Re: [ANN] Simple Launcher -- Home applet to launch your apps

2007-03-24 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, Misha and all,

   For configuration purposes, I would suggest a graphic directory browser 
component which would allow the user to navigate from the desktop to the 
executable and thus build up the path string. Then, use the path string to 
create a link to the app, which could be activated by a speed-button on your 
launcher. Alternatively, a button on your launcher could just be programmed 
with the xterm command sequence required to launch the app and the xterm 
output piped to a desktop window opened for the  purpose of running the app 
from and on the desktop. The purpose of such an extension to your app 
launcher is to provide a GUI front-end for bringing all those xterm 
command-shell apps to the desktop.


- Original Message - 
From: "Mikhail Sobolev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [ANN] Simple Launcher -- Home applet to launch your apps

maemo-users mailing list

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Re: [ANN] Simple Launcher -- Home applet to launch your apps

2007-03-24 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, Misha,

   Could you enable launching command-line apps from the desktop as well, 
i.e., all those apps that currently require launching from an xterm?


- Original Message - 
From: "Mikhail Sobolev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 1:21 PM
Subject: [ANN] Simple Launcher -- Home applet to launch your apps

maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Fun with gstreamer/dsp

2007-02-27 Thread Paule Ecimovic
Hi all,
Is their a DSP programming API with a Python implementation, i.e., like 
an import-able library, for the Nokia 770? I would like to write my own 
DSP-based applications. Is the Media Server sufficient as an interface to 
most all the 770's DSP functions?


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: Fun with gstreamer/dsp

> Hi Marius,
>> What is at fault here?  Gstreamer or the DSP?
> Probably the fault here is neither Gstreamer or the DSP. The fault
> here should be in MediaServer as both applications use it.
> BR,
> -- 
> Blog:
> GPG: 0xE956BA7F @
> ___
> maemo-users mailing list
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Q: connecting to non-broadcast wifi?

2007-02-26 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, Kalle and all,

Deleting other IAP's as I have already found out doesn't explicitly select
the remaining IAP as default. That remains to be done by the user. How this
is done remains unknown as does how Nokia engineers envisaged DHCP-based IP
address assignment via WLAN IAP connections. I wonder whether there is a
status flag to set for an already detected WLAN IAP which would designate it
as the one to connect to by default. In the negotiation of a newly-found
IAP, some revision-invariant bug in ITOS 2005/2006 and all their respective
sub-versions causes the DHCP cycle to time out. The DHCP would require some
inquiry on the part of ITOS to get a newly-assigned IP address and, hence, a
default IAP does not imply avoiding the DHCP cycle, where a useful
(external) IP address is not assigned. So, a default IAP might not solve the
DHCP time-out problem, but there may be more to being a default IAP than
just what I have described, and among these additional implications of the
default IAP designation might be something that enables viable IP address
assignment by DHCP to Nokia 770 running the ITOS 2006.


- Original Message - 
From: "Kalle Valo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: "Paule Ecimovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: Q: connecting to non-broadcast wifi?

"Paule Ecimovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  In ITOS 2006, how do I set a specific WLAN connection as default so
that when a connection is dial without asking, that particular WLAN
connection is dialed?

I think you can't do that. They only way I can think of would be to
keep only one WLAN IAP saved.

Kalle Valo

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Q: connecting to non-broadcast wifi?\

2007-02-25 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi Marius,

  In ITOS 2006, how do I set a specific WLAN connection as default so that 
when a connection is dial without asking, that particular WLAN connection is 


- Original Message - 
From: "Marius Gedminas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: Q: connecting to non-broadcast wifi?\

maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

Default WLAN AP Setting and the "Connecting via Local IP Address" Error in the Nokia 770 ITOS 2005/2006

2007-02-20 Thread Paule Ecimovic
Hi all,

Has anyone received "connecting via Local-IP" errors on a Nokia 770 
running either version of ITOS while attempting to connect to a non-default 
WLAN internet access point? If so, how does one specify the default WLAN 
internet access point so as to avoid this error and get viable WLAN internet 
connections by default (given sufficient signal strength of the connection to 
the WLAN AP and an active internet connectivity)? This is yet another crack at 
a persistent problem leading to unreliable performance of the 770 in its 
feature application area: hassle-free broadband internet surfing at the drop of 
a hat.


