[Mailman-Users] Recommended reading before upgrading to 3.x ?

2021-06-30 Thread Andy Cravens
I’m running mailman 2.x and I am getting ready to build a new server and 
migrate my lists to 3.x.  For those of you who have done this already, do you 
have any recommended reading suggestions other than the official web page at 


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[Mailman-Users] Don't moderate any senders from a specific domain

2020-11-09 Thread Andy Cravens
I have a list running on Mailman 2.1.26.  For this list I want everybody 
moderated except for people who’s email address is from a specific domain.  Is 
there a way to specify a domain that will bypass moderation?  What I plan on 
doing right now is to manually check or uncheck the “mod” checkbox for all 
individual subscribers as needed.  The problem is that manual intervention is 
required to make sure new subscriptions are configured with the correct “mod” 
setting.  I want to avoid the manual intervention.   Under the Sender Filters 
section there is a setting for Non-member filters that allows you to specify a 
regex for accept_these_nonmembers.  There is no such regex for members to 
automatically accept their posts.  If there were such an option I would set 
emergency moderation of the list and then set the regex for the desired domain. 
 Unless I can find a place to set a regex for a domain to automatically accept 
posts from members, I will stick to manually setting the “mod” checkbox for all 

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[Mailman-Users] Using prune_arch on mailman v. 2.1.26

2020-08-11 Thread Andy Cravens
Using mailman 2.1.26.  I have one particular list that has a 3G mbox file and 
an 8G private archive directory.  I was going to use prune_arch to remove any 
archives over a year old.  I think the archives go back over ten years.  This 
particular list server has two cpus (@2.5GHz) but not sure how fast the disk 
is.  This server is typically more than 90% idle at any time.  Maybe a few 
bursts of activity on large lists every now and then.

I have three questions: 

First, If I run the prune_arch command to remove archives older than a year, is 
this going to take minutes, hours or days to complete?  In one post Mark Sapiro 
states that prune_arch locks the list while updating the LISTNAME.mbox so other 
processes won’t be updating concurrently.  Then the list is again locked by the 
bin/arch process while the HTML archive is being regenerated.   If this list is 
used on an hourly basis and the list is “locked” this could be problematic for 

Second, Our disk space is getting low and that is why we are cleaning up the 
archives.  Is the prune_arch command going to be temporarily generating more 
files and taking up more space in order to process the list archives?  If so 
I’ll have to make sure we have enough disk space to run prune_arch.

I would like to schedule the prune_arch command as a cron job to run against 
several lists.  I have looked at prune_arch before and I found some earlier 
posts that detailed how to prune the archives and there were more instructions 
that just running the prune_arch command.  I cannot locate those old posts now. 
 I should have bookmarked them.  Is this all I need to do, just run prune_arch 
against the list and slap it in cron?

Thank you for any info you can provide.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Massive amounts of bounces after setting munge_from for dmarc compliance

2019-11-19 Thread Andy Cravens

On Nov 19, 2019, at 9:39 AM, Andy Cravens  wrote:

Mailman 2.1.26.  I modified all our lists that did not have munge_from set for 
DMARC compliance.  I ran a few tests and was able to send and receive email 
from my test list.  Now I’m getting reports that large numbers of emails are 
bouncing and members are being unsubscribed.  I had someone forward a bounce 
message to me and it says it was rejected because it was suspected as spam.  In 
this sample email the headers show the original sender has some DKIM headers 
and I do not have mailman set to remove DKIM headers.  From the docs I found on 
the mailman wiki it said to not remove the DKIM headers.

This particular list server is on a domain that does not use DKIM but does have 
an SPF record set to soft fail and the DMARC is set to p=none for monitoring 
only.The headers in the sample email shows “dkim=fail (signature did not 
verify)” so I’m thinking I may need to have mailman strip out the DKIM headers 
from the original sender.  Before I modified this particular list I created a 
test list and added some members from one particular organization.  The test 
list worked fine even though the original DKIM signatures were not removed.

