Re: Low Volume

2010-11-03 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 4:09 AM, Kip Warner  wrote:

> Hey Yuri. I tried that and made sure the Master volume was all the way
> up and the system sounds were at Level 2. No noticeable change. =(

stupid advice, but have you tried "alsamixer -c 0" ?

Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Installable flash image of PR1.3?

2010-10-29 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
Is there a installable flash image of PR1.3 yet? Couldn't find it, tried
even the Wiki.

Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Vim - syntax highlighting

2010-06-22 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail <> wrote:

> Definitely there is something wrong with my installation.
> even if I set background=dark from the command
> :set background=dark
> :set bg=dark
> :set bg "dark"
> it doesn't do anything.
> What can I do?

Are you sure you're not using the "vi" shortcut from busybox? Are you trying
to run /usr/bin/vim directly? Try typing just "vi" (no arguments), it should
show the vim initial screen with "VIM - Vi IMproved" on the top.

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Vim - syntax highlighting

2010-06-21 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
2010/6/21 Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail 

> Hi Claudio,
> my .vimrc file is this
> ---
> syntax on
> set background=dark
> --
> something wrong?

No, seems OK to me. Can't understand why it's not working. Haven't you saved
the file with Windows-type formatting instead of Unix?

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Vim - syntax highlighting

2010-06-21 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
2010/6/21 Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail 

> Do you kept your screen with the white backgound?
> because I find that a lot of the highlighting done by Vim (awesome by
> the way) is very light.
> Colors like yellow and light blue, or lime, etc. Colors that seam to
> expect a darker background.
> May be gray?

My background is dark and I set the following option on my ~/.vimrc:
set background=dark

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Vim - syntax highlighting

2010-06-17 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
2010/6/18 Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail 

> Thanks Claudio.
> Will this help me to auto detect .go files and highlight them?
> I am not that familiar with vim. Would you recommend more cool configs?

Actually, not. The thing that would enable automatic syntax highlighting
would be that. Edit a file called ".vimrc" that should be in your home
directory (/home/user):

vi /home/user/.vimrc

It should have:
syntax on

Then save and quit. After that, vim will try to enable syntax highlighting
for every file you open. If it has syntax files for go, it would recognize
and highlight it automatically.

Note: vim is a very powerful and able text editor. I'd recommend some place
like to get acquainted to it. And it is very fit for
small keyboards like the N900 keyboard because it does not use many Ctrl-
and Alt- combinations.

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Vim - syntax highlighting

2010-06-17 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
2010/6/18 Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail 

> I have installed vim from the app-manager.
> I have only one alternative:
> sudo update-alternatives --config vi

> There is only 1 program which provides vi
> (/bin/busybox). Nothing to configure.

Yes, as I said, I had to configure it manually:
update-alternatives --install vi vi /usr/bin/vim 0
ln -s /etc/alternatives/vi /usr/bin/vi

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Vim - syntax highlighting

2010-06-17 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail <> wrote:

> Hi, I am trying to work with some syntax highlighting but cannot make it
> work.
> I created the .vim directory but I feel I am in the wrong track.
> Any body made it work?
> Any other suggestion to get an IDE like or IDE to program with?

Mine works wonderfully. Are you calling vim by typing "vim" or "vi"? "vi" is
actually a symlink to busybox, so it's a very stripped-down version with no
syntax highlighting.

I did manage to add vim as an alternative for the 'vi' symlink, and now I
set it up by "update-alternatives --config vi" (as root):

Nokia-N900:~# update-alternatives --config vi

There are 2 alternatives which provide `vi'.

* 2/usr/bin/vim

Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number:

Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Dmesg timestamt format

2010-05-27 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
2010/5/27 Alejandro López 

> Hi,
> Which format is dmesg's timestamp printed in? I currently have values like
> 68993.598785 and I can't really figure out how to
> transform it into a date/time.
> It's printk() times, more info here:

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: how to open .chm files

2010-05-05 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 8:24 PM, Edward Hari Purwonugroho

> Dear all,
> Did anyone know, how to open .chm files in N900 ?

[u...@n900 user]% apt-cache search chm | egrep 'viewer|reader'
fbreader - e-book reader
kchmviewer-maemo5 - kchmviewer port to maemo5

Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Mytube on N900

2010-04-17 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Rainer Dorsch  wrote:

> Mihai,
> mytube does not play videos very well for me on the N900:

This problem has been discussed in and it is due to youtube
changing its format.
There is a temporary solution in the discussion thread.
I don't remember the thread now but you can search for 'mytube' and you'll
easily find it.

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Weird battery (?) problem bricked N900

2010-04-12 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 8:26 PM, Dawid Lorenz  wrote:

> Nonetheless, I was very suprised to see that device was acting a little
> differenty with other battery in it. Does that give any clue? Is there any
> chance to ressurect my friend's N900? Or a warranty repair is the only
> reasonable option here?

I think since charging is done by software and only starts after booting,
your already charged battery gave the device the juice it needed to go.

As for the continued malfunction, have you tried to reflash everything,
including the eMMC? Might be a corruption in files caused by the successive
attempts to get it up, that could only be fixed by a complete reflash.

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: where is personal certificate stored (n900)

2010-03-17 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 6:55 PM,  wrote:

> Cláudio Sampaio  wrote at 18:13 -0300 on Mar 17, 2010:
> It seems there is still some desktop metadata file somewhere that has
> a reference to those cert files, and manually deleting the cert files
> has it confused.
> Restoring all the files brought the menu entries back.
> Anyone else know how to 'uninstall' a personal cert that was installed
> via the file manager?

