Re: Nokia: Linux Needs to Learn Business

2008-06-18 Thread Anuj Verma (Kevin)
 If people are willing to use Open Moko, despite its relative
 disadvantage in terms of battery lifetime, and bleeding edge features
 --- that's a tradeoff that Linux geeks can make, if they want.  I
 suspect though that for commercial success, it will be hard for Open
 Moko to complete in the general population who will always find cool
 features like GPS, 3G, Wifi and UMA support, etc. very attractive.

I speak for my geek pride, more geeks and more hackers, any project
like Open Moko will only get better. I remember the days when running
Linux on older laptops was a more compatible choice for hackers, and
now even the latest greatest hardware runs Linux out of the box, this
is just to mention now and then of PC market basically. There will be
more examples and there are more stories to be made.

I hope you are not mistaken, perhaps its Nokia who needs these geeks 
hackers not those geeks  hackers needs Nokia.
I do hope Meamo community at large understands that, and I wish them luck.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia: Linux Needs to Learn Business

2008-06-18 Thread Anuj Verma (Kevin)
 I totally agree with you, and all Please remember Open Source is kinda of
 licensing and it is the way to license the work , not to work and create for
 single reason which is making it Open Source
 Please remember as much as Open Source is needed Close Source is Needed

How , why, ... ?
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia: Linux Needs to Learn Business

2008-06-18 Thread Anuj Verma (Kevin)
On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 1:32 AM, Theodore Tso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 01:01:51PM -0600, Mark wrote:
 Nokia has the resources to develop its own chips, which it could
 easily keep open. That would solve the problems for everybody (meaning
 consumers, developers and Nokia).

 Many companies can *afford* to build and design new chips from
 scratch, yes --- but unfortunately companies are not charities.  The
 question is can you create a credible business plan where a single
 company (and I don't care whether it is Nokia, Lenovoa, Dell, or
 anyone else) or maybe a consortium of companies, produces a new
 multi-function wireless chip that does 3G, Wifi, and everything else,
 and at the very least breaks even compared with the cost of buying
 that same component from Broadcom, or whatever supplier they might
 happen to have.

Making more open design hardware is exactly the problem Nokia needs to
solve instead of solving GPL.

 Remember, the mobile business is a highly competitive one, and if it
 costs an extra $20 per handset, that company will be hugely
 disadvantaged when they try to get carriers to pick up their phones
 (at least in the US market, where 99% of cell phones are sold through

 And if you think someone is going to put down a huge capital
 investment just to create an open chipset for the relatively small
 internet tablet market, and do it in a way that won't lose vast
 amounts of money, you're *really* smoking something pretty good.

You really give me some reason to strong my belief that Nokia has no
guts to say Linux can be a better preposition ever than Sybian is.

 But they're not doing it out of fear
 of backlash from the closed community. Heaven help the company that
 sticks its neck out and breaks the industry wide open for *real*

 I don't think it has anything to do with that at all.  It's about a
 creating valid business plan where it at least breaks even, especially
 since the number of people that would actually pay extra for open
 device drivers is very small.  I happen to be one of them, but I
 *know* that I am in the minority.

Open drivers for an open design will probably even cost nothing to
Nokia , I really hope so.

 It's just like in the airline business, where people will kvetch about
 comfort, and lack of hot food in economy class, but where time and
 time again, it has been proven that when it comes down to deciding
 whether to fly with airline X or airline Y, the vast majority of
 customers overwhelmingly go with whatever is cheapest.

 If you think you're so smart, and can figure a way to make money while
 breaking the industry wide open, I can certainly introduce you to a
 few VC's (and VC's are really good at shredding six business plans
 before breakfast --- well, at least during multiple breakfast meetings.  :-)

Let there be a non Nokia dependent Maemo community, who needs VCs ?
Let there be fair models of business and true service values;
Serve well or get slapped, works best for real FOSS companies  customers.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Postal address in Contacts?

