Miaouw Scrolled window and a Tree View

2008-01-25 Thread Richard Pickler
I'm trying to get the Maiouw Scrolled Window and a GtkTreeView working
in harmony, but the scrolling simply isn't happening.  Has anybody
messed with this widget and had it work in this situation?  I hacked
together an example (and attached to this email) of what I'd like,
based on the miaouw example, but it simply doesn't do what I expect.


Should I be sending this to maemo-developers?  There was some debate a
year ago about where this type of question goes, but I never read the
outcome of that conversation.

#include "config.h"

#if defined HILDON && HILDON == 0


#define ROWS 30
#define COLS 15

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	osso_context_t* osso_context;
	HildonProgram* program;
	GtkWidget* window;
	GtkWidget* scrolled_window;
	GtkWidget* event_box;
GtkWidget* trv_list;
	GtkWidget* widget;
GtkCellRenderer* cell;
GtkListStore* liststore;
	gint row, col;
gchar* buffer = g_new0( gchar, 128 );
GtkTreeIter* iter = g_new( GtkTreeIter, 1 );
int i;

	gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
	osso_context = osso_initialize("miaouwscrolling", "0.0.1", TRUE, NULL);

	program = HILDON_PROGRAM(hildon_program_get_instance());
	/* You can set the window title when creating a MiaouwWindow. */
	window = miaouw_window_new_with_title("Scrolling");
	hildon_program_add_window(program, HILDON_WINDOW(window));
	g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(window), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL);

	/* The MiaouwScrolledWindow acts just like the original Gtk ScrolledWindow. */
	scrolled_window = miaouw_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
	gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), scrolled_window);

trv_list = gtk_tree_view_new();

	/* With this utility function an GtkEventBox is added between the viewport and a child widget. */
	miaouw_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(MIAOUW_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrolled_window), trv_list);
	/* The easiest way to support D-pad is to attach scroll adjustments to it with the MiaouwWindow. */

liststore = gtk_list_store_new( 1, G_TYPE_STRING );
cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes( GTK_TREE_VIEW( trv_list ), -1, "Foo", cell,"text", 0, NULL );

for( i = 0; i < 1; i++ ) {
gtk_list_store_append( GTK_LIST_STORE( liststore ), iter );
snprintf( buffer, 32, "Potato %d", i );
gtk_list_store_set( GTK_LIST_STORE( liststore ), iter, 0, buffer, -1 );

gtk_tree_view_set_model( GTK_TREE_VIEW( trv_list ), GTK_TREE_MODEL( liststore ) );


	return 0;
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Linux Samba Share Unable to Browse

2008-01-25 Thread Tim Ashman
If your share requires authentication the n810 won't be  able to see it.  I 
find this a crappy situation.


- Original message -
To: maemo-users@maemo.org
Sent: Fri Jan 25 2008 04:21:47 PM PST
Subject: Re: Linux Samba Share Unable to Browse
No Linux users out there with Samba shares browseable from the N800/810?

On Jan 24, 2008 9:38 AM, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For the life of me I cannot get my Ubuntu Samba share to show up in the
> File Manager (N800/2008). I know shares show up in the File Manager on my
> network because when I load Azureus it has a plugin for shared media which I
> can browse.
> If someone has this working, could you please share the "smb.conf" file?
> Thanks
> Chris

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Linux Samba Share Unable to Browse

2008-01-25 Thread Chris
No Linux users out there with Samba shares browseable from the N800/810?

On Jan 24, 2008 9:38 AM, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For the life of me I cannot get my Ubuntu Samba share to show up in the
> File Manager (N800/2008). I know shares show up in the File Manager on my
> network because when I load Azureus it has a plugin for shared media which I
> can browse.
> If someone has this working, could you please share the "smb.conf" file?
> Thanks
> Chris
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia NXXX With A Phone!

2008-01-25 Thread James Knott
Gary wrote:
> Joshua Layne wrote:
>> What frequencies would this radio support? (850,900,1700,1800,1900,2100)
>> (1700 and 2100 are data only)
>> What data standards? EDGE? UMTS? HSDPA? and on which of the above
>> frequencies?
> Quad band phones are more common than they used to be but GPRS, even 
> with EDGE, is too slow to carry VoIP traffic.
At work, we sell equipment that can do VoIP in under 20 KB/s, which is
less than what GPRS is capable of. Also, digital cell phone voice is
already in packets. It wouldn't take much to add an IP header to it.

