Re: [Mailman-Users] Setup an announce list

2003-03-17 Thread ghhalley

I found the answer off of the Mailman FAQ search engine.  I am in the
process of implementing this solution.  Below is the link to the
question 3.11


Hi all,

I'm trying to setup an announce list on which only a few people should be 
able to post, but I can't find a good way to do it. I see only a suitable 
option "general - emergency", but I think that is not the one I should 

Can anybody point me right please?

   Best regards / Jan

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[Mailman-Users] Preferred Language

2003-03-19 Thread ghhalley
I'm a newbie to Mailman so be easy on me

First of all, thanks to all of the developers.  The setup of 2.1.1 was
relatively simple.  Good docs and test scripts!  Thanks

I want to make sure I understand a button on the list information
page.  If you subscribe it askes

Which language do you prefer to display your messages?  English (USA)

If I set up a list with multiple languages and the chooser picks a
different language than the sender posts to the list -- wouldn't the
message appear garbled?  There is no translation inherent to Mailman
2.1.1, is there?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Help! Problems :(

2003-03-20 Thread ghhalley

For months now, AOL subscribers have been complaining about lost
emails from mailing lists.  AOL has a very aggresive anti-spam policy.
 This sounds  suspiciously like one of their cases, especially if you
 moved the list to a IP address AOL has tagged as a spammer.  You can
 find more info at a lot of places, but here are some starters:

I have personal examples of a single address email not arriving
(multiple times) to my boss's email box.

The ugly thing about this problem, is that AOL automatically deletes
the email with no notification to the sender or the AOL user.  They
just disappear.

George Halley

I resell hosting space, the fella who owns the server is on vacation. The person who 
is supposed to answer is not around
either. so here I am all by myself with a frustrated client.
We moved the list from another server She didn't know to back it up there so see 
mass subscribe about 50 people.
Looks like we are having problems with some AOL email addresses not getting emails.
Has anyone seen this issue before? We are running version 2.0.13 of mailman.
Please help my client is losing her mind!! And me too.
I wonder if it's some kind of setting on the server She had no problems on the 
other server.

Nicole Lancaster
Itb-Hosting Affordable Web Site Hosting
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Updating Sendmail aliases

2003-03-23 Thread ghhalley

In Mailman 2.1.1 install directory, there are instructions on how
to do this in the README.SENDMAIL  Below is a copy of that info.


David Champion has contributed a recipe for more closely
integrating Sendmail and Mailman, such that Sendmail will
automatically recognize and deliver to new mailing lists as they
are created, without having to manually edit alias tables.

In the contrib directory, you will find four files

mm-handler.readme - an explanation of how to set everything up
mm-handler- the mail delivery agent (MDA) a toy configuration file sample
virtusertable - a sample for RFC 2142 address exceptions

Hope this is what you want,
George Halley

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[Mailman-Users] Mailman Newbie having set up problems

2003-03-25 Thread ghhalley

Upgraded my RH 8 to Python 2.2.2 and Mailman 2.1.1

Now I'm trying to get my test lists to work.

Currently, I am receiving no email from Mailman.

Emails going into Mailman are received.  After my initial tests and 3
days of debugging, the Sendmail logs seemed normal and all of the
QFiles had a backlog.  So I thought, maybe a qfile was jamming the
system.  I moved the qfile files to temporarily directory. Then tried
subscribing through the user website and my virgin qfile has 10 files
in it (nothing in the other qfiles).  I have not received any type of
confirmation email and am not listed on the admin subscription page.

Any ideas what is preventing the completion of Mailman?  Could it be a
security or interface problem with Sendmail?  Could it be a problem
with the Mailman database or within the program?

Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated -- I've came to the
limit of my knowledge and the docs.

George Halley

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Re[2]: [Mailman-Users] Mailman Newbie having set up problems

2003-03-25 Thread ghhalley
Thanks for the help,

OK mailmanctl was not running.  I started it up and got a confirmation

It should have been running, as the the Mailman init.d files are already
set to run.

Is mailmanctl daemon always on?  Should I see it with ps -e at all

What is its purpose?  I thought the Mailman wrapper was the major
program -- is this just a traffic manager and logger?  or does it do
greater functions?


