Re: [Mailman-Users] Bug in Mailman version 2.1.7.cp2

2006-07-20 Thread Mark Sapiro
Tiffany Miller wrote:

So, I can't 'see' the mailman error logs or the file system. I can only view 
the file manager through my FTP program or cpanel. I checked the error logs 
for the site, but nothing shows from today.

And not sure if it helps, but when I try to edit *any* of the public html 
files for the newsletter list, I get the same error. Thankfully, the previous 
changes I made to other 3 files remained stored.

Clearly something has changed, but I don't know what. It could be that
for some reason, the edithtml CGI as invoked by the web server no
longer has permission to access the list specific templates, but this
seems really unlikely, since it created them in the first place, and
presumably the web server can still access them to display them to

Without knowing what's in Mailman's error log, I really haven't a clue.
The web server log will be no help because all the web server knows is
it invoked the edithtml CGI, and it got a page back. The page said
Mailman Bug, but the web server doesn't know that. As far as it's
concerned, everything is normal.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Not sending password reminders, subscription confirmations

2006-07-20 Thread Helmut Schneider
From: Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Helmut Schneider wrote:

From: Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You might try setting up another test_list with an underscore in the
 name and see if that fails too.

Does no fail. Is there a way to backup everything and then recreate those
two lists?

 A combination of bin/config_list and bin/list_members can be used to
 dump the list config and the digest and non-digest membership which
 can be then applied to a new list with bin/config_list and
 bin/add_members, but this does not preserve all user options.

 Before doing this, I would suggest using bin/config_list to dump the
 configurations of a problem list and a working list and diff the
 results. If this doesn't reveal the problem, you can try the same
 thing with the results of bin/dumpdb on the lists/listname/config.pck
 files. For this latter diff, you'll have to ignore differences in
 various attributes which are lists of members with other member info,
 but if there is something peculiar in the config of these lists which
 causes the problem, this should reveal it.

I'll try.

Thanks, Helmut 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] stange domain/url question

2006-07-20 Thread Anne Ramey

Mark Sapiro wrote:
 Anne Ramey wrote:
 Mark Sapiro wrote:
 Please address all questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This makes no sense. It shouldn't be -admin because that's a Mailman
 2.0.x artifact, but the 'mailman' site list didn't appear until 2.1.
 You are incorrect.  That is not a was copied and pasted from 
 the email I was sent this morning when I did a test.  I'm running 2.1.8, 
 but it's been upgraded time and again.

 Well then is your site list named 'mailman-admin' (I assumed it was
No, it's names mailman.  I can only assume the admin address is left 
over after upgrade.

 My default url host was still the old.  I'll change it and see if that 
 makes the difference.

 You need to not only make sure your DEFAULT_URL_HOST and
 DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST are correct, you also have to insure that old
 values from are removed from VIRTUAL_HOSTS. You do this by
 putting the following in

 # Remove old VIRTUAL_HOSTS entry from
 # Set correct Domains
 DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'correct.web.domain'

 (You don't need the comments). Then restart Mailman (bin/mailmanctl
 restart) and run fix_url on all lists via

 bin/withlist -l -a -r fix_url
I think it may have been the clear command I was missing.  Thanks

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Re: [Mailman-Users] stange domain/url question

2006-07-20 Thread Mark Sapiro
Anne Ramey wrote:

Mark Sapiro wrote:

 Well then is your site list named 'mailman-admin' (I assumed it was
No, it's names mailman.  I can only assume the admin address is left 
over after upgrade.

I've looked more deeply and found it is a bug in pre-Mailman 2.1.6
bin/newlist. That address is created as [EMAIL PROTECTED] where x comes from the setting MAILMAN_SITE_LIST, y should be 'owner'
but pre-2.1.6 is 'admin', and z is the list's host_name attribute.

Fixing the VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary and DEFAULT_*_HOST in
will take care of the host_name for new lists.

If you can live with the mailman-admin address in the notice, that's
fine, but note that if you actually mail to that address, it will only
get to the 'mailman' list owner if unrecognized bounce forwarding is
on and will be forwarded as an unrecognized bounce.