Maybe you can find the metadata using some /usr/bin/gnu/find or something.
Don't forget to open the bug report so that others can benefit -- and this
might just be easy enough to fix.

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: where is personal certificate stored (n900)

2010-03-17 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 4:24 PM,  wrote:

> It looks like the cert is stored in ~user/.maemosec-keys, but removing the
> old one doesn't remove the entry from the pull-down menu in the network
> setup, so clearly there is some other place where at least the meta-data for
> the cert is stored.

Just a guess, I tried find /home/user -name '*.pem' and it found a bunch of
certificates in interesting locations, including these:


Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: FM Transmitter Sends Sounds But Not Music

2010-03-01 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Xavier Bestel wrote:

> The FM transmitter never worked for me (tried in different cars), it
> only emits a faint static sound with a very very faint music, even with
> N900 and car's volume crancked up.
> I always thought it was just a marketing gimmick. Is it supposed to work
> well ?

Are you kidding? It works very well for me, the sound is barely
distinguishable from the CDs I put in my car sound system, it's loud and
clear. Never had any problem with it.

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Java for Maemo 5?

2010-02-27 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
2010/2/27 Ville M. Vainio 

> 2010/2/27 Cláudio Sampaio :
> > Why java support seems to have stopped for Maemo 5/N900? Wouldn't it be a
> > great idea to be able to use java programs in it?
> > Or was this stuff moved to another place? Does anyone know?
> There is a long thread on it at t.m.o:

I've read that, but it sounded rather inconclusive. So, bottom line, java on
the N900 still is not possible? What would happen if I downloaded sun's JDK
6 for ARM, would it work?

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Java for Maemo 5?

2010-02-27 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
Old news for many, I know, but I just noticed that there is a Guide for Java
on Maemo 4:

Why java support seems to have stopped for Maemo 5/N900? Wouldn't it be a
great idea to be able to use java programs in it?

Or was this stuff moved to another place? Does anyone know?

Any response would be appreciated, but keep in mind that saying "java is
crap", I shouldn't go for it, I should instead use Android or something like
that wouldn't address my point...

Best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: text based music player: any recommendations please?

2010-02-24 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Eric S Fraga  wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Feb 2010 13:09:05 +0200, Sergey Vlasov 
> wrote:
> > Hm, try also moc
> > :)
> I've been unsuccessful in my search for installable versions (for
> Diablo, not freemantle) of either moc (preferred option) or
> mp3blaster.

Do you have a build environment set? I have for the N900 (Maemo 5
Scratchbox), I don't know how it is done for the N8*0. Can't you just
recompile the source package? That would generate an armel .deb. Being a
text application, I don't see why it wouldn't work.

best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: text based music player: any recommendations please?

2010-02-24 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 7:23 AM, Eric S Fraga  wrote:

> Hi,
> I use my N810 primarily in text mode (running screen with links and
> emacs within a roxterm).  I currently use audacious as my music player
> but would like a text based one.  On my other systems, I use moc
> (Music on the console) which I like but I cannot seem to find for the
> Nokia.  Does anybody have any suggestions of any other console/text
> based music player (for both ogg and mp3 but ogg alone would be fine
> of course).

Help you ever tried mp3blaster? It seems fine for that task.

best regards,
Cláudio "Patola" Sampaio
IRC: ptl  - Yahoo: patolaaa
Campinas, SP - Brazil.
Sent from Campinas, SP, Brazil
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Searching apt-manager

2010-02-21 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Bernard Tyers wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there anyway to search configured repositories via app-manager?
> Download - click on the menu bar - Search - enter your search term and
whether it should search on the names or names and descriptions. Then click
on Search.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: [OT] Worry about Bada?

2010-02-18 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 3:17 AM, Will Marone  wrote:

> On 2/18/2010 8:18 PM, Cláudio Sampaio wrote:
>> Just got notice of yet another linux-based mobile operating system,
>> Samsung's Bada:
>>  <> Are you worried yet? :P
> Is there any information on the frameworks/APIs they're using for Bada? I'm
> presuming it's Palm-like (mostly closed, GPLv2 underpinnings.)

Yes, there is:

However, I tried to figure out what they're using for about ten minutes and
couldn't. At that time, my curiosity has disappeared. It's clearly what you
said, Palm-like with mostly closed stuff, no emphasis on community
involvement and lots of buzzwords. I couldn't even sort out what type of
packing (if any) they were using in the OS.

Can't say I'm worried, other than it's Yet Another Mobile OS.

Yeah, I was being ironic. It just amazes me that some companies still have
the NIH Syndrome <>.

Best regards,

Cláudio Sampaio (Patola)
maemo-users mailing list

[OT] Worry about Bada?

2010-02-18 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
Just got notice of yet another linux-based mobile operating system,
Samsung's Bada:

Are you worried yet? :P

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Best regards,

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Maemo + Moblin = MeeGo

2010-02-15 Thread Cláudio Sampaio
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Gary  wrote:

> this is bound to shake a few trees -- I'm curious to see what falls out. It
> doesn't look like it'll be based on Debian but I can get over that if its a
> tradeoff for a bigger dev community and wider variety of devices running
> it...

I am not sure about what to think of this. Is this really official, final,
and irrevocable? Does this mean that, besides changing from GTK+ to QT when
going from Maemo 5 to Maemo 6, we'll have to cope with even more
differences? What will become of Maemo's base API and behaviour? Won't the
next Nokia Linux-based phone will be something of a Frankenstein monster?

Won't this move scare away developers that strive for a stable platform on
which to develop?

Best regards,

Cláudio (Patoia)
maemo-users mailing list