Paule  ___
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Booting from MMC as a de-bricking method

2007-02-17 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, Zorane

   Great just-in-time suggestion. Do tell me more. Where are these files? 
Do I have to gainroot first to access them for rw? Is all this doable 
without flashing methods? If so, let me in on it. This sounds like a good 
in-road to sysadmin which leaves the integrity of the system in takt.



P.S. Would it be useful to develop a GUI-based sysadmin tool that gives you 
fields in a tabbed-forms interface to the relevant files, much like the 
System folder in Win-land and that of M'c OS-X.
- Original Message - 
From: "Zoran Kolic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2007 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: Booting from MMC as a de-bricking method

> the bricking scenarios resulting from flashing a 770 to set it into R&D
> mode, where the 770 sometimes bricks after rebooting.

Wouldn't it be sometimes easier to change options simply editing files by
the hand? I.e. what to change to get usb host mode, without using flasher?


maemo-users mailing list 

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Booting from MMC as a de-bricking method

2007-02-16 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, Frantisek,

   Thanks for your answer.


- Original Message - 
From: "Frantisek Dufka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Paule Ecimovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [maemo-users] Booting from MMC as a de-bricking method

Paule Ecimovic wrote:
I am most concerned about the bricking scenarios resulting from flashing 
a 770 to set it into R&D mode, where the 770 sometimes bricks after 

Never hear of this, is this real? What you see on the screen when it 
boots? How many seconds exactly boot takes since poweron before it reboots 
again (i.e. in which step mentioned below it stops)?

Are there bricking scenarios in this reboot situation which involve 
corruption beyond MMC reboot?

I'm not sure what you mean by this (and was not answered already). Let's 
explain how device boots:

1. bootloader (probably at least two of them, one loads another) 
initializes some hardware, checks if flasher is connected and finally 
loads linux kernel from /dev/mtd2. Some small bootloader is stored either 
in masked ROM or NOR flash directly on OMAP chip, the second one is stored 
in (NAND) flash - /dev/mtd0
2. linux kernel starts, initializes hardware and runs linuxrc from initfs 
partition (/dev/mtd3)
3. initfs (uclibc based system) starts dsme and bme, loads wlan and bt 
firmware, checks root device name stored in flash (=config partition 
/dev/mtd1)mounts it and continues boot from that device (via pivot_root 
[1]). This is where bootmenu modification lives too, it simply allows you 
to select different root device then stored by flasher.
4. /sbin/init starts from the root device and normal linux system boots 
via rc scripts

This means that if bootloader (/dev/mtd0) or kernel (/dev/mtd2) is 
corrupted or maybe even config partition (bootloader probably uses it too 
to store some data - MAC address? list of bad flash blocks? partition 
layout?) then the device is 'bricked' and bootmenu cannot help since it 
has no chance to run. Only reflash over usb (or serial) can help.

But normal bricking done by most users and mentioned in previous mail 
means corrupting rootfs (/dev/mtd4) and this can be solved by booting from 
anything else (=mmc) via bootmenu.

Any chance of hard-disk based ITOS for Nokia Internet Tablet's.

Harddisk would not solve anything. Same like when you corrupt your bios on 

but it would allow rebooting in various modes and under various privledge 
schemes without the threat of irreparable bricking.