I also found this post where this guy says you need to remove the DKIM headers: 

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I meant to say our default setting for all lists is to set from_is_list to 
munge_from.  I also realized that some list managers (who’s domain uses DKIM) 
have added footers to their mailing list so I’ll have to strip the DKIM headers 
no matter what.  Finally, in the documentation I have found I see two 
variations for setting REMOVE_DKIM_HEADERS.


Which one is correct?
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[Mailman-Users] Massive amounts of bounces after setting munge_from for dmarc compliance

2019-11-19 Thread Andy Cravens
Mailman 2.1.26.  I modified all our lists that did not have munge_from set for 
DMARC compliance.  I ran a few tests and was able to send and receive email 
from my test list.  Now I’m getting reports that large numbers of emails are 
bouncing and members are being unsubscribed.  I had someone forward a bounce 
message to me and it says it was rejected because it was suspected as spam.  In 
this sample email the headers show the original sender has some DKIM headers 
and I do not have mailman set to remove DKIM headers.  From the docs I found on 
the mailman wiki it said to not remove the DKIM headers.

This particular list server is on a domain that does not use DKIM but does have 
an SPF record set to soft fail and the DMARC is set to p=none for monitoring 
only.The headers in the sample email shows “dkim=fail (signature did not 
verify)” so I’m thinking I may need to have mailman strip out the DKIM headers 
from the original sender.  Before I modified this particular list I created a 
test list and added some members from one particular organization.  The test 
list worked fine even though the original DKIM signatures were not removed.

I also found this post where this guy says you need to remove the DKIM headers: 

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[Mailman-Users] List DMARC compliance reconfiguration

2019-11-04 Thread Andy Cravens
Using mailman 2.1.26.  I’m auditing the lists on my server for DMARC compliance 
I’ve found several list configs that do not have the DMARC action set to 
“munge_from.”  It appears I need to edit all those list and fix that setting.  
I’ve also noticed that in mm_cfg.py there is no setting for 
REMOVE_DMIM_HEADERS.  I just wanted to verify the proper order for fixing these 
issues.  Seems like I need to correct the munge_from setting for all the 
affected lists and them as quickly as possible add REMOVE_DKIM_HEADERS = 1 to 
mm_cfg.py and restart.  It appears that which ever task I complete first some 
messages will be undeliverable until both changes are complete.  Maybe it would 
be best to stop mailman, complete both changes and then restart?  Just looking 
for the best way to do this.
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[Mailman-Users] Disallow posting and alert members about replacement list

2019-04-18 Thread Andy Cravens
Using mailman 2.1.26.  I have a list that is going to be retired and I need to 
stop people from posting to the old list.  However, I don’t want to delete the 
list quite yet.  Also, I need to auto-reply to any attempted posters that the 
list is being replaced with a new list.  I have a plan but would like to see if 
I’m doing this the best way possible.

1) I’m going to put the list in emergency moderation mode so no more posts will 
go out.

2) Set Discard Held Messages to 1 day so the held messages don’t build up.

3) Configure the Auto-Responder (Auto-response text to send to mailing list 
posters.) telling them to use the new list.

Does this sound reasonable?  Is this the best way to achieve this?

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[Mailman-Users] Unsubscribe emails - saved anywhere?

2018-06-12 Thread Andy Cravens
Using mailman 2.1.26.  When someone sends an unsubscribe email to a mailman 
server, does that email get saved anywhere after it is processed?
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Distributed mass subscribe attack?

2017-08-22 Thread Andy Cravens

On Aug 18, 2017, at 8:36 AM, David Gibbs <da...@midrange.com> wrote:

On 8/17/17 3:47 PM, Andy Cravens wrote:
> I forgot to mention I’m also working on a modsecurity rule to look at
> all POSTs and reject if they contain an email address with a + sign.

I'm interested in both your recaptcha mod & mod_security rule ... please
post (or contact me privately) when you make some progress.

If you're interested in my MM mod, let me know.

