Re: [Mailman-Users] mbox files in the archives

2006-09-27 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/27/06, Dragon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The mbox files are where the messages used to build the archive HTML
> files reside.
> If you remove them or edit them, you would not be able to rebuild
> your archives the way they are if you ever had a need to do so.

And, perhaps more importantly, if the list owners want to change the
templates and rebuild the archives to match the new appearance, you
wouldn't be able to do *that* either.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Topics regex

2006-09-18 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/18/06, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's not documented, but Topic regexps are compiled in VERBOSE mode
> which means that unescaped whitespace outside of character classes is
> ignored. This and other issues with Topic regexps are fixed for
> Mailman 2.2,

By "fixed", do you mean the behavior is now documented?  Or that they
won't be compiled in VERBOSE mode?  (Off-hand either seems reasonable,
though I suspect most people are more used to the mode where
whitespace is treated verbatim.)
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Rebuilding list archive crashed?

2006-09-09 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/8/06, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was rebuilding list archive, and during that process something
> > stuck, and the process has not ended.
> Also e-mails seem not to be distributed over the list.
> How can I restart it or ulock it?
> Regarding archive rebuilding.
> When I try to run it again:
> $ /var/list/bin/arch listname
> nothing happens, so I have to interrupt it (Ctrl+C), and only then some
> messages appear:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/var/list/bin/arch", line 200, in ?
> main()
>   File "/var/list/bin/arch", line 141, in main
> mlist = MailList(listname)
>   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/", line 128, in __init__
> self.Lock()
>   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/", line 161, in Lock
> self.__lock.lock(timeout)
>   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/", line 312, in lock
> self.__sleep()
>   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/", line 496, in __sleep
> time.sleep(interval)
> KeyboardInterrupt

The archiver takes a 3-hour lock on the list, I believe.  I found that
when I aborted an archiving run (or it crashed), I needed to manually
unlock the list. I never actually tried waiting the 3 hours; in theory
it will override the lock after the time has expired.

In my case, where there was nothing else using the mailman
installation but my attempts to rebuild the archives, I could just "
rm locks/*" from the mailman directory.  But on a real installation
with queue-runner going and other lists and so forth, *don't do
that!*.  Possibly by inspecting the names of the lock files you can
see which ones relate to your crashed rebuild, and delete just those.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Config_list doesn't copy the "Public HTML Pages"

2006-09-06 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/6/06, Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The templates are stored in the filesystem, in a variety of different
> places depending on whether you're talking about the standard
> as-shipped language dependent versions, the standard as-shipped
> language independent versions, the site-wide language independent
> versions, site-wide language dependent versions, list-specific
> language independent versions, or list-specific language dependent
> versions, and that's just the six different potential combinations
> that I can come up with off the top of my head -- I'm pretty sure
> that there are some others that I haven't thought of.

I didn't even know there *were* list-specific versions of that; could
you tell me where they end up if they're created?  (I hadn't
customized my fake installation at the list level, so the directories
probably didn't exist in it, so I didn't find them, is my immediate
guess.   I'm currently doing my customizing at the top level.  Not
that it matters in a temporary installation used once to transform old
archive mbox files into the html archive pages; but it's *inelegant*
and I should fix it.

> How you would pick and choose which specific templates are to be
> considered as part of the configuration for a given list would be a
> complex subject.  Do you copy the site-wide versions or not?  If you
> do copy them, do you install them in the list-specific locations on
> the other end, or do you install them in the appropriate site-wide
> location?  And what if there are conflicts?

Yes, this is potentially a conflict.  Although if you're copying a
list within a site, the site-level stuff above it will remain the

A scheme that copied the list-specific stuff across all langugages
when a list was copied would probably be very usable.

> This starts to get real messy, real quick.
> >  But config_list knows only about a subset of configuration variables.
> Right.  My understanding is that templates are not considered part of
> a list configuration, and config_list has always seemed to me to be
> kind of a quick-n-dirty tool, and never intended to be a
> be-all/do-all 100% perfect list duplication management system.