Harddisk is not any better than mmc, both are lock devices used by linux 



maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Booting from MMC as a de-bricking method

2007-02-15 Thread Paule Ecimovic
Thanks Frantisek and all for your responses. I am most concerned about the 
bricking scenarios resulting from flashing a 770 to set it into R&D mode, 
where the 770 sometimes bricks after rebooting. Are there bricking scenarios 
in this reboot situation which involve corruption beyond MMC reboot? Any 
chance of hard-disk based ITOS for Nokia Internet Tablet's. I know this 
would require more power and possibly a larger footprint and many 
architectural modifications which might defeat the (nascent niche) purpose, 
but it would allow rebooting in various modes and under various privledge 
schemes without the threat of irreparable bricking.


- Original Message - 
From: "Frantisek Dufka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Paule Ecimovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [maemo-users] Booting from MMC as a de-bricking method

Paule Ecimovic wrote:

Hi, all
 Is it possible to boot from MMC (assuming one sets up this booting 
option by cloning the 770 on a suitably-large MMC and installing the 
alternate boot loader and all the rest) to recover from a bricking flash?

Boot from mmc can help you only when the problem is in rootfs partition 
i.e. (a bit simplistic explanation) when booting the device blue 
progressbar on the bottom starts.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'bricking flash' but any device reflash with 
full firmware image removes modified initfs with boot menu and then you 
cannot boot from mmc at all (without reflashing modified initfs back). But 
this is not big problem because booting from mmc allows you to stop fixing 
problems with your device by reflashing. Instead of reflashing you can 
boot clean system and either mount broken system and fix it (if you know 
how) or save data from it and clone your clean system to mmc and start 

Are there bricking scenarios from which it is not possible to recover via 
booting from MMC?

Definitely yes but most things that can normally go wrong happen in 
rootfs. Examples:

- you install bad/incompatible package
- you try apt-get upgrade
- you are trying to hack startup sequence
- device reboots in wrong moment and some system files get lost or become 
corrupted (yes this really happens sometimes if you are unlucky)


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Booting from MMC as a de-bricking method

2007-02-13 Thread Paule Ecimovic
Hi, all

   Is it possible to boot from MMC (assuming one sets up this booting option by 
cloning the 770 on a suitably-large MMC and installing the alternate boot 
loader and all the rest) to recover from a bricking flash? Are there bricking 
scenarios from which it is not possible to recover via booting from MMC?


maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Wired keyboard and N800

2007-02-01 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, Simon

   How did you set up your additional usb host hardware, i.e., hub, 
additional power, plugging into the Nokia 770? I would like get it working 
on mine as well. (BTW: The adapter you mention seems just right for my 
camera too.)



- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: [maemo-users] Wired keyboard and N800

Please don't say we can't use host mode on 800!
Surely this can't be true? Anyone confirmed it is not possible?

Something work mentioning to the person trying to
get the keyboard working is that some USB devices
are very sensitive about the voltage it needs to
be pretty much dead on 5v under load.  We use a
maplin regulated camera charger (about £10
believe it or not) for the 770 and it has enough
to power the 770 and all the various USB bits we
use (network, serial, hub and custom circuit board).

Note: if anyone makes a charger for the Nokia
powering from the powered hub, you should be
aware the nokia tuns off its charging circuits if
the voltage is too low or too high also.  It also
charges in a weird way that causes voltage ripple
and pull back that may effect other USB devices
(consider adding diodes and capacitors, to
prevent nokia effecting other USB devices
power).  Still it is pretty clever and stops charging when the battery is 

I'll mess with the 800 when I have a bit more
time in a week or so and see what I can get to work if no one beats me to 


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[maemo-users] USB Host Power injectors as retrofit USB phone chargers driven to run in reverse

