RE: Setting Nokia 770 IT2006 bluetooth to "discoverable"

2008-03-20 Thread david feldman

Thanks, Ryan.

I think the problem is I do not know where to look for the bluetooth status 
icon at all. I've never seen one. There is a connection manager (which gives 
control over 802.11 wireless), but nothing along the lines of a status icon. Is 
there a bluetooth status manager I should install? There are command line 
functions (hcid, etc.) that I can manipulate from the xterm program, but I was 
hoping not to have to work at command line level.

Very tks,


> Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 01:37:04 +0100
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Setting Nokia 770 IT2006 bluetooth to "discoverable"
> david feldman wrote:
>> Can I set my Nokia 770 (running IT2006) bluetooth to a discoverable state? 
>> It appears pairing with my Blackberry 8320 to use the 8320 as a modem may 
>> require that I pair in both directions (I don't know why, but this is what 
>> it took to get the thing to work with my old HP Jornada 720, and so far I 
>> can't get the Nokia 770 to use the 8320 as a modem, so I want to try the 
>> pairing method.)
>> Thanks,
>> Dave
> I believe the option you want is "Set [devicename] as Visible" from the
> Bluetooth status icon. I know it's there in 2007, don't see why it
> wouldn't be in 2006 (and I think I've seen it there)
> --
> Ryan Pavlik
> #282 + (442) - [X]
> A programmer started to cuss
> Because getting to sleep was a fuss
> As he lay there in bed
> Looping 'round in his head
> was: while(!asleep()) sheep++;

Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Setting Nokia 770 IT2006 bluetooth to "discoverable"

2008-03-20 Thread Ryan Pavlik
david feldman wrote:
> Can I set my Nokia 770 (running IT2006) bluetooth to a discoverable state? It 
> appears pairing with my Blackberry 8320 to use the 8320 as a modem may 
> require that I pair in both directions (I don't know why, but this is what it 
> took to get the thing to work with my old HP Jornada 720, and so far I can't 
> get the Nokia 770 to use the 8320 as a modem, so I want to try the pairing 
> method.)
> Thanks,
> Dave
I believe the option you want is "Set [devicename] as Visible" from the 
Bluetooth status icon.  I know it's there in 2007, don't see why it 
wouldn't be in 2006 (and I think I've seen it there)

Ryan Pavlik

#282  +  (442) -  [X]
A programmer started to cuss
Because getting to sleep was a fuss
As he lay there in bed
Looping 'round in his head
was: while(!asleep()) sheep++;

maemo-users mailing list

Setting Nokia 770 IT2006 bluetooth to "discoverable"

2008-03-20 Thread david feldman

Can I set my Nokia 770 (running IT2006) bluetooth to a discoverable state? It 
appears pairing with my Blackberry 8320 to use the 8320 as a modem may require 
that I pair in both directions (I don't know why, but this is what it took to 
get the thing to work with my old HP Jornada 720, and so far I can't get the 
Nokia 770 to use the 8320 as a modem, so I want to try the pairing method.)



Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble challenge with star 
maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 European Power Adapter

2008-03-20 Thread Luca Olivetti
En/na Matt Emson ha escrit:

> Our pugs are actually safer because you can't pull them out by the flex, 
> so you don't stress the chord or pull the wires out of the plug. All 
> plugs are easily removed though. They just pull out. The switch turns 
> off the power when not in use. Otherwise the outlet is live, even with 
> nothing plugged in. That is just insane. It's pretty hard for a child to 
> electrocute themselves with a UK plug socket because of this and the 
> shutters. People still use covers, but need them a lot less than in the 
> US/Europe.

Hey, my comment was tongue-in-cheek, however all of my outlets have 
shutter and you have to insert both prongs at once, otherwise they won't 
open, so it's extremely difficult for a child to electrocute even if he 
tries to stick, say, a screwdriver in one of the holes. And if he 
manages that, there's always the main RCD.


