[Mailman-Developers] A list of discussion topics: GSoC OpenPGP Integration

2013-06-15 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Abhilash Raj writes:
  This is a list of topics that probably needs to be discussed in detail
  again. I tried to mention in breif about the discussions in past
  personally with a someone or on mm-dev list. Please ignore the topics
  which you feel has already reached a inference. It is a long mail though.
  * How to ensure the keys belong the email it says it does?

This is not in scope for your project.  Key upload is for
bootstrapping strong authentication, therefore you should assume there
is no strong authentication to authenticate the key upload.  Man-in-
the-middle attacks on the key upload mechanism are *way* above your
pay grade.

  * Inline pgp should be supported or not?
Although its not included in one the best practices but some
people still use it for the purpose of signing only a part of the

It depends on how it gets used.  If there are MUAs that do this
without consulting the user, then we should support it eventually.  If
it requires a user's guidance to get that result, then we can just
tell them Don't do that.

You should give a reference for not best practice.

  * How to handle partial multipart/signed messages?
In previous discussion it was pointed out that we should strip
off the parts till we actually arrive at a point where the
signature verifies all the text and then send that part to the
subscribers. Other options were to discard these kind of email or
let the owner decide what he wants.

I think we should handle it.  Among other things, if you want the
originator headers signed, I would think the easiest way to achieve
that would be to send a signed message/rfc822 part.

  * Should mailman keep the signature of sender before signing or
strip if off?

Needs to be an option.  By default, the sender's signature should be
kept so that recipients who know the sender well enough to have his
key can verify it.  This may also help with catching key fraud.  But
as you say it could be used to identify a poster, and that might be
bad in some contexts.

  * Should we make the sending of signed copies of email default?

We can introduce an option to send signed email by default for
those who want may verify the email, but is there a point in
sending singed email when the mails received are not signed? Or
this could be a good point?

I don't understand what you're suggesting.  I think the list should be
capable of signing mail itself, even if incoming mail is not signed,
yes.  For example, posting may only be allowed by the list owner from
localhost, and signing is a convenience.

  * Email interface to manage keys?
Mailman has a set of email commands to process the requests for
subscription, change password and many other things over email
without a web interface, so to allow managing keys over email we
could allow receiving signed emails with new keys and command to
add them, the confirmation mail for the new key will then be sent
to the same address but would expect a signed reply from the new

Seems reasonable as an extension if you have time.

  * How are we actually using the web-of-trust model of OpenPGP? 

We aren't.  Simplistic rules like two signatures are not going to be
good enough for anybody who cares.  Writing a framework so that admins
can configure the signature policy is also above your pay grade.  You
should consider providing hooks for such validation, and maybe a proof
of concept implementation to hook into it.  Something like a key is
considered valid if it is signed by the list-owner.

  About the implementation I decided to take up with the processing of
  email part first and then setting up the PKI for the users. The flow
  would be something like this:
  * the message is queued in incoming queue
  * the incoming runner wakes up, finds the message and calls a few
functions to verify the signature of the message(assuming the function
already has public key of the user from somewhere)

I think you need to study the architecture more carefully.  I don't
think it's appropriate for the incoming runner to be calling
functions, rather there should be a Rule in the pipeline that does
this checking.

  * If the message signature is found to be valid the message is then
passed on to onther runners as usual (without stripping of the
signature as per my assumption till now, need discussion on this) else
it is dropped or bounced depending on the state of verification( like
if the signature is older we can inform the sender as the delay may
have been due to smtp deliver and simply drop the message if the
signature is verified to be wrong).
  * Now a valid signature would be a signature signed within 4
days(default and configurable by list owner) from when mailman
receives the email.(Is there someway to also check if the signature
was previously sent on the list? so that we can block that also?)

Here and in the previous 

[Mailman-Developers] Wiki Migration Update

2013-06-15 Thread Paul Boddie

It's been a couple of months or so since my last update, and I finally got 
round to doing some more work on the content migration from Confluence to 

As always, the results can be found here:


At the moment, I'm still using the archived content from April 2013, and I 
took the opportunity this time round to fix various parsing and translation 
issues, particularly with the Confluence wiki markup (not the XHTML variant 
that the most recent revisions of pages use), also reworking some fairly 
fundamental mechanisms involved in parsing the wiki markup.

Some previously mentioned fixes have been made:

(Anchors are now generated for the headings.)

Some support for macros now exists, such as for the anchor, color 
and toc macros.

Meanwhile, some things wait for more time and energy to be spent on them:

Author information is still not preserved in the page import process, but this 
will be tested in future.

The way comments are presented on pages still needs improving.

It might also be nice to have a list of attachments on pages that have them, 
and I will take a look to see how Confluence tends to present such things.

And some things won't get fixed until the hosting is changed, such as for 
pages ending in a question mark.

As I have mentioned previously, the source code for the converter can be found 


Please take a look at your favourite pages and let me know where improvements 
can be made to the conversion process.

