Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem with Installing Mailman 2.1.9 on Solaris

2007-04-09 Thread vancleef
The esteemed David Devereaux-Weber, P.E. has said:
> Hank,
> I'm still not succeeding in building Mailman.  I'd like to follow 
> another path.  Can you explain why Tcl/TK don't build?  The Python make 
> install command fatals there, and doesn't complete copying some of the 
> modules into the right places.
> Dave
You're running into problems I haven't encountered, if you can't
install Python without tcl and ssl.  I'd suggest clearing the build
and install directories, doing a fresh unpack of the Python sources, 
and running through the build process again.  My recollection is that
both Python and Mailman will build with the gcc 3.4.2 that is in the
Solaris 10 distribution /usr/sfw directory tree, but that you have to
do some jiggery-pokery with LD_RUN_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or crle to
get the builds to find the GNU libraries.  My installations were built
with the Sun development system (Studio 11, installs in
/opt/SUNWspro), so I haven't explored the implications of running with
a GNU build on Solaris 10 very far.

Why Python won't build with the extensions in Solaris is that the
build process doesn't look in /opt/sfw.  I've done enough porting
exploration to see that a "fix" involves adding a search to those
directories in (in the Python build base directory), but
haven't explored everything I need to know to assure that I've got an
appropriate fix.  Some queries to the Python users and Python
developers mail lists didn't produce meaningful results, and I'm left
with the feeling that "yer on yer own" with Python reliability.  What
I can tell you is that my builds of Python 2.4.4 and 2.5, using the
Sun devsys, and without doing any porting work, install and support
Mailman on my systems.  

I'd suggest capturing the outputs of the configure and make steps and
reviewing them.  Also, the various log, makefile, and status files that 
configure generates.  I'm not really prepared to wear a Python
developer hat and try to work Python-on-Solaris problems beyond
getting a Python that will support Mailman.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem with Installing Mailman 2.1.9 on Solaris 10

2007-04-04 Thread vancleef
The esteemed David Devereaux-Weber has said:
> Hank,
> Thanks for your help!
> I installed Python 2.4.4.  I did receive errors that tcl and something 
> else didn't install.  Now, the Mailman install script still finds 
> /opt/csw/lib/python2.3/distutils/ .  Can you tell me where 
> Python 2.4.4 puts the distutils?
> Dave
If you built python 2.4.4 to install in /usr/local, you should have a
/usr/local/lib/python2.4 directory that has the distutils in it.  

I assume you're building Mailman 2.1.9 from downloaded source; if not,
I recommend you do that, rather than using somebody else's prebuilt

Make sure the correct python is in your PATH.  If you've already built
Mailman with the /opt/csw python2.3, do a make clean, rerun configure,
make, and make install on Mailman.  

As I've said, /opt/csw is not a Solaris 10 directory, but is used by
one or more of the package prebuilders.  I would do an audit on what
is in that directory and pkgrm anything you don't actually need on
your system.  

Using the Solaris release sendmail and apache works well, but I'd
build Python 2.4.4 and Mailman 2.1.9 from source.  The default gid for
sendmail is "other" and for apache is "nobody", for the Mailman
configure script on Solaris 9/10.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem with Installing Mailman 2.1.9 on Solaris 10

2007-03-25 Thread vancleef
The esteemed David Devereaux-Weber has said:
> I'm having a problem with building mailman 2.1.9 on Solaris 10.  No problems 
> with configure or make, but make install breaks.
> Here is an extract:
> /opt/csw/lib/python2.3/distutils/ 

There's your problem.
> Does anyone see something here?
You're using the wrong Python.  I don't know where you got this Python
(/opt/csw is not a Solaris 10 directory), but it's behaving the same
as the Python 2.3 that is in the Solaris 10 distribution installed in
/usr/sfw.  My recollection is that /opt/csw is being used by one or
more prebuilt services who have religious tabus about using
/usr/local, and presume you've downloaded a prebuilt Python package
and installed it.  

Download the Python 2.4.4 source (not 2.5 or later), configure, and
build that.  It will not build completely, but what doesn't build
(tcl and the ssl functions) isn't needed for Mailman.  Solaris 10
comes with gcc 3.4.2 in /usr/sfw/bin, which can be used to build both
Python and Mailman.  

When you've got Python 2.4.4 built and installed, use "which python"
to make sure it's the first one in your path.  

Also, on a Solaris system (all versions), I strongly recommend
renaming /usr/ucb/cc to something else so that configure scripts don't
think the system has a working cc.  That particular cc is a shell
script stub that is there for historical reasons dating from the
original SVR4 specification in 1988.  

If you have downloaded and installed the Sun development system
(Studio 11 is the current marketing name for it) that installs by
default in /opt/SUNWspro, use that cc and CC instead of the GNU stuff.
Note that you'll have to force the configure scripts not to use gcc
when you run them.  


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mm-handler user unknown problem

2007-03-23 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Kammen van, Marco, Springer SBM NL has said:
> On Behalf Of Kammen van, Marco, Springer SBM NL
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Mailman-Users] Mm-handler user unknown problem
> Dear All,
> Using:
> Red Hat Linux release 9
> Mailman 2.1.9
> Sendmail 8.12.8
> First of all i'm a total sendmail noob so please be nice :-D I've been
> scrolling through FAQ's mailinglists etc all day and found many people
> have this problem but didn't find a really good solution for this.. Most
> problems seem to be related to people forgetting to setup aliases, but
> in this case i'm using mm-handler which as far as i understand overrides
> the use of aliases and only needs some address in the virtusertable. (if
> address doesn't exist in virtusertable then goto mm-handler and get
> specific mailinglist address)
If you are new to sendmail, I would strongly suggest not attempting to
use the mm-handler setup for initial setup and test.  There is a
four-step procedure for doing an initial sendmail configuration and 
checkout in the archives at:

The statements in that document are correct for Sendmail 8.12
and Sendmail 8.13

This setup presumes that you are installing Mailman on the
incoming/outgoing mail host.  

> I got everything up and running, made the test list, received the mails
> from the test list, was able to subscribe people to it using the
> webinterface, the newly subscribed people also received the mails.
> Problem is when trying to send a mail to the new mailinglist.
> 550 5.1.1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown

This is a fairly clear indication that you do need to install a set of
alias pipes to Mailman.  On a sendmail installation, you do this
manually.  bin/genaliases will produced the needed aliases in the
proper form for sendmail.  You need a full set of aliases for each
list you create.  

