[Mailman-Users] How to slow down delivery rate

2017-04-24 Thread Rob Dover
I run a couple of small lists and for some time have been getting bounces from 
my outgoing server saying I am exceeding the maximum # of emails per hour.


This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a temporary error. The following address(es) deferred:

   Domain mydomain.ca has exceeded the max emails per hour (112/100 (112%)) 
allowed.  Message will be reattempted later


I have no control over the outgoing server and only minimal control over the 
Mailman installation. Its on a web host. The emails do eventually go through 
but I get notifications for every single one that is deferred.

Is there any way I can slow down the delivery rate so it is below the 100 / 
hour threshold?

Thanks -Rob-
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
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Re: [Mailman-Users] One way umbrella list question

2015-05-27 Thread Rob Dover

On 2015-05-26, 5:41 AM, "Mark Sapiro"  wrote:

>On 05/25/2015 08:14 AM, Rob Dover wrote:
>> Greetings.
>> I have an installation (2.1.20) that we use for club communications. All
>> club members are explicitly subscribed to the main [members] list.
>>There are
>> also a couple of smaller lists that we use for executive and committee
>> discussions. I would like all members of the master [members] list to
>> posting privileges to the smaller lists but limit the emails that
>> sends for the smaller lists to only the smaller lists.
>You don't want umbrella lists. All you need to do is put @members (or
>whatever the name of the all-members list is preceded with '@') in the
>Privacy options... -> Sender filters -> accept_these_nonmembers  setting
>of all the smaller lists. follow the (Details for
>accept_these_nonmembers) link on the Privacy options... -> Sender
>filters page for more info.
>Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
>San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

I have @members in the Sender filters -> accept_these_nonmembers but am
still getting "Post by non-member to a members-only list² despite the
poster address being in the master list. Is there another setting
somewhere else? This is a private list, would that make any difference?

Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] One way umbrella list question

2015-05-26 Thread Rob Dover
I have an installation (2.1.20) that we use for club communications. All
club members are explicitly subscribed to the main [members] list. There are
also a couple of smaller lists that we use for executive and committee
discussions. I would like all members of the master [members] list to have
posting privileges to the smaller lists but limit the emails that mailman
sends for the smaller lists to only the smaller lists.
In other words if a member of the exec list posts to the exec list, all
members of the executive receive a copy but a regular member would be
allowed to post to the executive list but ONLY the executive members would
get a copy. 
As I understand an umbrella list all umbrella members would see all
postings. Correct? 
Can this be done?

Thanks -Rob­

Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Re: cgi-gid puzzler fixed

2002-06-04 Thread Rob Dover

Thanks to LuKreme for showing me where I went wrong with the cgi-gid
Now I have another one that also has me stumped... I now have a list
configured but I can't subscribe to it.
I get the supscription page fine and submit the request. Mailman then sends
the confirmation e-mail ok which I then replies to. Mailman appears to
accept this but just sends it right back. Any mail sent to the list just
bounces right back to the sender which so far is just me. No users show up
in the user list.
check_perms reports no problems. The error logs don't seem to show anything
wrong. Crontabs seem OK.

I'm stumped! Any ideas?
TIA -Rob-

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

[Mailman-Users] cgi-gid puzzler

2002-06-03 Thread Rob Dover

Sorry for another post on this issue but I have been through the faq and
reread the INSTALL file several times and can't seem to get past this.
I did a default install which seemed to go ok until I got the point of
testing my new test list. When I did, I got the "Mailman CGI error!!!" page
and the "Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 99, GOT gid 48.  (Reconfigure to
take 48?)" message.
OK, I tried reconfiguring with --with-cgi-gid 48. This says that gid 48
doesn't exist. Upon checking my /etc/group gid 48 is there and is assigned
to apache which is the group and user that the web server runs under. I also
tried 99, same thing.
What do I try next?
System is RH 7.2 with Apache and Sendmail. All recent rpms.
Any help appreciated.

Rob and Christine

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py