Re: [Mailman-Users] new users get welcome e-mails but posts aren'tgoing out

2006-06-15 Thread Peter Tattersall

On 15-Jun-06, at 10:28 PM, Larry Stone wrote:

 On 6/15/06 7:35 PM, John W. Baxter at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 netstat -ln -p tcp
 works in Mac OS X.  One should expect to see either 
 listening on all active addresses), or (which the 
 using localhost showed is working) plus at least one other suitable IP

 Not so fast. I have postfix running on my Macintosh and my output of 
 -ln -p tcp shows nothing for port 25.

I have the identical setup. netstat -ln -p tcp doesn't show sockets. Try
 netstat -al -p tcp
which will does. I get something like this:

tcp4   0  0  *.submission   *.*
tcp4   0  0  *.smtp *.*
tcp46  0  0  *.ssh  *.*
tcp4   0  0  *.23052*.*
tcp4   0  0  *.**.*
tcp4   0  0  *.ipp  *.*
tcp4   0  0  *.**.*
tcp4   0  0  *.svrloc   *.*
tcp4   0  0  *.**.*
tcp4   0  0  *.**.*
tcp4   0  0  *.afpovertcp   *.*
tcp46  0  0  *.afpovertcp   *.*
tcp4   0  0  *.printer  *.*
tcp4   0  0  *.pop3s*.*
tcp4   0  0  *.pop3 *.*
tcp4   0  0  *.imaps*.*
tcp4   0  0  *.imap *.*

which shows something is listening on smtp and submission (ports 25 and 
587). If you use
netstat -aln -p tcp
you get the port numbers instead of the services.

How did you set up postfix? Do you have the mailman alias setup? If you 
are using postfix enabler, you should have something like
 alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases, 
entered under Custom Postfix properties in the Mail Server pane.

Peter Tattersall
L'Osservatore Ponte di Legno
43 49 N 79 34 W

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman

2004-11-02 Thread Peter Tattersall
On 28-Oct-04, at 9:32 AM, steve wrote:
I run pop3 servers on  the Mac OS X platform.  Does Mailman work with 
I do run Linux servers as well, but I am trying to find on your site, 
specs , etc..

Steve Campbell
Are you running X-serve or an individual copy of Mac OS X? Mailman is 
installed on the x-serve systems, though I understand it's a pain to 
work with because Apple made some modifications to the source code. As 
for individual systems, I am running Mac OS X 10.3.6 with Postfix 
enabled (using the aptly named Postfix Enabler to turn everything on), 
along with anomy, spamassassin, and Mailman 2.1.5. Installation was 
basically a matter of downloading the package and following 
installation instructions. My lists are small, no more than 200 members 
on any one list, but the system handles everything smoothly and 
invisibly while I continue to work in the foreground. If you have a 
heavier load in mind you should prepare to dedicate a machine. The only 
annoying aspect of the whole setup is that I'm using to handle 
all my correspondence, and whenever I reply to a list I have to 
remember to switch things around to avoid top-posting.

Peter Tattersall
NYAA List Mom
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Successful Panther (MacOS X 10.3) installation steps for Mailman (updated)

2004-09-22 Thread Peter Tattersall
On 22-Sep-04, at 11:23 PM, Larry Stone wrote:
e) Postfix is already installed on your computer but is not running by
default. You will need to get Postfix configured and started but how 
to do
that is beyond the scope of this document.

Postfix Enabler, either the release version 1.0.9 or the beta version 
(quite stable) which adds SpamAssassin.

Peter T
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman on OS X Server

2004-09-02 Thread Peter Tattersall
On 2-Sep-04, at 7:36 PM, Brad Knowles wrote:
	I'm picking up some contacts within Apple, and they tell me that the 
team which is responsible for developing and maintaining MacOS X 
Server is non-responsive to them, too.  They don't just blow off their 
customers, they also blow off their co-workers.

	There's not much you can do in the face of those kinds of problems.
The pity of it is that on the regular MacOS X it is trivial to get 
Mailman going. After a head crash took out my hard drive last week I 
installed MacOS 10.3 on the new drive, set up my network environment, 
and made sure my connections to the net were OK. Next I downloaded 
Postfix Enabler, ran it to set up and start Postfix, checked my 
addresses were working, then download Mailman 2.1.5, followed the 
regular install instructions, ran check_perms -f, linked the alias db 
to Postfix per the Postfix READ ME, fixed up httpd.conf, and fired up 
my lists. I still have to set MM as a startup application, but that's 
just laziness on my part. I used to run qmail with MM, but the Postfix 
set up was so easy I couldn't be bothered jumping through djb's hoops 
(that laziness factor again). 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Replaced sendmail with qmail - kaaputz

2003-08-14 Thread Peter Tattersall
In you may find that the delivery defaults need to be  
changed. In particular, DELIVERY_MODULE = 'SMTPDirect' should be used.  
Make this change after the form Defaults import * line.

