Re: Unpairing BT keyboard?

2009-02-25 Thread Karl Eichwalder
"Faheem Pervez"  writes:

> Pairings are saved in /var/lib/bluetooth

In the "names" file, "Apple Wireless Keyboard" is entered.

> and under the gconf key /system/bluetooth/device.

This does not seem to exist.  Neither in ~/.gconf2/... nor in

> On 12/29/08, kenneth marken  wrote:
>> Karl Eichwalder wrote:
>>> Karl Eichwalder  writes:
>>>> Some time ago, I paired my N810 and a BT keyboard.  Now I've forgotten
>>>> the passcode and I'd like to reset the pairing.  Where does maemo store
>>>> these setttings, please?  Or is there even a GUI to re-pair the devices?
>>> Thus far, I received advises to go to the Control Panel > Bluetooth.
>>> But in the BT settings dialog no paired device is listed.  If I click
>>> New, my Apple keyboard is found.  If I select it and accept the proposed
>>> passcode, if always failed pairing.
>>> It worked some time ago.
>> have you tried entering the proposed code into the keyboard and hitting
>> enter/return?
>> that is, if the tablet shows 1234, you enter 1234 using the bluetooth
>> keyboards number keys and then hit said keyboards enter/return key.

Sounds like a plan.  As long as enter the numbers, nothing happens.
Then pressing enter/return, the "Passcode" field gets blanked and the
cursor blinks...

And now, the miracle!  Entering some numbers with the N810 keys and then
repeating those on the BT keyboard resulted in paired devices!  I'm not
sure if I actually pressed enter/return on both devices.

Thanks for all your help!

Karl Eichwalder
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Unpairing BT keyboard?

2008-12-29 Thread Karl Eichwalder
Karl Eichwalder  writes:

> Some time ago, I paired my N810 and a BT keyboard.  Now I've forgotten
> the passcode and I'd like to reset the pairing.  Where does maemo store
> these setttings, please?  Or is there even a GUI to re-pair the devices?

Thus far, I received advises to go to the Control Panel > Bluetooth.
But in the BT settings dialog no paired device is listed.  If I click
New, my Apple keyboard is found.  If I select it and accept the proposed
passcode, if always failed pairing.

It worked some time ago.

Karl Eichwalder
maemo-users mailing list

Unpairing BT keyboard?

2008-12-28 Thread Karl Eichwalder
Some time ago, I paired my N810 and a BT keyboard.  Now I've forgotten
the passcode and I'd like to reset the pairing.  Where does maemo store
these setttings, please?  Or is there even a GUI to re-pair the devices?

Karl Eichwalder
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Is OS2006 still supported?

2008-04-17 Thread Karl Eichwalder
Kevin T. Neely schrieb:

> Always depends on what you need.  I loved my 770, recently upgraded to an
> 800 and love it even more.

Me, too (N810 in my case) ;)  The 770 sometimes behave strange with the
2006 system (after booting it restarts several times in a row), but
the hardware layout is beautiful--even today it is already "classic".

What I hate most about the 810 is the keyboard slider--but the crowd
was crying for it...  The built-in keyboard could be useful for some
applications, but the inaccessibility of the scroll keys is cumbersome
for me using mostly maemo-mapper.

Karl Eichwalder

maemo-users mailing list

Re: New help understanding how to download, and install apps....

2008-02-09 Thread Karl Eichwalder
> Karl Eichwalder wrote:
>> I just went for openssh on my N810 (the same software should work on
>> your
>> N800, if you run the latest "firmware").  I basically did:
>> 1/ Enable "Red Pill" mode:
>> 2/ Add :
>> 3/ Install openssh using the Application Manager.
> Steps 1 & 2 are unneeded. openssh is available in OS2008 in Maemo Extras
> repository as a user installable package.

Argl, so it was bad coincidence: I added the the Maemo 4 Chinook SDK tools
repository and then I found openssh ;)

I'm wondering from where I acquired xterm (osso-xterm?); I did not
select it for installation but happily it is also available now.
Together with a BT keyboard this is all very nice now :-)

maemo-users mailing list

Re: New help understanding how to download, and install apps....

2008-02-09 Thread Karl Eichwalder
> Just received my N800 Friday, I have a question regarding downloading, and
> installing applications.  I'm currently trying to download a SSH client
> server app, 'Dropbear', I've tried downloading the .deb file from Dropbear
> site tried to install to no avail, then tried downloading .tar.gz file
> same thing - what am I doing wrong

I just went for openssh on my N810 (the same software should work on your
N800, if you run the latest "firmware").  I basically did:

1/ Enable "Red Pill" mode:

2/ Add the Maemo 4 Chinook SDK tools repository:

3/ Install openssh using the Application Manager.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: memory cards for a 770

2008-02-06 Thread Karl Eichwalder
> Any recommendations on card for an old (but still lovely) 770?

Kingston MMC mobile dual voltage 1GB works for me.  Be patient
while initializing.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Problem with maemo-mapper on N770

2007-11-01 Thread Karl Eichwalder
> I just did apt-get install maemo-mapper, but since it is OS2007 that
> might be for the n800? So I'll need the one designated for OS2006
> instead, from maemo-mapper downloads page?

I could not get maemo-mapper to work on the (previous?) hacker edition;
I tried maemo-mapper versions, though.  At the moment, I'm running
1.4.7 on the last official Nokia release and it mostly works.[*]

Sometimes it refuses to start.  In those cases, try a again.  It may
take 5 times...  Once a broking tile was laying around and I obviously
have had to remove the downloaded OSM maps.

[*]If the Nokia 770 refuses to do anything, put the cover on it, open
again and disable GPS for the moment.  You may loose the tail of your
track, but then you will be able to save the first part of the track.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: maemo-mapper

2007-08-20 Thread Karl Eichwalder
Rainer Dorsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hmm...why not downloading them directly to Maemo Mapper itself? In the
> "Manage Maps" dialog you can even specify to overwrite maps, which is
> probably more useful for OSM than for other less fequently changing
> maps.

Yes, that's what I'm doing right now.  But often maemo-mapper "skips"
quite some pages (I'm mostly interested in level 0 and 1 images).
Maybe, these images are expired and need re-rendering, or maemo-mapper
does not try hard enough and does not wait long enough.

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maemo-users mailing list

Re: maemo -mapper

2007-08-13 Thread Karl Eichwalder

> Hi, just a little question about maemo mapper, 

Unfortunately, I do not know the answer.  But I'm also still wondering
what the best way to download OSM areas?  I'd like to download the tiles
to my Linux desktop and then copy interesting regions to the memory
card.  Preferably only those tiles that were changed.

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