Re: [Mailman-Users] Reply to list

2004-02-08 Thread John Buttery
* Buddy Logan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-02-08 03:15:46 -0800]:
> Since this is a pet peeve of yours, maybe you should explain to me
> what is wrong with overwriting the "reply to" header.

  Well, OK...where to start?  I guess a little background is in order.
Basically, the idea is that every email has a "From:" header.  You would
expect that the address that the message purports to be "From:" is also
capable of receiving replies.  Most of the time that's the case, but
sometimes it isn't (I don't think listing specific cases is relevant to
the point, but in case you want one, imagine someone posting from a
work account that wants replies to go to their home address).  To
account for those situations where the author wants replies to go to a
different address than the source of the post, the Reply-To: header was
  This is a central piece of information to this whole thing, so I'm
going to repeat/rephrase it.  The Reply-To: header consists of specific
instructions _from the author_, designating where replies to the message
should be sent.  This author is a human, and therefore his opinion is by
definition more important than that of any intervening mail-routing
  That's also a central piece of information, so I'm going to restate
that as well.  Human beings are to be considered the authoritative
sources of information, and not the machines pushing the mail around.

  OK, so now that we've established what the Reply-To: header is, and
what its purpose is, let's examine what "reply-to-list" does.  The email
comes in with a From: header of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and a Reply-To:
header of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" because Mr. Goldstein
doesn't want his bosses to see who's responding to the message he's
sending out; replies should be directed to his personal SMTP server.
  Unfortunately, the list software has other plans.  It deletes Mr.
Goldstein's Reply-To: header and replaces it with the post address of
the list.  That information is now permanently deleted from the

  That, to me, is the issue.

> I guess it has been quite a few years since I have participated
> in a discussion list but, as I recall, this used to be the common
> practice.

  It still is common practice, unfortunately...that doesn't make it the
right thing to do, though.  Look at McDonalds.  :p

> It is convenient, and makes perfect sense to me.  I'm no
> expert on header information - perhaps it messes up the trail or
> something - I'm just really curious as to what the controversy is.

  Well, my best explanations of my point of view on it are in this email
and the two I posted a little while ago.  Hopefully they at least
clarified things, even if they don't change anyone's habits.

  John  ! Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day.
 Buttery!! Teach a man to fish, and he'll starve from sitting in the boat
om/~john! all day, drinking beer.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Reply to list

2004-02-08 Thread John Buttery
* Paul H Byerly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-02-05 12:27:00 -0600]:
> Mailman does not destroy the original senders identify or e-mail, so
> this part of the argument is moot.

  OK, I promise this will be my last post on this topic unless someone
posts to me by name in non-quoted text, but I just had to set this
straight.  For the purposes of this response I'm assuming that instead
of "Mailman" you mean "Setting reply-to-list" and instead of "identify"
you mean "identity":

  This is false.  I'd like to put it more diplomatically, but I really
do think it's important that everyone clearly understands this point.
Whether or not a portion of the sender's identity, which in some cases
is vitally important, is deleted is not what's being discussed here.
Information _is_ being deleted; the discussion concerns whether or not
it should be considered important that it's being deleted.
  (The other point people seem to be bringing up is that forgetting to
edit your own recipients blows up in your face much larger with r-t-l
than with r-t-s.  Personally if I were going to post about my mistress'
special fantasies, my collection of Cuban cigars, or the pink lingerie I
keep hidden in my underwear drawer next to the leaked corporate memos
I'm about to send to, I would triple-check the recipient
addresses anyway before sending in _any_ case.  Wait, did I just say all
that out loud?)

  I used to be a big holy war guy, but I had to give up on the emacs/vi,
Linux/FreeBSD, Debian/everything_else battles because eventually you
have to realize that both sides are right.  I don't see this as one of
those times; all the arguments for reply-to-list just seem to boil down
to either ignorance, inertia, or occasionally just downright laziness.
For the latter two, well, get off your butt.  :)  For the former, the
correct solution to ignorance is education, not making your ignorance
someone else's problem.

  John  ! The problem with pointing to the Nazis or the Gestapo
 Buttery! exclusively is that it allows us the safety of saying, "Well,! it happened just there, and only once, *we* could never fall
om/~john! for that."

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Reply to list

2004-02-08 Thread John Buttery
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004-02-05 20:02:46 +0200]:

  I've read that before; doesn't change the fact that arbitrarily
overwriting the Reply-To: header destroys information.

> A good portion of my members (mostly newbies) use various web-based
> mailers.  They haven't a "Reply to all" button.