It's important to understand that the Mailman aliases are pipes to 
Mailman scripts.  What you are doing is telling the sendmail daemon
for incoming mail to bypass normal sendmail spool handling and,
instead, to pipe the data to the Mailman qrunners.  
I'll snip and skip over your configuration data for mm-handler as I
don't run that configuration on my sites.  I do not know if anyone
reading this mail list is using that configuration.  

For a basic Sendmail-Mailman integration you do not need to 
enable and configure the mailertable and virtusertable features to
support Mailman if you are not using them to support your site
Sendmail configuration for regular user accounts.  
> My main concern is the, i first edited the os delivered
> file did some cut pasting from the file then
> generated the file using the proper m4 method. Maybe someone
> can give me a basic which can be easily used for the basic
> mail & mailman functionality cause the file which comes with
> the package can't be used cause that one gives lots of errors. 
> Thanks for the help!
I'll assume that by "" you mean "".  You can start
with the sendmail distribution file.  The only feature that
Mailman requires that is not enabled by default is smrsh.  
FEATURE(smrsh, /usr/lib/smrsh)dnl

Make sure that is the location of the smrsh executable on your system.
Also make sure that the link in sm.bin points to the correct file.  

I can't vouch for the correctness of the statements included
in the Mailman distribution contrib directory.  If you get M4 assembly
errors when making the cf files from the mc/m4 files, then you need to
review the statements you are using against the Sendmail information 
in the O'Reilly Sendmail "bat book" and the Sendmail FAQ.  

Most of the statements you will add to the distribution file
are site-specific.  If you are new to Sendmail, and doing an initial
installation, I'll suggest that you back down to the default Sendmail
configuration, do what is necessary to get it to work with local user
accounts using a simple MUA to test it, then use the 4-step procedure
to integrate Mailman and Sendmail.  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] spam, AOL and server names

2007-03-22 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Patrick Bogen has said:
> To reiterate what Brad said, please see FAQ 3.42. It specifically
> talks about this issue.
> On 3/22/07, Dennis Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The percentage of our mail that AOL rejects is just huge - around 90% -
> > I was hoping that maybe someone could see something that we were doing
> > wrong. It'd be nice to get the rejection rate down.
> >
> > Dennis
> >
> > Brad Knowles wrote:
> > > See also FAQ 3.42.
FAQ 3.42 pretty well covers the issues we see on our installation.  
One change that I don't see in the FAQ is to put 
in  This may seem absurdly low, compared with the value.  I originally set it to 10 and had mails to verizon
being deferred until they were time-flushed from the Sendmail queue
(five days).  Switching to individualized posts for non-digest members
made a very obvious difference in deferrals, but the pain persisted 
for digests.  

We've simply given up on AOL.  We were getting 5.7.1 security bounces
with a link to a message that made clear that they were blacklisting
us.  The pattern we saw doesn't correlate with their claims of "users
reporting us as spam."  We were down to one AOL user, a paraplegic,
and ended up having a list member drive to get him set up on another


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Server migration question

2007-03-19 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Steve Burling has said:
> So, we pretty much successfully moved our mailman installation from the old 
> Solaris box to the new Red Hat box.
> Only one small problem.  Of course.
> We (and by we, I mean me) had failed to reduce the TTL for the MX record 
> that points to our mail server, which is now on a new machine.  So some 
> mailman mail is still being delivered to the old machine.  I've stopped the 
> qrunners on that machine, so things are just piling up in the qfiles/in 
> directory.
This is something to handle in your MTA.  I assume, since you specify
Solaris as the old machine, that you were running Sendmail on it.  

Remove the aliases that pipe to the mail list, and set up something
like mailtertable to ship them to the new host.  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Trapping messages with null subjects sent to list

2007-03-13 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Mark Sapiro has said:
> >Is there a recipe to put in the spam filters that will trap a totally
> >empty subject line in a message?   This get posted to a list with 
> >(no subject) in the subject line, but this is evidently added after
> >the spam filter check.  
> Try the following regexp in header_filter_rules with a Hold action
> ^subject:\s*(\(no subject\))?\s*$
I put that line in the spam filter (actually, copied and pasted it).

I'm still seeing the first post with a null subject line blasting
through without getting trapped.  It shows up as (no subject) when
distributed by the list, but isn't trapped until it's gone out to the
list (too late).

All the responses, of course, get trapped by the preexisting trap.

I did try

But that traps a bunch of mangled subject lines where the user's MUA
has munged the original to add spaces.

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[Mailman-Users] Integrating Sendmail and Solaris (installation guide)

2007-03-11 Thread vancleef
Mailman, in its default configuration, readily integrates with a
properly-configured sendmail installation.  

The discussion below gives specific file locations for a Solaris 9
installation.  Solaris 10 locates the sendmail control file sources in
/etc/mail/cf rather than /usr/lib/mail/cf.  Locations of the sendmail
executable and ancillary files are compile-time options for sendmail,
so you will need to determine file locations for your specific
installation.  In our discussion, we also assume that the sendmail MTA
that communicates with the Internet backbone and Mailman are installed
on the same node (same hardware box).  

Steps required for a Mailman-sendmail integration:

1. Enable smrsh. Creating the directory links was covered in the
previous installation step.  In addition, assure that the link to the
smrsh program is declared in (/usr/lib/mail/cf/ on a
Solaris 9 system).

FEATURE(smrsh, /usr/lib/smrsh)dnl

2. For each list that you create, you need to add a set of alias
pipes to the aliases file (typically /etc/mail/aliases) and run the
newaliases program (/usr/sbin/newaliases).  If you are following this
guide for an initial Mailman installation, you will not be creating 
lists until later steps.  Mailman will give you the alias information
when you create a list.  Additionaly, the $(prefix)/bin/genaliases
script will generate all of aliases needed for all lists that have
been created to stdout.  These are in the correct format for the
sendmail aliases file.  

3. Set up sendmail masquerading to correspond to the Mailman
configuration.  For example, if your installation is on a machine
known as and you create a list to receive mail
at [EMAIL PROTECTED], you will need to masquerade as
You will also need to masquerade the sending envelope as well.  
In its simplest form, the statements in for doing this are:


4. Add the masquerade address to /etc/mail/local-host-names. For the
example above, the local-host-names file must have:

The above four items cover the basics needed to integrate Mailman with
a simple sendmail installation.  Except for the need to enable smrsh
and to install piping aliases, virtually everything surrounding a
Mailman installation supported by the sendmail MTA is specific to
sendmail, and some of the above is abstracted from sendmail

This documentation includes:

The README included in the sendmail source distribution from

Costales, Bryan: "Sendmail," 3rd edition, O'Reilly, 2002
This is commonly referred to as the "bat book."

