Re: maemo wiki survey

2007-08-21 Thread Quim Gil
I have started to summarize the conclusions after the survey and all the
feedback received by several channels (from #maemo to people coming to
my desk)  :)

On the content side, there is

I'm subscribed to all changes and as soon as someone edits a page I'm
adding it to the wiki main page: . 

The Hildon team has cleaned their related content. Some
outdated/irrelevant pages have been deleted, and now the Hildon wiki
pages are at as part to their move to GOME

There is still a way to go in the wiki front, although things are
getting better. 

Quim Gil -

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: maemo wiki survey

2007-07-09 Thread Henning Sprang
Quim Gil wrote:
> Dear maemo contributors, can you please answer these questions?
> - What do you think about the current wiki tool at
> (leaving content aside) ?

I'll answer this in the section good things/bad things below :)

> - Are you using it? Did you use the previous one?

I used the previous one and invested some time to document the Java
support (which was poor at that time - it still is, but getting better
with the jalimo project).
Then I was busy for quite a while, and came back to see the wiki system
being changed.

As the site search function seems not to include the wiki, I di not find
any information about Java anymore, and thougth my page was deleted in
the conversion.

You can imagine how happy that made me :)

After looking a while, I found that the page was stored under another
name than I thought (JavaLanguage instead of just Java), and because the
search didn't get that, the page was taken into the new wiki, I just
couldn't find it.

Having found it, I realized, that it was not correctly converted to the
new syntax and looked quite bad. It seems that lists are limited to two
levels, for example.

All this took me ages, which had better been used updating the java
information in the wiki, or trying how Jalimo works, and report that on
the Wiki.

> - Are you thinking of using the community wiki?

If the wiki will not get more usable, and other things I will mention in
bad things, I will not use it a lot anymore. I will document the stuff I
find out about Maemo in my own personal wiki.

> - Mention good things / bad things of the current wiki (and what would
> you do).

Good things:
- garage login and Wiki login are the same (this is very minor, because
I have so many logins and passwords, one more wouldn't matter. plus,
this could have been done with any other wiki, too)

Bad things:
- it takes nearly a day(at least quite some time, mor ethan 5 minutes,
and eventually I did stop checking and waited until next day) until
login data is synchroized from garage to wiki.

- the wiki has no search function anymore

- the floating menu is not easy to use and intuitive

- I muss a contents entry of the headlines in a page automatically
generated for long pages with many headlines.

- the Wiki Markup is limited(e.g. why is there a limit on the level of
cascading lists?), and different from the ones most people already know
(MediaWiki and MoinMoin). Why force people learn another markup, why try
to reinvent the wheel by implementing even another wiki in midgard
instead of using  existing technologies? You see how it ends: you have some

When I first heard of the midgard system and treid it, now nearly 10
years ago, I liked it a lot. It's a nice application development
platform (only I could never really use it in production, as it involved
having a rootserver and patch apache, which I had not - so in the
meantime, I rather work with java stuff and avoid php in general).

But I don't see the reasons why the decision had been made to move not
only the Website CMS(which was goof to move), but also the whole Wiki
system to Midgard.
If you have a Wiki running, that is used by a lot of people, you cannot
just switch it so easily. The internal CMS of a website, used by a
handful of people is something different.

The only upside it _could_ have had to integrate CMS and wiki in one
midgard system, would be better data integrity and unification.

But exactly this is not happening! Otherwise, the search function you
see on each page in the system (also on wiki pages,) would actually find
 wiki pages, but this does not happen.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: maemo wiki survey

2007-07-09 Thread Henri Bergius
On 7/8/07, Henri Bergius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This means that next week (probably Mon/Tue), I will make some changes
> to the wiki component

Hopefully this will address some of the concerns, once installed:

Henri Bergius
Motorcycle Adventures and Free Software

Skype: henribergius
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: maemo wiki survey

2007-07-08 Thread Henri Bergius

We had some discussion with Ferenc about this thread last Friday and
agreed that some of things should be addressed ASAP.

This means that next week (probably Mon/Tue), I will make some changes
to the wiki component, including at least capability of showing latest
changes from all sub-wikis (namespaces). The wiki software already has
a "latest changes" view, but this feature only shows the current
wiki/namespace instead of all namespaces under it. When I do this
change it will also happen in the "changes" RSS feed.

I will also look at adding preview capability to the regular form-based editor.

Then to your comments:

On 7/5/07, Kees Jongenburger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -The cms documentation is very poor(formating rules etc)
> --how to create a toc etc

The formatting is standard Markdown Extra with couple of wiki-specific
tags added. But you're right, we should collect both the Markdown
Extra documentation and our wiki docs in the same place, and
preferably ship that with the wiki itself.

> -When not editing in wysiwyg mode not preview button is visible

The reason here is twofold: obviously, I've been mostly too lazy to
add preview functionality, but also so many Midgard setups run in
staging/live model where saving and previewing are essentially the
same thing (and only content approval publishes the changes) that this
hasn't been a critical missing feature.