If you want to fix this in pre-2.1.6, find the line

siteadmin = Utils.get_site_email(mlist.host_name, 'admin')

and change it to

siteadmin = Utils.get_site_email(mlist.host_name, 'owner')

in both bin/newlist and Mailman/Cgi/

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] Customizing Mailman Messages

2006-07-20 Thread Karl Zander
We are interesting in customizing some of the messages 
Mailman generates back to members.  We would like to 
customize the message a non-member gets if they try to 

The FAQ talks about how to customize a welcome message for 
an announcement list.

Can I use the same technique, but modify the approve.txt 

Is it possible to customize the message on the monthly 
password reminder?  We would like to send not only the 
password but use it to remind members of posting policies.

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[Mailman-Users] customising: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2006-07-20 Thread John Clement
I've setup mailman with qmail, using so it works, then 
setup aliases for lists so we can still have [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], I've also added this to mailman's config so itss 
happy accepting posts to

The only problem I have now is when a member receives a post they receive it 

[listname] [EMAIL PROTECTED] list posting.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of (orig poster)

I'd like to change [EMAIL PROTECTED] to 

I can find info on customising pretty much everything else but this! Any 

Thanks - jc

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Customizing Mailman Messages

2006-07-20 Thread Mark Sapiro
Karl Zander wrote:

The FAQ talks about how to customize a welcome message for 
an announcement list.

Can I use the same technique, but modify the approve.txt 

Yes, see

Is it possible to customize the message on the monthly 
password reminder?  We would like to send not only the 
password but use it to remind members of posting policies.

Yes, the template is cronpass.txt, but in this case, the message is not
for a specific list, so the modified template has to be in the
templates/site/lang directory/directories as described in FAQ 4.48.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] customising: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalfof [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2006-07-20 Thread Mark Sapiro
John Clement wrote:

I've setup mailman with qmail, using so it works, then 
setup aliases for lists so we can still have [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], I've also added this to mailman's config so itss 
happy accepting posts to

The only problem I have now is when a member receives a post they receive it 

[listname] [EMAIL PROTECTED] list posting.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of (orig poster)

I'd like to change [EMAIL PROTECTED] to 

I can find info on customising pretty much everything else but this! Any 

There are two different things going on here. For information on the
'on behalf of' as displayed by MS Outlook, see

Changing any of this may require modification of the code in
Mailman/Handlers/ You can change -bounce to -admin by

if envsender is None:
if mlist:
envsender = mlist.GetBouncesEmail()
envsender = Utils.get_site_email(extra='bounces')

in to

if envsender is None:
if mlist:
envsender = mlist.getListAddress('admin')
envsender = Utils.get_site_email(extra='admin')

Bounce processing will still work OK since -admin is a (deprecated)
synonym for -bounces.

To fix the domain, If I understand your configuration correctly, you
can put (I'm changing domain to example per RFCs)


in and do 'bin/mailmanctl restart'

Then you need to update the lists with

bin/withlist -l -a -r fix_url

or in this case, if only DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST changed, you can skip
fix_url and change the host_name attribute on the admin General
Options page.


You can also get rid of the 'on behalf of' all together by looking at
the lines

del msg['sender']
del msg['errors-to']
msg['Sender'] = envsender
msg['Errors-To'] = envsender

in the bulkdeliver() function in

To have outlook just say From: original poster, delete or comment

msg['Sender'] = envsender

To have outlook say From: original sender (if any) on behalf of
original poster, also delete the line

del msg['sender']

leaving onle the two 'errors-to' lines.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] Question about topics

2006-07-20 Thread FH
I'm trying to figure out how the topic feature works.  We have an expression
in the regexp box (ie Foo[1]) and the body lines variable is set to 0 since
the expression should be in the subject line.  However everyone on the list is
still receiving the messages sent w/ Subject: Foo.  The filter is enabled,
the person who is subscribed to the topic also has yes on the Do you want
to receive messages that do not match any topic filter?, everyone else (who
is not subscribed to the topic) has no for this.  BTW we are using mailman

At first I thought it might be a problem w/ the regexp, but reading through
the archives I found
Members who don't select topics continue to receive all posts. 
and the wording on the end of the Do you want to receive... question (If no
topics of interest are selected above, then you will receive every message
sent to the mailing list.) is bringing up the question of whether or not the
list/membership is configured properly.  Do I have to change something on the
membership page of those who are NOT to receive the messages related to the
topic I'm trying to configure (it's the only one btw)?  If so what needs to
change and is there any way to configure the topic such that only those who
are interested have it configured and everyone else is left alone (it's a
relatively small list but it seems very cumbersome to change everyone if a
single topic is added to a large list).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  If there's more info that is needed
please let me know and I'll see if I can get it to you.