Costales, Bryan: "Sendmail 8.13 Companion," O'Reilly, 2006

Additional resources are the web site and sendmail faq at:
Usenet newsgroup comp.mail.sendmail

For convenience, we include comments here on sendmail configuration
considerations that often come up on the mailman-users list.  
References are to Costales, "Sendmail".  

A general guiding principle when working with sendmail is to "keep it
simple."  In particular, configure and test your sendmail installation
thoroughly, with user accounts running simple MUA's such as elm or
mutt, before expecting sendmail to work with Mailman.  Virtually all
of the problems users encounter with sendmail are visible to simple
MUA testing.  

In particular, do ALL of your sendmail configuration through the M4
macro files, rather than attempting to read and edit the .cf files.  
Since your M4 files will quickly become site-specific, we recommend
copying the the full M4 setup to a local directory, and managing the
configuration from there.  This will prevent a sendmail upgrade from 
overlaying your site's configuration, something that has historically
been a problem to Solaris users, where a sendmail upgrade is included
in a patch cluster.  

Management of sendmail .cf files through the M4 files is discussed in
"Sendmail" chapter 4.  

Virtual Domain handling:  This refers to the case where a server 
at handles mail for  The authoritative
DNS for is set with A and/or MX records pointing to
the same IP as that for

Handling this in sendmail is straightforward.  Masquerading is covered
in detail in "Sendmail" section 4.4, pp160ff.  However, the discussion
does not give a complete file masquerading configuration, which 
we include here for convenience:


In short, you include all of the domain names you are handling, but
only specify masquerading for domains where you need a nodename
removed from the canonical name.  

You also need to add the additional domain(s) to
/etc/mail/local-host-names; each domain name on a separate line.

Note that "local-host-names" i

Re: [Mailman-Users] sendmail and solaris stuff

2007-03-11 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Barry Warsaw has said:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Feb 27, 2007, at 10:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Since you guys aren't working with either Sendmail or Solaris, I think
> > it would be best for me to walk through and record the entire process,
> > and give that to you as a basis for inclusion where and however you
> > want to use it.
> Sounds great Hank, thanks.
> - -Barry
I'm about to post a Sendmail/Mailman step-by-step.   

I've reduced the process to four steps, but have not repeated the 
smrsh link step that is already in the installation manual.  

This is for a simple installation, and I have not addressed things
like multiple mail queues or use of a remote mail host.   The method
in my madness is to try to address the needs of the new-to-sendmail
administrator in a "get a simple installation working first" mode.

After thinking about it, I decided not to attempt to discuss such
things as configuring sendmail to operate with a remote mail host, 
multiple mail queues, or name service.  I think that all of those are
both very site dependent, and adequately covered in the referenced
Sendmail documentation.  It's a dirt simple approach to doing a new
O/S install with Sendmail, Python and Mailman install, and configuring
things to work.   

I did include the masquerading lines needed to do a 2-domain 
virtual domain setup, which may seem redundant, as these are Sendmail
issues.  However, the FAQ for doing virtual domains is
broken (or was---last week was last time I checked) and the "bat book"
is deceptively incomplete in its discussion.  

In addition to addressing Mailman/Sendmail specifics only, I generally
take the Ockham's Razor approach to getting something new working
("the simplest is the best"), along with the corollary to that.  "If 
it ain't broke, don't fix it."  The result may seem absurdly short and
intellectually dissatisfying to some, but I don't see any point in
making a big project out of what's really a simple job.  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Nomail members

2007-03-09 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Brad Knowles has said:
> At 9:19 PM -0700 3/8/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >  Tell me that isn't true, Mark.  From this mail list administrator's
> >  perspective, "I can't find/use my password" ranks just below the AOL
> >  flaming demands that we unsubscribe them NOW!
> Who needs periodic reminders, when there will be a reset mechanism 
> that the user can make use of at any time of their choosing?
> I'm sorry, I'm just not seeing the reason why you would ever want to 
> continue using the reminder mechanism, when you can just go to a 
> page, enter in your e-mail address, and have the system generate a 
> new password for you and send it to you by e-mail.
If three years as a Mailman mail list administrator has taught me
anything, it is "Never underestimate the inability of list members to
use the user member management resources of Mailman."  That begins
with an inability to click on the links we put on headers and footers
to get to their options page, much less clicking on the button that
mails a password refresher to them.

Then there's the group who are running something like Windows ME who
are adamant that "my time is too valuable for me to learn anything."
What are we going to do, kick them off the list with a "learn-ya
damn-ya!"  I certainly feel that way at times.  So does my partner.

These are the hard realities of the Consumer Internet.  The last thing
my partner and I **need** is a Unix-like encrypted password and having
to reset passwords as root.  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Slow delivery

2007-03-09 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Brad Knowles has said:
> At 8:46 PM -0700 3/8/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >  Maybe this is a good time to ask just how DNS-intensive the
> >  non-sendmail MTA's are.  I am finishing off the basics on installing
> >  sendmail with Mailman, and am including some discussion of the need to
> >  install a good fast-response caching DNS server to work with sendmail.
> All MTAs I know of are pretty DNS-intensive in their operation.  The 
> more anti-spam or anti-virus filtering you do, or the more other 
> things you do to check the incoming mail, the more DNS-intensive that 
> work is going to be.
> Of course, most MTAs should give you options on how to configure them 
> so that they don't generate any DNS traffic at all, but then what 
> you're doing is effectively turning off about 99.99% of what the MTA 
> is intended to do when handling mail.
Thanks for the confirmation of what I'd suspected.  Since I've lived
with sendmail "ever since there was a sendmail" (not true, I think
more like "since 1988"), I haven't tried to work with the other MTA's.

The need for a quick, robust, and reliable name service is in the
nature of the beast, particularly when supporting a mail list server,
where one incoming mail goes out to a thousand (if not "thousands")

I'm not going to try to address LDAP, NIS or NIS+.  It takes about ten
minutes to set up the tables for named for a caching server.  That
is what I would recommend for the shop that's currenly using
/etc/hosts and remote (i.e. "somebody else's") DNS servers for
everything external.
> >  Since then I've installed master and slave servers for my Intranet
> >  LAN, but I would heartly recommend having at least a plain caching
> >  server on the box that's running the MTA.
> Years ago, this was actually a bit of a sore point amongst the 
> experts.  Some said that you were better off having a smaller number 
> of centralized caching nameservers, which handled all DNS traffic for 
> the entire network.
> Others said that you're better off having caching nameservers running 
> on each box, to spread that load out.
I'm going to snip this discussion of how to configure DNS on a site
here.  For one thing, I think that we need to keep the focus on
Mailman, and simply answer the question "do you need local name
service with Mailman?" with "Yes."  