  Then their mailer is broken and they need to fix/change it.  Two
wrongs don't make a right.

> The members are newbies in computers - what I should do, refuse them
> in medical help until they buy own computer (a year average monetary
> income here) and master it?  Please remember that almost all members
> on non-technical lists are FAR less savvy than you are.

  That's not a compelling argument.  There are plenty of web-based
mailers that _do_ have a group-reply function (geez, even Hotmail and
Yahoo can handle that much).

  This all really comes down to one thing, and I apologize to everyone
if this comes out a bit harsh but it's a pet peeve of mine.  I really
could care less what a newbie "expects to see", I care about doing the
right thing.  Hopefully they coincide, but this is one of those cases
where they don't, and penalizing all the members of a mailing list by
having their Reply-To's erased just so that some newbie doesn't have to
think is not acceptable to me.  It's the Outlook virus, and I'm not
talking about a computer virus this time.

  Ford doesn't provide a chauffeur with every new car.  Learn the tool.

  John  ! Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid
 Buttery! thinking.  There is an almost universal quest for easy answers! and half-baked solutions.  Nothing pains some people more than
om/~john! having to think. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Reply to list

2004-02-05 Thread John Buttery
* Mark Dadgar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-02-04 22:55:55 -0800]:
> This is totally ridiculous.
> The document you reference is a long attempt at rationalizing why we
> shouldn't bother to try to make mail systems Do The Right Thing.
> The tool should fit the job and not the other way around.

  I hate getting sucked into this argument, since it's been explained so
many times already (not to mention on the page you read), but...
  If the whole concept of information being irretrievably destroyed by
clobbering Reply-To: willy-nilly isn't a compelling reason to you, I'm
not sure what else to say.

> The next thing you're goint to tell me is that we should train
> computer users to not use spaces in file names, because "it makes
> things hard for the IT guys."
> It's 2004.  Get over it.

  Actually, I usually tell my new-to-CLI friends not to use spaces or
other special characters because it will make things hard for _them_
  You're shoehorning a semi-reserved field-separator character into the
shoe of a regular character, and by doing so, you're dancing around
one of the basic design concepts of the entire CLI "thing", regardless
of what year you happen to be sitting at the terminal.  Can you do it?
Sure.  But _should_ you?  Well, that's up to you.

  John  ! The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace
 Buttery! alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by! menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them
om/~john! imaginary. -- H.L. Mencken

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Re: [Mailman-Users] UnpicklingError: could not find MARK???

2003-06-06 Thread John Buttery
* Mike Alberghini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-06-05 11:12:58 -0400]:
> UnpicklingError: could not find MARK

  Yeah, I get that error all the have to make sure you steep
the hard drive in vinegar for at least 6 hours before setting up a new
mailing list. 

Buttery # The easiest way to protest free speech is to pretend that you are being forced to listen to it.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] HTDIG patches reprieved (was HTDIG patches!Arghh!)

2003-06-06 Thread John Buttery
* Colin Mackinlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-06-05 23:05:02 +0100]:
> I am continually impressed by the number of websites I visit that run
> mailman and I know that lots of them use your patch. Thank you for
> re-thinking and I do hope that it becomes fully integrated into a future
> release to save you having to update something that isn't broken.

  Amen...I just wanted to add my voice to this thread.  Actually, I
don't even use your patches.  :)  Well, not directly.  But I've
benefited from them many times on the web, when various programs I
needed support for used Mailman to run their mailing lists and actually
had searchable archives.  So I guess I'm kind of coming from the other
end of this...
  Personally, I'd like to see this integrated into the main tree as
well.  It seems like a theme, too...there hasn't been this much
squawking about something on this list since the 2.1 personalization To:
field debacle!  :)  (Which by the way, as a side note to the Mailman
devs on that one, thanks for making the right decision on that...feature
good, making it the default bad. ;))

John# print grep($_=sprintf("%c",exp($_)),split(/\s+/,<<' ')),"\n";
Buttery # 4.311 4.766 4.749 4.758 3.481 4.580 4.705 4.714 4.758 4.649 4.620 4.741 3.481 4.388 4.620 4.741
om/~john# 4.687 3.481 4.649 4.580 4.600 4.677 4.620 4.741

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman Security.

2003-02-05 Thread John Buttery
* dino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-05 10:32:16 -]:
> I was just wondering what kind of security mailman offers, as far as
> protecting user passwords goes?