2007-02-01 Thread Paule Ecimovic
Hi, all

On the question of power injector implementation to enable host mode USB 
OTG on the Nokia 770, has anyone tried running a USB phone charger for phones 
that weren't designed to be charged by USB out-of-the-box (OTB <.|,>) and 
plugging in a 9V battery in a casing with a stereo mini-plug port or smaller 
and the USB end into a USB hub then the hub via a USB A/MtoUSB-mini converter 
into the Nokia 770 mini USB port. The hub should give a number of free USB A/F 
ports for plugging in devices minus whatever splicing arrangement one prefers 
for connecting the charger-turn-injector into the hub. I suspect one would have 
to chose a hub that allows (against pre-USB-OTG specs) to feed additional power 
to the host to support host mode functionality. Power adapters in pre-OTG specs 
are supposed only to feed power to higher-demand devices, not to their host. 
Also, it would be nice not to be tied to an external wall plug, hence the 
battery in some web-posted designs makes sense. Another thing to charge, but 
what's new. Edison won out in devices, Tesla in efficient long-distance power 
distribution. Home is where you charge your batteries all the OTG devices of 
your e-life: get one, it's really fun. 



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Re: [maemo-users] gcc compiler suite, linker, and make for ARM on ITOS2006

2007-01-23 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, Larry

   Thanks for this link to the Maemo 2.1 SDK. This is full of useful 
programming examples, although I am looking for gcc to run from the Nokia 
770 itself from within an osso-xterm in order to be able to compile, link, 
and run programs right from and on the device, just like on a desktop linux 
box. I would like to skip the external linux box though.


- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Battraw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Paule Ecimovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: [maemo-users] gcc compiler suite, linker, and make for ARM on 

On 1/23/07, Paule Ecimovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, all

Is there a port of the current gcc compiler suite, linker, and the 
utility for ARM running ITOS 2006, i.e., Nokia 770? I would like to 
programs for the Nokia 770 directly from source distributions and link 

with platform-specific libraries to produce stand-alone executables and
launch them from an x-term.

 Indeed.  Please check out and download the Maemo 2.1 SDK
which includes all of the above and a great deal more.  Here's a good
starting point:


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maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] gcc compiler suite, linker, and make for ARM on ITOS2006

2007-01-23 Thread Paule Ecimovic
Hi, all

Is there a port of the current gcc compiler suite, linker, and the make 
utility for ARM running ITOS 2006, i.e., Nokia 770? I would like to compile 
programs for the Nokia 770 directly from source distributions and link them 
with platform-specific libraries to produce stand-alone executables and launch 
them from an x-term.



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Re: [maemo-users] Connect to WLAN from command line

2007-01-08 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, Marius and  all

   Is there a way to figure out why the 770 is timing out on the DHCP 
request, when, for example, my Window XP laptop with WIFI isnt. Moreover, is 
there a known remedy to this 770 timing-out behaviour apart from terminating 
the connection and re-connecting? Is there a power-up latency for the wifi 
subsystem of about 20 minutes after which it (mysteriously) starts 
connecting on time? Whats up with this recurring and nagging problem?



- Original Message - 
From: "Marius Gedminas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 5:08 Pc
Subject: Re: [maemo-users] Connect to WLAN from command line

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Re: [maemo-users] Connect to WLAN from command line

2007-01-08 Thread Paule Ecimovic
Does anyone know of various causes of the "Connected to  via local IP 
link" message in attempting to connect to the internet via WIFI on Nokia 770 
with the latest ITOS 2006 although this also happened with ITOS 2005 in all 

- Original Message - 
From: "Kalle Valo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "ext Michael Stepanov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: [maemo-users] Connect to WLAN from command line

"ext Michael Stepanov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ifconfig wlan0 up
iwconfig wlan0 enc MY_KEY mode managed essid MY_ESSID channel 6

But I didn't see that IP address was assigned to wlan0 interface.

