Re: Permissions on /etc/sudoers messed up - reflash?

2011-01-24 Thread Philipp Haselwarter
"MZ" == Matan Ziv-Av  writes:
---8<---[snipped 11 lines]---8<---

MZ> You can boot another system. For example Meego:

MZ> 1. Download any u-boot image (for example the one from here:
MZ> ) and flash it
MZ> (as a kernel):

MZ> flasher-3.5 -f -k u-boot.bin

MZ> 2. Prepare a uSD card for meego according to instructions here:

Right now I'm trying to get someone to borrow me a microSD card that can
hold the image; the smallest one seems to be ~1.8GB and I only have a
1GB card.
Are there smaller images available that I missed?

MZ> 3. Boot into meego, mount the N900 root filesystem (ubifs on mtd5),
MZ> and fix the problem

MZ> 4. Reflash kernel by downloading the firmware image and using the
MZ> command

MZ> flasher-3.5 -f -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin
MZ> --flash-only=kernel

Philipp Haselwarter

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Permissions on /etc/sudoers messed up - reflash?

2011-01-24 Thread Philipp Haselwarter
"PH" == Paul Hartman  writes:

PH> On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Philipp Haselwarter
PH>  wrote:
>> I chmod 0640'ed /etc/sudoers on my N900 and closed the terminal -.-
>> sudo gainroot/chmod/... fails complaining about the permissions, the
>> gui package manager does so silently.  Can't mount the filesystem
>> root offline on another device to chmod 0440 back (?), can't login as
>> root locally, ssh to localhost seems to work but I don't have the
>> slightest idea about the root password.
>> Any way to avoid a reflash?

PH> The root password should be the one you created when you installed
PH> the rootsh package. If you forgot it, then...

...I'm kind of screwed, right.

PH> I have not tried it, but you might be able to use a rescue initrd
PH> like the one described here to gain access to your rootfs:

Got it booted, but it seems that the rescue initrd doesn't contain
chmod. Too bad.

Furthermore I had a really hard time with the keyboard;
the only keys I was able to use were [a-zA-Z<>], no dashes, no slashes
(the modifier key seems to just get ignored).
Maybe I could use the chmod on the rootfs? Still, if I can neither type
"-w" nor "440" that's no use.

PH> There are also a few things that could have helped, had you
PH> installed them ahead of time, like backupmenu, or if you have
PH> NITdroid or MeeGo in a dual-boot environment you might be able to
PH> use them to edit your file permissions.

PH> Good luck!


Philipp Haselwarter

maemo-users mailing list