n800 booting mmc2 partition provides no root privileges.

2007-09-08 Thread jerry f stutte
referring to Digest Vol 29, Issue 8 topic 3.

I re flashed the latest kernel once again on my n800 (for the second time)!

As Frantisek pointed out this would probably not acomplish anything.

Once again the when booting from the internal flash the device gives me 
root privileges from an xterm;

and my wireless connection works fine when booting from flash.

However when I boot from the mmc2 partition, I no longer have root 
privileges from an xterminal, nor does the wireless G internet 
connection work.

As stated I run the device in RD mode.

I am guessing the problem has something to do with the initfs code when 
booting from the mmc2 partition.

I have never had this problem before when using the dual boot page.

The major differences I can speculate on between the last rebuild on the 
device and this one is,

the latest kernel installed.

the latest initflash install.

and the class 6 SDHC card I am using.

Is it possible that the code provided in the latest kernel's initflash 
code in conjunction with the class 6 sdhc card is some how bypassing  
the  lines of code necessary for root privilege when booting from the 
mmc2 partition?  My previous cards were class 4

I do not have a copy of the previous builds initfs code laying around to 

I just find it peculiar that when booting the mmc2 partition I loose my 

If anyone can shed some light on the matter I would appreciate it.  I 
really hate to use up flash space on applications with 16 gigs of space 
being under utilized.
maemo-users mailing list

help: root privilege problem regarding boot menu and the new kernel! n800

2007-09-07 Thread jerry f stutte

Over the last few days I finally got around to installing the latest 
kernel release for the N800.

release: RX-34_2007SE_4.2007.26-8_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin

I partitioned a new sdhc card to have 5.5 gig of drive space formatted 
as ext2 (2nd part)
2.5 gig of FAT.

I followed up the install of the kernel with the boot menu install from 
Fanoush's Modified initfs on screen boot menu for the N800.

I followed the directions with success and followed the install up with 
the now its time to clone the original system!

I done this routine several time on a couple of n770's and a n800.

This time however upon reboot I noticed after booting to the mmc2 
partition that I had lost my root privileges?

I typically run my devices in RD mode.  I typically do not set 
passwords until after I am finished installing all software on the new 

The only thing I can figure is, when answering the question Remove 
unneeded extra stuff. I somehow am removing my root/gainroot privelege 
(e.g. I loose wireless communication and su root privileges rendering 
the device useless as a wireless tablet).

Can anyone tell me how to avoid this problem!

I can/will reinstall the kernel to the device/ but would like to avoid 
loosing super user privileges to the device and would like to avoid 
software loosing privileges as well.

I assume I can just answer no! to the remove unneeded extra stuff! to 
solve the problem.  I was hoping to create as much extra space on the 
internal initfs as possible.

Another question when I re-install the kernel and boot-menu software do 
I need to flatten the sdhc partition containing the cloned files 
system.  Or will the tar routine overwrite the partition.  The last time 
I attempted to clean a partition I had bad block reports on the card
and was unable to use that partition again (the card was only a couple 
of weeks old).
Does any one know of a way to reclaim the cards bad partition.  Perhaps 
using dd command over writing the entire card contents, with the 
contents of a new card.


Jerry Stutte

maemo-users mailing list

Re: maemo-users Digest, Vol 27, Issue 1

2007-07-03 Thread jerry f stutte

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of maemo-users digest...

Today's Topics:

   1. Think Outside Stowaway Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard
  (Leandro Melo de Sales)
   2. Re: Think Outside Stowaway Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard
  (Fr?d?ric Crozat)
   3. Re: Think Outside Stowaway Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard
  (Duncan MacCallum)
   4. Re: Think Outside Stowaway Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard
  (Eric Cooper)
   5. Re: Think Outside Stowaway Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard
  (Josh Smith)
   6. Re: Think Outside Stowaway Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard
  (Brian Litzinger)
   7. RE: Think Outside Stowaway Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard
  (Dr. Nicholas Shaw)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 13:09:22 -0300
From: Leandro Melo de Sales [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Think Outside Stowaway Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard
To: maemo-users@maemo.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


  here in the Ottawa Linux Symposium I saw a guy that was using the
the Think Outside Stowaway Bluetooth keyboard on this 770. I'd like to
know if this keyboard is also supported by N800.




regarding the Think Outside Stowaway Wireless Keyboard.

It works great!, that said the tilde key does not map to the tilde 
symbol, it maps to asterisk if anyone can direct me to the map file I 
would appreciate it!

I know on the old 2005 or 2006 OS for the N770 this was possible, I have 
not taken the time to find the file to make changes to it. If any one 
has info on how to do so would be appreciated!


Jerry Stutte
maemo-users mailing list

bootmenu ?

2007-03-29 Thread jerry f stutte
One of several n770's I use has the  bootmenu installed going back to 
Nov 3 07.

I installed the software following the instructions available at the time.

