Title: almost but not quite
I'm trying to get Mailman working on my system.

I've followed the setup directions twice through. Everything seems to be working, except that when I send a message to a list, no mail goes out.

Subscription notices do seem to be going okay. And I get messages at the "mailman" address. That's all, though.

I'm using sendmail, did configure to set default user to be 12. (--with-mail-gid=12)

Here's the setting from sendmail.cf:

# default UID (can be username or userid:groupid)
O DefaultUser=8:12

I actually found I could send mail to my test list by doing:

su mail
/etc/smrsh/wrapper post test

where the second command matches the aliases entry.

If I try to do /etc/smrsh/wrapper post test from the mailman account, I get Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 12, GOT gid 501.  (Reconfigure to take 501?)

Any ideas why it's not working for mail coming in?

Bryan Walls     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Check out my fresh personal website at http://home.bwalls.com/
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