Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman failing to use /mailman/alias when calling .cgiscripts

2001-09-28 Thread s . slade . gauntt


Thanks, this solved the problem.  I changed the DEFAULT_URL in my
file so that the BASE_URL on all my new lists now defaults to this value.
I figured it was something simple.

Thanks again,

S. Slade Gauntt
Global ACT - Component Delivery Architecture

"Jon Carnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
Sent by:To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, S. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Gauntt/Internal/Accenture@Accenture
rg  cc:
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] 
mailman failing to use /mailman/alias
when calling .cgi scripts  
09/27/2001 10:43 PM
Please respond to "Jon 

> My mailman install fails to use the /mailman/ alias when making calls to
> cgi scripts.
> For example:  When I click on the mailman admin interface link, it
> me here:
> http:///admin/grnds-user as opposed to
> http:///mailman/admin/grnds-user
> So, if i put the following in my httpd.conf file, it works fine...
> ScriptAlias//usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/as opposed to
> ScriptAlias/mailman/ /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/
> However, this screws up other areas of my web application.  Thus, I
> need mailman to use the /mailman/ alias when executing the cgi-scripts.
> there some special parameter i need to pass the .configure script to tell
> mailman to use the alias.
> Regards,
> S. Slade Gauntt
> Global ACT - Component Delivery Architecture
In the admin setup, under "General Options" what is the Base URL set to?
Based on your example above, it should be:

If you left off the /mailman/ on the end, then that would account for what
you described...

Jon Carnes

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain
privileged or confidential information.  If you have received it in error,
please notify the sender immediately and delete the original.  Any other
use of the email by you is prohibited.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Customizing listinfo HTML

2001-09-28 Thread Jim Kutter

Hello folks. I was wondering how to customize the 
listinfo HTML page to include my site's custom headers and footers - 
similar to how Apple customized their listinfo page. I can customize a per-list 
listinfo page, but I would like to modifiy the main listinfo page... Any 
suggestions on how to do that?

Re: [Mailman-Users] Clear archives

2001-09-28 Thread Jon Carnes

> I have  in my server : mailman 2.0.5. and i wonder if i clear some
> from an archieve ?
> I think, I could clear the file in the server... but is there an other way
> thanks fur your help
> Xavier
In the past, I've just edited the Archive files.  On the bright side, you
should be able to just delete what you want and then re-archive using the
"archive" command in ~mailman/bin/

If anyone knows a better way, I would be happy to learn it as well.  If push
comes to shove, I could always write one (as a contribution for this
wonderful application).

Jon Carnes

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Customizing listinfo HTML

2001-09-28 Thread Jon Carnes

> Hello folks. I was wondering how to customize the listinfo HTML page to
include my site's
> custom headers and footers - similar to how Apple customized their
listinfo page. I can
> customize a per-list listinfo page, but I would like to modifiy the main
listinfo page... Any
> suggestions on how to do that?
> -jim

I think you will find what you seek, in the ~mailman/templates/...
subdirectory.  You are probably interested in modifying "listinfo.html"

Jon Carnes

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Customizing listinfo HTML

2001-09-28 Thread Jim Kutter

That one is the template for list specific pages. Not the main listinfo page that list 
all the lists on the site.

Something tells me I might have to edit pyhton code to achieve the result I desire.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jon Carnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Customizing listinfo HTML

> > Hello folks. I was wondering how to customize the listinfo HTML page to
> include my site's
> > custom headers and footers - similar to how Apple customized their
> listinfo page. I can
> > customize a per-list listinfo page, but I would like to modifiy the main
> listinfo page... Any
> > suggestions on how to do that?
> >
> > -jim
> I think you will find what you seek, in the ~mailman/templates/...
> subdirectory.  You are probably interested in modifying "listinfo.html"
> Jon Carnes
> --
> Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] What is "Error decoding authorization cookie?"

2001-09-28 Thread Nancy Montano

One of the list managers is unable to manage his mailing lists.  He
longs in to the admin page of his lists but when he tries to submit a
change or attempt any other administrative duty, he receives the

"Error decoding authorization cookie".

He recently moved out of the area and is now using a Satellite
connection.  This is the only change he has made.  He checked his system

and has everything set up the same.  I checked to make sure he was using

the correct email address for administering his site.

Any help is appreciated.

Nancy Montano

Nancy M. Montano|| 224 Cruz Alta Rd, #F || Taos, NM 87571
Webmaster/Content Coord || [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||

La Plaza Telecommunity  || [V] 505-758-1836 || [F] 505-751-1812

"Aprender es avanzar"

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] What is "Error decoding authorization cookie?"

