[Mailman-Developers] Pseudonym lists

2005-08-12 Thread Hans G. Ehrbar


a natural extension of an anonymous list is a pseudonym list:
if the user specifies a pseudonym, then the messages posted by
this user carry this pseudonym in the name section of the From:
field (along with the list email address).

I hacked my mailman 2.1.5 installation to accept pseudonyms
for all anonymous lists.  The pseudnym is an additional
component of UserDesc with very similar behavior as the user
name.  Users who subscribe through the web to an anonymous
list have the option to specify a pseudonym.

Please look at


and feel free to subscribe to the pseud and test lists and
take them through the paces.  I need this feature for a class
in the Fall Semester and would like to iron out any bugs.
This feature fits painlessly into the ordinary mailman
interface, and if there is interest I would be happy to
submit the code.

Hans G. Ehrbar

Hans G. Ehrbar   http://www.econ.utah.edu/~ehrbar   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Economics Department, University of Utah (801) 581 7797 (my office)
1645 Campus Center Dr., Rm 308   (801) 581 7481 (econ office)
Salt Lake CityUT 84112-9300  (801) 585 5649 (FAX)

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[Mailman-Developers] [Mailman-Users] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Hans G. Ehrbar

I strongly second the idea of replacing the listname-bounces
address by a different address which does not suggest that
something went wrong.  This brings to mind another example
of an unfortunate choice of words: on some of my mailing
lists people got outright paranoid because they received a
message that their submission was not accepted because of
"suspicious headers".  They thought they were being
censored.  Appearances sometimes mean a lot.

Hans G. Ehrbar

Hans G. Ehrbar   http://www.econ.utah.edu/~ehrbar   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Economics Department, University of Utah (801) 581 7797 (my office)
1645 Campus Center Dr., Rm 308   (801) 581 7481 (econ office)
Salt Lake CityUT 84112-9300  (801) 585 5649 (FAX)

Mailman-Developers mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
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[Mailman-Developers] Parsing and Rendering rfc8222

2006-07-05 Thread Hans G. Ehrbar

If mailman would be able to write an xml representation of
each message to a separate file, that would be wonderful.
Then one would be able to use xlst stylesheets to make
custom archives.  I hacked something like this together for
an on-line class.  The workflow was:

(1) mailman writes each message to disk as xml file,
while at the same time also distributing the messages
to the students.

(2) I crawled these xml files with emacs (could also have
been python but I was more comfortable with emacs) to
concentrate as much info into each individual file as
possible: each file had elements indicating which was the
previous and the next message by the same student, and the
previous and next message answering the same study question.
If a student was referring to other messages in his message,
this was also coded in xml in such a way that hyperlinks
could be built from that code.

(3) I also manually encoded the grade into this xml file,
and included commentaries about the homework which would be
visible in the archive, and commentaries which would only be
sent privately to the student.  If the answer was written so
poorly that I had to edit the whole thing, then the original
and the edited version was visible side by side in the

(4) different xlst stylesheets produced an archive of all
messages with my comments accessible to all students, grade
notification emails, and survey reports for every student
about all of his or her grades.

This is only one example.  A translation of a mailing list
discussion into a series of xml files can have many
applications.  Apparently there does not seem to be a
generally accepted xml schema for email messages.  I do not
understand why.  I would have thought this would be one of
the first things to evolve after the xml specification was
finalized.  Am I missing something?  Is it the difficulty to
code all the non-standards compliant emails?  Wouldn't it
possible without too much trouble to turn the internal
python representation of emails into xml?

Hans G. Ehrbar

Hans G. Ehrbar   http://www.econ.utah.edu/~ehrbar   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Economics Department, University of Utah (801) 581 7797 (my office)
1645 Campus Center Dr., Rm 308   (801) 581 7481 (econ office)
Salt Lake CityUT 84112-9300  (801) 585 5649 (FAX)

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