You didn't run the DHCP client:

udhcpc -i wlan0

Kalle Valo

maemo-users mailing list

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[maemo-users] To the Maemo-Users List Manager: Setting the default reply to: for this list

2006-12-04 Thread Paule Ecimovic
How about setting the default reply-to for the maemo-users list to 
"maemo-users" rather than to each individual list contributer. This way, 
replies would be posted back to the list by default rather than being sent to 
the one person to whose point/question/comment one is immediately replying.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: RE: [maemo-users] 770 on the way

2006-12-04 Thread Paule Ecimovic
Hi, all

This entire thread seems to be referring to the Nokia N770 as a phone, 
which it is certainly not unless one considers GoogleTalk a phone feature of 
the like of GSM and UMTS phones. The N770 is a pocket computer first and 
foremost. It does come from a company that, among other things, is well known 
for phones. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mathias Uebelacker 
  Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 7:24 PM
  Subject: Aw: RE: [maemo-users] 770 on the way

  there are several stores in germany which sell the device with contracts, 
expes. with upgrades that meens that the customers have a mobile and gget the 
device cheaper.
  - Ursprüngliche Mitteilung -
  Gesendet: Mo.,  4. Dez. 2006 12:24:05 CET
  Betreff: RE: [maemo-users] 770 on the way
  > That was sort of my *point* :-)
  > I was attempting (badly!) to make the point that the usual product
  > pattern for Nokia/SE/whoever - where they release some new, 
  > interesting device and then release incremental/facelift upgrades
  > that'll support themselves through the artificially buoyed up market
  > of telco contracts - may not be very well suited to the full-price, 
  > no-contract-available 770 upgrade.

  Are you from US? Because most people around me (and I guess generally in
  Europe) buy their phones themselves and not from mobile operator.
  Operators offer phones too, yes, but they are generally overpriced, 
  outdated and the choice is limited. Maybe companies use this but for
  average person it does not make sense. Phones and cellular operators are
  different things. Or do you buy TV from your cable/TV operator? Also
  majority of people here (70%) use prepaid cards without contract and
  even have more such cards from different operators and swap them in one
  phone. Maybe mobile market is more competitive in Europe (or in my
  country)? I remember phones bought from operators were blocked in 
  firmware to prevent using with other cellular networks but this is
  history too (maybe noone bought such phones?).

  So to sum it up I don't think such artifical market exist here or is too
  important and manufacturers can produce crappy phones because of this. 


  As far as I know, here, in France, most of the phones are sold
  by operators with contracts.

  Well, I guess the N770, since it can't be sold with contracts,
  doesn't fit their needs. 
  Anyway It would be cool if it could be sold in stores instead of
  nokia's internet shop only. If people could try it before buying it,
  there'd be many more sales. Everybody who put a hand on mine felt in
  love with it.


  Hi there,

  The internet shop is not the only point of sale. Nokia 770 does sell in
  several retail chains, for example El Corte Ingles used to have them,
  CompUSA seems to have them too and I even saw them on sale at airport in
  Venice;-)  However they are not on offer in the usual mobile operator
  stores, with the notable exception of the Nokia Flagship Stores (AFAIK).





  maemo-users mailing list
maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] N770 Wifi subsystem, drivers and applets

2006-12-02 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi all,

   After finally flashing my N770 with the latest revision of ITOS 2006, I 
was able to connect to my Linksys WIFI internet router with the same 
touch-and-go reliability I had experienced with ITOS 2005, which is much 
better than the no connectivity at all I experienced with the first ITOS 
2006 that became available.
   That said, could someone point me to documents describing the WIFI 
hardware subsystem of the N770 and the driver support for it built into the 
current revision of ITOS 2006, because it seems that the WIFI circuits need 
quite some time after power up and initial program load to start accepting 
DCHP IP addresses from every open (not password protected) WIFI internet 
router with which I have used my N770.  I wonder what is causing this long 
delay in accepting dynamically-assigned IP addresses without responding with 
local loop-back IP addresses instead. In other words,  would this happen if 
I were using a USB WIFI dongle with suitable drivers written for and 
installed in ITOS 2006 as kernel modules?
   Another related question is why isn't one wifi connection always on and 
spawned when ITOS 2006 loads in such a way that all programs requiring 
internet access can detect this open connection and use it?"

T.I.A. and


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] DOSEMU for ITOS2006

2006-11-18 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, all

   Does anyone know of a port of DOSEMU to Internet Tablet OS 2006? It 
would be useful for running Visual Basic 1.0 for DOS or Quick BASIC 4.5 for 
DOS on the N770.


maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] NFS on Nokia 770 IT2006?