The device in question is using kernel,

version 2.2006.39-14

and the device utilizes an mmc 2gig memory module from kingston.
(the memory module has two partitions the first partition is vfat and 
the second is ext2 1-gig each)

when installing I extracted the initfs_flasher.tgz into a folder and 
moved the folder over to the nokia 770.

I then executed the ./initfs_flasher from the directory in /home/user//

Having that it was several months back I do not recall the instructions 
the script gave per say.  after the install I attempted to have the 
device mount on startup the second partition (i.e. the ext2 partition)

I edited the fstab in /etc.  The minircS, minishutdown, and the 
minireboot files in the init.d directory to initiate the mount on 
startup.  However on startup the mount is not occurring!

I can however mount simply type in an xterm,

mount /dev/mmcblk0p2

the mount point is identified correctly by fstab and mounts

Q1 upon startup I would expect the mount to work from the scripts
attached are the files mentioned, could someone please look and tell me 
what I am doing wrong!

Q2 I notice that when I type df -h and free I get the following results 
this leads me to believe I made an error during the running of your scripts.

home/user # df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mtdblock42.0M  1.9M 72.0k  96% /mnt/initfs
none512.0k 28.0k484.0k   5% /mnt/initfs/tmp
/dev/mtdblock4  123.5M 93.6M 29.9M  76% /
none512.0k 28.0k484.0k   5% /tmp
none  1.0M 48.0k976.0k   5% /dev
/dev/mmcblk0p1  981.9M 68.0M913.9M   7% /media/mmc1
/dev/mmcblk0p2  991.6M154.7M786.6M  16% /media/mmc2
/home/user # free
 total used free   shared  buffers
 Mem:6222460276 19480  112
Total:   1277526027667476

Should not the mount point for / be mmc1 or mmc2, which leads me to a 
third question I was expecting only the initfs system to be located on 
the /dev/mtblock4 and not /
I believe I may have answered a question incorrectly, or I did not 
finish the setup.  I would expect to have my near 64 mb of flash ram 
available.  Can someone suggest a solution.

Q3 would it not have been better that I created three partitions,
p1 vfat
p2 ext2 (kernel space and application space)
p3 ext2 (user space)

I am getting ready to install the bootmenu program on both another n770 
and n800 and would like not to replicate my mistakes.

Q4 I noticed in the shell script bootmenu.sh script that 
MENU_2_NAME=MMC card, partition 2 (stable), ext2
did not contain device and module info.  If when I boot up using 
bootmenu and in particular I am selecting mmc where is mmc looking to 
boot from.

MENU_1_NAME=Internal flash


MENU_3_NAME=MMC card, partition 2 (stable), ext2

I checked /media/mmc1 and /media/mmc2 and see no hidden scripts, I 
assume I am still booting form /mnt/initfs/

Q5  can  the sdhc-kernel.bin OS kernel 2.6.18  found at,

URL http://intr.overt.org/n800-sdhc-kernel/

provide the patches for power/highspeed management I am looking for.   I 
assume this is strictly a kernel patch and will not interfere with 
applications installed.  I noticed after installing the latest kernel 
for the n800 from the maemo site, that the device is running with much 
greater stability.

I have not run the sdhc binary as I wasn't sure whether it was compiled 
for the previous kernel or the new one.  After checking I see the OS are 
the same.  I am assuming it is OK to install the new sdhc-kernel.bin.

Q6 After reading on the topic of bus speed (n800) and the two slots, 
would you suggest running an mmc plus 2-gig in the internal slot and a 
sdhc in the external slot, or does the bus sync to the lowest speed card 
regardless i.e. I can use two sdhc cards in the n800.

Q7 I was out looking on the Scratchbox (apophis/r4) site and seeing that 
I am running FC4 and will be migrating to FC5 or FC6 soon I will be 
forced to install from tarballs.  Is there a source on maemo that 
describes what packages I will need to install to get up and running 
with scratchbox.  I assume all of the arm tarballs, gcc tarballs, core, 
cputransp and dev kits with the latest version #'s

if anyone can point me to a source if there is one let me know

attached are my files from the n770 dilemma.


Jerry Stutte

rootfs  /   rootfs  defaults,errors=remount-ro,noatime  


2007-03-26 Thread jerry f stutte

Maemmo community,


I installed the sdhc-kernel.bin I found on the site 
http://intr.overt.org/n800-sdhc-kernel; based on the NOKIA build 
2.2006.51-6 on March 22, 07.

The build appears to be based on kernel 2.6.18-omap1#4  e.g. I 
experienced chronic reboots.  These reboots were reported on 
internettablettalk going back to the first kernel update posted on the 
maemo website for the N800.

Aside the point! While I was happy to recognize that SDHC support was 
enabled I found myself a little discouraged seeing that the kernel 
lacked support for the linux file system.  I was hoping that it would 
contain the ext2 support with no journaling. Seeing that this is/was not 
a sanctioned release from maemo website,  my statement is moot.

