Hey all,

We're going to do a virtual hackathon day for Mailman suite (Mailman/Postorius/Hyperkitty) on Saturday and you're all invited. I especially suggest that the GSoC students for both Mailman and Systers take advantage of this day and show up to ask questions and get some time with the mentors.

Where: on IRC (#mailman on freenode) It's a virtual hackathon!
When: Sunday July 14 0500 to 2300 UTC
Who: anyone interested in Mailman dev

As before, you're not expected to stay the whole time: people will drop in and out through that period as their time zone and other commitments permit. I, for example, will be on for a little bit at the beginning, then will be back around UTC 1600 until the end.

We'll be doing a variety of things: bug triage and fixing, discussion of architecture, new feature development, helping each other with any blocking problems, spouting off crazy new ideas, code review and merging, etc. We're especially hoping to make sure we clear any issues we can relating to GSoC projects, but there's plenty of work to go around. New folk are welcome too.

Hope to "see" you there!


PS - Here's a link to help you figure out what those times would be in your time zone. You can click "change cities" to add your own local time to the list:

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