Re: Wifi messages in dmesg on N900 since PR1.2

2010-05-27 Thread Alejandro López

Paul Hartman wrote:
> Hi,
> since PR1.2 I've noticed my dmesg on my N900 is flooded with this
> message every few seconds (but not exact intervals) when I'm connected
> to my home wi-fi:
> [31600.605926] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
> [31601.731414] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
> [31607.875396] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
> [31616.579620] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
> [31624.567291] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
> [31633.783843] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
> I also got this exactly every 900 seconds while I slept last night:
> [21999.580230] wlan0: deauthenticated
> [22000.235076] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:16:01:b8:49:c1
> [22000.239044] wlan0: authenticated
> [22000.239074] wlan0: associate with AP 00:16:01:b8:49:c1
> [22000.244384] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:16:01:b8:49:c1 (capab=0x411
> status=0 aid=2)
> [22000.25] wlan0: associated
> My internet settings are:
> Connect automatically: Any connection
> Search interval: 10 minutes
> Switch to wi-fi when available: yes
> Wi-Fi transmission power: 100mW
> WPA2-only mode: yes
> Power Saving: On (Maximum)
> Are these messages normal? I'm concerned that battery life could be
> affected if it's doing some kind of constant wifi activity...
> Thanks,
> Paul

I noticed that my battery is being drawn since I installed PR1.2 yesterday. So 
when I saw your mail I checked my device and found the same messages, except 
for the deauthentication/authentication every 900 seconds.

What is more important,  I also have some message like this:

[56910.552368] w11251: ERROR Power save entry failed, giving up
[56994.833557] w11251: ERROR Power save entry failed, giving up
[57034.021118] w11251: ERROR Power save entry failed, giving up

Which could explain the battery being drawn, but I have no clue about what it 

My wifi configuration is the same as yours except that at this precise comment 
I'm using WEP. At home I use WPA and I'll check whether I have the 
deauthentication/authentication loop.

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Wifi messages in dmesg on N900 since PR1.2

2010-05-27 Thread Paul Hartman

since PR1.2 I've noticed my dmesg on my N900 is flooded with this
message every few seconds (but not exact intervals) when I'm connected
to my home wi-fi:

[31600.605926] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[31601.731414] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[31607.875396] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[31616.579620] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[31624.567291] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[31633.783843] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL

I also got this exactly every 900 seconds while I slept last night:
[21999.580230] wlan0: deauthenticated
[22000.235076] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:16:01:b8:49:c1
[22000.239044] wlan0: authenticated
[22000.239074] wlan0: associate with AP 00:16:01:b8:49:c1
[22000.244384] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:16:01:b8:49:c1 (capab=0x411
status=0 aid=2)
[22000.25] wlan0: associated

My internet settings are:

Connect automatically: Any connection
Search interval: 10 minutes
Switch to wi-fi when available: yes

Wi-Fi transmission power: 100mW
WPA2-only mode: yes
Power Saving: On (Maximum)

Are these messages normal? I'm concerned that battery life could be
affected if it's doing some kind of constant wifi activity...

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