For another, Cricket Liu and Paul Albitz, in the current 5th edition
(2006) of "DNS and BIND" have done a very good job of discussing far
more of the ins and outs of configuring DNS in a 600-page book.  They
devote an entire chapter to DNS with Unix mail.  

For Mailman support purposes, for both sendmail and DNS, I think we
need to focus on a "keep it simple" approach.  Both my site and the
former Mailman host site for my primary list are "one worker, one box,
one routable IP" sites, where Mailman, Apache, sendmail, and named all
get handled on a single node.  I also administer another ISP site 400
miles away (along with five others) that has separate boxes for login
server, mail server, web server, news server, NFS RAID server, and two 
DNS servers, all with their own routable IP's.  We did put Mailman on
that site as well.  Suffice it to say that there are a few differences
in sendmail, apache, and named configurations between those two sites, 
none of which affect Mailman.  

So I'd have to say, Mailman with sendmail and BIND DNS, yes, very easy
to do.  Follow Barry Warsaw's excellent Mailman build guide, go
through four steps to configure sendmail (I'm about to send this off
to the list), configure your DNS per Liu and Albitz, and go.  Needless
to say, doing this on an earthlink-sized system and doing it on a
one-box system aren't the same in many ways that are
quite separate from Mailman considerations.  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Slow delivery

2007-03-08 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Dragon has said:
> This may just be the time needed to resolve the dns lookups for the 
> outgoing mail.
> You may want to consider using a caching dns resolver to cache the 
> sddresses for some reasonable period. Getting the resolved addresses 
> out of cache will be much faster than attempting to resolve them over 
> the network every time.
> Then again, I could be completely off here and something else is 
> causing the delay. I don't know Exim at all and sendmail only in the 
> barest manner so I cannot be much help beyond this.

Maybe this is a good time to ask just how DNS-intensive the
non-sendmail MTA's are.  I am finishing off the basics on installing
sendmail with Mailman, and am including some discussion of the need to
install a good fast-response caching DNS server to work with sendmail.

There is very little discussion in the sendmail literature about DNS,
except for an acknowledgement that sendmail uses DNS intensively if 
it's in the "hosts" line in nsswitch.conf (Solaris name).  

I have to confess that I was a bit slow on the uptake to install local
DNS on my systems.  The folks at upstream feed, whose DNS servers I was 
using, said, "you do plan to install local DNS, don't you," with a
certain pointedness.  I dawdled until I could get the 5th edition of 
Liu and Albitz "DNS and BIND" (O'Reilly, 2006), which has a chapter on
DNS and SMTP mail, and after reading through sat down to install a
caching server immediately.  

The results were just plain startling.  I wish I'd done this five
years ago.  

Since then I've installed master and slave servers for my Intranet
LAN, but I would heartly recommend having at least a plain caching
server on the box that's running the MTA.  

While all of my experience is with sendmail, I'm inclined to suspect
that the other MTA's all can stand a shot of local DNS service.
Anybody who can confirm this for Postfix, Exim, etc.?  


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Nomail members

2007-03-08 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Mark Sapiro has said:
> In the longer term (Mailman 2.2) password reminders and the site list
> are both going away.
Tell me that isn't true, Mark.  From this mail list administrator's
perspective, "I can't find/use my password" ranks just below the AOL
flaming demands that we unsubscribe them NOW!  You can tell what time
of the month it is, because the whines about passwords rise to a
crescendo the last week of the month and then vanish after the
password reminders are sent out.  

I hope that, if you default to not mailing out monthly reminders, you
leave a mechanism in there for doing it that a site administrator can
turn on.  My partner and I have discussed changing the cron task to
flush those reminders twice a month.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman an sendmail receiveing mails

2007-03-08 Thread vancleef
The esteemed TRON478 has said:
> hi,
> i have set up mailman on a suse machine with sendmail. when i open the
> administration site and subscribe i get mails (), but when i sent to the
> list, the mail never arrives.
> i have added the aliases in the alias file:
> ## point mailing list
> point:  "|/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post point"
> point-admin:"|/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman admin point"

> and used the command "newaliases" with no errors. MTA is "manual". whats
> wrong?

Your aliases file looks correct.  I'm not sure what you mean by
"manual."  Sendmail normally runs as background daemons.  

   smmsp  6626 1  0   Feb 17 ?0:01 /usr/lib/sendmail -Ac -q15m
root  6628 1  0   Feb 17 ?1:29 /usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q15m

Check that all your Mailman qrunners are running.

 mailman  6903  1110  0   Mar 02 ?0:01 /usr/local/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=RetryRunner:0:1 -
 mailman  6902  1110  0   Mar 02 ?0:01 /usr/local/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=CommandRunner:0:1
 mailman  6897  1110  0   Mar 02 ?1:20 /usr/local/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=BounceRunner:0:1 
 mailman  6901  1110  0   Mar 02 ?   37:35 /usr/local/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=ArchRunner:0:1 -s
 mailman  6898  1110  0   Mar 02 ?   46:29 /usr/local/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=OutgoingRunner:0:
 mailman  6899  1110  0   Mar 02 ?2:47 /usr/local/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=IncomingRunner:0:
vancleef   602   493  0 10:24:12 pts/30:00 grep qrun
 mailman  6900  1110  0   Mar 02 ?0:44 /usr/local/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=VirginRunner:0:1 
 mailman  6904  1110  0   Mar 02 ?0:01 /usr/local/bin/python
/usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=NewsRunner:0:1 -s

If you can send mail to and from  a local non-Mailman account, then
your sendmail installation is OK.  Important thing is to configure
sendmail properly and test it first.  You should have sendmail checked
out and running in daemon mode before trying to integrate it with

Try sending mail to the -owner account (point-owner) and see if it
gets sent to the list administrator addresses.  That bypasses any
options in the Mailman configuration that apply to list postings. Once
that is working try sending a message to your list address.

