Re: H.264 playback

2007-09-11 Thread drfredc
While poking around the tableteer info, I ran into a chart of supported media 
player video file formats.  There are significant limits to frame size of 
various video formats.  Native video on higher end camera video is out of range.

> When my [EMAIL PROTECTED] mp4 video is scaled to full wide screen, 
> the video details are lost as well as is overall viewability.  

The quality of HW scaling on N800 is excellent (bicubic according to S1D13745
TV-Out Mobile Graphics Engine product brief), so I don't think you would lose
many video details. Also scaling is performed by hardware and does not consume
any extra cpu resources, so there is no reason not to use it.

> It chops the audio into short blips while individual video frames take 5 or
> more seconds to load.  While the N800 doesn't technically lock up, the home
> screen becomes unaccessible so killing the essentially locked up video
> player is difficult to impossible without rebooting the machine.  At
> least when trying to view this particular video.

While H.264 has a good potential for ARM11 optimizations, mplayer does not
have any of them yet and I don't have any plans for adding such optimizations
for my own reasons. And AAC audio decoder is not properly optimized for ARM
in mplayer either. So using mplayer to watch H.264+AAC videos is not a very
good choice right now.

By the way, ARM has released some H.264 and AAC optimized libraries 
Who knows, maybe Nokia can use them in one of the next N800 firmware updates
to provide H.264 video support in the built-in media player.

maemo-users mailing list

Re: Canola never finds any media

2007-09-07 Thread drfredc
Good for you!  You probably had all the other stuff it needed loaded.  On my 
fresh unit it installed but I couldn't get it to read anything I'd on my unit 
and there weren't any instructions on how to access this most basic of data.   
- Original message -
From: Mike Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Danilo Cesar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Sent: Fri Sep  7 2007 02:52:04 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Canola never finds any media

Canola is one of the best apps around for pdas...let alone the N800.

I had no problems when I installed and it works perfectly.


> I had this problem, and deleted the junk.  Like most, I'm too busy to
> wade thru junkie installation failures and funky kludge fixes.
> Maemo needs to have a way for end users to quickly note apps that
> don't install cleanly without hassles.
> Danilo Cesar wrote:
>> I had this same problem, but I solve it by adding a new user:
>> adduser --shell /bin/false avahi
>> Just remember to disable this user after that.
>> Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula
>> UFPR - Ciência da Computação
>> Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula
>> UFPR - Ciência da Computação
>> José Luís escreveu:
>>> Hi,
>>> Recently, I have this problem too. This is because, canola's
>>> installation was no successfully finished . This happen in the
>>> installation of avahi-daemon (canola dependency), because he try to
>>> access /etc/shadow file, but is not present in the n800 device. To solve
>>> this I used xterm to create a /etc/shadow file based on /etc/passwd (see
>>> shadow file in any linux distribution, for details) . After  creation of
>>> /etc/shadow file, you can use the command apt-get install -f, to fix
>>> canola's installation.
>>> Good luck,
>>> José Luís
>>> On 9/6/07, *Steve Yelvington* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> > wrote:
>>> Is there some magic to making Canola actually find local media? Using
>>> the Web-based configurator, I have /media/mmc1 and /media/mmc2 in the
>>> Media Library. There are several gigs of MP3 files in folders on mmc1,
>>> and I've rescanned until I'm blue in the face, but Canola still
>>> can't do
>>> anything but sit there and tell me "No items found" when I select "Audio
>>> Library."
>>> ___
>>> maemo-users mailing list
>>> --
>>> José Luís do Nascimento
>>> Mestrando em Engenharia Elétrica
>>> Laboratório de Sistemas Embarcados e Computação Pervasiva
>>> Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG
>>> jluisn at ;
>>> ___
>>> maemo-users mailing list
>> ___
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> ___
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