However, for me, as an independent developer, it 
would be of tremendous help if this can be achieved in a similar fashion like 
the hildonization of Qt on Diablo, and not by introducing ever more complex 
version-specific UI elements/procedures that might require the re-thinking of 
the whole UI just for that particular release (if you rely on widget signals 
and slots, that can be very-very painful). 

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-08 Thread Attila Csipa
On Tuesday 08 September 2009 12:50:09 Aniello Del Sorbo wrote:
 This BOF would be really interesting indeed...

As long as it doesn't get to be a Jerry Springer style event... :)
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread David Greaves wrote:
 If you have custom widgets in every program on a system, users will find
 it harder to use. They will not know what to expect when they tap on a
 widget they never saw before... that's the point of having guidelines.
 Please read my sentences above. I meant about replicating the functionality 
 of the widget
 done with other technology with another and ending up with exactly the same 
 user experience. 
 It is possible and the guidelines can be followed to create the new widgets. 
 There is nothing that prevents that, it is just some additional work required 
 for the developer
 as there are hildon widgets lacking from the selection of widgets on the Qt 
I've asked Antontio to start a project so we can create a set of hildon-widgets.

What would be good would be some collaboration on creating a prioritised list
and documenting the required behaviour.

 If you compare the kinetic scroll list on the startup wizard to the kinetic 
 scroll list elsewhere,
 you may find that it functions the same way, despite that is Clutter and 
 elsewhere it is Gtk. 
 Similarly I am sure it can be done also with the Qt in the same way, so that 
 as end user you can't see the difference
 (except that on different toolkits there may be slight performance 
 differences, e.g. pure clutter
 can be obviously faster than Gtk and similarly the performance may differ on 
 the Qt version to direction or another
 depending on the case). 
 It just requires accurate tuning for all the parameters to get the scroll 
 behavior exactly the same and

 What comes to the kinetic scroll list, it has certain little details that are 
 important, otherwise it will feel different (and not right):
 - edge bounce
 - easing on edge bounce (the movement decelerates before it stops instead of 
 stopping mechanically)
 - friction
 - inertia
 - scrolling speed (comes from the physics of the friction, inertia, and the 
 initial speed given by the finger)
 - finger following
 - item selection sensitivity from touch
 - item deselection sensitivity from following movement
 - stoppable movement (despite of high inertia, stopped finger stops the 
 movement immediately)
 To get these right, it really requires trying out on the device how it feels. 
 When doing the startup wizard we found that
 some sensitivities (e.g. selection sensitivity) need to be a bit different 
 when operated on mouse than when operated on finger on the device. 
I (and others) wrote the Qt fingerscroll that we have (had?) in experimental.
All those factors are parameters.
It also works on any scroll-based widget 'for free' and allows highlighting and
I completely agree that it needs tuning on the device... sadly I don't have
one... but if someone wants to send me one...

 Once the list is perfected, all the other widgets are easily composited from 
 these lists and other widgets. 
 So it is a good idea to start from making a list on Qt to function exactly 
 like it functions on the Hildon.
I've asked Antontio to start a project so we can create a set of hildon-widgets.

IIRC we also need to do dbus integration too.


Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once...
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Antonio Aloisio
Hi there,

Analizing the hildon widget that people want to have in Qt, I can say that:
There are hildon/ized widgets that will be part of Qt itself and Qt hildon
widgets that will come from a different lib (not implemented yet).
Some essential widgets like Hildon stackable windows and Maemo5 menus will
be part of Qt GUI module.
They have been already coded and the code is in our git repository.

Qt is able to use Hildon Native dialogs (eg: File dialogs). We can support
others Hildon dialogs just adding a couple of
lines in the style.

The rest of hildon widgets that won't be part of Qt itself and they will be
part of another project that me, David and maybe other people interested in
can do togheter.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 11:06 AM, David Greaves wrote: wrote:
  If you have custom widgets in every program on a system, users will find
  it harder to use. They will not know what to expect when they tap on a
  widget they never saw before... that's the point of having guidelines.
  Please read my sentences above. I meant about replicating the
 functionality of the widget
  done with other technology with another and ending up with exactly the
 same user experience.
  It is possible and the guidelines can be followed to create the new
  There is nothing that prevents that, it is just some additional work
 required for the developer
  as there are hildon widgets lacking from the selection of widgets on the
 Qt side.
 I've asked Antontio to start a project so we can create a set of

 What would be good would be some collaboration on creating a prioritised
 and documenting the required behaviour.

  If you compare the kinetic scroll list on the startup wizard to the
 kinetic scroll list elsewhere,
  you may find that it functions the same way, despite that is Clutter and
 elsewhere it is Gtk.
  Similarly I am sure it can be done also with the Qt in the same way, so
 that as end user you can't see the difference
  (except that on different toolkits there may be slight performance
 differences, e.g. pure clutter
  can be obviously faster than Gtk and similarly the performance may differ
 on the Qt version to direction or another
  depending on the case).
  It just requires accurate tuning for all the parameters to get the scroll
 behavior exactly the same and

  What comes to the kinetic scroll list, it has certain little details that
 are important, otherwise it will feel different (and not right):
  - edge bounce
  - easing on edge bounce (the movement decelerates before it stops instead
 of stopping mechanically)
  - friction
  - inertia
  - scrolling speed (comes from the physics of the friction, inertia, and
 the initial speed given by the finger)
  - finger following
  - item selection sensitivity from touch
  - item deselection sensitivity from following movement
  - stoppable movement (despite of high inertia, stopped finger stops the
 movement immediately)
  To get these right, it really requires trying out on the device how it
 feels. When doing the startup wizard we found that
  some sensitivities (e.g. selection sensitivity) need to be a bit
 different when operated on mouse than when operated on finger on the device.
 I (and others) wrote the Qt fingerscroll that we have (had?) in
 All those factors are parameters.
 It also works on any scroll-based widget 'for free' and allows highlighting
 I completely agree that it needs tuning on the device... sadly I don't have
 one... but if someone wants to send me one...

  Once the list is perfected, all the other widgets are easily composited
 from these lists and other widgets.
  So it is a good idea to start from making a list on Qt to function
 exactly like it functions on the Hildon.
 I've asked Antontio to start a project so we can create a set of

 IIRC we also need to do dbus integration too.


 Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once...
 maemo-developers mailing list


Mike Ditka  -
If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Piñeiro

 These things are easier in some toolkits and harder in some others. To my 
 knowledge, Gtk was not really designed for handheld touch user interface
 with kinetic scroll etc. on mind in the first place - it is a rather a 
 desktop toolkit with the rather traditional mindset - 
 and some of hard core hacking obviously was required to make it function like 
 it functions on the Maemo 5. That is a great achievement and I have
 watched that with awe and lots of respect to the developers who have made it. 
 I can now enjoy it every day with my N900, lists etc.
 work as they should and they make this UI very desirable.

For any reason all the times that Qt advantages were mentioned, they
always talk about the kinetic scroll support as the big
advantage. Right now hildon has kinetic support, as a new container
general container was added, HildonPannableArea [1].

In the same way this Hard core hacking is more than debatable. Yes,
the current gtk used on maemo 5 has some maemo-specific changes
(hardcode hacks?) but this are just to support some different
requirements here, and maintained in a different branch in order to
not interfere with the normal upstream work on gtk. But most of this
changes are being constantly integrated on upstream.

 On the other hand, it was a lot easier to start the same from scratch on 
 Startup wizard with Clutter because there
 was not the incompatible way of thinking as a barrier between the desired 
 functionality and what is already there because there was
 nothing there already, just start from grass root level from atomic blocks 
 (start by building a custom ClutterActor) 
 and then figure out how to stack Actors and how to animated them to get e.g. 
 a kinetic scroll list done. As there was no base widget, there
 was no limitations of the base widget and no associated problems, just 
 putting some lego blocks together and it was done. With some
 adjustable parameters and then fine tuning the feel with these parameters, it 
 was actually quite efficient to do it. 

So you are suggesting that starting from almost scratch, with
basically a base widget support, *in general*, is better that start
with a toolkit with a lot of tools, because you have the control of
all that you want to do, and you can avoid the constraints of the
toolkit? In this case, why use gtk or Qt or Clutter? You can use
directly OpenGL and make your app. After all, the N900 has EGL

 I believe Qt can be in the same position pretty much,
 if the widget is started from scratch rather basing it on some existing 
 widget which has similar limitations than the equivalent
 in the Gtk. Qt is more like Gtk + Clutter combined rather than being 
 equivalent of the Gtk alone. 
 Kate said there is some kinetic scroll list already there in the Qt, but I 
 don't know how its parameters match to the 
 Hildon/Gtk version we have on the Maemo 5, but I think that with some work it 
 can be done to function 100% equally, as it works
 equally on startup wizard despite it is a completely separate implementation 
 with a completely different kind of technology behind it.
 And despite of that, it still just works, perfectly. 

