[Mailman-Users] Help with web-based confirmation

2005-07-28 Thread Russ Romano
I'm new to the mailman users list.  I was a remote admin for a
listproc-based mailing list for many years and upgrading to mailman a
couple of years ago.  A recent upgrade by our ISP pushed me to mailman
v2.0.13, and certain features appear to have been lost/hidden in this
migration.  I was hoping this group could provide some insight.
The biggest issue is that subscription confirmation via email doesn't
appear to work at all.  I'm not sure if mailman is having trouble with
HTML or MIME in the replies, or the appended >'s in the reply cause
problems... but it isn't working for the majority of my users.  In the
past there was a very reliable web-based confirmation.  I know this
still exists because I used it to confirm my subscription to THIS list,
but on my confirmation emails it is missing, and I can't find an option
to turn it on via the admin interface.
I am a remote admin, and the mailman installation is outside of my
control.  I can work with my ISP to make changes... but they are not
mailman savvy so it is a painful process.  I'm hoping I'm just missing
an easy fix via the admin web interface.
Any insight would be appreciated.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] subscribers with more than one email address

2005-07-29 Thread Russ Romano
I do this on my own list...

Just have the user subscribe from every account they want to post
from... And then turn off mail delivery (first option typically in the
user config web page) for the accounts that he/she doesn't want mail
delivered to.


> Hi everybody,
> today one of my users told me he wants to receive all 
> list-mails on his 
> gmail-account but he wants to be able to post messages from his two 
> other mail addresses, too.
> How could we realize this?
> thanks
> Fibbs
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