Re: Nokia netbook

2009-09-04 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
lakestevensdental writes:

 Gary wrote:
 lakestevensdental wrote:
 but there's no Linux marketing agent to sit down at the table with
 Nokia and some cell provider to cut a deal.

 These companies would probably disagree:

   Not to disrespect the good work these folks do, they just don't have
 the marketing clout of having Microsoft sitting at the table on your
 side talking to some big telecom company. As much as Linux folks wish
 to believe otherwsie, it's marketing, not necessarily function, that
 guides most of the marketplace growth. Witness how VHS beat out Beta
 in video tape, though Beta was a better product. Microsoft has firmly
 taken over IBMs 1980s acronym of Inferior But Marketable.

   This nitpicking about Linux vs MS OS offerings aside, IMHO, Linux is
 never going to make its mark as a major market OS until somehow it
 offers a top end gaming platform equal to (and ideally compatible
 with) what Microsoft offers the PC world.

   Linux folks should just be glad that the marketing wizards at
 Microsoft haven't figured out they could go a long ways to crushing
 the Linux world out of existance and reasserting themselves as the
 dominant player if they offered their lastest OS as an upgrade for
 something like $25/unit to all END USERS (not just OEMs). With such a
 move, MS could quickly consolidate virtually all of it's market to a
 single OS for it to manage instead of 3 or 4 different OSs with 3 or
 more flavors a piece. Thankfully, they seem lost in the forest as much
 as anyone on some issues...

I wouldn't use Windows if it was offered for free. A lot of people get
new versions of Windows free with new computer and still install Ubuntu.
The price of the license is far from the only reason people choose Linux
over Windows. From my opinion, you couldn't be more wrong :)

I think of lotteries as a tax on the mathematically challenged.  
- Roger Jones
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Re: Nokia netbook

2009-08-29 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
lakestevensdental writes:

 But $25 is nothing to sneeze at. I would still rather pay $25 less
 and install kubuntu on the entire drive than pay $25 more and end
 up with dual-boot. Either way, it's still Linux I'll be using, so
 why should I have to pay extra for something I neither want nor
 You appear to be ignoring the power of numbers. Nokia's netbook,
 bundled with Windows will sell far more units with than without.
 The larger quantity sold with Windows will allow Nokia to produce
 sell their netbook for less than otherwise, perhaps more than $25
 less. Besides, having to manage a smallish inventory for a
 Windowless version would be a hassle (expense) for Nokia and
 sellers. So get over the $25 cost of Windows. If you want an Ubuntu
 netbook, just install it when you get it.
 You're not making any sense whatsoever. It doesn't cost anything for
 them to maintain a small inventory of OS-less machines - all they
 have to do is skip a few steps in manufacturing - and the number of
 Windows machines they sell just makes it that much easier for them
 to give a discount for OS-less machines. After all, you don't
 actually think they're making Windows available at cost, do you?
   Spoken like someone who's never produced anything, nor had to manage

   For those making and selling netbooks, the cost of the OS is
 probably some variation of a 'loss leader'. Bundled with Windows one
 may sell a lot more product, which allows production, development and
 marketing costs per unit to be significantly reduced, more than the
 cost of adding Windows.

 It costs plenty for everyone from Nokia to the computer store to
 create and maintain a small inventory of OS-less machines that might
 otherwise be sold bundled with Windows. For one, banks (and/or
 production/outsource folks) don't sit around waiting for months for a
 small inventory of Linux units to be sold to get paid off. If it were
 a hassle to install Ubuntu on a Windows netbook, you might have a
 point, but such isn't the case. If you want Linux netbook, buy a
 Windows netbook, download Ubuntu and install (perhaps 3 clicks?). It's
 not rocket science. ___

So, how do you explain other companies selling netbooks with Linux? They
don't know what they are doing?

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting
started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small
manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.  
- Mark Twain (1835-1910)
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia netbook

2009-08-29 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
lakestevensdental writes:

 You appear to be ignoring the power of numbers. Nokia's netbook,
 bundled with Windows will sell far more units with than without.
 The larger quantity sold with Windows will allow Nokia to produce
 sell their netbook for less than otherwise, perhaps more than $25
 less. Besides, having to manage a smallish inventory for a
 Windowless version would be a hassle (expense) for Nokia and
 sellers. So get over the $25 cost of Windows. If you want an Ubuntu
 netbook, just install it when you get it.
 The hassle you speak of comes from dealing with an 800 pound
 gorilla that has historically only been reigned in by the Commission
 of the European Communities. ...
   The hassle has little to do with Microsoft, everything to do with
 production realities, mass markets and managing inventory.

