Re: [Mailman-Users] Ignore DMARC bounces?

2014-06-16 Thread Bryan Wright
Could we not send the message out as usual, then on a p=reject bounce, forward 
the original message (so it comes from the mailing list) along with an 
explanation of what is transpiring to the bounced user, plus to the message 
author?  Maybe include a note suggesting the author change mail providers.  
This way if the message author's domain causes 20 bounces, they get 20 messages 
letting them know they need to change mail providers.

-Original Message-
From: Mailman-Users 
[] On Behalf Of 
Stephen J. Turnbull
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2014 7:42 AM
To: Sparr
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Ignore DMARC bounces?

Sparr writes:

 > Modifying the messages bothers me (and a lot of other people, as  > 
 > indicated by the last dozen times similar conversations have been had,  > 
 > about changing Reply-To and From and Subject and ...) and should be  > the 
 > last resort.

Well, actually the point is that lists need to do fewer modifications than they 
already do.  DMARC has two tests, one for the domain in From being equivalent 
to the IP of the SMTP client, which will fail unless the author is at the 
mailing list's domain, and a DKIM signature.  The signature will survive and be 
valid at the recipient in the case that the message is completely unmodified.

However, mailing lists typically make one or more of the following
modifications: add a list tag to the Subject field, add a header or footer to 
the body, remove prohibited MIME bodies (.exes, text/html, etc), or transform 
text/html to text/plain.  Any of those will cause the usual DKIM signature to 
be invalidated.  DMARC-using domains typically sign From (required by the DKIM 
protocol), To, Cc, Subject, and the whole body (effectively including the end 
of the message, preventing appended material such as a footer).

My personal opinion is that these traditional changes are expected and desired 
by mailing list subscribers, and that posting from "p=reject"
domains is thereby a violation of the policy of the "p=reject" domain, and 
places other subscribers at risk.  I think mailing lists should reject such 
posts (if the signature is valid), or silently discard them (if it is not).

However, subscribers from those domains are unlikely to agree 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Performance issues with 12K subscribers and 14K subscribers and personalized footers.

2013-09-30 Thread Bryan Wright

Thanks for the help.  Followed the instructions in the FAQ  to get sendmail 
listening on an alternate port in deferred mode.  That made a huge difference, 
although not as speedy as your environment, 8122 messages made it from mailman 
to sendmail in about 30 minutes.

Sep 30 10:07:18 2013 (22267) 
 smtp to 
catherine.klein for 8122 recips, completed in 1782.344 seconds

Now I just need to fine-tune sendmail so it speeds up as well, but that's a 
question for elsewhere.

Thanks again for the help.

Bryan Wright

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sapiro [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 3:33 PM
To: Bryan Wright;
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Performance issues with 12K subscribers and 14K 
subscribers and personalized footers.

On 09/27/2013 10:40 PM, Bryan Wright wrote:
> So back to the speed.   If multiple qrunners won't fix the issue, is
> there any way to speed this up? To get it to process multiple outgoing 
> messages at once?

Before trying to send from Mailman in parallel, you need to look into speeding 
up the SMTP interaction between Mailman and sendmail, bevcause that's where the 
real delay exists.

> Could I create multiple lists and then just have the lists subscribed 
> to the one list?  Then each of these lists could use a qrunner?

Yes and no. You could create an umbrella list or use regular_include_lists (see 
the FAQ at <>) to create multiple outgoing messages 
with fewer recipients, but there is no guarantee that these message's out/ 
queue entries would all wind up in different OutgoingRunner slices. Actually 
ensuring that each message is processed by a different OutgoingRunner would, I 
think, require some kludgey code mods. It would be easier and more productive 
to modify SMTPDirect to use multiple threads. (There is an 'experimental'
MAX_DELIVERY_THREADS setting documented in, but it is not currently 

> Could disk access time be an issue?  Could I place the mailman queue 
> directory in a ram disk?

Putting the queue on a ram disk won't help. The queue entry is only picked up 
at the start of processing and whether it takes microseconds or milliseconds, 
it is not the source of any significant delay.

Putting the server's swap space on a ram disk could help, but there are other 
things to try first.

As I said in my original reply, see the FAQs at <> 
and <>. A local caching DNS may help and if sendmail 
is doing DNS verification at incoming SMTP time, stopping that will really 
help. Also ensure you haven't changed the default



Note: as a point of reference, my production server is not very high powered, 
runs CentOS 5, and has no specific performance tuning. Messages from Mailman 
use Mailman's VERP feature so each recipient gets an individual message whether 
or not personalization is on. Mailman delivers over 50 messages per second to 
Postfix or 12,000 messages in 4 minutes. This is based on up to 600+ messages 
(my maximum list size is currently 629), and may slow down some with larger 
lists as Postfix gets busier sending, but I'm sure delivery to Postfix of 
12,000 messages would take minutes as opposed to hours.

