Re: which SDL version used for Diablo?

2008-05-10 Thread Siarhei Siamashka
On Saturday 10 May 2008, Sebastian Posch wrote:
> I'm trying to port some SDL programs, compiling them directly on the
> n810 device. My code uses a few SDL 1.2.11 specific header files
> (SDL_stdinc.h) but for OS2008 I see that only SDL 1.2.8 seems to be
> available as deb packages.
> So basically I'd just like to ask which version of the SDL will be
> distributed with the new OS release for the n810? AFAIK the difference
> between 1.2.8 and 1.2.11 was the inclusion of some portable standard C
> routines and a few other minor improvements.

I think that you should have no problems compiling any version of SDL 
and linking with it statically. You will have some code size overhead,
but that's a cost of flexibility.

This 'static linking solution' does not work for any library though. For
example, if you badly need some kind of upgraded or optimized version of
xserver, this can't be done so easily...

Best regards,
Siarhei Siamashka
maemo-users mailing list

Re: MPlayer and Free42 for OS 2008

2008-01-01 Thread Siarhei Siamashka
On 1 January 2008, William Gordon Rutherdale wrote:

> For the moment I've solved the problem by reverting to OS 2007 and
> installing MPlayer and Free42 on there.
> Along the way I dabbled with programming in scratchbox and got some
> sample code running.
> Regarding these two programs, I have found the following issues.
> A)  MPlayer is not functioning properly.  I installed MPlayer on a
> regular Linux PC.  I created a playable file from a DVD I own using
> mencoder.  I confirmed that I can play the video on the regular PC using
> mplayer.  However, when I run it on the N800 (using MPlayer installed on
> OS 2007), I get these problems:
>   i) No sound.  The Report function says "Audio: no sound".  Yet sound
> comes out fine when I play it on the PC.
>   ii) Seems to play in fast-forward fashion.

You can go to and submit a
bugreport. This bugreport should include exact mplayer version number, 
audio codec that you tried to use (mencoder commandline should be enough),
full mplayer output on your desktop PC (for the information about video and
audio codec, resolution, bitrate, ...).
maemo-users mailing list

Re: Memory corruption during WLAN use: detailled analysis and workaround

2007-09-12 Thread Siarhei Siamashka
On 12 September 2007, Frantisek Dufka wrote:
> Well done, thank you. This was already observed but solution was not
> found. See details here
> (comment #7). Please can you add your findings to the bug report?

Maybe it is better to submit a new bugreport with the descriptive summary and
all the details explained to keep bugzilla in a good shape? The following
bugreports (hijacked by me later) are too vague and it is not clear if their
initial reporters had the same problem or a different one, probably it is even
better to close them as they are reported against older firmware release:

On the other hand, the wifi related memory corruption problem is reproducible
and confirmed by a lot of people, so it deserves its own bugzilla entry and
can be handled individually.

No matter if Nokia is going to do anything about it or not, it is better to
have this bug recorded somewhere with all the relevant links (to cx3110x
driver sources for example), ideas and other information, so that one of the
community kernel hackers could try to fix it without the need to search and
collect vital information from various places. Too bad I did not know about
cx3110x garage project at that time and nobody cared to notify me, otherwise 
I would try doing something about this issue when I was investigating it.

Unfortunately Nokia used to open parts of previously closed code without
notifying anyone properly and then probably thinking: "look, this idiot is
complaining again about something that is already open" :)

Here is one spectacular example:

Well, what do you think a community developer would do after receiving an
answer like: 'this stuff is currently closed but we probably will consider
what can be done about it'? Would he subscribe to kernel mailing lists
and waste time tracking them every day in the hope that something gets
suddenly committed there knowing that it may just as well never happen
actually? Nokia has no responsibility to notify anyone about anything, but
it's a communication problem that hurts everyone in the end.

By the way, if the same wifi memory corruption gets confirmed on N800 too,
probably the following issues can be also related to it:
maemo-users mailing list

Re: H.264 playback

2007-09-11 Thread Siarhei Siamashka
On 11 September 2007, wrote:


>   I'd be happy if given an option to display the video at it's native
> size.  

