Re: [Mageia-dev] How will be the realese cycle?

2010-10-07 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
 It has been posted before but I guess it's a good read for anyone
 willing to push an argument in this debate:

Really excellent article. I enjoyed reading it because it's based on

Even when I'm not developer nor advanced user, I know I'm above basic
users. And sometimes I (and I guess most of us) forget that most
people are like our moms or our sisters (not moms that are software
engineer X). People who only read their hotmail mail, use
messenger, facebook, tweeter, listen some MP3, write a doc for school.

So, I agree we must bring some order to this storm.


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)

Re: [Mageia-dev] How will be the realese cycle?

2010-10-07 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
IMHO that if we want that backports be more popular, we must stop
promoting like for advanced users:


The testing and backports repositories for each section will be
configured on your system but disabled (they are disabled by default
to ensure you do not install packages from these repositories by
accident, since they could potentially not work as well as those from
the release and updates repositories). To use these repositories,
simply run the Software Media Manager as discussed in #Making more
applications available and check the boxes to enable them. We
recommend that you do not leave either repository permanently enabled,
but enable them if you wish to install a specific package from them,
install the package, and then disable them again.

If you give this kind of description to non-advanced / geek users, of
course they will be afraid to try backports. And, if they don't try
backports, you'll have lot of people knocking at your door asking for
rolling distro.

Of course, I'm not saying let's lie to people.

If backports are dangerous, we can't think in tell everyone you
want updated packages? Try backports because not everyone will have
the ability to handle problems or system instability.

But, if backports aren't that dangerous, why to show them with red
lights and warnings?


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)

Re: [Mageia-dev] How will be the realese cycle?

2010-10-06 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
Could it be possible to use the same schema that Mandriva use + one
LTS with three years of support?

Regular releases every six months with 18 month support.

But we could include this kind of LTS with 36 month.

Difference with Ubuntu will be that our LTS will be launched only
after the previous LTS ends its cycle.

Something like this:

My doubt is will Magea community be able to handle the support for
four releases at the same time in semesters when it happen?

If you add the LTS, should regular release support be reduced to 12
months? This way, you'll never have more than 3 releases alive at
the same time.

Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)

Re: [Mageia-dev] Hello

2010-10-01 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
Hi zieduz

Did you put your name in the wiki?


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)

Re: [Mageia-dev] Identifying Target Markets

2010-09-30 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
I like very much the professional approach and analysis of Graham. And
I agree pretty much.

However, a family distro means, for me, the married man / woman +
kids. And that's where I find Marc's approach correct.

If you wan that the whole family could enjoy the experience, you must
provide to the distro the tools-for-common-tasks like office suite,
Internet, IM, etc etc, educational software and security-for-kids
tools, and of course, solid game experience.

If you don't include games, probably you'll have dual-boot PC's
instead of Megaia-only PCs.

There will be cases where dual-boot will be inevitable (maybe because
dad needs a particular tool and Wine is not an option), but we're
talking about the majority.


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)
Mageia-dev mailing list

Re: [Mageia-dev] Can Firefox be included in Mageia?

2010-09-30 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
If I'm reading well, Mozilla allows distribution of Firefox as
Firefox if you don't change it (I mean, code).

Software Distributions
Unaltered Binaries

You may distribute unchanged official binaries (i.e., the installer
file available for download for each platform (code + config) and not
the program executable) downloaded from or to anyone in any way, subject to governing law,
without receiving any further permission from Mozilla. If you want to
distribute the unchanged official binaries using the Mozilla Marks,
you may do so, without receiving any further permission from Mozilla,
as long as you comply with this Trademark Policy and you distribute
them without charge. However, you must not remove or change any part
of the official binary, including the Mozilla Marks. On your website
or in other materials, you may truthfully state that the software you
are providing is an unmodified version of a Mozilla application,
keeping in mind the overall guidelines for the use of Mozilla Marks in
printed materials, detailed above. We suggest that, if you choose to
provide visitors to your website the opportunity to download Mozilla
product, you do so by means of a link to our site, to help ensure
faster, more reliable downloads. (See the section on Linking, below.)

If you choose to distribute Mozilla binaries yourself, you should make
the latest stable version available (of course, you probably want to
do so as well). If you compile Mozilla unmodified source code
(including code and config files in the installer) and do not charge
for it, you do not need additional permission from Mozilla to use the
relevant Mozilla Mark(s) for your compiled version. So that users get
the latest code and security releases, we encourage you to always
distribute the most current official release. The notification
requirements of the Mozilla Public License have been met for our
binaries, so although it's a good idea to do so, you are not required
to ship the source code along with the binaries.

In addition, if you are distributing Mozilla binaries yourself, and
wish to use the Mozilla Mark(s), you may not (a) disable, modify or
otherwise interfere with any installation mechanism contained in a
Mozilla product; (b) use any such installation mechanism to install
any plug-ins, themes, extensions, software, or items other than the
Mozilla product; or (c) use or provide any program, mechanism or
process (other than an installation mechanism contained in the Mozilla
product) to install such product. Any use of a meta-installer would
require our prior written permission.