Read your logs.  Sendmail shows the send to Mailman (example below,
includes demime filter in the pipe)

Mar  5 05:32:12 julie sendmail[18773]: [ID 801593]
l25CW9qH018772: to= "|/usr/local/mailman/bin/demime -8bit -x '==' 
'==/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post mylist'", ctladdr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
(1/0), delay=00:00:02, xde lay=00:00:02, mailer=prog, pri=33715, dsn=2.0.0, 

That says that the message went to Mailman.  Go to the Mailman logs
and check them.  If Mailman is not sending out messages to list
addresses, the logs generally tell you why it isn't.  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Trouble with mailman external responses

2007-03-07 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Barry Warsaw has said:
> Which ISP do you use?  I have a static IP from my cable company but  
> they refuse to give me an rDNS entry.  In every other way, I really  
> like them, but I do get bounces occasionally from people's (IMHO)  
> misconfigured MTAs who don't accept mail from cable rDNSs.
> - -Barry
Barry, I'm going to disagree with you on this one.  Virtually all of
the spam that gets through the various filters on my box comes from
big-service dynamic IP's right here in the US.  

Right now, I'm trying to home in on some of this spam, and am
operating under the assumption that I've got two or three users with
infected Microsoft systems sending out port 25 mail without their
knowledge.  I've pinned down a couple of others.  These users haven't
got the foggiest notion that there is anything wrong, what is wrong,
why it is wrong, or what to do about it, and that seems to be a common
affliction among consumer users with "always-on" internet

My own site has two IP's, with their own identities separate from my
upstream feed, with reverse lookups properly configured, and no port
blocking either way.  It took some time, discussion, and a couple of
very serious technical interviews with their people before they agreed
to that.  They consider me a "commercial" site "with competent on-site
administration," and terms and conditions which are quite different
from consumer sites.   

I'd really call a sendmail receiving site that blocks dynamic IP mail
as "misconfigured," when virtually all of the mail coming from such
IP's is spam.

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[Mailman-Users] Trapping messages with null subjects sent to list

2007-03-02 Thread vancleef
Is there a recipe to put in the spam filters that will trap a totally
empty subject line in a message?   This get posted to a list with 
(no subject) in the subject line, but this is evidently added after
the spam filter check.  

I've tried \n, which catches these, but it also catches too many 
responses where the responder has changed the original subject as

Virtually all of these null-subject posts we get are demands to
unsubscribe the poster.  On our lists, we'd settle for catching them
as administrative requests.  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] sendmail and solaris stuff

2007-02-27 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Barry Warsaw has said:
> Thanks Hank.  I haven't used Sendmail in 20 years, so if there is  
> some specific text you'd like to see added (or preferably a patch to  
> the latex file), please feel free to send it directly to me and I'll  
> push up a doc update.
Barry (and Mark)

Just to acknowledge your note.  I am installing Mailman on a Solaris
10 cold O/S install, and am right at the point in the install manual
where I have to configure sendmail to work with Mailman.  This is the
fourth or fifth time I've gone through the process, so as they say in
the automotive trades, I'm "able to make flat rate."  

Since you guys aren't working with either Sendmail or Solaris, I think
it would be best for me to walk through and record the entire process,
and give that to you as a basis for inclusion where and however you
want to use it.  

I'll note that the faq on setting up virtual domains is
broken, and while the bat book covers doing it, the discussion is not
complete.  I think that including the relevant part of the
file, as well as the configuration of the local-domain-name file 
(known as the "cw file"), to give the novice admin. all of what is
needed to set up a virtual domain system might be wise.  That would
save you guys from having to answer FAQ questions constantly. 

Mark, I still owe you a how-to on moving an existing list to a new
host.  Your notes on my first stab at it made clear that I was
overcomplicating things.  


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Confirmation and sent messages not

2007-02-25 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Mark Sapiro has said:
> Jason Luck wrote:
> >
> >Why is the default in DaemonPortOptions set for as opposed to a 
> >broader range?  It would seem most folks would want to be able to external 
> >mail through their box and from what I'm learning would require the 
> > to be changed.  Also by changing this...does one open themselve 
> >up to security issues?
> These are good questions, but they are Sendmail questions. There are
> whole books (e.g. the 'bat' book) devoted to Sendmail, and I haven't
> read any of them.
> The important thing is to not be an open relay - i.e. only accept mail
> from outside for local delivery; do not accept mail from outside to be
> relayed to another outside location; only accept 'outside delivery'
> mail from the localhost.
> I would think that the default Sendmail configuration would not be an
> open relay, but I don't know. There are various services, e.g.,
> , that will test to see if your
> server is an open relay.
Speaking from the vantage point of a sendmail user, I think virtually
all of the issues involving sendmail+Mailman are basic sendmail
configuration issues.  

In short, that means that if sendmail+Mailman are not working
properly, odds are that sendmail is not working properly with a simple
MUA like elm or mutt.  Test your configuration for both incoming mail
from the Internet backbone and outgoing mail to it.   If your Mailman
installation is going to take mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], then set up
a local user account as [EMAIL PROTECTED] and use it to check out
your sendmail installation.  

Once you have your sendmail working properly, Mailman is a very simple
drop-in.  The defaults in the distribution are correct for
a simple sendmail configuration; you don't have to override anything

One step that you do have to perform, that I do not see in Barry
Warsaw's otherwise-excellent Mailman build-install manual is the need
to add the Mailman address pipes to the sendmail aliases file, and run
newaliases.  This has to be done for each list.  The aliases list that
Mailman generates when you create a list is correct for sendmail; just
copy it into the aliases file and run newaliases.   

Barry's manual does include a comprehensive and clear how-to on adding
smrsh (sendmail restricted shell) for Mailman.  However, you also have
to add 
FEATURE(smrsh, /usr/lib/smrsh)dnl
to your file and recompile.  

Don't try to manage sendmail by editing the .cf files.  Use the .mc
(and .m4) files for everything.  

You absolutly need to have the O'Reilly book "Sendmail," commonly
referred to as the "bat book" because it has a picture of a bat on the
cover.  The recent O'Reilly "Sendmail 8.13 Companion" is another
must-have, and is valuable not only for the 8.13 references, but for a
lot of information that clarifies thing about sendmail in general.
The bat book is 1200 pages of information and nothing if not

Additional resources are the Sendmail FAQ and the Usenet newsgroup 
comp.mail.sendmail.  You'll get answers there AFTER you summarize your
researches in the bat book and the FAQ.  

