Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman + Postfix - Too Many Connections

2009-05-07 Thread Jaco Kroon

Alice Kaerast wrote:

On Thu, 07 May 2009 15:42:45 +1000
Lie, Jafaruddin wrote:

This is not strictly a mailman issue, but I would assume some people
here would have encountered this issue.

We sent out mailing lists to schools here in Australia, and recently
we've been getting Too Many Connections #421 errors from them.
Mails destined to gmail or hotmail are OK.

We're not trying to spam them (we have put links to unsubscribe, etc)
but since the same mail server hosts emails for almost all the school
domains, it's not liking us. I've set postfix variable of
default_destination_recipient_limit to 15, still not liking it.

Any suggestions on rate-limiting on Postfix / mailman??

Try working around this when your upstream gives 550 errors for rate 
limiting :p.

Anyway, the way to do concurrency limiting on exim (just so we have it 
in the archives) is to add serialize=* in your transport.  rate limiting 
isn't that easy and waiting for the 4xx error is probably the easiest, 
just set your retry rules to retry every 15 minutes continually.

Either way, Too Many Connections sounds like concurrency to me, not rate 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Queue problems

2008-06-18 Thread Jaco Kroon

Allan Odgaard wrote:

On 17 Jun 2008, at 18:53, Mark Sapiro wrote:

Brad Knowles wrote:

On 6/17/08, Allan Odgaard wrote:

I transferred a lot of list members from a previous list. A dozen of 

has left errors like the following in `logs/smtp-failures`:

   delivery to address failed with code 450:
   4.1.2 address: Recipient address rejected:
   Domain not found

You're doing DNS validation on your outbound
mail.  Don't do that.  Pay attention to the stuff
in section 6 of the FAQ, especially including
6.6, 6.8, 6.12, etc

Also, fix your MTA configuration so it returns a 5xx status, not a 450
for a non-existant domain.

To the best of my knowledge, this can not be “fixed” (for Postfix). If 
Postfix is unable to obtain DNS settings for a domain, it will treat it 
as a temporary error, and will return 450, regardless of settings (and 
to me this seems correct, as not being able to obtain DNS settings is 
likely because something is down).

Unless you get an authoritative NXDOMAIN, in which case the domain does 
not exist.  Period.

If on the other hand it _does_ find a name server for the domain and 
there is no MX record, _then_ can it be treated as a permanent error.

NOT TRUE.  The RFC states that in the case of no MX record the domain 
name itself should be treated as the only MX record.

If others should run into this problem `reject_unknown_recipient_domain` 
was the setting I had to disable in Postfix’s 

Oh.  Not normally a good idea, but in this case I'd agree.  With exim I 
simply accept everything being injected with the sendmail command (as 
well as connecting from localhost but destined for a non-local domain), 
which does something a little different from this, but works very well.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Web UI request

2008-06-18 Thread Jaco Kroon


Just some background about myself and why I lurk on this list:  I'm 
someone that contracts with some ISPs, maintaining various different 
kind of servers, amongst others a few Mailman servers.  I run Mailman 
with a single self-cooked patch for these folks (patch is for virtual 
hosting, isn't perfect, but is available from, partially based on the 
cpanel hack.

Terri Oda wrote:

1. Too many options.

Agreed.  My solution would be to have an expert and a simple 
interface.  Three reasons:

1. Even *as* an expert, I'd love to have a small interface that met my 
most common needs.

Not only that, some people are severely intimidated by the sheer number 
of options.  Imagine your average reception lady trying to make head or 
tails of half the options in Mailman.

2. Choosing what options to keep and which to toss would likely slow 
down the process so much that we'd never get a new interface.

I tamper with most of the options from time to time, so I would want to 
keep the lot, but the simple vs expert idea is a good one.

3. Giving people access to files is more of a pain than letting them 
interact through a web UI.  (eg - don't have to worry about shell 
access, bad file syntax, etc.)

No.  In a hosting environment giving shell access like this for multiple 
clients is a no go.  So as someone that contracts for ISPs I'll back 
this idea.  Shell access should ideally _never_ be required for normal 
operation.  Obviously I don't mind doing problem-finding in the shell 
(in fact, I personally prefer that - but for clients this is a no go).

Just to make it clear, it's not that security cannot be controlled, if I 
tell my average client they need to use a shell - they'll run away.