Hash: SHA1

ghhalley wrote:
> Upgraded my RH 8 to Python 2.2.2 and Mailman 2.1.1
> Currently, I am receiving no email from Mailman.
> Emails going into Mailman are received.  After my initial tests and 3 days
> of debugging, the Sendmail logs seemed normal and all of the QFiles had a
> backlog.  So I thought, maybe a qfile was jamming the system.  I moved the
> qfile files to temporarily directory. Then tried subscribing through the
> user website and my virgin qfile has 10 files in it (nothing in the other
> qfiles).  I have not received any type of confirmation email and am not
> listed on the admin subscription page.
> Any ideas what is preventing the completion of Mailman?

Is mailmanctl running?  This is different than the way the qrunners worked
in 2.0.x, where they ran from a cron job.  They now are run via the
mailmanctl daemon.

> Could it be a security or interface problem with Sendmail?

I don't think so, usually if that's the case you see smrsh errors.

> Could it be a problem with the Mailman database or within the program?

I guess that's possible.  If mailmanctl is indeed started, look for clues
in the mailman logs directory.

- -- 
Todd  OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL:

"There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government
working for you."
-- Will Rogers.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Help Newbie trying to get working..

2003-03-26 Thread ghhalley

I just set up Mailman on RH 8 -- not an expert, but I can help.  One
important consideration you need to make up front.  The latest, stable
Mailman release is 2.1.1 which requires Python 2.2.2, both not in the
RH 8 release.  2.1.1 has enough changes in it that I decided to make
the update. Here are the keys to complete the installation.

1)  Download the new releases and install them.  I think Mailman had a
RPM available and Python was a GZip .tar.  Installation was
straightforward for both.

2) The mailman install directory had excellent READMEs.  Look at
INSTALL one and use it as your template.

a)  Conifguring Apache is easy.  Just move the file Httpd-Mailman.conf
from the /etc/httpd/conf directory into the /etc/httpd/conf.d
directory.  Any .conf files in this directory are included in the
apache configuration. Edit the files correspondingly.

b)  We didn't have to make any configuration changes with Sendmail,
but you will have to set up a boatload of aliases.  When you run
Newlist process it will tell you what aliases to include.

c)  Watch you directory permission settings and what groups your
applications run as.  The docs will send you in the right direction,
if you need more help, ask back on this board. In my case, Sendmail
ran as the mail user/group and Apache ran as the apache user/group.
In the configuration I set the --with-mail-gid and the --with-cgi-gid

d)  The most lacking part of the READMEs is the value of the
mailmanctl script.  The readme's still reference cron jobs.  I set
them up, but with 2.1.1 the majority of the cron work is done by
mailmanctl, a continually running daemon and its python sub-processes.
 In my case, my qfiles were backing up and I was getting no
responses from Mailman.  This was fixed when I ran the mailmanctl
script.  See the recent emails titled "Mailman Newbie having set up

f) Finally, you may want to set up Mailman to run at boot up.  I don't
remember if RH already had a script in init.d or if it came in the
install.  But I did have to add this into the boot sequence.

If this isn't good enough, keep writing the list, and we will try to
help you with individual parts.

George Halley

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Re[2]: [Mailman-Users] Help Newbie trying to get working..

2003-03-26 Thread ghhalley

Comments are in-line with your questions.  BTW How Newbie are you with
Linux?  Its hard to tell from your EMails -- Sounds like you are brand
new to RH8, but do you have experience with other releases?  I will
modify my explanations depending on your knowledge.  For example, I've
played around on RH 6.2 box for two years as a part time job.

> Thanks for your info George..

> A few more questions.

> 1. I installed the MailMan package during the Red Hat Server installation.
> It look like it installed MAILMAN in /var/mailman/

 Good -- That is what I did, too.

> It seems to have done a few of the steps for me - create a mailman user and
> Mailman group.

Good -- and you should have a mail user and group for Sendmail and
a Apache user and group for Apace.  All three users are needed for
Mailman to run properly.  Three users are run to increase the
system security.

> It moved some of the jpgs into my apache install -

I never had to do that.  Evidentially, they were already there.
(I hate having to move simple icons -- so I skipped it!)