 I believe you (or anybody else) are very welcome to pixel perfect and fine 
 tune the list performances of 
 the Qt equivalent widgets if someone creates the missing few hildon widget Qt 

But that was the question from the beginning in this thread. Please
read the previous comments. Most of the developers were concerned
because there are some Hildon-Gtk widgets, that provides a specific
functionality, but they doesn't exist on Qt. The question was if the
official Qt-Nokia support has the intention to develop this widgets,
in order to made easier have the same lookrfeel, or if they are
supposed to be created by the apps developers. And few is not
exactly the adjetive I would use.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Alberto Garcia
On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 07:14:22PM +0200, wrote:

if you want to have the exact same user experience as the
preinstalled Maemo 5 applications have (as seen in all youtube
videos and the SDK), then you have much easier time and faster
development with the gtk-based hildon widgets in Maemo 5.

  I would caution against too easily dismissing Hildon Pickers as
  trivial composites that app developers can implement. [...] The
  combobox in Linux desktops is pretty much a subset of the hildon
  pickers (in terms of funtionality, not directly in terms of actual
  UI elements). So if pickers would be trivial, then why would there
  be a need to provide a combobox in the standard toolkit?
 These things are easier in some toolkits and harder in some
 others. To my knowledge, Gtk was not really designed for handheld
 touch user interface with kinetic scroll etc. on mind in the first
 place - it is a rather a desktop toolkit with the rather traditional
 mindset - and some of hard core hacking obviously was required to
 make it function like it functions on the Maemo 5.

From a technological point of view, the new widgets in Hildon are
completely traditional and they are based on standard Gtk+ widgets.

Of course they are designed to be used on a small, touch screen
device, but what this means in terms of implementation is that we
avoided using interactions, components and sizes that were too small
or too difficult to be used with fingers in a screen like that of the

We haven't found any particular limitation in Gtk+ that made this more

Example: HildonAppMenu is basically a window with two groups of
buttons. There's nothing strange or unexpected here, and certainly
nothing that Gtk+ was not designed to cope with. The work here was
about getting the semantics, layout, sizes, alignments, API, etc
right, not about fighting with any design limitation in Gtk+.

And the same thing applies to all other Hildon widgets.

The importance and the goal of Hildon is to provide a set of essential
widgets so

 a) app developers don't have to waste their time in writing them
 b) there is UI consistency between all applications

If there are no Qt equivalents for all Hildon widgets, none of these
two problems are solved, no matter how easy it is for developers to
write their own widgets or how compact the code is.

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of ext 
Alejandro Garcia Castro
Sent: 07 September, 2009 13:19
To: Andrea Grandi
Subject: Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 07:48:15PM +0200, Andrea Grandi wrote:

  If some of these composite widgets are so big problem, we can 
  collect these examples as widget library.

 composed widget are not a problem for ObjectOriented-people :D

I guess in that case you should ask Orbit team about those 50 
mobile user experience widgets they are implementing over Qt ;):

# A new Orbit extension library for Qt, which contains more 
than 50 widgets tailored for mobile user experience, and which 
will provide a replacement for the existing Avkon widget set. 


Please also note this mentioned avkon and other things they are saying they 
be doing there have very little if nothing to do with Maemo. It is a completely
different environment solving a different set of problems. The widget set
in S60 is quite different from the Maemo 5. You can easily see that if you
compare a S60 phone with N900. Maemo has been and is going to different 
so I think you can't use that in any valid comparison. 

Best Regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Kate Alhola

ext Alejandro Garcia Castro wrote:

On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 07:48:15PM +0200, Andrea Grandi wrote:



If some of these composite widgets are so big problem, we can collect
these examples as widget library.

composed widget are not a problem for ObjectOriented-people :D

I guess in that case you should ask Orbit team about those 50 mobile
user experience widgets they are implementing over Qt ;):

Orbit is completely different thing, implement  50 new mobile widgets
than just building some composite widget equivalent of Hildon
widgets using existing hildonized Qt widgets.


# A new “Orbit” extension library for Qt, which contains more than 50
widgets tailored for mobile user experience, and which will provide a
replacement for the existing “Avkon” widget set. 



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Andrew Flegg
On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 15:09, Kate wrote:

 Same thing to Qt, it is not limitation of Qt. App menus looks
 exactly same rendered with Qt than rendered with GTK.
 It just uses exactly same style for elements.

And this is one of the things which is being asked for! Can you post a
simple example (and screenshot) of a Qt program which looks like a
normal Maemo 5 app?

What's the Qt AppMenu API? Does Qt do more work on behalf of the user
(for good or ill) in terms of rotation support? etc. etc.



Andrew Flegg --  |
Maemo Community Council chair
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 15:09, Kate wrote:

 Same thing to Qt, it is not limitation of Qt. App menus looks
 exactly same rendered with Qt than rendered with GTK.
 It just uses exactly same style for elements.

And this is one of the things which is being asked for! Can you post a
simple example (and screenshot) of a Qt program which looks like a
normal Maemo 5 app?

Off the record: I was just visiting Kate's and Antonio's office and saw 
application menu demo. Looks nice
and works both in landscape and portrait, is themed with the same graphics and 
looks just 
like a Maemo 5 Hildon Gtk app. It is coming together nicely.

Best Regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Antonio Aloisio
Hi Andrew,

Qt AppMenu API is quite simple, but you don' need it at all. It's just for
Qt internal use.
To have Maemo5 menus in Qt you don't have to code (at least you can.. but
using Qt Designer is better:P)
Those menus are filled with the QActions available in the QMainWindows.
Basically this the standard way to create menus in Qt (except you don't have
to put QActions with menus).
QMainWindow will take care of creating and showing the Actions as items of
the Qt Maemo5 menu.

I've picture in portrait and landscape mode of it.. I'll publish them ASA
I've the permission.

supported by Qt as well. I implemented them in QMainWindows
because it is convenient (they supports the menu).
To  put them  in your app you have to create a QMainWindows parent of
another QMainWindow, You don't need nothing more.

About the Rotation can be enabled with ONE line. But I'll talk
more about it next episode! :P


On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Andrew Flegg wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 15:09, Kate wrote:
  Same thing to Qt, it is not limitation of Qt. App menus looks
  exactly same rendered with Qt than rendered with GTK.
  It just uses exactly same style for elements.

 And this is one of the things which is being asked for! Can you post a
 simple example (and screenshot) of a Qt program which looks like a
 normal Maemo 5 app?

 What's the Qt AppMenu API? Does Qt do more work on behalf of the user
 (for good or ill) in terms of rotation support? etc. etc.



 Andrew Flegg --  |
 Maemo Community Council chair
 maemo-developers mailing list


Joan Crawford
- I, Joan Crawford, I believe in the dollar. Everything I earn, I
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Alberto Garcia
On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 05:09:25PM +0300, Kate Alhola wrote:

  The importance and the goal of Hildon is to provide a set of essential
  widgets so
  a) app developers don't have to waste their time in writing them
  b) there is UI consistency between all applications
  If there are no Qt equivalents for all Hildon widgets, none of
  these two problems are solved, no matter how easy it is for
  developers to write their own widgets or how compact the code is.

 If you think that if there is not 1 to 1 equivalent for everything,
 there is nothing.

No, I haven't said that.

What I say is:

 * The Fremantle UI style depends heavily on a set of widgets that
   have been specifically designed for it.

 * These include some very fundamental widgets such as HildonAppMenu,
   HildonPickerButton and HildonStackableWindow.

 * If you take a look at the N900 you'll see that these widgets are

 * Example: there's no application in the N900 using a menu other than

 * If you want to use a menu in your application you must use
   HildonAppMenu or a widget designed to mimic its look and feel, else
   your application will look different.

 * There's nothing necessarily wrong with that (e.g. Canola), but
   developers should be aware before starting to write their apps.


 * Do you want to provide Qt libs for developing Fremantle apps? Good

 * Are all the widgets that have been designed as a central part of the
   Fremantle UI available in Qt? Good

 * Aren't they available yet? Fair enough, but then make sure that
   developers are aware of this.

The bottom line:

 * Telling people that it's completely reasonable to write Fremantle
   apps in Qt without making clear that some fundamental Fremantle
   widgets have not been written yet it not a good idea IMHO.

 It is also other question that which is more wasting time, writing
 couple of dozen lines when you can save couple of thousand lines in
 all application by more compact and efficient code with C++ and Qt.

I'm not going to start a C vs C++ debate, but I don't think this is an
argument here since there are already C++ bindings for Hildon:

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Kate Alhola

ext Alberto Garcia wrote:

On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 05:09:25PM +0300, Kate Alhola wrote:


The importance and the goal of Hildon is to provide a set of essential
widgets so

a) app developers don't have to waste their time in writing them
b) there is UI consistency between all applications

If there are no Qt equivalents for all Hildon widgets, none of
these two problems are solved, no matter how easy it is for
developers to write their own widgets or how compact the code is.


If you think that if there is not 1 to 1 equivalent for everything,
there is nothing.

No, I haven't said that.

What I say is:

 * The Fremantle UI style depends heavily on a set of widgets that
   have been specifically designed for it.