   Asus plowed the road for everyone with their eee netbook which first
 came out with a Linux distro. While the eee was popular new format,
 the eee-netbooks only really took off when Windows XP was offered as
 the OS of choice. 

Right. I thought MS jumped on the wagon, because netbooks with Linux
became popular. Apparently not so...

 When bundled with Windows, the cost of netbooks actually dropped
 because production numbers increased allowing development costs to
 being shared amongst thousands more units.

OK. Then me seeing Linux-based EEE PC cheaper than Windows-based ones is
probably a problem with my eyes.

Funny thing, MS had to convince Asus that selling EEE PC based on
Windows exclusively is in Asus' own interest. I guess Asus didn't know
what they were doing... 

   Like many, I wish the market would embrace one of the Linux versions
 instead of Windoze. MS (author of the world's largest computer virus)
 seems to be doing all it can do to promote the development of other
 OSs with it's Vista debacle, soon to be replaced by a W7 debacle

   Seems to me, the primary technical thing that is probably holding
 adoption of Linux back has more do with the lack of a strong
 gaming/video platform on Linux to fill the DirectX niche.

Not everyone is playing games on PCs. Looking at the size of the gaming
industry and PCs share of it, it definitely isn't so. The majority of
users are not playing games.

   Beyond that, Linux folks need to learn to better embrace the

Linux folks don't really care about the marketplace. Or I can say it
differently, the market share is not a priority for Linux. Linux is not
a company. It's not making money. It doesn't have to report revenue.
People are involved in Linux development because they themselves use it.
So, as long as there will be a minimum number of people, number enough
to continue development and support it, Linux will exist. Market share
is not important here.  One mln users or 10mln doesn't really help Linux
development, because the majority of users are not involved in its
development. Of course, market share increases hardware support. But as
Apple's case shows a couple of percent is enough for that.

 Freeware (like the 400 or so apps of varied utility and use populating
 the n810 and Maemo) is all fine and good, but average endusers are
 much more inclined to the comfort of marketplaces like the AppleStore
 where then can click and download 'almost' free games and apps for
 about the price of a latte or less. 

Again, I am not sure Linux developers actually care about the average
enduser so much. It's not the priority.

 Contrary to common Linux beliefs, there's nothing wrong with offering
 a simple cost effective marketplace for folks to buy software. It
 helps pay developers to develop more and better software. Linux is
 again way behind the curve in marketplace savy. Witness how the n800
 series came without (and still pretty much lacks) a decent PIM. Like
 what the reward for someone to port a PIM to this small market niche?

Never heard about this common Linux belief. Probably missed it...

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.  
- Unknown
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Re: N900/Maemo 5 review

2009-08-29 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Mark writes:

 On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Kevin T. wrote:
 Not at all.  The complaint I responded to was that Nokia would drop
 software updates for the N900 as soon as the next hardware came out,
 which it may or may not do.  But it doesn't really matter because
 the tech moves so fast, older hardware just isn't useful anymore. 
 Maybe the Visor is fine for you, but I no longer live in 1998 and
 require a bit more functionality from the portable electronics I
 carry around.

 That statement is patently untrue. The counterarguments are so obvious
 and plentiful that I'm not even going to start listing them.

 This is yet another classic example of Mark taking one comment and
 then turning it in a different direction to prove his point.

 Slinging mud is an obvious sign of someone who knows he's on the
 losing end of an argument. You can't defeat the facts or the logic, so
 you attack the character. Unfortunately, my character is irrelevant;
 my logic holds.

  Which you didn't because both my phone and my N800 can do
 everything the handspring visor can do.

 Wrong. Neither your phone nor your N800 can be used as a consumer
 learning IR remote, with unlimited devices and commands, completely
 customizable screens, sophisticated macros and unlimited timers.
 (Frankly, not even the commercially available $2500.00 remotes can do
 any better.) Neither have the full PIM functionality, especially the
 tablet. Neither can be nearly as easily read outdoors in direct
 sunlight, or even in some artificial light. Neither has anything like
 the battery life, or cheap, universally available and easily
 replaceable batteries. Neither can be expanded with hardware modules.
 Certainly there are lots of things that your phone and tablet can do
 that the Visor can't, and their hardware's speed and power are much
 greater (but not more flexible), but the point here is that neither
 your phone nor your tablet has approached anything but a tiny portion
 of their potential, whereas the Visor's capability has been exploited
 to the nth degree. That's what makes your phone and tablet so easily
 replaceable (which you even said yourself).