On relaying: the distribution sendmail sources should compile with all
relaying disabled.  If you are running a Solaris system with the Sun
sendmail distribution, you have to change the DOMAIN statements in
both and to
For reasons known only to $DEITIES, Sun distributes sendmail with
relaying enabled.  On any other installation, the bat book has a
comprehensive section (several pages) on relaying, and it will tell
you exactly what to check and how to turn on the relaying you need, if

Virtually everything I've covered above is covered in the sendmail
literature in copious detail.  

One additional comment that I haven't seen clearly outlined in any
documentation, except perhaps the O'Reilly book DNS and BIND 5th
edition (2006) is that sendmail is DNS-intensive.  If you are running
Mailman lists, you should have, at minimum, a caching DNS server on
your local network.  This is both a performance and a netiquette
issue.  In short, don't flood somebody else's DNS with your Mailman
lookups, flood your own.  For best performance, put a DNS server of
some sort on the same box that is running Mailman.  


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Confirmation and sent messages not

2007-02-23 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Mark Sapiro has said:
> Jason Luck wrote:
> >Thanks for the response, unfortunately my limited knowledge on these 
> >matters leaves me at a dead end.  Not sure how to change any of these 
> >items or where to go from here.
> You fix it in your sendmail configuration by telling sendmail to listen
> for port 25 connects from anywhere. I can't tell you how to do that
> because I don't know.
> Perhaps you can read some sendmail documentation or ask on a sendmail
> list.
I'll chime in with some quick observations (I run sendmail 8.13.8 on
Solaris 9).  

The two first places I'd look are:

1.  The tcp-ip services file (/etc/inet/services on Solaris) needs a
line that says:
smtp 25/tcp  mail

2.  There needs to be a sendmail -bd daemon running.  That is the one
that listens for incoming smtp. 

I don't see anything specific to port 25 in the .cf files.  

I would also check any router/firewall between your sendmail client
machine to make sure that incoming port 25 traffic is not being
blocked; also any ipfilter setup.  

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[Mailman-Users] list member address change by moderator

2007-02-23 Thread vancleef
Is there a mechanism for a list administrator to change a list member
address without going through the confirmation dialog.

I've got a case where [EMAIL PROTECTED] wants to become
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  While the confirmation goes to
and requires the listmember response, I'd prefer to have a "just do it
now" administrator method.  Is there one?

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[Mailman-Users] Adding Mhonarc to existing Mailman installation

2007-02-20 Thread vancleef
I am building a new Mailman 2.1.9 installation tree, and want to configure
it with Mhonarc and Mnogosearch.  I notice that the Mhonarc patches
change the config.pck version number from 96 to 96.2 because there
seem to be some changes to the file definition.

I have signed up on the mmi  mailman-mnogosearch mail list and see
what's involved, but have mailman-specific questions.

What happens if I move a config.pck running on stock 2.1.9 (version
96) to this new tree?  Is there something in Mailman that figures out
how to remunge the config.pck file?  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Best version of Python to use with Mailman

2007-02-13 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Brad Knowles has said:
> Use the latest version of 2.4.x.  As you've demonstrated, the 2.5 
> stuff is not yet fully baked, and Mailman 2.1.8 and earlier are not 
> compatible with it.  $DEITY-only-knows what else they're going to 
> break in the process of trying to "fix" 2.5.
> I'll update the FAQ Wizard to reflect this.
Thanks for the feedback.  

I think that for Mailman purposes, the good news is that the partial
build of Python 2.5 using Sun's C compiler has been online
"production" for several weeks and hasn't crashed yet.  However, after
assessing the Python build situation, I think that a back-down to
2.4.4 would be wise.

I did post details of what I've done with the Python 2.4.4 and 2.5
build trees to the python-help mail list.  What I got was a suggestion
to take it to the python-dev list, which I've done.

At this point, either I'm missing something pretty basic and
reinventing the wheel, or I've smoked out some long-standing issues
with Python build-install, not all of which are specific to Solaris.

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[Mailman-Users] Best version of Python to use with Mailman 2.1.9?

2007-02-12 Thread vancleef
Now that I've got Mailman up and running relatively smoothly in
"production" mode, I've taken some time to revisit questions primarily
involving Python.  The Mailman installation I am running has several
non-standard lashups and workarounds that really need some cleanup,
and Mark Sapiro has convinced me that using Python resources for that
work, plus some extensions, is something I ought to consider

I was aware, when I downloaded the Mailman 2.1.9 sources, that the
recommended Python is given as 2.4.3.  A trip to the Python site
showed that 2.4.4 was the latest in that chain, and strongly suggested
the current version, 2.5.  Since I was under severe time pressure to
get my site up and running, I did fairly simple ./configure, make,
make test, and make install runs, which produced a usable
installation, ending up with the Python 2.5 version.   However, I was
aware that the Python 2.5 build was not particularly complete, and
there were a few regression tests that failed.  

Accordingly, I've audited the Python build situation for both 2.4.4
and 2.5 on Sun Sparc Solaris 9 and 10, using various versions of gcc
and Studio 11 (the Sun Solaris devsys, formerly "Forte").  The
situtation turned out to be far worse than I had thought, and turned
into something of a porting effort.  

I'm left with a nagging impression that perhaps I should fall back to
Python 2.4.4.  I tried to weave my way through the Sourceforge bug
tracker to find out whether I was reinventing the wheel and was unable
to pull up some bug reports listed in the README's in the Python 2.5
distribution that pertained to problems I was seeing on my builds.  Do
the Mailman developers have strong feelings about Python 2.4.4 vs. 2.5?  

Getting both versions of Python to find needed libraries and include
files for such things as Tcl/Tk turned out to be a small matter of
reworking the distribution  Once I realized that Makefiles
and environment arguments didn't seem to influence the Python modules
invoked during the build process, adding the needed code to the Python
modules got results.  There were also some minor corrections to
existing Python code.  It leaves me with a strong impression that I'm
sailing in uncharted water.  

I'm a bit dismayed to discover that Python 2.5 includes a ctypes
extension with a very GNU-specific libfbbi implementation.  The only
thing I could find to compile it was a local build of gcc 4.1.1.
Other versions of gcc, including the gcc 3.4.3 that is included with
the Solaris 10 O/S, failed to build this library properly.  

My preference is for a build using the Studio 11 devsys.  I can live
without a working ctypes in 2.5.  But considering the basic changes
needed to get either 2.4.4 or 2.5 to do something resembling a
complete build, I'm concerned about reliability and robustness.
Python is a new language to me, and while I'm beginning to get my arms
around it, I think that learning it by getting the distribution to
build is a strange way to go about this learning.