> Yeah, we have those too. You did read about the limitations though?
>  > A residual current circuit breaker cannot remove all risk of electric 
> shock or fire. In particular, an RCD alone will not detect
>  > overload conditions, phase to neutral short circuits or 
> phase-to-phase  short circuits. 
> Over-current protection (fuse  or circuit 
>  > breaker ) must be provided.
> So, really you need a fuse too :-)

Or a circuit breaker (actually I have 9 or 10, each one for a specific 

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 European Power Adapter

2008-03-20 Thread Matt Emson
Luca Olivetti wrote:
>> I find US and European outlets scary as heck, because they usually
>> have no on/off switch. It's fairly rare to find an outlet int he UK
>> without a on/off switch.
> Maybe that's because your huge plug it's too difficult to unplug we
> just unplug them ;-)
Our pugs are actually safer because you can't pull them out by the flex, 
so you don't stress the chord or pull the wires out of the plug. All 
plugs are easily removed though. They just pull out. The switch turns 
off the power when not in use. Otherwise the outlet is live, even with 
nothing plugged in. That is just insane. It's pretty hard for a child to 
electrocute themselves with a UK plug socket because of this and the 
shutters. People still use covers, but need them a lot less than in the 

I can also walk in to any hardware store an buy a replacement plug and 
fit it, should I want to. European and US plugs always seem to be molded.

>> The fuse will blow before the fuse in the fusebox at the mains
>> dispatch board, so yeah, it does protect the device.
> Only if the device is less valuable than the fuse, otherwise the device
> will blow up stealthily protecting the fuse :-D

Yeah, really expensive ;-)

>> This is ignoring
>> any internal fuses that might exist in the device to protect US and
>> European users ;-)
> We in the continent are well protected by these gizmos:
> much more effective than a fuse and a plug dimensioned to power a
> small factory ;-)

Yeah, we have those too. You did read about the limitations though?


 > A residual current circuit breaker cannot remove all risk of electric 
shock or fire. In particular, an RCD alone will not detect
 > overload conditions, phase to neutral short circuits or 
phase-to-phase  short circuits. 
Over-current protection (fuse  or circuit 

 > breaker ) must be provided. 

So, really you need a fuse too :-)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 European Power Adapter

2008-03-20 Thread Luca Olivetti
El Thu, 20 Mar 2008 15:11:06 +
Matt Emson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> I find US and European outlets scary as heck, because they usually
> have no on/off switch. It's fairly rare to find an outlet int he UK
> without a on/off switch.

Maybe that's because your huge plug it's too difficult to unplug we
just unplug them ;-)

> The fuse will blow before the fuse in the fusebox at the mains
> dispatch board, so yeah, it does protect the device.

Only if the device is less valuable than the fuse, otherwise the device
will blow up stealthily protecting the fuse :-D

> This is ignoring
> any internal fuses that might exist in the device to protect US and
> European users ;-)

We in the continent are well protected by these gizmos:
much more effective than a fuse and a plug dimensioned to power a
small factory ;-)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Encrypted filesystem/containers on N8*0 ?

2008-03-20 Thread Bryan Zubrod
I was able to get FUSE and sshfs up and running on chinook with the packages
This doesn't solve your problem, I know, but on the rest of my linux
computers I've been using encfs with FUSE.  I don't think it would be very
hard to get encfs  up and running on chinook with
FUSE already tackled.  In fact I might try getting that going myself.  Encfs
seems like it would be exactly what you want.

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 8:49 PM, Andrew Daviel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are there any encrypted filesystems that work on the Nokia tablets ?
> With all the buzz about people losing laptops with reams of HR records
> etc. it seems having an encrypted FS on an eminently losable device such
> as a tablet would be a good idea. While gpg can be used to encrypt single
> files, it is a real pain if you have lots of temporary files like a
> browser cache, and you have to remember to clean up plaintext with "shred
> -u".
> I've used BestCrypt on my Linux desktop and laptops for the last few
> years. At the time it seemed the only thing that worked, and I've kept
> going out of inertia, but it's nonfree on Windows and uses x86
> precompiled kernel modules ("taints the kernel").
> How it works is that you create an encrypted container file (or a raw
> device), then create a filesystem on it (ext2, VFAT, etc.) and mount it.
> You give a password to mount the container, after which you have a
> normal-looking filesystem which can contain things like
> .mozilla/xyzdefault/cache and /tmp. I guess you could put /home on it,
> but earlier versions were insufficiently robust to risk it.
> (For the paranoid, there was recent buzz about people pulling data such
> as disk encryption keys out of RAM by cooling it, power-cycling then
> booting an alternate low-footprint OS - e.g. if someone steals your
> laptop when it's suspended or on)
> --
> Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
> Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
> Network Security Manager
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list
maemo-users mailing list