I see stuff about expanding (and making less weirdly inconsistent!)
the template scheme as future work items.   We should check and see if
that includes addressing the issue of copying a list in a more elegant
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Firefox password issue (was: Re: Hijacking threads and netiquette ... )

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/5/06, Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 3:56 PM -0500 2006-09-05, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> >  Thanks to everybody for their assistance working out what was going on
> >  here.  I apologize for the heat I contributed to the discussion (while
> >  pleading in extenuation that I was provoked).
> There was certainly a communications breakdown, yes.  And we did
> start off by going down a rathole as a result of an accident,
> although we did wind up taking this thread back onto your topic which
> was intended to be original.

And we got back on track partly because we both were stubborn, rather
than giving up or degenerating into a flamewar.  I have seen worse
outcomes, even if this wasn't perfectly optimum.

> However, while you may have felt like you were being provoked, you
> should know that I certainly did not intend to provoke you, and I
> don't believe that anyone else did, either.  I believe it was an
> honest miscommunication, which was piled on top of some unfortunate
> previous problems, and that set us up into a pattern which became
> mutually non-productive.

Sometimes tone doesn't come across to the reader as it was intended by
the writer, even when they're from the same culture and both
(seemingly) pretty decent writers and readers.   I'm not interested in
accusing you of doing anything counter-productive deliberately.  If I
wasn't reading it the way you were trying to write it, I'll happily
chalk it up to "one of those things" that we both contributed to, and
move on.

The important thing is that the original Firefox issue was brought to
a useful conclusion, and that it was done without (I hope) excessive
cost in wasted time or ongoing hostilities.

> I will apologize for anything I may have said which came across as
> being provocational in nature, and assume that you (and others) would
> do the same.

I feel no need to go into detail on what I saw that way along the way;
and hope you feel the same about my own posts in this discussion.  And
I accept and thank you for the general apology.  (My apology is in the
previous message, the one you are responding to, so please nobody
think I'm accepting apologies without offering my own!)

> There may still be some minor technical issues that can/should
> continue to be discussed, and if so then I hope we will be able to do
> that without getting back into this pattern.

That would very much be my preference.

I've posted the FAQ entry, and updated the Mailman feature request
with the information on the Firefox bug entry.  I suppose it would be
useful to test a few more browsers carefully to see which ones do what
here.  I also haven't tried the 2.0 beta, to see if the fix really
does fix this.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Hijacking threads and netiquette (was: e: Obscure addresses problem)

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/5/06, Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >  I wrote what would have been 3.67, only to then be told that it wasn't
> >  actually open to anybody to post after all; so to keep that work from
> >  going to waste I post it here, and propose it be included (or improved
> >  and then included):
> Look closely.  All the information you need is actually right there.
> You're asked for your full name, your e-mail address, and the
> password.  The password is actually given to you in multiple places,
> and is pretty obvious -- although I'm not going to explicitly mention
> it in this public forum.

Now *that* really pissed me off.  The page linked from the "help"
button on the FAQ edit page says "What is the password? The webmaster
will tell you the password if you ask nicely."  I really don't much
like scavenger-hunt-as-security-metaphor, but maybe that help should
be updated somehow to suggest the real situation more accurately.

I'll be updating the new FAQ with one more point, the Firefox bug
number (closed for 2.0) referring to this problem, and posting it
shortly.  Unless yet *another* booby-trap trips me up yet *again*.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Hijacking threads and netiquette (was: e: Obscure addresses problem)

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/5/06, Todd Zullinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> > It's an issue in the interaction of browsers and Mailman.  It could
> > almost certainly be fixed by either side.  If you want to start a
> > finger-pointing contest and say "not my problem" that's your
> > privilege of course, but they can do so just as validly on the other
> > side.
> >
> > The schemes currently implemented in many browsers work with a huge
> > array of sites out there, everything from ebay to amazon to
> > sourceforge to slashdot to The New York Times, thousands and
> > thousands of sites.
> >
> > Unfortunately they do not seem to work with Mailman.
> >
> > You can argue that everybody is wrong except Mailman, and all the
> > browsers should change to support the way Mailman wants to do this
> > (while, of course, not breaking any of the *other* sites they
> > already work with).
> >
> > If you want to argue that, please go ahead; there may be additional
> > reasons I haven't yet seen or thought of why what Mailman does is so
> > right that it's more important than whether it works with existing
> > browsers, and so right that when we make the argument to the browser
> > community they will all rush to fix the browsers.   That's entirely
> > possible.
> >
> > So, make the argument.
> Perhaps you should first show how mailman is broken here.  If you're
> claim is that all sites which have a password entry form need to use
> both a username and password or that the password field needs to be
> named password, then I'm just going to chuckle.
> If there is something actually broken about the way that mailman's
> admin page presents itself and makes it impossible for a sane browser
> to save the password, then point it out explicitly.  References to any
> related RFC or other standard specification would be a big plus.