 * These include some very fundamental widgets such as HildonAppMenu,
   HildonPickerButton and HildonStackableWindow.

 * If you take a look at the N900 you'll see that these widgets are

 * Example: there's no application in the N900 using a menu other than

 * If you want to use a menu in your application you must use
   HildonAppMenu or a widget designed to mimic its look and feel, else
   your application will look different.

 * There's nothing necessarily wrong with that (e.g. Canola), but
   developers should be aware before starting to write their apps.

I agree that. Antonio just answered, you have HildonAppMenu and 
StackableWindow functionality in Qt.
They look exactly same than Hildon equivalents. I said already that you 
will soon see also
PickerButton functionality. Qt API is different than GTK+, that's clear 
to everyone.


 * Do you want to provide Qt libs for developing Fremantle apps? Good

 * Are all the widgets that have been designed as a central part of the
   Fremantle UI available in Qt? Good

 * Aren't they available yet? Fair enough, but then make sure that
   developers are aware of this.

Try to understand difference between functionality and widget.
In most of cases you don't need any special widgets.
You have StackableWindows and AppMenus but you don't
need to have separate widgets for this.

Let's get back to roots once again. There is two ways to implement
UI for mobile.
1- You can make new widgets ( Hildon)
2- You can enhance existing widgets to support mobile usecase (Qt)

The model used in Qt makes much easier to port applications because
it minimizes needs to modify your application.

The bottom line:

 * Telling people that it's completely reasonable to write Fremantle
   apps in Qt without making clear that some fundamental Fremantle
   widgets have not been written yet it not a good idea IMHO.

Telling is very good idea, it leaves freedom of choice to developer.
I think that telling about choices and their consequences is allways
good idea. Maemo Qt is at the moment as Beta whereas Hildon for maemo 5 is
about final. That is one argument. The other argument is that Harmatan will
be Qt based, S60 will have Qt, Qt is a cross platform toolkit .Qt has 
animation API etc for eye candy, Qt has OpenGL-ES2.0 support, it has 
webkit ...

It is also other question that which is more wasting time, writing
couple of dozen lines when you can save couple of thousand lines in
all application by more compact and efficient code with C++ and Qt.

I'm not going to start a C vs C++ debate, but I don't think this is an
argument here since there are already C++ bindings for Hildon:

It's just not C++ issue, Qt is written from scratch as C++ classes and 
it just

makes many things like writing derived classes much easier.

I know the C++ bindings, I was the one pushing maemo to support C++ .


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Attila Csipa
On Monday 07 September 2009 17:21:45 Alberto Garcia wrote:
  * The Fremantle UI style depends heavily on a set of widgets that
have been specifically designed for it.

I really don't want to meddle in GTK-vs-Qt discussions, but this particular 
segment scares me a bit. This sounds to me like saying coding for Fremantle is 
a one-shot affair - you have these specially designed widgets, which are there 
only on Fremantle and who knows what their future will be, even if Kate, 
Antonio et al put together specific widgets/examples for the Fremantle build of 
Qt. If there is one thing I'm afraid of it's not designing an UI for mobile 
use, it's redesigning them for each version of the OS (and the snowballing of 
ifdefs it brings). Just to clarify - I'm not talking about looks, but specific 

 * Telling people that it's completely reasonable to write Fremantle
   apps in Qt without making clear that some fundamental Fremantle
   widgets have not been written yet it not a good idea IMHO.

Sigh, I said I won't comment on this, but... I'm not sure what's the 
developer's alternative. If I use GTK+, I'll happily keep using it in 
Fremantle and Harmattan, etc. If I use Qt, I certainly won't switch to GTK+ 
just for Fremantle no matter how essential some widgets might be. If I don't 
know either of them, the choice is between 'miss some functionality now' and 
'miss some functionality later and from there on' (since GTK+ folks will 
likely be in the same shoes missing out on more and more of the Qt stuff in 
Maemo 6 and beyond). So unless one plans on writing something trivial and 
quitting coding before Maemo 6 hits, there is not exactly much choice - for 
better or worse, these things are IMHO pretty much on ballistic trajectories 

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Graham Cobb
On Friday 04 September 2009 18:16:43 wrote:
 To avoid re-inventing the wheel again we are providing examples how
 you can do things with Qt. If some thing can be done with dozen lines of
 Qt code, it just matter of taste, should we provide widget or just
 example that you can cut-and-paste. The most important thing is that
 we have all basic widgets like finger scrollable lists etc so that
 only action needed is to collect them together.

It is absolutely NOT a matter of taste!  Widgets and examples achieve 
completely different goals.  Examples are good if different applications are 
expected to work differently (e.g. examples are good for showing how to open 
a browser window or read a file).  Widgets are necessary if different 
applications are expected to look the same.

Widgets are not provided just to reduce the amount of coding the application 
has to do but to provide a single place to change in order to change the look 
of all applications, without needing to change the application (or even 
recompile it)!

When porting my applications to Fremantle I have not had to add #ifdef's for 
all my dialog boxes to cause them to have buttons on the right.  Why is that?  
it is because I used a dialog box widget and the widget has been modified to 
do that! And maybe some future device will decide the dialog box buttons will 
need to go at the bottom again (maybe it is portrait oriented, or the fashion 
changes) -- exactly the same binary will work on that platform and the 
buttons will be at the bottom.

Widgets are extremely important for composites.  As important as they are for 
basics.  The more widgets you provide the better the standardisation of the 
application UI -- no composite widget can be replaced with an example without 
losing that standardisation at some time in the future when the look needs to 

Note that this doesn't mean that the set of widgets for Qt necessarily needs 
to be the same as for Hildon.  Composite widgets are a simple tradeoff of 
development time against UI standardisation and the Harmatten team may decide 
to make that tradeoff differently and choose to implement a different set of 
widgets.  And in different toolkits, different amounts of the required 
behaviours may be built into some of the underlying widgets directly so there 
are apparently fewer widgets (but, in fact, the widget behaviour is still 
there).  But we need to remember that each time we choose not to implement 
some behaviour in the toolkit, but leave it as an example for the 
application, application behaviour for that function will no longer be 

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Alberto Garcia
On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 08:17:01PM +0200, Attila Csipa wrote:

 This sounds to me like saying coding for Fremantle is a one-shot
 affair - you have these specially designed widgets, which are there
 only on Fremantle and who knows what their future will be

That's a very reasonable concern, and one that is shared by many
people, including me.

Nokia has already announced that they're switching from Gtk to Qt
in Harmattan (which has been a confusing move for many users and
developers), but I don't know if they plan to keep the same basic
widgets and UI style that has been designed for Fremantle or not.

If the plan is to keep more or less the same UI style I'd expect a
decent, community-supported, release of Gtk/Hildon for Harmattan.

If the plan is to redesign the UI all over again then God only knows
what's going to happen... :-)

  * Telling people that it's completely reasonable to write
Fremantle apps in Qt without making clear that some fundamental
Fremantle widgets have not been written yet it not a good idea

 Sigh, I said I won't comment on this, but... I'm not sure what's the
 developer's alternative.

Since I don't know Nokia's plans for Harmattan, I'm afraid I can't
help you much more.

It's not that I like the current state of confusion much either, I'm
just trying to explain how I see things now and I think that it's up
to each developer to decide what to do, but evaluating things first.

Many will think that it's OK for them to write applications in Qt,
even if they don't have the complete set of Hildon widgets available
right now, because that's the future of Maemo.

Others will prefer, at least for now, to stick to Gtk/Hildon, which
has been much more thoroughly tested in Fremantle, and is the one
officially supported and guaranteed to be consistent with the rest of
the platform.

My opinion?

Well, right now Maemo is Fremantle. Harmattan will come in the future
but we don't know when. The N900 has been released two years after the
N810 so it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that the next device can
take two more years. It's quite a lot of time to wait to see what's
going to happen.

The N900 hasn't even reached the stores yet but what we've seen so
far suggests that this is going to be much more successful than any
previous Maemo device.

So I _personally_ don't think I'm going to worry _that much_ about
Harmattan right now. In the end it depends a lot on the application
developers' skills and long-term plans for their software.

And these are my 2 cents.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-07 Thread Alberto Mardegan
Graham Cobb wrote:
 When porting my applications to Fremantle I have not had to add #ifdef's for 
 all my dialog boxes to cause them to have buttons on the right.  Why is that? 
 it is because I used a dialog box widget and the widget has been modified to 
 do that!

Yes, good example! That's about the _only_ thing that you don't have to change! 

What about hildon_button_set_theme_size(), that you must call for every button?

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-06 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
 On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 08:01
  However, if you want to have the exact same user experience as the
  preinstalled Maemo 5 applications have (as seen in all youtube videos and
  the SDK), then you have much easier time and faster development with the
  gtk-based hildon widgets in Maemo 5.

 This doesn't give much of a transition plan for developers, or the
 chance to fix things in the Qt API whilst it's in community support

Before people start jumping into long term conclusions, I'd rather encourage 
people to start documenting to, what is known about QT in Maemo 
5 and build a better understanding collectively there.