Re: hardshell cases

2008-03-20 Thread Hugo Gayosso
Hello Jeff,

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 8:48 AM, GROG! (Jeff Howie) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm going to be getting this one for my N810. Pretty sweet!

Please report back how it turns out to be, I am considering it too.

I wrote to them and they said that it includes a translucent plastic
cover for the screen (in case you are wondering).

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Encrypted filesystem/containers on N8*0 ?

2008-03-20 Thread Ryan Pavlik
Andrew Daviel wrote:
> Are there any encrypted filesystems that work on the Nokia tablets ?
> With all the buzz about people losing laptops with reams of HR records 
> etc. it seems having an encrypted FS on an eminently losable device such 
> as a tablet would be a good idea. While gpg can be used to encrypt single 
> files, it is a real pain if you have lots of temporary files like a 
> browser cache, and you have to remember to clean up plaintext with "shred 
> -u".
> I've used BestCrypt on my Linux desktop and laptops for the last few 
> years. At the time it seemed the only thing that worked, and I've kept 
> going out of inertia, but it's nonfree on Windows and uses x86 
> precompiled kernel modules ("taints the kernel").
> How it works is that you create an encrypted container file (or a raw 
> device), then create a filesystem on it (ext2, VFAT, etc.) and mount it.
> You give a password to mount the container, after which you have a 
> normal-looking filesystem which can contain things like 
> .mozilla/xyzdefault/cache and /tmp. I guess you could put /home on it, 
> but earlier versions were insufficiently robust to risk it.
> (For the paranoid, there was recent buzz about people pulling data such 
> as disk encryption keys out of RAM by cooling it, power-cycling then 
> booting an alternate low-footprint OS - e.g. if someone steals your 
> laptop when it's suspended or on)
Pretty sure TrueCrypt works, and I remember seeing work being done on 
porting a GUI on internet tablet


Ryan Pavlik

#282  +  (442) -  [X]
A programmer started to cuss
Because getting to sleep was a fuss
As he lay there in bed
Looping 'round in his head
was: while(!asleep()) sheep++;

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 European Power Adapter

2008-03-20 Thread Matt Emson
Theodore Tso wrote:
> This is all true, but those plugs take up a huge amount of space in
> laptop bags...  and the number of times that I've had my equipment
> blow up due to grounding problems or power surges is nil.  And a fuse
> doesn't protect against voltage spikes.
Size is relative. Depends on what you are used to really.

I find US and European outlets scary as heck, because they usually have 
no on/off switch. It's fairly rare to find an outlet int he UK without a 
on/off switch.

The fuse will blow before the fuse in the fusebox at the mains dispatch 
board, so yeah, it does protect the device. This is ignoring any 
internal fuses that might exist in the device to protect US and European 
users ;-)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 European Power Adapter

2008-03-20 Thread Marius Gedminas
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 10:50:54PM +, Peter Flynn wrote:
> The other charger that *does* work with the N800 (and is much smaller 
> and neater) is my daughter's Nokia cellphone charger, but AFAIK you 
> can't buy this particular one separately. Why Nokia screw us around this 
> way is beyond me, and why they'd go to all the trouble of designing and 
> making multiple chargers that do the identical thing is baffling.

You are probably comparing Nokia's AC-3 (the "Compact Charger", usually
bundled with mobile phones) and the AC-4 (the "Travel Charger", the one
bundled with all Nokia Internet Tablets).  The AC-3 is smaller, but it
outputs a 2x lower current than the AC-4.  Google provides some
anecdotic evidence that charging the battery with an AC-3 takes twice as

Marius Gedminas
Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.
-- Fletcher Knebel

Description: Digital signature
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Bluetooth keyboard?