If you want to take a rules-lawyer approach and use it to resist any
suggestion of change, be my guest.  So far as I know, what's at issue
here is the question of interoperability in an area where there are no
formal standards in play.  So, from a rules-lawyer point of view,
clearly nobody is at fault.

>From a real-world point of view, there's still a problem.

Given that Firefox was picking up the password, but was NOT offering
it back on later visits, I'll accept the argument that the basic
problem is really in Firefox.  Apparently so do they, and they've
fixed it in an upcoming release, see my recent previous message.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Hijacking threads and netiquette (was: e: Obscure addresses problem)

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/5/06, Todd Zullinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is definitely a firefox bug, AFAIAK.  If Firefox is smart enough
> to offer to save the password, then it needs to be smart enough to
> fill it back in on return to the same page.  Unless someone in the
> firefox camp can show that the spartan HTML generated on the mailman
> admin logon page is just plain wrong, I can't see how changing it is a
> problem that mailman should deal with.

And it's apparently fixed in 2.0

Thanks to everybody for their assistance working out what was going on
here.  I apologize for the heat I contributed to the discussion (while
pleading in extenuation that I was provoked).
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Hijacking threads and netiquette (was: e: Obscure addresses problem)

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/5/06, Raquel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Sep 2006 14:23:42 -0500
> "David Dyer-Bennet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My problem, as I have said from the beginning, is that browsers
> > (specifically Firefox, though I note the same problem reported
> > against Safari in feature request 966157) do not recognize the
> > password field on the mailing list administrator login page as a
> > password field, and hence do not offer to save it for me, and
> > hence make it much, much harder to deal with mailing list
> > administration than it needs to be.
> What I cannot understand, since this is a browser issue, is that it
> becomes a Mailman problem.  Should Mailman, and every web site on
> the Internet, change their programming?  Should the browser
> programmers change their programming?  I suppose the answer to those
> questions depend on who is asked.

It's an issue in the interaction of browsers and Mailman.  It could
almost certainly be fixed by either side.  If you want to start a
finger-pointing contest and say "not my problem" that's your privilege
of course, but they can do so just as validly on the other side.

The schemes currently implemented in many browsers work with a huge
array of sites out there, everything from ebay to amazon to
sourceforge to slashdot to The New York Times, thousands and thousands
of sites.

Unfortunately they do not seem to work with Mailman.

You can argue that everybody is wrong except Mailman, and all the
browsers should change to support the way Mailman wants to do this
(while, of course, not breaking any of the *other* sites they already
work with).

If you want to argue that, please go ahead; there may be additional
reasons I haven't yet seen or thought of why what Mailman does is so
right that it's more important than whether it works with existing
browsers, and so right that when we make the argument to the browser
community they will all rush to fix the browsers.   That's entirely

So, make the argument.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Hijacking threads and netiquette (was: e: Obscure addresses problem)

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/5/06, Todd Zullinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> > I'm not convinced there's anything about this in the FAQ.
> >
> > 4.65 is not about the issue I'm raising; that's about cookie issues,
> > whereas my case is that the password field isn't recognized in the
> > first place.
> I've tested this on systems running both 2.1.5 and 2.1.8 and it works
> fine for me with Firefox  The admin login html hasn't changed
> for any of those releases.  I don't see how this would be a mailman
> issue.  Even if firefox failed to save the password for me as well,
> I'd see that as a firefox problem.  The html that mailman uses for
> that form is pretty basic, so firefox would have to be pretty broken
> if it couldn't handle it.

Same Firefox version I have.  Mailman 2.1.6, though ('s
installation, not under my control).   I had the same thing happening
on my previous Mailman installation, though, which was whatever debian
sarge is at -- seems to be 2.1.5.  I have the same thing happen on the
Dreamhost installation using Opera 9 (build 8501).

> Have you tried using another firefox profile (or from another machine
> entirely) to verify that this isn't something specific to your firefox
> config/system setup?

