[Mailman-Users] mailman and courier

2003-07-26 Thread Steve Arnold

I saw the post in the archives about configuring courier and mailman, however, I'm not 
using and pgsql auth stuff or hosteddomains (or anything virtual really).

I guess my first question is on the DELIVERY_MODULE = 'SMTPDirect' thing, ie, should I 
change this to Sendmaail and point it to courier's sendmail stub?

As you can see, I'm not a mail expert, but I did manage to get all the courier stuff 
to work (AFAICT).

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Steve

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[Mailman-Users] dumb newbie questions

2002-06-13 Thread Steve Arnold


I'm a mailman newbie, and after reading the basic docs, readmes, and
FAQs, I still have some questions.  I'm running the 2.0.11 rpm on RedHat
7.1 with courier smtp, apache, and zope.  I guess the zope part is only
relevant because I had to modify the mod_rewrite rules for the mailman
cgis.  Anyway, I have it installed and running, at least partially. 
Here are my current issues:

1) It looks like the mailman cron jobs did not get installed by the rpm
(at least I don't see them in any of the Redhat cron directories).  I
tried running the crontab.in, but I can't seem to become the mailman
user, so nothing gets installed.  The mailman user and group were
created by the install, though.  What can I do?

2) The server apache and mailman run on is behind an ip-masq firewall,
with the public URL on port 8080 being forwarded in to port 80 on the
the machine running mailman.  I specified the URL as:

DEFAULT_HOST_NAME ='arnolds.dhs.org'
DEFAULT_URL   = 'http://%s:8080/mailman/' % DEFAULT_HOST_NAME
MAILMAN_OWNER = 'mailman-owner@%s' % DEFAULT_HOST_NAME

but the admin page shows only "www.arnolds.bogus Mailing Lists" in the
banner at the top of the page.  I run DNS for internal-only name
resolution, so I have my own bogus domain defined on my internal LAN. 
Is there a way around this?  I haven't yet tried to see the mailman
pages from the outside world, so maybe it's not a problem...

Is it hopeless for me to try to run it in this configuration?  I'd
appreciate any and all help and/or feedback.

Thanks in advance, Steve Arnold


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