2008-03-20 Thread Marius Gedminas
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 07:21:03PM -0400, Jeffrey Mark Siskind wrote:
>   Marius Vollmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   Yay, academics on the run, ready to toss out a paper wherever they
>   go... :-)
> You betcha. I carry my N810, my Freedom Universal bluetooth keyboard, and my
> Motorola RAZR2 V9m in my pocket at all times. I can write, compile, and debug
> code with Scheme->C (which I ported to maemo with the help of Andrei Barbu)
> and I can write papers and proposals about it. The only thing I use my laptop
> for now is to give presentations where an XGA out is needed. But since LaTeX
> beamer and xpdf work on the N810, if Nokia were to make a future device that
> had a XGA out (even with a dongle or via USB or bluetooth or SDIO) ...

This looks promising:

Marius Gedminas
OK, so you're a Ph.D.  Just don't touch anything.

Description: Digital signature
maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 European Power Adapter

2008-03-20 Thread Theodore Tso
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 12:13:46PM +, Matt Emson wrote:
> UK (and Irish) plugs are completely different. They are far, far safer 
> in practice. Each plug has a rated fuse (3, 5 and 13 amps are common in 
> various devices.) Our plugs are designed to fail at the plug before 
> damaging the appliance. We also have an earth pin on all plugs (though 
> some devices don't use it.) This means that we don't have the "my outlet 
> has no earth pin" issue that people some times hack around in the US/Europe.

This is all true, but those plugs take up a huge amount of space in
laptop bags...  and the number of times that I've had my equipment
blow up due to grounding problems or power surges is nil.  And a fuse
doesn't protect against voltage spikes.

> > ...and the UK too, if you activate the interlock on the (missing) earth 
> > leg with a toothpick (240vAC scares me) when you plug it in.
> So, what you are advocating is electrocuting yourself if the earth is 
> "live" and bypassing the fuse so that you can blow up your device in 
> case of a power surge? :-P (yes, I know.. the UK charger has no user  
> accessible fuse)

What I recommend to fellow road warriors, is if you ever go to Japan,
get one of these:

(Scroll to the bottom of the page to see pictures of how it can be

It takes up a very tiny amount of space in your laptop bag, and it has
a nice safe plastic ground-defeat for the UK plugs which is much safer
than using a toothpick or a screwdriver.  Not available for sale in
the US or EU, probably because the safety bureaucrats would have
apoplectic seizures over the thing, but I've never had a problem using
it in over ten years.

- Ted
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Using a SE W890i as Bluetooth modem (DUN)

2008-03-20 Thread Henrik Frisk
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Aniello Del Sorbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 12:10 PM, Henrik Frisk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Aniello Del Sorbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>  >  > Sorry for multiple mails,
>  >
>  >  Right... me too... (don't forget to cc the list)
>  >
>  Damn, you're right!
>  Done..
>  >  > but you guys can even go for the maemo-pan support.
>  >  >  Install it and connect via Bluetooth PAN, it should even improve the
>  >  >  battery life a bit.
>  >  >
>  >  Now this is something I was hoping for. I was ignorantly unaware of
>  >  PAN... And you know the SE phones support it?
>  >
>  Mine for sure does.
>  I am pretty sure yours does too!
OK, using maemo-pan it works! This is great, I owe you Anidel! Now I
can place calls from my N810 using skype connected through my mobile

Here's how to get it working:

1. Download and install maemo-pan from here: The install is farily
straight forward, I didn't come across any dependency issues and the
package is small. maemo-pan is only for OS2008 though.
2. Pair up your phone with your N810 or N800, but don't bother about
the connection wizard that follows.
3. After the install you have a new connection named Bluetooth-PAN.
Select it and connect to the internet. You may have to allow the
connection in your phone and you may have to start network sharing on
your phone.