Use OpenOffice.org 
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia NXXX With A Phone!

2008-01-25 Thread Gary
I take some of that back -- I remember using PGPfone over a dialup in 
'95 and its performance at the time was impressive. Compare that to the 
first GSM network going live in '91. But PKI's use in GSM is only for 
network authentication and not en/decipherment of all traffic. Either 
way, networks and mobile stations are constantly being upgraded which is 
why Bluetooth tethering is a boon for anyone that's not as keen on 
upgrading every year or two.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia NXXX With A Phone!

2008-01-25 Thread Gary
Joshua Layne wrote:
> What frequencies would this radio support? (850,900,1700,1800,1900,2100)
> (1700 and 2100 are data only)
> What data standards? EDGE? UMTS? HSDPA? and on which of the above
> frequencies?

Quad band phones are more common than they used to be but GPRS, even 
with EDGE, is too slow to carry VoIP traffic. I'm just of the opinion 
that Nokia already has a Symbian smart phone line (the communicator 9000 
and E90 series) and if they wanted to make the N700/800/810 in to the 
same kind of product that they'd have done so from the beginning -- 
unless they're just testing the waters with the Linux platform as the 
only real experience they have with it is in the hardened IPSO BSD/Linux 
firewall OS variant. Of course, whether any of those 3 dev groups work 
together or not is a mystery to me. I've worked for even small to 
mid-size orgs (less than 150 people) where you can still discover people 
across the building working with the same tech you've been twiddling 
with for just as long. So I can see Nokia making future Maemo products 
with voice integration but to discard the purely IP based platform would 
be, in my opinion, unfortunate.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 integrated left speakers sound quality

2008-01-25 Thread Tim Ashman
On 01/25/2008 12:33, Jean-Christian de Rivaz wrote:
> Tim Ashman a écrit :
> > I did the left and right tests on my n810, and hear the pitch in both
> > speakers from 1 sec until around 38 seconds where I'm sure my rock and
> > roll ears give out.
> >
> > Sorry to say, It looks like something is wrong with your device.
> David Hautbois a écrit :
>  > No problem with your mp3 files on my N810.
>  >
>  > So, your tablet seems to have a fault
> Michael Wiktowy a écrit :
>  > Sounds to me like an external left speaker hardware problem with your
>  > unit. Possibly a loose connection. While I have found the bass
>  > response on the N810 to be not that great, it is acceptable for the
>  > size of the speakers and even between the two.
> Thanks Tim, David and Michael for doing this test. It's very clear to me
> now that my N810 have a problem.
> Regards,

Your welcome.  Good Luck.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 integrated left speakers sound quality

2008-01-25 Thread Jean-Christian de Rivaz
Tim Ashman a écrit :
> I did the left and right tests on my n810, and hear the pitch in both 
> speakers from 1 sec until around 38 seconds where I'm sure my rock and roll 
> ears give out.
> Sorry to say, It looks like something is wrong with your device. 

David Hautbois a écrit :
 > No problem with your mp3 files on my N810.
 > So, your tablet seems to have a fault

Michael Wiktowy a écrit :
 > Sounds to me like an external left speaker hardware problem with your
 > unit. Possibly a loose connection. While I have found the bass
 > response on the N810 to be not that great, it is acceptable for the
 > size of the speakers and even between the two.

Thanks Tim, David and Michael for doing this test. It's very clear to me 
now that my N810 have a problem.

Jean-Christian de Rivaz
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia NXXX With A Phone!

2008-01-25 Thread Gary
Adilson Oliveira wrote:
> Some time later he told me
> he spent about 30 minutes answering a lot of questions about why was he
> buying a cellphone without a cellphone plan.

