Re: [Mailman-Users] How to add a new Mailman CGI program?

2003-12-29 Thread Jerold Stratton
On Monday, December 29, 2003, at 12:38  PM, Christoph Seiler wrote:
I would like to add a new CGI program for Mailman, because the 
existing scripts do not fit my needs. Unfortunately I'm not too 
familiar with Mailman and this seems to be a bit complicated. So I 
would appreciate any help.

I recently needed to add a 'list all members' function for our list 
admins; I elected to modify the python scripts in the Mailman directory:

1. In Mailman/Gui/
I added:
('listall', _('List All')),
to the function GetConfigSubCategories(self, category)
This had the effect of adding a new option to the 'Membership 
Management' section of Mailman, called 'List All' with an internal code 
of 'listall'.

2. In Mailman/Cgi/ line 488, I changed:
if subcat not in ('list', 'add', 'remove'):
if subcat not in ('list', 'add', 'remove', 'listall'):
This had the effect of not defaulting to the wrong thing when the user 
requests 'listall'.

The rest of it may not help you, as the functionality I needed was 
already there, I just needed access to it. I changed line 814 from:
if len(all) < chunksz:
if len(all) < chunksz  or subcat == 'listall':

Presumably I could have just as well have added an elseif to handle 
that (as I may well do to make it *just* a list of members and not a 

Serra 188B/x8773
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing 
that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly 
go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at and 
repair."--Douglas Adams (Mostly Harmless)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Help stopping Virus sent to lists "from" my domain

2004-03-11 Thread Jerold Stratton
On Thursday, March 11, 2004, at 09:50  AM, ted wrote:
I just posted a bug ticket for this problem.  You are the 3rd or 4th
person, including me, to have reported this to mailman-users
recently.  The bug ticket is here:
Please add your comments to the item so the developers take this
seriously.  If you don't have a SourceForge account, you can create one
I've been having this problem also, but while I'm sure the developers 
are taking it seriously, I'm not sure what they can do. E-mail has only 
one means of determining who something is from: the envelope from.

They could match the envelope to the from: line, but that's hardly a 
fix. The from: line is just as easy to forge as the envelope.

The only way I can see of them "fixing" it is to disallow any 
non-moderated users or administrators. They could force all messages, 
even from list admins, to be moderated. I don't see that going over 
very well.

The best place to fix this particular instantiation of the problem is 
at the mail server anyway. The mail server itself should never have 
delivered the virus-laden message to the mailing list. But this does 
not solve the problem of forged from addresses, it only keeps forgeries 
from bearing known viruses.

Personally, I use this as an excuse to turn off attachments to mailing 
lists. But that isn't a solution that goes over very well either.

My personal preference for "fixing" it is for mail client writers to 
start supporting a signed mail standard. Then, mailman could accept 
administrator mail only if it is signed and the administrator has 
already given mailman their public key. But doing that today would be 
practically the same thing as requiring all administrator mail to be 

Serra 188B/x8773
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing 
that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly 
go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at and 
repair."--Douglas Adams (Mostly Harmless)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] migrating mailman lists

2007-01-03 Thread Jerold Stratton
On Jan 3, 2007, at 5:06 AM, Kelsey Forsythe wrote:
> I've recently moved to a new server.  It is an Xserve G5 running
> 10.4.3 OSX.
> I'd like to migrate the mailman lists from the old server (Xserve G4).
> Does anyone have experience migrating lists?
> If so, please let me know what procedure you followed.

My experience was similar to Paul's: dead easy. My steps were  
slightly different; and I had been running the new Xserve with some  
test lists before copying the files over. These are my notes for the  
final switchover:

on old lists
mailmanctl stop

on old list server, copy files to personal workstation:
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh /home/mailman/lists  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/ --progress
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh /home/mailman/data  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/ --progress
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh /home/mailman/archives  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/ --progress

shutdown old lists hardware

on new lists:
--copy from personal workstation to staging area
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/lists / 
var/mailman/new --progress
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/data / 
var/mailman/new --progress
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/ 
archives /var/mailman/new --progress

--fix staging area
cd /var/mailman/new
rm -r lists/mailman
rm data/ data/aliases data/aliases.db 
sudo chown -R mailman:mailman /var/mailman/new

--fix symbolic links in public directory
cd /var/mailman/new/archives/public
sudo ~/bin/fixlinks *

--move from staging area to live
sudo scp -pr /var/mailman/lists /var/mailman/data /var/mailman/ 
archives /Users/cole/mailmanvar
sudo mv /var/mailman/new/lists/* /var/mailman/lists
sudo mv /var/mailman/new/data/* /var/mailman/data
sudo mv /var/mailman/new/archives/* /var/mailman/archives

--add alias lines to /var/mailman/data/aliases
--note that I had kept a list of lists in FileMaker, along with 
necessary aliases for each
--this is what I copied
sudo scp -p [EMAIL PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/list_aliases .
sudo vi /var/mailman/data/aliases
:r list_aliases
sudo /usr/sbin/postalias /var/mailman/data/aliases

--update data files
sudo /usr/share/mailman/bin/update
sudo bin/withlist -l -a -r fix_url -- -v

--add IP address (change from test-ip to live-ip)
sudo changeip - test-ip live-ip
sudo networksetup -setmanual "Built-in Ethernet 1" live-ip 
sudo networksetup -getinfo "Built-in Ethernet 1"

stop and start postfix from server admin?

The fixlinks script referenced above, because after the copy the  
public alias links didn't work, as they were pointing to the wrong  

$privatebase = "/var/mailman/archives/private";
while ($item = shift) {
 $reallink = "$privatebase/$item";
 print "Changing $item to $reallink\n";
 symlink($reallink, $item);
Maher 190/x8773
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing  
that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot  
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to  
get at and repair."--Douglas Adams (Mostly Harmless)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Which parts of mailman are platform-dependent?

2007-03-12 Thread Jerold Stratton
On Mar 11, 2007, at 10:25 AM, Steve Burling wrote:
> Or have I missed something?  Anything else that will care?

We used to run the mail server portion on an old Solaris box, and the  
web portion on a Mac OS X Server box. As I recall, Mailman has a  
means of compiling itself for multiple platforms simultaneously, with  
each platform-dependent part going into a special directory for that  

However, it's been a while since we had that setup, and I can't  
recall how that worked.

Maher 190/x8773
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing  
that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot  
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to  
get at and repair."--Douglas Adams (Mostly Harmless)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: view all members of a list on one page

2004-12-21 Thread Jerold Stratton
is it possible to see all members of a list on one page ,regardless 
of how
many users are subscribed to this list and not just those with the 
beginning letter? We are using mailman version 2.1.4.
This is not a default option, but it's easy enough to add if you are 
comfortable editing the python files.

Note that this will add this feature to *all* administrative 
interfaces; line numbers may be slightly off. And always make backups.

('listall', _('List All')),
to GetConfigSubCategories(self, category)
Mailman/Cgi/ line 488, add feature code to:
if subcat not in ('list', 'add', 'remove'):
if subcat not in ('list', 'add', 'remove', 'listall'):
line 814 from:
if len(all) < chunksz:
if len(all) < chunksz  or subcat == 'listall':
Serra 188B/x8773
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing 
that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly 
go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at and 
repair."--Douglas Adams (Mostly Harmless)

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