If firefox has profiles, they're not in the menu and not in the help
(under that name).  But I tried Opera as well, and I've seen this over
the last two years with various browser installations.

Try <>, put
in an invalid password (unless you get *really* lucky guessing), and I
don't expect your browser will offer it back to you when you come to
try again; it doesn't for me.

I find I have mis-described the problem; Firefox *does* recognize the
password and save it, I can see it in the list of saved passwords.
What it doesn't do is *offer it back* when I return to the page.  Same
net result, I have to look it up and put it in each time, but
different path to get there.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Hijacking threads and netiquette (was: e: Obscure addresses problem)

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/5/06, Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 1:14 PM -0500 2006-09-05, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> >>  Did you search for "reauthentication"?  Or "saving my changes"?
> >
> >  No; I searched for "password" and "firefox", I believe.  Obviously
> >  there were a number of entries mentioning passwords, but none about
> >  saving them.
> Correct, there are a number of entries that mention "password", which
> is why this isn't the best search term.  Nevertheless, I have gone
> ahead and modified the subject lines of the two most relevant FAQ
> entries to also include the term "password".

While I agree it's not a wonderful search term by virtue of being
relevant to a lot of different FAQs, it's the one people will be
looking for in this case; the problem is that their browser doesn't
offer to remember their password.

> >  If there *is* such a FAQ; you haven't yet exhibited one that has
> >  anything to do with the issue I'm raising.
> You apparently did not take the hint that I gave you previously.  You
> really should search for the term "reauthentication", which will come
> back with one and only one FAQ entry, which I believe is relevant to
> your query.  You should also search for the phrase "saving my
> changes", which will come back with one and only one FAQ entry (which
> is different from the other one), which might also be relevant.

Could you *please* drop your condescending tone about 10 decibels?  I
*did* search for "reauthentication", it's how I got to FAQ 4.65, which
I mention below.


I have said this before, several times.  I'm getting tired of not
being listened to.

Also FAW 4.45 is not relevant to my problem.  They're about a
different set of symptoms entirely.

My problem, as I have said from the beginning, is that browsers
(specifically Firefox, though I note the same problem reported against
Safari in feature request 966157) do not recognize the password field
on the mailing list administrator login page as a password field, and
hence do not offer to save it for me, and hence make it much, much
harder to deal with mailing list administration than it needs to be.

> >  I don't see where "saving my changes" would come in; definitely not
> >  something I'd search for when the issue is that browsers aren't
> >  recognizing a password field.
> Try reading the two FAQ entries in question.  If you can come up with
> some suggested improvements to the wording, please go ahead and do
> so.  After all, this is a community supported document, and all the
> information you need for making changes to any of the FAQ entries is
> already present on the page.

I HAVE read the FAQ entries in question.  I don't want to change those
two, becaues they're not relevant to this issue (and presumably *are*
relevant to the issues they are addressing, so I shouldn't hijack

> >>  >  Why doesn't Firefox (or other browsers, I think I've seen the same
> >>  >  behavior in Opera) offer me the chance to remember the Administrative
> >>  >  password for my site?
> >>
> >>  I'm not yet convinced that there is anything here that is not
> >>  answered in the FAQs.
> >
> >  I'm not convinced there's anything about this in the FAQ.
> That's possible.  If this really is a browser-specific issue with
> Firefox, then it would be the very first time I've ever heard of this
> kind of thing, and I frequently use Firefox myself.

It's probably not specific to Firefox.  I reported it against Firefox
because that's where I've actually seen it happen.  I seem to remember
seeing it in Opera as well.  And as I mentioned above, another user
has reported it in Safari.

> >  4.65 is not about the issue I'm raising; that's about cookie issues,
> >  whereas my case is that the password field isn't recognized in the
> >  first place.
> Maybe I'm wrong, but you should at least look at the other FAQ entry as well.
> If I am wrong, then this is the very first time I've ever heard of
> such problems with Firefox, and will require a new FAQ entry.
> While this wouldn't be the first application-specific FAQ entry, it
> would be the first one that is specific to Firefox, and I believe it
> would also be the first one that is specific to a particular web
> browser -- all other application-specific FAQ entries I know of have
> to do with other types of programs, and web browsers appear to have
> acted more or less the same with regards to these kinds of things.