> -when committing everybody can see that I am watching page changes

That happens also with MoinMoin, which is why I added this feature. I
could easily hide the notices, though.

> -No maemo wiki specific search

There would be wiki-specific search if we used Midgard's own indexer.
However, I suspect it should be possible to make searches limited to a
specific URL space using Maemo's Google appliance.

> I would like a world view / site map arranged on topic of booth wiki
> and non wiki content
> so that if I find that page I know I don't have to look in other parts
> of the website

This is easy to implement: just create a new folder with type
"sitemap". Ferenc/Quim, what do you think?

> I guess that it is the main wiki page that needs cleanup

Agreed, now it is quite horrible. I think for example Midgard's own
wiki is much nicer with its manually maintained front page:

As to other things people here have requested like for example
anonymous editing, those are mostly questions of configuration and the
decisions about them must be made by the Nokia folks. Personally I'd
advice against anonymous editing however, as it creates quite big need
to monitor and police the changes against abuse. Registration/login is
not a big deal, and the resources that would be needed for keeping the
wiki clean are most likely best used elsewhere.


Henri Bergius
Motorcycle Adventures and Free Software

Skype: henribergius
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: maemo wiki survey

2007-07-07 Thread Greg Morgan
Hash: SHA1

Quim Gil wrote:
> Dear maemo contributors, can you please answer these questions?
> - What do you think about the current wiki tool at
> (leaving content aside) ?

It feels like the new wiki/cms engine is missing some key things.  It's
not like it is a vim/emacs war, but things are missing that make this
not a wiki in the full since of the Hawaiian word.

> - Are you using it? Did you use the previous one?
I have only had time to make two small changes to the new system.  I
make extensive page edits to the original MoinMoin wiki.  I was
attempting to categorize the original wiki's content before job and
family kept me busy for the last seven to eight months.

> - Are you thinking of using the community wiki?
In my case, I can say that this is a more complex question. I wanted to
contribute to a centralized wiki for the 770.  Even though this popular
wiki existed and it uses my favorite wiki engine , I
chose the Maemo wiki because I didn't want to dilute the effort that was
already in place.  It feels like the Maemo wiki/cms engine change was a
step back.  It is hard to build up a community of content editors for a
project.  Content system changes for a project can be a set back.  My
contributions to the Maemo wiki have diminised ( and all other wikis
that I contribute too) because of work and family constraints.

The larger question for me is, "Do I still buy a new 800?"  Without new
hardware, then there may be less reason for me to contribute.  It is
difficult to find my older contributions and edit them for my existing
770 platform.  In addition, I am not interested in the Apple iPhone, but
the openmoko makes the 800 a more difficult
choice because the WAF, Wife approval Factor, would not be favorable for
two $350+ US purchases.  What makes the neo1973 give the 800 a run for
the money is that the August Linux Journal says that Sun will put the
JavaFX on the platform. I confirmed that here and here .  Don't worry I am a
Sun customer.  The Gnome desktop of Solaris 10 is what I was expecting
for Solaris 9.  Let's see what the hype brings because Sun has not been
very focused for the last several years in my experience.  Chuckle, they
might even run an OpenSolaris kernel on the neo1973.  However, with what
I am seeing, it certainly is a very interesting place that Nokia finds
themselves in right now.  For a number of reasons provided through out
this email, my Maemo content production has been greatly frozen.
Moreover, it appears in my view of the world that, Nokia may have to
think about ways that they competitively keep Open Source developers
interested in the Maemo platform.

> - Mention good things / bad things of the current wiki (and what would
> you do).
It appears to be integrated with the Maemo garage account login.
The pages from the MoinMoin wiki were converted.

I don't have to use docbook to create the content. (I am not trying to
start a flame war here, but docbook just didn't work for me. The whole
edit, svn/cvs checkin, compile, publish thing was too cumbersome. In my
experience, wikis or cms systems allow for flexible changes and
redirection of a page in a new direction.  Note this is precisely what
drives people daffy about wikis.  It appears to me that some people that
don't like wikis miss the pre-planning and editorial control of the page
or site.)

The edit tags are not too different from MoinMoin but the tags do
present a stumbling block.  MoinMoin, MediaWiki, Twiki, appear to be the
big three user content systems for many Open Source projects.  The
content engine change does move in another direction.


It was not obvious that a Maemo garage account login was required right

The converted MoinMoin wiki pages lost a great deal of their formatting.
Until I poked around in the floating tool's folder> orphaned pages, I
could not find all the MoinMoin content.  For example, I tried to make look like .  All the
original formatting has been lost.  I have really been busy with family
life.  How do I go about completing the getting-started page since it
bugs me that I left the page high and dry without the final revision
polish that I was struggling to say?