On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 01:16  PM, Jaswinder S. Hayre wrote:


It's a FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE box.  All the necessary five processes are
running for qmail: qmail-send, splogger, qmail-lspawn, qmail-rspawn,
The aliases are setup correctly, as follows: |preline
/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post test in .qmail-test
Yeha, I always see the mail in the admin page, but after I approve it,  
doesn't go anywhere.  And for some reason log/bounces notes all the  
as bouncing, don't know why. I don't ever see any attempts to actually
deliver the message in maillog.  It has this kind of message Aug 07
11:57:20 2003 (16657) Test: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 3 more allowed over  
secs for all the members of the test list.  And the log/post always  
Aug 07 11:57:20 2003 (16657) post to test from [EMAIL PROTECTED],
size=141, 3 failures, notice the failures at the end.  It always  
fails. I
have not a single clue about whats going on.  I tried about 10  
I disabled sendmail totally.

What changes do I need to make to Mailman when I change an MTA?  I  
make any changes to mailman.   Maillog shows messages coming into the  
server, but never shows any messages going out after I have approved  
from the admin interface.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mail Not Recieved...

2003-07-04 Thread Peter Tattersall
On Friday, July 4, 2003, at 12:02  AM, Shalabh Agarwal wrote:

Hi All,
 I have just installed mailman on qmail. Qmail is working fine. But 
when I
try to send a mail to mailing list, it sent successfully but not 
recieved. I
don't know where the mails are lost. In short, I think my aliases 
files are
not working properly. My alias file looks like...
	{|preline /home/mailman/mail/wrapper post test}

Pls help me. I am stuck here, don't know what to do.

My aliases look the same, except I don't have brace brackets

Which version of Mailman? What do your logs show?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] HI I have just set up a mailing list

2003-06-14 Thread Peter Tattersall
So, you are running mailman on a Mac, or you have access to a Mailman 
list on a server at

If the latter, your personal platform is unimportant since 
administration is done over the web, and should have some 
documentation to tell you how to use the software in their specific 
environment. However, there is generic documentation here:

If, on the other hand, you are trying to set up Mailman on a Mac, you 
need to be comfortable with running installs from the Terminal 
application under Mac OS X. Mailman runs quite happily under Mac OX 
10.1 on up. I am currently running Mailman 2.0.13 with qmail as the 
mail server under Mac OS X 10.2.6.

On Thursday, June 12, 2003, at 08:34  PM, Dan Turcotte wrote:

I have no idea how to use the mailman program.  I am on a Mac computer.
Please help me.
Dan Turcotte

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Using CSS for all pages

2002-11-24 Thread Peter Tattersall
On Sunday, November 24, 2002, at 12:08  PM, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:

This patch might be of interest.  I've postponed it to after MM2.1

Any notion as to when that final might be released (and thank you for 
trying to avoid feeping creaturism)?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Help with Qmail

2002-10-12 Thread Peter Tattersall

On Thursday, October 10, 2002, at 09:38  PM, Mike Gholson wrote:

I can create lists and the system notifies me of the
new list.  I can even log in to the info page and
sign-up.  The system sends me a confirmation message.

Did you set up the qmail aliases when you created the new list? The 
newlist command will tell you the aliases to set up, but doesn't do it 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] MM Mac OS X ?

2002-09-29 Thread Peter Tattersall

How helpful this is remains to be seen, but I have been running mailman 
with qmail under OS X for a couple of months now. I installed under 
10.1 first, using fink to install python, and installing qmail 
essentially from scratch. After I installed qmail I did a fair amount 
of testing to ensure that qmail was accepting and delivering mail 
properly. This is running on my home system, but my daughters' systems 
are networked via a router, and the whole network is accessing the net 
through an ADSL connection with static IP and my own domain name. I 
didn't install mailman until I had mail working properly for everyone 
and was sure that there were no open relays.