2008-06-18 Thread David Greaves
I hope this isn't getting heated... :)

Kevin T. Neely wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 04:34:09PM -0600, Mark wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Kevin T. Neely 
 On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 11:41:48AM -0600, Mark wrote:
 To follow your logic,
 No, you're most certainly *not* following my logic. My logic is that 
 physical addresses are something that needs to be looked up, whereas
 I am.  Your logic was, If the tablet does not do X, it does not need to
 store Y  Well, following that, there is no need to store physical addresses
 because the tablet cannot send actual, physical mail.  It's a stupid
 permutation but it does follow the logic trail you laid in the earlier
Actually, that's not how I read it; I saw something more like:
you don't need to lookup phone numbers on it because the phone does it better
and doesn't use the Contacts DB.
Also you don't need to lookup email addresses for similar reasons.

However, very few paper envelopes have a lookup facility - and having a portable
 little black book is better than having to go back to my desktop machine. I
can use my N800 at home, I can't use my desktop out and about.

The point being that the N800 Contacts app is so anaemic that it makes no sense
to use it. It's a cheap plastic toy - sorry.

 ...and neither can its owner if they can't find the address...
 That's just circular, and you know it.  If we follow that, then the
 information it stored you thought was useless is not so.  A phone number
 cannot be dialled w/o the owner.  Nor an e-mail address.

'Useless' is demonstrably wrong - 'almost never relevant in real world
conditions' is more like it.

 The tablet is, to me, an electronic communications device.  Would I like for
 *all* my contact information to be in there?  Of course, but if we have to
 pick and choose, then it makes sense to have the information that is
 immediately useful, like phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and IM addresses
 (the latter two pretty much the same, heck, with VOIP, all three pretty much
 the same).
Why do we have to pick and choose?
Oh, is it because someone decided to start from scratch? Again.

 Not that that matters much.   The tablet is meant to be online.  The newest
 version is WIMAX-enabled, which should give a good idea of where Nokia is
 going with it.  A device of the future, always connected.

I wonder whether it should have an LDAP server in there.
One I can sync back to my LDAP or my service provider's, or a subset of my
organisations or my google group online community or ...
Hmm, why am I saying 'or'.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Postal address in Contacts?

2008-06-18 Thread Eero Tamminen

ext Mark Haury wrote:
 The tablet is, to me, an electronic communications device.
 Would I like for *all* my contact information to be in there?
 Of course, but if we have to pick and choose, then it makes sense
  to have the information that is immediately useful, like phone
 numbers, e-mail addresses, and IM addresses (the latter two pretty
 much the same, heck, with VOIP, all three pretty much the same).
 Here's the biggest flaw in your argument: if there's already a contacts app 
 even one field, it's utterly trivial to add more fields, and criminal not to 
 so. It's not an issue of picking and choosing. The app exists, it's just 
 deliberately crippled, just like all those crippled locked cell phones out 

In general, the more stuff you put to the UI the more complicated
it becomes to the user, but good UI design should be able to help
with that.  Although I might not agree with everything you said, :-)
I think your first mail was well argumented, maybe you could file
an enhancement request to (if there isn't similar
one yet)?

- Eero
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Postal address in Contacts?

2008-06-18 Thread David Greaves
Eero Tamminen wrote:
 ext Mark Haury wrote:
 The tablet is, to me, an electronic communications device.
 Would I like for *all* my contact information to be in there?
 Of course, but if we have to pick and choose, then it makes sense
   to have the information that is immediately useful, like phone
 numbers, e-mail addresses, and IM addresses (the latter two pretty
 much the same, heck, with VOIP, all three pretty much the same).
 Here's the biggest flaw in your argument: if there's already a contacts app 
 even one field, it's utterly trivial to add more fields, and criminal not to 
 so. It's not an issue of picking and choosing. The app exists, it's just 
 deliberately crippled, just like all those crippled locked cell phones out 
 In general, the more stuff you put to the UI the more complicated
 it becomes to the user, but good UI design should be able to help
 with that.  Although I might not agree with everything you said, :-)
 I think your first mail was well argumented, maybe you could file
 an enhancement request to (if there isn't similar
 one yet)?