  Pretty much none.  It emails them cleartext once a month, for
starters.  The list signup page explicitly instructs subscribers not to
use important passwords (even in bold!).  The intent of the password
system in Mailman (this is my interpretation, not backed up with any
actual information) is to protect against malicious [un]subscriptions of
others by casual idiots on the Net, not against determined attackers.

> A techy friend of mine has just kindly emailed me a list of all users
> and their passwords! Looking at my server logs it would appear that he
> snuck in somehow via anonymous ftp.

  Then you have an incorrectly installed/configured/patched ftp server
problem, not a mailman problem.  :)

> Would closing the anon. ftp service stop mailman working in anyway, or
> dya reckon he got in some place else?

  I don't see why stopping an ftpd would affect mailman... 

 John Buttery
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman feature request

2003-01-23 Thread John Buttery
* "Richard B. Pyne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-22 22:52:49 -0700]:
> 2) Now that mailman keeps a name along with the email address
> (YEA!), It needs to (at least optionally) display the name with
> the email address in the member list.

  Yeah, that would be nifty.

> Annother nice, but I am sure very difficult feature, would be a way to
> include the subscribed email address in the outgoin email.

  Doesn't 2.1 already do this with the personalization?  Every email I
get from this list has this at the bottom:

This message was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  (among other text)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: Problems with content filtering

2003-01-20 Thread John Buttery
* David Gibbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-19 09:18:57 -0600]:
> /usr/bin/lynx -force_html -dump %(filename)s'

  Well, this is just a bit of streamlining and won't make it behave any
differently, but you might use:

-force_html -dump %(filename)s'

  That way you set the variable and run lynx all in one command, and
save yourself an invocation of /bin/sh.  :)  In a small installation
like mine that means about squat, but if you're one of the ones that
processes eleventy zillion emails per hour it might make a performance
difference (especially if /bin/sh is actually bash in disguise...).

  P.S. - Still having my PGP/MIME messages bounced due to Content-Type:
headers...I'll shut up as soon as someone tells me whether it's expected
behaviour or not... :) 

 John Buttery
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Re: [Mailman-Users] a basic question

2003-01-17 Thread John Buttery
* Ricardo Hempel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-01-16 20:11:25 +0100]:

  Hey, your clock is a year slow.  :) 

  By the way, I just sent this message (this is the second sending of
it) and got it bounced by the list because "The content type was not
specifically allowed"...I suppose it has something to do with the
PGP/MIME.  This is just an FYI in case it's an unintended side-effect;
if the list admins consider it correct behaviour then I can disable the
signature when posting (although I consider it a step backwards :). 

  By the way, this message is not officially from me.  :)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re:3rd time lucky

2003-01-11 Thread John Buttery
* K G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-09 15:42:48 -0800]:
> ..."Hello"...i would like to introduce myself  im new to this
> mailing list, as a matter of fact im new to any mailing list *smile.

  Mailman has a date?  :)

 John Buttery
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: Every day

2003-01-08 Thread John Buttery
* Ivan Van Laningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-08 07:40:45 -0700]:
> You might be right, but I never received those messages until Mailman
> was installed on RH 6.1, and I have continued to receive them daily
> through several changes/upgrades of RH to and including 7.3.  I think
> it's perfectly normal to suspect something that was install the day
> before the messages started.

  You might try running this command:

rpm -qf /etc/cron.daily/tmpwatch 

  That will tell you which package installed that file; that's the one
that's generating the error message, right?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Virtual domain HOW TO/FAQ/support

2002-12-17 Thread John Buttery
* Jon Carnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-17 22:28:08 -0500]:
> Good point, he did specifically mention the web pages - so why didn't
> you answer the question...?

  Well, mostly it's because most of the best answers on this list come
from you, so I half-assumed my answer was misguided (I know it isn't
wrong, because I have Mailman working using sendmail without having
edited genericstable).  Secondarily because I didn't know the answer.

> The best answer on the web page displays is to use the latest beta which
> has better support for virtual domains.

  Personally, I'm not really much help on this, due to the fact that it
just worked "out of the box" for me.  I'm using the hostname
"" instead of the machine's primary name and it works
OK; I had to configure Mailman to use this hostname, but I didn't have
to do any fancy footwork with it or the MTA... 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem with SunOs

2002-12-17 Thread John Buttery
* Boguslaw Obara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-16 17:44:09 +0100]:
> I have problem to install locally Mplayer !!!

  OK, this is getting progressively worse:

1) The "subject header intact" email,
2) some list admin asking a group of strangers to send him his password,
3) and now MPlayer installation troubles?