I don't know about QT any more than what is publicly informed. Which is very 

Lets move from the guesswork here to documenting what is really known to wiki.

Big thanks to Kate for the clarifying post. I'm sorry I misunderstood the 
purpose of QT mobility. Seems it's not about widgets, but about platform 
components like Contacts and Services.

I would caution against too easily dismissing Hildon Pickers as trivial 
composites that app developers can implement.
At least in Hildon widgets, Claudio, Berto and others have spent huge amount 
of time to get the pickers work just right. You can see it yourself in the 
hildon git changelog.
The combobox in Linux desktops is pretty much a subset of the hildon pickers 
(in terms of funtionality, not directly in terms of actual UI elements). So if 
pickers would be trivial, then why would there be a need to provide a combobox 
in the standard toolkit?

These things are easier in some toolkits and harder in some others. To my 
knowledge, Gtk was not really designed for handheld touch user interface
with kinetic scroll etc. on mind in the first place - it is a rather a desktop 
toolkit with the rather traditional mindset - 
and some of hard core hacking obviously was required to make it function like 
it functions on the Maemo 5. That is a great achievement and I have
watched that with awe and lots of respect to the developers who have made it. I 
can now enjoy it every day with my N900, lists etc.
work as they should and they make this UI very desirable.

On the other hand, it was a lot easier to start the same from scratch on 
Startup wizard with Clutter because there
was not the incompatible way of thinking as a barrier between the desired 
functionality and what is already there because there was
nothing there already, just start from grass root level from atomic blocks 
(start by building a custom ClutterActor) 
and then figure out how to stack Actors and how to animated them to get e.g. a 
kinetic scroll list done. As there was no base widget, there
was no limitations of the base widget and no associated problems, just putting 
some lego blocks together and it was done. With some
adjustable parameters and then fine tuning the feel with these parameters, it 
was actually quite efficient to do it. 

I believe Qt can be in the same position pretty much,
if the widget is started from scratch rather basing it on some existing widget 
which has similar limitations than the equivalent
in the Gtk. Qt is more like Gtk + Clutter combined rather than being equivalent 
of the Gtk alone. 

Kate said there is some kinetic scroll list already there in the Qt, but I 
don't know how its parameters match to the 
Hildon/Gtk version we have on the Maemo 5, but I think that with some work it 
can be done to function 100% equally, as it works
equally on startup wizard despite it is a completely separate implementation 
with a completely different kind of technology behind it.
And despite of that, it still just works, perfectly. 

IMHO good news about composite widgets is that they are very easy to create in 
Qt. Many things which are very cryptic in Gtk and glib (no flame intended, I 
that hard core glib people will disagree, but I don't happen to be very 
enlightened to the gobject despite having made few custom ClutterActors myself 
in C/glib) are so simple on Qt, 
just few lines of very understandable and easy C++ code. I am sure Kate can 
show examples. Another good news is that the QGraphicsView appears to have 
almost everything that is in Clutter, and modern 
mobile user interface widgets can be built with it rather than basing them on 
the traditional widgets. And what is more, 
Qt allows extensive embedding of the traditional widgets to the graphics view 
which may make the task even easier.

This sounds so interesting that I may need to look into it someday. 

I managed to finally get a QT app running (qt-maemo-example from fremantle 
extras-devel). Based on that experience, I updated the QT wiki page at:

I hope you guys will make additions and corrections to there, so we have more 
information easily available.

I believe you (or anybody else) are very welcome to pixel perfect and fine tune 
the list performances of 
the Qt equivalent widgets if someone creates the missing 

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-06 Thread Joaquim Rocha
Hi wrote:
 These things are easier in some toolkits and harder in some others. To my 
 knowledge, Gtk was not really designed for handheld touch user interface
 with kinetic scroll etc. on mind in the first place - it is a rather a 
 desktop toolkit with the rather traditional mindset - 
 and some of hard core hacking obviously was required to make it function like 
 it functions on the Maemo 5. That is a great achievement and I have
 watched that with awe and lots of respect to the developers who have made it. 
 I can now enjoy it every day with my N900, lists etc.
 work as they should and they make this UI very desirable.

Of course GTK+ wasn't thought to be used on touch UIs from the
beginning! Was Qt or any of the other UI toolkits with more than a
couple years designed for touch screen interfaces?

 On the other hand, it was a lot easier to start the same from scratch on 
 Startup wizard with Clutter because there
 was not the incompatible way of thinking as a barrier between the desired 
 functionality and what is already there because there was
 nothing there already, just start from grass root level from atomic blocks 
 (start by building a custom ClutterActor) 
 and then figure out how to stack Actors and how to animated them to get e.g. 
 a kinetic scroll list done. As there was no base widget, there
 was no limitations of the base widget and no associated problems, just 
 putting some lego blocks together and it was done. With some
 adjustable parameters and then fine tuning the feel with these parameters, it 
 was actually quite efficient to do it. 

Sure but the question here is not to make super customized widgets but
rather to use widgets the way they should be used in an interface,
following the established guidelines to provide the user with a nice

If you have custom widgets in every program on a system, users will find
it harder to use. They will not know what to expect when they tap on a
widget they never saw before... that's the point of having guidelines.

 I believe Qt can be in the same position pretty much,
 if the widget is started from scratch rather basing it on some existing 
 widget which has similar limitations than the equivalent
 in the Gtk. Qt is more like Gtk + Clutter combined rather than being 
 equivalent of the Gtk alone. 
 Kate said there is some kinetic scroll list already there in the Qt, but I 
 don't know how its parameters match to the 
 Hildon/Gtk version we have on the Maemo 5, but I think that with some work it 
 can be done to function 100% equally, as it works
 equally on startup wizard despite it is a completely separate implementation 
 with a completely different kind of technology behind it.
 And despite of that, it still just works, perfectly. 
 IMHO good news about composite widgets is that they are very easy to create 
 in Qt. Many things which are very cryptic in Gtk and glib (no flame intended, 
 I know
 that hard core glib people will disagree, but I don't happen to be very 
 enlightened to the gobject despite having made few custom ClutterActors 
 myself in C/glib) are so simple on Qt, 
 just few lines of very understandable and easy C++ code. I am sure Kate can 
 show examples. Another good news is that the QGraphicsView appears to have 
 almost everything that is in Clutter, and modern 
 mobile user interface widgets can be built with it rather than basing them on 
 the traditional widgets. And what is more, 
 Qt allows extensive embedding of the traditional widgets to the graphics view 
 which may make the task even easier.

I'm pretty sure you can do neat stuff with Qt as you can do them with
GTK+ and Clutter but I don't think this really counts when writing or
porting applications to Fremantle. There are a set of widgets that
behave in a certain way in Fremantle and developers should use those to
build they're applications. I can't see where *having the possibility to
build* those widgets is a great thing comparing to *having the widgets
themselves* ready to use.

E.g.: It is pretty easy to build up a dialog in GTK+ without using the
GTKDialog class. Make a window, add a box, add buttons, ... but it would
be a pain if I had to write all the standard widgets I wanna use.

Another important thing is that, for Open Source applications, you'd end
up having tons of the same composite widgets, written differently, and
obviously behaving differently, which would not contribute to code reuse
and cripple users' experience.

So, please guys, understand that until Qt have the set of widgets that
define Fremantle and that developers can use those in a straightforward
way, one cannot think of Qt as an intelligent choice to build
applications on Maemo 5 nowadays.


Joaquim Rocha

 This sounds so interesting that I may need to look into it someday. 
 I managed to finally get a QT app running (qt-maemo-example from fremantle 
 extras-devel). Based on that experience, I updated the QT wiki 

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-06 Thread Karoliina.T.Salminen
 On the other hand, it was a lot easier to start the same from scratch on 
 Startup wizard with Clutter because there
 was not the incompatible way of thinking as a barrier between the desired 
 functionality and what is already there because there was
 nothing there already, just start from grass root level from atomic blocks 
 (start by building a custom ClutterActor)
 and then figure out how to stack Actors and how to animated them to get e.g. 
 a kinetic scroll list done. As there was no base widget, there
 was no limitations of the base widget and no associated problems, just 
 putting some lego blocks together and it was done. With some
 adjustable parameters and then fine tuning the feel with these parameters, 
 it was actually quite efficient to do it.
Sure but the question here is not to make super customized widgets but
rather to use widgets the way they should be used in an interface,
following the established guidelines to provide the user with a nice

If you have custom widgets in every program on a system, users will find
it harder to use. They will not know what to expect when they tap on a
widget they never saw before... that's the point of having guidelines.

Please read my sentences above. I meant about replicating the functionality of 
the widget
done with other technology with another and ending up with exactly the same 
user experience. 
It is possible and the guidelines can be followed to create the new widgets. 
There is nothing that prevents that, it is just some additional work required 
for the developer
as there are hildon widgets lacking from the selection of widgets on the Qt 

If you compare the kinetic scroll list on the startup wizard to the kinetic 
scroll list elsewhere,
you may find that it functions the same way, despite that is Clutter and 
elsewhere it is Gtk. 
Similarly I am sure it can be done also with the Qt in the same way, so that as 
end user you can't see the difference
(except that on different toolkits there may be slight performance differences, 
e.g. pure clutter
can be obviously faster than Gtk and similarly the performance may differ on 
the Qt version to direction or another
depending on the case). 