In the new engine, I tried to perform a preview of a page before saving
my changes, the floating tool's page> view menu lost my changes.  My
expectations are that I would have seen a preview and then saw my
spelling error.  So it cost me an edit page, lose page edit, edit page,
save page, view resulting saved page, edit page again for spelling error
that I created in the replacement edit, before finally saving

Re: maemo wiki survey

2007-07-05 Thread Frantisek Dufka
Quim Gil wrote:
> Dear maemo contributors, can you please answer these questions?
> - What do you think about the current wiki tool at
> (leaving content aside) ?

> - Are you using it? Did you use the previous one?

I am using it far less then previous one both for reading and editing.

> - Mention good things / bad things of the current wiki (and what would
> you do).

I understand the need for better CMS system for whole site but still 
feature-wise the new wiki is IMO big step back from old one in all aspects.

Please add recent changes for whole wiki and also wiki search. Both 
features are invaluable for examining wiki content. Without those two 
features I am completely lost. Now the only way how to examine the wiki 
is the worst one - traversing links from front page. Yuck! This is not 
ideal for wiki at all due to its chaotic nature and notoriously bad 

Please add anonymous editing. There was discussion about this in the 
list, I think at that time there was general consensus that anonymous 
editing is quite important and then you took this feature away.

Please make wiki easier to edit (less steps, less fancy stuff). The old 
way with preview and textbox on same page was easy, fast and was even 
usable from the device itself.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: maemo wiki survey

2007-07-05 Thread Quim Gil
On Thu, 2007-07-05 at 05:51 -0300, ext MoRpHeUz wrote:
>   What do you mean with "community wiki" ?
The question means if you have plans to user in the future.

Sorry if it was not clear. Another term that perhaps was not clear
enough is "use". When we ask if you are/were using the wiki we mean not
only browsing pages but creating/editing content. Using the own tools of
the wiki.

This wiki is basically for you. We look for your feedback in order to
plan better the next steps improving it.

Quim Gil -

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: maemo wiki survey

2007-07-05 Thread David HAUTBOIS
An all recent changes page will be usefull.
Like this :
and a RSS feed of all recent changes.


Quim Gil wrote:
> Dear maemo contributors, can you please answer these questions?
> - What do you think about the current wiki tool at
> (leaving content aside) ?
> - Are you using it? Did you use the previous one?
> - Are you thinking of using the community wiki?
> - Mention good things / bad things of the current wiki (and what would
> you do).
> Thank you.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: maemo wiki survey

2007-07-05 Thread Kees Jongenburger
On 7/5/07, Quim Gil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear maemo contributors, can you please answer these questions?
> - What do you think about the current wiki tool at
> (leaving content aside) ?
-The cms documentation is very poor(formating rules etc)
--how to create a toc etc

-When not editing in wysiwyg mode not preview button is visible

-when committing everybody can see that I am watching page changes

-No maemo wiki specific search

> - Are you using it? Did you use the previous one?
yes I am using the current one it contains a few perls
yes, the old one with the application pages was a "must"

> - Are you thinking of using the community wiki?
> - Mention good things / bad things of the current wiki (and what would
> you do).
I would like a world view / site map arranged on topic of booth wiki
and non wiki content
so that if I find that page I know I don't have to look in other parts
of the website
--Official docs

I guess that it is the main wiki page that needs cleanup

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: maemo wiki survey

2007-07-05 Thread MoRpHeUz
> - What do you think about the current wiki tool at
> (leaving content aside) ?

  Wiki is always good =)

> - Are you using it? Did you use the previous one?

  For sure.

> - Are you thinking of using the community wiki?

  What do you mean with "community wiki" ?

> - Mention good things / bad things of the current wiki (and what would
> you do).

  The only bad stuff there are the old content...otherwise it's a
great start for beginners!

> Thank you.
> --
> Quim Gil -
> ___
> maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: maemo wiki survey

2007-07-05 Thread Mathias Uebelacker

Hello Quim,

i use the wiki ( the last to ). In my opinion a wiki is a good place to
start, walk around and get a feeling whats going on. For a new owner (just
bought the device) the best place to start. It does not matter what i am
looking for. From the wiki i can go to every section of the side without
knowledge about the structure or the to which section belongs what i am
looking for.

If i am looking for additional software i could go to download a play with
search terms or categories or i use the wiki to get a list of all stuff
which is available.

The wiki is like a table of content een a good place to start.


2007/7/5, Quim Gil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Dear maemo contributors, can you please answer these questions?

- What do you think about the current wiki tool at (leaving content aside) ?

- Are you using it? Did you use the previous one?

- Are you thinking of using the community wiki?

- Mention good things / bad things of the current wiki (and what would
you do).

Thank you.

Quim Gil -

maemo-developers mailing list

maemo-developers mailing list

maemo wiki survey

2007-07-05 Thread Quim Gil
Dear maemo contributors, can you please answer these questions?

- What do you think about the current wiki tool at (leaving content aside) ?

- Are you using it? Did you use the previous one?

- Are you thinking of using the community wiki?

- Mention good things / bad things of the current wiki (and what would
you do).

Thank you.

Quim Gil -

maemo-developers mailing list