  No point, just wanted to point out that normally high-s/n-ratio list
is having a bit of a surreal day.  :) 

 John Buttery
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Re: [Mailman-Users] header intact

2002-12-17 Thread John Buttery
* DIG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-17 15:40:26 -0600]:
> -- It should be just "intact" ;-))

  That depends on whether you read it as:

Reply with the subject: header intact


Reply with the subject header: intact 

  Either way it's pretty amusing (apologies to OP for the joke at its
expense :p).

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Virtual domain HOW TO/FAQ/support

2002-12-17 Thread John Buttery
* Jon Carnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-17 17:18:35 -0500]:
> The short answer is that for Sendmail you need to use the Generic
> Tables.  In the end it is often easier to switch to Postfix.  The
> support for virtual domains on Postfix is much better than for Sendmail

  He's asking about the email as it displays on the web pages; wouldn't
this be a Mailman config issue rather than an MTA issue?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] how to accept posts from everyone?

2002-12-12 Thread John Buttery
  First of all, I'd like to say that this message really was sent to me,
and CCed to the list; this is not MailMan 2.1 personalization.

  Sorry, couldn't resist.  :)

* "Gustavo J. A. M.  Carneiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-12 14:25:37 +]:
>   This is not a public mailing-list. It is private.
>   To be more precise, what I want is to connect my private mailman ML to
> another, public one. This is the scenario:
>   1. someone sends mail to the public list (which I don't manage);
>   2. the public list brodcasts the message, and since the private ML
> address is subscribed to the public list, a copy of the message is sent
> to the private ML address;
>   3. the private ML manager (mailman) receives the message; however, the
> From: field is set to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so the message is help for
> approval.
>   So, I need to disable access control completely. However, if there's a
> better alternative to solve this problem, I'm interested!

  OK, this sounds much less menacing than what I was thinking.  This
is sort of a tricky situation, but what I personally would do is set
up some kind of filter.  Since you know that the only legitimate email
coming to the list (your private list) are list postings from the other
list, those should be easily identifiable by something like procmail
by matching the Sender: headers, any List-* headers, etc.  Just make a
filter that has a very restrictive ruleset that won't match anything
but a bona fide list posting from that other list, and drop everything
else on the floor.  (Hint: in addition to the usual procmail-fu, for
this case you can also pattern match in the Received: headers for the
list's SMTP server; since, again, ALL legit email is coming from the
same place.)

  Why don't you just get your users to subscribe themselves to the
original list?


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Re: [Mailman-Users] how to accept posts from everyone?

2002-12-12 Thread John Buttery
* "Gustavo J. A. M.  Carneiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-12 13:20:20 +]:
>   Right now, it only accepts messages from a restric list of senders.
> Others are held for approval. I need to automatically accept
> *everything*; the ML should be completely open.

  Not to be a sourpuss, but every mailing list I've ever been on that
did that, I unsubscribed from due to spam and viral attachments
eventually.  Just careful.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Only request alerts

2002-12-03 Thread John Buttery
* Jon Carnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-12-02 21:00:14 -0500]:
> I think this feature is available in version 3.1.x
> If not, you could easily modify the work-around used in 3.0.x (that is
> outlined in the FAQ).

  There are FAQ entries for 3.0.x features already?  Geez those guys are
planning ahead!


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Eliminating access to the webinterface/unsubscribing

2002-11-20 Thread John Buttery
* Don Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-20 10:10:40 -0500]:
> I have a perfect happy Mailman installation that handles several mailing
> lists.  Recently, my boss came to me to ask if I knew of a way to set up a
> mailing list under Mailman where the users cannot unsubscribe.  Presumably
> all membership management would be handled by the list admin via the web
> interface.

  The only situations where the inability to unsub would be acceptable,
as far as I can see, are situations where the list admin has some kind
of authorization to force the list members to be subscribed.  So
therefore, wouldn't it make sense that the consequences of breaking the
rule of said authorization be the only restriction you'd need?

  To put it in English, "Unsubscribe from this staff list and you're
fired."  :p 

 John Buttery
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Migration questions (majordomo, MHonArc,Yahoo!Groups)

2002-11-19 Thread John Buttery
* Jon Carnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-18 15:58:37 -0500]:
> (though MHonArch may one day be the archiver that is included with
> Mailman...)