After reading the responses concerning the + symbol in email addresses I have 
decided not to block them.  What I did was to implement reCaptcha v1 using the 
instructions here: 


When I first looked at this I had made several bad assumptions.  I assumed you 
could not use the reCaptcha v2 keys with v1.  The new keys work fine with v1.  
I had to apply the patch manually by editing the files and inserting the new 
code.  It wasn’t a big deal.   I still plan on looking at implementing v2 
sometime this year if I can find some free time.  Also plan on creating the 
modsecurity rules mentioned earlier.  Another modsecurity rule I want to create 
is to watch for outgoing replies that indicate a failed login attempt and take 
action if conditions warrant.  I will post my rules when I have tested and 
verified they work.

Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Users being unsubscribed without requesting it.

2017-08-19 Thread Andy Cravens
On Aug 19, 2017, at 8:27 AM, Steve Wehr  wrote:

subscribe:Aug 18 00:41:10 2017 (22583) saintsofswing: deleted
dorrainescofi...@gmail.com; via the member options page

Steve, if this was done via the web interface the first thing I would do is get 
the date/timestamp for the log entry “deleted via the member options page.”   
Next, search through your apache logs looking for that same date/timestamp.  
You should be able to find the exact apache access log entry with that date and 
time down to the second where someone submitted the form to remove the user.  
Your apache log should contain the IP address of the client who submitted the 
form.  Finally, look up that IP address to see who owns it.  You could also 
grep for that IP address to get all the access logs for that user to see what 
else they are up to.  This would allow you to track down the client responsible 
for unsubscribing that address.


Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Distributed mass subscribe attack?

2017-08-17 Thread Andy Cravens
On 8/8/2017 12:22 PM, David Gibbs wrote:
> Anyone else noticing a distributed mass subscribe attack going on
> their lists?
> I've noticed a massive number of attempts a small subset of email
> addresses, with modifiers (address+modif...@example.com), going on.
> It appears the address is valid ... so it appears to be some kind of
> hit job to flood someone's inbox.

FWIW: I did a bit of hacking (super simple) and think I've found a way to 
thwart the attempt (at least on my server).

It appears that the bot that's doing the attack first gets the subscribe form, 
so it can retrieve the sub_form_token value, before it does a POST to do the 

I changed the subscribe & listinfo scripts to use a different name for the 
sub_form_token field.  Something unique to my system.

I've seen a lot of GETS & POSTS from the hosts that were doing the attack and 
no subscribe's logged.



I forgot to mention I’m also working on a modsecurity rule to look at all POSTs 
and reject if they contain an email address with a + sign.

Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Distributed mass subscribe attack?

2017-08-17 Thread Andy Cravens
On 8/8/2017 12:22 PM, David Gibbs wrote:
> Anyone else noticing a distributed mass subscribe attack going on
> their lists?
> I've noticed a massive number of attempts a small subset of email
> addresses, with modifiers (address+modif...@example.com), going on.
> It appears the address is valid ... so it appears to be some kind of
> hit job to flood someone's inbox.

"FWIW: I did a bit of hacking (super simple) and think I've found a way to 
thwart the attempt (at least on my server).

It appears that the bot that's doing the attack first gets the subscribe form, 
so it can retrieve the sub_form_token value, before it does a POST to do the 

I changed the subscribe & listinfo scripts to use a different name for the 
sub_form_token field.  Something unique to my system."

I have the same issues.  Thank you for the info above.  I’m also working on a 
patch for reCaptcha V2.  Don’t know if I’ll have it done this month.

Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Mailman and reCAPTCHA v2

2017-08-12 Thread Andy Cravens
Currently running mailman 2.1.23 and would like to implement reCAPTCHA v2.  The 
only information I can find on this topic relates to reCAPTCHA v1 which google 
no longer supports.  I can’t even generate keys for v1 any more.  Has anybody 
successfully implemented reCAPTCHA v2 with mailman 2.1.X ?