Re: [Mailman-Users] Firefox password issue (was Re: Hijacking threads and netiquette)

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/5/06, Dragon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Dyer-Bennet sent the message below at 09:55 9/5/2006:
> >Why doesn't Firefox (or other browsers, I think I've seen the same
> >behavior in Opera) offer me the chance to remember the Administrative
> >password for my site?
>  End original message. -
> It is very simple. It is because these browsers that do this sort of
> thing are looking for an HTML input field named "password" (and maybe
> a few other similar names). If they do not find one with the name
> they expect, they do not save the password.
> The field on the login page is named "adminpw" and is thus not
> recognized. What these browsers SHOULD be looking for is the TYPE of
> the input and not the name. But then again, I think this feature of
> some browsers is a security breach waiting to happen.

Mostly the browsers are looking for username / password pairs, and
need to capture both; and there's no unique input field type for the
username part; so I see how they've ended up where they are, though it
does seem to make sense  for them to capture bare passwords as well
based on input field type.

> If you look at the source for the login page you will see something like this:
> You could modify your copy of mailman to change the name of that
> field if you wanted, I am not sure exactly how much of a change it
> would be and exactly which files are involved but I can't imagine it
> would take more than a handful of lines.

Unfortunately I don't control the copy I have to interact with.

> However, I personally see
> nothing wrong with the way it is done now, in fact, I think it is a
> good practice. The reason I say this is that I believe saving
> passwords on your computer is generally a bad idea as it is a risky
> practice. All computers connected to the Internet and not physically
> secured from unauthorized access are vulnerable to attack.

And the passwords saved in my browser are encrypted under a master
passphrase.  The other reasonable choice I have for saving passwords
is Passwordsafe, where -- they're encrypted under a master passphrase.

I currently have 266 password (nearly all 8-12 character random
strings) in my Passwordsafe database.   I have about 10 passwords I
carry in my memory, including the passphrases mentioned above plus a
couple of key work- and server-related passwords.  For me, keeping
them all in my memory is not an option.  (And the number is much
smaller than it might be; for example at a number of retailers where I
have the option I don't establish an account or store any data there,
and hence don't have a password to remember.)

Certainly there's some risk to ever writing them down or putting them
on a computer; but I believe storing them the way they do is a
reasonable balance between risk from the password being compromised,
and risk from forgetting it when I need it.  Security is all about
tradeoffs; my computer would be more secure powered down, disconnected
from the net, and locked in a vault, but it would also be far less

And of course giving the adminpw form field the name "password" would
not force anybody to keep the passwords in their browser; that
functionality can be disabled, and if enabled it still asks before
remembering a password, so it's hard to do accidentally.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Hijacking threads and netiquette (was: e: Obscure addresses problem)

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/5/06, Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:55 AM -0500 2006-09-05, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

> > Okay.  And I've now checked through
> >  the Wizard-driven FAQ and also find nothing relevant.
> Did you search for "reauthentication"?  Or "saving my changes"?

No; I searched for "password" and "firefox", I believe.  Obviously
there were a number of entries mentioning passwords, but none about
saving them.

> What did you search for?  Maybe we need to update the subject lines
> or the content of the FAQ Wizard.

I'd suggest making sure "password" is in the index for that FAQ, yes.
If there *is* such a FAQ; you haven't yet exhibited one that has
anything to do with the issue I'm raising.

I don't see where "saving my changes" would come in; definitely not
something I'd search for when the issue is that browsers aren't
recognizing a password field.

> >  Why doesn't Firefox (or other browsers, I think I've seen the same
> >  behavior in Opera) offer me the chance to remember the Administrative
> >  password for my site?
> I'm not yet convinced that there is anything here that is not
> answered in the FAQs.

I'm not convinced there's anything about this in the FAQ.

4.65 is not about the issue I'm raising; that's about cookie issues,
whereas my case is that the password field isn't recognized in the
first place.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Hijacking threads and netiquette (was: e: Obscure addresses problem)

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/5/06, Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:17 AM -0500 2006-09-05, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> >>  First off, please don't hijack existing threads and leave the subject
> >>  line the same.  If you have a new topic, please create a new message
> >>  with a new subject.
> >
> >  Sorry about this ending up attached to the thread.  I don't see how it
> >  did, and it wasn't my intention.
> When you "reply" to a previous message, this is what happens.
> If you have a new topic, please don't "reply" to a previous message
> and then continue on discussing whatever unrelated questions you may
> have.