So, why are Visor PDAs dead then ?

People always get what they ask for; the only trouble is that they
never know, until they get it, what actually is that they have asked
- Aldous Huxley
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Re: Nokia netbook

2009-08-25 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Kevin T. Neely writes:

 I just recall a good bit of the video's focus was aimed at the corporate 
 commuter types (so-called VPN-less connection to corporate email being first 
 in my mind),
 so I thought that was a market segment they were going after.

 I suspect an Ubuntu or other Linux port to this booklet would not be too 
 difficult and that we'll see one soon after launch.  Maybe even from some 
 Linux hobbyists
 from within Nokia in the same way Sony releases unsupported versions for the 
 Playstation.  That would satisfy me.

But then, how is that netbook from Nokia going to be different from
netbooks from other manufacturers?

Great things can be reduced to small things, and small things can be
reduced to nothing.  
- Chinese Proverb
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia netbook

2009-08-25 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
booiiing writes:

 2009/8/25 Gary
 I wonder why they chose Windows over Linux. And suggesting that Sony
 is weak in the mobile device market is not only unprofessional, it's
 simply untrue.
 i say at most 3 months and maemo will be available for it :)

 that would be awesome! ___

First of all, from my understanding the maemo UI is created for small
devices with small screens.

Also, 10 inch netbook is a real computer. Why would I use maemo on it
if I can use a normal linux distribution on it like Debian?!

Maemo's point is to be a substitute of a real distribution because of
the hardware limitations like small screens and weak processing

I am not young enough to know everything.  
- Oscar Wilde
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia netbook

2009-08-25 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Mark writes:

 On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Kenneth
 booiiing wrote:
 2009/8/25 Gary
 I wonder why they chose Windows over Linux. And suggesting that
 Sony is weak in the mobile device market is not only
 unprofessional, it's simply untrue.
 i say at most 3 months and maemo will be available for it :)
 that would be awesome!
 Wonder if Nokia will honor a refund if you swap to Maemo from

 On a netbook you would be better off skipping both Windows and Maemo
 and going straight to Ubuntu (or kubuntu as I have). You get the full
 range of ubuntu apps with no interface issues and can set up the GUI
 any way you want: Gnome, KDE, Netbook Remix, and all the
 customizeability you could want. You also would have zero issues with
 development environment, etc. For me, the WiFi, bluetooth, webcam etc.
 all worked out of the box, as do the most important function keys.
 Don't bother with the special netbook kernel, it causes a lot more
 problems than it solves.

Fully agree. I don't understand why would somebody use maemo when they
could be using Ubuntu for instance. To make it clear a comparison: why
use Windows Mobile on a netbook if you can run Windows XP ?

If we really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it,
because the answer is not separate from the problem.  
- Krishnamurti
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Nokia netbook

2009-08-25 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc writes:

 On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 09:55:38AM -0600, Mark wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Kenneth wrote:
  booiiing wrote:
  2009/8/25 Gary
  I wonder why they chose Windows over Linux. And suggesting that
  Sony is weak in the mobile device market is not only
  unprofessional, it's simply untrue.
  i say at most 3 months and maemo will be available for it :)
  that would be awesome!
  Wonder if Nokia will honor a refund if you swap to Maemo from
  On a netbook you would be better off skipping both Windows and
 Maemo and going straight to Ubuntu (or kubuntu as I have). You get
 the full range of ubuntu apps with no interface issues and can set
 up the GUI any way you want: Gnome, KDE, Netbook Remix, and all the
 customizeability you could want. You also would have zero issues
 with development environment, etc. For me, the WiFi, bluetooth,
 webcam etc. all worked out of the box, as do the most important
 function keys. Don't bother with the special netbook kernel, it
 causes a lot more problems than it solves.

 I installed Debian on my eeepc with a special kernel, as documented on
 Debians eeepc pages. Works like a charm.

Although, it seems that Debian EEE pc project is over...