It just requires accurate tuning for all the parameters to get the scroll 
behavior exactly the same and
then basically the end result is the same. It is possible, and not even hard, 
it just needs some work and fine tuning. 
The Qt port is implemented with the community and the community 
and community can propose patches to Antonio/Kate instead so that the 
implemented widgets can be joined to the their port rather than
everybody implementing their own versions without contributing them to the port 
ending up with different results on each
program. Of course nobody prohibits people to do that either, this is free 
software and you have the freedom of choice always to
do one way or the another. 

What comes to the kinetic scroll list, it has certain little details that are 
important, otherwise it will feel different (and not right):
- edge bounce
- easing on edge bounce (the movement decelerates before it stops instead of 
stopping mechanically)
- friction
- inertia
- scrolling speed (comes from the physics of the friction, inertia, and the 
initial speed given by the finger)
- finger following
- item selection sensitivity from touch
- item deselection sensitivity from following movement
- stoppable movement (despite of high inertia, stopped finger stops the 
movement immediately)

To get these right, it really requires trying out on the device how it feels. 
When doing the startup wizard we found that
some sensitivities (e.g. selection sensitivity) need to be a bit different when 
operated on mouse than when operated on finger on the device. 

Once the list is perfected, all the other widgets are easily composited from 
these lists and other widgets. 
So it is a good idea to start from making a list on Qt to function exactly like 
it functions on the Hildon. 

Best Regards,

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-06 Thread Jed Cousin
The Clutter Project has developed a means for Clutter and Qt to
inter-operate: clutter-qt. [1]

Given Qt-proper's existing composite widget capabilities and OpenGL
integration, clutter-qt may seem somewhat redundant.

However, clutter-qt may ease the burden of porting code which heavily
leverages Clutter from GTK+ to Qt, if so desired.



Jed Cousin

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but
when there is nothing left to take away.  --Antoine de Saint Exupéry

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 1:48 PM, wrote:
 On the other hand, it was a lot easier to start the same from scratch on 
 Startup wizard with Clutter because there
 was not the incompatible way of thinking as a barrier between the desired 
 functionality and what is already there because there was
 nothing there already, just start from grass root level from atomic blocks 
 (start by building a custom ClutterActor)
 and then figure out how to stack Actors and how to animated them to get 
 e.g. a kinetic scroll list done. As there was no base widget, there
 was no limitations of the base widget and no associated problems, just 
 putting some lego blocks together and it was done. With some
 adjustable parameters and then fine tuning the feel with these parameters, 
 it was actually quite efficient to do it.
Sure but the question here is not to make super customized widgets but
rather to use widgets the way they should be used in an interface,
following the established guidelines to provide the user with a nice

If you have custom widgets in every program on a system, users will find
it harder to use. They will not know what to expect when they tap on a
widget they never saw before... that's the point of having guidelines.

 Please read my sentences above. I meant about replicating the functionality 
 of the widget
 done with other technology with another and ending up with exactly the same 
 user experience.
 It is possible and the guidelines can be followed to create the new widgets.
 There is nothing that prevents that, it is just some additional work required 
 for the developer
 as there are hildon widgets lacking from the selection of widgets on the Qt 

 If you compare the kinetic scroll list on the startup wizard to the kinetic 
 scroll list elsewhere,
 you may find that it functions the same way, despite that is Clutter and 
 elsewhere it is Gtk.
 Similarly I am sure it can be done also with the Qt in the same way, so that 
 as end user you can't see the difference
 (except that on different toolkits there may be slight performance 
 differences, e.g. pure clutter
 can be obviously faster than Gtk and similarly the performance may differ on 
 the Qt version to direction or another
 depending on the case).

 It just requires accurate tuning for all the parameters to get the scroll 
 behavior exactly the same and
 then basically the end result is the same. It is possible, and not even hard, 
 it just needs some work and fine tuning.
 The Qt port is implemented with the community and the community
 and community can propose patches to Antonio/Kate instead so that the 
 implemented widgets can be joined to the their port rather than
 everybody implementing their own versions without contributing them to the 
 port ending up with different results on each
 program. Of course nobody prohibits people to do that either, this is free 
 software and you have the freedom of choice always to
 do one way or the another.

 What comes to the kinetic scroll list, it has certain little details that are 
 important, otherwise it will feel different (and not right):
 - edge bounce
 - easing on edge bounce (the movement decelerates before it stops instead of 
 stopping mechanically)
 - friction
 - inertia
 - scrolling speed (comes from the physics of the friction, inertia, and the 
 initial speed given by the finger)
 - finger following
 - item selection sensitivity from touch
 - item deselection sensitivity from following movement
 - stoppable movement (despite of high inertia, stopped finger stops the 
 movement immediately)

 To get these right, it really requires trying out on the device how it feels. 
 When doing the startup wizard we found that
 some sensitivities (e.g. selection sensitivity) need to be a bit different 
 when operated on mouse than when operated on finger on the device.

 Once the list is perfected, all the other widgets are easily composited from 
 these lists and other widgets.
 So it is a good idea to start from making a list on Qt to function exactly 
 like it functions on the Hildon.

 Best Regards,

 maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-05 Thread ext-mox.soini

- Original message -

 On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 07:16:43PM +0200, wrote:

   What people are asking here (among other things) is whether there
   are Qt widgets similar to HildonAppMenu or HildonPickerButton
   -which are absolutely essential for creating Fremantle
   applications- or developers are supposed to write them themselves.
  To avoid re-inventing the wheel again we are providing examples how
  you can do things with Qt. [...] If some of these composite widgets
  are so big problem, we can collect these examples as widget library.

 That's what I mean.

 While it's obvious that you can write apps for fremantle in toolkits
 other than Gtk/Hildon (e.g Canola), developers will have a hard time
 to make them fit in with the Fremantle UI style unless they have
 reasonable replacements for the most basic widgets.

 So yes, a widget library with equivalents to HildonAppMenu,
 HildonPickerButton, etc., would be the way to go in my opinion.

First, sorry, the place to get hildon is, as others have said. My 

Now, on this QT thing, my personal view on the current state of QT in Maemo 5 

QT is great when you want:
- Create desktop (i.e. Home) applets
- Create custom UIs like Canola
- Create fancy unique animated stuff with your own graphics
- Only need stuff to work with Maemo 5 skinning (i.e. Theme), don't care so 
much about finer details of user experience, as it is in Maemo 5.

However, if you want to have the exact same user experience as the preinstalled 
Maemo 5 applications have (as seen in all youtube videos and the SDK), then you 
have much easier time and faster development with the gtk-based hildon widgets 
in Maemo 5.

QT is at least equally powerful as GTK, but currently it lacks the Maemo 5 
specific hildon widgets. So you would have to implement the most important 
hildon widgets yourself in QT, which is not easy if what you aim for is 
seamless user experience with the preinstalled Maemo 5 apps.

The equivalent of Hildon (i.e. mobile, finger optimized widgets) is roughly the 
QT mobility, which is not 
available yet. As you can read from that page, you need more than vanilla QT 
for mobile UI. In GTK that mobile experience is provided by the new hildon 
widgets introduced in Maemo 5.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-05 Thread Andrew Flegg
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 08:01, wrote:

 However, if you want to have the exact same user experience as the
 preinstalled Maemo 5 applications have (as seen in all youtube videos and
 the SDK), then you have much easier time and faster development with the
 gtk-based hildon widgets in Maemo 5.

This doesn't give much of a transition plan for developers, or the
chance to fix things in the Qt API whilst it's in community support

It's unclear who, exactly, the Qt community who are doing the support
are. Is it people like David Greaves (lbt) and others at or is it Kate and other people at Nokia?

Presumably, with Fremantle (almost) out, people at Nokia are now
working on Harmattan and the transition to Nokia supported for Qt.
Is this being done in the open? Is the Harmattan UI going to be
similar enough that the concepts (app menus etc.) are translatable?

If so, presumably Nokia are going to need an app menu API; and it
seems perfectly reasonable that we should be seeing it sooner rather
than later.

There's a lot of confusion in this thread, and it risks fueling FUD
about the stability and viability of Fremantle as a platform if - when
developers are starting writing Fremantle apps - they can't see where
the platform is going in 1-2 years.

 The equivalent of Hildon (i.e. mobile, finger optimized widgets) is roughly
 the QT mobility, which is
 not available yet.

So that raises some obvious questions:

  * When _is_ it going to be available?
  * Will it be available for Fremantle?
  * Will it provide a seamless experience with Hildon on Fremantle?

Most of that page is talking about high-level services APIs
(multimedia, contacts, location etc.). What if I just want to write a
simple calculator app?