2001-09-28 Thread Chuq Von Rospach

On 9/28/01 1:56 PM, "Nancy Montano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Error decoding authorization cookie".
> He recently moved out of the area and is now using a Satellite
> connection.  This is the only change he has made.

That's enough -- he's now going through a proxy server, and I've seen
problems with those dealing with cookies on other servers. I'm not surprised
it also has issues with mailman.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] DEFAULT_HOSTNAME? (fwd)

2001-09-28 Thread eric-mailman

On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Greg Ward wrote:

> One possibility is to see what the system resolver thinks your hostname
> is.  Try this:
>   $ python
>   Python 2.1 (#2, May  8 2001, 10:50:59)
>   [GCC 2.95.2 2220 (Debian GNU/Linux)] on linux2
>   Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>   >>> from socket import *
>   >>> gethostname()
>   'cthulhu'
>   >>> gethostbyname("cthulhu")
>   ''
>   >>> gethostbyname_ex("cthulhu")
>   ('cthulhu', ['localhost'], [''])
> On my system, this is all determined by /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts:
>   $ cat /etc/hostname
>   cthulhu
>   $ head -1 /etc/hosts
>   cthulhu localhost
> One thing that *might* work is to add your FQDN to /etc/hosts, so the
> resolver in libc (which is what Python's socket.gethost*() functions
> use) knows about it.


Thanks for the suggestions.

Before configuring Mailman this time, I used `hostname www` and
`domainname` to set these values. I also entered the
FQDN "" in /etc/hosts. (Again, pay special
attention capitalization...)

Using the python functions that you used above, gethostname() returned
"www" and gethostbyname("www") returned the system's IP address.

Mailman, though, failed to take the bait and instead used the values [from a reverse-DNS of I suppose] in
the blue banner across the top of the cgi-bin/admin page. From somewhere -
only God knows where - Mailman found the FQDN that I had intended and used
it in the blue banner across the top of the cgi-bin/listinfo page. (The
FQDN doesn't have any of the upper-case typing that I've been using in
order to identify where Mailman is getting its info so I am still

Thanks, again.

Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] DEFAULT_HOSTNAME?

2001-09-28 Thread eric-mailman

On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Paul Cox wrote:

> Why don't you just edit to contain the hostname that you want?
> It's easy... here's the relevant part of mine:
> ###
> # Here's where we get the distributed defaults.
> from Defaults import *
> ##
> # Put YOUR site-specific settings below this line.
> # Site-specific settings
> # DEFAULT_URL must end in a slash!
> PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL  = '/archives'
> MAILMAN_OWNER = 'mailman-owner@%s' % DEFAULT_HOST_NAME


Sheer brilliance! The MAILMAN_OWNER setting puts me over-the-top. I think
I'll just it "good" and move on to customizing the general HTML.


Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] support of attachments?

2001-09-28 Thread Greg Ward

On 26 September 2001, Anmar M. Al-Massari said:
> i just want to know does mailman supports mail attachments?

Yes, just like any other low-level mail-handling tool.  MIME messages
look like any other messages to Mailman, and it happily passes them on
to list subscribers.  The main problem with MIME and Mailman is that the
default archiver, Pipermail, knows nothing about MIME.

Greg Ward - software developer[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MEMS Exchange

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman failing to use /mailman/alias when calling .cgi scripts

2001-09-28 Thread Greg Ward

On 27 September 2001, Jon Carnes said:
> In the admin setup, under "General Options" what is the Base URL set to?
> Based on your example above, it should be:
>   http:///mailman/
> If you left off the /mailman/ on the end, then that would account for what
> you described...

I suspect that if you even leave off the trailing slash, you would have
the problem described.  The description set off "trailing slash" bells
in my head.


Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Using Mail-From: Authentification

2001-09-28 Thread Greg Ward

On 27 September 2001, Franz Georg K?hler said:
> Unfortunately, I need mailman to just use the from:-Header as
> authentification, due to the fact that exim prevents me from changing my
> sender header to the address which i'm using on mailing lists.

If you have root privileges on the Exim server in question, I rather
doubt this: there are very few things that Exim won't let you do, given
enough time grovelling through the manual.  Also, if you're a trusted
users to that Exim server, you can get away with a lot more
(eg. supplying an enveloper sender with "exim -f").

Have you tried using an MUA (eg. mutt) that lets you set the "Sender"
header yourself?

If all else fails, what about resubscribing to the Mailman list as the
address that you're stuck with using?