In short, should I fall back to 2.4.4?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/Response

2007-02-10 Thread vancleef
> The problem remains, however: How do I prevent spoofing? In this case they
> have a real fear due to a board member who is soon to be ejected from the
> board and have organizational membership taken away. They feel he is capable
> (both emotionally and technically) of major disturbances on one or more of
> about a dozen mailing lists the organization maintains.
> What makes this even more of a Œchallenge¹ is that the account is on a
> shared server.
I think that you're trying to deal with a sociological problem here.
I'll presume that the organization is prepared to make a statement
about this personnel action.  In general, that's a Public Relations
issue, not a technological one.

I'll also presume that the individual who is involved does not have
administrative access (root, etc.) to the Mailman host site.  The site
administrator(s) need to be informed of the action that is about to
take place, and told to secure the site appropriately, etc.  

So far as handling any fall-out from this action on one or more mail
lists, I'll suggest that you have list moderators (list administrator
level, but the job is "moderation") prepared to weather developments.
It would be very wise to have somebody in a list administration role
who is prepared to handle Public Relations handling of the fallout
from this action.  

Technically, start with embargoing the individual's known accounts
(unsubscribe, or at least put on moderation, and use the Mailman 
filters to catch probable variations, prevent posting from
non-registered addresses, and require moderator review of new
subscriptions).  Then, wait for developments.  

Experience with this sort of thing suggests that the problem
individual will try to post, and will ultimately succeed, but will
have built up such a head of steam that the post will lose whatever
support the individual might have had.  

Mailman has some very good resources a savvy moderator can use
effectively for damage control.  The ultimate weapon, of course, is
putting the entire list on emergency moderation.  

I won't go into detail here, but the major list I set up a Mailman
host site for survived a split between the two co-founders, in which
one was "fired," about three years ago.  The individual who was
removed did have several "bogey" addresses, and once he discovered
that his main addresses were moderated, blew a fuse and posted a
couple of real flames, some months afterward.  Net effect: six
resignations (out of 2500 members),  and some offlist discussion about
"if this is the way the guy really is, who needs him?"  


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/response

2007-02-08 Thread vancleef
> I have a client who is concerned about his list subscriber addresses being
> spoofed. In other words someone who knows the addresses of people on the
> list can set up a mail server and spoof the subscriber so he can post nasty
> things to the list. He would like to set up a challenge/response mechanism
> so that when [EMAIL PROTECTED] posts to the list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets sent 
> a
> copy of the message and must confirm that he/she was the sender before it
> gets posted. I don¹t see any configuration in Mailman for this. Is it
> possible?
Challenge-response is a well-known spam relay issue, and very
undesirable.   Mailman privacy options allow you to force moderation
of mail purportedly coming from specific addresses  You should also 
investigate methods using your MTA or adding a filter to the mailman 
address input, and not even think about challenge-response.  

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[Mailman-Users] mailman user account and login

2007-02-04 Thread vancleef
I thought I'd pose this question to the list.   

The mailman installation manual seems to imply that the mailman
account should be added with no ability to log in to it.  I translated
what appeared to me to be the sense of the line given to Solaris.

However, after having gone through several fire drills of resetting
file owner from root to mailman, I've set the account up with the 
directory /usr/local/mailman and "NP" in the /etc/shadow file.  
This allows me to su - mailman from root, but not to get a login
from anywhere else.  This is the same setup as is used for other 
Solaris "blind" accounts.  

Is there any real reason not to use the account this way?  I'm aware
that Mailman security is based on group identity, not user, but 
external programs such as htdig running under cron need to have 
uid mailman in files it writes to or to be set up as a mailman-uid
program.  My personal preference is to set the needed uid's in the
mailman runtime tree.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman installation on Solaris 10 crashes

2007-02-03 Thread vancleef
> Hash: SHA1
> On Feb 2, 2007, at 1:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > crashing on install of the Japanese and Korean Codecs.  I swapped some
> > offlist E-mails with Barry Sapiro and told him that I would
> I'm almost afraid to ask who "Barry Sapiro" is.  Is that some kind of  
> mashup of me and Mark?  :)
And another "WHOOPS!"  Another over-the-hill geezer special.  But
since I saw the backside of the big 70 a while back, I suppose I'm
entitled to one once in a while.  

> > WHOOPS!  What is with the very clear "/opt/sfw/lib/python2.3" when I
> > just installed 2.5 and put it in /usr/local/bin?
> I would additionally make sure /usr/local/bin is first on your $PATH.
There is a great deal of discussion (and some religious fervor) on the
Solaris newsgroups about having (or refusing to have) a /usr/local
directory on a Solaris system.   The anti faction has some very strong
points.  Putting the /usr filesystem on its own filesystem mounted
read-only is a good security measure.  I bypass the arguments by
putting /usr/local on its own filesystem.  

A better PATH layout for Solaris 9 or 10 would probably end with 
Those directories all have to be added locally to the Solaris
distribution defaults.  

Sun has moved to including more and more of what was known to Unix
developers as "the GNU suite" in Solaris in the /usr/sfw directory,
with some GNU things (bash, gzip) in /usr/bin.  Time was (Solaris
2.5.1) that the "GNU suite" was all add-on from packages on the bonus
software companion disk.  

What I'm working out is "a suitable layout for a Solaris 10
development system" that requires a minimum of jiggery-pokery for 
compiling various open source software packages.  The system that
actually runs Mailman in "production" is a different 
minimally-configured hardened-up Solaris box.  A lot of this is
OS-specific and site-specific, and probably discussion here should be
limited to getting Python and Mailman installed.

> > An additional (and very well-known) Solaris "gotcha" is the error line
> >
> > /usr/ucb/cc:  language optional software package not installed
> >
> > Evidently, the Solaris Python looks for a "cc" in the path.
> > /usr/ucb/cc is simply a stub that most Solaris sysadmins rename or
> > move after installation.  The Sun Studio 11 native compiler is
> > probably compatible with it, but there is still the objection to
> > using an older Python.
> It's actually probably the Makefile that's finding /usr/ucb/cc.   
> Pretty well-known failure mode on Solaris.  Make sure a usable C  
> compiler (either named gcc or cc ) is first on your $PATH.
No doubt.  What I posted was the result of some offlist discussions I
had with Mark about problems building Mailman on Solaris that were 
posted here a week or so ago.  I offered to investigate a few of these
on a fresh install of Solaris 10 11/06 before I had fully configured 
the box to my normal layout.  Ultimately, that box will be configured
to use the Sun development system (Studio 11, has cc and CC ).