If you are using mplayer, you can run it with '-nozoom' option to disable

> When my [EMAIL PROTECTED] mp4 video is scaled to full wide screen, 
> the video details are lost as well as is overall viewability.  

The quality of HW scaling on N800 is excellent (bicubic according to S1D13745
TV-Out Mobile Graphics Engine product brief), so I don't think you would lose
many video details. Also scaling is performed by hardware and does not consume
any extra cpu resources, so there is no reason not to use it.

> It chops the audio into short blips while individual video frames take 5 or
> more seconds to load.  While the N800 doesn't technically lock up, the home
> screen becomes unaccessible so killing the essentially locked up video
> player is difficult to impossible without rebooting the machine.  At
> least when trying to view this particular video.

While H.264 has a good potential for ARM11 optimizations, mplayer does not
have any of them yet and I don't have any plans for adding such optimizations
for my own reasons. And AAC audio decoder is not properly optimized for ARM
in mplayer either. So using mplayer to watch H.264+AAC videos is not a very
good choice right now.

By the way, ARM has released some H.264 and AAC optimized libraries 
Who knows, maybe Nokia can use them in one of the next N800 firmware updates
to provide H.264 video support in the built-in media player.
maemo-users mailing list

Re: how to install GPE Calendar?

2007-08-19 Thread Siarhei Siamashka
On Friday 17 August 2007 11:23, Marius Vollmer wrote:

> "ext Graham Cobb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > "Click to install" doesn't work on the 770.
> It works 'somwewhat'.  The Application Manager will silently ignore
> files that are not compatible with the 770 instead of complaining
> loudly.  (I don't really remember if there was a good reason for this
> or if I just screwed up.  I guess I just screwed up.  But then again I
> didn't expect that version of the AM to stick around for so long...)
> But, claims that GPE Calendar works with both IT
> OS 2007 and IT OS 2006, so the .install file should have entries for
> both.  It only has one for IT OS 2007, tho, and that is the problem:
> [install]
> repo_name = GPE main
> repo_deb_3  = deb bora user
> package   = gpe-calendar
> > You have to add the repository to the Application Manager by hand.
> > In the Application Manager, use the Tools/Application
> > catalogue... menu item and add a new catalogue.  If you go to
> > you will see the details you need to
> > enter (you want the "gregale" distribution).
> Then the .install file should look like this:
> [install]
> repo_name = GPE main
> repo_deb= deb gregale user
> repo_deb_3  = deb bora user
> package   = gpe-calendar

By the way, this reminds me one more unresolved Nokia 770 .install 
files related issue. Extras repository has 'mistral', 'scirocco' 
and 'gregale' distributions. When creating .install files, one of them
should be selected for the use with 'repo_deb' variable.

Now suppose that we have two applications available in extras repository, but
one of them specifies 'mistral' distribution in the install file and the other
one specifies 'gregale'. Examples of such applications are mplayer and maemo
mapper. Here are the .install files for them from

repo_name  = Maemo Extras
repo_deb   = deb mistral free non-free
repo_deb_3 = deb bora free non-free
package= mplayer

repo_name  = Maemo Extras
repo_deb   = deb gregale free non-free
repo_deb_3 = deb bora free non-free
package= maemo-mapper

If we try to install both of these applications using .install files 
to a clean (just reflashed) OS2006, the second application will fail
with 'Operation failed' error message because of incompatible repositories
specified in .install files.

In order to solve this problem, it would be better to agree on the use of the
same distribution keyword for all the .install files for extras repository. So
either mplayer or maemo mapper .install file is 'wrong' and needs to be fixed.
I could find only this official document with a description of .install files
for OS2006 and it only mentions 'mistral' distribution:

Marius, could you (or somebody else from Nokia) update this document to
clarify the use of .install files for extras repository? Providing
some .install file template recommended for the use with OS2006 and extras
repository should be enough. After that we can check all the .install files 
for OS2006 at and submit bugreports to the corresponding
projects with a reference to the updated document. Resolving this issue is
quite important for the applications from extras repository which still
need (or want) to provide support for OS2006.
maemo-users mailing list