If you are using the Mozilla Mark(s) for the unaltered binaries you
are distributing, you may not charge for that product. By not
charging, we mean the Mozilla product must be without cost and its
distribution (whether by download or other media) may not be subject
to a fee, or tied to subscribing to or purchasing a service, or the
collection of personal information. If you want to sell the product,
you may do so, but you must call that product by another nameā€”one
unrelated to Mozilla or any of the Mozilla Marks (see the sections on
Modifications and Related Software below). Remember that we do not
want the public to be confused.

Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)
Mageia-dev mailing list

Re: [Mageia-dev] So?

2010-09-29 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
 A good idea would be to keep a wiki page listing all the aspects of
 Mageia we want...
 like, We want RPM, we want plain-text mails only, we want a cool logo, 

IMHO that people is going too far in this moment. I mean, far in the future.

Think that we have almost nothing yet. Not even the most important and
basic elements to build the distro. So, people is asking to add
features to a distro that can't be built yet.

With time, Mageia will have all it's needed (build system, bug
tracking, web server, etc etc.). And, of course, some place to drop
ideas. Maybe something like or Mandriva's
bugzilla. Who knows.

Don't feel disappointed. Please, keep your ideas in mind. Be patient
and wait for the right moment to drop it in the right place.

IMHO that wiki is to slow. IRC is too real time. MLs are the right
mix between both. With MLs you have enough time to think and write
your idea very clear. And is fast enough to have lot of answers in a
few minutes.


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)
Mageia-dev mailing list

[Mageia-dev] Provisional Netiquette for ML and Code of Conduct

2010-09-29 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
Founders of Mageia project are working hard in many fields. One of
those fields is to write founding documents.

IMHO that we could/should provisionally rely on these:

* Etiquette for mailing lists:

* Code of conduct:

And I said provisionally because I guess we'll have our own rules.
But I don't think that courtesy and respect will be absent in our
rules. In fact, I think our rules will be pretty much the same as
the links I posted.

For those who don't know these documentos, please, take a few minutes
and read them.

I'm sending this mail to mageia-dev / mageia-discuss / mageia-i18n
lists. But as separate e-mails.


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)
Mageia-dev mailing list

Re: [Mageia-dev] What do you think about create a Mageia Welcome Center?

2010-09-29 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
Maybe firts, you should decide what would the Welcome Center do.

I mean, Kaptan is a configuration tool.

Display links is more a kind of information page.

So, the Welcome Center should be an info page, or a full featured tool
that can set most common things for newbies?

Personally, I like the Kaptan idea. Don't know if it's possible to
port it to Mageia from developers' POV.


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)
Mageia-dev mailing list

Re: [Mageia-dev] What do you think about create a Mageia WelcomeCenter?

2010-09-29 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
I found both aproaches really atractive and useful.

Kaptan looks very intuitive, easy and centralize most (if not all) the
most common and basic settings that a person with basic knowledge
could need after the first boot.

However, wobo's aproach is also important. What happends if
Kaptan-like-tool hangs in the first boot and close? That's where info
page will be really really useful. This is an extreme example, but I
think I presents the idea well. A newbie will be almost naked and
screaming without to know where to go for help.

But, if Kaptan-like-tool doesn't hang and works fine, it's always
important to let people know where they have to go if anything goes
wrong or where to meet other user. You never know when a user could
become an important contributor.


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)
Mageia-dev mailing list

Re: [Mageia-dev] A new office suite ?

2010-09-29 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
2010/9/29 Gustavo Giampaoli
 we can have both packages :)


 Of course. It's the most logical decision.

I was wrong. After visit the LibreOffice web I've found that English is
the only language besides this:

This beta release is not intended for production use! Be advised that
the current beta might replace your installation.

So, I agree with Michael Scherer's words: any decision will depend on
timing, ie: Where LibreOffice is when a Mageia build is avaialble.


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)
Mageia-dev mailing list

Re: [Mageia-dev] What do you think about create a Mageia Welcome Center?

2010-09-29 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
 I regret that I do not very much like the idea. But if everyone on
 list wants it: okay.

I think this Welcome center would appear in the very first boot. Just
as the welcome page of Mandriva. And with a click, in the X, you
remove it and it never appears again.

You wouldn't see it in every boot.


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)
Mageia-dev mailing list

Re: [Mageia-dev] So?

2010-09-28 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
 Sorry but, how much time we will still taken to discuss this things and don't 
 do just nothing? I propose to we chose a manager for the project right now.

We'll wait as long as it takes to organize the whole thing. I don't
think the founder are in beach right now...

Mageia needs heavy hardware, Internet connections, and certainly many
other things that I'm missing.

You need money to by hardware.

And you need a legal framework to ask for money and launch the project.

Once legal framework is ready, a board of directors will be named.

So, in the mean time, PLEASE, avoid to start this kind of rebellions.


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)
Mageia-dev mailing list

Re: [Mageia-dev] So?

2010-09-28 Thread Gustavo Giampaoli
 Who is actually the captain, or most contributers ?
 Who is the team who decide the rules like : to put TXT format and not HTML
 format in the mail of the list ? Or to speak only in english ? Or to do only
 RPM and not DEB ? This 3 late days, I have only seen this kind of movement.

Sorry, I forgot. Mageia will be a fork ( )of Mandriva.
Not a whole new distro from scratch. So, Mandriva uses RPM and urpmi.
Then, Mageia will use RPM and urpmi.


Gustavo Giampaoli (aka tavillo1980)
Mageia-dev mailing list