Heh. I had a similar run-in ordering my N810 directly from Nokia (with 
the dev discount coupon, IIRC). They had to do all this personal 
identity verification crap (addresses I'd lived at 10 years ago, etc.) 
and I finally asked them wtf was going on. So if Nokia's own 
(outsourced?) call centers don't know the difference, I'm not suprised 
that others are just as clueless. I wonder if they'd do the same thing 
if I bought a Nokia firewall appliance through their website -- which 
probably isn't possible but it'd still be funny. "Can I get your 
mother's maiden name, sir?" "Yes, Lady Ada Lovelace, analogue computer 

As for Sprint, Nokia et al being the first to run with 4G, more power to 
'em. NTT DoCoMo's been testing 4G for the past couple of years so it'll 
be fun to see who's the first out of the starting gate. 
http://www.nttdocomo.com/pr/2007/001319.html. S. Korea's mobile market 
is no slouch, either.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia NXXX With A Phone!

2008-01-25 Thread Joshua Layne

On Fri, 25 Jan 2008 00:22:44 -0500, "Jonathan Greene"
> It's pretty painless to switch the SIM card out.  As long as it's open
> and not packaged from the carrier there should be no issue.  I
> purchased an N95 NAM (north american) from the Nokia Store and put my
> iPhone ATT sim in and have been using it that way since ... no issues
> - though the the MMS service is blocked, thanks to Apple and ATT.  My
> data service is smooth and I've got 3.5G service now.  If the radio
> and SIM slot are there you could use it anywhere and on any carrier
> that supported the bands.

What frequencies would this radio support? (850,900,1700,1800,1900,2100)
(1700 and 2100 are data only)
What data standards? EDGE? UMTS? HSDPA? and on which of the above

GSM is a standard with a lot of variation and some inconsistency globally. 
I don't like carrying another device, but I think it would add a lot to the
cost (and maybe size) to add a really good GSM chipset with good worldwide
data and voice coverage (and at least 3.5G) - you don't see to many even in
pure phones.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia NXXX With A Phone!

2008-01-25 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Hash: SHA1

Aaron Newcomb escreveu:
>> If you visit that www page you will see that they refer to the N800 as a
>> "Nokia N800 Internet Tablet Cell Phone"
> LOL. That's classic. And it's overpriced.

I have a good one about this. A friend ordered the N810 for me in US
(I'll get it next week), all went fine and he sent me the link to check
the status, shipping, etc.
The next day I checked the link and it said that a contact with the
customer was required. I asked him to do so. Some time later he told me
he spent about 30 minutes answering a lot of questions about why was he
buying a cellphone without a cellphone plan. Telling the people there
that the N810 is *not* a cellphone didn't stop them keep asking. He had
to ask for a supervisor to make them understand why the N810 didn't need
a plan.


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maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia NXXX With A Phone!

2008-01-25 Thread Aaron Newcomb
> If you visit that www page you will see that they refer to the N800 as a
> "Nokia N800 Internet Tablet Cell Phone"
LOL. That's classic. And it's overpriced.

Aaron Newcomb
maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 integrated left speakers sound quality

2008-01-25 Thread Tim Ashman
I did the left and right tests on my n810, and hear the pitch in both speakers 
from 1 sec until around 38 seconds where I'm sure my rock and roll ears give 

Sorry to say, It looks like something is wrong with your device. 


- Original message -
From: Jean-Christian de Rivaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: maemo-users@maemo.org
Sent: Fri Jan 25 2008 06:10:55 AM PST
Subject: N810 integrated left speakers sound quality
Compared to the N800, my new N810 have a pore sound quality using the 
integrated left speakers. I first have think that the N810 only have a 
right speaker playing the right channel only. But after several tests I 
cam to the conclusion that the N810 have also a left integrated speaker 
playing the left channel, but with a very poor sound, especially at low 

I used this page to get some sound test files:

On my N810 the right sweep test 
http://users.skynet.be/fa046054/home/P22/track26.mp3 sound fine. The 
sound is loud and clear even in the first second of the track when low 
frequency are played. But the left sweep test 
http://users.skynet.be/fa046054/home/P22/track24.mp3 sound disappointing 
in the first 20 seconds. Almost nothing are audible in the first second 
of the track when low frequency are played. After about 20 seconds, the 
sound is more comfortable but I still get the feeling that it is not as 
loud as in the right test.