[1] we've also tried 
and probably a few other derivations that I can't recall off hand ;)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Question about topics

2006-07-20 Thread Mark Sapiro
FH wrote:

I'm trying to figure out how the topic feature works.  We have an expression
in the regexp box (ie Foo[1]) and the body lines variable is set to 0 since
the expression should be in the subject line.  However everyone on the list is
still receiving the messages sent w/ Subject: Foo.  The filter is enabled,
the person who is subscribed to the topic also has yes on the Do you want
to receive messages that do not match any topic filter?, everyone else (who
is not subscribed to the topic) has no for this.  BTW we are using mailman

The person subscribed to Foo should receive all posts because of Yes
for Do you want to receive messages that do not match any topic

The people not subscribed to any topics should receive all posts
because as it says Do you want to receive messages that do not match
any topic filter? only takes effect if you've subscribed to at least
one topic above.

In short, Your list is working as it should. In order to filter on
Topics, the user MUST subscribe to at least one topic. Otherwise, the
user always receives all posts.

At first I thought it might be a problem w/ the regexp,

There might be. If it is literally 'foo' as you say, it is OK. It is
also OK if it contains no white space or # characters, but although it
doesn't say so, the regexp is compiled in verbose mode which means #
introduces a comment and whitespace is ignored so to include either a
# or whitespace in the regexp, it must be backslash escaped or in a
character class. This is changed for Mailman 2.2 (not yet released)
and existing topic regexps will be converted if necessary when you

but reading through
the archives I found
Members who don't select topics continue to receive all posts. 
and the wording on the end of the Do you want to receive... question (If no
topics of interest are selected above, then you will receive every message
sent to the mailing list.) is bringing up the question of whether or not the
list/membership is configured properly.  Do I have to change something on the
membership page of those who are NOT to receive the messages related to the
topic I'm trying to configure (it's the only one btw)?  If so what needs to
change and is there any way to configure the topic such that only those who
are interested have it configured and everyone else is left alone (it's a
relatively small list but it seems very cumbersome to change everyone if a
single topic is added to a large list).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  If there's more info that is needed
please let me know and I'll see if I can get it to you.

If I understand correctly, You want to have a 'foo' topic, and some
people want to get all messages and some want all messages except
those matching the 'foo' topic.

If I have it right, you can't do this the way you are trying to. You
have two possible options as I see it.

1) instead of defining a 'foo' topic, define a 'not foo' topic. This
may or may not be possible, but a regexp like


might work. See

Then people who want all messages don't subscribe to any topics and
people who want just 'not foo' messages subscribe to the 'not foo'
topic and say no to Do you want to receive messages that do not
match any topic filter?

I think a better method is

2) Define a 'foo' topic as you have. Also define a 'none' topic with a
regexp such as '$.' that won't match anything. Then people who want
all posts subscribe to 'foo' (and 'none' if they want) and say 'yes'
to Do you want to receive messages that do not match any topic

People who don't want 'foo' subscribe to only 'none' and also say 'yes'
to Do you want to receive messages that do not match any topic
They won't receive 'foo' posts because they are subscribed to a topic
and they are not subscribed to 'foo', but they will receive all other
(non-matching) posts.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Question about topics

2006-07-20 Thread Mark Sapiro
Mark Sapiro wrote:

FH wrote:

... is there any way to configure the topic such that only those who
are interested have it configured and everyone else is left alone (it's a
relatively small list but it seems very cumbersome to change everyone if a
single topic is added to a large list).

I didn't address this directly in my first reply, but the answer is No.
No matter how topics are defined, any user who doesn't want to receive
all posts must be subscribed to at least one topic. The default user
receives all posts which is I think what most lists want.

What you are asking is not really for everyone else to be left alone.
You are asking for the ability to passively exclude users from
receiving certain messages by putting those messages in a topic. I
don't think this is fair to the users in general. I think it is up to
the user to actively choose not to receive all messages.

I realize your situation may be different, but instead of trying to set
up the users, you could just post instructions to the list and let
each user set herself up as she desires.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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