Here are some more detailed instructions:


maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 European Power Adapter

2008-03-20 Thread Matt Emson
Jerry Van Baren wrote:
> Luca Olivetti wrote:
>> En/na Kip Warner ha escrit:
>>> Thank you, I think I will do that. I haven't been to Europe, but is
>>> there just one standard plug across the EU, or do they vary?
>> The do vary but generally only the earth plug, so if you use a 2 prongs 
>> adapter (i.e. with no earth plug, enough for the tablet), it will work 
>> in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland and probably 
>> most other EU countries (the UK being the exception).
>> IIRC on wikipedia you can find the details.

They are *generally* the same, but there is still a *lot* of variations 
around Europe, even ignoring the earth pin. Some have thicker prongs, 
some have really skinny ones.

UK (and Irish) plugs are completely different. They are far, far safer 
in practice. Each plug has a rated fuse (3, 5 and 13 amps are common in 
various devices.) Our plugs are designed to fail at the plug before 
damaging the appliance. We also have an earth pin on all plugs (though 
some devices don't use it.) This means that we don't have the "my outlet 
has no earth pin" issue that people some times hack around in the US/Europe.

> ...and the UK too, if you activate the interlock on the (missing) earth 
> leg with a toothpick (240vAC scares me) when you plug it in.
So, what you are advocating is electrocuting yourself if the earth is 
"live" and bypassing the fuse so that you can blow up your device in 
case of a power surge? :-P (yes, I know.. the UK charger has no user  
accessible fuse)

I personally like what Apple did with all it's current chargers. My UK 
iPod charger has a clip on UK plug. My MacBook charger has both the same 
type of plug attachment and also an attachment that gives a long lead 
with a plug on the end. Pure genuis!! I'm pretty sure I could just buy 
the plug replacement for Europe/USA from Apple and not the entire 
charger - this would seem a lot more economical. I could also buy one 
adapter and use it for either iPod or Macbook.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Using a SE W890i as Bluetooth modem (DUN)

2008-03-20 Thread Aniello Del Sorbo
Resending also to the list:

I do have a SE V640i (the Italian Vodafone version of the K630).
I think the issue is the same I had, i.e. the number string.

Maemo uses *99# by default, but I had to specify the CID by hand.
This can be retrieved in two ways:

1) the Data Accounts are listed by CID number, so simply count
2) When viewing a Data Account the CID is reported as "External ID" on my phone.

Once you've got the correct CID number, simply edit the "GPRS"
Connection on your
tablet and replace "*99#" with:


For example mine is: *99***5#

Hope this is your issue and this helps.


On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Henrik Frisk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I've succesfully used my old phone P990i as a bluetooth modem for my
>  N810. I just received my new phone, a SE W890i but with this I'm not
>  able to connect. I can pair the two devices and use other Bluetooth
>  services, just not establish a connection to the internet. As
>  everything is working with the other phone I suspect the error is in
>  the phone rather than in the N810, but I figured I'd ask here to see
>  if someone else has had similar problems. BTW, I have the same service
>  provider.
>  cheers,
>  Henrik
>  ___
>  maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Using a SE W890i as Bluetooth modem (DUN)

2008-03-20 Thread Aniello Del Sorbo
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 12:10 PM, Henrik Frisk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Aniello Del Sorbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Sorry for multiple mails,
>  Right... me too... (don't forget to cc the list)
Damn, you're right!

>  > but you guys can even go for the maemo-pan support.
>  >  Install it and connect via Bluetooth PAN, it should even improve the
>  >  battery life a bit.
>  >
>  Now this is something I was hoping for. I was ignorantly unaware of
>  PAN... And you know the SE phones support it?

Mine for sure does.
I am pretty sure yours does too!

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Using a SE W890i as Bluetooth modem (DUN)

2008-03-20 Thread Henrik Frisk
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:56 AM, Aniello Del Sorbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry for multiple mails,

Right... me too... (don't forget to cc the list)

> but you guys can even go for the maemo-pan support.
>  Install it and connect via Bluetooth PAN, it should even improve the
>  battery life a bit.
Now this is something I was hoping for. I was ignorantly unaware of
PAN... And you know the SE phones support it?