2006-11-16 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi all,

   Is there a skratchbox toolchain to compile the kernel on the N770 and 
then transfer it to a Linux (or eventually even Windows) Box and  install 
the new kernel on the N770 as usual?


- Original Message - 
From: "Clemens Eisserer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "maemo-users" 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [maemo-users] NFS on Nokia 770 IT2006?

Hi again,

Hi, please find instructions here


guess it it 3.4.2 from CodeSourcery but the 3.4.4 (default in maemo 2.x

Thanks a lot, I'll start compiling as soon as I get my device back form 

@Nokia: Thanks for writing such a detailed howto. Its really needed
and gives users great flexibility :-)

Thanks, lg Clemens
maemo-users mailing list

maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Connecting to WIFI routers with dynamically-assigned IP addresses

2006-10-23 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, All

   I am still getting the Connecting to  via a local IP address
followed by a red "?" when connecting to unencrypted publically-accessible
WIFI hotspots using Internet Tablet OS 2006. I didn't used to have this
problem with ITOS 2005, (but there was not VOIP in that OS). Connecting over
a mobile phone via bluetooth works fine, (albeit even 384 kbaud doesn't
match WIFI 10baseT or 100baseT broadband.)  It doesn't seem to be router
specific. Every WIFI router I tried resulted in the same state. Has anyone
posted or does anyone know of a standard fix to this problem?



maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Avoiding loopback local IP address mode in WIFI connections using Internet Tablet OS 2006

2006-10-13 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi all,

   Ever since I switched to Internet Tablet OS (ITOS) 2006, I keep on
getting WIFI connections set to LOOPBACK, i.e., without dynamically-assigned
IP addresses from the WIFI Internet Routers both at home and public wifi
hotspots followed by a message of the form "Connecting to  using local
IP address"  with  being a given WIFI connection ID, followed in turn
by a red question mark covering the WIFI connection icon. Does anyone know
how to overcome this problem and get a usable WIFI connection with a
dynamically-assigned IP address in ITOS 2006?



maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Solving the connecting to wifi via local-ip address error problem

2006-09-26 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, all
    When I connect to the internet 
on my N770 internet tablet running internet tablet os 2006, I get a message 
"Connecting to linksys with local IP Address" followed by a red questionmark 
over the connection icon. Such a connection is unusable with any internet 
service (e-mail, radio, web, rss, etc). I get the same behaviour at 
public open WIFI hotspots. In ITOS 2005, I could connect to my linksys 
internet router typically after one or two tries. Is there a kernel patch to 
ITOS 2006 which addresses this problem or some other remedy?
maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] ITOS2006 WIFI Message: Connecting to Linksys via Local IP ?

2006-09-09 Thread Paule Ecimovic

Hi, all
    I was able to connect to the 
internet via my Linksys WIFI LAN router while using Internet 
Tablet OS (ITOS)2005 (albeit not always) and able to listen 
to the radio, update RSS news feeds, download my e-mail, and surf the 
web. With the update to ITOS 2006, I get a ? over the WIFI connection 
after it stops flashing with the accompanying message: "Connecting to Linksys 
via local IP address". This connection is not usable, although the signal 
strength of the connection is full. What can one do about this? My cellular 
connection via bluetooth to my GSM phone works flawlessly every time even in 
ITOS 2006 for all the above-mentioned services, although such a connection 
misses the point of the broad band internet tablet.
maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Switching the 770 to USB host mode using Sudo Root

2006-09-08 Thread Paule Ecimovic

    Is there a way to use sudo root 
access to switch Nokia 770 to USB host mode. Otherwise, is there a way of using 
a Windows flasher to do it instead of working with Debian or Ubuntu Dapple? And 
is there a recovery procedure that's known to work if the 770 freezes in the 
process of switching to USB host mode?
Thanks in adavance,
maemo-users mailing list