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without
hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd
never expect it.  
- Jack Handey
maemo-users mailing list

graphics acellerated drivers for N8x0

2009-08-20 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Hi All!

Any news about releasing the drivers for the graphics acceleration chip
in N8x0 ? Any idea of when it might happen ?

For, contrary to the unreasoned opinion of the ignorant, the choice of
a system of numeration is mere matter of convention.  
- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
maemo-users mailing list

screws on N810

2009-07-10 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Hi All!

What kind of screwdriver is used on N810 ? The screws seem very small
and no screwdriver I have seems to work. Can I get a screwdriver for
that at Home Depot? If not then where?

N810 seems to wiggle a little even after I slide the keyboard in. The
top (screen) seems to move a little. It doesn't lock in perfectly. So,
I thought, maybe, the screws are not tight.

The wiggle thing is a little annoying... But I don't think I can return
it to Nokia for replacement for that...

But what has been said once can always be repeated.  
- Zeno of Elea
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Re: Android device coming soon from Nokia?

2009-07-07 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Andrea Grandi writes:

 I really would buy a Nokia phone with Android...

Why Android and not Maemo? Maemo is better.

 2009/7/6 Mark
 Yeah, well, Nokia has been denying a lot of things lately, and if
 they are really relying on Symbian for their smartphones they are
 guaranteeing failure in the long run. Symbian just doesn't have the
 flexibility or power necessary to be really competitive. Like
 PalmOS, it was great in its day, but the fundamental limitations are
 just too great.
 On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:37 AM, Jonathan wrote:
 Nokia's denial -

 On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 1:35 AM, wrote:
 This should be interesting...
 ___ maemo-users mailing

 Andrea Grandi
 email: a.grandi [AT] gmail [DOT] com
 PGP Key:
 maemo-users mailing list

People always get what they ask for; the only trouble is that they
never know, until they get it, what actually is that they have asked
- Aldous Huxley
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Android device coming soon from Nokia?

2009-07-07 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Mark writes:

 Actually, Maemo is more likely than Android. For the previously stated
 reasons, Nokia wants to keep it proprietary.

Is Android more open than Maemo?


 On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Chris
 Maybe Nokia's collaboration with Intel will run Android?
 --- On Mon, 7/6/09, Jonathan Greene
 From: Jonathan Greene Subject: Re:
 Android device coming soon from Nokia? To: Mark Cc: Maemo users Date:
 Monday, July 6, 2009, 8:23 AM
 preaching to the choir ...
 Look at how FriendView works - Nokia Only.  Vs. Google Latitude -
 all platforms (iphone soon) and built into google maps.

 On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 11:19 AM, wrote:
 ...which is exactly the worst attitude they could possibly have.
 It's that proprietary layer that's holding them back and making
 things difficult for the users of their devices as well as the
 developers. If they could get it through their thick heads that
 flexibility always wins over proprietary, they would get a lot
 closer to their goals.
 And if they really are trying to become a services company, that
 doesn't bode well for support for *any* Nokia devices, or even
 their services. Can you say, Psion?..
 On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Jonathan wrote:
 I think Nokia would have to seriously differentiate if they went
 Android ...
 without a substantial custom layer, they risk being a hardware
 only player which goes against their desired evolution into a
 services company ... that said extending services onto other
 platforms would be a great idea.

 On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Andrea
 I really would buy a Nokia phone with Android...
 2009/7/6 Mark
 Yeah, well, Nokia has been denying a lot of things lately, and
 if they are really relying on Symbian for their smartphones they
 are guaranteeing failure in the long run. Symbian just doesn't
 have the flexibility or power necessary to be really
 competitive. Like PalmOS, it was great in its day, but the
 fundamental limitations are just too great.
 On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:37 AM, Jonathan wrote:
 Nokia's denial -

 On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 1:35 AM, wrote:
 This should be interesting...
 ___ maemo-users
 mailing list

 -- Andrea Grandi email: a.grandi [AT] gmail [DOT] com website: PGP Key:
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 mailing list


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replacement battery for N810

2009-06-30 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Hi All!

I've been looking at replacement batteries for my N810 and came across
Mugen Power 1800 mAh Extended Battery at $29.95
It's 300 mAh more than stock Nokia battery. Does anybody have any
experience with it? Does it really work? Is larger capacity actually

Also found Mugen Power 3600 mAh Extended Battery for N810 for $79.95

Would be interesting to know if anybody tried that one. That's 2.4 times
more capacity than the stock battery. Nearly removes the need of caring
spare batteries...

