Re: Accessing GPS on Nokia N810

2008-03-10 Thread Petr Stetiar
Andrew Daviel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-03-10 12:08:40]:

> I built cgps from the gpsd toolkit, which can get data from gpsd if it's 
> running. If I start the Nokia map, gpsd starts up. But I can't see how to
> start it manually - if I try, it says
>   GPS device /dev/pgp nonexistent or can't be read

That /dev/pgps device is just symlink to /dev/pts/X created by gpsdriver on
demand done via D-Bus and Unix socket probably. I'm investigating it further
with strace, because I would like to control GPS from scripts also.

-- ynezz
maemo-users mailing list

Accessing GPS on Nokia N810

2008-03-10 Thread Andrew Daviel

Any tips on accessing the GPS on the N810 ?

I built cgps from the gpsd toolkit, which can get data from gpsd if it's 
running. If I start the Nokia map, gpsd starts up. But I can't see how to
start it manually - if I try, it says
  GPS device /dev/pgp nonexistent or can't be read

hmmm ... if I start /usr/libexec/navicore-gpsd-helper manually, it emits
NMEA sentences on stdout. Hmmm  have to try that outside to see if
if really works ..

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
maemo-users mailing list

Nokia N810 and Google Maps

2008-03-10 Thread Andrew Daviel

I just noticed that if I have "Fit width to view" checked in the browser 
on my N810, that Google Maps won't display. Well, it does, but the maps 
are blank. As I had had it checked the first time I tried Google Maps,
I thought "**! it, it won't work!" (the Google Map API is something I 
want to play with using the GPS).

(It might be nice to have a mobile version for the N8* tablets, not that 
the regular one won't work, but because I'd like to use less bandwidth if 
I'm connected via my cellphone and paying byte charges. But I think it's 
only available for Symbion, Windows Mobile and Java. Actually, what I
really want is to overlay the Google results on the Nokia or Maemo-mapper 
maps that I already have, rather than downloading tiles over GPRS)

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
maemo-users mailing list

Stale timezone rules for Canada

2008-03-10 Thread Andrew Daviel

Yesterday was clock-forward time for most of the US and Canada, but my 
N810 failed to switch. I only bought it a few weeks ago, AND I upgraded 
to the latest OS2008 53.1 or whatever. Canada decided to follow the US
on this province-by-province, but BC decided on 31 March 2006 and the 
Linux zone sources were updated the next day. So I'm wondering why
Nokia has failed to update given nearly 2 years notice.

In Maemo, timezones are in the libc6 package. I have 
maemo-scratchbox-4.0.1 and the zones weren't all correct there, either.
But I was able to update libc and that seemed to fix Vancouver.
Prior to that, I was able to recompile the North American rules with zic
and copy the Vancouver zone to my N810, solving my immediate problem, as 
per my page

I have made a stab at collecting updated Canadian zones from my FC4 
system (just because I've got it. It should really be done from source) 
and made

this wants to overwrite files from libc6 but is not a complete 
replacement for libc6. Not sure how to do it in apt-get, but this works:
   dpkg -i --force-overwrite

so now
$ zdump -v America/Yellowknife|grep 2008  gets
America/Yellowknife  Sun Mar  9 08:59:59 2008 UTC = Sun Mar  9 01:59:59 2008 
MST isdst=0 gmtoff=-25200A
instead of
America/Yellowknife  Sun Apr  6 08:59:59 2008 UTC = Sun Apr  6 01:59:59 2008 
MST isdst=0 gmtoff=-25200

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Is there an implementation of diff for OS2008?

2008-03-10 Thread Andrew Daviel

Jeffrey Mark Siskind wrote on Tue Mar 4:

> Is there an implementation of diff for OS2008?

I recently ported diffutils from my home desktop (Fedora Core 4).
I'm still trying to get my head around Debian packaging and .install 
files (Fedora uses RPM and Yum. Debian's easier, but different) so my 
.install doesn't work. Maybe it just needs to be "user" instead of 

So far, I have ported a few odd things I can't do without:
   diffutils - diff,sdiff,diff3
   bc  - arbitrary precision calculator
   bzman - emulates "man" using preformatted, bzipped pages
   cron  - kind of works, but is missing "mail"
   gnuplot - X based plotting program
   lynx - text-mode web browser
   nc  - netcat tcp/udp client/server

Now that I look, diff and less were probably in /scratchbox/tools/bin all 
along, but I couldn't find them on my N810 with "apt-get install less".

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
Network Security Manager
maemo-users mailing list

Re: osso-gnupg

2008-03-10 Thread Marius Vollmer
"ext Kip Warner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Could you try to compile it yourself?
> I would like to try that. I know how to build the package from source on
> my desktop Debian system, but not sure for maemo. Something like...
> apt-get source gnupg
> apt-get build-deps gnupg
> dpkg-buildpackage ...

Yes, that should be all that is needed.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Restoring on screen keyboard

2008-03-10 Thread Matt Emson
Paul Gear wrote:
> I experience this issue as well sometimes when i use my Thinkoutside
> Bluetooth foldable keyboard.  Like you, i've found no workaround.

I updated to the second release of OS2008 (51-3 is it?) and tried again. 
It seems to work for me if I just yank the USB connector out now, but 
not if I gracefully remove the device with the USB applet. Maybe it's 
gracefully removing it that causes the issue? At any rate, it seemed to 
work most of the time. It can still be flaky. It seems best to have 
something like Notes open when you plug in the keyboard, and also when 
you unplug it.


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