Is it possible to install a modified version of Modest mail?

2010-06-10 Thread Luis Listas

Hello all

I really would like to use my N900 to check my mail all the time. I 
thought that after PR 1.2 there would be an option to somehow place 
limits on the downloaded messages. Since it seems to be none, I can't 
use it because my data plan is too expensive for emails that include 
Video and PPS attachements.

I was wondering... I could, in theory, make a quick hack to the email 
client application to query the total size before downloading anything 
and just refuse to download stuff larger than some Kbytes. I could do 
better (still in theory): check the current connection type and respect 
the limits only when not in wifi.

If I did it, how could I install that application (since it is an 
official application)?

What are your thought on this?

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Stats at Maemo repository

2010-05-17 Thread Luis Listas

I was thinking in the last weeks, to implement some mechanism/system
to have stats of Maemo Repositories.

Finally I created some scripts to recollect this data and save it in a database.

In some days I will publish a site with some charts / more info.

I hope that this numbers are useful for someone else.
I find the numbers interesting. I didn't know there were so many 
packages. Maybe I'm just used to the count (and that probably 
counts only installable end user applications).

Nowadays these are the stats at Maemo Repositories Fremantle  Diablo
(UTC 21:34:51 Sunday 16 May 2010):

Maemo Distribution: fremantle
Number of total packages in fremantle:  9980
Packages Free:  9917
Non-free: 63
Packages per repository
extras-testing-free:  1833
extras-devel-free:  7496
extras-free:  588
extras-devel-non-free:  54
extras-non-free:  1
extras-testing-non-free:  8
Packages '%' free at the repository:  99.37 %
Packages '%' non-free at the repository:  0.63 %

I would like to make a suggestion: in addition to all those numbers, 
could you include the total of unique packages (i.e.: Xyz in 
extras-devel, Xyz in extras-testing and Xyz in extras count as only 
one)? I'm not sure how this could work because of different version 
numbers, but it would be useful, as well.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: N900: Calibrating the accelerometers?

2010-03-14 Thread Luis Listas

  unter Ohrner wrote:

 Is there any way to calibrate the N900's accelerometers?


I would like to know it, too...

 I need to signifiantly tilt the device such that the "Level Meter"
 application shows "horizontal" positioning, and the same holds for
 this nice XEyes widget and the labyrinth balls game.

Is there really noone who knows how to calibrate the sensors?

If you put your device on a levelled surface, do the sensors correctly 
reflect its position, or is there a significant deviation / error as 
with my device? (A good indicator is the XEyes desktop widget.)

When my accelerometer is working (it gets stuck every time the N900
runs out of battery and is recharged) and I place it on a flat table,
AccDisplay shows:

X: 0.02
Z: -0.95
Y: 0.02

I could find any position where all variables become close to 0.
Anyway, I don't know yet how it works. I guess the variables might be
related to the current angle on that axis, but the angle is expressed
from -1.00 to 1.00. 

Since it is called an "accelerometer", isn't it supposed to tell the
current acceleration in any axis? Or it is so but this program just
calculates everything and exposes only the current rotation ?


maemo-users mailing list

How to enter dashes and spaces in Phone numbers? And voip dialing?

2010-02-21 Thread Luis Listas

Hello folks

I've noticed that imported contacts can have formated phone numbers. 
However, while editing contacts on the N900 we can't even input a space.

1) Is there some setting to allow this? It is very hard to read numbers 
because of country and region codes.

Which brings the next question:

2) How do you handle numbers to use them for voip calling? I can't find 
a way to configure the N900 voip client to add the necessary numbers 
before trying to call them. Example: 1234-5678 should become +001122 
One workaround could be manually doubling the numbers of every contact. 
One for voip and another for regular phone use. Is there any other way?



maemo-users mailing list

[OT] Worry about Bada?

2010-02-20 Thread Luis Listas
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 07:41:54 -0500 From: Aldon Hynes I hear that it works really well with 
Microsoft's search engine Bada...Bing -Original Message- 
Just got notice of yet another linux-based mobile operating system, 
Samsung's Bada: 
nd-super-fast/ Are you worried yet? :P 

On the hardware side it seems interesting: thin, 1GHz processor (does it have a 
GPU?), AMOLED screen.

On the software side, though, it is just another proprietary (and probably very 
locked for the users) platform.


maemo-users mailing list

Tracking software packages for maemo5

2010-01-06 Thread Luis Listas


I'm not yet sure how talk foruns at and this list work, so I 
hope I'm not duplicating messages here.

I would like to know how to track packages as they progress from 
extras-devel - extras-testing - extras. There are a few pacakges that 
I'm very eager to see landing in extras (for example, easy debian, 
Midnight commander, keepassX, etc).

Is there an equivalent of debian's PTS pages?

maemo-users mailing list

N900 - Tags or folders for SMS and new profiles?

2009-12-22 Thread Luis Listas

1) I was wondering if there is a way to place tags (i.e. just like 
gmail) or create folders to help organize SMS, IM messages and so one.

2) is there a way to create another profile and then customize it?


maemo-users mailing list

Running older applications under maemo5

2009-12-12 Thread Luis Listas

I have a few specific questions. Is there any link that explains those?

1) Is it possible to install and run packages built for from older 
versions of tablets under Maemo5? For example, I see a lot of things for 
OS2008 that I would like to try (i.e KOffice, Easy Debian, etc).

2) What should a user expect when trying to install an older version? 
(example: has to correct symlinks, minor errors, major errors and 
problems, etc)

3) What is the recommended way to have access to those packages? 
(configuring apt? Using some scripts? Only rebuilding from source?)


maemo-users mailing list

Re: Contact imports

2009-12-09 Thread Luis Listas

David Greaves wrote:

What about Fumabol? Have anyone tried that?

You're not alone :)

Although we linux users are seen as a key community and development
resource, we're sadly rather unsupported when it comes to contacts.

Yep. I'm open to anything (even if I have to setup my own OpenLdap...)

David must have no friends 'cos he's a linux user Greaves
Here I know exactly how you feel...The issue is that beyond a certain 
point it is very hard to go back to a proprietary environment. You get 
more and more addicted to customization, helping others out and even 
suggesting some changes. Anyway, it is a very good feeling to know that 
most apps that you might ever want are just an aptitude (or mouse click) 

I'm very excited by the N900 device just because of this: it is the 
first time there is fully operational, unlocked and free (as in install 
and change whatever you want) Linux phone. And it seems it is not a bit 
inferior to other smartphones, either. I still haven't put my hands on 
it, though. It is on the way.

I'm just getting ahead of myself. I've played a little with the SDK. 
I've read some info. I'm also trying to prepare for a holly grail: be 
able to sync it with Linux!

 play with (I use Debian and Kubuntu on all my personal and work
So you own a Windows phone but not a Windows desktop OS  ;) 

It is indeed funny when you look at that this way...When I've bought the WM5 
phone I thought it was just a phone with some interesting features 
(touchscreen, possibility of installing a few things, etc) and that Windows 
wouldn't get in the way. I was somewhat mistaken. :-(

Anyway, thanks for everybody's hints.


maemo-users mailing list

Contact imports

2009-12-07 Thread Luis Listas

I was wondering if there was an easy way to migrate all contacts and 
calendar entries from Windows Mobile 5.0 to Maemo 5. Can you suggest any 


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