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[Mailman-Users] Truncated aliases file

2008-08-04 Thread Andy Cravens
We are running mailman 2.1.9 on Solaris 10.  This afternoon we had a 
strange problem that we have never seen before.  The mailman aliases 
file located at /opt/mailman/data/aliases was somehow truncated and 
contained only a dozen of our 173 lists.  Almost all of our list traffic 
was rejected with User unknown in local recipient table as a result. 
The problem was easily remedied by running the genaliases script.

I can find no reason for this one-time occurrence (I hope it was a 
one-time occurrence).  I have checked the server and found no hardware 
or system errors.  I have checked all the mailman logs and have found 
nothing that correlates to the date/time of when the problem started.

I have also spent some time googling this problem without finding much. 
   Just wanted to run it by the list to see if anybody else has seen 
this.  If it happens again I guess I could write a script to detect the 
problem and automatically run genaliases but I'd rather locate the 
source of the problem.  Maybe it won't happen again.

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[Mailman-Users] Runaway python process

2008-07-14 Thread Andy Cravens
I'm running Mailman 2.1.9 on Solaris 10.  Sometime this weekend we had a 
mail loop which pounded our list server.  The mail loop has been fixed 
but there is a python process that is consuming an entire cpu.  Further 
inspection of this process reveals:

qrunner --runner=ArchRunner:0:1 -s

I'm assuming that ArchRunner is a process that archives incoming 
messages and that mailman is in the process of archiving all those 
thousands of messages that were received due to the mail loop. 

I've been searching the mailman site and also googling to find a way to 
discard all those bogus messages.  I'm getting pressure to fix this  
fast because people cannot log in to the web interface because the 
server is pegged due to this process.

So, 1)  I'd like to know if I'm going down the right path assuming 
mailman is busy archiving all those messages and 2)  How can I get it to 

I'm going to log into the web interface even though it will forever to 
get the page to come up and I will try disabling archiving fir the 
affected list.  Not sure if that will stop the archiving that is already 
happening or not but I'm going to give it a try.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Runaway python process

2008-07-14 Thread Andy Cravens

Dragon wrote:

Andy Cravens wrote:
I'm running Mailman 2.1.9 on Solaris 10.  Sometime this weekend we 
had a mail loop which pounded our list server.  The mail loop has 
been fixed but there is a python process that is consuming an entire 
cpu.  Further inspection of this process reveals:

qrunner --runner=ArchRunner:0:1 -s

I'm assuming that ArchRunner is a process that archives incoming 
messages and that mailman is in the process of archiving all those 
thousands of messages that were received due to the mail loop.
I've been searching the mailman site and also googling to find a way 
to discard all those bogus messages.  I'm getting pressure to fix this
fast because people cannot log in to the web interface because the 
server is pegged due to this process.

So, 1)  I'd like to know if I'm going down the right path assuming 
mailman is busy archiving all those messages and 2)  How can I get it 
to stop?

I'm going to log into the web interface even though it will forever 
to get the page to come up and I will try disabling archiving fir the 
affected list.  Not sure if that will stop the archiving that is 
already happening or not but I'm going to give it a try.

 End original message. -

I'd suggest killing the archive runner process. And then disabling 
archiving in the web interface. Then you can go in and remove the 
offending files from qfiles/archive (though exactly what needs to be 
done there I am not certain).

You probably also want to remove the offending messages from the mbox 
files for the lists and then rebuild the archives without them, though 
there are issues with possibly breaking links to messages in the 

Once you have things cleaned up, you can restart mailman and re-enable 


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
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Problem solved.   I already killed that qrunner process so that I could 
edit the archive options via the web interface.  The key was deleting 
the 25,000 files from qfiles/archive.  and then restarting mailman.  I 
probably deleted some other legit archives to other lists in the process 
but at least we're back up.   Probably should have done a selective 
delete by grepping for the list name within the file but oh well...

Thanks for pointing me to qfiles/archive.  I learned something.


Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] Upgrading - need info on old version

2006-02-10 Thread Andy Cravens
We are in the process of upgrading mailman and have to take some 
intermediate steps to get there without affecting our customers.  I'd 
like to know if there is a way to configure mailman 1.0 so that any mail 
sent by mailman would look like it came from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
instead of the current setup of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are also running postfix on this server and I thought about changing 
postfix's conf to accomplish this by doing myorigin=lists.domain.com

However, I found this is not a good solution because there are several 
mail services running on this old server.  I only want mailman list mail 
to look like it came from lists.domain.com and any other mail needs to 
continue to look like it came from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So... I'd like to find out if this change can be configured in mailman 
1.0.  I have already modified each list and set the Host name this list 
prefers to lists.domain.com.  This last change seems to take care of 
any references to the list name that are contained in the body of the 
message.  However, I also need the header information to show it came 
from lists.domain.com in case a user replies to a message.

Anybody know if there is a way to configure mailman 1.0 so that it looks 
like it's coming from lists.domain.com?


Mailman-Users mailing list
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Security Policy: 

[Mailman-Users] Running mailman on dedicated server

2005-06-06 Thread Andy Cravens
I'm looking for information on pros, cons and setup steps for taking 
mailman off the mail server and setting it up on a dedicated mailman 
list server.  I looked through the entire FAQ and didn't see any info on 
this.  I've seen this information before but can't find it now. 

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Security Policy: 

[Mailman-Users] How can I manually delete held msg?

2004-11-03 Thread Andy Cravens
Is there a way to manually delete held messages from a list's config.db
file?  I periodically get held messages that will not delete because
they contain a sequence of characters that cause the discard function to
blow up.  You know, the 'ol We're sorry, we hit a bug! error screen.

In the past I've solved this by determining the date of the bad e-mail
and restoring the config.db file from tape backup to the day before the
e-mail was received.  This is getting to be too much.  

I've searched the archives and found a few posts on this but no
solutions.  I saw one post from Barry Warsaw that described a procedure
using bin/withlist but I didn't understand it. 


I don't know how to lock a list and I don't want to edit the list's
attributes.  I just want to delete the bad e-mail message.  Any tips
would be appreciated.

I'm using mailman 1.0 (upgrading next month)
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[Mailman-Users] Manually deleting mm_q files

2004-10-01 Thread Andy Cravens
I'm going to be upgrading an old mailman 1.0 install to 2.x

In looking around at our old install I've discovered a lot of old que
files in .../mailman/data/ such as

1534 May 25  2001 mm_q.29687.1
1534 May 25  2001 mm_q.29683.1
1532 May 25  2001 mm_q.29660.1
1532 May 25  2001 mm_q.29656.1
1532 May 25  2001 mm_q.29652.1
1532 May 25  2001 mm_q.29631.1
1532 May 25  2001 mm_q.29627.1

Many of these files are three years old.  Can I delete this old stuff
manually without causing any problems elsewhere?

Thanks for any info you can provide...

Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] Upgrading mailman 1.0 and python 2.3.3

2004-10-01 Thread Andy Cravens
We are currently running Mailman 1.0 and python 1.5.2

In prep for upgrading Mailman 1.0, I will be upgrading python from 1.5.2
to version 2.3.3.  Will Mailman 1.0 continue to run after I upgrade
python to 2.3.3?  Also, will Mailman 2.0.13 run OK under python 2.3.3? 
The docs on the Mailman web site say that Mailman 2.0.13 runs best under
python 2.2.2.
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Upgrading and archives

2004-07-28 Thread Andy Cravens
I have been given the task to upgrade our mail server which is running
Mailman 2.0.12 

The existing server will be replaced with a completely rebuild box with
the latest versions of Mailman and Postfix.  I have no previous
experience with Mailman so I have no idea how to move the current
Mailman configuration (along with all the list archives) to this new box
and have them work seamlessly.

I am in the process of pouring through the Mailman documentation so any
shortcuts, advice or tips you can provide will be appreciated.

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