4.  Telling a client (admin from virtual isp) to leave the expert 
options the heck along or else would be much simpler than please only 
modify options a b and c.

A possible further enhancement to this would be to have an additional 
admin level.  Basically exactly the same as an admin, but not allowed to 
use advanced mode.  Not sure about the rest of the world, but this would 
be extremely handy for me (can give the lady that first level support 
the restricted login only, second level support the full, and then keep 
shell for my trained technicians).

  2. Weak categorization.

Agreed.  Often the option people want is there, but not where they 
look.  And even writing the documentation, I've found myself 
hard-pressed to explain some things.


  3. Typographically bad, e.g. no visual cues about significance, 
related options, etc. and right-aligned labels make it difficult to 
skim down through a page.

Agreed that there's some visual stuff that needs work.  Mostly, I find 
it just looks old and clunky and too busy.

This stuff doesn't bother me *too* badly.  However, the ability to 
customize look  feel would be advantageous, not required.  Not sure how 
easy this would be.  I can probably already do what I want by (ab)using 
libcurl and/or iframes.

  4. Labels are too verbose, contributing with noise to the overall 
view, and the “Details for «the_mailman_option_name»” under each label 
does not help in this regard.

I've got mixed feelings about this.  The labels do contribute to noise, 
but they also provide the ability for me to tell people change the 
setting with name $foo *or* describe the description if I'm not near a 
computer to check the stuff myself.  The longer labels also make it 
easier for people looking at the interface the first time to figure out 
what things do at a glance instead of having to click each details 
button to find the one they want.

However overs?  Not sure if you're familiar with Trixbox but it's the 
only example I can think of at the moment.  Their implementation just 
isn't particularly good.

The web interface for 3.0 is going to be *very* different from the 2.1 
stuff because a lot of things are just going to go away or appear.  But 
I think we'd do well to think seriously about making 2.2 have an 
improved interface.   Honestly, I feel that the web UI which used to be 
Mailman's strength has lately become its biggest weakness.

I wouldn't quite go that far.  Trust me, it's still much, much better 
than not having it at all.

I've been putting my thought into organizing the documentation lately 
(as anyone who's been following the wiki has no doubt noted), but I'm 
almost done what I wanted to do there, and I want to be writing code 
next.  I'd been planning on tackling the archiver, but perhaps I should 
take a harder look at web UI for my next project.

What can I do to help convince you?  I don't have spare cycles at the 
moment to contribute code (sorry, just about every spare second is going 
into VoIP and mail clustering systems at the moment).

May I also suggest some level of reporting?  There is currently some 
elementary virtual hosting support, so only certain lists gets displayed 

Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman Mail Queue

2008-05-20 Thread Jaco Kroon
It's been a while since I set it up but should still be 


Jesse Storry wrote:

Hi there,
I am using Mailman 2.1.9 on CentOS with qmail. We are also using qmail

to run spamassassin spam filter.  We are also trying to route all mail
through our Exchange box, rather than directly through the machine that
Mailman is running on. This complicates things.
I have found a way to redirect mail from Exchange to the Mailman box,

but now I need to know where to redirect the mail after it goes through
the spam filtering process via spamassassin.
What I am looking for is a folder to drop the messages into such that

they get picked up and processed by Mailman, or is there a program to
invoke which takes an email message as an argument? I have been a little
unclear as to how Mailman finds and processes new mail.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman lists migration

2008-02-11 Thread Jaco Kroon
I used a small script, but I lost all personal preferences, fortunately 
in my case this didn't care too much.  Essentially I dumped a list of 
all regular and digest members seperately, as well as the list 
config.  Then I created the lists again on the other end, imported the 
configs, and then re-added the members.

It's rather crude, but it worked.  And as I said, we didn't care about 
the personal preferences or passwords.


eras mus wrote:
 how to migrate lists from one mailman version to another
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman and Qmail

2008-01-16 Thread Jaco Kroon
Brad Knowles wrote:
 On 1/16/08, Chris Penn wrote:
  Does anyone know howto setup Qmail and Mailman to work together. The
  mailman site has not been very helpful. I am attempting to do this on
  Centos 5 using Mailman 2.1.9.
 Unfortunately, qmail hasn't really been updated in about a decade, 
 and doesn't play particularly well with non-djb code.  What we've 
 been able to figure out for integration with qmail is found in the 
 Mailman documentation, although you may find some more tidbits in the 

Try this:

It's how I got it working a while back.  Should still all be in order.
If there is something that doesn't work, please let me know so I can
update it.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Relaying error

2007-10-03 Thread Jaco Kroon
Yan Herndon wrote:
 After some more testing I realize that I was getting the subscription
 and mod pending emails because the list owner email address is local to
 the server.  IE no relaying.  
 If I put a local email addy on the subscriber list I get the post. 
 If I use a remote email addy as the list owner / moderator I do not
 receive the subscription/mod emails.
 So it seems to be a case of all remote mail not being delivered.  Which
 would make me think it's the qmail problem.
 I have attempted to add SMTPHOST = 'FQDN' in  
 I have not tried the IP of the server itself yet. 
 I added tcp-env: : setenv RELAYCLIENT
 To /etc/hosts.allow
 Neither of these helped.
 I think maybe it's time for some qmail help but thought somebody might
 have ideas here first.

Yes.  The SMTPHOST should be localhost or

You may also want to look at ... which explains 
how I did the qmail/mailman setup.


 Yan Herndon
 Director of Technology
 Joint Technologies LTD
 -Original Message-
 From: Yan Herndon 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 3:09 PM
 To: Yan Herndon;
 Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] Relaying error
 Sorry.  I thought these 2 threads would get put together but my Outlook
 must have mangled something.  Or possibly I'm stupid.  Here is the
 relevant info:
 Yan Herndon wrote:
 I'm having a problem with my lists.  All remote mail stopped being

 I'm running Plesk 8.2 on CentOS.

 Dedicated server.

 Mailman was preinstalled.

 I have done some googleing.  Well actually my eyes are bleeding from
 the reading.  Seems like the problem is that mailman wants to send mail
 as localhost which is not allowed by Qmail.

 The lists were working and I'm suspicious of a plesk update that
 happened a couple days ago via the updater.  I know plesk isn't your
 responsibility but thought you may know something.  
 Neither is Qmail, but ...
 Mailman delivers to the SMTP server and port defined by SMTPHOST and
 SMTPPORT which default to 'localhost' and 0 (which really means 25)
 respectively. You can assign these any values you wish in
 (or remove or change an existing assignment) if that will solve the
 However, it really seems that Qmail is not configured properly if it
 won't relay mail originating at 'localhost'.
 Yan Herndon
 Director of Technology
 Joint Technologies LTD
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Yan Herndon
 Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 3:03 PM
 Subject: [Mailman-Users] Relaying error
 I am receiving messages when I setup the list.  I also receive messages
 that there is a message awaiting moderation.  When I send a post to the
 list and then accept it it shows up in the archive.
 Just no actual posts go out.
 If Qmail is not configured properly (wont relay from localhost)would I
 receive any messages?  I'd like to know that before I go down the Qmail
 In mm_cfg/py I did not see settings for SMTPPORT/HOST.  They were in  Should I add them to and remove from defaults?
 Change it in Defaults?  Add to mm_cfg and leave the old info in
 Thanks for the help. 
 Neither is Qmail, but ...
 Mailman delivers to the SMTP server and port defined by SMTPHOST and
 SMTPPORT which default to 'localhost' and 0 (which really means 25)
 respectively. You can assign these any values you wish in
 (or remove or change an existing assignment) if that will solve the
 However, it really seems that Qmail is not configured properly if it
 won't relay mail originating at 'localhost'.
 Yan Herndon
 Director of Technology
 Joint Technologies LTD
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[Mailman-Users] failing qrunner

2007-09-15 Thread Jaco Kroon
Hi guys,

We've got a problem with a half-completed delivery run, somehow an
address with a ? at the end of the domain managed to get into the list
addresses, ie, something like: [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of just
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... now exim drops the connection when it sees this
address, which means that none of the recipients in that run receives
the message.

Firstly, mailman should not have accepted that address, but this may
have been fixed (this is a rather old version, no, I can't upgrade it,
nor am I allowed to fix the exim config ... don't even bother asking).

What I want to know is how mailman handles the message delivery runs.
Afaik each message that needs to go out is stored in some location,
along with a list of recipients, so periodically mailman checks which
messages needs to go out, and to which recipients, and it then tries to
make those deliveries, removing the recipients that it successfully
delivers.  Is there a manual way to remove the problem-causing email
addy from this list for the particular message?  We've already removed
it from the main list so it won't cause issues in future but it's now
holding up the delivery of an already sent message.


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