> The apache installed a little different then I am use to and being a newbie
> it has confused the hell out of me.

Have you configured Apache before?  If not, there are a bunch of
questions to resolve about how you do your webserver.  We may be
able to do those questions over the phone.

If you have configured Apace before, I was also surprised by Apache 2.
I had time to learn it though as I was migrating the websites from
my RH 6.2 box.  Overall, the configuration files are simpler.  The
RH 8 install placed all of the Mailman config files in the file
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd-mailman.conf file.  All you have to do for
the setup, is move this file into /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory.

Oops, I did uncomment the one line which is suggested in the file.

> In /var I have a www folder - and in /etc/ I have what looks like all of the
> configuration files.

Correct.  I didn't dwell into the /var/www folder, but it is where
you can find the apache documentation and where RH expects you to
put CGIs and websites.

> I am assuming I need to edit the httpd.conf as I don't think the redhat
> install took it that far.

 The RH install provides the default configuration.  Works pretty
 well, but typically gets modified as you build web sites.

> What should my httpd.conf file look like considering the information above
> as to where my installs are.

 This is non-mailman specific.  So let's take it off the list and
 talk about this.

> 2. Also not sure if this a related issue but http server gui that comes with
> RedHat freezes up on me everytime I try to edit the properties - any ideas?

 Are you configuring from a desktop GUI?  I don't have experience
 with this.

 Questions like this are more appropriate for the Red Hat 8
 mailing list.  I am also a member of this.  The mailing address
 for this list is [EMAIL PROTECTED] I signed up for it
 somewhere on the Red Hat website.

> Thanks for your help..

 Keep passing questions, I'll answer as I am available.  For once,
 I can help someone!!  Yeah!

> john

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Re[4]: [Mailman-Users] Help Newbie trying to get working..

2003-03-26 Thread ghhalley

> Thanks.. I am actually brand new... never even touched anything Linux
> before. I come from a Networking Background (mostly MS, Cisco and firewalls)
> and in the past I have had to setup network configs to work with Sun Servers
> running apache sometimes dibbling in the Sun's config files. But that is
> pretty much the extent of it. So I appreciate your help, it's comforting to
> know that there are people out there willing to lend a hand to a needy
> network guy.

Ahhh, That make sense.  You'll be surprised by how easy the really bad
problems are to fix in Linux.

> OK. So my big problem that took me all day was the silly little move of the
> mailman config file to the conf.d directory - thanks..

> Now I can access the pages over the network and feel like I'm making some
> headway.

> 1. Is the administration done entirely through the Web Admin? How do access
> and configure MailMan options?

You can do it both ways, except for the changes in the alias files.
Those you will need to hand poke.  I suggest the program emacs, if you
don't have a favorite way to do this.  The changes are really pretty
simple -- its a text file, with three pieces.

# Comment lines
and then the email address and its relay, typically in the form

which would send all email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to my email

This gets a little stickier if you are using multiple domains and we
will not get into this in this email.

After hand poking the changes, you will need to type "newaliases" on the
command line.  You will get a statement back showing the db has been
updated.  And then you need to restart sendmail by "services sendmail
restart"  This will cause the changes to be received.

> 2. How do I change the @localhost.localdomain convention to specify the
> domain I want?

This is a little trickier question.  I'm guessing you might need to do
some more network configuration for the box.

Did you set a local name in the /etc/sysconfig/network file?  If not,
you need to set this up.  If I remember right, there is good
documentation in the RH 8 Reference Guide.  Red Hat has pdf and html
versions of it on their website. When I started learning Red Hat, I
used those guides alot.  They are not exhaustive by any means, but
they will get you going.  Then the man or info commands and the
readme's have almost everything else.

> 3.I do not want anyone to send email to this box - I just want it to be able
> to send out daily newsletters. I want the reply address to be a user on my
> Exchange Server --my corp mail server-- who can receive replies in his
> Outlook Inbox.