Finally when playing the drum solo stereo test 
http://users.skynet.be/fa046054/home/P22/track39.mp3 I almost not here 
the left channel, only crappy noise when the drum sound should can from 
the left channel.

So I wonder if my N810 have a fault in his speaker left channel, if this 
is a design problem, or if this can be a software problem (error in a 
DSP code ?). Can someone try to test his N810 using the above URLs and 
share his experience ? Only the integrated speaker is to test, the line 
out jack sound very good.

Apart this sound issue (that can be only on mine), the N810 is a superb 

Thanks in advance,
Jean-Christian de Rivaz
maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 integrated left speakers sound quality

2008-01-25 Thread David Hautbois
No problem with your mp3 files on my N810.

So, your tablet seems to have a fault


Jean-Christian de Rivaz wrote:
> Compared to the N800, my new N810 have a pore sound quality using the 
> integrated left speakers. I first have think that the N810 only have a 
> right speaker playing the right channel only. But after several tests I 
> cam to the conclusion that the N810 have also a left integrated speaker 
> playing the left channel, but with a very poor sound, especially at low 
> frequency.
> I used this page to get some sound test files:
> http://users.swing.be/hdepra/home/P22/E-sounds.html
> On my N810 the right sweep test 
> http://users.skynet.be/fa046054/home/P22/track26.mp3 sound fine. The 
> sound is loud and clear even in the first second of the track when low 
> frequency are played. But the left sweep test 
> http://users.skynet.be/fa046054/home/P22/track24.mp3 sound disappointing 
> in the first 20 seconds. Almost nothing are audible in the first second 
> of the track when low frequency are played. After about 20 seconds, the 
> sound is more comfortable but I still get the feeling that it is not as 
> loud as in the right test.
> Finally when playing the drum solo stereo test 
> http://users.skynet.be/fa046054/home/P22/track39.mp3 I almost not here 
> the left channel, only crappy noise when the drum sound should can from 
> the left channel.
> So I wonder if my N810 have a fault in his speaker left channel, if this 
> is a design problem, or if this can be a software problem (error in a 
> DSP code ?). Can someone try to test his N810 using the above URLs and 
> share his experience ? Only the integrated speaker is to test, the line 
> out jack sound very good.
> Apart this sound issue (that can be only on mine), the N810 is a superb 
> product.
> Thanks in advance,

Web site : http://david.hautbois.free.fr
Tablet users map : http://david.hautbois.free.fr/maps/index.php

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 integrated left speakers sound quality

2008-01-25 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On 1/25/08, Jean-Christian de Rivaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I wonder if my N810 have a fault in his speaker left channel, if this
> is a design problem, or if this can be a software problem (error in a
> DSP code ?). Can someone try to test his N810 using the above URLs and
> share his experience ? Only the integrated speaker is to test, the line
> out jack sound very good.

Sounds to me like an external left speaker hardware problem with your
unit. Possibly a loose connection. While I have found the bass
response on the N810 to be not that great, it is acceptable for the
size of the speakers and even between the two.

maemo-users mailing list

N810 integrated left speakers sound quality

2008-01-25 Thread Jean-Christian de Rivaz
Compared to the N800, my new N810 have a pore sound quality using the 
integrated left speakers. I first have think that the N810 only have a 
right speaker playing the right channel only. But after several tests I 
cam to the conclusion that the N810 have also a left integrated speaker 
playing the left channel, but with a very poor sound, especially at low 

I used this page to get some sound test files:

On my N810 the right sweep test 
http://users.skynet.be/fa046054/home/P22/track26.mp3 sound fine. The 
sound is loud and clear even in the first second of the track when low 
frequency are played. But the left sweep test 
http://users.skynet.be/fa046054/home/P22/track24.mp3 sound disappointing 
in the first 20 seconds. Almost nothing are audible in the first second 
of the track when low frequency are played. After about 20 seconds, the 
sound is more comfortable but I still get the feeling that it is not as 
loud as in the right test.

Finally when playing the drum solo stereo test 
http://users.skynet.be/fa046054/home/P22/track39.mp3 I almost not here 
the left channel, only crappy noise when the drum sound should can from 
the left channel.