I'm new to this : Is Contacts proprietary?

It seems behind the OSS curve rather than ahead of it so it would make no
business sense for it to be closed.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Postal address in Contacts?

2008-06-18 Thread cedric cellier
-[ Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:40:46AM +0100, David Greaves ]
 I'm new to this : Is Contacts proprietary?

Apparently, yes it is.
I'm also new to this, and like you I don't understand what 
trade secret could lie in there :)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Postal address in Contacts?

2008-06-18 Thread hendrik
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 12:12:35PM +0300, Eero Tamminen wrote:
 ext Mark Haury wrote:
  The tablet is, to me, an electronic communications device.
  Would I like for *all* my contact information to be in there?
  Of course, but if we have to pick and choose, then it makes sense
   to have the information that is immediately useful, like phone
  numbers, e-mail addresses, and IM addresses (the latter two pretty
  much the same, heck, with VOIP, all three pretty much the same).

  Here's the biggest flaw in your argument: if there's already a contacts app 
  even one field, it's utterly trivial to add more fields, and criminal not 
  to do 
  so. It's not an issue of picking and choosing. The app exists, it's just 
  deliberately crippled, just like all those crippled locked cell phones out 
 In general, the more stuff you put to the UI the more complicated
 it becomes to the user, but good UI design should be able to help
 with that.  Although I might not agree with everything you said, :-)
 I think your first mail was well argumented, maybe you could file
 an enhancement request to (if there isn't similar
 one yet)?

I was the original poster;  I'll try to figure out how to do that.

-- hendrik

   - Eero
 maemo-users mailing list
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Postal address in Contacts?

2008-06-18 Thread George Farris
On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 10:13 +0100, David Greaves wrote:
 I hope this isn't getting heated... :)
 However, very few paper envelopes have a lookup facility - and having a 
  little black book is better than having to go back to my desktop machine. I
 can use my N800 at home, I can't use my desktop out and about.
 The point being that the N800 Contacts app is so anaemic that it makes no 
 to use it. It's a cheap plastic toy - sorry.

As a user of the N800 I have to hardily agree with this.  The contacts
app is very poor.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Postal address in Contacts?

2008-06-18 Thread Mark Haury
Just a matter of clarification:

While I think that the Contacts application that ships with the tablets 
is pointless, there are two other options that do most of what I need. 
I'm using gpe-contacts, and I've also tried Pimlico just to see what 
it's like. Neither properly imported all the fields properly, but they 
are at least usable. Gpe didn't match the fields properly (which is 
annoying but not fatal), and Pimlico entered the quote marks in all the 
fields, which between the two issues is a bigger problem for me. 
However, if you ignore the import/export issues and limitations, either 
is adequate for the job.


maemo-users mailing list

Android on a Nokia N95 captured on video (UNverified)

2008-06-18 Thread tanguyr

stress that this is NOT verified in any way, video only demo with no
supporting info is easy to fake.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Postal address in Contacts?

2008-06-18 Thread David Hagood
I've pointed out to both Nokia and Wayfinder that if the Contacts app
would support all fields that Evolution will support (and Evolution most
certainly will support physical addresses) and that if Wayfinder were to
integrate that, then you could have all your contacts as waypoints, and
easily navigate to them (this would be an example of how the device
could actually benefit from having the physical addresses).

maemo-users mailing list

Removing unneeded langages

2008-06-18 Thread Denis Dimick
Has anyone tried to remove any of the local file that are not needed? It
looks like there are over 800+ files I could remove and free up some space.


maemo-users mailing list

Screwed up my battery status

2008-06-18 Thread Denis Dimick
I was trying to delete my non-needed local files and ended up deleted
hildon-status-bar-battery and osso-dsm-ui

anyone know where to get these without doing a full install?


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