This brings up a major question of configuration.  Typically Mailman
uses confirmation emails for new subscriptions.  You will have to go
through the configuration files and turn off this capability.  Mailman
by default is not set up as a Newsletter list, but rather as a
Discussion list.  There are default settings, you will want to change
for it to work this way.  My primary purpose is also as a Newsletter
list.  FAQ 3.11 describes the basic changes you need to make.  I'm in
the process of implementing it.

> 4. That being the case (#3) do I need to setup external DNS with MX records
> for this server?

not sure.  I use DNS to direct traffic to my website and to route
emails to the server.  If you completely turn off in-coming emails and
you can get around the web traffic necessary, you can probably turn
off DNS.  But, I'm not an authority in this area.  You might want to
try a separate post with different heading to this list and the RH 8

> Thanks for your help...

And on the second email...

> Ooh one other thing -

> 1. How can I test that Mailman is working with sendmail correctly?

You can check Sendmail, by making a change in the alias file to send
to you and then trying it.

Otherwise, you can set up your first list and send to it.

Or if you think everything is working, but don't get a response, check
FAQ 3.14

> Thanks all

-Original Message-
From: ghhalley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 5:45 PM
To: Sullivan, John
Subject: Re[2]: [Mailman-Users] Help Newbie trying to get working..


Comments are in-line with your questions.  BTW How Newbie are you with
Linux?  Its hard to tell from your EMails -- Sounds like you are brand
new to RH8, but do you have experience with other releases?  I will
modify my explanations depending on your knowledge.  For example, I've
played around on RH 6.2 box for two years as a part time job.

> Thanks for your info George..

> A few more questions.

> 1. I installed the MailMan package during the Red Hat Server installation.
> It look like it installed MAILMAN in /var/mailman/

 Good -- That is what I did, too.

> It seems to have done a few of the step

Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: Disabling Passwords

2003-03-26 Thread ghhalley
Howdy Larry,

How did you make the changes for this.  Is it in the Admin
configuration panels?  (I don't remember it there)

George Halley

--- 5:05:46 PM, you wrote:

> At 07:28 PM 3/26/2003, you wrote:
>>I am using Mailman V 2.0
>>I want to know how I can disable the need for a new subscriber to create
>>password. I think the subscribers are going to find it quite annoying that
>>they have to create a password for our newsletter. They should just have
>>subscribe and unsubscribe options...

> I use v2.1.1, and have a lot of lists set up as "Newsletter" style, and 
> none of the users are given passwords.  Since I don't allow archiving of 
> the newsletters, and they don't want/need to go to the web page to change 
> their settings, they are subscribed and unsubscribed without notices being 
> sent to the members.

> Larry

>>Your Comments are appreciated...

> --
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Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman 2.1.1 install question

2003-03-27 Thread ghhalley
Howdy Tom,

mailmanctl needs to be running to push the qfiles through the system.

>From the Mailman directory type "bin/mailmanctl start"

and check it by "ps -e"  You will probably see the mailmanctl and you
will definitely see ~6 python daemons.

George Halley

--- 1:06:17 PM, you wrote:

> I am helping a friend set up Mailman 2.1.1 on a new RedHat 8.0 
> server, with Postfix as the MTA.

> I have only one problem the email goes into the server and goes into 
> the qfiles/in folder but it does not get passed on anywhere. It just 
> sits there. It is accepting email from Postfix, why would it not be 
> passing back out again.

> thanks,

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Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman not posting (using postfix w/ RH 8)

2003-03-27 Thread ghhalley
Howdy Paul,

Is mailmanctl running?

mailmanctl needs to be running to push the qfiles through the system.

>From the Mailman directory type "bin/mailmanctl start"

and check it by "ps -e"  You will probably see the mailmanctl and you
will definitely see ~6 python daemons.


--- 2:00:44 PM, you wrote:

> Greetings:  I have installed mailman 2.1.1 on RedHat 8.0 with python 2.2.2 and
> postfix 2.0.2.  The install seemed to go well but the posting is not working:

> symptoms:
> - list administrators are not notified when a list has been created
> - list administrators are able to administrer their lists using the web
> - list members may post messages - and the messages are properly archived
> - non-list members may not post messages but nobody gets a bounced message
> - list members never receive any posted messages

> what i've checked:

> - /bin/check_perms is ok
> - crontab was created as 'root' with /bin/cron> crontab -u mailman
> - aliases and aliases.db are up to date; postfix knows where to find them
> and has reloaded them several times
> - not using smrsh with postfix
> - nothing of note in /locks | logs
> - postfix on this host can deliver mail (otherwise you wouldn't receive this)

> thanks in advance

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Re: [Mailman-Users] email getting lost..