Greg Ward - software developer[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MEMS Exchange

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Clear archives

2001-09-28 Thread Xavier NOEL LARDIN

I have  in my server : mailman 2.0.5. and i wonder if i clear some messages
from an archieve ?
I think, I could clear the file in the server... but is there an other way ?

thanks fur your help


Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Disaster Recovery - 2 Questions

2001-09-28 Thread Jeffrey M. Kenton

Mailman is an excellent solution for our use here, however, I have 
two questions regarding two levels of disaster: Loss of List admin 
password, Server Crash.

Maybe my questions are self-explanatory now, but here goes anyway: if 
the manager of a particular list loses the admin password for that 
list, how can I, as the site administrator, regenerate one?

And, when setting up Mailman there was a small amount of compilation 
work. To transfer the files from a backup onto another server, do I 
just need to transfer the entire file structure of the install 
location (i.e. /home/mailman) ?



Jeff KentonCollege of Education Tech Support
N058A Lagomarcino[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ames, IA 50011  515 294 0228

"Security is a process, not a product." - Bruce Schneier

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Disaster Recovery - 2 Questions

2001-09-28 Thread J C Lawrence

On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 11:04:34 -0500 
Jeffrey M Kenton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe my questions are self-explanatory now, but here goes anyway:
> if the manager of a particular list loses the admin password for
> that list, how can I, as the site administrator, regenerate one?

You can use the site password to (re)set a specific list's admin
password via that list's admin page.

> And, when setting up Mailman there was a small amount of
> compilation work. To transfer the files from a backup onto another
> server, do I just need to transfer the entire file structure of
> the install location (i.e. /home/mailman) ?

Yes, with big caveats:

  -- Must be same architecture (eg x86)
   If not, recompile. 
  -- Must have same hostname
   Need to reset list configs with with_list
  -- Must have same VHostname
   Need to reset list configs with with_list
  -- Must be installed in same filesystem location
   Need to reset list configs with with_list
  -- Must have (reasonably) same version of libC
   If not, recompile. 
  -- Must have Python installed in same location
   Edit #! lines in Python scripts etc
  -- Must have same or later version of Python (Probably) 
   Likely safe.

Barry:  Want to drop this in the FAQ?  Its a good (if not terribly
frequent) question.

J C Lawrence
-(*)Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   He lived as a devil, eh?  Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] DEFAULT_HOSTNAME? (fwd)

2001-09-28 Thread listener

Here are the system values that I set before configuring:

  `hostname www`

Here are the settings I used to configure Mailman:

...and the values I used in Mailman/ (Pay special attention to
the capitalization of the values):

Here are the only places that I'm seeing those values reflected:

  cgi-bin/admin: The banner across the top...
  cgi-listinfo: The banner across the top...

What strikes me is:
1. The two different values IN THE SAME LOCATION on the page.
2. The fact that I never used the entire string ""
   during configuration.
3. grep'ing the $prefix directory recursively reveal only two instances of
   the string "" - Both are in Mailman/ - yet
   the same string still finds it's way into the mailman-owner address.

It's not vaporware, it's crack-ware! Pass me the lighter, please.

Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message was posted using eunumTo interact with a real-time, threaded interface to this e-mail list, clickthe link below:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Is it possible to run these together?

2001-09-28 Thread stormlrd


Can Mailman-2.0.6 be run in conjunction to an exim setup using as the configuration?

Where do the aliases that are generated by the newlist command go? in the 
/etc/aliases file or the auth tables in the mysql db?

My Mailman is generating a subscription email - but doesn't seem to be 
getting my reply for confirmation, as i do not get the second email (welcome).

Is this fixed by addressing the "other tweaks" section in the Mailman 


Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Using Mail-From: Authentification

2001-09-28 Thread Franz Georg Köhler

On Fri, Sep 28, 2001 at 09:18:20AM -0400, Greg Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 27 September 2001, Franz Georg K?hler said:
>> Unfortunately, I need mailman to just use the from:-Header as
>> authentification, due to the fact that exim prevents me from changing my
>> sender header to the address which i'm using on mailing lists.
> If you have root privileges on the Exim server in question, I rather
> doubt this: there are very few things that Exim won't let you do, given
> enough time grovelling through the manual.  Also, if you're a trusted
> users to that Exim server, you can get away with a lot more
> (eg. supplying an enveloper sender with "exim -f").
> Have you tried using an MUA (eg. mutt) that lets you set the "Sender"
> header yourself?

exim would quash mutt's sender header.
> If all else fails, what about resubscribing to the Mailman list as the
> address that you're stuck with using?

I don't want to change the mailserver's configuration, I just want
mailman to use the from: header instead of the sender:-header for

Is this possible?