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] A list of discussion topics: GSoC OpenPGP Integration

2013-06-15 Thread Barry Warsaw
Stephen's already given a very good response, so I'll just add a few more

On Jun 15, 2013, at 11:12 AM, Abhilash Raj wrote:

* How to ensure the keys belong the email it says it does?

  One method proposed for this was to send a confirmation email to the email
  address, but what if the email is intercepted in between and the attacker
  confirms the sign up of the person he is trying to impersonate? Or
  this is a problem that can be solved with SSL and is not of our concern?

One thing you could do is to send a confirmation message encrypted to that
public key.  You'd have to make sure that the confirmation token is *only* in
the encrypted part (e.g. you could not include the token in the Subject header
as we currently do for convenient just hit reply functionality).

The point is that if Mailman has the public key, because they user just
uploaded it, then the intended recipient must have the private key.  If you
encrypt the confirmation token to this public key, then the recipient's
private key should be able to decrypt it.  An evil interceptor wouldn't have
that private key and thus would not be able to hijack anything.

* Inline pgp should be supported or not?

Probably not as a first step.  PGP/MIME will be easier to support so do that
first.  As Stephen suggests, a survey of popular MUAs might be useful.  My own
(Claws Mail) supports them both, though I'm not sure which is default.  I
certainly use and prefer PGP/MIME.

* Should mailman keep the signature of sender before signing or strip if off?

You'll want to look at the IMailingList.anonymous_list flag.

I think the function to prase message, check signature, resign message
could be there in utilities as a gpg.py module. Which is where I think I
should first start from. I was looking for a python wrapper for gnupg
and found two options: [python-gnupg][2] and
[gnupg-interface][3]. GnuPG-Interface was what was used in pgp-smime
patch for mailman 2.1.5. I don't have much idea about waht should be
used, will post on mailman-developers.

Please use python-gnupg.  I've been using it lately for a different project
and I think it's very solid, with a nice API.  Plus, it's actively maintained
by a good developer who is responsive to bugs and feature requests.  Plus,
it's Python 3 compatible. :)

I think it does make sense to put some primitives in a utilities/gpg.py
module.  The things that should go in here are probably higher level APIs that
Mailman itself will find useful.  Be sure that anything that goes in here has
a unit test (at least) and possibly a doctest.

About the outgoing messages i was thinking if we can create a signing
queue and sign runner which simply signs each message with list's
private-key and then the message moves on to outgoing queue where it can
be delivered without any furthur changes. Any ideas about this?

I'm with Stephen here, I don't think a separate queue is required.  A new
queue implies another runner, which means another process that must be
managed.  Signing isn't *that* much of a bottleneck that adding it will gum up
the works too much.

I think it would be okay to sign the message once for all recipients, even if
we're doing personalization.  The personalized parts will have to go in the
unsigned bits though (e.g. the headers and any user-specific footer parts).
If not, then the outgoing signatures will have to be added by the mta
component so that it signs the final message before it's sent to the upstream
MTA for delivery.

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] A list of discussion topics: GSoC OpenPGP Integration

2013-06-15 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Jun 16, 2013, at 01:48 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

  * the message is queued in incoming queue
  * the incoming runner wakes up, finds the message and calls a few
functions to verify the signature of the message(assuming the function
already has public key of the user from somewhere)

I think you need to study the architecture more carefully.  I don't
think it's appropriate for the incoming runner to be calling
functions, rather there should be a Rule in the pipeline that does
this checking.

Right.  Remember that all the incoming runner does[*] is take a message that's
already been parsed, and send it through the posting chain.  That's the
process whereby the message and its metadata flow through rules to determine
whether the post is allowed.  Clearly, signature checking should occur in a
rule.  This will also make it easier for you to test.

  * If the message signature is found to be valid the message is then
passed on to onther runners as usual (without stripping of the
signature as per my assumption till now, need discussion on this) else
it is dropped or bounced depending on the state of verification( like
if the signature is older we can inform the sender as the delay may
have been due to smtp deliver and simply drop the message if the
signature is verified to be wrong).

The outcome of the signature checking rule is a boolean result.  There will be
an action associated with that.  Because of the way links and rules work, the
action is only taken if the rule hits.  This means that I think the rule
should probably return True if the message is *unsigned* and the action in
that case is to jump to one of the Hold, Reject, or Discard chains (depending
on a configuration variable - but we can discuss this).

If the rule misses (i.e. returns False) then it means the signature was valid
and rule processing just continues on.

I know this is a little backwards, but it's probably the best match for the
current rule/chain model.

Maybe.  Again you should check current style.  I Think what you
propose is OK, as Rules and Handlers can live in the same file since
they are distinguished by their signatures.  But I forget exactly how
Barry organizes this stuff.

Currently there are separate directories for rules and handlers.  For now,
it's best to follow that model.


[*] It also creates IAddress records for any email addresses it's never seen
before, but that's besides the point under discussion.
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