So I wonder if my N810 have a fault in his speaker left channel, if this 
is a design problem, or if this can be a software problem (error in a 
DSP code ?). Can someone try to test his N810 using the above URLs and 
share his experience ? Only the integrated speaker is to test, the line 
out jack sound very good.

Apart this sound issue (that can be only on mine), the N810 is a superb 

Thanks in advance,
Jean-Christian de Rivaz
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia NXXX With A Phone!

2008-01-25 Thread John Holmblad

I agree that bluetooth tethering is a great solution/workaround to the 
need to sometimes use the N8XX as a voice communications device. The 
problem I have is that when I have bluetooth + CDMA/EVDO turn on on my 
mobile phone, it runs down the battery very quickly. I

 would like to see Nokia (or some supplier) come out with a stand alone 
EVDO/Bluetooth radio with very looong battery life and 
supply it to the US EVDO mobile service providers (Sprint, Verizon, 
Alltell, etc) for sale to their customers. Since these mobile service 
providers already sell evdo/data plans along with cardbus evdo modems, 
they should not have a problem with a stand alone device such as I am 

By the way, the fact that the NXX do not have CDMA or GSM mobile phone 
capability does not prevent the LETS Talk www site from marketing the 
N800 has a mobile phone. Here is the url to the www page at their www 
site where they do just that:


If you visit that www page you will see that they refer to the N800 as a

"Nokia N800 Internet Tablet Cell Phone"

Best Regards,


John Holmblad


Acadia Secure Networks, LLC

* *

Gary wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Jan 2008, Steve Yelvington wrote:
>> There are compromises to be made whether you take the integrated route
>> (a la iPhone) or the component route (a la Nokia). I have an N800, a
> The great thing about bluetooth tethering is that you can switch carriers 
> and not have to replace your tethered device at the same time. Integrating 
> a phone (and the wireless telephony it's tied to, CDMA, GSM, etc.) would 
> be a bad idea and considering the business they're in, Nokia would have 
> probably done this in the first place if they'd thought it would work. As 
> it stands, I can't envision them adding anything but WiMAX or its 
> successor in the future.
> -Gary
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list
> maemo-users@maemo.org
> https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-users

maemo-users mailing list

Re: TimeTrack app

2008-01-25 Thread Peter Bart
On Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:22:25 +0100
Ove Nordström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Anyone know about a small easy application for reporting time in
> Nokia N810? Regards,
> Ove

GPE has a very useful time tracking component.

Best Regards,

Peter The Plumber sm on the Road
State Licensed Plumber
maemo-users mailing list

RE: access windows shares

2008-01-25 Thread Noah Davids
So how do I turn it back on?


Noah Davids
Serendipity is a function of bandwidth
Web:  http://members.cox.net/~ndav1


From: John Holmblad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 5:58 AM
To: Noah Davids
Cc: maemo-users@maemo.org
Subject: Re: access windows shares



I don't have my own N810 yet but  it sound like one of the apps you
installed may have turned off the instance of Samba server running on your
system. This is the component that implements "browsing" of CIFS file shares
that are found on Microsoft Windows network environments. 

Best Regards,


John Holmblad



Noah Davids wrote: 

When I got my 810 and I brought up the file manager I would see a entry for
my windows PC and its shares. Now I no longer see it. The shares are still
there and available to other windows hosts. I have downloaded a lot of
applications, I suppose one of them might have turned something off. Any
ideas how to access the windows shares?



Noah Davids
Serendipity is a function of bandwidth
Web:  http://members.cox.net/~ndav1




maemo-users mailing list
maemo-users mailing list

TimeTrack app

2008-01-25 Thread Ove Nordström
Anyone know about a small easy application for reporting time in Nokia N810?
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Pairing Nokia su-8w keyboard with N810 (OS2008 2.20007.50-2)

2008-01-25 Thread Matthew Bassett
Many thanks -- I have followed the advice on the bug and have now managed to
pair my keyboard!