There are decisions that a Solaris administrator has to make, such as
whether to download and compile sendmail, apache, and bind; or to use
the Sun distribution versions.  I think that the decision is clear 
about Python---download and build your own, and configure your system
so that it is the Python of choice on your site.  (I'll note in
passing that I didn't like the looks of the additional compiling in
the Python install, and am going to go back to revisit that).  

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[Mailman-Users] Mailman installation on Solaris 10 crashes

2007-02-01 Thread vancleef
A couple of weeks ago there were two or three posts about Mailman
crashing on install of the Japanese and Korean Codecs.  I swapped some
offlist E-mails with Barry Sapiro and told him that I would
investigate this for him when I did a fresh install of Solaris 10 
on a box to be used as a Mailman mail server.

Accordingly, this afternoon I did a default Jumpstart install of 
the Solaris 10 "entire package" on an Ultra 60 and added a gcc 3.3
development system from a Solaris Software Companion disk.  One 
additional item was to set the install default path to pick up 
needed directories that are not included in the Solaris base install.


The last three directories in that order are significant.  

I did a build and install of Python 2.5 in /usr/local, and configured
Mailman with the needed mail and cgi gid statments, then ran a make.

Make install failed.  The key section in the installation output is

(cd ./$p ; umask 02 ; PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/mailman/pythonlib
ython --quiet install --install-lib
/usr/local/mailman/pythonlib  --ins
tall-purelib /usr/local/mailman/pythonlib  --install-data
honlib); \
/usr/sfw/lib/python2.3/distutils/ UserWarning: 'licence'
distribution option is deprecated; use 'license'
/usr/ucb/cc:  language optional software package not installed
error: command '/usr/sfw/lib/python2.3/pycc' failed with exit status 1
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `install-packages'
Current working directory /usr/local/src/mailman-2.1.9/misc

WHOOPS!  What is with the very clear "/opt/sfw/lib/python2.3" when I
just installed 2.5 and put it in /usr/local/bin?  

Yes, Sun has included an older version of Python in the Solaris 10
distribution.  To build and install with a locally-built Python, 
you have to put --with-python=/path/to/python as a flag to the
configure script.  Doing so produced a clean make and install.

Note that while the fact that the wrong version of Python is not
clearly evident until the installation crashes, the make step is also
done with the same version.  

As of this writing, I don't know what issues this raises for Mailman
at runtime.  Nor do I know what issues are raised if the offending 
packages are removed.  The actual version reported is 2.3.3, and
pkginfo includes the notation GNOME, so the runtime, at least, has
some involvement if you are using the gnome desktop.  

An additional (and very well-known) Solaris "gotcha" is the error line

/usr/ucb/cc:  language optional software package not installed

Evidently, the Solaris Python looks for a "cc" in the path.
/usr/ucb/cc is simply a stub that most Solaris sysadmins rename or
move after installation.  The Sun Studio 11 native compiler is
probably compatible with it, but there is still the objection to 
using an older Python.  

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[Mailman-Users] Can't create a new list

2007-01-30 Thread vancleef
I'm trying to create a new list on a Mailman 2.1.9 installation.
The list is set up at with virtual hosting of  

When I use either or to get to
mailman/create, and try to create the new list, every try returns me
Error: Unknown virtual host  for attempts to create 
under either domain.

How can I create a new list successfully?  I need to create lists in
both domains.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] migrating Mailman server

2007-01-29 Thread vancleef
> I have the task of setting up a replacement for an existing 
> Mailman/Postfix server.  I am new to Mailman and I am looking for some 
> guidance in this transition.  Mailman is currently being used solely as 
> a diffusion of information.  That is, it does not accept contributions 
> from list members (read-only).
> Firstly, should I attempt to migrate data/files over to the new system 
> or should I start fresh?
> The new system will be running OpenBSD 4.0.
I have just moved a 9-year-old list from another installation to mine,
and have a draft how-to faq on how I did it that isn't quite ready for
prime time.  Since I know there isn't any clear information on this in
the current mailman FAQ tree, I'll give the salient points fairly
briefly.   I'm sure that the Mailman developers will want to comment,
so I'll let them do the talking after posting this.

It's fairly easy to do a seamless migration of an old Mailman list's
personality and history into a new Mailman install.  Based on a
migration from Mailman 2.1.4 to 2.1.9, what you need from the old 
installation are:

(base directory is the old mailman tree, typically /usr/local/mailman)

1. All of the files under the ./lists/ directory.
2. All of the files under the ./archives/private/ directory.
3. ./Mailman/
4. Any other files in the ./archives directory with  in
their names.

A tar of those directory trees plus the file gives you the
old list's configuration, personality, membership data base, and

On your new system, do a new installation of Mailman at the revision
level that the old list was running on.  I was moving from a 2.1.4
installation, and building from source, so had to get the Mailman
2.1.4 sources.  Follow the instructions in the build and installation
guide on the Mailman web site exactly (don't plan on just running
configure and doing a make---there is a lot more you need to do).

On the fresh installation, create a new list with the same name as the
one you are moving.  For example, if you're moving from
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]," create a new "waffles" list.  Use that 
newly-created list to check out your installation.  You can add a few
local list member names to convenient mail addresses on your site, and
use this to check out the integration with your mailer and web server.
Use the old list's as a guide in chosing what to put in 
your installation's  

Once you have your installation running, take a look in the
./list/.  You'll find config.pck.  Check its
owner/group and permissions.  Copy the old list's config.pck file into
the new installation's directory and set its owner/group and
permissions to match.  Run the fix_url script as needed to get the 
correct URL for your new installation installed.  If there are html
files in the old list's list/ directory (template file
overlays), copy them over as well.  

You should now be able to go to the listinfo page for the list, go
into the mailman administrator options page, and review such things as
the administrator/moderator addresses and settings, list mailto
address, etc.  Double check that the link-across URL's between pages
are correct for your installation.  

Populate the archives directories.  I still haven't worked out the
best way for doing this, but you'll need the pipermail archives
directories and files, and control files that the old Mailman created.
The ./bin/check_perms script will help you getting all the owner/group
and permissions set properly (Mailman is quite fussy about these).  

You should now have your old list completely installed on your new
site.  From there, you can build the current versions of Python
(2.5), Mailman (2.1.9) and do an upgrade installation.  


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