Thanks in advance,


Andrew Flegg --  |
Maemo Community Council chair
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-05 Thread kate.alhola
From: [] 
On Behalf Of ext Andrew Flegg []
Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 11:47 AM
To: Soini Mox (EXT-Movial/Helsinki)
Subject: Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 08:01, wrote:

 However, if you want to have the exact same user experience as the
 preinstalled Maemo 5 applications have (as seen in all youtube videos and
 the SDK), then you have much easier time and faster development with the
 gtk-based hildon widgets in Maemo 5.

This doesn't give much of a transition plan for developers, or the
chance to fix things in the Qt API whilst it's in community support

Let's once again get back to the roots. There is no one-to-one parity between 
Qt and Hildon 
widgets but same functionality can be done with both of them.
Mox sees a big problem that there are some composite widgets missing and you 
to build them from several Qt basic widgets. I don't see it as much problem at 
because Qt does make much more compact code and things are easily doable.

We in have been concentrating more to fundamental
issues that were not easily doable with plain Qt like input method,
maemo-style integration, finger kinetic scroll or some hildon 
dependent window manager properties etc.

Because there are several persons that see missing of some ready made
composite widgets as big problem, we should also do some solution to this
even it is not complicated at all.

It's unclear who, exactly, the Qt community who are doing the support
are. Is it people like David Greaves (lbt) and others at or is it Kate and other people at Nokia?

Maemo qt port has been done from beginning in full open source fashion 
anyone can participate open project and anyone can offer support
as free or for charge an for any open source software.

We have several persons that are Nokia employees, who are
doing work with this Qt, we just do it as open.

About this supported status, we have plan to to clarify situation in maemo 

Presumably, with Fremantle (almost) out, people at Nokia are now
working on Harmattan and the transition to Nokia supported for Qt.
Is this being done in the open? Is the Harmattan UI going to be
similar enough that the concepts (app menus etc.) are translatable?

We are telling more about Harmatan UI much advance before releasing
actual device. There will be also presentations
about Harmatan subject in maemo summit.

If so, presumably Nokia are going to need an app menu API; and it
seems perfectly reasonable that we should be seeing it sooner rather
than later.

There's a lot of confusion in this thread, and it risks fueling FUD
about the stability and viability of Fremantle as a platform if - when
developers are starting writing Fremantle apps - they can't see where
the platform is going in 1-2 years.

We have tried to release key information much advance. First story 
about Harmatan and Qt was told in LinuxTag 2008, that more than one 
year from this date. Maemo Qt project were also published as garabe
project around same time. We did first Fremantle releases of
Qt together with alpha SDK  .

 The equivalent of Hildon (i.e. mobile, finger optimized widgets) is roughly
 the QT mobility, which is
 not available yet.

We have finger optimized widgets already. We did not like to
make something different than Hildon but rather we took
Hildon style and adapted it to widgets. Then we added 
missing features listed above.  

So that raises some obvious questions:

  * When _is_ it going to be available?
  * Will it be available for Fremantle?
  * Will it provide a seamless experience with Hildon on Fremantle?

You should rather think Qt Mobility as parallel track. Once again,
we have finger friendly basic widgets. About some composite
widgets mentioned earlier to get exactly same look and feel 
layout should be same than Hildon and that's not a problem.
You don't need Qt mobility to make Qt apps with Hildon look and feel.

Most of that page is talking about high-level services APIs
(multimedia, contacts, location etc.). What if I just want to write a
simple calculator app?

If you would like to write simple calculator app, you just need
basic widgets like buttons, labels, text entries, containers etc.
We have all of them and they are using Hildon style.
You will have exactly same look and feel as you have with GTK

The discussion  about missing widgets has been has been about some 
composite widgets like picker button  that you can compose from dialog, 
scrollabele list and buttons.


maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-05 Thread ext-mox.soini

 On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 08:01
  However, if you want to have the exact same user experience as the
  preinstalled Maemo 5 applications have (as seen in all youtube videos and
  the SDK), then you have much easier time and faster development with the
  gtk-based hildon widgets in Maemo 5.

 This doesn't give much of a transition plan for developers, or the
 chance to fix things in the Qt API whilst it's in community support

Before people start jumping into long term conclusions, I'd rather encourage 
people to start documenting to, what is known about QT in Maemo 
5 and build a better understanding collectively there.

I don't know about QT any more than what is publicly informed. Which is very 

Lets move from the guesswork here to documenting what is really known to wiki.

Big thanks to Kate for the clarifying post. I'm sorry I misunderstood the 
purpose of QT mobility. Seems it's not about widgets, but about platform 
components like Contacts and Services.

I would caution against too easily dismissing Hildon Pickers as trivial 
composites that app developers can implement. 
At least in Hildon widgets, Claudio, Berto and others have spent huge amount of 
time to get the pickers work just right. You can see it yourself in the 
hildon git changelog.
The combobox in Linux desktops is pretty much a subset of the hildon pickers 
(in terms of funtionality, not directly in terms of actual UI elements). So if 
pickers would be trivial, then why would there be a need to provide a combobox 
in the standard toolkit?

I managed to finally get a QT app running (qt-maemo-example from fremantle 
extras-devel). Based on that experience, I updated the QT wiki page at:

I hope you guys will make additions and corrections to there, so we have more 
information easily available.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Attila Csipa
On Friday 04 September 2009 12:04:59 Klaus Rotter wrote:
 Since IMHO it may be at least one year to betas of Harmatan, do you
 expect huge differences between the Qt 4.4 now (for Maemo) and the Qt
 then? Why won't Nokia ship the qt 4.4 libs with the N9xx device?
 This would make the switchover more easier.

The current version of Qt in Maemo is 4.5.2 (not 4.4), which is pretty up to 
date (4.6 hasn't even been released yet :) The libs are available in the 
extras repository, so the effort to 'switch over' is basically zero. I expect 
to have 4.6 in Harmattan, but that's just a guess (good as any) as it's 
pretty far off and I don't even work for Nokia ;)
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Andrea Grandi

2009/9/4 Kate Alhola
 Current version is 4.5.2, soon 4.5.3  .  Qt is already in Fremantle
 so installing Qt applications to N900 is already totally transparent to end
 because application installer picks up needed dependencies.
 And also, there are  Qt core libraries already in flash.

if I write a graphical (with UI) application in Qt, does it look much
different from another one written using Hildon? What are the biggest
differences or not yet supported UI features?

Andrea Grandi
email: a.grandi [AT] gmail [DOT] com
PGP Key:
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Kate Alhola

ext Andrea Grandi wrote:


2009/9/4 Kate Alhola

Current version is 4.5.2, soon 4.5.3  .  Qt is already in Fremantle
so installing Qt applications to N900 is already totally transparent to end
because application installer picks up needed dependencies.
And also, there are  Qt core libraries already in flash.

if I write a graphical (with UI) application in Qt, does it look much
different from another one written using Hildon? What are the biggest
differences or not yet supported UI features?
It will kook same than Hildon. We have as example Hildon style and 
Hildon imput method there.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Kate Alhola

ext Klaus Rotter wrote:

Kate Alhola wrote:

ext Klaus Rotter wrote:

Hi there!

Since Maemo 6 will be based upon Qt, is it reasonable to start new 
projects (for fremantle and beyond) with Qt?

Yes, it is reasonable to start with Qt. We have had maemo qt out
in about year and fremantle version about half of 
year. We will have much more to tell in maemo summit .

Upgrade path to Harmatan is much more easier if you are already using Qt.

Since IMHO it may be at least one year to betas of Harmatan, do you 
expect huge differences between the Qt 4.4 now (for Maemo) and the Qt 
then? Why won't Nokia ship the qt 4.4 libs with the N9xx device?

This would make the switchover more easier.
Current version is 4.5.2, soon 4.5.3  .  Qt is already in Fremantle 
so installing Qt applications to N900 is already totally transparent to 
end user

because application installer picks up needed dependencies.
And also, there are  Qt core libraries already in flash.

All functionality that we have in 4.5 will be in Harmatan but of cource 

will be once again much of new features. As example, animation framework is
now separate component but will be standard part in Harmatan. There will
be pre-releases about these new features lot before actual product launch.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Klaus Rotter
Kate Alhola wrote:
 ext Klaus Rotter wrote:
 Hi there!

 Since Maemo 6 will be based upon Qt, is it reasonable to start new 
 projects (for fremantle and beyond) with Qt?
 Yes, it is reasonable to start with Qt. We have had maemo qt out
 in about year and fremantle version about half of 
 year. We will have much more to tell in maemo summit .
 Upgrade path to Harmatan is much more easier if you are already using Qt.

Since IMHO it may be at least one year to betas of Harmatan, do you 
expect huge differences between the Qt 4.4 now (for Maemo) and the Qt 
then? Why won't Nokia ship the qt 4.4 libs with the N9xx device?
This would make the switchover more easier.


  Klaus Rotter * klaus at rotters dot de *
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread ext-mox.soini

ext Andrea Grandi wrote:


2009/9/4 Kate Alhola

Current version is 4.5.2, soon 4.5.3  .  Qt is already in Fremantle
so installing Qt applications to N900 is already totally transparent to end
because application installer picks up needed dependencies.
And also, there are  Qt core libraries already in flash.

if I write a graphical (with UI) application in Qt, does it look much
different from another one written using Hildon? What are the biggest
differences or not yet supported UI features?