(in my case deleting /var/lib/bluetooth/* worked)

On Jan 24, 2008 9:04 PM, Marius Gedminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 10:35:09AM +, Matthew Bassett wrote:
> > Anyone had any luck pairing a Nokia su-8w bluetooth keyboard with a N810
> > running OS2008 2.20007.50-2?
> >
> > I have attempted this, but when I get as far as OKing the authorisation
> > dialog (which presents a 4 digit number for entering on the su-8w
> keyboard)
> > it immediately fails with a dialog about an incorrect auth code, before
> I
> > have even attempted to enter the auth code via the keyboard.
> I had this problem with an Apple Wireless keyboard.  I was persistent
> and somehow managed to enter the same code on both devices.
> > Note that I have restored from a backup from OS2007HE if that makes any
> > difference (which was paired to the keyboard).
> Maybe.  Check out this bug: https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2640
> Marius Gedminas
> --
> If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
>-- Albert Einstein
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
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> =wusj
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list
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Matthew Bassett
* Mobile; +44 7979 867001
* Web : http://www.mbassett.org
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia NXXX With A Phone!

2008-01-25 Thread Matt Emson
Kevin T. Neely wrote:
> This is quite timely, since the FCC spectrum auction just went up today:
> https://auctionsignon.fcc.gov/signon/index.htm
> So don't look backward to 20th Century technology, look forward to ubiquitous 
> wireless access, making VOIP a reality and ditching those SIM cards forever.

Being English, I can flatly point out that this means diddly squat to 
Nokia. You need to look at what is happening in Europe to know what is 
going on in the minds of Nokia. It doesn't matter a damn if you have 
sold lots of frequencies, they are not valid out side of the US and 
therefore irrelevant. The FCC does not regulate my airwaves ;-)

Seriously, there is a world over here in Europe, you know ;-) We all use 
GSM. Our 3G uses different frequencies. This is what screwed Apple over. 
If Apple had wanted an easy ride, they could have used a US only phone 
standard and sold a lot more units probably. But using GSM, they opened 
the international market up a lot faster. However, not having a 3G 
standard world wide is a big problem for them. Hence the shuffling 
excuses, I guess.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 Bluetooth & RFComm

2008-01-25 Thread Johan Hedberg

On Fri, Jan 25, 2008, =?UTF-8?Q?Beno=C3=AEt=20HERVIER=20 wrote:
> If you have any solution, i m looking around too.
> hcitool and rfcomm was present in OS2007, and work relatively well. I ve 
> successfully use it with python.
> I ve problem too with python and bluetooth too.

This might be of some help:

The bluez command line tools have been split into their own
bluez-utils-test package which you can get e.g. here:

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 Bluetooth & RFComm

2008-01-25 Thread Frantisek Dufka
James Kemp wrote:
> My questions is, how can I connect to the stream coming over the RS232 
> port? The command "hcitool" and "rfcomm" don't seem to be present on the 
> N810. I don't see any additional Bluetooth apps I can add either. I'm a 
> bit at a loss as to what to do next.

The setup can be done over D-bus. Check how it is done for SPP bluetooth 
See the dbus-bluez-rfcomm script for allocation of rfcomm port and btkbd 
sript for its usage.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 Bluetooth & RFComm

2008-01-25 Thread =?UTF-8?Q?Beno=C3=AEt=20HERVIER=20

If you have any solution, i m looking around too.

hcitool and rfcomm was present in OS2007, and work relatively well. I ve 
successfully use it with python.

I ve problem too with python and bluetooth too.

On Thu, 24 Jan 2008 22:40:34 -0500, "James Kemp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got a brand new N810 tablet and I'm trying to set it up as an
> in-vehicle display for custom vehicle diagnostic messages. To that end,
> I'm
> trying to send RS232 messages to a Python app running on the N810. I've
> bought a Parani-SD100 Bluetooth device from Lemos which simply converts
> RS232 traffic onto Bluetooth using SSP. I've been able to pair the
> Parani-SD100 device to the N810. On the N810 I get the following info
> concerning the attached device:
> Device Name: PSD100v1.0.2-06CF88
> Device Type: Uncategorised
> Supported profiles: SPP
> Lemos device page:
> http://www.lemosint.com/scripts/bluetooth_parani_sd.asp
> My questions is, how can I connect to the stream coming over the RS232
> port?
> The command "hcitool" and "rfcomm" don't seem to be present on the N810. I
> don't see any additional Bluetooth apps I can add either. I'm a bit at a
> loss as to what to do next.
> Thanks for any help,
> Jim

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