I suppose that could be what happened.  Look, I've been participating
on Arpanet and Internet email lists since 1981, but every now and then
the fingers don't quite do it right, and we're all just going to have
to live with that; the perfect error-free human being has not yet been

> >>  Secondly, your wording of this question suggests that you have not
> >>  yet searched the FAQ or the archives before posting -- see FAQ 1.22.
> >
> >  I can find nothing in the FAQ relating to this.  However, the copy of
> >  the FAQ I have found doesn't have numbers (, documentation,
> >  FAQ), so I'm not sure I've looked at the exact item you think
> >  addresses it.  Where is this FAQ 1.22?
> The Mailman "docs" page at <> actually
> links to two different FAQs.  One is the old developer-maintained
> page at <>, and one links to the newer
> community-driven Mailman FAQ Wizard at
> <>.

Ah, they have different content.   Okay.  And I've now checked through
the Wizard-driven FAQ and also find nothing relevant.

> In addition, if you look at the footer of every single post to this
> list, you will see the following information:

Oops, my fault again; gmail was hiding it.  I'm not used to these
stupid MUAs that muck about so much with the messages.

So, now I've checked both FAQs (I had already checked the official FAQ
before my first post, which I thought was fairly obvious from what I
wrote) and there's nothing relevant to this that I can find.

I hope you've had a good time picking on the minor mistake I made
(where my message ended up attached to  an existing thread), but could
you perhaps take a second or two to consider *my actual question*?
Why doesn't Firefox (or other browsers, I think I've seen the same
behavior in Opera) offer me the chance to remember the Administrative
password for my site?
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
RKBA: <>
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Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Hijacking threads and netiquette (was: e: Obscure addresses problem)

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/5/06, Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 10:30 AM -0500 2006-09-05, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> >  At least on Mailman 2.1.6, something about how the page where you
> >  enter the administrative password is designed prevents Firefox from
> >  remembering that password for me.  It's extremely annoying, I have to
> >  go look that one up in Passwordsafe each time I use it, which is
> >  nearly daily.  Anybody have any ideas?
> First off, please don't hijack existing threads and leave the subject
> line the same.  If you have a new topic, please create a new message
> with a new subject.

Sorry about this ending up attached to the thread.  I don't see how it
did, and it wasn't my intention.

> Secondly, your wording of this question suggests that you have not
> yet searched the FAQ or the archives before posting -- see FAQ 1.22.

I can find nothing in the FAQ relating to this.  However, the copy of
the FAQ I have found doesn't have numbers (, documentation,
FAQ), so I'm not sure I've looked at the exact item you think
addresses it.  Where is this FAQ 1.22?
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
RKBA: <>
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Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Obscure addresses problem

2006-09-05 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
At least on Mailman 2.1.6, something about how the page where you
enter the administrative password is designed prevents Firefox from
remembering that password for me.  It's extremely annoying, I have to
go look that one up in Passwordsafe each time I use it, which is
nearly daily.  Anybody have any ideas?
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Just archives

2006-09-02 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/1/06, David Dyer-Bennet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/1/06, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mark Sapiro wrote:
> > >
> > >You may wish to write some kind of script to remove the 'more
> > >information about this list' links from the contents and index pages.
> >
> >
> > Or you can remove them from the templates before running bin/arch.
> >
> > templates/en/archtoc.html
> > templates/en/archtocnombox.html
> > templates/en/archidxhead.html
> > templates/en/archidxfoot.html
> >
> > assuming English.
> Hey, looking at those templates plus article.html, I can put in the
> CSS stuff I want right there; the code doesn't even have to be
> touched.

So, here's the sort of thing I meant.  This is the article.html
template, modified with a lot more structure and ID and CLASS tags.
With this I can do remarkable amounts of format control (to make it
match the appearance of an existing site) by providing a style sheet.

Now on to do the *other* templates to my satisfaction!

Ways in which this is not a drop-in replacement:

1.  Adds the list name to the page title line
2.  Requires that a style sheet file be put in the mailing list
archive directory for each list; and I haven't made the changes to
list creation to do that automatically.