Q I assume it would be a no-no to try and use the ext2.ko module from 
the n770, I am assuming this would be a mistake beings they are 
different arm's and different kernels (has any one tried it). 

Does or has any one devised a patch that would do both SDHC and ext2 for 
the latest build released from maemo for the N800 seeing that it was 
only released last week I am assuming the answer is NO.  I have 
installed the latest build released from maemo for the N800 last week 
and it seems to be very stable.  ThankYou I lost search information 
multiple time with the previous build.

My Questions are,

Q1 are there kernel tarballs available for the platforms that would 
allow some one like my self to attempt hacks on these kernels to allow 
someone like my self to attempt to create patches addressing some of my 

Q2 is there any one in the communtiy that would be willing to help me 
come to a better understanding on programming on the arm platform and or 
addressing kernel issues and patches with regard to the N800 and N770 in 
the community.


With respect to documentation, there seems to be a great disconnect on 
what is being fixed at what may be broken by attempting to use a new build.

I am always baffled by my lack of ability to find info on what the 
newest builds are addressing regarding fixes and hardware support, some 
of these new builds seemed to be rushed and seem to break more things 
than they fix.  An artifact of being on the bleading edge.

I would be happy to try to attempt to promote better documentation for 
the site ( I guess I am volunteering).   If I could get a better handle 
on what kernels are being used with any particular build.  It might help 
others make better decisions when updating or update planning.

My comments are not to flame or complain (I realize many people are 
doing this on a voluntary basis),

Q3 Is there is a more centralized area of the maemo site that addresses 
fixes when it come to build releases? as stated I would be happy to do 
some write ups as I understand things; seeing that I am having a 
difficult time especially with regard to knowing just what is being 
fixed in new releases and what I may be giving up.

Is it my imagination that maemo has avoided ext2 support for a good 
reason that I don't understand.  I assumed that it would have been 
standard on the N800 from the start.


I noticed when I use the vpnc (cisco) software with either the n800 or 
the n770 that the connection breaks down rather quickly.
when I use it from home to a local university, the connection holds up 
rather well (I'll have to experiment, whether it is because I am 
typically on a charger at home, whereas I am typically on battery on 
campus and energy conservation routines  maybe breaking down the 
connection).  Anyway has any thought been given to provide a way of 
turning off energy saving routines when the need arises.  

I was attending a High Performance Computing seminar and could not hold 
a consistant connection to the local net via vpn, 1-3 minutes was the max. 

It may be the wifi routers they use are using, are not satifactory in 
communicating with the NOKIA's that said all of laptops at the seminar 
held connections rather well.  Coming full circle I imagine it has more 
to with energy conservation algorithms.

Q4I have a n770 (dual boot) running the linux kernel I typically boot to mmc.
I have edited the fstab and minircS shutdown and reboot files to allow 
mounting of an alternate partition that I might be able to allow maemo 
mapper to load maps from that partition.  The problem is on startup the 
mount of that partition does not occur.  I always have to manually mount 
the partition.  Would anyone volunteer to look at the fstab and minircS 
files and tell me what I am doing wrong. 

q5can anyone reccomend running the 2007 kernel posted for the n770 
or does it slow the n770 device down to much!

Should my questions and comments be more appropriate on the 
internettablettalk forum.


Jerry Stutte

maemo-users mailing list

help n800 bricked by weather app

2007-02-26 Thread jerry f stutte
Could someone offer a suggestion on how to recover from a bricked n800 
device after installing the maemo weather software found on the 
//test.maemo.org/downloads  page for the 2007.

I should have realized that the software could be problematic, being 
that I did see that it was reported several weeks ago, that others did 
have problems, in one of the other postings.  I decided to install the app
while visiting the page stated above and reading 2007 ready, I assumed 
they had fixed the problem. 

as a fix/attempt to recover
I did try using flasher-3.0 with the latest OS to recover, needless to 
say I would not be writing the current message asking for help, if the 
re-flashing with the latest OS had worked.

I read some where on the site while working on a half dozen n770's over 
the last year that it is possible to remove individual packages (apps) 
from the OS build.

However I believe that if I just flashed the latest OS on to the device 
that the weather software should not have been placed on the n800.  That 
being said some info related to the weather app must have been left 
behind, seeing that after reflashing, the n800 refused to boot to the 
new OS.


In addition to that stated above,  I have many other questions with 
respect to software, and do not understand under what forums I should 
address my questions!

some are application use questions,
some questions regard bug fixes.

I also have comments.
suggestions for feature enhancements, i.e. should I post my questions to 
the app developer or to some other public forum seeing that I do not 
want to interrupt development.

Apps I have questions about are,

OS questions in boot scripts involve n770 bootmenu program and the lack 
of ability to mount alternate partitions, despite my best effort to 
automate the mount process during boot up.  I was able to write and 
rewrite scripts for bootup prior to using boot menu.

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