Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-05-01 Thread Neal Groothuis

I'd like to work up an unofficial diff to Mailman 2.1 for people like
Stephen who are willing to give it a try on a live site.  

I'm not sure this is even necessary.

Ezmlm doesn't touch the Sender: header at all, Majordomo sets it to the 
owner of the list, and (AFAICT) Listserv sets it to the list itself. 
This would seem to me to indicate that incidences of mail being returned 
inappropriately to the sender are infrequent, at worst.

The important question would seem to be what's appropriate?  From RFC 
2822, 3.6.2: The originator fields indicate the mailbox(es) of the 
source of the message.   Given this, the definition of the Sender and 
From headers, and the example given in this section, it seems that 
Outlook's interpretation of the fields (SENDER on behalf of FROM) is 
reasonable.  Mailman is not the originator of the message, so it should 
not be tampering with the From: or Sender: fields at all.

It might be appropriate for Mailman to add Resent-* headers, depending 
on how one reads RFC 2822, 3.6.6.  I personally don't think it's 
necessary or useful, since list servers add their own List-* headers, 
per RFC 2369.   The Resent-* headers seem to exist for individuals 
resending messages, not automated systems.  This is supported by the 
RFC: Resent fields are used to identify a message as having been 
reintroduced into the transport system by a user.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] [Mailman-Developers] Sender field

2006-04-28 Thread Neal Groothuis

John W. Baxter wrote:

Probably, indeed.  But what happens if that header was already taken in
the process that brought the message to mailman for distribution to the

As I noted in my previous response, I believe that the correct field (if 
Mailman were to add a Sender: header) to add would be Resent-Sender. 
 Please see RFC 2822, section 3.6.6.  The Resent-Sender field may be 
multivalued, so this isn't a problem.  However, Mailman should not be 
modifying the Sender: field at all.

Original-Sender is a header used when gatewaying X.400 messages into 
RFC 822 messages for use in JNT mail networks.  It would not be 
appropriate for use here.

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[Mailman-Users] Sender field

2006-04-27 Thread Neal Groothuis

To reopen an old discussion:

I would like to request that a feature be added in the next version of
Mailman to allow a list administrator to disable rewriting of the
Sender: header, or (better) for this behavior to be eliminated from
Mailman altogether.


 - Outlook treats the Sender field as a person sending on behalf of
another.  This seems to me to be a reasonable interpretation of the
Sender field, per RFC 2822 3.6.2.  When a bounces address is included
in the sender field, Outlook displays something along the lines of From
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On behalf of
[EMAIL PROTECTED].  (See Mailman FAQ entry 2.3).  This is undesirable.

 - Thunderbird also displays the sender field, which presents similar

 - Useful information (the original content of the Sender: header) is
lost by doing this.

 - Bounces go to the envelope sender or Return-Path: header, not the
Sender: header, so this is not necessary for proper bounce handling.

 - Again from RFC 2822 3.6.2, the Sender: header should contain the
address of the agent responsible for transmitting the message, meaning
that a person who sends mail to the address in that header should expect
to reach said agent, not suggest to Mailman that a message bounced.

 - Information regarding interacting with the list is provided by the
List-* headers; including it in the Sender: field is unnecessary.

Removing this (IMO) unwanted functionality is trivial:

diff -ru mailman-2.1.5.orig/Mailman/Handlers/ 

--- mailman-2.1.5.orig/Mailman/Handlers/   2004-01-22 

0 -0600
+++ mailman-2.1.5/Mailman/Handlers/SMTPDirect.py2006-04-26 

0 -0500
@@ -348,9 +348,9 @@
 # the Sender header at all.  Brad Knowles points out that MTAs tend to
 # wipe existing Return-Path headers, and old MTAs may still honor
 # Errors-To while new ones will at worst ignore the header.
-del msg['sender']
+# del msg['sender']
 del msg['errors-to']
-msg['Sender'] = envsender
+# msg['Sender'] = envsender
 msg['Errors-To'] = envsender
 # Get the plain, flattened text of the message, sans unixfrom
 msgtext = msg.as_string()

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