It should be easy to create a style sheet that, except for #1, makes
the results look identical to the old templates, but I haven't done
that yet.

Anybody think this is worth working up more thoroughly and
contributing?  Or is it all going to be rolled over by other work
currently ongoing that will do all this in more in a more flexible


   %(listname)s: %(title)s


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[ date ]
[ thread ]
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More information about
the %(listname)s
mailing list

And here's a stylesheet to work with it:

/* Dragaera list style sheet, as modifications to default mail archive
style sheet. */
@import url(;
/* @impurt url(/mailmanarchive.css); */
/* Local overrides */
/* For now put everything here */

div#pagebody {
margin: 25px;

div#artlisthead {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
text-align: center;
height: 64px;
font-size: 260%;
font-weight: 900;
font-family: garamond, "times new roman", times, serif;
background-color: black;
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: top left;
color: rgb(167,243,239);
span.artauthname {
  font-weight: bold;
span.artdatestr {
  font-style: italic;
span.artnavhd {
  font-weight: bold;
hr#artabove { display: none }
hr#artbelow { display: none }
h1#arthead:first-letter {
  font-size: 6ex;
  color: rgb(255,131,63) ;
div#artbody {
border: rgb(255,131,63) solid thin;
    margin: 25px;
padding: 15px;
div#artbody pre {
  font-family: "courier new" courier "lucida console" mono;
  display: block;
  overflow: auto;
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
RKBA: <>
Pics: <>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Just archives

2006-09-01 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/1/06, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Sapiro wrote:
> >
> >You may wish to write some kind of script to remove the 'more
> >information about this list' links from the contents and index pages.
> Or you can remove them from the templates before running bin/arch.
> templates/en/archtoc.html
> templates/en/archtocnombox.html
> templates/en/archidxhead.html
> templates/en/archidxfoot.html
> assuming English.

Hey, looking at those templates plus article.html, I can put in the
CSS stuff I want right there; the code doesn't even have to be
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
RKBA: <>
Pics: <>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Just archives

2006-09-01 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/1/06, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Sapiro wrote:
> >
> >You may wish to write some kind of script to remove the 'more
> >information about this list' links from the contents and index pages.
> Or you can remove them from the templates before running bin/arch.
> templates/en/archtoc.html
> templates/en/archtocnombox.html
> templates/en/archidxhead.html
> templates/en/archidxfoot.html
> assuming English.

Ah, and the individual article template really doesn't contain any
identification of the list.  Well, now I know where to fix that.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
RKBA: <>
Pics: <>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Feature request

2006-09-01 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/1/06, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> >It'd sure be nice if there were a CSS file associated with the web
> >archives that mailman generates.
> See <>.

That's interesting.  Although if I understand correctly, he's going
with mod_python, which like mod_perl and the rest won't be available
in a shared hosting environment.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
RKBA: <>
Pics: <>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Just archives

2006-09-01 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
On 9/1/06, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> >
> >I believe I need to do more to configure the list, so that for example
> >the list name appears somewhere on the archive pages.  I'm not yet
> >sure if I should do this via command line tools, or if I need to hook
> >it up so the list admin web pages work on this private copy of
> >mailman.
> The list's real_name attribute is what will appear in the archive web
> pages. This is the listname given to bin/newlist with possible
> capitalization differences. You can modify the capitalization if
> desired with bin/config_list before running bin/arch. Once you've run
> bin/arch, it's built in to the web pages (you can run bin/arch --wipe
> to rebuild them)

Ah, config_list is what I'm looking for I'm sure.  Thanks!

I've looked at the output of the tests, of course, so I know the
archives are all static; that's one reason I'm taking this approach,
it's a do-once-and-back-up scenario, it won't need any future effort
once it's done.

I'm hoping arch doesn't choke on the 43MB mbox file.

> You don't need to run the web interface for anything assuming the
> archive is 'public'. Also, since the archive is static, you don't need
> the list (or Mailman) at all after the archive is created.

Since I'm running everything as user ddb and user ddb owns everything,
even private archives should be accessible.  Doesn't matter, for this
purpose I'm setting them up as public (I'm not even doing this on the
destination system, they'll be tared up and moved when I get them

> You may wish to write some kind of script to remove the 'more
> information about this list' links from the contents and index pages.