  For the record, I second that hope... :) 

 John Buttery
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Carriage Return in Archives

2002-11-12 Thread John Buttery
* J C Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-10 11:44:58 -0800]:
> For me formatting is often significant, and almost as often a critical
> part of content.  Sometimes in now just what was said, but how it was
> said.

  I hate posting "I agree" messages, but since this may turn into some
kind of pseudo-vote, here we go.   It's the same concept as the header
rewriting...the message should be presented the way the sender intended
it.  Having the MLM mangle it to account for random MUAs' errant
behaviour is not the fix, the fix is to unbreak the MUA and/or its user.

 John Buttery
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: personalization features (was Re: Archive URLin postings (2.1b3))

2002-11-06 Thread John Buttery
* "Barry A. Warsaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-06 13:30:33 -0500]:
> How about "No", "Yes", and "Yes, with Headers"?

  OK, now we're getting into subtleties of UI design which I'm really
not qualified to comment on, but hey, I've never let that stop me
before...  :p

  Personally, "Yes" is the setting that I would expect to denote the
fullest setting, if it appeared at all.  However, I wouldn't really
expect it to appear.  If I were going to do it, I would use "None", "Body
Only", and "Full".


 John Buttery
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Re: [Mailman-Users] archive stats

2002-09-03 Thread John Buttery

* "Waldchen, Erick (VIPTechSprt)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-08-28 16:58:23 
> Thank you for the very excellent Mailman.  It's been rock-solid for the past
> 5 months I've been using it.  My only wish is for a way to generate
> statistics on list how the list is being used. (top posters, top subjects,
> top posting times, etc.) My users really get into the "numbers" thing, if
> you know what I mean ;)  If I was a programmer I would try to write
> something that parses the archives and would generate an HTML stats page,
> but I don't have the skills for something like that.  Does such a program
> exist for Mailman? I've searched extensively online but haven't found
> anything yet.  Thanks for your time,
> Sincerely,
> Erick Waldchen

  Well, I could be off (and if I am, I'm sure someone will fl^H^Hpolitely
correct me), but I think you are barking up the wrong tree, approaching
this as a Mailman issue.  From what I can work out in my head, Mailman
is simply an email multiplexer; it doesn't really have a concept of a
coherent set of past messages.  However, you may want to look into
something that can work on a Pipermail archive; also, on the archive
page for my list (and I assume yours as well) there is a link where you
can download a full archive of every post ever sent to the list, which
should be parseable by anything that speaks mbox.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Buttery)
drat, I broke my sig script AGAIN!

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[Mailman-Users] Postings arrive with incorrect "To:" field (Take 2)

2002-08-22 Thread John Buttery

   Someone pointed out to me off-list that some mailers don't process
PGP/MIME messages properly, so I might want to send my request in a more
lowest-common-denominator format.  I apologize to those of you with
modern mailers (sorry, couldn't resist :p) that have to read this twice;
here it is in a text-only email:

  I've just set up a list, and everything is working peachy except for
one thing; when someone posts to the list, the To: field is getting
rewritten with a different domain.  For example, if I compose an email
addressed to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and send it, everyone gets
the posting just fine, but when it is delivered, the To: field has the
address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" instead.  At first I thought this
might be an MTA issue (in this case, sendmail), but after running some
tests with other addresses that are not getting rewritten, it looks like
the issue is with mailman.  I have configured DEFAULT_HOST_NAME and also
went into the web interface and set "Hostname this list prefers", but it
still happens.  What else can I configure and/or check to debug?

 John Buttery

   I really look with commiseration over the great body of
   my fellow citizens who, reading newspapers, live and die
   in the belief that they have known something of what has
been passing in their time.

  Harry Truman, United States President (1945-1952)

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[Mailman-Users] Postings arrive with incorrect "To:" field

2002-08-22 Thread John Buttery

  I've just set up a list, and everything is working peachy except for
one thing; when someone posts to the list, the To: field is getting
rewritten with a different domain.  For example, if I compose an email
addressed to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and send it, everyone gets the
posting just fine, but when it is delivered, the To: field has the
address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" instead.  At first I thought this
might be an MTA issue (in this case, sendmail), but after running some
tests with other addresses that are not getting rewritten, it looks like
the issue is with mailman.  I have configured DEFAULT_HOST_NAME and also
went into the web interface and set "Hostname this list prefers", but it
still happens.  What else can I configure and/or check to debug?

 John Buttery

  The problem with pointing to the Nazis or the Gestapo
  exclusively is that it allows us the safety of saying,
 "Well, it happened just there, and only once, *we* could
   never fall for that."

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