If not, this should be noted as a feature request.

|   When in doubt, tell the truth.   |
| 0x5E7A588D   -- Mark Twain   |

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Importing users

2001-09-28 Thread Mike Avery

I'm in the process of converting from another list 
server to Mail-Man.  I see that I can add users through 
the admin web interface, but I am concerned.

When someone adds themselves to a list, they are 
prompted for a password.  When I add a list, there is no 
password prompt.

How does this get resolved?  Is the password no big 
deal?  Are they asked to enter a password at some point 
in the future?

Enquiring minds want to know...
Mike Avery
Voice: (970)-642-0282 (home)
 (970)-642-0244 (office)
 FAX: (970)-642-0282
   ICQ: 16241692
 AOL IM: MAvery81230

* Spam is for lusers who can't get business any other 
way *

A Randomly Selected Thought For The Day:
 System hackers swap on demand.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Bug Message

2001-09-28 Thread John Dovey
Title: Bug Message

Here it is in plain text.

in Mailman version 1.1
We're sorry, we hit a bug!
you would like to help us identify the problem, please email a copy of this page 
to the webmaster for this site with a description of what happened. Thanks! 

Traceback: Traceback (innermost last):  File "/home/mailman/scripts/driver", line 112, in run_main    main()  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/", line 65, in main    lst = MailList.MailList(list_name)  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/", line 62, in __init__    self.Load()  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/", line 804, in Load    self.Lock()  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/", line 1373, in Lock    self.__lock.lock()  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/", line 245, in lock    os.unlink(self.__tmpfname)error: (2, 'No such file or directory')  

Environment variables:























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  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 5:19 
  Subject: [Mailman-Users] Bug 
  Attached is a error message that we just 
  started getting...can you help us out.  Thanks. 
  Vaughn Wilkes IT 
  Engineer ProClarity Corporation 

[Mailman-Users] Importing archives

2001-09-28 Thread Mike Avery

I'm in the process of migrating from another list 
server, Mercury by David Harris.  One of the important 
things in the old mailing list is the archives.  So, I'd like 
to convert them or migrate them.  The existing archives 
are flat text files, not even mime.  There are delimiters 
at the end of each message that seem to be pretty 

Has anyone imported archives from another list server 
into Mailman?  If so, do you have any advice or 

Mike Avery
Voice: (970)-642-0282 (home)
 (970)-642-0244 (office)
 FAX: (970)-642-0282
   ICQ: 16241692
 AOL IM: MAvery81230

* Spam is for lusers who can't get business any other 
way *

A Randomly Selected Thought For The Day:
Schizophrenia beats eating alone

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Importing users

2001-09-28 Thread Jon Carnes

> I'm in the process of converting from another list
> server to Mail-Man.  I see that I can add users through
> the admin web interface, but I am concerned.
> When someone adds themselves to a list, they are
> prompted for a password.  When I add a list, there is no
> password prompt.
> How does this get resolved?  Is the password no big
> deal?  Are they asked to enter a password at some point
> in the future?
> Enquiring minds want to know...
> Thanks,
> Mike
> --
> Mike Avery

When you add a user to the list, Mailman autogenerates a password for them.
If you have Mailman send a welcome message to each person that you add then
they will get their passwords in the Welcome message.

Otherwise, you can trigger Mailman to send the passwords out (which it
normally does monthly anyway), or any individual can go to the listinfo
interface and put in their email address to have their password mailed to

Jon Carnes

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Publicly-advertised lists not listed by listinfo

2001-09-28 Thread eric-mailman


Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this schizophrenic

* admin [correctly] lists the "publicly advertised mailing lists".

* listinfo does not.

Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] DEFAULT_HOSTNAME? (cont'd)

2001-09-28 Thread eric-mailman

Paul Cox's recommendations (DEFAULT_HOSTNAME, DEFAULT_URL, and
DEFAULT_OWNER) patched things up pretty nicely. There still seems to be
some discrepancy in the values that Mailman uses to identify itself (in
the blue banner across the top of the page):

* admin uses the DEFAULT_HOSTNAME value in Mailman/

* listinfo seems to use the lower-case values of either:
  a. the --host & --build options (not likely) or
  b. the `hostname` & `domainname` system values.

Is there a logical explanation for this? (Schizophrenia does not count!)
Is there rememdy?

Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] DEFAULT_HOSTNAME? (cont'd)

2001-09-28 Thread Eric Pretorious

Paul Cox's recommendations (DEFAULT_HOSTNAME, DEFAULT_URL, and
DEFAULT_OWNER) patched things up pretty nicely. There still seems to be
some discrepancy in the values that Mailman uses to identify itself (in
the blue banner across the top of the page):

* admin uses the DEFAULT_HOSTNAME value in Mailman/

* listinfo seems to use the lower-case values of either:
  a. the --host & --build options (not likely) or
  b. the `hostname` & `domainname` system values.