Or change the template, as someone suggested.

For the couple of extinct lists I should do something like that (or
point it to the page explaining what the list *was* and that it's

For the big list, it's still active, so I'm pointing to it's live
page.  I'm just getting old archives together to put online.  I'm not
merging them into the new archives because of peculiarities in
Dreamhosts support of mailman -- while I control evertyhing through
the mailman web pages, I don't actually have filesystem visibility
into any of it, not even readonly.  So the old archives will be
separate from the new archives.
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
RKBA: <>
Pics: <>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
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[Mailman-Users] Feature request

2006-09-01 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
It'd sure be nice if there were a CSS file associated with the web
archives that mailman generates.  Perhaps, ideally, a different one
for the individual message files and for the various index files.
Perhaps there could be a default one that was put in by default (it
could be pretty much null), and then each list could be configured to
use a specific other one if the list owner wanted.  This gives a LOT
of flexibility to spruce up (and make conform to site style) the
appearance of the archives, for very little (it seems to me) work by
the Mailman developers.

The other thing is that the various sections of the messages would
need to be tagged in appropriate ways to make the style sheets more
able to access individual bits.

How do people go about fitting the archives into their site style now?  Frames?
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
RKBA: <>
Pics: <>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Just archives

2006-09-01 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
Answering my own question, on the off-chance somebody else now or in
the future cares...

On 8/29/06, David Dyer-Bennet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I think I want to do is leave the new/current mailing list, and
> its archives, alone, and put up the old archives in my web space.  (A
> more aggressive approach would be to try to attach my old archives to
> the beginning of the new/current archive, so everything would be in
> one place.  That would require a lot of reliance on Dreamhost tech
> support, since I don't have access to those files/directories, and
> they might not even be willing to do it.)
> So, what executables and configuration settings are key to this?  I
> need to run "arch", it looks like, and have a mailing list configured
> that will define where it puts the resulting HTML files.  Maybe also
> stuff to make the page templates match the rest of the website (I did
> that for the ezmlm-cgi version).   And I only have to do this once
> (just to convert the old archives, static, no more messages).

I've made significant progress on this.  I built a private copy of
mailman, to run under my username (never to actually be connected to
incoming email; just so that I can create and configure lists and run
arch on them).

The configure command I used was:

./configure --with-username=ddb --with-groupname=ddb --prefix=/home/ddb/mailman

I can create a list with bin/newlist, and I can then run bin/arch and
import mbox list archives, and it builds web pages that serve up just

I believe I need to do more to configure the list, so that for example
the list name appears somewhere on the archive pages.  I'm not yet
sure if I should do this via command line tools, or if I need to hook
it up so the list admin web pages work on this private copy of
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
RKBA: <>
Pics: <>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
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[Mailman-Users] Just archives

2006-08-29 Thread David Dyer-Bennet
I've got a mailing list running successfully in Mailman, formerly on
my own server, now being hosted at Dreamhost.  A peculiarity of their
implementation is that I don't have access to the archive files or any
of the other mailman-specific directories; or apparently to the
executables either (I haven't looked really hard, or asked; it's not
key to my question).

I've also got old archives of the mailing list, both old ezmlm
archives, and from a more recent incarnation a large mbox file
collected by a user (and a good thing, since I managed to lose my copy
in a disk meltdown).

What I think I want to do is leave the new/current mailing list, and
its archives, alone, and put up the old archives in my web space.  (A
more aggressive approach would be to try to attach my old archives to
the beginning of the new/current archive, so everything would be in
one place.  That would require a lot of reliance on Dreamhost tech
support, since I don't have access to those files/directories, and
they might not even be willing to do it.)

So, what executables and configuration settings are key to this?  I
need to run "arch", it looks like, and have a mailing list configured
that will define where it puts the resulting HTML files.  Maybe also
stuff to make the page templates match the rest of the website (I did
that for the ezmlm-cgi version).   And I only have to do this once
(just to convert the old archives, static, no more messages).

Might I be better off approaching this via pipermail?  I'm not really
clear, but I think that's a library for message archive handling,
which mailman uses for its archives?  So it might have all the parts
of what I need, and maybe give me more freedom to write page layouts?
David Dyer-Bennet, <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
RKBA: <>
Pics: <>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>
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