I installed 2.0.12 first, then upgraded almost immediately to 2.0.13. I 
had a couple of problems with permissions, so I reconfigured with 
various options set. All of this was still under 10.1. After the 
upgrade to 10.2 I had no obvious problems - everything worked - but 
when I checked the system log I found I was getting a lot of complaints 
about pre-binding on python. I haven't worked out what's going on 
there. It's not that the message doesn't make sense, but that it is 
intermittent. If I reboot, sometimes the pre-binding message goes away. 
I haven't spent much time on it, and won't as long as the system 
operates properly. Eventually fink will catch up with 10.2 or I'll 
rebuild with the system's version of python - but not today.

My needs are light. On a busy day I might get ten incoming messages and 
direct them to a couple of hundred address. I've had one glitch so far, 
but it was a qmail freeze which resulted from the trigger file being 
left in an odd state after I killed the system one night while playing 
with some early software. I should know better than to run version 0.01 
of anything  I reset the perms on the trigger and rebooted, and 
eventually qmail came out of its trance. Mailman itslef has been solid. 
I was running LetterRip under OS 9, and my users really appreciate the 
web interface and archiving which mailman provides.

Bottom line is, mailman can run under 10.2 but since I haven't tried to 
install directly I doubt I can help with your problem, though I'm 
willing to try. I just hope this is encouraging enough that you 

What are you using for mail service?

On Sunday, September 29, 2002, at 08:23  PM, Brent Rossow wrote:

 I searched the archives for the past several months and found very 
 mention of anyone running Mailman on Mac OS X.  Back in January, when 
 I was
 setting up a new mail server for our agency, I went with Mac OS X 10.1 
 the plain old SMTP/POP needs, but I also needed a listserv package.  
 At the
 time, I tried unsuccessfully to get Mailman set up but had no luck in 
 timeframe I was allotted.  Instead, I've been running Majordomo pretty
 successfully since then, using Webmin for my various list 
 administrators to
 do their thing.

 I'm now in a position to re-evaluate our listserv options as I'm 
 planning to
 step up to Mac OS X Server 10.2 (Jaguar) in the next month or two 
 implementing over the Thanksgiving break.)  I like the features it 
 and it integrates perfectly with our all-Mac network.  I'd like to take
 another look at Mailman, but this time I'm not too proud to ask for 

 Long story short, I'm running Mac OSXS 10.2 on a development machine.  
 spent the better part of this afternoon trying to get it configured.  
 got the developer tools installed, of course, and followed the MM 
 to the absolute letter.  I've created the mailman user and group as
 directed.  I created the mailman directory with proper permissions.
 Everything looked good when I did config and 'make install' but when I 
 the check_perms script (after creating a test list) I get the 

 directory permissions must be at least 02775:
 directory permissions must be at least 02775:
 directory permissions must be at least 02775: 
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File bin/check_perms, line 281, in ?
   File bin/check_perms, line 202, in checkmail
 mode = statmode(wrapper)
   File bin/check_perms, line 74, in statmode
 return os.stat(path)[ST_MODE]
 OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

 The first three lines I understand the problem, although I don't know 
 why MM
 didn't set the permissions properly when I created the list.  I have 
 no idea
 what the rest is saying.  I know the last line is looking for the file 
 question, which apparently wasn't created during the install process.  
 'wrapper' file is simply missing -- why, I have no idea.  I should 
 note here
 that aside from the first three lines, I got exactly the same error
 immediately after running the make and before any lists were created.  

Re: [Mailman-Users] Blocking Unsubscribe?

2002-09-18 Thread Peter Tattersall

I inadvertently ran into another approach to blocking unsubscription.

I recently added subscribers using a dump from a database list which I 
manually edited to remove some extraneous characters. I didn't look 
hard enough: there were a couple of null (and therefore invisible) 
characters at the end of some of the names. Mail went out successfully, 
and it wasn't until someone tried to turn delivery off while they went 
on vacation that I found there was a problem. The password note told 
them to access their info pages at
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]%00 but 
all that got them was an error message.

The address looked fine on my member management page, but any attempt 
by the user to reach the info page was rejected. Removing the %00 
didn't work - it just resulted in a different error. I didn't try 
email, but I doubt it would have worked either. I had to manually 
cancel the subscriptions for several users and re-subscribe them - 
there was no way they could do it themselves.

On Wednesday, September 18, 2002, at 05:58  PM, Moz wrote:

 Nathan wrote:
 As far as I know, you can unsubscribe by: sending email to
 list-unsubscribe@... or by using the web form. A little judicious
 editing of the user HTML page (via the admin interface) would remove
 both the unsubscribe and nomail options (but them smart users can
 still create requests that use those options). Changing the
 ~alias/.list-unsubscribe file so it is empty will stop that from
 having any effect.

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