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Performance issues with 12K subscribers and 14K subscribers and personalized footers.

2013-09-27 Thread Bryan Wright

That makes sense now.   And explains why all my attempts to speed up processing 
have hear no effect.   So the final message should be logged once delivery is 

So back to the speed.   If multiple qrunners won't fix the issue, is there any 
way to speed this up? To get it to process multiple outgoing messages at once?

Could I create multiple lists and then just have the lists subscribed to the 
one list?  Then each of these lists could use a qrunner?

Could disk access time be an issue?  Could I place the mailman queue directory 
in a ram disk?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

 Original message 
From: Mark Sapiro 
Date: 09/28/2013 12:00 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Performance issues with 12K subscribers and 14K 
subscribers and personalized footers.

On 09/27/2013 09:32 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Also, you only see them while delivery of the post is
> proceeding because of multiple qrunners, but I'm not sure why locking
> doesn't stop even that.

Actually, it's because OutgoingRunner doesn't lock the list. I was
confusing it with IncomingRunner which does lock the list.

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan
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[Mailman-Users] Performance issues with 12K subscribers and 14K subscribers and personalized footers.

2013-09-27 Thread Bryan Wright

I'm trying to figure out some performance issues with mailman.  I have it 
configured for SMTP direct, and pointed at localhost, port 25.  The MTA is 
sendmail.  Sendmail is configured to use our exchange server as a smart host.  
We have two lists configured and send out 1 message a month to each list.  It 
usually takes about 12-24 hours to finish sending all the messages.  There are 
never more than about 5 to 10 messages in the sendmail queue at any given time, 
so this leads me to believe that the bottleneck is not on the sendmail side.

I've configured mailman for 48 outgoing qrunners, and have tried as many as 72 
qrunners, with no noticeable difference, it's like it's using only the 1st 
outgoing qrunner to process the message and the rest stay there idle.  And then 
it uses that one qrunner process to create each separate message.  So 12k 
individual messages processed by one qrunner thread each time.  Is there some 
way to speed this up and/or get it to use multiple outgoing qrunners 
simultaneously for the same post, since with personalization it has to create 
individual copies of each message?

The other odd thing is it doesn't log all 12K messages in the smtp log from 
mailman, but it logs more than 1.  I would have thought it would either log 
only 1 message, or all 12K messages.

Here is the SMTP log from mailman:

Sep 26 14:13:17 2013 (12407)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 10.368 seconds
Sep 26 15:11:57 2013 (12439)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 8.107 seconds
Sep 26 15:42:19 2013 (12381)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 0.086 seconds
Sep 26 16:56:31 2013 (12458)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 11.179 seconds
Sep 26 17:21:12 2013 (12469)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 1.012 seconds
Sep 26 19:10:10 2013 (12429)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 10.988 seconds
Sep 26 20:23:43 2013 (12449)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 6.958 seconds
Sep 27 00:47:25 2013 (12380)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 6.096 seconds
Sep 27 01:17:13 2013 (12448)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 6.166 seconds
Sep 27 02:11:27 2013 (12442)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 5.095 seconds
Sep 27 02:30:36 2013 (12399)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 6.013 seconds
Sep 27 02:40:08 2013 (12472)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 5.356 seconds
Sep 27 05:07:31 2013 (12380)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 0.083 seconds
Sep 27 05:08:20 2013 (12422)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 0.077 seconds
Sep 27 05:08:23 2013 (12474)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 0.073 seconds
Sep 27 05:31:24 2013 (12438)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 10.251 seconds
Sep 27 06:56:34 2013 (12469)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 5.967 seconds
Sep 27 06:56:50 2013 (12396)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 5.153 seconds
Sep 27 07:02:33 2013 (12452)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 10.248 seconds
Sep 27 07:59:36 2013 (12406)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 11.085 seconds
Sep 27 08:05:46 2013 (12417)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 10.141 seconds
Sep 27 08:10:38 2013 (12449)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 10.232 seconds
Sep 27 08:11:40 2013 (12435)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 10.093 seconds
Sep 27 08:28:37 2013 (12473)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 5.124 seconds
Sep 27 08:35:08 2013 (12409)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 10.346 seconds
Sep 27 09:51:39 2013 (12428)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 5.045 seconds
Sep 27 10:34:31 2013 (12393)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 0.049 seconds
Sep 27 11:39:33 2013 (12396)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 15.162 seconds
Sep 27 11:40:15 2013 (12389)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 10.073 seconds
Sep 27 11:53:41 2013 (12438)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 5.098 seconds
Sep 27 13:00:33 2013 (12430)  
smtp to newsletter for 1 recips, completed in 10.125 seconds

Thanks in advance for any advice/help you can give.

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