[Mailman-Users] Can I extract the list of members from any of mymailing lists using web interface?

2003-08-19 Thread Victor Tsaran
Hello, listers!
Can I extract the list of members for any of my lists via Web admin
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RE: [Mailman-Users] Managing archives

2003-08-15 Thread Victor Tsaran
Hi, John!
Your idea and the advice sound great, however, this assumes that the person
has to use some kind of Unix-based E-mail client which, as you can imagine,
generally not the case. I was hoping for some kind web-based solution, but I
guess we will have to wait for this one.
Thanks for your help. Will let you know if I come up with something

-Original Message-
From: Jon Carnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 8:57 AM
Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] Managing archives

oops... forgot to set the rights for the new archive mbox file...
I added that to the second script.

Jon Carnes

A script that creates the imap mbox and copies the mbox from the archive:
  #! /bin/bash
  # Used to move an archive into position for editing
  # by anyone who can use an email client
  # Assumptions:
  #   - mailman install is in /var/mailman
  #   - imap mailbox root is /home/user/mail/
  # This means that you already created the mbox
  # using your email program.
  #== $1
  # Input: a valid mailman list name (with archives)
  # Check that the list name is valid and the archives exist
  if [ ! -f $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox ]; then
echo ERROR: $1 is not a valid mailman list with archives
echo   (be sure to use all lower case)
echo   or path to archive files is incorrect:
echo $PATH2ARC
echo " "
exit 0
  # Check that mbox has been created...
  if [ ! -f $PATH2MB/$1 ]; then
echo ERROR: Please check that the path to your IMAP Mailbox
echo   is: $PATH2MB
echo   and that you have created a Mailbox called:$1
exit 0
  cat $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox >> $PATH2MB/$1


Now someone simply edits the mailbox using their email client. This
doesn't take anyone technically minded...

When they are done, we put back the archives:
  #! /bin/bash
  # Used to move an edited mbox from an imap folder
  # and put it back into the Mailman archive from
  # which it was grabbed.
  # Assumptions:
  #   - mailman install is in /var/mailman,
  # with archives being in /var/mailman/archives/private/..
  #   - imap mailbox root is /home/user/mail/
  # and the imap header for the file is 13 lines long
  # including the blank line at the end of the message.
  # Input: a valid mailman list name (with archives)
  # Check that the list name is valid and the archives exist
  if [ ! -f $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox ]; then
echo ERROR: $1 is not a valid mailman list with archives
echo (be sure to use all lower case)
echo " "
exit 0
  # Check that mbox has been created...
  if [ ! -f $PATH2MB/$1 ]; then
echo ERROR: could not find mailbox $1 in path:
echo   $PATH2MB
echo   Please check that root path to mailbox is correct.
echo " "
exit 0
  # Number of lines in IMAP header
  mv $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox.bak
j=`cat $PATH2MB/$1 |wc -l`
k=$(( j - IHEAD ))
tail -$k $PATH2MB/$1 > $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox
chown mailman.mailman $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox
  # now lets remove the old archive files and regen
  # the archives with the new mbox!
  rm -rf $PATH2ARC/$1/*
  /var/mailman/bin/arch $1


The scripts aren't tested, but should be good for a quick start!
Take care.  Hope that helps someone.

Jon Carnes

Mailman-Users mailing list
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RE: [Mailman-Users] Managing archives

2003-08-14 Thread Victor Tsaran
Hi, John!
Do you think the access to the mbox can also be done through IMAP? I am not
an administrator on this machine, just a list admin, but I need to know what
to tell the root.

-Original Message-
From: Jon Carnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Managing archives

On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 09:26, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> Hello, listers!
> Here is my situation. I am managing several lists for an international
> organization. Over the last couple of years our archives have grown quite
> large and, I am sure, that many of the messages are no longer necessary to
> keep. What is the easiest way for me to pull down the whole archive,
> it to something that can be reviewed/edited by the organization's
> pull it back together and reupload back to the server. Is there a tool
> will allow me to do this? I myself don't have the time to carry out this
> task, however, I cannot expect the secretary to fool around with Unix mail
> boxes etc.
> Also, I have seen some web sites that zip their messages while archiving.
> How is this done?
> Thanks much for any response I can get on this.
> Regards,
> Vic
> --

You should be able to set it up so that the secretary can simply browse
the archive emails via an email program and then delete the messages he
thinks are not necessary.

Mailman archives are stored in an mbox file on the server

If you copy the mbox file to a computer running evolution (that's what I
currently use for my email - and its great!) then he can read the
messages as though they are simply local messages in the INBOX (or some
other folder that you create). Once he deletes the extraneous messages,
he does an "expunge" or rebuild on the mailbox! Now you have a new mbox
that is ready to be copied back up to the Mailman archives.

Once the mbox is put back in place, you will need to run the
~mailman/bin/arch command to rebuild the archives using the new mbox

Aside: I wonder how hard it would be to build a web interface for
editing the archives?  We could use formail to break-out each of the old
messages and move them into a holding directory, then scan the holding
directory to get the subject/date from each message. Display those with
a link to pull up the whole message, and a checkbox for deleting the

Once you click done, the back-end cgi would reassembles the mbox by just
cat-ing the remaining files back together - then it would back up the
old mbox file and put this one in place. After that, it would run the
Mailman arch program for the list.

OR it would probably be easier to use the existing pipermail setup but
add a delete field for use by an admin (running pipermail from a
specified ip or from localhost), then use the built-in python libraries
for handling mbox - after all, you are just deleting a message from an
mbox file and that is a fairly boring/mundane task.

Jon Carnes

Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] Difference between PiperMail 0.5 and PiperMail 0.9

2003-08-14 Thread Victor Tsaran
Hello, listers!
Are there any huge differences between Pipermail 0.5 and Pipermail 0.9? Is
it worth to ask our site administrator to update to the latest Pipermail?
Regards and thanks,
Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] Managing archives

2003-08-12 Thread Victor Tsaran
Hello, listers!
Here is my situation. I am managing several lists for an international
organization. Over the last couple of years our archives have grown quite
large and, I am sure, that many of the messages are no longer necessary to
keep. What is the easiest way for me to pull down the whole archive, convert
it to something that can be reviewed/edited by the organization's secretary,
pull it back together and reupload back to the server. Is there a tool that
will allow me to do this? I myself don't have the time to carry out this
task, however, I cannot expect the secretary to fool around with Unix mail
boxes etc.
Also, I have seen some web sites that zip their messages while archiving.
How is this done?
Thanks much for any response I can get on this.
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
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[Mailman-Users] How to remove archives from the Mailman lists?

2001-01-23 Thread Victor Tsaran

Hello, guys!
I cannot figure out if there is a way to remove the archive from my Mailman
list. We are using Mailman version 2.0 beta 2.
BTW, some time ago I suggested that the current version of the program be
posted on the main website, however, seen no changes so far.

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have you thought of visiting Cybertsar's Internet Kingdom? It is still
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Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Up-to-date version

2001-01-03 Thread Victor Tsaran

Hello listers!
What is the most current version of Mailman?

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have you thought of visiting Cybertsar's Internet Kingdom? It is still
Here is the URL:

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Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]