It will kook same than Hildon. We have as example Hildon style and Hildon imput 
method there.

With all due respect, I would like to see more beef to this claim. For 
example in terms of links to apps, or just screenshots.

There are extremely few QT applications to try out in Maemo 5. And so far, I 
haven't seen one that would really feel like true Maemo 5 application.


As a parallel, a standard Gnome/GTK application, when directly ported (minimal 
effort) to Maemo 5, the UI of the application will feel more like Maemo 4 (i.e. 
N810 and friends).

It takes much more effort to make that application really Maemo 5 - finger 
usable, with finger sized buttons, hildon picker buttons, edit mode views, 
pannable dialogs etc.

Compare for example screenshots of Modest email client between Maemo 4 and 
Maemo 5, to get an idea of the differences:

Technically, you are able to run the Maemo 4 Modest UI on Maemo 5 too (maybe 
just a recompilation). However, it really does not *feel* like Maemo 5 


So while _technically_ QT apps work on Fremantle, I'd like to hear and see 
whether it is really possible to provide a true Maemo 5 user experience when 
using QT as the toolkit.



maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Attila Csipa
On Friday 04 September 2009 13:16:32 wrote:
 There are extremely few QT applications to try out in Maemo 5. And so far,
 I haven't seen one that would really feel like true Maemo 5 application.


 As a parallel, a standard Gnome/GTK application, when directly ported
 (minimal effort) to Maemo 5, the UI of the application will feel more like
 Maemo 4 (i.e. N810 and friends).

I don't think anyone was talking about that. The question was whether it makes 
any difference (UI-wise) if you use 'regular' GTK/Hildon or Qt. Maemo 4 to 5 
migration is a related, but markedly different issue. The framework can 
restyle some UI elements or default dialogs, but it cannot change a hardcoded 
layout or general workflow (nor is it supposed to).
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Kate Alhola
Soini Mox (EXT-Movial/Helsinki) wrote:

 ext Andrea Grandi wrote:

 2009/9/4 Kate Alhola
 Current version is 4.5.2, soon 4.5.3  .  Qt is already in Fremantle
 so installing Qt applications to N900 is already totally transparent to 
 because application installer picks up needed dependencies.
 And also, there are  Qt core libraries already in flash.

 if I write a graphical (with UI) application in Qt, does it look much
 different from another one written using Hildon? What are the biggest
 differences or not yet supported UI features?
 It will kook same than Hildon. We have as example Hildon style and
 Hildon imput method there.

 With all due respect, I would like to see more beef to this claim. 
 For example in terms of links to apps, or just screenshots.
 There are extremely few QT applications to try out in Maemo 5. And so 
 far, I haven't seen one that would really feel like true Maemo 5 
 As a parallel, a standard Gnome/GTK application, when directly ported 
 (minimal effort) to Maemo 5, the UI of the application will feel more 
 like Maemo 4 (i.e. N810 and friends).
 It takes much more effort to make that application really Maemo 5 - 
 finger usable, with finger sized buttons, hildon picker buttons, edit 
 mode views, pannable dialogs etc.
Qt takes exactly same styles that are for Maemo5 GTK applications 
including button sizes etc,
There is kinetic finger scroll.

 Compare for example screenshots of Modest email client between Maemo 4 
 and Maemo 5, to get an idea of the differences:
 Technically, you are able to run the Maemo 4 Modest UI on Maemo 5 too 
 (maybe just a recompilation). However, it really does not *feel* like 
 Maemo 5 application.
 So while _technically_ QT apps work on Fremantle, I'd like to hear and 
 see whether it is really possible to provide a true Maemo 5 user 
 experience when using QT as the toolkit.
Toolkit, either GTK or Qt can't fix the UI design. If you don't make 
finger friendly design, tool kit can't make
your application to do it.  I just don't see any reason why you can't 
make least as good  UI design with Qt than you can
do with GTK+/Hildon. As addition of these traditional widgets, in Qt you 
also get QGraphicsview and
animation framework that allows you to do similar effects in application 
that are provided by Clutter.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Andrew Flegg
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:25, Attila wrote:
 On Friday 04 September 2009 13:16:32 wrote:
 There are extremely few QT applications to try out in Maemo 5. And so far,
 I haven't seen one that would really feel like true Maemo 5 application.

 I don't think anyone was talking about that. The question was whether it makes
 any difference (UI-wise) if you use 'regular' GTK/Hildon or Qt. Maemo 4 to 5
 migration is a related, but markedly different issue. The framework can
 restyle some UI elements or default dialogs, but it cannot change a hardcoded
 layout or general workflow (nor is it supposed to).

Putting aside the issue of whether stuff happens automatically or
manually; is it possible to show some screenshots of Qt apps on Maemo
5 looking like a Maemo 5 app, particularly in the areas of:

  * Dialogue boxes (at bottom, buttons at right)
  * Kinetic scrolling/panneable areas
  * Finger-friendly app menus

Thanks in advance,


Andrew Flegg --  |
Maemo Community Council chair
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread ext-mox.soini

From: Alhola Kate (Nokia-FNDC/Tampere) 

 So while _technically_ QT apps work on Fremantle, I'd like 
to hear and 
 see whether it is really possible to provide a true Maemo 5 user 
 experience when using QT as the toolkit.
Toolkit, either GTK or Qt can't fix the UI design. If you 
don't make finger friendly design, tool kit can't make your 
application to do it.  I just don't see any reason why you 
can't make least as good  UI design with Qt than you can do 
with GTK+/Hildon. As addition of these traditional widgets, in 
Qt you also get QGraphicsview and animation framework that 
allows you to do similar effects in application that are 
provided by Clutter.

Ok, let me be more specific then.

Since QT is not just a language binding to gtk/hildon, but rather an 
independent toolkit in it's own right...

Is there equivalent and finger sized QT widget for the following hildon widgets?
- hildon banner
- hildon confirmation note
- hildon dialog (with buttons on the bottom right side in landscape)
- hildon app menu (i.e. two column finger sized view menu)
- hildon time picker (not the legacy one)
- hildon date picker (not the legacy one)
- hildon picker button
- hildon touch selector
- hildon stackable window
- hildon entry (including the possibility for placeholder text)
- hildon edit toolbar (as used in the edit mode view)

See for 
details of the hildon widgets.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Alberto Garcia
On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 03:00:05PM +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:

 One small example that's been mentioned already in this thread: How
 do we create a HildonAppMenu with Qt? How do we create a
 HildonTouchSelector, and/or any of the specific selectors for time
 or dates, etc. I believe the answer is that we can't.
 The Maemo Qt developers have not yet even decided whether they will
 add API to Qt for Maemo-specific UI features, let alone implemented
 it. It's OK to like Qt, but there's no need to avoid the actual
 problems faced by actual developers.

That is very important, since some of those widgets are completely
essential for Maemo 5.

If people take a look at the N900 videos that have been uploaded
to YouTube lately and see how the applications look and feel, it's
obvious that it's not possible to obtain a similar result without Qt
equivalents for these new widgets.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Kate Alhola
ext Alberto Garcia wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 03:00:05PM +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:

 One small example that's been mentioned already in this thread: How
 do we create a HildonAppMenu with Qt? How do we create a
 HildonTouchSelector, and/or any of the specific selectors for time
 or dates, etc. I believe the answer is that we can't.

 The Maemo Qt developers have not yet even decided whether they will
 add API to Qt for Maemo-specific UI features, let alone implemented
 it. It's OK to like Qt, but there's no need to avoid the actual
 problems faced by actual developers.

 That is very important, since some of those widgets are completely
 essential for Maemo 5.

 If people take a look at the N900 videos that have been uploaded
 to YouTube lately and see how the applications look and feel, it's
 obvious that it's not possible to obtain a similar result without Qt
 equivalents for these new widgets.

Let's get some amount bag to roots. Qt is not GTK+, Qt has it's own
widgets but adopts GTK style.  Buttons etc looks exactly same
Lot's of  Maemo 5 user experience like  task switching is done
by window manager.  Qt has kinetic scroll etc.

I have used Maemo 5 and N900 since early prototypes  and
i don't see lot of important frequently used functionality
missing from Qt. I admit that some rarely used widgets like
earlier mentioned date and time picker are missing etc.

We are working to do more examples how to do certain
actions with Qt.

Some features like compositor bypass etc non standard X11
window manager extensions require few line of code in application
to activate these features.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Kate Alhola

ext Claudio Saavedra wrote:

El vie, 04-09-2009 a las 17:37 +0300, Kate Alhola escribió:

I have used Maemo 5 and N900 since early prototypes  and
i don't see lot of important frequently used functionality
missing from Qt. I admit that some rarely used widgets like
earlier mentioned date and time picker are missing etc.