Is there a logical explanation for this? (Schizophrenia does not count!)
Is there rememdy?

Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] DEFAULT_HOSTNAME? (cont'd)

2001-09-28 Thread Eric Pretorious

Paul Cox's recommendations (DEFAULT_HOSTNAME, DEFAULT_URL, and
DEFAULT_OWNER) patched things up pretty nicely. There still seems to be
some discrepancy in the values that Mailman uses to identify itself (in
the blue banner across the top of the page):

* admin uses the DEFAULT_HOSTNAME value in Mailman/

* listinfo seems to use the lower-case values of either:
  a. the --host & --build options (not likely) or
  b. the `hostname` & `domainname` system values.

Is there a logical explanation for this? (Schizophrenia does not count!)
Is there rememdy?

Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Is this a feature or a bug?

2001-09-28 Thread listener

>, I want to force all replies to some contact address on another
> domain.
> Messages go out fine, but the Reply-To header is created as
> Mailman seems to use the host_name to create the reply address even if
> it's set to some other domain. Is it a bug? A feature? Or maybe a
> problem with my MTA (Sendmail)?
> --
> Alessio F. Bragadini [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Interesting...  You can, of course, create a local alias that forwards to
the address you want, and then just use that local alias in the Explicit

BTW: what MTA are you using?  Sendmail, Postfix, Exim...

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message was posted using eunumTo interact with a real-time, threaded interface to this e-mail list, clickthe link below:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Is this a feature or a bug?

2001-09-28 Thread listener

I have a brand-new installed Mailman 2.0.6 on I set up an
announcement list configured as follow:

host_name (default)
reply_goes_to_list	Explicit Address
reply_to_address	[EMAIL PROTECTED]

In fact, I want to force all replies to some contact address on another

Messages go out fine, but the Reply-To header is created as

Mailman seems to use the host_name to create the reply address even if
it's set to some other domain. Is it a bug? A feature? Or maybe a
problem with my MTA (Sendmail)?


Alessio F. Bragadini		[EMAIL PROTECTED]
APL Financial Services
Nicosia, Cyprus		 	phone: +357-2-755750

"It is more complicated than you think"
		-- The Eighth Networking Truth from RFC 1925

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This message was posted using eunumTo interact with a real-time, threaded interface to this e-mail list, clickthe link below:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Umbrella_List Option?

2001-09-28 Thread listener

An Umbrella List is a list of other lists.
For example, you have the following lists running in Mailman:

You can create an Umbrella List called, "Threesomes" and instead of people,
it will contain the above list names.  When you send email to Threesomes, it
goes to each of the individual lists...

When mailman sends out a monthly password reminder, it sends an email to
every person in its lists.  If it did that for the Umbrella List
"Threesomes", then it would treat "ThreeBlindMice" as an ordinary user.
Mailman would send an email to "ThreeBlindMice" that contained the password
for subscribing or unsubscribing it to the list "ThreeSomes".  Everyone on
the "ThreeBlindMice" list would receive that message with the password.  Now
that is fine in the case of Minnie and Mighty, but Mickey has been known to
do a few silly things in his time...

You can keep Mickey from getting the password by telling Mailman to send
this type of information to "ThreeBlindMice-owner" instead of to

By making "Threesomes" into an Umbrella List, you can tell Mailman to add
"-owner" to any notices, confirmations and passwords that it sends out to
list members.

Personally, I would like to see Umbrella Lists do more than just that.  IMO,
they should only send one message out to each actual user, regardless of how
many lists that user is on.  Currently, if a user is on multiple lists that
are under one Umbrella list, then that user will receive multiple mailings
from one message sent to the Umbrella list.  In the example above,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] would receive two messages everytime someone sent an email to

BTW: there is a work around for that using a script and a cron job to create
a separate mass list - but that's not pretty.

Jon Carnes
- Original Message -
From: "Alain Chappuis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mailmain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 2:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Umbrella_List Option?

> >Read the details for the selection:
> >  Send password reminders to, eg, "-owner" address instead of directly to
> >user.
> >This is the option directly above where you set the suffix for Umbrella
> >lists.
> >The phrasing is odd and (IMO) should actually read: Is this an Umbrella

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Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Is this a feature or a bug?

2001-09-28 Thread listener

> reply_to_address	[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Messages go out fine, but the Reply-To header is created as

Do you use sendmails MASQUERADE_AS and/or any of the masquerade FEATUREs?
Sendmail has puzzled me with those settings and reply_to_address, until I
turned all the masquerading-stuff of.


Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]