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Using a SE W890i as Bluetooth modem (DUN)

2008-03-20 Thread Henrik Frisk
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Matt Emson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Henrik Frisk wrote:
>  > I just received my new phone, a SE W890i but with this I'm not
>  > able to connect.
>  My SE K800i is the same. UK Vodafone. Will pair etc, even goes through
>  the motions of connecting, but no traffic.
I just received a response from SE, it didn't help me, but maybe it
helps you: add a 'Z' to the AT commands for the modem connection in
your N810 (Control Panel -> Connectivity -> Connections: select your
profile, and click edit. Go to the last tab and click advanced and
you'll find the field for adding AT commands.).

I knew I should have abandoned SE after my disastrous experiences with
the P990i...

Anyone on the list that has a working hi-speed 3g modem connection
using a mobile?

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Using a SE W890i as Bluetooth modem (DUN)

2008-03-20 Thread Matt Emson
Henrik Frisk wrote:
> I just received my new phone, a SE W890i but with this I'm not
> able to connect. 

My SE K800i is the same. UK Vodafone. Will pair etc, even goes through 
the motions of connecting, but no traffic.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Bluetooth keyboard?

2008-03-20 Thread Luca Olivetti
En/na Mark ha escrit:

> What are they calling it? I tried a couple of different searches.

Try this search:

mini usb keyboard -motorola -vacuum -vaccum -flexible -silicone -silicon 
-numeric -kitty -numpad

> Those adapters are harder to find than you might think. I refuse to
> pay more for shipping than for the actual product, but all I can find
> locally is the X-in-1 cables, and that's too much bulk to carry around
> in my waist pack.


maemo-users mailing list

[release] mogg 0.4 - ogg vorbis support for maemo

2008-03-20 Thread Tilman Vogel
Hash: SHA1


I am happy to announce mogg release 0.4.

mogg integrates a patched-up version of the integer-arithmetic ogg
vorbis decoder plugin into the "maemo" multimedia framework.

This release is the first with support for the N8x0 with IT OS 2008

Comparison to the other "Ogg Support" project:
Pros: tag support, radio stream support
Cons: no speex, no theora decoders

To give it a try, please go to:


(1) If you had the other "ogg-support" package installed before, and
mogg cannot be installed, try removing "ogg-support" by hand first:

dpkg -r ogg-support

I saw that its post-removal clean-up script sometimes reports an error
without obvious reason, i.e. it helped to just try removing the package
a second time.

(2) Currently, some tags are not recognized by the Media Player, even
though they are correctly reported by the plugin. These include "album",
"track" and "genre". But at least "artist" and "title" are shown
correctly. Even when they change during playback of a radio stream.

(3) Yes, seeking in files works.

(4) This release is currently not available for IT OS 2007 (Bora) and IT
OS 2006 (Mistral) because it doesn't contain any improvements for these

Have fun! Feedback appreciated!


Version: GnuPG v2.0.4-svn0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE -

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 European Power Adapter

2008-03-20 Thread Jarmo.Tikka

>Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 13:48:09 -0700
>From: Kip Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: N810 European Power Adapter
>I bought my N810 in Canada, and so it uses a standard North 
>American power adapter.
>Is it easy to acquire one usable in Europe from over there? If 
>so, how much are they, and can they be used all across Europe?

European (in addition to other countries) Electric Plugs (with
Sockets, Voltages and Frequencies can be found from here.

You can compare voltage and frequency requirements given for your device
to the country specs to check if your device is compatible or not.

maemo-users mailing list

Using a SE W890i as Bluetooth modem (DUN)

2008-03-20 Thread Henrik Frisk

I've succesfully used my old phone P990i as a bluetooth modem for my
N810. I just received my new phone, a SE W890i but with this I'm not
able to connect. I can pair the two devices and use other Bluetooth
services, just not establish a connection to the internet. As
everything is working with the other phone I suspect the error is in
the phone rather than in the N810, but I figured I'd ask here to see
if someone else has had similar problems. BTW, I have the same service


maemo-users mailing list