In language, clarity is everything.  
- Confucius
maemo-users mailing list

Re: replacement battery for N810

2009-06-30 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Alexandru Cardaniuc writes:

 I've been looking at replacement batteries for my N810 and came across
 Mugen Power 1800 mAh Extended Battery at $29.95 It's 300 mAh more than
 stock Nokia battery. Does anybody have any experience with it? Does it
 really work? Is larger capacity actually noticeable?

 Also found Mugen Power 3600 mAh Extended Battery for N810 for $79.95

 Would be interesting to know if anybody tried that one. That's 2.4
 times more capacity than the stock battery. Nearly removes the need of
 caring spare batteries...

A couple more questions :)

Are the batteries above thicker than the Nokia stock battery? Will they
fit N810 ?

Also, will the stock charger work with them ? Will it charge them to
their full capacity?

People always get what they ask for; the only trouble is that they
never know, until they get it, what actually is that they have asked
- Aldous Huxley
maemo-users mailing list

Re: 2Gb internal storage on N810

2009-06-29 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc writes:

 While some express concern/fear about memory errors on flash cards,
 there seems to be little mention of such problems from n800 users who
 have been using replaceable flash cards for several years. So while
 there probably is some wall when these things may start to happen for
 n810s, it's still a bit out in the future. For n800s users, there's
 the simple fix of swapping a new card.

Easy fix for replaceable cards, but how about built-in 256MB flash

Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has
no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political
function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from
oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the
- Ayn Rand
maemo-users mailing list

Re: dictionary applet

2009-06-28 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Dr. Nicholas Shaw writes:

 Yes, Whitestork. It is Hildonized.

I can't seem to find it in the extra repositories. It's not there?


 -Original Message- From:
 [] On Behalf Of Alexandru
 Cardaniuc Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 10:55 PM To: Subject: dictionary applet

 Hi All!

 I installed dict and it works fine in x-term. Is there an applet to put
 on the desktop like gnome-dictionary-applet that is available for Gnome.
 It would be nice to check the words on the desktop without firing up
 x-term. Perhaps, a new search option in the search applet would be nice
 (dict, besides google and wikipedia).

 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  
 - Ancient Proverb
 maemo-users mailing list

If we really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it,
because the answer is not separate from the problem.  
- Krishnamurti
maemo-users mailing list

Re: dictionary applet

2009-06-28 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc

I don't see mdictionary in repository either. Is it actually there?

Dr. Nicholas Shaw writes:

 Yes, it is mdictionary.


 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Bob Crawford
 Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 6:36 PM
 Subject: Re: dictionary applet

 Yes, Whitestork. It is Hildonized.

I can't seem to find it in the extra repositories. It's not there?

 It has apparently been renamed 'mdictionary'.

 ___ maemo-users mailing

But what has been said once can always be repeated.  
- Zeno of Elea
maemo-users mailing list

dictionary applet

2009-06-27 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Hi All!

I installed dict and it works fine in x-term. Is there an applet to put
on the desktop like gnome-dictionary-applet that is available for Gnome.
It would be nice to check the words on the desktop without firing up
x-term. Perhaps, a new search option in the search applet would be nice
(dict, besides google and wikipedia).

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  
- Ancient Proverb
maemo-users mailing list

2Gb internal storage on N810

2009-06-26 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc
Hi All!

Just got myself N810 and have a couple of questions.

What is the 2Gb internal storage? Is it a built-in non-replaceable SD
card? Wikipedia states that: limited number of writes can be made
before failure on SD cards. So, is the future failure an issue? Should
I use it less often, like not use it as a virtual memory? 

What about the 256Mb internal flash storage? Is it susceptible to wear?

So, I was thinking about getting an external SD card and booting from
it, and also running everything from it. It's easy to replace it if it

Is there any difference in speed if I get a microSD card and use it with
the miniSD adapter as opposed to getting a miniSD card? The reason for
getting microSD is that I can use it on more of my devices...

Thanks in advance for help.

If we really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it,
because the answer is not separate from the problem.  
- Krishnamurti
maemo-users mailing list


2009-06-23 Thread Alexandru Cardaniuc

this is a test

We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found
ourselves than by those which have occurred to others.  
- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
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