2003-03-27 Thread ghhalley
Howdy John

Is mailmanctl operating?

Do you have files in the qfiles?


--- 2:04:45 PM, you wrote:

> OK A few problems here. 


> I have Red Hat 8.0 - Send mail working - MailMan 2.0 somewhat working.. 


> I have configured a list and have signed a few accounts up as tests. 

> However, when I login in as Administrator and go to the page where I can do
> the following.


> To post a message to all the list members, send email to


> I send a message to the list but nothing happens it seems that none of the 5
> test accounts that I have setup receive an email. Nor do I get a bounce back
> telling me that anything failed. 


> My Server name is 


> I have archiving enabled for private use but when I got the Archive page I
> see this: 


> Archive File Not Found

> No file /minutes/ (/var/mailman/archives/private/minutes/)


> Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong.. I just want to send out a
> newsletter and I am getting to the point of wits end... 


> Thanks.. 


> John

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Re[2]: [Mailman-Users] mailman 2.1.1 install question

2003-03-27 Thread ghhalley
Howdy Tom,

If the error message matches the syntax of your alias files, then you
need to change wrapper to mailman.  The name changed in 2.1.1

For example, these are my aliases for a list on my machine.

hlt-news:  "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman post hlt-news"
hlt-news-admin:"|/var/mailman/mail/mailman admin hlt-news"
hlt-news-bounces:  "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman bounces hlt-news"
hlt-news-confirm:  "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman confirm hlt-news"
hlt-news-join: "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman join hlt-news"
hlt-news-leave:"|/var/mailman/mail/mailman leave hlt-news"
hlt-news-owner:"|/var/mailman/mail/mailman owner hlt-news"
hlt-news-request:  "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman request hlt-news"
hlt-news-subscribe:"|/var/mailman/mail/mailman subscribe hlt-news"
hlt-news-unsubscribe:  "|/var/mailman/mail/mailman unsubscribe hlt-news"


--- 3:38:02 PM, you wrote:

> Thanks for the help, I got that fixed now I am getting a different 
> error that is bouncing the email and it is not getting put into 
> qfiles.

> This is the error I see in my maillog now.
> Mar 27 17:38:17 agmail postfix/local[23204]: E1237103824: 
> to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=local, delay=2, status=bounced 
> (Command died with status 1: "/var/mailman/mail/wrapper post help")

> At 1:15 PM -0800 3/27/03, ghhalley wrote:
>>Howdy Tom,
>>mailmanctl needs to be running to push the qfiles through the system.
>>>From the Mailman directory type "bin/mailmanctl start"
>>and check it by "ps -e"  You will probably see the mailmanctl and you
>>will definitely see ~6 python daemons.
>>George Halley
>>--- 1:06:17 PM, you wrote:
>>>  I am helping a friend set up Mailman 2.1.1 on a new RedHat 8.0
>>>  server, with Postfix as the MTA.
>>>  I have only one problem the email goes into the server and goes into
>>>  the qfiles/in folder but it does not get passed on anywhere. It just
>>>  sits there. It is accepting email from Postfix, why would it not be
>>>  passing back out again.
>>  > thanks,

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Re[2]: [Mailman-Users] mailman not posting (using postfix w/ RH 8)

2003-03-27 Thread ghhalley
Howdy Paul,

There are a number of routes to go, and I probably don't have them all
in mind.

Check FAQ 3.14 -- it was helpful in my situation

Also, when I initially set up, my aliases were wrong.  Just sent out
a post to another question with example aliases in it.  (I'm doubting
this is your problem, though)

I have no experience with Postfix, but it sounds like a Mailman

This symptom:
>> > - non-list members may not post messages but nobody gets a bounced message
can be turned off or on in the administration panels if I understand
it properly.