Rarely used widgets? Come on, these are used all throughout the
platform. Moreover, even if the time and date pickers were not so
commonly used, their style, user experience, and base API (through
HildonPickerButton, HildonPickerDialog and HildonTouchSelector[Entry])
are central to the Fremantle UI, and certainly the most recommended
starting point for anyone writing an application for Fremantle.

As I said before, we are doing examples how to do many of
these things with Qt .

I can put this on the list to make example.

At the moment i just wrote example how to make desktop applets
and desktop applets with Webkit .

More is coming ...

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Andre Klapper
Am Freitag, den 04.09.2009, 13:47 +0200 schrieb
 for details of the hildon widgets.

Not accessible.
Keep in mind that Nokia is a paranoid company, hence there is only some
limited info available for public at and . ;-))

Andre Klapper ( bugmaster)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Piñeiro
From: Andre Klapper

 Am Freitag, den 04.09.2009, 13:47 +0200 schrieb
  for details of the hildon widgets.
 Not accessible.

As Claudio just said, hildon development was moved to a public
repository ( some months ago:;a=summary

 Keep in mind that Nokia is a paranoid company,

In fact the previous link has just a old copy of
hildon inside the paranoid-Nokia-repositories. The git one is just

hence there is only some
 limited info available for public at and . ;-))

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread David Greaves wrote:
 Since QT is not just a language binding to gtk/hildon, but rather an 
 independent toolkit in it's own right...
 Is there equivalent and finger sized QT widget for the following hildon 
 - hildon banner
 - hildon confirmation note
 - hildon dialog (with buttons on the bottom right side in landscape)
 - hildon app menu (i.e. two column finger sized view menu)
 - hildon time picker (not the legacy one)
 - hildon date picker (not the legacy one)
 - hildon picker button
 - hildon touch selector
 - hildon stackable window
 - hildon entry (including the possibility for placeholder text)
 - hildon edit toolbar (as used in the edit mode view)

Not AFAIK, but one reason I asked for a gallery of hildon widgets back at the
Danish weekend event was so we (the community) could create a similar set of
widgets for Qt (where needed)

 See for 
 details of the hildon widgets.
Is that the credentials? I can't get access :(

Is it related to this bug:

We have these figures from the maemomm project:


Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once...
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Claudio Saavedra
El vie, 04-09-2009 a las 17:37 +0300, Kate Alhola escribió:
 I have used Maemo 5 and N900 since early prototypes  and
 i don't see lot of important frequently used functionality
 missing from Qt. I admit that some rarely used widgets like
 earlier mentioned date and time picker are missing etc.

Rarely used widgets? Come on, these are used all throughout the
platform. Moreover, even if the time and date pickers were not so
commonly used, their style, user experience, and base API (through
HildonPickerButton, HildonPickerDialog and HildonTouchSelector[Entry])
are central to the Fremantle UI, and certainly the most recommended
starting point for anyone writing an application for Fremantle.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Claudio Saavedra
El vie, 04-09-2009 a las 15:48 +0100, David Greaves escribió:
  See for 
 details of the hildon widgets.
 Is that the credentials? I can't get access :(

The hildon toolkit was moved long time ago to;a=summary

 Is it related to this bug:
 We have these figures from the maemomm project:

Dave Neary had volunteered for that, haven't seen any progress on it.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Alberto Garcia
On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 06:18:37PM +0300, Kate Alhola wrote:

   I have used Maemo 5 and N900 since early prototypes and i don't
   see lot of important frequently used functionality missing from
   Qt. I admit that some rarely used widgets like earlier mentioned
   date and time picker are missing etc.
  Rarely used widgets? Come on, these are used all throughout
  the platform. Moreover, even if the time and date pickers
  were not so commonly used, their style, user experience, and
  base API (through HildonPickerButton, HildonPickerDialog and
  HildonTouchSelector[Entry]) are central to the Fremantle UI, and
  certainly the most recommended starting point for anyone writing
  an application for Fremantle.

 As I said before, we are doing examples how to do many of these
 things with Qt .

The question is not whether similar widgets can be created using
Qt. Of course they can.

What people are asking here (among other things) is whether there
are Qt widgets similar to HildonAppMenu or HildonPickerButton -which
are absolutely essential for creating Fremantle applications- or
developers are supposed to write them themselves.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread David Greaves
Kate Alhola wrote:
 As I said before, we are doing examples how to do many of
 these things with Qt .
 I can put this on the list to make example.
 At the moment i just wrote example how to make desktop applets
 and desktop applets with Webkit .
 More is coming ...

Cool - what's the gitorious url ;)

We have:

So: sounds good

Antonio ... want to set it up? (I can't)


Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once...
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread kate.alhola
From: [] 
On Behalf Of ext Alberto Garcia []
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 06:18:37PM +0300, Kate Alhola wrote:

   I have used Maemo 5 and N900 since early prototypes and i don't
   see lot of important frequently used functionality missing from
   Qt. I admit that some rarely used widgets like earlier mentioned
   date and time picker are missing etc.
  Rarely used widgets? Come on, these are used all throughout
  the platform. Moreover, even if the time and date pickers
  were not so commonly used, their style, user experience, and
  base API (through HildonPickerButton, HildonPickerDialog and
  HildonTouchSelector[Entry]) are central to the Fremantle UI, and
  certainly the most recommended starting point for anyone writing
  an application for Fremantle.

 As I said before, we are doing examples how to do many of these
 things with Qt .

The question is not whether similar widgets can be created using
Qt. Of course they can.

What people are asking here (among other things) is whether there
are Qt widgets similar to HildonAppMenu or HildonPickerButton -which
are absolutely essential for creating Fremantle applications- or
developers are supposed to write them themselves.

To avoid re-inventing the wheel again we are providing examples how
you can do things with Qt. If some thing can be done with dozen lines of
Qt code, it just matter of taste, should we provide widget or just
example that you can cut-and-paste. The most important thing is that
we have all basic widgets like finger scrollable lists etc so that 
only action needed is to collect them together.  

If some of these composite widgets are so big problem, we can collect 
these examples as widget library. 


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Andrea Grandi

 If some of these composite widgets are so big problem, we can collect
 these examples as widget library.

composed widget are not a problem for ObjectOriented-people :D

anyway, thanks for any example you'll release.


Andrea Grandi
email: a.grandi [AT] gmail [DOT] com
PGP Key:
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-04 Thread Alberto Garcia
On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 07:16:43PM +0200, wrote:

  What people are asking here (among other things) is whether there
  are Qt widgets similar to HildonAppMenu or HildonPickerButton
  -which are absolutely essential for creating Fremantle
  applications- or developers are supposed to write them themselves.
 To avoid re-inventing the wheel again we are providing examples how
 you can do things with Qt. [...] If some of these composite widgets
 are so big problem, we can collect these examples as widget library.

That's what I mean.

While it's obvious that you can write apps for fremantle in toolkits
other than Gtk/Hildon (e.g Canola), developers will have a hard time
to make them fit in with the Fremantle UI style unless they have
reasonable replacements for the most basic widgets.

So yes, a widget library with equivalents to HildonAppMenu,
HildonPickerButton, etc., would be the way to go in my opinion.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-03 Thread Andrea Grandi

2009/9/3 Klaus Rotter
 Hi there!

 Since Maemo 6 will be based upon Qt, is it reasonable to start new
 projects (for fremantle and beyond) with Qt?

 Any comments on this?

I'll give you a personal hopinion, but please take this with care
since I don't know anything about the current state of Harmattan.

I think you can use almost all classes of the Qt libraries, except the UI :)
I suppose the UI is going to change a lot... maybe we'll have
QtButton, QtTextBox ecc... but they could be named in a different way,
we don't know yet

I suggest you to separate the UI code from the functional code in your
app, so you'll be able to re-use a lot of your code without changing

When Harmattan will be out, you'll be able to re-use your code and
adapt the UI part to the new widgets.

At least this is what I'm going to do for a my own app.


Andrea Grandi
email: a.grandi [AT] gmail [DOT] com
PGP Key:
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-03 Thread Andrew Flegg
2009/9/3 Klaus Rotter

 Since Maemo 6 will be based upon Qt, is it reasonable to start new
 projects (for fremantle and beyond) with Qt?

David Greaves (lbt) and others can give a better answer. Qt is
community-supported in Maemo 5; whilst Gtk+ is Nokia-supported.

In Maemo 6, those roles are reversed: Qt is Nokia-supported; whilst
Gtk+ is community-supported.

There should be enough disk space on the upcoming devices to have both
runtimes side-by-side, and you can even use Qt on Maemo 4:

Hope that helps,


Andrew Flegg --  |
Maemo Community Council chair
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: New apps for fremantle with Qt?

2009-09-03 Thread Kate Alhola
ext Klaus Rotter wrote:
 Hi there!

 Since Maemo 6 will be based upon Qt, is it reasonable to start new 
 projects (for fremantle and beyond) with Qt?
Yes, it is reasonable to start with Qt. We have had maemo qt out
in about year and fremantle version about half of year.
We will have much more to tell in maemo summit .

Upgrade path to Harmatan is much more easier if you are already using Qt.


maemo-developers mailing list