I'm out of time and ideas


--- 3:32:25 PM, you wrote:

> mailman is running; "bin/mailmanctl start" works and I see six or seven
> qrunners running as mailman.

> Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 02:28:50PM -0800, ghhalley wrote:
>> Howdy Paul,
>> Is mailmanctl running?
>> mailmanctl needs to be running to push the qfiles through the system.
>> >From the Mailman directory type "bin/mailmanctl start"
>> and check it by "ps -e"  You will probably see the mailmanctl and you
>> will definitely see ~6 python daemons.
>> Peace,
>> G
>> --- 2:00:44 PM, you wrote:
>> > Greetings:  I have installed mailman 2.1.1 on RedHat 8.0 with python 2.2.2 and
>> > postfix 2.0.2.  The install seemed to go well but the posting is not working:
>> > symptoms:
>> > - list administrators are not notified when a list has been created
>> > - list administrators are able to administrer their lists using the web
>> > - list members may post messages - and the messages are properly archived
>> > - non-list members may not post messages but nobody gets a bounced message
>> > - list members never receive any posted messages
>> > what i've checked:
>> > - /bin/check_perms is ok
>> > - crontab was created as 'root' with /bin/cron> crontab -u mailman
>> > 
>> > - aliases and aliases.db are up to date; postfix knows where to find them
>> > and has reloaded them several times
>> > - not using smrsh with postfix
>> > - nothing of note in /locks | logs
>> > - postfix on this host can deliver mail (otherwise you wouldn't receive this)
>> > thanks in advance

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Re: [Mailman-Users] moderation question

2003-04-02 Thread ghhalley
Howdy Neil

Under Membership list options, you can set all users to moderate.
Then un-set yourself and the moderators.

In another config panel you set what happens when messages are
received from moderated members.  On my Newsletter lists, I set the
members posts to discard with notification to admin (several buttons).

I think you will find this sufficient.

George Halley

--- 10:17:48 AM, you wrote:

> My ISP just switched from majordomo to mailman.

> On majordomo, I had it setup that only the moderators could post to the
> list (this is an announcement only list).

> Now, since the transition this morning my list is wide open. I want to
> know how to make it so only moderators and me (admin) can post to the
> list?

> I will look over the documentation for mailman but at this point it is an
> emergency because users will start posting to the list and many people
> will leave (this is supposed to be a low volume announcement list).

> Thanks.

> Neil

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Hotmail problems

2003-04-04 Thread ghhalley
Howdy David

Moderate the offending incoming email address.  There is also an
Emergency Moderation flag, which will moderate all users.  Then delete
the caught email.


--- 3:08:36 AM, you wrote:

> Dear gurus,

> My server and my Hotmail subscribers are in a loop right now. They are
> getting one specific mail posted to a list of mine over and over again.

> How can I stop this? I'm running Mailman 2.1.1 and Postfix 2.0.4.
> I have restarted the qrunners and flushed the Postfix mail queue.

> Please give me some advice how to track down this kind of problem :)

>  Blue Skies,
>  /David  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] New Mailman list administrator

2003-04-04 Thread ghhalley
Howdy Melissa

I'm not positive, but I think this will work.

Every web pages is made up of smaller python routines.  Your webhost
can give you copies of the html pages and probably the python routines.
After modifying these files put them in the
/lists/listname/en directory.  I know this will work for straight HTML
replacements and it may work for the smaller python routines.
For example, if one list changes its list info page, the changes will
be stored in that directory as listinfo.html.  When requested for that
list, this modified version overrides the system defaults.

Maybe the real guru's on this list can give more insight.


--- 10:58:52 AM, you wrote:

> Hello,

> My webhost has recently transitioned my majordomo lists to Mailman version 
> 2.0.13.  I have customized the four pages available to me from the 
> administrative interface to match our website.  I would really like to 
> customize the archive pages as well.

> Also, there are numerous other pages that I'd like to customize to match 
> the UI of the hosting website.  The list of subscribers, the results page 
> for viewing other subscriptions, to name two off the top of my head...

> Does anyone know how I can go about doing that without affecting the other 
> domains using Mailman?

> Cheers!
> -M
> _
> Melissa Oringer

> * *

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